Devin Gatherwright 10/27/2012 IET 307: Materials Science HW 6 (based on chapter 11), Due by 11.55 PM, Wednesday, October 31’st, 2012 100 points 1. Explain in depth the four categories of steels, namely low, medium and high carbon steels and stainless steel concentrating on its composition, properties and typical applications. (10 points) Answer: According to the material science textbook, steels are iron-carbon alloys that encompass appreciable concentrations of other alloying elements. There are four types or categories of steels: low-carbon steels, medium-carbon steels, high-carbon steels, and stainless steels. According to the textbook, low-carbon steels are produced in the greatest amounts and generally contain less than around 0.25 wt% carbon and are unresponsive to heat treatments that are meant to form martensite. Instead, strengthening of a low-carbon steel is accomplished by cold work. According to the textbook, low-carbon microstructures of ferrite and pearlite constituents, which cause these alloys to be relatively weak and soft, but have outstanding ductility and toughness. In addition to these properties, these alloys are weldable, machinable, and the least expensive to produce of any of the four categories of steels. Typical applications of low-carbon steels include structural shapes such as I-beams, and channel and angle iron; mobile body components; and sheets that are used in buildings, bridges, tin cans, and pipelines. According to the textbook, lowcarbon steels typically have a yield strength of 275 Mpa (40,000 psi), tensile strengths between 415 and 500 Mpa (60,000 and 80,000 psi), and a ductility of 25% EL. Another group of lowcarbon steel alloys are high-strength, low-alloy steels. According to the textbook, they contain other alloying elements such as vanadium, copper, molybdenum, and nickel in united concentrations that are as high as 10 wt%, and also possess higher strengths than the plain lowcarbon steels. Most HSLA steels may be strengthened by heat treatment, giving tensile strengths of 480 Mpa (70,000 psi) at the most. HSLA steels are also ductile, machinable, and formable. According to the textbook, HSLA are more resistant to corrosion in normal atmospheres than low-carbon steels are, which makes them ideal for many structural applications. According to the textbook, medium-carbon steels have carbon concentrations between around 0.25 and 0.60 wt%. Medium carbon alloys can be heat-treated by austenitizing, quenching, and then tempering to improve their mechanical properties. According to the textbook, they are often used in the tempered condition, having microstructures of tempered martensite. The more plain medium-carbon steels have relatively low hardenabilites, and can be heat-treated, but only in very thin sections and with very fast quenching rates. According to the textbook, adding chromium, nickel, and molybdenum to plain medium-carbon steels increase the variety of strength-ductility combinations. These heat-treated alloys are therefore stronger than the lowcarbon steels, but at the cost of the ductility and toughness of the material. Applications of medium-carbon steels include railway wheels and tracks, crankshafts, gears, and other machine parts, as well as high-strength structural components that call for a mixture of high strength, wear resistance, and toughness. According to the textbook, high-carbon steels have carbon contents between 0.06 and 1.4 wt% and are strongest, hardest, but least ductile of the carbon steels. They are most often used in a tempered and hardened condition, and are extremely wear resistant and very capable of maintaining a sharp cutting edge. As such, the tool and die steels are high-carbon alloys that usually contain vanadium, tungsten, molybdenum, and chromium. These alloying elements coalesce with carbon to from extremely hard and wear resistant carbide compounds. According to the book, applications of high-carbon steels include tools and die used in machining, such as drills, saws, punches, and drawing dies, as well as knives, razors, springs, and high-strength wire. According to the textbook, stainless steels are extremely resistant to corrosion in an array of different environments, especially the ambient atmosphere. The dominate alloying element in stainless steels is chromium, in a concentration of at least 11 wt% or more. According to the textbook, corrosion resistance may be improved by molybdenum and nickel additions. According to the textbook, stainless steels are divided into three classes based on the predominant phase constituent of the microstructure: martensitic, ferritic, and austenitic. According to the textbook, martensitic stainless steels are able of being heat-treated in a way that makes martensitic the prime microconstituent. As such, additions of alloying elements in significant concentrations create radical alterations in the iron-iron carbide phase