1.Shifter Intro 1. Introduction 2. Pit Area 8 – LHCb 3. Control Room 4. Cavern 5. Access to Cavern 6. Shift Organization 7. Safety 8. Calling Experts 9. Coordinators 1. Introduction for LHCb Shifters 10.Experts 11.Online computers 12.Shifter Duties 13.Shift Logbook 14.LHCb Status 15.LHC Status 16.LHC Logbook 17.Shifter Doc and Info 18.Conclusion R. Jacobsson 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1.Shifter Intro 1. Introduction 2. Pit Area 8 – LHCb 3. Control Room 4. Cavern 5. Access to Cavern 6. Shift Organization 7. Safety 8. Calling Experts 9. Coordinators computers 12.Shifter Duties 13.Shift Status 16.LHC Logbook 17.Shifter Course will be unsatisfactory: A lot of info but still not enough! This course is intended as introduction for new shifters • Orientation • Shifter formalities and practicalities • Shifter responsibilities and task Status 15.LHC All of these courses are subject to changes • Only theory Hands on training with experienced shifters or me • Keep yourself up-to-date/come to the pit a day or two before a shift period Logbook 14.LHCb Introduction Safety Basic Concepts Running LHCb Data Manager Shift Leader Run Chief • System improvements and new procedures • New tools and new problems 10.Experts 11.Online The LHCb Shift Crew training consists of several courses Please comment on missing or unclear topics, errors. • Don’t hesitate to ask questions Doc and Info 18.Conclusion R. Jacobsson In general, contact the Run Chief or Run Coordinator if you are unhappy about something at the pit! 2 1.Shifter Intro 1. Introduction 2. Pit Area 8 – LHCb 3. Control Room 4. Cavern 5. Access to Cavern 6. Shift Organization 7. Safety 8. Calling Experts 9. Coordinators 10.Experts 11.Online computers 12.Shifter Duties 13.Shift Logbook 14.LHCb Status 15.LHC Status 16.LHC Logbook 17.Shifter Gas building Parking Doc and Info Meeting point 18.Conclusion Parking R. Jacobsson Control room Conference room 3 The meeting point in case of emergencies (fire,...) is the building 2890 at the site’s entrance. Shuttle Bus between CERN Main Entrance Pit 8 1.Shifter Intro 1. Introduction 2. Pit Area 8 – LHCb 3. Control Room 4. Cavern 5. Access to Cavern 6. Shift Organization 7. Safety 8. Calling Experts 9. Coordinators • https://lbtwiki.cern.ch/pub/Operation/WebHome/ShuttleServiceP8.pdf By night and week-ends, the main gate is closed. • You need to sweep your card twice if you enter by car, first at the main gate, then at the normal barrier. Make sure you always bring your CERN Access Card! There is a coffee, drink and food area inside building 2885 with vending machines, useful during long nights... These machines accept € and CHF. 10.Experts 11.Online computers 12.Shifter Duties 13.Shift Logbook 14.LHCb Status 15.LHC Status 16.LHC Logbook 17.Shifter Doc and Info 18.Conclusion R. Jacobsson 4 Experiment is entirely controlled and monitored from the surface Experts may tend to take your place, resist except if you have asked them to fix something! 1.Shifter Intro Control Room 4. Cavern 5. Access to Cavern 6. Shift Organization 7. Safety 8. Calling Experts 9. Coordinators Computer Room 11.Online computers 12.Shifter Duties Logbook Status 16.LHC Logbook 17.Shifter DAQ PUS 15.LHC Doc and Info 18.Conclusion QC Expert DM L0 Status RICH 14.LHCb SL VELO 13.Shift LHC ONLINE CALO 10.Experts MUON HV/LV OT ST 12.00m 3. Resting Area Pit Area 8 – LHCb 5.70m 2. SysMan On Duty Introduction CAS 1. Online Lab 14.00m R. Jacobsson 6.00m 5 1.Shifter Intro 1. Introduction 2. Pit Area 8 – LHCb 3. Control Room 4. Cavern 5. Access to Cavern 6. Shift Organization 7. Safety 8. Calling Experts 9. Coordinators UXA-A UXA-D 11.Online computers 12.Shifter Duties Logbook 14.LHCb UXA-B UXA-C 10.Experts 13.Shift Gas distribution Cooling, ventilation and power supplies for on-detector electronics (Maraton) UXA 85 m Status 15.LHC Status 16.LHC Logbook 17.Shifter Doc and Info Three floors