Lecture 1: Introduction to Cell Biology

Lecture 1: An Introduction to Cell Biology
Cell Biology half:
Steve Rogers
422 Fordham Hall
Development half:
Jason Reed
104 Coker Hall
Office hours by
Office hours: TBA
Teaching Assistants
Alli McMullen
Kyle Grode
Office hours: TBA
Course format
• Lectures: MWF 11 to 11:50 AM
• Recitations begin January 19th and attendance
is required. Students will turn in weekly problem
set and TAs will go over the answers.
Class Website
• http://www.bio.unc.edu/Courses/2010Spring/Biol205006/
• Lecture notes will be posted the day before the lecture
• Problem sets will be posted on Friday afternoon and
will be due the following week in recitation
Required Textbooks
• Essential Cell Biology, 3rd edition, by Alberts et al.
(first half of the course)
• Principles of Development, 2nd edition, by Wolpert
(second half of the course)
Grading Policies
• 4 non-cumulative exams count towards 92% of the
final grade. Weekly problem sets count towards 8% of
final grade.
• Tests will cover information in lectures, recitations, and
reading assignments
• Make-up exams will be given only for valid reasons
(medical excuses)
• Regrade requests must be submitted prior to the next
• UNC-CH honor code. All exams are to be taken
without books notes, or other people and you will
be asked to sign a pledge to that effect.
• Please turn off your cell phones during class
Advising for Biology Majors
Please go to the Biology Department website
to find information about:
• Degree Programs
Biology General Education Requirements
Bachelor of Arts in Biology
Bachelor of Science in Biology
Minor in Biology
• Advising-How to find a Biology adviser
Undergraduate Advising
Abbey Fellow-Dr. Elaine Yeh yeh@email.unc.edu
• Resources
Biology Majors' Manual
Study Abroad
Registrar's Online Services
• Research Opportunities
Undergraduate Research
Biology Honors Program
Funding & Outreach
Office of Undergraduate Research
What is cell Biology?
What is cell Biology?
Divisions in the biological sciences are
based on degrees of “complexity”
Biochemistry & Biophysics: study of the
structures and behaviors of molecules
Microbiology: study of prokaryotic cells and
Cell Biology: study of the structure and
function of eukaryotic cells
QuickTime™ and a
Sorenson Video 3 decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
QuickTime™ and a
Sorenson Video 3 decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
Developmental Biology: study of how communities
of cells form tissues, organs, and build an
QuickTime™ and a
Cinepak decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
Anatomy & Physiology: study of the structures
and functions of tissues and organs
Zoology & Plant Biology: study of the
Ecology: study of how organisms interact with
each other and with their environments
Levels of Biological Complexity
1. Biochemistry & Biophysics
2. Microbiology
3. Cell Biology
4. Developmental Biology
5. Anatomy & Physiology
6. Zoology & Plant Biology
7. Ecology
Understanding cell biology is important to
understand the basis for disease
• Hypercholesterolemia (defective uptake of lipoproteins)
• Cystic fibrosis (misfolding of key protein)
• Hypertension (defective cell-cell adhesion in the kidney)
• Congenital heart defects (errors in cell migration during development)
• Myscular dystrophy (defective attachment of the plasma membrane to the
• Lysosomal storage disease (defective intracellular transport of enzymes)
• Food-borne illness (Salmonella, E. coli)
• Cancer (errors in cell division, migration, cell polarity, growth, etc)
• Ageing
• All disease states are caused at the cellular level
Understanding cell biology is important to
make informed decisions on social issues
Genetic engineering of foods
Organ growth in culture
Stem cell research
Forensic sciences