Scruples, Opinions, and Romans 14

Let Us Not
Judge One Another
A Study of Romans 14:1 – 15:7
Romans Overview
• Condemnation (1-3)
• Justification (4-5)
• Sanctification (6-8)
• Election (9-11)
• Transformation (12-16)
• Paul’s discussion of scruples runs from 14:1 to
15:7 (“receive” is found in 14:1 and 15:7)
• Why “receive”? There is a difference in
“scruples” or “opinions” (NASV) among
• Brethren have “liberties” to exercise their
scruples/opinions or not (1 Cor. 8:4-13)
“Scruples” or “Doctrine”?
• Some brethren we are not to “receive”
(2 Jn.9-11). Why? The difference is not over
“opinions” in this case, but a difference in “the
doctrine of Christ”
“Meats” and “Days”
• Eating meats (verses 2-4)
• Jewish and Gentile Christians had different
“scruples” toward eating meat, especially
meat sacrificed to idols (1 Cor. 8:4-12;
• Eating meats is wrong only if it is made a
condition of salvation (Col.2:8ff)
“Meats” and “Days”
• Esteeming one day above another (verse 6)
• Jewish and Gentile Christians had different
“scruples” toward special days, especially the
Sabbath and feast days
• Esteeming days is wrong only if it is made a
condition of salvation (Gal.4:8-11; 5:4)
Two God-Approved Scruples
“for God hath received him” (verse 3)
“he shall be made to stand; for the Lord hath
power to make him stand” (verse 4)
“unto to the Lord” (verse 6)
“live unto the Lord” (verse 8)
“persuaded in the Lord Jesus” (verse 14)
Two God-Approved Scruples
“nothing is unclean of itself” (verse 14)
“your good” (verse 16)
“serveth Christ … well-pleasing to God ” (verse 18)
“all things indeed are clean” (verse 20)
“have … before God” (verse 22)
Some Contemporary “Scruples”
• Holidays (Christmas, Halloween, Easter)
• Dietary restrictions (caffeine)
• Watching certain movies (Harry Potter)
• Eating in the church building on a workday
• Shopping on Sunday
Some Contemporary “Scruples”
• Military / law-enforcement / self-defense
• Voting / labor union / taking oaths
• Wording on the church building sign
• Women commenting / covering / wearing
• Number of services on Sunday
“Weak” and “Strong”
• The “weak” brother is weak in conscience
(1 Cor. 8:7, 10); weak in the sense that he is
not convinced that he can eat meat or observe
days (verses 1, 2; and 15:1; see also
1 Cor. 8:9, 11)
• The “strong” brother is strong in the sense
that he is convinced (persuaded, verse 14;
approves, verse 22; knowledge, 1 Cor. 8:7ff)
that he can eat meat and observe days (15:1)
• “Stumble” (Rom. 14:13, 21; see also 1 Cor. 8:9,
13; 10:32) in this context does not mean that
the weak brother dislikes what is going on, or
is simply offended by it
• “Stumble” means that the weak brother is
emboldened to act against his conscience; to
go ahead and do something even when he
thinks he shouldn’t do it (1 Cor. 8:9-10)
How Are We to Treat One Another?
( in matters of opinion )
We are commanded to…
• “receive” (verse 1; 15:7)
• “make for peace” (verse 19)
• “edify one another” (verse 19; see 15:2)
• “It is good not to eat…” (verse 21)
How Are We to Treat One Another?
( in matters of opinion )
We are commaned to…
• “bear the infirmities” (15:1)
• “please his neighbor” (15:2)
• “be of the same mind” (15:5)
How Are We to Treat One Another?
( in matters of opinion )
We are commanded not to…
• “set at nought” (verse 3)
• “judge” (verse 3, 13)
• “put a stumbling block” (verse 13)
• “grieve” (verse 15)
How Are We to Treat One Another?
( in matters of opinion )
We are commanded not to…
• “destroy” (verse 15)
• “overthrown” (verse 20)
• “eateth with offense” (verse 20)
• “doubteth” (verse 23)
How Are We to Treat One Another?
( in matters of opinion )
We are commanded not to…
• “please ourselves” (15:1)
Romans 14:1 – 15:7
• Some brethren err when they try to broaden
fellowship with others by putting matters of
“the faith” (2 Jn. 9) into Romans 14
• Other brethren err when they restrict
fellowship and divide with each other over
matters of opinion and will not practice the
principles of Romans 14
• Let us avoid both of these errors