1 NATIONAL FERTILIZERS LIMITED VIJAIPUR Annexure-I Ref.No. Tender No NFVP/PROD/BAGG /09B/2013 Dated: To, ______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ Sub: NIT for “Assistance in operation and maintenance of conveyor system and other machinery in Bagging Plant and other miscellaneous jobs.” Dear Sirs, Sealed quotations are invited for the job mentioned below. The detailed scope of work and other terms and conditions are given in the enclosed tender document comprising of five attachments namely - Attachments- A, B, C, and D & E. 1) Name of Work: “ Assistance in operation and maintenance of conveyor system and other machinery in Bagging Plant and other miscellaneous jobs.” 2) Earnest Money : Rs.1,00,000/- ( One Lakh Only) by way of DD in Favour of National Fertilizers 3) Tender Fee: 4) Estimated Value of Contract : Rs : 1.49 Crore 5) Period of Contract :The contract shall be valid for a period of 12 months and can be extended for Limited payable at SBI, Bavrikheda Branch Code-8455. Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only ( Inclusive of 5% VAT) in the form of separate DD in favor of National Fertilizers Limited payable at SBI Bavrikheda Branch Code -8 455 further period of three Months on same terms and conditions after mutual agreement between NFL and Contractors. 6) Validity of the Tender: 7) Last date of issue of Tenders: 4 (Four) Months from the Date of Opening of Tender. 28/01/ 2013 up to 15.00 Hrs. 8) Last date and time of Receipt of Tenders: 28 /01/ 2013 at 15.30 Hrs. 9) The date and time of Opening of Tenders: 28 /01/ 2013 at 15.30 Hrs. 10) Place of receipt and Opening of Tenders: Office Of D.G.M ( P) 11) All request for interpretation, clarification & queries in connection with tender shall be addressed in writing to the undersigned at least 7 (SEVEN) days prior to the closing date of the tender. 12) The Tender shall be submitted duly superscribed ( Assistance in operation and maintenance of conveyor system and other machinery in Bagging Plant and other miscellaneous jobs for the year 2013 .) 1 2 13) The rate should be quoted in the Units given in the Schedule of Rates. The rates should be quoted in words and figures. The rates quoted shall remain valid for 120 days from date of opening of tenders for the acceptance. 14) National Fertilizers Limited reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever and also does not bind to accept the lowest tender. The tender can be split between two or more contractors without assigning any reason thereof as per the requirement on case to case basis. Procedure for Submission of Tender : The Tender shall be submitted in Three Sealed Envelopes as under : 15) Envelope No. 1 : Will be superscribed ‘Earnest Money for “Assistance in operation and maintenance of conveyor system and other machinery in Bagging Plant and other miscellaneous jobs.” and shall contain Earnest Money Deposit of Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rs. One lakhs only) in the form of a A/C. Payee Demand Draft drawn on any Scheduled Bank in favour of M/s. National Fertilizers Ltd., payable at State Bank of India, Bavrikhera Branch (Branch Code 8455), along with authenticated copies of I-Tax PAN, PF Registration Certificate from Provident Fund Authorities etc. Envelope No. 2 : Will be superscribed ‘Technical Bid for ’ Assistance in operation and maintenance of conveyor system and other machinery in Bagging Plant and other miscellaneous jobs.” and shall contain Un-priced Bid including NIT duly signed, and Other Conditions / Deviations, if any, which are at variance from the Terms & Conditions of the Tender Documents issued by NFL. Envelope No. 3 : Will be superscribed ‘Price Bid for ’ Assistance in operation and maintenance of conveyor system and other machinery in Bagging Plant and other miscellaneous jobs.” , Vijaipur and shall contain the Item wise Rates only as per Schedule of Rates Proforma. 16) All the three envelopes should in turn be put together in a separate envelope duly super-scribed with Tender for “ Assistance in operation and maintenance of conveyor system and other machinery in Bagging Plant and other miscellaneous jobs.” Vijaipur due on 28/01/2013 on the envelope. 17) Opening of Tenders The Tender shall be opened as under : a) Envelope No. 1: superscribed ‘Earnest Money’ shall be opened first, on the Scheduled Date & Time of Opening of Tenders in the presence of those Tenderers who wish to be present there. Envelope No. 2: superscribed ‘Technical Bid’ shall then be opened and discussion would be carried out with the respective Tenderers for clarifications, if any. b) c) Envelope No. 3: superscribed ‘Price Bid’ shall be opened subsequently on the same day or at a later date, which shall be intimated to the Tenderers 18) Tenderer shall submit along with the tenders full particulars of their capacity, experience giving the list of similar jobs carried out by them during the last seven years, the complete address of organization for which such works have been executed and also substantiate their claims furnishing the copy of their credentials as per NIT. In the absence of these documents tender will not be considered. 18) The contractor shall quote single rate against each item and not the multiple rates in the Schedule of Rates. Any tender with the multiple rates quoted will be summarily rejected. Price should be quoted strictly as per the Performa enclosed for Schedule of Price. 19) This letter shall form part of the contract document and shall be signed and returned along with the tender documents. 2 3 20) All pages shall be initialed at the lower right hand corner and signed wherever required in the tender papers by the tenderers or by a person holding power of attorney authorizing him to sign on behalf of the tenderer before submission of tender. All corrections and alterations in the entries of tender paper will be signed in full by the tenderer with date. No eraser or overwriting is permissible. 21) No condition or deviation should be mentioned by tenderer in Price Bid. Offers where the party has mentioned any condition or deviation in Price Bid shall be out rightly rejected.. 22) While submitting the offer, bidders may ensure that tender document/offer has been signed by authorized signatory of the company. Subsequent withdrawal of offer / non-acceptance of orders placed based on the offer submitted by them, will not be entertained on the ground that the offer was not signed by the authorized person. 23) One person will be allowed to represent only one company during discussion/negotiation with NFL. If same person is representing different companies with authorization letter from more than one company, such person will be allowed to represent only the first company called for negotiation. 24) The Tender shall be addressed to D.G.M ( P ). Thanking you, Yours Sincerely, for National Fertilizers Limited ( D.G.M ( P ) 3 4 UNDERTAKING TO BE SUBMITTED BY THE BIDDER To, DGM (Prod.) NFL, Vijaipur. Sub: Tender for "Assistance in Operation & Maintenance of Conveyor System and other machinery in Bagging Plant and other miscellaneous jobs" Dear Sir, 1. I hereby confirm that I have read and understood the terms and conditions maintained in the tender documents and the requirements of work under this tender. The rates quoted by me are not inclusive of service tax. 2. I agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of the tender documents, in case the subject job is awarded to me. 3) I declare that none of my sister/group/partnership concerns is participating in this tender. It is further declared that our firm/company has not been disqualified by NFL or any other company in the past during last five years for participating in the tender process for any reason and we have not legal disqualification and nothing have been concealed in this regard. 4. I agree to cancellation of the contract, and debarment from future participation in this tender, in case of concealment of any facts on my part is detected at any stage even after the award of the contract. 