diagram. In austenite stainless steels, the phase field is extended to room temperature, which means the material can only be hardened and strengthened by cold working. Austenite stainless steels are also the most corrosion resistant of the three. In contrast, both martensitic and ferritic stainless steels possess magnetic properties, while austenitic stainless does not. According to the textbook, some stainless steels are commonly used at elevated temperatures and in extreme environments due to their resistance of oxidation and their ability to maintain their mechanical integrity under these conditions. According to the textbook, equipment that uses this type of stainless steel include gas turbines, high-temperature steam boilers, heat-treating furnaces, aircraft, missiles, and nuclear-generating power units. According to the textbook, another type of stainless steel, which is unusually strong and corrosion resistant. In these stainless steels, strengthening is accomplished by precipitation-hardening heat treatments, according to the textbook. 2. What is Cast Iron? What are the various types of Cast Iron? Explain each one of them in detail. (10 points) Answer: According to the textbook, cast iron can be defined as a “ferrous alloy, in which the carbon content is greater than the maximum solubility in an austenite at the eutectic temperature.” Furthermore, according to the textbook, most commercial cast irons contain “between 3.0 and 4.5 wt% C, and between 1 and 3 wt% S.” According to the textbook, the most common cast iron types are gray, nodular, white, malleable, and compacted graphite. According to the textbook, mechanically speaking, gray iron is comparatively weak and brittle in tension due to its microstructure, with the tips of the graphite flakes being sharp and pointed, which serve as points of stress concentration when an external tensile stress is exerted on the material. The ductility and strength of gray iron are usually much great under compressive loads. Furthermore, gray iron are very effective in damping vibrational energy, which makes gray iron ideal for base structures of machines and heavy equipment that might be subject to heavy, continuous vibrations. Furthermore, according to the textbook, gray iron is highly impervious to wear, and as a high fluidity at a molten state, which allows for casting intricate shapes and pieces. Also, as a plus, gray cast iron is very inexpensive to produce. According to the textbook, nodular or ductile iron as it is often known as occurs when a small portion of magnesium and/or cerium is added to gray iron before casting, which creates a different microstructure, as well as a different set of mechanical properties. According to the book, graphite will still be produced but as nodules or sphere-like particles instead of flakes, which is called nodular iron. For nodular iron, castings are much more stronger and ductile than gray iron. In fact, nodular iron contains mechanical properties that are very similar to that of steel. According to the textbook, typical applications of nodular iron includes valves, pump bodies, gears, and crankshafts. According to the textbook, white iron is a low-silicon cast iron that is subjected to rapid cooling, which yields a fracture surface that is white in appearance. As a result of this process, white iron is an extremely hard material, yet it is also a very brittle material, to the point where it is actually impossible to machine without fracture. Therefore, as a result, its uses and applications are very limited as you might imagine. One of its few uses is as a roller in typical rolling mill. Lastly, white iron is often utilized as an intermediary in the manufacturing of malleable iron. According to the textbook, malleable iron is created by heating white iron at temps as high as 800 and 900 degrees C for a long time period , as well as in a neutral atmosphere in order to prevent oxidation from occurring. This delicate process causes a decomposition of the cermenite, which forms graphite, which according to the text, exists in either cluster or rosette form and is surrounded by a ferrite or pearlite matrix. As a result, the microstructure is close to that of nodular iron, which explains the incredible strength and ductility of malleable iron. Applications of malleable iron include connecting rods and transmission gears. According to the textbook, compacted graphite iron or CGI is made up of graphite and silicon, with silicon ranging between 1.7 and 3.0 wt%, and carbon concentrations ranging from 3.1 and 4.1 wt%. In a microstructural sense, CGI has a wormlike shape to it, which in a sense put it between the microstructure of gray and nodular iron. Furthermore, the chemistries that make up CGI are much more advanced than that of its cast iron family. Desirable characteristics of CGIs include the following: high thermal conductivity, better resistance to thermal shock, lower oxidation rates. According to the text, CGIs are generally used for diesel engine blocks and exhausts manifolds. 