Professional Safety 2009 Index Title Index A Air Curtains: First Line

Professional Safety 2009 Index
Title Index
Air Curtains: First Line of Defense for Employee Safety. M. Coscarelli and J. Banas. Oct.: 50-51.
Arc Blast Hazards: The Limitations of Metal-Clad Enclosures to Protect Workers. J.J. Kolak. June: 46-51.
Behavioral Safety in a Refinery: Large-Scale Change and Long-Term Results. R.E. Medina, T.E. McSween,
K. Rost and A.M. Alvero. Aug.: 36-40.
Behavioral Safety Interventions: A Review of Process Design Factors. M.D. Cooper. Feb.: 36-45.
Being an Expert Witness: Key Requirements and Suggestions for Success. S.L. Murray. March: 20-23.
Continuous Mining: A Pilot Study of the Role of Visual Attention Locations and Work Position in
Underground Coal Mines. J.R. Bartels, S. Gallagher and D.H. Ambrose. Aug.: 28-35.
Corporate Social Responsibility and SH&E Regulatory Compliance. R.S. Christie. Dec.: 20-21.
Courage, Culture and Interpersonal Intervention: Practical, Evidence-Based Strategies for Injury
Prevention. E.S. Geller. May: 43-51.
Creating Compelling Data Displays for Decision Makers. R.J. Emery and B.J. Brown. April: 58-59.
Developing Evacuation Plans: Evacuating People With Disabilities. M. Logli. Aug.: 44-45.
Economic Analysis: Make the Business Case for SH&E. A. Veltri and J. Ramsay. Sept.: 22-30.
Employee Morale: Examining the Link to Occupational Safety and Health. M. Behm. Oct.: 42-49.
Engage Your Audience: Using Audience Response Systems in SH&E Training. J.A. LaRose. June: 58-62.
Enterprise Risk Assessments: Holistic Approach Provides Companywide Perspective. J.D. Loghry and C.B.
Veach. Feb.: 31-35.
Ergonomic Investments: A Plant-Level Exploratory Analysis. T. Brace and A. Veltri. Feb.: 24-30.
Financial Decision Makers’ Views on Safety: What SH&E Professionals Should Know. Y.-H. Huany, T.B.
Leamon, T.K. Courtney, S. DeArmond, P.Y. Chen and M.F. Blair. April: 36-42.
Finding All the Hazards: How Do We Know We Are Done? S. Cantrell and P. Clemens. Nov.: 32-35.
Fire Extinguisher Training: Preparing Employees for a Fire Emergency. S. Balint and R. O’Donnell. Oct.:
Flame-Resistant Clothing: Its Role in Protecting Electric Line Workers From Arc Flash Burns. K. Wulf.
June: 52-57.
Game-Based Learning: Using Video Game Design for Safety Training. S. Bloom. July: 18-21.
Green Cleaning: One Component of Worker Health. M. Sawchuk. March: 42-45.
Hand Washing at the Worksite: Maintaining Sanitary Conditions. R. Kravitz. Jan.: 46-48.
Human Performance Improvement: Key to Sustainable Safety Excellence. R.M. Crossman, D. Cangelosi
Crossman and J.E. Lovely. June: 63-72.
Incident Investigation: Evidence Preservation. B. Hughes. Oct.: 55-58.
Innovation Through People: Gerdau Ameristeel-Charlotte’s Brick Chute Design. M. Workman. June: 2225.
Leading and Lagging Indicators: Do They Add Value to the Practice of Safety? F.A. Manuele. Dec.: 28-33.
Learning From the H1N1 Experience. W. Besse and J. Harrell. Nov.: 36-37.
LEED and the Safety Profession: Green Has Come of Age. N. Silins. March: 46-49.
Lessons Learned: A Review of Published Investigation Reports From the Charleston Sofa Super Store
Fire. F.J. Baker. July: 35-45.
Machine Safeguarding: A Review of Key Safety Standards. R. Ebens. Feb.: 46-48.
Machine Safety: Developing an Operator Presence System. J.R. Powers Jr., D.E Ammons and I. Brand.
Nov.: 28-31.
Musculoskeletal Disorders: Examining Best Practices for Prevention. B.C. Amick III, S. Brewer, J.M. Tullar,
D. Van Eerd, D.C. Cole and E. Tompa. March: 24-28.
O Using the Inspection Database. W.M. Montante. April: 60-63.