5. I agree to carry out the work as per the scope of work and instructions of and to the full satisfaction of Engineer in-charge. 6. I shall have no objection to the forfeiture of security deposit amount, in case I fail to execute the contract Faithfully and the contract is terminated as per contract conditions. 7. I shall fulfill all statutory requirements and payments to labour. 8. I or my authorized representative shall personally remain available at site for supervision of the contract. I further agree to employ competent shift supervisors and a Manager who shall be at least graduate in qualification in all the shifts/General shift to coordinate the activities of shift/Gen. shift to secure due performance of the contract. 9. I/we have fully acquainted myself /our self with the work conditions prevailing at the work place and fully satisfied myself. 10 I hereby certify that none of the permanent employees of NFL is related to me/the following employees of NFL are related to me: a) b) Thanking you, Yours faithfully, (Bidder's Signature Along with seal) 4 5 ATTACHMENT - A NAME OF WORK: - ASSISTANCE IN OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF CONVEYOR SYSTEM AND OTHER MACHINERY IN BAGGING PLANT AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS JOBS. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1.0 The bidders shall acquaint themselves fully and thoroughly with the terms and conditions and limitations together with the Scope requirement and Official/statutory regulations, conforming to which and Subject to which services are to be performed. Failure to comply with the above mentioned requirements will not absolve the bidders of their obligations and duties under the contract in the event of their bids being accepted. Nor shall any claim whatsoever is entertained on plea of ignorance. 2.0 Bidders are advised to inspect and examine the site and its surroundings and satisfy themselves before submitting their Bids about the form and nature of the site, the means of access to the site, the accommodation they may require and in general shall themselves obtain all necessary information as to risks, contingencies and other circumstances which may affect the execution of bid. A bidder shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the site whether he inspects it or not and no extra cost consequent on any misunderstanding or otherwise shall be allowed. 3.0 NFL at its sole discretion to withdraw the NIT and / or to postpone the bid opening date and/or time. If any change with regards to Opening of bids is affected; the same shall be intimated to all the bidders well in time along with intimation of revised bid opening schedule. NFL decision in this regard shall be final, binding and conclusive. 4.0 No oral, telephonic, electronic or telegraphic bids will be entertained. 5.0 The bidders shall submit one set of this document duly signed on each page as token of acceptance of all terms and conditions. The following documents are also required to be submitted by the tenderer:a) Cost of tender document b) EMD c) PF Code Number along with copy of Registration Certificate d) Income Tax return and assessment order/clearance certificate for the last three years. e) Financial worthiness from their Bankers to execute the subject work. f) Service Tax Registration No. 6.0 No amendments to the bids will be allowed under any circumstances after the closing date and time for receipt of bids. 7.0 NFL shall be under no obligation to entertain/accept any claim/demand of the bidders or the cost, charges or incidentals in connection with the preparation and submission of bids. 8.0 NFL at its sole discretion may accept or reject any bid in whole or in part without assigning any reason thereof. NFL shall also have discretion to award the subject contract to one or more bidders in the manner deemed fit and NFL's decision in this regard shall be final, binding and conclusive. 9.0 The offer shall be valid for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of price bid. 10.0 The bids shall be accompanied by EMD of Rs.1,00,000/- ( One Lakh Only) only and tender cost of Rs. One Thousand Fifty Only by way of Separate D.D's drawn in favour of National Fertilizers Ltd. payable at SBI Bavrikheda Branch Code-8455. Bids without these two DD’s will be rejected. 11.0 The EMD shall be forfeited in case the bidder after having submitted the bid withdraws the same or changes the quoted Prices or any condition of bid within the period of validity or refuses to start the work after issue of LOI or acceptance of its bid, either wholly or in part or refuses to enter into contract. 12.0 EMD of the successful bidders shall be adjusted against initial Security Deposit or refunded on submission of Security Deposit as per the terms and conditions of the contract. EMD of the unsuccessful bidders shall be refunded as early as possible. 13.0 EMD/Security Deposit will not carry any interest. 5 6 14.0 Escalation/De-escalation Clause The rates quoted by the tenderer shall remain firm during the currency of the contract including extended period also, except increase/decrease in the minimum wages of the labour by MP Govt. The escalation on account of increase in the minimum wages shall be compensated to the contractor as per the formula indicated below: Escalation Formula: Billed Amount x 0.65 x (Escalated/De-escalated minimum wages - Min. wages on bid opening date) Minimum wages on bid opening date The MP Govt. notifies minimum wages of labour from time to time. The above formula for escalation will be used for the minimum wages prevailing at the time of opening of Price Bid. “Escalation/De-escalation shall be calculated on the minimum wages declared in the notifications issued by MP Govt. as applicable on the date of opening of Price Bid. Even if the notification is issued at a later date, it shall be considered from retrospective effect and the same shall be the basis of calculations” Once the Price Bids are opened, NFL in no circumstances will entertain any correspondence regarding offer of reduction in rates etc. of any kind by the tenderer unless specifically asked by NFL. Along with the quotation, the tenderer should submit an undertaking that they would abide by the terms of contract detailed in our NIT 15.0 The bidder shall sign each page of the tender documents marked as attachment A,B,C,D along with undertaking duly signed by the tenderer in token in acceptance of the terms and conditions content therein and submit the same in envelope II. 16.0 SEALING AND MARKING OF BIDS The bidders shall submit their bids in the following manner: 16.1 ENVELOPE - I The first inner envelope shall contain the DD's towards EMD and cost of tender document as required by clause No.10.0 and shall be super scribed with "EMD & Enquiry No" and marked as Part-I 16.2 ENVELOPE - II The second inner envelope should contain the documents as per clause No.15 and should be clearly marked 'Technical and Commercial Bid' and marked as part II. 16.3 ENVELOPE - III The third inner envelope should contain the price details as per "Schedule of Rates" given in Attachment-E. The cover should be clearly marked 'Price Bid' and marked as Part-III. 16.4 The inner and outer Envelopes duly sealed shall be addressed to: DGM (Prod.) National Fertilizers Limited Vijaipur - 473 111 Distt. GUNA (M.P.) 16.5 The outer envelope shall bear the Name of Work, the bid number and bid opening due date. If the envelopes are not sealed and marked as required by above para and clause 15.0, the owners will assume no responsibility for the bid misplacement or pre-mature opening. 17.0 The bids will be opened on 28/01/2013 at 1530 Hrs in the presence of the bidders who wish to be present. The bidders who are not in a position to make themselves present, their authorized representative may be present. The authorized representative shall submit written authorization issued by the bidder. 