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MCIT Sourcing
NYU School of Medicine
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NYU School of Medicine
NYU School of Medicine is requesting proposals that will allow it to determine suitable Suppliers to provide a Core Management Software (CMS) to support the current 18 research cores and shared resources in the Office of Collaborative Sciences (OCS) at the NYU School of Medicine.
The contracted Supplier will be expected to provide both comprehensive services solutions and competitive pricing structures, as related to individual Scope of Work (SOW) offered.
NYU School of Medicine invites you (the SUPPLIER) to submit a proposal in accordance with the requirements, terms, and conditions in this Request for Proposal (RFP) to provide Core
Management Software.
This RFP process is your opportunity to demonstrate your strong commitment to partnering with the NYUSOM and ensure high quality customer support services with competitive pricing.
This RFP solicits a detailed offering that includes line item pricing as well as a detailed response regarding your service capabilities and initiatives. We encourage you to submit a proposal that is aggressively priced which will exceed our expectations.
NYU School of Medicine (NYUSOM) is one of the premier academic medical institutions in the country. For more than 155 years, it has been a leader in patient care, physician education, and scientific research. Notwithstanding the Medical Center’s reputation as one of the country’s premier medical institutions, the Office of Collaborative Sciences (OCS) is currently composed of 18 research core labs and shared resources who are each dedicated to providing access to scientific and technological expertise in support of biomedical research through a highly collaborative and interdisciplinary model that enhances partnership, strategic planning, and investments aligned with the NYUSOM research mission. The goal of OCS is to provide centralized management of research cores and shared resources by:
Managing core resource labs
Expanding technology access and development on a collaborative basis
Enabling core laboratory utilization
Building consensus among technology stakeholders
Developing strategies for cost-effective technology implementation
Coordinating off-site collaborative and outsourced technologies
Enhancing science resources and capabilities through strategic planning and innovation
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NYU School of Medicine
In an effort to most efficiently and effectively execute, enhance, and foster collaborations through the Cores, OCS needs a Core Management System that will have the ability to:
Foster access and interaction with on-site and off-site investigators;
Provide user based reservation for OCS instruments and equipment;
Centralize billing and financial reporting; and
Coordinate inter-core/multi-core project management and deliverables.
Fig. 1 CMS as it fits into the NYUSOM OCS Structure
Fig. 2 CMS structure needed to support OCS
We understand that no CMS will be a turnkey system, however we believe CMS that offers minimal customization and allows the Core staff to easily configure their storefront, scheduler, and forms will allow OCS to serve the scientific community while maximizing revenue and efficiency through the Cores.
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NYU School of Medicine
The following calendar of events is based on planned NYU School of Medicine Center
(NYUSOM) activities and anticipated vendor delivery capabilities. It is presented for illustrative purposes only. These milestones will be reviewed as necessary at the time a contract is awarded to a vendor.
Milestones Date Time
RFP Release Date December 7, 2015
Additional Question Due December 11, 2015 12:00 PM EST
Answer to Vendors Due December 16, 2015 12:00 PM EST
Proposal Due January 14, 2016 5:00 PM EST
Demo/Presentation January 25, 2016
8:00 AM EST
Vendors are required to submit their Proposal in the specified electronic format. Vendor will submit their entire RFP response and all completed forms electronically via e-mail to NYUSOM with vendor’s information and responses provided in the appropriate places therein. The required electronic applications formats are Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel . Any supporting graphic or presentation-based slides may be submitted in a separate
PowerPoint file. PDF format is not acceptable for any submitted text, graphics or slides.
All proposals must be submitted via email by 5:00 pm EST on January 14, 2016.
Send your complete electronic response via email to:
Bidders Note: All questions regarding interpretation or specifications must be submitted in writing to
only. Under no circumstances shall vendor contact any employee of NYUSOM. Any dialogue initiated by the bidder not addressed to contacts above will result in an immediate disqualification. Discussions on other business matters and not related to this RFP are permitted.
Vendor shall have no rights in this document or the information contained therein and shall not duplicate or disseminate said document or information outside the vendor's organization without the prior written consent of NYUSOM.
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NYU School of Medicine
All costs incurred in the preparation and presentation of the Proposal shall be borne by vendor.
By submitting a Proposal, vendor agrees that the rejection of any Proposal in whole or in part will not render NYUSOM liable for incurred costs and damages.
Nothing in this RFP shall create any binding obligation upon NYUSOM. Moreover, NYUSOM, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to reject any and all bids as well as the right not to award any contract under this bid process. NYUSOM reserves the right to award portion of this bid. All bids should be governed by NYUSOM standard Policy and Procedure and Terms and
All pricing Proposals by vendor will remain fixed and firm until December 21, 2016.
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NYU School of Medicine
The following provides a framework for the range of comprehensive service solutions that
NYUSOM expects the Supplier to provide in the execution of the services:
A CMS system is a system that allows Cores to manage administrative workflows. The characteristics listed below are expected as a minimum from the CMS requested.
A user interface that is designed on a single IT platform and is web-based supporting all major browsers on both Windows 7 (and higher) and OS X 10 (and higher).
An intuitive GUI for the Core’s storefronts with easy to use online ordering, tracking, and communication mechanisms that works for both internal and external customers/users.
Effective service, equipment, and project ordering and tracking, and query function.
Internal workflow management (for Core staff, Principal Investigators, Department
Administrators, and Finance).
Support customized forms for each core presented in a user-friendly interface and the ability to print request forms in the form of a comprehensible document/work order.
Scheduling of equipment and services via simple, easy user interface with a minimum of 3-4 mouse clicks for the Core customer/user.
Ability to customize the reservation system for each individual Core.
Ability to integrate with Core instrumentation for the tracking and monitoring of reservations with regards to actual usage versus scheduled usage and the ability to automatically bill accordingly.
Project sharing and integration between cores with a milestone feature that allows and notifies cores involved on the same projects of project status.
Management of core projects within the requested Core and across multiple cores.
Automated invoicing and tools to effectively manage account assignments for each lab/user.
The management of invoice and billing of core services as integrated with PeopleSoft or
Metrics through standard and ad hoc reports that enable the Cores to manage their business and leadership, monitor Core activity and revenue and trends.
Please answer all questions in Appendix A – Requirements
All software, firmware and licenses necessary to achieve full functionality needs to be included.
All software update services need to be included in the service contract, including firmware updates and any other software related to the solution.
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NYU School of Medicine
Utilizing the attached worksheet provide a detailed price estimate by phase or sub-project, including a summary of all costs and a detailed list of each item proposed and its associated cost. Please distinguish each proposed cost into categories, for example: hardware, software, support/maintenance and professional services sub-divided into consulting, training, travel, etc.
Please provide a list of three academic research centers who have received services on similar engagements as the one outlined by this RFP and include the information below.
Client name and headquarter address
Contact name
Telephone number
Email address
Length of time using your services
Brief description of the service provided
Failure to provide suitable references to NYUSOM will result in the vendor’s bid being rejected without further consideration.
Please provide information that will enable us to evaluate your company’s financial stability. We require that you include the following:
Company description: including ownership, number of years in business, strategic direction, mission, history, acknowledgements or awards
Customer support structure and details
Recent financial results
Partner relationships
Description of selection criteria for contractor or co-implementation partners
Work force distribution by country, city, state, etc.
Total number of employees: include number of project managers, implementation specialists, development engineers, % full time versus contracted, etc.
Average number of years of application and implementation experience and business process definition for consultants and managers
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