WARRIOR INSTRUCTOR ROUTINES QI GONG WARMUP Swing arms torso Swing side to side Shoulder roll back & forward Chin up rotate head. Both directions Squat hands on knees shoulder isolations CUE Shoulder in towards mid line of the body easy MODIFICATION TIME/REPETITIONS Easy on neck Put weight into the hands, turn shoulder in, elbow is bent Whip it thru to neck and tuck in hips ONLY BEND AS FAR AS COMFORTABLE Leg cross forward fold. Left & right side Hands over head tilt Jog in place Knees up Pull heels back Easy, go as low as is comfortable ONLY BEND AS FAR AS COMFORTABLE Knees up to waist line Heels to glutes March in place Feel the group 30 to 60 seconds on each variation or longer for fit groups Palms on the floor, legs wide Turn to side rest elbow on thigh bent knee Hips straight back TIMED EVENT 10 JUMPING JACKS 10 PUSH UPS 10 SET UPS DESCENDING TO 9JACKS, 9PUSHUPS, 9 SET UPS, 8, 7, 6… Half way hands up and heel touch down for jacks, Knee push-ups or wall, knees bent on set ups, can swing hands when difficult and kick a leg if needed. Crunches at least 4 to 6 minutes is expected Push group if able Standing mountain climbers to march 25 to 50 double count Spinal wave Hip rotation/belly dance POWER BREAK IF NEEDED Mountain climbers to march step touch Ricky Martin (804) 878-0121 Rickym23227@yahoo.com Easy rock , cue difference in ballistic and static stretch Cue organ massage ADVANCED WARRIOR INSTRUCTOR ROUTINES Alternate lunges front/back Jump lunge Hands up PLYOMETRIC Push group again Burpees Place hands on the floor snap back to plank hop back up to stand. Ice skaters option Showing advanced Hands down Hands up Spinning Swing arms like speed skate cut leg behind you 10 to 15 on each leg front /back and jump lunges One hand down at a time, go to down dog, one foot back at a time, then one foot up at a time 5 on each level Have group attempt to spinning. Both directions Add to or use in place of burpees Feel your group MAT SCIENCE CHILD POSE Cat lift Cat bow Cobra Downward facing dog QUADRAPED Both sides Ricky Martin (804) 878-0121 Rickym23227@yahoo.com Extend arms, spread fingers and shoulders, lower hip to heels through the knees Push palms into the floor pull tummy in, round out the spine Lower the spine, lift the head, raise the tail bone Lay the hips down, fully Slowly lower the extend the arms, lift head upper body by and draw tummy in bending the elbows Up to toes Push hips back Lower heels Hands and knees, legs shoulder width apart, hands directly in front on knees, chest over writs. Extend right arm straight ahead, raise left leg straight back. Must cue face down neck Hold for 30 second count on each side or more if needed You will see and experience advanced flow thru this posture in training. Use them only if you are able to WARRIOR INSTRUCTOR ROUTINES aligned. Planks Elbow Twist at hips (not head) Walk toes up and back Side elbow plank Elbow is directly aligned with the shoulder give instructions and correct form Turn in elbows, spread feet, put right hand behind back. Repeat on left side. 2nd time raise opposite leg after hand is behind the back. If able. Pulses optional Knees on the floor ABDOMINALS Butter fly set ups Reverse crunch CHAIR WORK/Use with MATURE ADULT March step in chair Ricky Martin (804) 878-0121 Rickym23227@yahoo.com Lay on back, spread knees, bottoms of feet together, heels pulled in close to pelvis Swing arms to come up to seated position without lifting the legs keeping knees apart…on 3. 1,2,3 (given quick and lead group right in) Kick a leg if needed but pull it back before coming all the way up Knees bent lying on back, hands perpendicular to shoulders. Point toes to nose, touch heals to the floor and raise up. Knees stay bent Sing play music Fingers to temple (throw elbows cue) Hands crossed on chest If feeling back pain stop IT band stretch Allow knees to rest to one side, head looks in opposite direction Extend legs For IT Band stretch extend leg and take toe to the floor 3 to 5 mins WARRIOR INSTRUCTOR ROUTINES Shoulder roll Forward and back 15 to 20 reps Open chest Spread arms elbows bent 10 to 12 reps Forward bend fold Fingers on legs like spiders walk down the thighs to knees then ankles Must cue keep head up if diabetic are feel dizzy. Cuing for safety first Talk and be aware Hold 12 seconds Core hold Set near edge of chair, hold sides, lean back, raise one knee at a time…leave in the air Leg press Raise one leg push down heel like pushing on the gas Shoulder raise Pour the 100% natural juice or infused water pitchers Raise elbows Set on edge of chair, hands under hips on chair, push out and hold body up. Bend at the elbow as comfortable. Not raising hip up and down, keep heels on the floor Stand at back of chair Spread feet wider than the legs of the chair Point the toes out Hold the back of chair and bend the knees Keep chest up Stand at side of the chair. Leg near the chair is forward, outside leg goes back and up on the toe Dips Squats Lunges optional depending on level of group Ricky Martin (804) 878-0121 Rickym23227@yahoo.com Rock up with feet and go right back down 30 seconds Attempt again if group wants Let them know they will do more second time naturally 25 reps or less It will burn each leg Only as high as is comfortable 30 to 60 seconds Bend as low as comfortable 25 at least once Bend as low as comfortable 12 reps 1 time or 2 Each side Let go of hands on the second try WARRIOR INSTRUCTOR ROUTINES Hand is on the chair to support Bend knee close to the chair Keep chest up CARDIO KICK BOXING SQUAT KICK BOTH SIDES FRONT BACK PUNCHES LOW KICK 12 REPS 1 TIME OR MORE EACH SIDE Cross jab Upper cuts Knee bend flat hand push 25 25 25 to 100 FLEXIBLITY Yoga segment Warrior 1 T formation, shoulders relaxed, gaze at the finger tips Warrior 2, Turn hips, tips of fingers meeting, elbow high shoulders relaxed, open up as front knee bends Warrior 3, (exalted warrior) Push hands and upper body back keep front knee back Mat stretch Quads Lay on tummy, right hand grabs right foot. Then left Seated Kinetic stretch Set on knees, bent toes Ricky Martin (804) 878-0121 Rickym23227@yahoo.com WARRIOR INSTRUCTOR ROUTINES Lotus position Criss cross apple sauce Arms raise, stack shoulders Runners stretch Twist either side Be boy stand to begin WO SA (End your routine) NOTES NOTES Ricky Martin (804) 878-0121 Rickym23227@yahoo.com WO SA OPEN LEGS HANDS IN THE AIR CROSSED SQUAT DOWN WAVE ARMS OUT AND THEN IN (GATHER, RELEASE) STAND. REPEAT 3 TIMES TO HUG YOURSELF LOVE YOURSELF