18.0 On the scheduled date of opening, envelopes I & II (containing Technical and Commercial Bid & EMD) will be opened first. All the Technical & Un-priced Commercial Bid and EMD shall be examined. Those bids, that are found meeting the Eligibility Criteria and the other requirements shall only be considered for further opening of 6 7 their price Bids (envelope-III i.e. Schedule of rates). Price Bids of those acceptable bidders only will be opened on date & time to be intimated later. Decision of NFL in this regard shall be final and binding on all bidders 19.0 The prospective bidders having any partner/director/Managing Partner etc. or having any business/family relations or any other common criteria, which indicates about their link/relations etc shall be considered as sister/group/associate company. In such a case, out of all bids received from such concerns, only one of them will be considered for opening. The bidder will be required his preference for consideration. In case no opinion is made about the same or if two or more sister concerns are interested to do the job, then NFL at its own discretion shall decide further cause of action prior to bid opening, which shall be final and binding on the bidder. 20.0 The bidder is requested to certify that none of their group/sister concern/partnership firm as indicated in clause 19.0 above are participating in this tender. It is also requested to submit an undertaking that in case of concealment of any facts, if detected later, the bidder along with group/ sister concern/partnership concerns participating in this bid may be debarred from all future bids in addition to other action like forfeiture of Earnest Money. 21.0 The bidders are requested to furnish the following details in Technical and Commercial Bid:Name of the Company nature (Pvt.Ltd./Public Ltd. /Partnership Firm/Sole Proprietor) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Registration Number. : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Names of the Director/Partner/Proprietor: --------------------------------------------------------------------------Father's Name/Husband's Name: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In case of sole proprietary firm Residential address of each Directors/Partners: -----------------------------------------------------------------------Office Address : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tel. No: Office/ Residence: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name of the person duly authorized to sign and submit the bid in case of partnership firm/company 22.0 The bids shall be filled by the bidders neatly and accurately. Any alteration erasing or overwriting should be avoided. 23.0 Bidders should quote the rates both in figure and words. In case of any discrepancy, rates quoted in words shall be applicable. 24.0 All the requests for interpretations, clarification in connection with bid document shall be addressed in writing to the Chief Manager (Production), NFL, Vijaipur at least seven days prior to the closing date of the bid. 25.0 Incomplete bids or bids received late shall be summarily rejected without further reference whatsoever. NFL reserves the right to reject any or all bids without assigning any reason thereof. 26.0 Bidders shall submit their bids complete in all respects in sealed cover together with all documents mentioned in the bid so as to reach the office of DGM (Production), NFL, Vijaipur on or before 28/01/2013 at 1500 Hrs. 27.0 NFL reserves the right to accept the lowest or any other bid in its own discretion without assigning any reason. 28.0 Sales Tax or any other tax which becomes payable under this contract shall be borne and paid by the contractor. NFL will not entertain any claim in this behalf. 29.0 Every bid shall be made in English Language. In addition to English, bid in Hindi may also be submitted. In case of any conflict, the bid submitted in English shall be final. 30.0 Bid containing erased and alterations of the bid documents are liable to be rejected unless the persons signing the bid documents authenticate these. 7 8 31.0 The tenders shall be liable to summary rejection in the following conditions: a) If the tenderer resort to canvassing. b) If the tenderer does not fulfill Eligibility Criteria or any of the conditions laid down in the tender documents or are incomplete in any way / respect. c) If tenders containing any uncalled for remarks or any alteration/additional conditions. d) Tenders without EMD or cost of tender document. e) If otherwise liable to the rejected in the opinion of NFL or found to the against public policy or interest. 32.0 Eligibility Criteria Financial Sound bidders having experience of similar nature of work fulfilling following conditions can apply: i) ii) Average Annual financial turnover during the last 3 years ending 31st March of the previous financial year, viz. for 2011-12, 2010-11, 2009-10, should be at Rs. 45.0 lac (Rupees Forty Five Lac Only Bidder should have completed similar works during last 7 years ending last day of the month previous to the one in which applications are invited should be : a. Three similar completed works costing not less than the amount equal to Rs. 60 lac each or b. Two similar completed works costing not less than the amount equal to Rs. 75 lac each or c. One similar completed work costing not less than the amount equal to Rs. 120 lac. III) Bidders having similar experience In a plant having capacity of loading 17.20 lac MT of Urea in a year in last 7 years or Bulk handling in plant or port , labour intensive works such as civil works or manpower supply contracts etc. iv) Solvency Certificate issued by any Nationalised Bank for Minimum Rs. 30 Lac ( Rupees Thirty lac only) Besides above the documents as mentioned under clause no. 5.0 above shall also be furnished by the bidders. 8 9 ATTACHMENT- B SCOPE OF WORK AND SPECIAL CONDITION OF CONTRACT: The Bagging Plant consists of the following: a) Set of conveyors for transferring urea prills from both Line-I & Line-II Urea Plants to the Bagging Plant or to two Nos. Silos. (b) Two no. salt scrappers, vibrating screens, delumpers & another set of conveyor for reclaiming urea have been provided. (c) A net-work of conveyors, flap gates & bunkers has been provided for distribution of material. (d) 36 No. of online weighing cum tipping machine have been provided on 18 No. of loading stations. In addition each loading station has one stitching machine and a set of TWO conveyors for transfer of filled urea bags up to loading point. (e) Six Nos. dust extraction units have been installed in different locations of Plant for recovery of urea dust. (f ) Six no of stacking conveyors provided for stacking the urea filled bag storage on A,B & C sides of the platform. SCOPE OF WORK: The various jobs under this contract and the capacity of work under each job are given below:- A) Assistance in maintaining conveyor system & plant machinery in General Shift. 1.0 To assist the operating staff in maintaining all conveyors, deck plates, conveyor gantries, floor galleries, transfer towers, and gravity take up towers in proper working condition. 2.0 To assist the operating staff in maintaining all drum pulleys, carrying rollers, return rollers, self-aligning rollers, idlers etc. in proper working condition. 3.0 Urea deposits on the drums shall be hammered or chipped away cautiously and rollers shall be slowly hammered and there should be no accumulation of urea anywhere to obstruct the movement of rollers. The rollers should always be in moving condition. If any roller is not moving, it should be reported to the Shift In-charge. 4.0 The discharge chutes of all conveyors from ET-3 to ET-10 and ET-23 to ET-10 shall always be kept clear. 5.0 Maintaining both salt scrappers, vibrating screens and delumpers in clean and proper condition. 6.0 Collection of spilled urea from conveyor deck plates, pulleys, all working floors, including loading platforms & feeding of good quality material back to conveyors. 7.0 Collection of off-grade urea in bags from all transfer towers, conveyor gantries, platforms, all working floors and dust chamber for shifting to Silo/Urea Plant as per requirement. Filling of urea dust etc into bags from dust chamber shall be carried out as per directions given time to time by EIC. 8.0 Removal of urea from tracks and floor in Silo-I & II as per requirement for smooth travel of both salt scrappers. 