Outside the Norm: Understanding the Unique Challenges of Nontraditional Work Environments. W.D.
Ash. Jan.: 20-26.
Pandemic Preparation: What Businesses Can Do. June: 36-39.
People or Systems? To Blame is Human. The Fix Is to Engineer. R.J. Holden. Dec.: 34-41.
Predicting Incident Rates: Artificial Intelligence as a Forecasting Tool. A. Al-Mutairi and J.M. Haight.
Sept.: 40-48.
Preventing Occupational Fatalities: A Review of Findings From a Recent Industry Forum. T.L. Cekada, C.A.
Janicak and L.H. Ferguson. March: 29-32.
Proactive Safety: Engage Employees in Failure Modes and Effects Analysis to Improve Safety. C. Welborn
and C. Boraiko. Oct.: 37-41.
Ready to Be a Safety Hero? Five Lessons Learned From Flight 1549. C. Potter and D. Potter. June: 18-19.
Respiratory Protection: Is Your Program Effective? B. Doney, M. Greskevitch, D. Groce, G. Syamlal, K. M.
Bang and J.M. Mazurek. May: 32-35.
Ride-On Lawnmowers: The Hazards of Overturning. M.L. Myers. May: 52-63.
Safety and Lean: One Manufacturer’s Lessons Learned and Best Practices. M.R. Hallowell, A. Veltri and S.
Johnson. Nov.: 22-27.
Safety Audits: Comparing Three Types of Assessments. P.A. Esposito. Dec.: 42-43.
Safety Engineering: The Future of the Profession in the U.S. J. Mroszczyk. Jan.: 33-41.
Safety Eyewear: How Much Coverage Does It Provide? J.R. Harris, R. Whisler, D.E. Ammons, J. Spahr and
L.L. Jackson. July: 22-27.
Safety Incentive Programs: Avoiding the Pitfalls. M. Resnick. July: 46-48.
Safety Perception Survey: Yes, You Can Conduct Your Own. D. Ryan. Dec.: 22-27.
Safety Process Improvements: Practices to Reduce Variation and Eliminate Waste. G. Jimmerson. June:
Scissor Lift Safety: An Initiative to Model Static Stability. M. Ronaghi, J.Z. Wu, C.S. Pan, J.R. Harris, D.
Welcome, S.S. Chiou, B. Boehler and R.G. Dong. April: 43-48.
SH&E Strategic Planning: A Maturity-Criticality Approach to Continuous Improvement. D. Steinbacher
and A. Smith. Oct.: 30-36.
Stairway Falls: An Ergonomics Analysis of 80 Cases. J. Cohen, C.A. LaRue and H.H. Cohen. Jan.: 27-32.
Staying on Top: Residential Roofing Fall Protection. T. Maroushek and C. Firl. May: 28-31.
Submarine Accidents: A 60-Year Statistical Assessment. C. Tingle. Sept.: 31-39.
TECHnically Safe: Gaining 360°Visibility With Technology. P. Thiveos. April: 54-56.
The Safety Assurance Network: How Toyota Makes Sure Safety Is Everyone’s Job. J.A. Colazo and C.
Talpone. July: 28-34.
Transforming Safety Culture: Grassroots-Led/Management-Supported Change at a Major Utility. S.I.
Simon and P.A. Cistaro. April: 28-35.
Using Root-Cause Analysis to Improve Risk Management. B. Hughes, M. Hall and D. Rygaard. Feb.: 54-55.
Volunteers Leading Volunteers: Developing the Leadership Chain in Not-For-Profit Organizations. J.C.
Camplin. May: 36-42.
Web-Based Technology: A Competitive Advantage for Global MSDS Management. S. Williams. Aug.: 2027.
Subject Index
ASSE Foundation
Employee Morale: Examining the Link to Occupational Safety and Health. M. Behm. Oct.: 42-49.
Behavior Change
Courage, Culture and Interpersonal Intervention: Practical, Evidence-Based Strategies for Injury
Prevention. E.S. Geller. May: 43-51.
Best Practices
Air Curtains: First Line of Defense for Employee Safety. M. Coscarelli and J. Banas. Oct.: 50-51.
Corporate Social Responsibility and SH&E Regulatory Compliance. R.S. Christie. Dec.: 20-21.
