Unclassified Special Salary Increase (SSI) Request Use for Unclassified Unranked Employee SSI Requests (For DEV, EMSA, FADM, PO, & RSP) FLOWCHART DISCUSSION: BEFORE SUBMITTING – SECURE GENERAL EXECUTIVE SUPPORT Review action and alternatives with HR Compensation/Classification Manager, in conjunction with relevant VP/Dean’s Chief Financial Officer COMPLETE FORM and SIGN: Supervisor SIGNATURE APPROVAL: Requesting Department Head (Chair/Equivalent) SIGNATURE APPROVAL: HR Compensation/Classification Manager (confirming position placement & pay equity) SIGNATURE APPROVAL: Relevant VP/Dean’s Chief Financial Officer (authorizing process continuance) SIGNATURE APPROVAL: University Budget Office (FADM) (confirming funding availability) SIGNATURE APPROVAL: Vice President/Vice Provost (or designee) (authorizing increase) FINAL PROCESSING: HR Compensation/Classification Manager (including notification to department to submit signed PD and Letter of Offer) 1|Page PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY Unclassified Special Salary Increase (SSI) Request Use for Unclassified Unranked Employee SSI Requests (For DEV, EMSA, FADM, PO, & RSP) PROCESS OVERVIEW AND APPROVAL SIGNATURE STEPS FOR UNCLASSIFIED EMPLOYEE SSI REQUESTS Special salary increases are non-contractual and may be awarded at the full discretion of Portland State University. PSU will consider special salary increase awards for unclassified employees as follows: Special salary increases may be awarded to unclassified employees for the following reasons: Internal equity, expanded duties, exceptional performance, and/or retention. Prior to completing the formal request documents the requesting supervisor should first determine if funding exists and secure general executive support for the request. RULES: 1. A special salary increase request should not be promised nor discussed with the employee until fully approved. 2. A special salary increase will not be processed retroactively. 3. A special salary increase will be effective on the first day of the month following full approval as indicated by all required signatures. Please allow two weeks for processing and position equity analysis once completed forms and attached documentation are submitted for consideration by the Compensation/Classification Manager. 4. The request must be submitted by completing the Unclassified Special Salary Increase Request form and accompanied by required supporting documentation. 5. Special salary increases are normally only granted once every three years. Exceptions can be made for documented extraordinary circumstances. PROCESS and APPROVALS: 1. The request form should be initiated at the department level and signed by the supervisor. If the funding source is a sponsored project, then the Principal Investigator (PI) approval is also required. 2. Once the request is signed by the department head (chair/equivalent), it should be forwarded to the relevant VP/Dean’s Chief Fiscal Officer. 3. The relevant VP/Dean’s Chief Fiscal Officer will coordinate with the Human Resources Compensation/ Classification Manager, who will review the position description and salary proposal for position placement and pay equity within existing compensation/classification structures, and coordinate to resolve concerns about equitable position placement, representation, and proposed increase rates. Please allow two weeks for research and analysis. The Compensation/Classification Manager will initial the request when completed. 4. The relevant VP/Dean’s Chief Fiscal Officer will sign the request, authorizing continuance of the process. It is then forwarded to the University Budget Office (FADM). 5. The University Budget Office (FADM) will review available funding. The department must fund the full ongoing cost of the salary increase. Should the department not be able to cover the ongoing increased cost, a request may be made to the relevant VP who will consult with the Provost or VP Finance and Administration for positions paid on E&G funds only. All other funds are the responsibility of the department. 6. Once the University Budget Office signs the request, it will be routed to the relevant Vice President/Vice Provost (or designee) for final approval, authorizing the salary increase. Address questions about this process to your area’s relevant VP’s Chief Fiscal Officer or to the Human Resources Compensation/Classification Manager. 2|Page UNCLASSIFIED SPECIAL SALARY INCREASE REQUEST PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY EMPLOYEE INFORMATION Employee Name: PSU ID Number: Department and Branch: Position Number: Current Working Title: Proposed Working Title (if applicable): AAUP represented Faculty or Academic Professional Excluded ranked employee Excluded/Unclassified unranked employee Term of Service: 9-month 12-month Tenure Status (if applicable): Rank (if applicable): Current Annual Salary Rate: $ Proposed Annual Salary Rate: $ Proposed Increase %: Proposed Effective Date (fully approved request must be received in HR prior to the 1st of the month): Proposed Funding Source: Be specific—Permanent Funding, S&S, etc.