Minutes - University of North Florida

University Technology Committee
June 5, 2006
Members Present:
Cathy Cavanaugh
Dale Clifford
Jay Coleman
Richard Crosby
Jerry Merckel
Others Present:
Joann Campbell
Kathy Cohen
Jeff Durfee
Steven Henin
Kathy Hughes
Joe Lynch
Steve Lyon
Deb Miller
John Sharp
Rusty Smith
Terry Smith
The University Technology Committee meeting was called to order at 10:04 a.m. in Bldg. 15
Room 1105 by Richard Crosby.
Crosby advised the group that Lance Taylor and George Perkins were out of town and would not
be attending today's meeting.
Kathy Hughes announced that Information Technology Services has hired Fred Sudler as the
Director of Administrative Systems and will begin on June 19.
Hughes stated that currently in progress is a pilot of the Support Center ticketing system
coordinated by Alison Cruess. Participants of the pilot will be surveyed to solicit further input on
the system. This input will be used to further customize the system for an expected production
roll-out in mid to late June.
Approval of Minutes – March 6, 2006
Crosby asked if the UTC members had any changes, additions or corrections to the Minutes from
April 3, 2006. No changes were noted and the Minutes were approved as submitted.
Campus Technology Committee Report
Dale Clifford has been appointed Chair for the Campus Technology Committee for 2006-2007.
Clifford updated the group on several Campus Technology Committee pending issues.
The iTunes University is currently on hold while The Office of General Counsel
reviews the licensing contract.
Possible solutions for the Student Equipment Checkout have been discussed with
Barbara Tuck in the Library and she is continuing to develop a check out form.
An RFS was submitted for the class rosters to include student photos. Training
will be provided for faculty and the committee hopes these rosters will be in place
for the Fall semester.
The plagiarism website has been placed on hold while waiting for input from the
Writing Center.
CTC discussed wireless in classrooms. Some faculty have asked if it can be
turned off and others want more nodes so the entire class can have access. This
issue will be presented to GOT for resolution.
Diane Tanner is researching technology information for the model technology
classroom and will be reporting back to the CTC.
Gary Houser has been invited to the next CTC meeting to discuss orphan web
The next Campus Technology Committee meeting is at 3:00 p.m. on 6/26/06.
Report: GOT
Deb Miller stated that there are now three (3) instructors that will be using ipods as part of the
FIG pilot ipod initiative. The iTunes University application is in process. The group is still
investigating student response systems.
She stated that Information Technology Services has purchased a product called Respondus that
creates tests from word processing or publishing software. Also, Campus Pack LX was also
purchased. This product provides the ability to do journaling and blogging in BlackBoard.
The current survey product, Web Surveyor, has been in pilot phase and was recently approved
for production. The expected "go-live" date is July 1, 2006. ITS and CIRT are jointly developing
the support materials which are expected to be available on the web prior to July 1. This product
was acquired through a grant and there is no licensing cost at this time.
Miller stated the results of the Virtual Museum project determined it was not a good fit for the
university and the product is not well maintained by its developers. The pilot was discontinued
for these reasons.
She stated there is a video conferencing pilot being conducted by ITS and COEHS for a severe
disabilities course offered by the Department of Special Education.
Report: Network Acceptable Use Action Team
Hughes stated the Network Acceptable Use and OspreyNet Acceptable Use draft policies are still
pending approval.
Report: IT Security Action Team
No new items to discuss
New Business
Wireless in Classrooms. Hughes discussed that additional funding has been
requested for additional wireless access points. She mentioned that Rusty Smith in
the COH had inquired about equipping two (2) classrooms in COH with
additional wireless access points in order to accommodate a class in which he will
be requiring his students to be on the internet concurrently. It is hoped that these
two (2) labs in Bldg. 39 could be ready for the Spring semester assuming funding
is provided.
Service for Retirees. Hughes provided the group with a handout on the current
and proposed guidelines for IT services for retirees and faculty emeritus. These
guidelines define access to email and networking services. She also provided a
handout on what services other Florida state universities provide to their retirees.
Kathy Cohen stated that there would be no impact on the Library although retirees
do not have access to the database. Crosby asked if we could change the license,
but Cohen stated that this is authenticated through Human Resources. Hughes
stated she would check on the issue with the Office of General Counsel and report
back to the Committee.
Hughes asked that any feedback on the guidelines be sent to her and that the guidelines would be
reviewed annually for any necessary changes.
The group had no objections to the guidelines as listed.
Budget Initiatives
Hughes stated that the next BOT meeting will be held on June 20th. The final budget should be
approved at this meeting. ITS has requested the following major technology items:
Student Email - Steve Lyon presented a PowerPoint presentation on student file
and email services. He was asked if Web Access will replace Horde. He
responded that it will in fact replace Horde. Students and any faculty using Horde
will be provided a 4 month window to move their mail. Hughes stated that Web
Access is a much better email product than the existing Horde program. This
initiative is part of a long planned improvement to student email and file systems.
The students will be provided with an h: drive for their network storage needs.
The license that provides the h: drive access is a site license so it would be
available to faculty and staff as well.
Classroom Technology - $45,000 was requested for a model technology
classroom. Items may include Landesk software which allows faculty to project a
student lab computer screen, classroom response "clickers," SmartBoards and
Sympodiums. GOT is putting together final recommendations. Please forward any
suggestions to Miller, Hughes or Clifford.
IPod Pilot - $15,000 was requested to purchase thirty (30) ipods for the FIG that is
being used as a pilot group.
Currency - More than $1 million in recurring currency monies has been requested.
Other Business
Rusty Smith is stepping in while Luci Trice is out this summer. He asked if there had been any
discussion at a university wide level about the need for a computerized central testing area on
campus. The University of Central Florida has one that has made a positive impact on the UCF
campus community. Hughes stated that there had been interest expressed, but this is a larger
issue than can be addressed by CTC or GOT. She stated that maybe the UTC should take on this
initiative. Crosby suggested that Rusty Smith chair a committee to review the need for this
facility. Hughes was asked to serve and it was requested that she poll the associate deans for a
representative from each college to serve on the committee. Cohen asked that Gabrielle
Holcombe from the Library also be included on this committee.
The July 2006 meeting is canceled. The next meeting will be held on August 7th with location to
be determined.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 a.m.