AP Biology Course Information and Student/Family Contract

AP Biology
AP Biology Course Information, Syllabus, and Student/Family Contract
Mrs. Quinn, room 101
Email (preferred): gquinn@sbsdk12.org, Phone: 966-9101, ext. 376
EDU 2.0 http://sbhsdons.edu20.org/
Period: _______ Access code: ________________
Course Information:
Welcome to AP ® Biology! This will be a rigorous and in-depth biology course covering the standards
instituted by the College Board for all AP courses. All of the topics in the AP Biology Course Description
will be addressed over the course of the year in order to thoroughly prepare students for successful
completion of the AP® Biology exam in May. All students enrolled in AP Biology are expected to
take the AP Biology exam in May, no exceptions.
In order to cover all the required topics before the AP® Biology exam on May 11, 2014, the course must
run at a challenging pace. It will be critical for students to keep up with the required college-level
reading, writing and testing.
Course Website
Every student enrolled in AP Biology must register for access to the course website immediately:
www.quinnbiology.wikispaces.com. All test dates, links to video lectures, lab documents, and other
handouts and information will be provided online—I will not provide Xeroxed copies of documents in
class. Please type in your first and last name when registering. An email requesting permission for you
to access the site will be sent to me, but you will never receive any spam or additional emails from the
site. It is by having a registration process that we can keep the site free from advertisements. Parents
are highly encouraged to register for access as well.
Tests and Quizzes
Tests and quizzes will be given to assess mastery of the AP® Biology content. Students must be
prepared for chapter quizzes and tests and demonstrate, through participation in class discussions, that
they are keeping up with the reading assignments and video lectures. Unit tests will be comprised of
multiple choice, short answer, calculations, and essay questions in order to best reflect the content and
rigor of the new AP exam. Development of both critical thinking and writing skills will be key
components of this course. There will be no make-up exams due to unexcused absences for tests.
Students are welcome to come in prior to test day(s) to complete the test if they know in advance they
will be absent, otherwise missing a unit test will result in a zero for that test—please plan
accordingly. The following are additional AP Biology testing policies:
 If a student has an excused absence for the entire day of an AP Biology test, they may take a
make-up exam the same day they return to school. Please note the make-up exam will be essayonly.
 If a student is on campus at any time on the day of a test in AP Biology and, for whatever reason
excused or unexcused, does not come to take the test scheduled on that day, that student will
receive a zero on that test without the option to make-up the exam.
 If a student misses a test in AP Biology due to an all-day unexcused absence, they will receive a
zero on that test without the option to make-up the exam.
Student Evaluation and Grading
The student’s degree of mastery of the AP® Biology curriculum is the critical element in determining
their letter grade in this class. Students will demonstrate mastery in this class by passing unit tests,
quizzes, completing essay and research assignments, and in-class work such as group assignments, class
presentations and labs. Please note: Late work will only be accepted in the event of an excused
absence, and only up to one week late.
AP Biology
Lab Component
AP ® Biology students will have the opportunity to gain a more in-depth understanding and
appreciation of the topics covered in class through hands-on laboratory investigations and activities.
Due to the limited amount of class time with which to complete each lab, it is critical that students show
up on time and prepared with any pre-lab work completed. Also, due to time and space restraints it may
not be possible for a student to make up a lab due to an absence. Therefore, attendance during every
lab is vital for success in this class.
Extra Credit
No extra credit will be given. Keep up with the regular coursework and prepare for tests and quizzes
to the best of your ability. Students’ overall grades will reflect their effort in the class without the need
for extra work.
Final Grades
Semester 1 and semester 2 grades will be determined by how many points a student earns out of the
total possible points for each semester. The overall percentage of points earned corresponds to letter
grades as follows:
A = 100 – 90 %; B = 89 – 80%; C = 79 – 70%; D = 69 – 60%; F = 59 – 0%
It is expected that all AP Biology students maintain a C average or above. Students with a D or lower may be
dropped from the course.
Accessing Grades
New grades will be posted in the classroom at least every two weeks by student ID number and updated almost
daily in EDU 2.0. In addition, students and parents can request a grade printout at any time. Please do not
hesitate to contact me directly with any questions or concerns you may have about this course.
Course Calendar
Please note that this calendar is subject to change and is to serve as a general outline only.