9.0 Changing of socket along with cable as & when required in presence of NFL representative. B) Assistance in maintaining conveyors & Plant machineries in Shift. 1.0 Hammering of all chutes from MF-3 to MF-10.1-6A / 7B & MF-23 to MF-34.4 etc., at regular intervals so that no choking occurs and there is smooth flow of material. 2.0 Operation of flap gates manually wherever it is required in presence of NFL representative. 9 10 3.0 Lubrication of moving machines, as & when required. 4.0 Removal of choking of the chutes as & when required. 5.0 Assistance in operation of all six DE units and maintaining these in proper working condition. 6.0 Breaking/removal of urea lumps from grizzly provided in both silos transfer towers. 7.0 Silo track cleaning, whenever required. 8.0 The operation will be completed within 8 hours. C. Handling of empty bag bales & allied miscellaneous jobs The above job to be undertaken normally in general shift includes the following activities: 1. 0 (i) Shifting of empty bales from empty bag storage with the help of overhead crane and stacking them properly at assigned place on the platform in adequate Nos. to meet the total requirement of empty bags for the whole day. The lots from which the bales will be shifted, has to be cleared by NFL representative before shifting. (ii) In case of breakdown of overhead crane, the empty bags bales will have to be shifted manually from the empty bag go down to bagging platform. (iii) After taking out sufficient bales, the shutters/gates of empty bags storage will be closed properly and the keys will be handed over to NFL representative, before leaving the work place. Being hazardous area, smoking inside empty bag storage is strictly prohibited. (iv) In case fresh bags are found scattered, same shall be collected and made into bundles for use in bagging operation. 2.0 (a) (b) Collection of ruptured bags from different areas of bagging plant and their segregation party wise, making bundles of 100 bags and stacking properly in assigned place. Collection of dirty bags in rainy season from different areas, washing, drying of these bags and making bundles for re-use 3.0 The contractor shall arrange for assistance in testing of bags in the bag sampling procedure for: (a) (b) (c) (d) Random weight of bales Counting of bags Drawl of samples as per instruction of the committee Any other assistance required by the committee for the purpose 4.0 The contractor shall arrange for lubrication of all the moving machinery as per the lubrication schedule supplied to the contractor with the help of tools & lubricants supplied by NFL. Whenever required, the lube oil/grease will be replaced as per instructions of shift in charge. 5.0 The contractor shall arrange for assistance in shifting of filled urea bags from platform to reference sample rooms, and shifting back the bags to platform for loading as per instruction of EIC. D. Operation of Bucket Elevator: 1) E. One bucket elevator is installed in Bagging Plant building for transfer of spilled urea to bunker feeding conveyor ET-10 / 5A.Contractor shall arrange for collection of spilled urea from the platform and feed the same into bucket elevator with the help of wheel barrows. One operation shall be carried out within 8 hours. De-scaling of Bunkers: 1). Over a period of time, material builds up on the walls of the bunkers, which has to be removed periodically for smooth functioning of loading stations. The contractor shall arrange to remove the scaling including loose material/lumps from the bunkers and filled the same into bags for Shifting for dissolving purpose as per the instruction of EIC. He shall 10 11 ensure that the bunker is thoroughly clear and get the same certified by the shift in charge. This operation shall be carried out intermittently as per requirement. F. Handling of Neem Oil and Track Cleaning: 1. Contractor has to deploy his worker for unloading Neem oil drums from trucks into storage tank, cleaning of day tank, pumps, strainers etc. 2. The contractor has to deploy his labour to clean Railway Tracks inside Plant and rain water drains. 3. His workers shall have to segregate recycling tarpaulins, removal of torn off tarpaulins and lashing them for re-use. G. a) Shifting of spilled Urea/ contaminated Urea from bagging plant to Urea plant / silo 1.0 Urea lumps and dust filled bags have to be collected from the platform/dust chamber/ filled bag area/STCR area or any other area in the plant specified by Engineer In charge and shifted by trolley to urea plant for dissolving 2.0 The ruptured filled bags/bags filled with spilled urea/off grade urea from the platform, dust chamber and STCR have to be shifted as per instructions of the Shift In charge with the help of tractor trolley either to urea silo or to dissolving tank. 3.0 The contractor has to ensure that filled ruptured bags and spilled urea bags and dust bags are shifted regularly on day to day basis. No accumulation should be left in the Plant. 4.0 The bags which get emptied out after feeding on ET-3 conveyor and dissolving tank should be collected and brought back regularly to the Bagging Plant for reuse. 5.0 In case any spillage occurs on the road while shifting the material by tractor trolley, the same should be collected and removed immediately. 6.0 The contractor shall deploy adequately manned tractor trolley for shifting the material as described above. In case of ambiguity in the interpretation in the implementation of contract conditions. The conditions Interpretation, specifications etc. provided in the special condition shall have precedent over conditions specifications etc. provided under general conditions in the following manners and order. i) ii) iii) iv) v) Special Conditions of Contract General Conditions General Instructions to Tenderers Work Order Other Correspondence b) Shifting of HDPE bales wrappers, cut and torn HDPE empty bags, empty cones of PP thread. HDPE bales wrappers, cut and torn HDPE empty bags, empty cones of PP thread are to be shifted as per instructions of Engineer In charge. 2.0 Removal of unwanted persons: (i) Contractor shall deploy the person of bona fide character and antecedent. In the event any person is found to be of suspected character/antecedent or otherwise, contractor will immediately remove such person from the factory area at the advice and instructions of NFL, CISF or other security force. (ii) In case, any worker deployed by the contractor is found to be misbehaving and also creating hindrance in work, the worker may be removed by contractor under advice of NFL/CISF. In case, the worker is reverted back, permission of authority from whom advise/instructions received to remove the person is necessary. (iii) NFL factory being a strategic installation the contractor shall keep NFL informed about the unlawful activities of its employees / labourers deployed in connection with this contract. 11 12 3.0 Penalty 1. In case of surprise checking, if good quality urea is found near dissolving tank and/or dust/off-grade urea is found on ET-3 conveyor, the contractor shall be penalized at the rate of Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred only) per bag. 2. The contractor shall declare the net carrying capacity of the trolley at the start of the contract and/or when the trolley is changed during the tenure of the contract. The net weight of material being shifted will be checked periodically by surprise checks. In case, it is found to be less than the declared weight, the particular trip along with one additional trip will be cancelled as a penalty. 3. In case the spilled urea bags/off grade urea bags/ruptured bags are not lifted and the material gets accumulated on the platform hampering Bagging Plant operation, the job will be got done through another agency at the prevailing rate and 25%(Twenty five percent) of the value of the job done by other contractor will be charged from the contractor as a penalty. 