Service Agreement example


Service Agreement

The purpose of this document is to outline the operating parameters within which xxxxxxxxxxx will supply xxxxxxx with Newspapers and Magazines and / or other products.

Agreed between the parties and on what trading terms .

As part of this arrangement xxxxxxxxxx will commit to supply Newspapers on each publishing day until such time as the arrangement is terminated by either party .The first delivery is set to be on xxxxxxxxx . As is industry standard the working week runs from

Sunday to Saturday xxxxxxxxxxxx will commit to the following

Delivery & Returns

Deliver News and Magazines when available 7 (seven) days a week

Deliver the supply by 7.00am each morning

Supply a list of titles and he quantities delivered

Deliver the supply to the agreed secure storage location

Pick up and process returns on a daily basis

Supply a direct number for daily contact if required

In the event of any discrepancies

Honour same day replenishment of any full title claim notified by XXXX am

Product Management

Determine the range of titles stocked with you*

Provide you with quantities of it that is anticipated to sell yet minimise returns

Accept /alterations as requested.

*Although xxxxxxxxxxxxx will commit to sourcing any titles requested there may be occasions outside of their control which result in the title being unobtainable. In such circumstances there is no payment applicable and xxxxxxxx accepts no liability and cannot be held responsible for any monetary loss.


Make a charge of XXXX to cover both delivery and administration. This figure is subject to annual review

Issue a weekly invoice by Monday of the following week. This must be paid by the agreed payment method within 3 (three) working days of receipt. Failure to comply will result in cessation of supply with immediate effect until such time as any monies owed are repaid.

Supply all Sale or Return Newspaper and Magazines at full cover price less xx%

Give a minimum of 3 (three) weeks notice of intention to cease supply other than for any other reason except non payment

Accept consumer vouchers as part of the invoice payable. These must be sent back in the approved envelope every xx (weeks).

As agreed xxxxxxxxxxxxx will inform xxxxxxxxxxxxx by xx:xx am on the same day of delivery any shortages

Return all daily newspapers the next available day

Return all magazines on the following day arrival of the new issue or should a decision be taken to no longer stock the titles concerned. Failure to adhere to this policy will negate the sale or return element for the titles concerned and no credit will be due

Bundle and place all returns in the agreed secure area for collection. A note should be kept of all returns for reconciliation

Return newspaper vouchers every xx weeks in the sealed envelope as supplied

Pay all invoices by the agreed method within 3 working days of receipt. In the event of a disputed invoice the total amount should be paid in full as normal and any agreed credit will form part of a subsequent invoice. Should however the disputed amount be 50% or higher of the invoice total xxxxxxxxxxx may withhold payment for a maximum of 4 (four) weeks whilst agreement is being sought.

Advise xxxxxxxxxxx of any title /copy allocation requirement not being catered for

Advise xxxxxxxxxxxx of any planned closures such as holiday/bank holidays at least

4 (four) weeks in advance

Give a minimum of 3 (three) weeks notification of notice to terminate the agreement.

Any outstanding in date stock can be returned within this date for crediting.

I agree to the terms laid out in this service agreement

Name.................................................... Date.................

On behalf of xxxxxxxxxxx

Witnessed by

Name........................................................ Date...............

On behalf xxxxxxxxxx

This specimen Service Agreement or similar documents provided on request by the

NFRN have no official sanction and are for guidance only.

Any business relationship entered into between a supplying retailer (host) and a receiving retailer (sub retailer), and the terms and conditions of business that are agreed, are entirely a private matter between themselves.

The NFRN accepts no responsibility or accountability for the conduct of such relationships, nor will the NFRN involve itself in any dispute, howsoever arising, between private parties