of barracks UXB • D1 holds the Event Filter Farm (EFF) • D2 contains the main DAQ network and controls PC • D3 contains the SD electronics, L0 trigger, TFC, and LHC interfaces m 0 2 18.Conclusion R. Jacobsson 6 1.Shifter Intro During operation, access is only possible to UX85-A • Electronics barracks, power supplies, cooling, ventilation 1. Introduction 2. Pit Area 8 – LHCb 3. Control Room • There is currently no standard Pit Tour (VELO make their own tour) 4. Cavern • Exception: Assist expert during an intervention 5. Access to Cavern 6. Shift Organization 7. Safety 8. Calling Experts 9. Coordinators However as shifter you must have the appropriate trainings and accesses Course level 1,2,3, 4 and 4b EDH access request form for "UX85: LHCB underground (LHCB_U)" Radiation area qualification: Training, medical form Iris scanned and CERN film badge, simple token is not sufficient (building 55) This takes time... Take care of it NOW, to be ready! 10.Experts 11.Online computers 12.Shifter Duties 13.Shift Logbook 14.LHCb Status 16.LHC Logbook 17.Shifter Doc and Info In order to have access for inspections, checks and safety tours • Sign up to lhcb-pit-operations mailing list to be on a permanent IMPACT form Status 15.LHC Access to the cavern is not needed to control the experiment Access to UX85-B requires Radiation Protection inspection • Only for experts during “ACCESS” mode after formal request to Run Chief and agreed with LHC 18.Conclusion R. Jacobsson 7 • Shift Leader (SL) • Data Manager (DM) 1.Shifter Intro 1. Introduction 2. Pit Area 8 – LHCb 3. Control Room 4. Cavern 5. Access to Cavern 6. Shift Organization 7. Safety 8. Calling Experts 9. Coordinators computers 12.Shifter Duties Logbook Status 15.LHC Status 16.LHC Logbook 17.Shifter Tough job, make sure you communicate with each other • You are encouraged to sit by sufficient number of shifts to learn the ropes, and once you are experienced you might be joined by beginners 11.Online 14.LHCb } Shift Leader == DAQ and SC Maestro Doc and Info 18.Conclusion R. Jacobsson Shifts are organized by the Run Coordinator using the ShiftDB tool • • • • • 10.Experts 13.Shift The main Shift Crew has two members http://lbshiftdb.cern.ch/ for which you should all have a shift account For any question/request always send mail to lhcb.shift.manager@cern.ch Shifts are planned a month at a time, aim at two month in advance You receive mail about updating your availability at the end of each month Once shifts are assigned, it is your responsibility to find a qualified replacement if needed Shifts last 8 ½ hours, with 30 minutes overlap • SL and DM should exchange information on the current situation and possible pending problems • Arrive on time Shift hours : 6:30 – 15:00 = “morning” 14:30 – 23:00 = “afternoon” 22:30 – 7:00 = “night” 8 SAFETY IS YOUR MAIN RESPONSIBILITY 1.Shifter Intro • It should take precedence over any other duty, even data taking, not to 1. Introduction 2. Pit Area 8 – LHCb 3. Control Room 4. Cavern 5. Access to Cavern • Gas leak. The main risk is cryogenic helium release… 6. Shift Organization • Fire in the barracks. 7. Safety • Overheating in a rack. 8. Calling Experts • Water leak. 9. Coordinators 10.Experts 11.Online computers 12.Shifter Duties 13.Shift Logbook 14.LHCb Status 15.LHC Status 16.LHC Logbook 17.Shifter mention offline analysis or watching TV ! Several problems may affect the safety of the detector and personnel : These are constantly monitored by dedicated systems, which may take automatic actions in case of a serious problem. • A first detection generates a WARNING, which requires timely action by shift crew. This may often avoid a Level 3 ALARM, which triggers automatic actions, such as emergency cutting power and a call to the fire brigade. • Warnings and Alarms are reported in the Control Room on the DSS station. Doc and Info 18.Conclusion R. Jacobsson Next course