4. In case contractor fails to carry out any job satisfactorily as per scope of work/instruction of the Engineer In charge or there is willful negligence on part of the contractor or his workmen, 10 percent of the value of that job /operation shall be deducted as penalty. 5. In case the empty bags found scattered on platform working area, the contractor shall be penalized at the rate of Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two hundred only) per day. 6. In case filled urea bags found scattered on platform, the contractor shall be penalized at the rate of Rs. 300/- (Rupees Three hundred only) per day. 7. In case cleanliness of the plant is not properly maintained, the contractor shall be penalized at the rate of Rs. 500/(Rupees Five Hundred only) per day. 8. In case the LDPE sheets found scattered on platform working area, the contractor shall be penalized at the rate of Rs. 100/- (Rupees One hundred only) per day. 9. If the Manager or the Supervisor is found absent from the site, the contractor shall be penalized at the rate of Rs 500/- (Five hundred per day /shift) as the case may be. 4.0 Special Conditions of Contract 1. The contractor shall remain available at site during the tenure of contract. If the contractor is required to leave the site, he will depute his authorized representative to receive instructions from EIC and to carry out his jobs. In case the contractor or his representative are not available at site and don't take remedial action even after notice is served on him, the contract may be cancelled with 7 day’s notice. 2. The approximate quantity of product urea to be handled per year in the plant is 21.50 lakh MT. However quantity of job/no. of operations can be increased/decreased depending upon requirement. NFL does not guarantee the quantum of job or the continuous flow of work & there may be no work at times. NFL shall in no way be liable to pay any idle labour charges/minimum charges. 3. The plant is operated in three rotating shifts of 8 hours each. The timing observed are I ST shift from 6.0 AM to 2.0 PM, 2nd shift from 2.0 PM to 10.0 PM and 3rd shift from 10.0 PM to 6.0 AM. Some of the jobs will be operated in general shift only i.e. from 8.0 AM to 5.0 PM with one hour lunch break from 1.0 PM to 2.0 PM. 4. As desired by EIC the contractor shall arrange adequate & efficient resource deployment and competent supervisors & manager to manage the works in an efficient manner. 5. The contractor may at times have to mobilize resources at short notice in order to maintain the operations in the plant. He should be able to make arrangements for this. 6. If the contractor is not able to mobilize sufficient & proper resources for smooth running of the plant, payment of bills will be stopped and repeated non compliance may also lead to termination of contract. 12 13 7. Contractor has to make his own arrangement to supply tea and snacks to his workmen in the plant. 8. The contractor shall ensure that the working area is kept clean and free from bag wrappers, suthli and other scrap. Tools & tackles etc. must be kept in their proper place. Proper attention will be given to good housekeeping. 9. In case the contractor fails or neglects to execute the work under this contract, in accordance with terms & conditions of the contract, NFL reserves the right to terminate the contract in part or in full after giving 7 (Seven) days notice in writing, NFL reserve the right to get the job done by a third party in part or full at the “Risk and Cost “ of the contractor plus 25% as departmental charges for the remaining period of contract. 10. Contractor must ensure that fresh bags and other consumables like thread and LDPE sheet etc. are not misused/wasted. Non-compliance will attract penalty. 11. Contractor shall ensure that his workers do not resort to Go- slow or suspension of work. Any dispute or any issue needing settlement will be sorted out through discussions. Proper & sufficient notice will be given to NFL in case of any dispute between contractor and his workmen. However, this will not absolve the contractor of his obligations under the terms & conditions of contract. 12. It will be the duty of the contractor to ensure that his workmen are shifted from their normal place of work to any other place in case NFL shift in-charge asks for such shifting to meet the exigencies 13 14 ATTACHMENT - C COMMERCIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1.0 SCHEDULE OF RATES (Excluding Service Tax) 1.1 The bidder shall quote rates as per the "schedule of rates" given in Attachment-E. 1.2 It should be ensured by the bidder that the rates quoted by him are inclusive of all taxes, duties ,royalties and other statutory levies livable at present or which may become livable in future except Service Tax. Unless specified to the contrary in the bid, all present and future taxes and statutory levies shall be borne and paid by the bidder. Payment of the taxes and other statutory levies shall be responsibility of the bidder and shall not be payable by NFL. 1.2 (a) Service Tax: Service Tax, if applicable, shall be paid by the contractor and NFL shall reimburse the same on submission of documentary proof of payment to the Govt. It may further be noted that prime responsibility for assessment in respect of Service Tax rest with the contractor. Therefore liability of NFL is restricted to the extent of Service Tax only i.e. excluding interest or penalty if any. It must therefore be ensured by the contractor himself that Service Tax is deposited with appropriate authority in time and manner as prescribed by the law. (b) For the purpose of reimbursement of Service Tax contractor is required to submit in writing on the letter head of the Firm/ Company an undertaking and certificate that: i) In respect of invoice number _______ for Rs. _______ dt._____ under work order no_______ in accordance with the service tax act/rules. Service Tax amounting to Rs._____ has been deposited on _____at._____vide challan no__ (Copy enclosed) with the Govt. or Department (Specify) ii) I undertake to indemnify NFL against any loss or liability arising to NFL in connection with service tax related to above work order Signature of Authorized Person with Seal 1.3 The rates quoted by the tenderer shall remain firm during the currency of the contract including extended period also, except increase/decrease in the minimum wages of the labour by MP Govt. The escalation on account of increase in the minimum wages shall be compensated to the contractor as per clause No 14 of the instruction to bidders. 2.0 SECURITY DEPOSIT: i) The successful bidder has to deposit 10% of the contract value as security deposit by way demand draft or Bank Guarantee from a Nationalized Bank in the prescribed format in favour of NFL towards faithful performance of the contract. The security deposit shall bear no interest and will be returned to the contractor within 6 months after successful completion of the contract and submission of no dues against any claim / accident / EPF and a certificate in regard to providing PF statements to the workers employed by him. Successful bidder has option to deposit security deposit in two parts as follows: a) 2.5% of the contract value shall be deposited by the contractor as 'initial security deposit' in the form of DD or a Bank Guarantee from a Nationalized Bank in the prescribed format in favour of NFL, Vijaipur. EMD shall be adjusted against initial SD. b) The balance i.e. 7.5 % shall be deducted from all the running bills. In case , the contractor fails to deposit the full security deposit or the "initial security deposit" as per the option chosen by him within 10 days of award of work, the award shall stand cancelled and the EMD submitted by the bidders shall be forfeited. Security deposit can be forfeited by NFL, in case of termination of the contract as per clause 30 of the general conditions of the contract. 14 15 3.0 TERMS OF PAYMENT 3.1.1 Payment shall be made against monthly bills submitted by the contractor & certified by Engineer-in-charge. 