AP Labs
3 weeks
Unit 1: Origins of Life,
Chemistry, Cells
Chapters 19, 2, 3, 4
Unit 2: Molecular
Genetics, Gene
Regulation, Cell Signaling
Chapters 5, 13, 9, 14, 15
Unit 3: Homeostasis &
Animal Physiology
Chapters 33, 35, 39, 42
Unit 4, PART 1: Energy
Flow, Matter Cycles &
Chapters 48, 6, 8, 7
Thanksgiving Break
No School
Unit 4, PART 2: Energy
Flow & Metabolism
Chapters 48, 6, 8, 7
Sept. 17
Properties of Water
Cell size lab (surface area
to volume ratio)
Osmosis & Diffusion Lab
Lac & Trp Operon Virtual
3 ½ weeks
3 weeks
3 weeks
1 ½ weeks
Friday, Oct.
Wed., Oct. 29
Reaction Time lab
Friday, Nov.
Potato Catalase Lab
Cellular Respiration Virtual
Wed., Dec. 10
Photosynthesis Lab
Other Activities
Pop beads
Stop motion
transcription &
translation movie
Carbon Dioxide
Monitoring activity
AP Biology
AP Labs
Other Activities
1 ½ weeks
Unit 5: Plant Biology &
Chapters 24, 25, 26, 27,
Winter Break
No School
AP Biology Projects
Friday, Dec.
Transpiration Lab
Plant Scavenger Hunt
Lotus Land/Botanical
Garden Field Trip
“Making a Baby” lab
2 weeks
1 ½ weeks
5 ½ weeks
2 weeks
1 ½ weeks
3 days
1 week
Final Exam Review
Finals Schedule:
Thurs. & Fri, 1/22 &
Unit 6: Heredity
Chapters 10, 11, 12, 15.3
2 weeks
Project Due:
Wed., 1/14
Final Exam
1/22 or 1/23
Wed., 2/18
Unit 7: Evolution,
Chapters 17, 18, 20, 21,
Unit 8: Behavior &
Chapters 45, 46, 47, 49,
AP Biology Review for
final exam
3-day AP Biology Final
Wednesday: Free
Thursday: Calculations
Friday: Multiple Choice
AP Biology College Board
Exam Review
AP Biology College Board
Fetal Pig Dissections
Thurs. & Fri.,
March 26 &
Chi Square
Fruit Fly Virtual Lab
Bacterial Transformation
DNA Fingerprinting
Friday, April
Isopod/Fruit Fly Behavior
Fetal Pig
Anatomy/Dissection Test
End of Year
Projects/Field Trip
Project Presentations
Last day of regular class,
Senior Check-Out Day
Final Exams Schedule
End of School Year!
Tues., May 26
AP Biology
AP Biology Student & Family Contract:
The rigor, pace and depth of AP Biology, which is taught as a college-level course, demands strong
academic skills and a commitment on the part of the student to keep up with the reading, coursework,
quizzes and labs. College Board recommends successful completion of both high school biology and
chemistry courses prior to enrollment in AP Biology, however any student willing to make a strong
commitment to succeed in this course is welcome.
STUDENTS: Initialing and signing below indicates that you understand the academic commitment and
course requirements of AP Biology as outlined above and will make all necessary efforts to ensure
success for yourself.
PARENT/GUARDIAN: Initialing and signing below indicates that you understand the time and academic
commitments your student is undertaking in AP Biology and are willing to provide your support
wherever and whenever appropriate.
Students enrolled in AP Biology are expected to take the AP Biology
exam on May 11, 2014. Please speak with me if you feel cost is an issue.
Students and parents have read and understand the AP Biology testing
policies listed above in the “Tests and Quizzes” section of this syllabus.
All video lectures must be watched as homework and students will
come to class prepared for discussion. Links to these lectures can be
found on the class website: www.quinnbiology.wikispaces.com
No extra credit is given in AP Biology.
It is expected that all AP Biology students maintain a C average or above.
Students with a D or lower may be dropped from the course.
I have gone to www.quinnbiology.wikispaces.com and registered for
access to the AP Biology course website where I will have access to course
documents and other critical information. I have also added this course on
EDU2.0 for access to the gradebook.
Student Name (please print)
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Name (please print)
Parent/Guardian Signature
As your teacher, I will do everything on my part to provide all the necessary support and intervention to
help each and every student successfully complete AP Biology and to pass the AP Biology exam in May. I
am generally available every day at lunch and after school on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays until
4pm for extra help. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any questions or concerns.
Additional copies of this syllabus and contract are available online at www.quinnbiology.wikispaces.com
and at EDU2.0.
Thank you,
Genevieve Quinn