Objective 3.03 - mageeakhistory

Objective 3.03: Identify political
and military turning points of the
Civil War and assess their
significance to the outcome of the
71 percent of US population (31
South was 40 percent slave
86% US industrial capacity
71% railroad mileage
Most ships in US Navy
Superior civilian leadership
Defensive position
Interior lines
Accurate rifles as 400 yards
Union victories hard to follow up
Plentiful military leadership and
talent: Lee, Jackson, Stuart
Able to create industrial capacity for
the North’s
Civil War
Union strategy
1. Blockade Southern ports
2. Split the Confederacy in half at Mississippi R.
3. Capture Confederate capital (Richmond, Va.)
Southern Strategy
1. Stay on Defensive
2. Invade North when opportunity arises
The Leaders of the Confederacy
- His poor relations with some
Confederate leaders made it difficult
for him to uniting Confederacy
Pres. Jefferson Davis
The Confederate Generals
“Stonewall” Jackson
George Pickett
Robert E. Lee
Lincoln’s Generals
William Tecumseh
George McClellan
Ulysses S. Grant
A quick and Glorious War?
1st Battle of Bull Run/1st MANASSAS
(July, 1861)
First bloodshed of War
Union forces routed
Shows war will be no picnic.
Lincoln calls for the 50,000 to serve 3 years
rather than 3 months. Calls for another
500,000 troops.
Fighting in West
• Grant Makes name for self in West.
• Captures important Forts on rivers.
• Battle of Shiloh – Tenn. March 1862 Grant
surprised but recovers the next day, 25,000
troops killed, wounded, or captured from both
• Result: ends Southern hope of blocking the
Union advance into Mississippi.
George McClellan
• McClellan - very slow, cautious, finally heads toward
Richmond in Spring of 1862
• Outmaneuvered by Lee in Seven Days Battles.
• Lee goes on offensive toward Union Capital in D.C.
• Battle of Antietam, Maryland Sept, 1862 – bloodiest single
day in American History
• – 26,000 casualties – more than Mexican, war of 1812
• Significance: Union troops turned back a Confederate
invasion of Maryland. Lincoln issues Emancipation
• McClellan
Emancipation Proclamation 1863
• “my paramount object in this struggle is to save the
Union and is not to either save or destroy slavery” –
Lincoln, 1862
• Emancipation Proclamation – freed slaves only in
those states in rebellion. Did not apply to Southern
territory already in Union hands.
• So what?: Helped discourage Britain from
intervening on the side of the South and gave war a
higher purpose.
• Now clear slavery will not go on if South loses.
• Many African-Americans enlistment with Union
Turning Point of War: Battle of Gettysburg,
Pennsylvania July 1-3, Vicksburg July 4th
• Lee defeats Union army at Chancellorsville, Va.
• Stonewall Jackson shot by own men 1863.
• Lee hoped an invasion North would turn political tide
toward peace.
• Turning point in battle Picket’s charge up missionary
• Huge Casualties on both sides!
• Union loses 23,000
• Confederacy 28,000
• Vicksburg falls July 4, 1863 – city under siege from May,
Confederacy now cut in two at Mississippi R.
Ending the War
Lincoln issues Gettysburg address, Nov. 1863
Confederate morale wears down (inflation, shortages, desertion)
March 1864 – Grant attempts to pin down Lee.
May 4 - June 18: Grant loses 60,000 men to Lee’s 32,000.
Sherman’s Captures and burns Atlanta Sept 2. Marches to Seadestroys crops, burns towns and private homes… followed by
25,000 slaves… total war. Fair?
Oct 19 – Union victory in Shenandoah Valley in Northern Virginia.
Election of 1864 : Lincoln vs. McClellan; Union Victories in Atlanta
and Shenandoah help Lincoln win.
March 1865 – Lee surrenders at Appomattox Court House--- Grant
generous terms lets soldiers go home on paroled, officer’s keep
side arms, gave them 3 days rations…
After a long siege, Grant captured Petersburg and Richmond in
April 1865
Lincoln shot by John Wilkes Booth Good Friday, April 14, 1865
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth
on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and
dedicated to the proposition that all men are created
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether
that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated,
can long endure…
It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task
remaining before us—that from these honored dead we
take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave
the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly
resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that
this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of
freedom— and that government of the people, by the
people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
Legacy of War
Lincoln uses extraordinary Executive Power under banner of War Powers –
In order to keep these states in the Union, Lincoln suspended the Writ of Habeas Corpus (rule requiring
authorities to bring jailed persons before the court and state why they are begin jailed), jailing more than 13,000
suspected Confederate sympathizers without trial. He also seized telegraph offices to insure they were not used
for anti-union activity. Lincoln also jailed Northern Democrats, known as Copperheads, who advocated peace with
the South.
Lincoln ignored Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger Taney’s deliration that Lincoln had gone beyond his
constitutional powers.
Conscription – draft forcing certain individual to serve in the army. Both North and South instituted Drafts. South
first in 1862, North in 1863. Both Drafts allowed exemptions for rich – in South substitutes could be hired and
planters with more than 20 slaves. In North, allowed hiring of substitutes and paying $300 to avoid conscription
92% of Union Army were volunteers, 180,000 African American
Draft riots
90% of eligible Southern men served in war.
NY City Draft Riots – July 13-16th 1863– killed 100 people
- mostly poor angry whit workers, esp. Irish, worried Southern blacks would come to North and take their jobs, did
not want to have to fight for slaves. Damaged Rep. Newspaper offices, anti-slavery homes, attacked African
Americans, well dressed men in streets.
A revolution in Warfare: Ironclad ships (Monitor vs. Merrimack)
Rifles, more accurate, quicker to reload, Minie ball more devastating,
Defense has huge advantage. Fortifications huge, ditches, etc.
Civil Liberties under attack?
Lincoln suspends writ of habeas
• More than 13,000
suspected Confederate
sympathizers jailed without
• Lincoln also jailed Northern
Democrats, known as
Copperheads, who
advocated peace with the
Patriot Act 2001
Opponents of the law have criticized its:
authorization of indefinite detentions of
searches through which law
enforcement officers search a home or
business without the owner’s or the
occupant’s permission or knowledge;
the expanded use of National Security
Letters, which allows the Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to search
telephone, e-mail, and financial records
without a court order, and the
expanded access of law enforcement
agencies to business records, including
library and financial records.
Getting around the law
June 12, 2008, the U.S. Supreme Court, in the case of Boumediene v. Bush, ruled
that the denial of habeas corpus rights to Guantanamo detainees was
unconstitutional and that all Guantanamo detainees have the right to a full
hearing in which they can contest the accusations against them.
In the wake of the Boumediene ruling, the U.S. Government wanted to preserve
the power to abduct people from around the world and bring them to American
prisons without having to provide them any due process. So, instead of bringing
them to our Guantanamo prison camp (where, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled, they
were entitled to habeas hearings), the Bush administration would instead simply
send them to our prison camp in Bagram, Afghanistan, and then argue that
because they were flown to Bagram rather than Guantanamo, they had no rights
of any kind and Boudemiene didn't apply to them. The Bush DOJ treated
the Boumediene ruling, grounded in our most basic constitutional guarantees, as
though it was some sort of a silly game -- fly your abducted prisoners to
Guantanamo and they have constitutional rights, but fly them instead to Bagram
and you can disappear them forever with no judicial process. Put another way,
you just close Guantanamo, move it to Afghanistan, and -- presto -- all
constitutional obligations disappear.
Homework 9/26