3.1.2 For the purpose of releasing payment to the contractor ,he shall provide the following information: Acceptance for release of payment by ECS/EFT from our Bank i.e. SBI Bavrikheda branch (Branch code 8455) NFL complex Vijaipur – 473111 Distt. Guna. The details of tenderers A/c No. in any Branch of SBI Name, address, Branch, Branch code, RTGS code & MICR No. of the tenders Bank. 3.3 The bidder shall be required to maintain field book/challans in which the details of each job done are to be recorded and duly certified by the Engineer-in-charge or his representative 3.4 Following deductions will be made from monthly bills: Income tax and other statutory levies at the rates applicable from time to time as per tax regulations. Security deposit. 3.5 The bidder shall maintain a Muster-Roll/Wage register in the prescribed proforma and shall obtain signatures/thumb impressions of the workers in token of their having received the payment. The bidder shall be singularly responsible to ensure strict compliance with all Central and State laws as well as the rules, regulations, by-laws and orders of the local authorities and statutory bodies as may be in force, from time to time. Any failure on this count on the part of the bidder and the consequences thereof shall be solely the responsibility of the contractor. Liability if any, under this head, shall be solely borne and paid by the Bidder. If under any circumstances,NFL is called upon to make payment on this count , NFL will be at liberty to recover the same either by deducting it from the security deposit/earnest money or from any other sum due from NFL to the bidder whether under this contract or otherwise. 4.0 PERIOD OF CONTRACT : The contract shall be valid for a period of 12 months and can be extended for further period of Three Months on same terms and conditions after mutual agreement between NFL and Contractors. 5.0 AGREEMENT: Bidder shall enter into an agreement with NFL on a non judicial stamp paper of Rs.100/- (cost to be borne by the bidder) within a period of 10 days from the date of issue of Work Order or before start of job whichever is earlier. No payment shall be released in the absence of the agreement. 15 16 ATTACHMENT - D GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT: 1.0 The engineer-in-charge (EIC) shall be authorized to monitor the jobs as per requirements of the contract. He will be the competent authority to decide whether the job has been done strictly in conformity with the technical or other specifications. His decisions in regard to execution of work shall be final. The Engineer in-charge shall be the final authority to decide upon the dispute (s) which may arise during the execution of the contract. If no settlement of dispute (s) is arrived at, the dispute (s) shall be referred to the arbitration as per the terms of the contract. 2.0 In case desired by EIC the contractor shall immediately dismiss from the works any workman/person employed thereon by him who may be incompetent or misconducts himself and such person shall not be again employed on the works without prior permission of the EIC. 3.0 The contractor may deploy such persons as he may think fit. The persons/labour so appointed shall be the employees of the contractor for all purposes and shall not be deemed to be in the employment of NFL. The control and supervision of the persons employed by the contractor shall vest with the contractor. 4.0 Contractor shall ensure that the work is carried out efficiently. Labour deployed by the contractor should not loiter around, sit idle or sleep in the Plant. They shall not smoke inside the Plant premises and shall not be under the influence of intoxicating drinks or drugs while on duty within the factory premises. 5.0 NFL shall be under no obligation to provide accommodation to the Contractor/labour / workman whether skilled or otherwise deployed by the contractor to execute the jobs under the contract. Contractor will make his own arrangement for office, residential accommodation and transport of his workmen. No claim/demand from the contractor shall be entertained by NFL in this behalf. 6.0 The contractor shall indemnify and keep NFL indemnified against all losses and claims for injuries or damages to.any person or property whatsoever, which may arise out of the consequence of the execution of the works and against all claims, demands proceedings, damages cost charges and expenses whatsoever in respect of or in selection thereto. 7.0 The contractor shall at all times keep NFL indemnified against all claims, damages, compensation under the provisions of the payment of the Wages Act 1936, Minimum Wages Act 1938, Employees liability Act 1938, the workmen compensation Act 1923,Equal Remuneration Act 1938, Employment of Child Labour Act 1938, Abolition of Bonded Labour Act and the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970 or any other applicable law for the time being in force regulating the employment of labour by the contractor. 8.0 The contractor shall hand over the site in neat and clean condition to the Engineer in-charge or officer/officers authorized by the EIC on completion of the jobs assigned to him under the contract. the 9.0 NFL shall provide tools and tackles required for execution of the job on returnable basis. 10.0 Contractors shall ensure to get the work carried out at periods beyond normal working hours. Contractor shall make arrangement for this purpose as & when required. No separate payment will be made by NFL to contractor on this account 11.0 Contractor shall follow all applicable safety regulations. 12.0 Persons deployed by contractor shall not tamper with or disturb any machine or installation. NFL reserves the right to claim adequate compensation from the contractor on account of any damage caused to the equipment due to careless handling or negligence on the part of person deployed by the contractor. 13.0 All the employees of the Contractor deputed for the job shall be able-bodied men above the age of 18 years. No child labour shall be deployed by contractor. 14.0 All documents relating to compliance with statutory and other provisions shall be available with the contractor at all times at the place of work for any inspection. 16 17 15.0 If the contractor fails to fulfill his/its obligation under the contract, NFL shall have the right to get the work done by any other agency at the risk and cost of the contractor. 16.0 The contractor and NFL shall cooperate with each other and make best efforts for smooth execution of the work and cooperate with and assist all the others who may be performing services for the owner in connection with the work under the contract. 17.0 The contractor shall exercise all skill, care and diligence in the discharge of the services agreed to be performed by him under the contract. 18.0 The owner (NFL) shall be under no obligation to accept any claim, demand for the damages caused due to adverse climatic conditions during the execution of the contract. 19.0 The contractor shall not sublet or assign the job or its part to any other party under any circumstances without prior written permission/approval of NFL. 20.0 If any information submitted by a tenderer at the time of submission of tender is found untrue after the award of the contract or it is discovered that some information having a material bearing on the contract has been concealed, NFL reserves the right to terminate the contract forthwith without any prejudice to any right, remedy, claim etc. that may be suitable to NFL. 21.0 If the Engineer in-charge at any time determines that the work is not being executed as per the time schedule, EIC may take such steps as deemed necessary to improve progress of the work at the cost of the contractor. 22.0 The work shall not be considered as completed until the EIC has certified that the works have been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract. 23.0 The contractor will have to strictly adhere to the instructions given by EIC from time to time during the contract period. 