3. What is Precipitation hardening? By what methods are they accomplished? Explain the methods. (10 points) Answer: According to the textbook, precipitation hardening can be defined as the “hardening and strengthening of a metal alloy by incredibly tiny and uniformly dispersed particles that precipitate from a super saturated solid solution.” According to the textbook, there are two methods from which precipitation hardening is achieved: solution heat treating and precipitation heat treating. According to the textbook, solution heat treatment is where all the solute atoms are dissolved to create a single-phase solid solution. For example, if you take a certain alloy and heat the alloy to a certain temperature with the πΌ phase field in order to complete dissolve all the π½ phase that is present, then you will only be left with the aforementioned πΌ phase. This process is then followed by rapid cooling or quenching to room temperature, which further prevents the diffusion and/or the accompanying formation of the π½ phase. Thus creating a non-equilibrium is created in which the πΌ phase solid solution that is saturated with the B atoms is present at room temperature, which makes the alloy soft and weak. According to the textbook, precipitation heat treatment is when the supersaturated πΌ solid solution is heated to a intermediate temperature with the πΌ πππ’π π½ two-phase region, which causes temperature diffusion rates to become appreciable. Furthermore, the π½ precipitate phase commences to form as finely dispersed particles of composition πΆπ½ , which is known as “aging”. After a specific amount of aging time has occurred, the alloy is cooled to room temperature. However, with increasing time, both the strength and hardness of the material increases to its maximum and then decreases. This is known as a overaging, in which a reduction in both strength and hardness occurs. 4. What is a shape memory alloy? Explain. What kinds of metals are called shape memory alloys? (10 points) Answer: According to the textbook, shape memory alloys possess the remarkable ability to return to their pre-deformed shapes and sizes after being deformed due to an appropriate heat treatment that enables the alloy to “remember” its previous size and shape. Furthermore, deformation is usually carried out at a low temperature, whereas shape memory for these alloys occurs upon heating. Alloys that are capable of recovery from deformation via this process are nickel-titanium alloys, as well as some copper-based alloys. 5. Explain the process of purifying iron from iron ore in a few sentences and then draw a schematic of this process (10 points) Answer: According to, the process of refining iron from iron ore utilizes heat and another substance, usually coal or “coke” as it is also known as. This is due to the fact that oxygen molecules can bond to the substance in question and separate from the iron. Coal is used in this circumstance due to the fact that carbon can bond with oxygen atoms at high temperatures that are capable of melting iron, according to At these high temperatures, carbon and oxygen form gases such as carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, which escape through a chimney in a furnace where the heating is taking place. According to, a temperature of 900 degrees C is required to heat the iron ore along with coke in a furnace to achieve this phenomenon. The following is a diagram of the process: 6. Explain ‘Tempering’ of steel. What properties does it improve and what is the phase change happening here? (10 points) Answer: According to the textbook, the tempering of steel is required to relieve the internal stresses that are created by quenching via heat treatment. Also, tempering of steel also improves both the ductility and strength of martensite steel, which as you know, is both very hard and very brittle. According to the textbook, tempering is accomplished by heating a martenitic steel to a temperature that is below the eutectoid for a finite time period. The temperature can be as low as 200 degrees C to relieve the internal stresses. Furthermore, according to the textbook, the tempering heat treatment enables, by diffusional processes, the creation of tempered martensite steel. The phase change that occurs between the martensite, which is BCT, single phase, to tempered martensite, which is πΌ + πΉπ3 πΆ πβππ ππ respectively. 7. Give 5 examples of components or products that were originally made from steel alloys and are now made from aluminum alloys. In each case give reasons as to why this change took place. (10 points). Answer: 1. Bicycle Frames. Why: Makes for a more lightweight frame, yet maintains the sturdiness and strength. 