dedicated to Safety 9 Fire and Rescue: Dial 74444 from any phone Shift Leader: Fixed phone 77874 and GSM (16 18 66) 1.Shifter Intro 1. Introduction 2. Pit Area 8 – LHCb • Always keep this phone on you when leaving control room 3. Control Room • Make sure it is on the charger otherwise 4. Cavern 5. Access to Cavern 6. Shift Organization 7. Safety 8. Calling Experts 9. Coordinators 10.Experts 11.Online computers 12.Shifter Duties 13.Shift Logbook 14.LHCb Status Data manager: Portable phone 77863 LHC “red phone”: Portable phone 77889 • For communication with LHC, leave line open Experts-On-Call (“Piquets”) and the way to contact them is written on the a dedicated support next to main console • Internal CERN numbers: 7XXXX • GSM phones: 16XXXX • Home phone Geneva: Dial 0 + 022 + 7 digits 15.LHC Status • Home phone France: 10 + 10 digits starting with 04 50 for nearby France 16.LHC Logbook • Outside the local area: Shift Leader fixed phone is open to all Europe Dial 10 + 10 digits for anywhere in France, 0 + 00 + country code + ... for other countries Not for private communications 17.Shifter Doc and Info 18.Conclusion R. Jacobsson 10 When in doubt – call! • • “Better call once too much than once too few” Decision to call is taken by the shift crew together 1.Shifter Intro 1. Introduction 2. Pit Area 8 – LHCb 3. Control Room 4. Cavern 5. Access to Cavern 6. Shift Organization 7. Safety 8. Calling Experts 9. Coordinators • 12.Shifter Duties 13.Shift Status 16.LHC Logbook 17.Shifter Doc and Info 18.Conclusion R. Jacobsson Group Leader in Matters of Safety (GLIMOS) • • Status 15.LHC Run Coordinator Assures the long-term running and planning, supports the Run Chiefs, trains the shifters, and follow-up on global issues. Stays in contact with LHC, attends the daily LHC “8.30”meetings, and is part of LHCb Operation Group. • Available 24/7 Logbook 14.LHCb Available 24/7 On duty for one or two weeks. Assist Run Coordinator, organizes daily running and chairs the daily Run Meeting. Follow up on problems, and coordinates experts in difficult decisions and should be contacted for important decisions. • 10.Experts computers Available 24/7 Run Chiefs • • Available 24/7 Production Manager (Offline Control Room) • 11.Online Sub-detector and System Experts-On-Call LHC Contact Person • Assures general safety and gives safety training Available 24/7 Assures the long-planning with LHC, Run Coordinator is deputy LHC Programme Coordinator • Coordinates the experiments physics goals 11 1.Shifter Intro Calling LHC “CERN Control Centre” 1. Introduction • 77600 or alternatively 77500 - Operators or Engineer In Charge (EIC) 2. Pit Area 8 – LHCb • Make sure you are clear about who you are (Experiment and function) 3. Control Room • Make your point/question clearly and kindly! 4. Cavern • Lots of jargon – ask kindly for better explanation if you don’t understand! 5. Access to Cavern 6. Shift Organization 7. Safety 8. Calling Experts 9. Coordinators Problems with gas, electricity, cooling • Call CCC/TI (CERN Control Centre/Technical Infrastructure) 72201 10.Experts 11.Online computers 12.Shifter Duties 13.Shift Logbook 14.LHCb Status 15.LHC Status 16.LHC Logbook 17.Shifter Doc and Info 18.Conclusion R. Jacobsson 12 1.Shifter Intro 1. Introduction 2. Pit Area 8 – LHCb 3. Control Room 4. Cavern 5. Access to Cavern 6. Shift Organization 7. Safety 8. Calling Experts 9. Coordinators Printed automatically every morning at 6 AM, put next to SL console • Data Manager should also look after the printer and outputs 10.Experts 11.Online computers 12.Shifter Duties 13.Shift Logbook 14.LHCb Status 15.LHC Status 16.LHC Logbook 17.Shifter Doc and Info 18.Conclusion R. Jacobsson 13 1. Introduction 2. Pit Area 8 – LHCb 3. Control Room 4. Cavern 5. Access to Cavern 6. Shift Organization 7. Safety 8. Calling Experts 9. Coordinators 10.Experts 11.Online computers 12.Shifter Duties 13.Shift Logbook 