24.0 A unilateral stoppage of work by the contractor shall be considered as a breach of the contract and NFL reserves its right to take necessary and suitable action as it may deem fit to adequately protect its interests at the risk and cost of the contractor. Any aforesaid action shall be without prejudice to any other action, right and remedies etc. that may be available to NFL under the contract including termination of contract. 25.0 The successful contractor shall continue to perform his part of obligations and shall not stop the work in case of any dispute/differences. 26.0 The contract entered into between the parties in pursuance of this document, may not be amended or otherwise altered and no variation of the clauses of the contract shall be valid except pursuant to an instrument in writing signed by each of the parties hereto. NFL shall not in the absence of its specific written acceptance be bound by any provisions in the tenderer's offer, forms of acknowledgement of contract, and other documents which may be advanced in support of the contract. Contractor shall follow all applicable safety Regulations. The contractor shall provide to his workers necessary safety tools and tackles, personal protective equipments as may be required, from time to time including safety shoes, helmet, dust masks & hand gloves etc. 27.0 28.0 The contractor shall provide PF statement to all the labours employed at the end of contract period and submit a certificate to this effect to NFL. The contractor shall ensure filling up of FORM-13 by labour employed by him for transfer of PF / Pension contribution to the “New Account” on completion of the work. 29.0 TIME LIMIT FOR ANY CLAIMS: Under no circumstances whatsoever, shall the contractor be entitled to any compensation from the NFL on any account unless the contractor shall have submitted a claim, writing, to the EIC within one month of cause of such a claim occurring. Contractor shall be deemed to have waived off his right to claim the same if the claim is not raised within one month. 17 18 30.0 TERMINATION/CANCELLATION OF CONTRACT: 30.1 NFL may terminate the contract if: (a) At any time, the contractor makes default in proceeding with the work/job with due diligence and Continues to do so after serving notice in writing of 7 days from The EIC, or (b) If the contractor persistently disregards the instructions of the EIC or fails to take steps to employ competent or additional staff required, or commits default in complying with any of the terms and conditions of the contract and does not remedy it or does not take effective step to remedy it within 7 days after issue of notice in writing is given to him by the EIC. (c) If the contractor obtains the contract with NFL as a result of ring tendering or other non-bonafide methods of competitive tendering or (d) If the contractor assigns, transfers, sublets or attempts to assign, transfer or sublet the entire work or any portion thereof without prior written approval of the accepting authority. (e) The contractor abandons the contract. (f) If otherwise in the opinion of NFL it is expedient in the interest of the company to terminate the contract. (g) In case the contractor fails or neglects to execute the work under this contract, in accordance with terms & conditions of the contract, or refuse to receive lawful instructions, NFL reserves the right to terminate the contract in part or in full after giving 7 (Seven) days notice in writing, NFL will also have the right to get the job done by any party in part or full at the risk and 30.2 In case, the contract is terminated, NFL will have the option of: cost of the contractor plus 25 % as departmental charges. (a) To Forfeit security deposit or (b) To Award the work to any other party at the risk and cost of contractor and recover all extra cost from him. 31.0 FORCE MAJEURE: The term and conditions agreed upon under the contract shall be subject to Force majeure. Neither the Contractor nor NFL shall be considered in default in the performance of their obligation contained therein, if, such performance is prevented or delayed, or restricted or interfered with by reason of war, hostilities, revolution, civil commotion, epidemic, accident, fire, flood, earthquake, regulation or ordinance or requirement of any Government or any sub-division thereof, or authority or representative of any such Govt. and/or due to reasons because of any act of GOD. The party so affected, upon giving prompt notice to the other party shall be excused from such performance to the extent of such prevention, delay, restriction or interference for the period it persists provided that the party so effected shall use its best efforts to avoid or remove such causes of non performance if possible, and shall continue performance hereunder with the utmost dispatch whenever such causes are removed. Should one or both parties be prevented from fulfilling their contractual obligation by a State of force majeure lasting continuously for a period of three (3) months the two parties shall meet and decide about the future course of action for implementation of the contract? 32.0 JURISDICTION: Notwithstanding any other court or courts having jurisdiction to try any civil suit arising out of this contract, it shall be only the court of competent jurisdiction at Guna (where the contract shall be deemed to have been entered into) to try such suits to the exclusion of all other courts of the country. 18 19 33.0 ARBITRATION CLAUSE a) “Except where otherwise provided in the contract, all matters ,questions ,disputes or differences whatsoever, which shall at any time arise between the parties hereto, touching the construction, meaning, operation or effect of the contract, or out of the matters relating to the contract or breach thereof, or the respective rights or liabilities of the parties, whether during or after completion of works or whether before or after termination shall after written notice by either party to the contract be referred to the arbitration of the Designated Unit Head/E.D/Functional Director/Chairman & Managing Director, National Fertilizers Limited or his /her nominee ( appropriate designated authority may be inserted as per contract value) The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof and the rules made there under shall govern the Arbitration proceedings: The contractor hereby agrees that he shall have no objection if the arbitrator so appointed is an employee of NFL and he had to deal with the matter to which the contract relates and that in the course of his duties as such he has expressed his views on all or any of the matter in dispute or differences. If the arbitrator to whom matter is referred , vacates his/her office by any reason whatsoever then the next arbitrator so appointed by the authority referred above may start the proceedings from where his predecessor left or at any stage he may deem fit.” b) It is agreed by and between the parties that in case a reference is made to the arbitrator or the arbitral tribunal for the purpose of resolving the disputes/differences arising out of the contract by and between the parties hereto, the arbitrator or the arbitral tribunal shall not award interest on the awarded amount more than the rate of SBI PLR /Base Rate as applicable to NFL on the date of award of contract. 34.0 Contractors obligations under various labour laws The Contractor shall be governed by the provisions of various Labour Laws like the Contract Labour (R&A) Act, 1970, Employees Provident Funds & Misc. Provisions Act,1952, Factories Act,1948, Industrial Disputes Act,1947, Workmen's Compensation Act,1923, Maternity Act,1961, Payment of Bonus Act,1965, Payment of Gratuity Act,1972, Minimum Wages Act, 1948, Payment of Wages Act,1936 etc. and any other Law/Legislation which may be applicable from time to time. In case of non-compliance with any of the conditions of provisions contained in E.P.F. Act 1952 as amended from time to time, NFL reserves the right to provisionally retain 25% of the contract payment towards employee & employer’s contribution. Note: The above Acts are only illustrative and not exhaustive. The Contractor shall get his liability under Workmen's Compensation Act,1923 insured through an Insurance company Contractor shall also take Medical Cover for the workmen deployed by him to cover the medical treatment in respect of his workmen. The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the NFL against all losses and claims for injuries or damages to any person or property whatsoever which may arise out of the consequence of the execution of the works and against all claims, demands, proceedings, damages, cost, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect of or in connection thereto Including his employees. 