—and include Index Code; if sponsored project, additional approvals are required.* Which of the following SSI criteria apply? Internal equity. An internal inequity exists compared with similar employees on campus. Position description, experience, credentials, and length of service should be considered. Attach all of the following to this checklist: 1. A memo explaining the nature of the equity situation. 2. Completed Comparator Analysis Form (see page 4). 3. Current Position Description or for Academic Professionals, Position Analysis Form (PAF). If available the closest comparator PAF or position description(s). 4. Completed Performance Appraisal. 5. Current Organizational Chart. Expanded duties. Duties and level of responsibility associated with the position have increased substantially but do not warrant the creation of a new position. Attach all of the following to this checklist: 1. A memo explaining how the employee’s duties and level of responsibilities have expanded, warranting the increase. 2. Completed Comparator Analysis Form (see page 4). 3. Completed Performance Appraisal. 4. Old and updated position descriptions, with new duties highlighted. For Academic Professionals, attach both old and updated Position Analysis Forms (PAF) with new duties highlighted. (Requires HR job family review.) 5. Current Organizational Chart. 3|Page Exceptional Performance. Performance exceeds expectations. Retention. There is an imminent possibility of losing a valued employee due to options outside Portland State. Attach all of the following to this checklist: 1. A memo explaining why the individual’s knowledge, skills, abilities/experience and/or performance exceeds expectations and/or creates, in relation to Portland State’s salaries, a potential retention issue. 2. Appropriate documentation that supports the case, ideally linked to Portland State’s mission and academic priorities. 3. Copy of most recent performance appraisal (must be within previous 12 months). Provide a history of all salary increases this employee has received in the past two years, including cost of living and other special increases: Increase Date: From Salary Rate $ $ $ $ To Salary Rate $ $ $ $ Increase Amount $ $ $ $ Increase Percent % % % % Provide a history of all Overload and Stipend payments this employee has received in the past two years: Overload/Stipend $ Contract Start Date Contract End Date Percent of ASR $ $ $ $ % % % % ***PI APPROVAL IF GRANT FUNDED*** PI Printed Name: Signature: Phone: Date: Approvals Supervisor Printed Name: Date: Signature: Requesting Department Head (Chair/Equivalent) Printed Name: Phone: Date: Signature: HR Compensation/Classification Manager Signature Confirming Position Placement & Pay Equity (In Conjunction with Relevant Dean/VP Chief Fiscal Officer): Phone: Date: VP/Dean Chief Fiscal Officer Printed Name: Phone: Date: Signature Authorizing Process Continuance: University Budget Office (FADM) Printed Name: Phone: Date: Signature Confirming Funding Availability: Vice President/Vice Provost (or designee) Printed Name: Phone: Date: Final Approval Signature Authorizing Increase: Phone: Route to Office of Human Resources (HRC), Compensation/Classification Manager for Final Processing 4|Page UNCLASSIFIED SPECIAL SALARY INCREASE – COMPARATOR ANALYSIS FORM PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY Use this form to provide comparator data that supports your request for a Special Salary Increase based on Equity or Expanded Duties Comparator #1 Employee Name Annual Salary Rate (if known) School/College and Term of Service – Department 9 or 12 Month? Position Title Highest Degree (if known) Job Family or Approx. Length of Faculty Rank Time in Position Notes on Comparability (explain briefly the reasoning for using this position as a comparator), including Unit or Program Size Comparability: Comparator #2 Employee Name Annual Salary Rate (if known) School/College and Term of Service – Department 9 or 12 Month? Position Title Highest Degree (if known) Job Family or Approx. Length of Faculty Rank Time in Position Notes on Comparability (explain briefly the reasoning for using this position as a comparator), including Unit or Program Size Comparability: Comparator #3 Employee Name Annual Salary Rate (if known) School/College and Term of Service – Department 9 or 12 Month? Position Title Highest Degree (if known) Job Family or Approx. Length of Faculty Rank Time in Position Notes on Comparability (explain briefly the reasoning for using this position as a comparator), including Unit or Program Size Comparability: Attach Additional Sheets as needed. (rev 1/14) 5|Page