SAN DIEGO CITY COLLEGE Master Planning, Assessment, and Resource Oversight Council (MPAROC) Wednesday, April 11, 2012 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Room D-102 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X MEMBERS Mary Benard Randy Barnes Debbie Berg Heidi Bunkowske Dotti Cordell June Cressy Nancy Crispen Salley Deaton Gwen Enright Lori Erreca Jaime Estrada Robbi Ewell Susan Fontana Trudy Gerald Mary Granderson Berta Harris Jan Jarrell Mike Kaye Hoat Le Cathi Lopez Kathy McGinnis Awana Payne Barbara Ring Elva Salinas Nick Slinglend Minou Spradley Jeanie Tyler Denise Whisenhunt Peter White Ray Wong Xi Zhang STAFF PRESENT: 1. Vice President of Instruction, MPAROC Co-Chair Dean, Business, Information Technology, and Cosmetology Associate Dean, Nursing Public Information Officer Professor, Student Health Services Senator, Classified Senate Professor, Chemistry Professor, Business/MPAROC Co-Chair Professor, English Dean, Behavioral and Social Sciences, Consumer and Family Studies Professor, Spanish Dean, Information and Learning Technology President, Chairs Cabinet Dean, Arts, Humanities, and Communications Acting Vice President, Administrative Services Past-President, Academic Senate, SLO/AO co-coordinator Associate Professor, English/ESOL, Basic Skills Initiative Co-Chair Assistant Professor, Radio and Television Professor, Mathematics Professor, Counselor Dean, Health, Exercise Science, and Athletics President, Classified Senate Associate Professor, Librarian Title V Professional Development Coordinator Associate Professor, Mathematics Dean, Engineering, Math, Sciences, and Nursing Off Campus Director Dean, Student Affairs Vice President, Student Services Professor, Counselor Campus Researcher Lydia Gonzales, Instruction District Budget Update – Salley Deaton The district budget allocation to the colleges has been realigned in order to be more equitable. City College was not funded to meet its FTES target for 2011-2012. The modification means City College will have cut fewer classes, if any, in 2012-2013. Master Planning, Assessment, and Resource Oversight Council Summary of April 11, 2012 Page 2 of 2 Mary Benard said that while City was cutting classes to stay within budget and support student services, Mesa and Miramar made cuts to student services and increased class offerings in order to increase FTES. Mesa and Miramar’s rationale for increasing FTES is that the following year budget allocation is based on prior year FTES. Additionally, Mary shared that the district has been funding Mesa’s remedial math and English offerings at UCSD. City has a similar agreement with SDSU; however, the offerings come from the college budget, with limited support from the district. President Burgess and Vice President Mary Benard are working on district supplemented support for the SDSU program. 2. Faculty Hiring Subcommittee Update – Randy Barnes Randy Barnes reported that the subcommittee charged with weighting faculty hiring criteria is having good discussions and making progress. The committee will meet next Wednesday, 3:30pm, in D-102. Mary Benard reminded Randy that the Academic Senate asked to have the draft available for the Academic Senate meeting on April 30. Randy said the group is very close to resolving issues and his preference is to not rush the group’s work. 3. TaskStream Update and ACCJC Proficiency – Dotti Cordell and Mary Benard Dotti Cordell distributed a portion of City’s ACCJC Annual Report for 2011-2012. She shared questions and answers that relate to student learning outcomes (Questions 16-23). Dotti also said that TaskStream has been updated, at the behest of faculty, to include a field where one can insert the SLO date of assessment. Rob Ewell informed the council that the district’s contract with TaskStream continues through 2014. He also mentioned to Dotti that the contract allows for access to view how other institutions have organized (not including content) TaskStream. The council suggested that pre-TaskStream assessment dates be entered into TaskStream so that a span of 10-12 years is reflected in TaskStream reports. Dotti agreed to send a status report of SLOs to instructional deans in MS Excel format. The deans will follow-up with department chairs. Mary Benard distributed 2012-12 Institutional Reports on Institutional Status on Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment of Learning (17 pages) from the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC). City College is required to submit the report by October 15, 2012. The college needs to demonstrate proficiency in Institutional Effectiveness in Planning. The information will be shared with the Academic Senate and Instructional Services Council. 4. Planning Agenda #2 – Salley Deaton Salley Deaton distributed a copy of the college’s planning agenda, as given in the Fall 2010 SelfEvaluation Report. Paraphrased, planning agenda #2 calls for the integration of college’s Educational Plan, Information Technology Plan, Library and Learning Resources, Student Services Plan, Administrative Services Plan, and Facilities Plan into a single plan. Salley believes the college Master Plan Update 2010-2011 accomplished this task. She asked the council to refer to pages 18-59. Council members may provide additional information regarding work done on the planning agendas during 20112012 to Salley for inclusion in the next Master Plan Update.