Creating Compelling Data Displays for Decision Makers. R.J. Emery and B.J. Brown. April: 58-59.
Developing Evacuation Plans: Evacuating People With Disabilities. M. Logli. Aug.: 44-45.
Fire Extinguisher Training: Preparing Employees for a Fire Emergency. S. Balint and R. O’Donnell. Oct.:
Game-Based Learning: Using Video Game Design for Safety Training. S. Bloom. July: 18-21.
Green Cleaning: One Component of Worker Health. M. Sawchuk. March: 42-45.
Hand Washing at the Worksite: Maintaining Sanitary Conditions. R. Kravitz. Jan.: 46-48.
Incident Investigation: Evidence Preservation. B. Hughes. Oct.: 55-57.
Innovation Through People: Gerdau Ameristeel-Charlotte’s Brick Chute Design. M. Workman. June: 2225.
Learning From the H1N1 Experience. W. Besse and J. Harrell. Nov.: 36-37.
LEED and the Safety Profession: Green Has Come of Age. N. Silins. March: 46-49.
Machine Safeguarding: A Review of Key Safety Standards. R. Ebens. Feb.: 46-48. Using the Inspection Database. W.M. Montante. April: 60-63.
Pandemic Preparation: What Businesses Can Do. June: 36-39.
Ready to Be a Safety Hero? Five Lessons Learned From Flight 1549. C. Potter and D. Potter. June: 18-19.
Safety Audits: Comparing Three Types of Assessments. P.A. Esposito. Dec.: 42-43.
Safety Incentives Programs: Avoiding the Pitfalls. M. Resnick. July: 46-48.
Safety Process Improvements: Practices to Reduce Variation and Eliminate Waste. G. Jimmerson. June:
Staying on Top: Residential Roofing Fall Protection. T. Maroushek and C. Firl. May: 28-31.
TECHnically Safe: Gaining 360° Visibility With Technology. P. Thiveos. April: 54-56.
Using Root-Cause Analysis to Improve Risk Management. B. Hughes, M. Hall and D. Rygaard. Feb.: 54-55.
Business of Safety
Economic Analysis: Make the Business Case for SH&E. A. Veltri and J. Ramsay. Sept.: 22-30.
Financial Decision Makers’ Views on Safety: What SH&E Professionals Should Know. Y.-H. Huang, T.B.
Leamon, T.K. Courtney, S. DeArmond, P.Y. Chen and M.F. Blair. April: 36-42.
Change Initiatives
Human Performance Improvement: Key to Sustainable Safety Excellence. R.M. Crossman, D. Cangelosi
Crossman and J.E. Lovely. June: 63-72.
Design Safety
Submarine Accidents: A 60-Year Statistical Assessment. C. Tingle. Sept.: 31-39.
Employee Involvement
Proactive Safety: Engage Employees in Failure Modes and Effects Analysis to Improve Safety. C. Welborn
and C. Boraiko. Oct.: 37-41.
The Safety Assurance Network: How Toyota Makes Sure Safety Is Everyone’s Job. J.A. Colazo and C.
Talpone. July: 28-34.
Employee Training
Engage Your Audience: Using Audience Response Systems in SH&E Training. J.A. LaRose. June: 58-62.
Equipment Design
Scissor Lift Safety: An Initiative to Model Static Stability. M. Ronaghi, J.Z. Wu, C.S. Pan, J.R. Harris, D.
Welcome, S.S. Chiou, B. Boehler and R.G. Dong. April: 43-48.
Ergonomic Investments: A Plant-Level Exploratory Analysis. T. Brace and A. Veltri. Feb.: 24-30.
Fire Prevention
Lessons Learned: A Review of Published Investigation Reports From the Charleston Sofa Super Store
Fire. F.J. Baker. July: 35-45.
Web-Based Technology: A Competitive Advantage for Global MSDS Management. S. Williams. Aug.: 2027.
Hazard Control
Finding All the Hazards: How Do We Know We Are Done? S. Cantrell and P. Clemens. Nov.: 32-35.
Injury Prevention
Musculoskeletal Disorders: Examining Best Practices for Prevention. B.C. Amick III, S. Brewer, J.M. Tullar,
D. Van Eerd, D.C. Cole and E. Tompa. March: 24-28.
Volunteers Leading Volunteers: Developing the Leadership Chain in Not-For-Profit Organizations. J.C.
