Medical Abbreviations

Medical Abbreviations
Medical Terminology
Utah State Office of Education
Medical Abbreviations
 In both written and oral communication,
medical personnel use a large number of
abbreviations to save time as well as to save
space on forms.
 Some abbreviations are immediately obvious
or make sense; others are not and can be
very confusing.
Utah State Office of Education
Medical Abbreviations
 The use of the incorrect abbreviation can
result in serious problems for a patient, as
well as with insurance records and
 If you have any concern that you will confuse
someone by using an abbreviation, spell out
the word instead.
 It is NEVER a good idea to use your own
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Medical Abbreviations
 Each hospital, clinic, or healthcare setting has
its own list of acceptable charting
 Be sure to request a list and use them
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Common Abbreviations
 A - assessment
 a – before
 ac – before meals
 ADL – activities of daily living
 ad lib – as desired
 AIDS – acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome
 am/AM – between midnight and noon
 amb – ambulate, ambulatory
 amt – amount
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Common Abbreviations
 AP – anterior posterior
 ASA – aspirin
 ASAP – as soon as possible
 av/AV/A-V – atrioventricular
 ax – axillary
 B – bilateral
 bid – twice a day
 BM – bowel movement
 BP – blood pressure
Utah State Office of Education
Common Abbreviations
 BS – blood sugar OR bowel sounds OR
breath sounds
 Bx – biopsy
 c – with
 C – celsius
 CA – cancer
 CBC – complete blood count
 CC – chief complaint
 cc – cubic centimeter
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Common Abbreviations
 CHF – congestive heart failure
 cm – centimeter
 CNS – central nervous system
 c/o – complains of
 CO2 – carbon dioxide
 COPD – chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
 CPR – cardiopulmonary resuscitation
 CSF – cerebrospinal fluid
 CT – computer tomography
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Common Abbreviations
 CVA – cerebrovascular accident
 CXR – chest xray
 d – day
 dc/DC or D/C – discontinue
 DM – diabetes mellitus
 DNR – do not resuscitate
 DOA – dead on arrival
 DOB – date of birth
 DRG – diagnosis-related group
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Common Abbreviations
 DVT – deep vein thrombosis
 Dx – diagnosis
 ECG/EKG – electrocardiogram
 EEG – electroencephalogram
 EMG – electromyogram
 ENT – ear, nose, and throat
 ER – emergency room
 ETA – estimate time of arrival
 ETOH – alcohol (beverage)
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Common Abbreviations
 F – Fahrenheit
 FBS – fasting blood sugar
 FUO – fever of unknown origin
 fx – fracture
 g or gm – gram
 GERD – gastroesophageal reflux disease
 GI – gastrointestinal
 gtt or gtts – drop or drops
 GTT – glucose tolerance test
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Common Abbreviations
 GU – genitourinary
 GYN/gyn – gynecology
 h – hour
 HA – headache
 HBV – hepatitis B virus
 Hct – hematocrit
 HEENT – head, eyes, ears, nose, throat
 Hg – mercury
 Hgb/Hb - hemoglobin
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Common Abbreviations
 H2O – water
 H2O2 – hydrogen peroxide
 HIB – haemophilus influenzae type B
 HIV – human immunodeficiency virus
 H&P or HxPx – history and physical
 HR – heart rate
 hs – hour of sleep (bedtime)
 Ht – height
 Hx - history
Utah State Office of Education
Common Abbreviations
 ICU – intensive care unit
 IDDM – insulin-dependant diabetes mellitus
 I&D – incision and drainage
 I&O – intake and output
 IP – inpatient
 IV – intravenous
 K/K+ - potassium
 kg – kilogram
 L - left
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Common Abbreviations
 L/l – liter
 lb or # - pound
 L&D – labor and delivery
 LLQ – left lower quadrant
 LMP – last menstrual period
 LOC – level of consciousness or loss of
 LUQ – left upper quadrant
 mg or m - milligram
Utah State Office of Education
Common Abbreviations
 MI – myocardial infarction
 ml – milliliter
 Mm – millimeter
 MRI – magnetic resonance imaging
 Na/Na+ - sodium
 N/A – not applicable
 NB – newborn
 NCR – no cardiac resuscitation
 neg - negative
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Common Abbreviations
 NKA – no known allergies
 NKDA – no known drug allergies
 noct – night
 NPO/npo – nothing by mouth
 NS – normal saline
 N&V – nausea and vomiting
 O2 – oxygen
 OA – osteoarthritis
 OB/ob - obstetrics
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Common Abbreviations
 OD – overdose or right eye
 oint – ointment
 OP – outpatient
 OR – operating room
 OS – left eye
 OTC – over-the-counter
 OU – both eyes
 OV – office visit
 oz - ounce
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Common Abbreviations
 p – after
 P – pulse
 PDR – physician’s desk reference
 PE – pulmonary embolus or physical exam
 Peds – pediatrics
 per – by or through
 PET – positron emission tomography
 PK – pain killer
 pm/PM – between noon and midnight
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Common Abbreviations
 PMS – pre-menstrual syndrome
 PO – orally, by mouth
 PRN/prn – as needed
 Pt/pt – patient
 q – every
 qam – every morning
 qd/qday – every day
 q_h – every (number) hour(s)
for example: q2h = every 2 hours
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Common Abbreviations
 qid – four times a day
 R – rectal or respirations
 R – right
 RA – rheumatoid arthritis
 RBC – red blood cell OR red blood count
 reg – regular
 RICE – rest, ice, compression, and elevation
 RLQ – right lower quadrant
 r/o, R/O – rule out
Utah State Office of Education
Common Abbreviations
 ROM – range of motion
 ROS – review of systems
 RRR – regular rate & rhythm
(referring to the heart)
 RTC – return to clinic
 RUQ – right upper quadrant
 Rx – take OR prescription
 s – without
 SA – sinoatrial node
 SIDS – sudden infant death syndrome
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Common Abbreviations
 sig – instructions or directions
 sm – small
 SO – standing order OR significant other
 SOAP – subjective, objective, assessment,
 SOB – shortness of breath
 sq/subcu/subq – subcutaneous
 S&S – signs and symptoms
 stat - immediately
Utah State Office of Education
Common Abbreviations
 STD – sexually transmitted disease
 T – temperature
 tab(s) – tablet(s)
 TB – tuberculosis
 tbsp – tablespoon
 TCDB – turn, cough, deep breathe
 temp – temperature
 tid – three times a day
 TM – tympanic membrane
Utah State Office of Education
Common Abbreviations
 TPR – temperature, pulse, and respiration
 tsp – teaspoon
 Tx – therapy or treatment
 U – unit
 UA – urinalysis
 UNK – unknown
 URI – upper respiratory infection
 UTI – urinary tract infection
 UV – ultra-violet
Utah State Office of Education
Common Abbreviations
 VA – visual acuity
 VBAC – vaginal birth after cesarean section
 VS – vital signs
 VSS – vital signs stable
 w/a – when awake
 WBC – white blood cell OR white blood count
 w/c or W/C – wheelchair
 wk – week
 WNL – within normal limits
Utah State Office of Education
Common Abbreviations
 Wt – weight
 YOB – year of birth
 yr – year
 > - greater than
 < - less than
 + - positive
 - - negative
 ~ - approximately
 % - percent
Utah State Office of Education
Common Abbreviations
 - check or checked
 - increase or increasing
 - decrease or decreasing
 - to the right
 - to the left
 - change or changed
@ - at
 - degree
♀ - female
♂ - male
Utah State Office of Education