19 20 SCHEDULE OF RATES (ESTIMATED) ATTACHMENT -E Unit Estimated quantity/ year Operation 365 Operation 1100 Handling of empty bags & allied misc.jobs. ( As per Scope of Work Part-C) Operation 365 Operation of bucket elevator in shifts ( As per Scope of Work Part-D) Operation 1100 Descaling of bunkers ( As per Scope of Work part-E) Operation 132 Operation 180 MT 15000 MT 50 S.No 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Operation Assistance in maintaining conveyor system & plant operations machinery in General Shift (As per Scope of Work Part -A) Assistance in maintaining conveyor system & plant machinery in Shifts (As per Scope of Work-Part B) a) Neem oil handling and coating system b) Railway Track & Drain Cleaning c) Handling of Recycling Tarpaulin (As per Scope of Work part-F) a) Shifting of spilled/ contaminated urea from Bagging Plant to Urea Plant/Silo (As per Scope of Work Part-G) b) Shifting of HDPE bags ,bales wrappers, cut and torn HDPE empty bags, empty cones of PP Thread Unit Rate (Rs.) per operation (in figures & words) Value Note: 1) Unit rates quoted by the party should be exclusive of service tax. Service tax if applicable shall be paid by the contractor and NFL shall reimburse the same against documentary proof of its payment to Govt. 2) Unit rates have to be written in figures as well as words and same should tally. In case of any discrepancy, rates in words shall be taken as final and value calculated based on these rates. 20 21 DECLARATION FORM Quotation No.:________________________ Date: ___/___/_____ Dy. General Manager (Prod) M/s. National Fertilizers Limited Vijaipur-473 111 District Guna, Madhya Pradesh Subject: Tender for (“Assistance in maintenance and operation of conveyor belts and other machines in Bagging Plant and other misc. job” for the year 2013 - 14 at NFL, Vijaipur. Sir, I / We have read the conditions of the tender attached here to and agree to abide by such conditions. I / We offer to do the job of “Assistance in maintenance and operation of conveyor belts and other machines in Bagging Plant and other misc. job” the 2013 – 14 at NFL, Vijaipur work at the rates quoted in the attached Schedule of Rates and in accordance with the inspection, standards and instructions in writing of the Engineer In-Charge of M/s. National Fertilizers Limited and hereby, bind myself / ourselves to complete the work schedule and progress of work. I / We further agree to abide by the conditions of contract and to carry out all works within the specified time in accordance with applications, workmanship and instructions referred to in the Notice Inviting Tender. I / We agree to accept payment by ECS / EFT from your Bank i.e. SBI, Bavrikhera branch, Branch Code: 8455. Details of my Bank A/c No. is as under: A/c No. in any Branch of SBI: ________________________________________ Name & Address of the Branch: ________________________________________ Branch Code: ________________________________________ In case of acceptance of the Tender by the National Fertilizers Limited, I / We bind myself / ourselves to execute the contract as per the conditions mentioned in the tender document, failing which, I / We shall have no objection to the forfeiture of the Earnest Money lodged with the National Fertilizers Limited, Vijaipur. (Signature of Tenderer with Seal) 21 Name: ________________________________ Address: ________________________________ Place: ________________________________ Date: ________________________________ 22 DECLARATION FORM THE FOLLOWING DECLARATION TO BE SIGNED BY CONTRACTOR Description Sr. 1 If a Tenderer has relations whether by blood or otherwise with any of employees of NFL (Owner), the Tenderer must disclose the relation at the time of submission of Tender, failing which, NFL shall reserves the right to reject the Tender or rescind the Contract. 2. 3 4 YES / NO (If Yes, give the following details) Name & Designation of Place of Relation the Employee Posting with the Employee P.F. Registration No. of the Contractor to be intimated along with Documentary proof thereof. PAN No. of the Contractor to be intimated along with Documentary Proof thereof. Service Tax Registration No. (Documentary proof to be attached) Service Tax Break-up Material Component (in % of quoted rates) Service / Labour Component (in % of quoted rates) Rate of Service Tax applicable against the contract on Service / Labour component 5 The bidder shall submit the name and address of the firm/company along with its constitution giving status of the same such as sole proprietorship/partnership or limited/private firm etc along with its copies duly attested by Notary public as evidence 22 P.F. Registration Number PAN No 23 (Signature of Tenderer with Seal) Name: ________________________________ Address: ________________________________ ________________________________ Place: Date: 23 ________________________________ ______________________________ INFORMATION REGARDING TENDERER PROFORMA NO. -1 A) In case of individual i) Name of Business ii) Whether his Business is registered iii) Date of commencement of business iv) Whether he pays Income-Tax over Rs. 10,000/- per year B) In case of Partnership i) Name of Partnership ii) Whether the Partnership is registered iii) Date of establishment of firm iv) If each of the partners of the firm pays Income-Tax over Rs. 10,000/- a year and if not which of them pays the same C) In case of Limited Liability Company or Company Limited by Guarantee i) Amount of paid up capital ii) Name of Directors iii) Date of Registration of Company iv) Copies of the last two years’ Balance Sheets of the Company D) Income Tax i) Income Tax Clearance Certificate for previous years. 24 24 25 (SIGNATURE OF TENDERER) Name ________________________________ Dated _______________________________ Place _______________________________ PROFORMA NO. - 2 DETAIL OF EXPERIENCE Tenderer shall give information of similar works done during the past five years strictly as per Performa given below Sr. Full particulars of similar work Value of No. carried out by Tenderer Contract Contracted Actual Completion completion time time Year of Name & Postal Address completion of Client Certified that the above information is correct. (SIGNATURE OF TENDERER) Name________________________________ Date _____________________________ Place _____________________________ 25 26 PRESENT COMMITMENTS PROFORMA NO. - 3 Tenderer shall furnish the details of their present commitments strictly as per this Performa. Expected date of Sr. No. Name of work Name & address of Contracted Client with the date of completion % age of balance name of person Contract Brief description of completion complete work with under whom the Value work with the date d as on approx. work is being of start of date value of executed work such balance work Certified that the above information is correct. (SIGNATURE OF TENDERER) Name ________________________________ Date _______________________________ Place ______________________________ 26 27 INFORMATION REGARDING EQUIPMENT PROFORMA NO. - 4 WHICH THE TENDERER PROPOSES TO USE FOR THIS WORK Sr. No Description Quantity Make Capacity Owner Approx., date when it Period of will be deployed at attention at site site Certified that the above information is correct. (SIGNATURE OF TENDERER) Name ________________________________ Date ______________________________ Place ______________________________ 27 28 28