Camplin. May: 36-42.
Mine Safety
Continuous Mining: A Pilot Study of the Role of Visual Attention Locations and Work Position in
Underground Coal Mines. J.R. Bartels, S. Gallagher and D.H. Ambrose. Aug.: 28-35.
Occupational Hazards
Flame-Resistant Clothing: Its Role in Protecting Electric Line Workers From Arc Flash Burns. K. Wulf.
June: 52-57.
Stairway Falls: An Ergonomics Analysis of 80 Cases. J. Cohen, C.A. LaRue and H.H. Cohen. Jan.: 27-32.
Occupational Safety
Arc Blast Hazards: The Limitations of Metal-Clad Enclosures to Protect Workers. J.J. Kolak. June: 46-51.
Ride-On Lawnmowers: The Hazards of Overturning. M.L. Myers. May: 52-63.
Professional Development
Being an Expert Witness: Key Requirements and Suggestions for Success. S.L. Murray. March: 20-23.
Professional Issues
Safety Engineering: The Future of the Profession in the U.S. J. Mroszczyk. Jan.: 33-41.
Research to Practice
Machine Safety: Developing an Operator Presence System. J.R. Powers Jr., D. E. Ammons and I. Brand.
Nov.: 28-31.
Safety Eyewear: How Much Coverage Does It Provide? J.R. Harris, R. Whisler, D.E. Ammons, J. Spahr and
L.L. Jackson. July: 22-27.
Risk Management
Enterprise Risk Assessments: Holistic Approach Provides Companywide Perspective. J.D. Loghry and C.B.
Veach. Feb.: 31-35.
Safety Management
Behavioral Safety in a Refinery: Large-Scale Change and Long-Term Results. R.E. Medina, T.E. McSween,
K. Rost and A.M. Alvero. Aug.: 36-40.
Behavioral Safety Interventions: A Review of Process Design Factors. M.D. Cooper. Feb.: 36-45.
Outside the Norm: Understanding the Unique Challenges of Nontraditional Work Environments. W.D.
Ash. Jan.: 20-26.
People or Systems? To Blame Is Human. The Fix Is to Engineer. R.J. Holden. Dec.: 34-41.
Preventing Occupational Fatalities: A Review of Findings From a Recent Industry Forum. T.L. Cekada, C.A.
Janicak and L.H. Ferguson. March: 29-32.
Respiratory Protection: Is Your Program Effective? B. Doney, M. Greskevitch, D. Groce, G. Syamlal, K.M.
Bang and J.M. Mazurek. May: 32-35.
Safety and Lean: One Manufacturer’s Lessons Learned and Best Practices. M.R. Hallowell, A. Veltri and S.
Johnson. Nov.: 22-27.
SH&E Strategic Planning: A Maturity-Criticality Approach to Continuous Improvement. D. Steinbacher
and A. Smith. Oct.: 30-36.
Safety Perception Survey: Yes, You Can Conduct Your Own. D. Ryan. Dec.: 22-27.
Transforming Safety Culture: Grassroots-Led/Management-Supported Change at a Major Utility. S.I.
Simon and P.A. Cistaro. April: 28-35.
Safety Metrics
Leading and Lagging Indicators: Do They Add Value to the Practice of Safety? F.A. Manuele. Dec.: 28-33.
Safety Research
Predicting Incident Rates: Artificial Intelligence as a Forecasting Tool. A. Al-Mutairi and J.M. Haight.
Sept.: 40-48.
