c - Osnovna škola Jesenice Dugi Rat

Grade VIIIth
Choose the correct sentence.
a) ‘ Stormy Monday Blues’ is a song by T- Bone Walker.
b) Stormy Monday Blues is a song by T- Bone Walker.
c) ‘Stormy Monday Blues’ is a song by T- Bone Walker.
2) a)
Dr.Miller is a Professor of English.
b) Dr. Miller is a professor of english.
c) Dr.Miller is a professor of English.
a) Thirteen qualified medical students arrived ahead of us.
b) Thirteen,qualified,medical students arrived ahead of us.
c) Thirteen qualified,medical students arrived ahead of us.
a) After studying all the evidence, I am convinced that Alfie
did the right thing.
b) After studying all the evidence, it is clear that Alfie did
the right thing.
c) I am convinced that Alfie did the right thing after studying
all the evidence.
a) Due to the hurricane, campus will be closed on Friday.
b) Because of the hurricane, campus will be closed.
c) Due to the fact that there is a hurricane, campus will be
a) Everyone is suppose to drink eight glasses of water per day.
b) Max use to drink eight glasses of water per day.
c)Everyone is supposed to drink eight glasses of water per day.
a) The Sahara is larger than any other desert in the world.
b) The Sahara is the largest of any other desert in the world.
c) The Sahara is largest than any other desert in the world.
a) Was Opal or one of her sisters the better athlete?
b) Was Opal or her sister the best athlete?
c) Was Opal or her sister the better athlete?
b) My mother’s - in - law hair is bright orange.
a) My mother - in - laws hair is bright orange.
c) My mother - in - law’s hair is bright orange.
a) Brent and Brian’s cards were torn.
b) Brents and Brians cards were torn.
c) Brent’s and Brian’s cards were torn.
11) a)
My friend and I bought tickets for the match.
b) My friend and me bought tickets for the match.
c) My friend and myself bought tickets for the match.
12) a)
Mathematics has its roots in the history of the Middle East.
b) Mathematics has their roots in the history of the Middle
c) Mathematics has it’s roots in the history of the Middle East.
13) a)
Neither of the drivers has its own truck.
b) Neither of the drivers has their own truck.
c) Neither of the drivers has his or her own truck.
a) The movie theater closed, and we were locked in.
b) The movie theater closed: and we were locked in.
c) The movie theater closed; and we were locked in.
a) A dramatic story told with much skill and power.
b) A dramatic story was told with much skill and power.
c) A dramatic story being told with much skill and power.
a) A number of bears has been spotted by the state forest
b) Several bears has been spotted by the state forest rangers.
c) A number of bears have been spotted by the state forest
a) A pair of scissors are lying on the desk.
b) The scissors are lying on the desk.
c) The scissors is lying on the desk.
a) Arthur remembered to bring his report mine was at home
on my desk.
b) Arthur remembered to bring his report, mine was at home
on my desk.
c) Arthur remembered to bring his report, but mine was at
home on my desk.
Choose the right word or
expression to make the given
sentence correct, or to
answer the question.
Most people just use their PCs for the Internet and ____________.
a) wording b) typing c) word processing d) documenting
Which is the odd one out?
a) scanner b) printer c) hard drive d) application
Which word describes working extra hours ( for extra money)?
a) flexitime b) overtime c) full - time
d) part - time
a) I don’ understand it. b) I don’t like it. c) I don’t want it.
d) I don’t have enough money to buy it.
a) must
b) mustn’t
c) have to
d) don’t have to
What does the expression ‘I can’t make head nor tail of it’ mean?
You ____________ eat and drink in the classroom.
My parents didn’t let me ____________ football in the garden.
a) to play
b) playing
c) played
d) play
a) riding
b) ride
c) to ride
d) rode
I remember, as a boy, ____________ my bike all day long.
Which past / past participle form is wrong?
a) bite
b) bit
c) bited
d) bitten
These verbs have the same sound in the past, but which has a
different spelling?
a) teach
b) buy
c) think
d) bring
Which past has a different sound ending?
a) pass
b) chop
c) pick
d) depend
Which of the following is NOT correct? The dog needs
a) walking b) to be walked c) to go for a walk d) walked
Which is correct?
a) France is made a lot of wine.
b) France makes a lot of wine.
c) Lots of wine is maked in France.
d) Lots of wine makes in France.
a) embarrassment
b) embarrassing
c) embarrassed
d) embarrass
a) stress b) stressed c) stressing
d) stressful
It feels __________.
a) soft
b) smooth
c) silly
d) rough
I was so __________ when I forgot her name.
Exams are so ___________.
Which of the following adjectives is the odd one out?
Which of the following is NOT correct?
I phoned my friend ___________ I was sitting on the bus.
a) while
b) during
c) when
d) as
a) a long time b) ages c) two weeks
d) last week
I fell asleep ___________ the meeting.
a) during
b) before
c) after
d) while
My sister has got _____________________ hair.
a) black, long, curly
b) long, black, curly
c) curly, long, black
d) black, curly, long
I haven’t been to the supermarket since ___________.
Which of the following is NOT correct?
Which is the most usual way of ordering the following
Small children always get excited __________ Christmas.
a) with
b) for
c) about
d) at
Choose the right idiom to
complete each sentence.
a) stopped short; b) out of the woods;
c) stands out
 1) With his bright hair, Carl really _____________in a crowd of
The workers _____________of constructing that building
because they didn’t have enough money to finish it.
The doctor said that grandmother is still very sick, but she’s
a) run out of; b) stand up for; c) keep your
head; d) knock it off; e) give you a ring
It’s very important to ____________if there’s an emergency.
You must ______________what you believe in or no one will
respect you.
If I hear any news, I’ll ________________and let you know
Would you two ________________with the loud noise! I’m trying to
We need to go to the supermarket. We’ve _____________milk.