Unit 6 Packet

Chapter 8 Study Guide-MEMORY
pp. 327
Describe how memory works.
Identify the Atkinson and Shiffrin model on the 3 stages of memory. (sensory, short, long)
How have you used the 3 parts of your memory system in learning something new?
What info do we record automatically?
What info do we record effortfully?
How does rehearsal, spacing effect and serial position effect influencing remembering?
Explain the primacy and recency effect.
Explain the visual, acoustic and semantic encoding.
Describe the strength of imagery and mnemonic devices. Provide an original example of a mnemonic.
p. 336
How do we use chunking in daily life to help remember information?
What is sensory memory? Iconic memory? Echoic memory? Provide examples of each.
What is the duration and capacity of short term memory? Long term memory?
Explain how the brain stores our memories using synaptic changes and stress hormones.
Provide examples of the following types of memory
p. 342 Flashbulb
What role does the hippocampus play in memory?
What role does the cerebellum play in memory?
Distinguish between recall, recognition, and relearning.
How do we use retrieval cues like priming?
How do external contexts and internal emotion influence memory retrieval?
Provide an example of mood congruent memory.
p. 349 Forgetting
Identify the “seven sins of memory”.
How does encoding failure cause us to “forget” information that we should know.
What does storage decay refer to?
p. 353
How do proactive and retroactive interference contribute to retrieval failure?
What are some of the reasons we engage in motivated forgetting?
Summarize Freud’s theory on why we forget information.
How do the following phenomena influence our memory construction:
Source amnesia
How do “unreal” memories often feel like “real” memories?
How reliable is eyewitness testimony of children?
Explain the controversy related to claims of repressed and recovered memories.
Identify the results of the studies of Elizabeth Loftus.
How can you improve your memory?
Chapter 9: Thinking and Language
p. 369
Define cognition
Why do we form concepts?
What would the prototype be for the following concepts: car, tree, ball.
Describe the type of problem you would use an algorithm to solve.
Define Heuristics. Why is this problem solving method unreliable?
Why is confirmation bias a major obstacle to problem solving?
Provide original examples of mental set and functional fixedness.
p. 374
What is the representativeness heuristic? Give an example of how you have used it to make a decision.
What is the availability heuristic? Give an example of how you have used it to make a decision.
p. 376
Identify some problems that arise due to overconfidence.
Identify some problems that arise due to belief perseverance.
p. 378 Read “The Fear Factor”
Why do we fear the wrong things? (what do we fear?)
How do smart thinkers use intuition?
p. 381
Describe the effects of framing on our politics.
Use the three examples of framing on p. 382 to apply them to decisions you have made.
p. 382 Language
Identify the 3 building blocks of language and give examples of each.
How do we know when babies develop receptive language?
p. 385
Describe the babbling stage of language.
Describe the one word stage of language.
Describe the two word stage of language.
p. 386
Summarize Skinner’s theory of language development.
Summarize Chomsky’s theory of language development.
Explain the critical period for language development.
p. 389
What is aphasia?
Identify the 5 events that go into explaining language and the brain.
If children are not yet speaking, is there any reason to think they would benefit from parents and other caregivers
reading to them?
p. 391
What is the relationship between language and thinking?
What is linguistic determinism?
How might language determine the way that we think?
Explain the meaning of this sentence. The girl pushes the boy
p. 393
What is the importance of mental practice? (Explain thinking in images.)
p. 395
What do animals think?
Describe some of the talents that animals display in terms of thinking and communication.
Can chimpanzees talk? Explain your answer in detail.