Author Index
Al-Mutairi, Abdullah Sept.: 40-48
Alvero, Alicia M. Aug.: 36-40
Ambrose, Dean H. Aug.: 28-35
Amick III, Benjamin C. March: 24-28
Ammons, Douglas E. July: 22-27, Nov.: 28-31
Ash, Wendy D. Jan.: 20-26
Baker, Frank J. July: 35-45
Balint, Simon Oct.: 26-28
Banas, Joe Oct.: 50-51
Bang, Ki Moon May: 32-35
Bartels, John R. Aug.: 28-35
Behm, Michael Oct.: 42-49
Besse, William Nov.: 36-37
Blair, Michael F. April: 36-42
Bloom, Sarah July: 18-21
Boehler, Brad April: 43-48
Boraiko, Carol Oct.: 37-41
Brace, Tony Feb.: 24-30
Brand, Ivan Nov.: 28-31
Brewer, Shelley March: 24-28
Brown, Bruce J. April: 58-59
Camplin, Jeffery C. May: 36-42
Cantrell, Susan Nov.: 32-35
Cekada, Tracey L. March: 29-32
Chen, Peter Y. April: 36-42
Chiou, Sharon S. April 43-48
Christie, Robert S. Dec.: 20-21
Cistaro, Peter A. April: 28-35
Clemens, Pat Nov.: 32-35
Cohen, H. Harvey Jan.: 27-32
Cohen, Joseph Jan.: 27-32
Colazo, Jorge A. July: 28-34
Cole, Donald C. March: 24-28
Cooper, M. Dominic Feb.: 36-45
Coscarelli, Michael Oct.: 50-51
Courtney, Theodore K. April: 36-42
Crossman, Donna Cangelosi June: 63-72
Crossman, Richard M. June: 63-72
DeArmond, Sarah April: 36-42
Doney, Brent May: 32-35
Dong, Ren G. April: 43-48
Ebens, Ryan Feb.: 46-48
Emery, Robert J. April: 58-59
Esposito, Paul A. Dec.: 42-43
Ferguson, Lon H. March: 29-32
Firl, Craig May: 28-31
Gallagher, Sean Aug.: 28-35
Geller, E. Scott May: 43-51
Greskevitch, Mark May: 32-35
Groce, Dennis May: 32-35
Haight, Joel M. Sept.: 40-48
Hall, Mark Feb.: 54-55
Hallowell, Matthew R. Nov.: 22-27
Harrell, Jackson Nov.: 36-37
Harris, James R. April: 43-48, July: 22-27
Holden, Richard J. Dec.: 34-41
Huang, Yueng-Hsiang April: 36-42
Hughes, Brian Feb.: 54-55, Oct.: 55-57
Jackson, Larry L. July: 22-27
Janicak, Christopher A. March: 29-32
Jimmerson, Glenn June: 26-28
Johnson, Stephen Nov.: 22-27
Kolak, John J. June: 46-51
Kravitz, Robert Jan.: 46-48
LaRose, Julie A. June: 58-62
LaRue, Cindy A. Jan.: 27-32
Leamon, Tom B. April: 36-42
Loghry, Jerry D. Feb.: 31-35
Logli, Michael Aug.: 44-45.
Lovely, Julie E. June: 63-72
Manuele, Fred A. Dec.: 28-33
Maroushek, Tim May: 28-31
Mazurek, Jacek M. May: 32-35
McSween, Terry E. Aug.: 36-40
Medina, Rixio E. Aug.: 36-40
Montante, William M. April: 60-63
Mroszczyk, John Jan.: 33-41
Murray, Susan L. March: 20-23
Myers, Melvin L. May: 52-63
O’Donnell, Ryan Oct.: 26-28
Pan, Christopher S. April: 43-48
Potter, Carl June: 18-19
Potter, Deb June: 18-19
Powers Jr., John R. Nov.: 28-31
Ramsay, Jim Sept.: 22-30
Resnick, Marc July: 46-48
Ronaghi, Mahmood April: 43-48
Rost, Kristen Aug.: 36-40
Ryan, Dennis Dec.: 22-27
Rygaard, Dennis Feb.: 54-55
Sawchuk, Mike March: 42-45
Silins, Neil March: 46-49
Simon, Steven I. April: 28-35
Smith Anthony Oct.: 30-36
Spahr, Jim July: 22-27
Steinbacher, David Oct.: 30-36
Syamlal, Girija May: 32-35
Talpone, Carlos July: 28-34
Thiveos, Peter April: 54-56
Tingle, Christopher Sept.: 31-39
Tompa, Emile March: 24-28
Tullar, Jessica M. March: 24-28
Van Eerd, Dwayne March: 24-28
Veach, Chad B. Feb.: 31-35
Veltri, Anthony Feb.: 24-30, Sept.: 22-30, Nov.: 22-27
Welborn, Cliff Oct.: 37-41
Welcome, Daniel April 43-48
Whisler, Richard July: 22-27
Williams, Scott Aug.: 20-27
Workman, Monica June: 22-25
Wu, John Z. April: 43-48
Wulf, Kirk June: 52-57