2. Cylinder Block. Why: low density makes more a more lightweight part. Resistance to corrosion as well as high thermal conductivity also plays a part. 3. Crank Case. Why: low density makes the part more lightweight. Resistance to corrosion. 4. Aerospace manufacturing. Why: aluminum alloy is not flammable and has a low density, which makes it ideal for aircraft and aircraft parts. 5. Piping. Why: high ductility, low density, resistant to corrosion, and good conductor of both electrical and thermal energy. 8. From the following list of applications, select the most appropriate metals and their alloys that suit them and cite at least one reason for your choice. Applications – (a) Engine block, (b) electric cable, (c) automobile body, (d) watch strap, (e) kitchen knife, (f) thermocouple, (g) hip transplant, (h) beverage can, (i) jet aircraft landing gear bearing, (j) dental restoration ; Metals – magnesium, aluminum, stainless steel, platinum, copper, gray cast iron, titanium, silver, carbon steels (10 points) Answer: Aluminum, wrought, nonheat-treatable: beverage can. Why: highly resistant to corrosion, ductile, generally lightweight. Gray Iron: Engine Block. Why: resistant to vibration and wear, capable of being cast into intricate shapes. Copper: Electric Cable. Why: ductile and a good conductor of thermal and electrical energy. Magnesium Cast Alloy: Aircraft Landing Gear Bearing. Why: low density makes more a lightweight part. Titanium: Hip Transplant: low density yet high-strength makes it ideal for being used in the human body. Platinum: Thermocouple: capable of withstanding elevated temperatures. Plain High-Carbon Steel and Martensitic Stainless Steel: Kitchen Knife. Why: High-Carbon Steel maintains its sharp cutting edge and is wear resistant. Martensitic Stainless Steel is corrosion resistant. Magnesium Cast Alloy: Automobile body. Why: low in density makes the frame lightweight, yet the high strength makes the frame strong. Silver: dental restoration. Why: soft and ductile, also oxidation resistant makes it ideal for dental work. Platinum and Silver: Watch Strap: soft and ductile. Both can be used in jewelry pieces due to their properties and appearance. 9. What is the Jominy end-quench test? Explain in a paragraph and then draw a schematic. (10 points) Answer: According to the materials science textbook, a Jominy end-quench test is a “standardized laboratory test that is used to assess the hardenability of ferrous alloys.” In this test, all of the factors that influence the hardenability of a piece are kept constant. For example, a cylindrical piece of a certain diameter and length is austenized at a certain temperature for a finite amount of time. Once the piece is removed from the furnace, it is then mounted in a fixture, then the lower end of the piece is quenched via water of a certain temperature and flow rate, creating a maximum cooling rate at the quenched end. Once the piece has cooled, shallow flats are imprinted along the length of the specimen and Rockwell Hardness readings are observed at plotted a function of distance from the end of the specimen that was quenched. 10. Discuss whether it would be advisable to hot work or cold work the following metals and alloys on the basis of melting temperature, oxidation resistance, yield strength, and degree of brittleness: aluminum alloys, magnesium alloys, titanium alloys, copper alloys and tungsten (10 points) Answer: For aluminum alloys, both hot and cold work is possible. However, cold work decreases aluminum’s resistance to corrosion, so it is more advisable to do hot work. It should be further noted that aluminum has a low melting temperature of around 1,220 degrees F, which limits the maximum temperature at which it can be subjected to. Despite this, most aluminum alloys can be heat treated, which makes them capable of precipitation hardening, according to the textbook. For magnesium alloys, both hot and cold work is possible, though due the fact that magnesium is difficult to deform at low and room temperatures, only so little cold work can be done without annealing the magnesium alloy material. Therefore, it is advisable to use hot work, and hot work is used in most cases. In titanium alloys, cold work by annealing is usually used in alpha titanium alloys due to the fact that πΌ is the stable phase, according to the textbook. In contrast, alpha + beta titanium alloys are capable of heat treatment, while near-alpha alloys are very similar to the alpha titanium alloys, which therefore makes cold work by annealing the desired treatment. For copper alloys, cold work is advisable due to the fact that copper alloys are both soft and ductile, which makes copper alloys very ideal for any amount of cold work. Also, copper alloys are very corrosion resistant, which makes them further susceptible to cold work. According to the textbook, copper cannot be hot worked at all. Works Cited “How is Iron Ore Formed?” innovateous. Retrieved October, 29th, 2012, from: