SAGE - Approach to Vocabulary

Vocabulary in Context
The SAGE Approach
SAGE Approach
 What
is a sage?
 Therefore….
 The
SAGE approach is a _________
technique to employ!
When reading
 Often faced with words we do not know!
 Rarely
 When
have a dictionary right next to us!
reading (outside of school), real
readers do not always seek the EXACT
word meaning.
Ohhhhh……Ahhh….Tell Me More!
What’s the Point?
Authors intentionally (on purpose) put words’ meanings IN
the context of their writing
There are four common ways that they do this!
= synonyms
A = antonyms
G = general context
E = examples
When reading and you come across a word whose meaning
you do not know, you could….
Use a dictionary
Ask a friend
Ask a teacher
Ask your pet
 Use
context (also known as – the SAGE
S = Synonyms
A synonym is a word that has the same or similar meaning as
Syn = same
Nym – name
Pairs of synonyms, for example:
Happy = glad
Sad = depressed
Cat = feline
Horse = equine
Watery = aqueous
Synonym Cue Words
That is
If you see these words (or others like them), you should
expect that a synonym will follow!
So….if you don’t know the first word’s meaning, you may
know the second’s!!!
Synonym Examples
The dentist gave me laughing gas to alleviate (or ease) the
pain of cutting out my wisdom teeth.
Cue word?
Meaning of alleviate?
Being nocturnal, that is, active at night, owls are rarely seen
during the day.
Cue word?
What does nocturnal mean?
A Little More Practice…
The government should not infringe on or violate a person’s
right to free speech.
Tom was so engrossed, that is, involved, in the football game on
television that he did not hear his wife’s question.
What does this sentence mean?
What doe this sentence mean?
Endangered species such as manatees need a sanctuary, or
haven, so they can begin to thrive, that is, repopulate, again.
What is a sanctuary?
What does it mean to thrive (in the animal kingdom)?
A = Antonyms
Antonyms are words that have the opposite meaning of each
Ant = opposite
Nym = name
Pairs of antonyms, for example:
Happy = sad
Prompt = late
Studious = unfocused
Calm = hyperactive
Ingenious = commonplace
Antonym Cue Words
In contrast
On the other hand
Antonym Examples
During dinner, Anne Marie let out a long, loud burp that
mortified her mother but amused her friends.
What did her friends think of the burp? Her mother?
Therefore, what does mortified mean?
Suzanne’s tone was surprisingly flippant, in contrast to her
usual respectful manner.
How is she usually?
How was her tone this time?
Antonym Practice
Use the Antonym part of the SAGE approach to determine a
meaning of the bold words.
Johnson’s Reconstruction plan was to treat the South with
malice, not love.
Lincoln’s plan perturbed many people. However, some
people thought it was a good one.
Lincoln’s assassination left many people incredulous. On
the other hand, many people thought violence would come to
G = General Context
Often you will find that the author has not provided a
synonym or antonym clue to a word’s meaning.
You may need to read the entire sentence or to read ahead
for a few sentences.
Sometimes a definition may be provided.
Vivid word pictures or descriptions may be provided
Logic and reasoning may be needed!
General Context Cue Words
For instance
For example
Such as
Consists of
To ensure safety, written and road tests should be
mandatory for everyone who seeks a driver’s license for the
first time; no exceptions should be allowed.
What part of this sentence gives you a clue of mandatory’s
What does mandatory mean?
Instead of being placed in adult prisons, where they often
became more antisocial by mixing with hardened criminals,
youth who have been convicted of crimes should be placed
in programs that rehabilitate them.
A. Restore to useful life
B. Punish for good reason
C. Exhaust in order to break the spirit
D. Entertain
More examples
Jaime speculated about how much weight he wanted to gain during the
three month bodybuilding program he was beginning.
A. Knew
B. Wondered
C. Worried
D. Celebrated
Losing weight too quickly – more than a pound or two a week – can be
detrimental to long-term weight control and good health.
A. Helpful
B. Odd
C. Harmful
D. Pleasing
E = Examples
Many times an author will show the meaning of a new or
difficult word by providing an example.
Example signal words
For instance
For example
Such as
Consists of
The American presidency has suffered infamous events
such as the Watergate scandal of Richard Nixon and the
impeachment of Bill Clinton.
What are the examples in this sentence?
Do you know what these events were – in history?
If you DO, you might have a better idea of infamous’s definition.
If you DON’T, you may need to find another route.
More Examples
Some authors use pseudonyms; for example, famous American author
Mark Twain’s real name was Samuel Clemens.
A. Typists
B. Mental tricks
C. Ghost writers
D. False name
Some people believe that the pesticides used on food cause serious
physical impairments such as weakened kidneys and a more fragile
immune system.
A. Improvements
B. Laws
C. Injuries
D. Pairings
Final Example…Example
Some students find collaborative leaning helps them
understand and retain information; for example, Nicole,
Vejay, and Chad meet every Tuesday and Thursday in the
library to compare notes and help each other prepare for
A. Additional
B. Intense
C. Independent
D. Shared