French: Clothing

Activity context
These digital resources are designed for languages teachers to use with Interactive Whiteboards. This
activity has been designed to consolidate the language in the topic area of clothing.
Syllabus links:
demonstrates understanding of the main ideas and supporting detail in written texts and
responds appropriately
establishes and maintains communication in familiar situations
demonstrates understanding of the importance of appropriate use of language in diverse
selects, summarises and analyses information and ideas in written texts and responds
uses French by incorporating diverse structures and features to express own ideas
demonstrates understanding of the nature of languages as systems by describing and
comparing linguistic features across languages
Notebook page
Clothing: vocabulary
To teach vocabulary related to clothing.
Teacher or students click on the vocabulary cards. When clicked,
the cards will flip over and show the written word.
Teachers can use this as a tool to teach vocabulary items.
The Notebook file can be edited to include many vocabulary items
and images.
© NSW Department of Education and Training 2010
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Clothing: vocabulary
To consolidate vocabulary related to clothing.
Students click on the flashing pictures. When they click, the
picture will stop flashing and students are given three vocabulary
options to choose from.
When they click the correct word, the pictures will begin to flash
The Notebook file can be edited to include many vocabulary items
and images.
Clothing: vocabulary (Le / La / Les)
To consolidate vocabulary related to clothing by focusing on
feminine, masculine and plural articles.
Students drag the pictures from the bottom of the screen into the
correct columns. Answers can be checked by clicking on 'Check'.
The Notebook file can be edited to include many vocabulary items
and images.
Qu'est-ce qu'elle porte?
To consolidate vocabulary and form sentences to say what
someone is wearing.
Students click on the spinner. The spinner will land on the outfit
that the girl should be wearing. Students read the spinner and
drag the correct outfit onto the girl.
Qu'est-ce qu'il porte?
To consolidate vocabulary and form sentences to say what
someone is wearing.
Students click on the spinner. The spinner will land on the outfit
that the boy should be wearing. Students read the spinner and
drag the correct outfit onto the boy.
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Colours: vocabulary
To consolidate vocabulary related to colours.
Students drag the words onto the colour circles.
Students click on the icons next to the words to hear the colours
being pronounced.
Colours and clothing: vocabulary
To consolidate vocabulary related to colours and clothing.
Students click on each spinner. The first spinner tells students the
clothing item in French. The second spinner tells students the
colours in English. Students need to make sentences in French to
say what they are wearing (taking note of gender agreement with
colours and clothing items).
e.g. Je porte un pantalon orange.
Colours and clothing: vocabulary 2
To consolidate vocabulary related to colours and clothing.
This activity is very similar to the last one but could be used for
more advanced students.
Students click on each spinner. The first spinner tells students the
clothing item in English. The second spinner tells students the
colours in English. Students need to make sentences in French to
say what they are wearing (taking notes of gender agreement with
colours and clothing items).
Eg. Je porte une cravate noire.
Verb conjugation: mettre 1
To teach conjugation of irregular verb 'mettre'.
Teachers can use this table as a tool to teach the verb 'mettre'.
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Verb conjugation: mettre 2
To consolidate the conjugation of the verb 'mettre'.
Students drag the pronouns to the correct conjugations.
Clothing and seasons
To consolidate clothing items related to different seasons and
Students use the example to talk about what they wear when it is
raining. Students then complete the next two sentences. This can
be done as a class or individually. Students could use the
Smartboard pens to write the rest of the sentences on the board.
Click on the icons next to the phrases to hear them in French.
The look
To use as a base to discuss different styles.
Teachers can use this as a starting point to discuss different looks
and styles. Students could talk about which styles they prefer or
dislike and why.
Click on the icons next to the phrases to hear them in French.
Assessment strategies:
The teacher:
observes students participating in activities
provides oral feedback to the class and to individual students.
Assessment criteria:
The student:
listens actively to aid comprehension
contributes to the identification and labelling of the vocabulary
demonstrates comprehension, e.g. by matching words to pictures
develops writing skills in context, e.g. matching words with pictures and labelling objects
The Notebook files for each student can form part of your assessment to inform your teaching and capture
"point in time" learning.
© NSW Department of Education and Training 2010
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