14.LHCb Status 15.LHC Status 16.LHC Logbook 17.Shifter Doc and Info 18.Conclusion R. Jacobsson Up-to-date version posted next to SL Main Console 1.Shifter Intro 14 Online Computer cluster both Windows and Linux Online network is an isolated domain (LBDAQ.CERN.CH) 1.Shifter Intro 1. Introduction 2. Pit Area 8 – LHCb • Linux (lbgw) and Windows (lbts) gateways 3. Control Room • There are two wireless networks in the Control Room, one on the internal 4. Cavern 5. Access to Cavern 6. Shift Organization 7. Safety 8. Calling Experts • Password is written on white board in the control room 9. Coordinators • Do not change the settings of anything on this account! Online network, that your portable cannot access, and the general CERN one. • The Desktop has the minimum number of icons needed 10.Experts 11.Online computers 12.Shifter Duties 13.Shift • In case of problems, switch off/on console next to screen while keyboard Status 15.LHC Status 16.LHC Logbook 17.Shifter Doc and Info 18.Conclusion R. Jacobsson Monitoring screens on the shelf require no login • Common mouse and keyboard via switch for groups of screens Logbook 14.LHCb As shifters you should login as “lhcb_shift” and mouse is active on screen Controlling the experiment is mostly done via PVSS User Interfaces • Be careful, windows and menus look very much alike! 15 The Shift Leader is Shift Leader In Matter Of Safety (SLIMOS). This means (legally) that (s)he is responsible for following the official instructions in case of problems. Reporting in LHCb Shift Logbook (lblogbook.cern.ch) is essential! 1.Shifter Intro 1. Introduction 2. Pit Area 8 – LHCb 3. Control Room 4. Cavern 5. Access to Cavern 6. Shift Organization 7. Safety 8. Calling Experts 9. Coordinators • Report not only problem, but whatever information you think may be useful to understand and solve the problem! Read logbook frequently during your shift period Try to attend the daily Run Meeting during your shift period • During your shift the Shift Leader may attend if the situation allows Data Manager is responsible while Shift Leader is absent • Run Meeting is always on EVO • Register to the lhcb-run-news mailing list 10.Experts 11.Online computers 12.Shifter Duties 13.Shift Logbook 14.LHCb Status 15.LHC Status 16.LHC Logbook 17.Shifter Doc and Info 18.Conclusion R. Jacobsson Main duty of the shift crew is to operate LHCb at optimum performance 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Control all systems Monitor all system and data quality Respond to Alarms and Errors Contact SD Coordinators Fill in logbook Help keep control room clean and organized… Handle and control accesses during Technical Stops 16 1.Shifter Intro 1. Introduction 2. Pit Area 8 – LHCb 3. Control Room 4. Cavern 5. Access to Cavern 6. Shift Organization 7. Safety 8. Calling Experts 9. Coordinators If you are not already a user You need to register to the logbook system to be able to add information. Having a personal account allows having your name entered properly for each entry, so that one is sure to find the real author. 10.Experts 11.Online computers 12.Shifter Duties 13.Shift Logbook 14.LHCb Status 15.LHC Status 16.LHC Logbook 17.Shifter Doc and Info 18.Conclusion R. Jacobsson 17 1.Shifter Intro 1. Introduction 2. Pit Area 8 – LHCb 3. Control Room 4. Cavern 5. Access to Cavern 6. Shift Organization 7. Safety 8. Calling Experts 9. Coordinators The can be read and updated on the Web and simple entries can be made from a Web browser or the main control panel • Many systems enter information automatically Any expert/piquet call should be logged, together with the arrival and departure time of any piquet doing an intervention • Make sure expert fill in information about his intervention 10.Experts 11.Online computers 12.Shifter Duties 13.Shift Logbook 14.LHCb Status 15.LHC Status 16.LHC Logbook 17.Shifter Doc and Info 18.Conclusion R. Jacobsson 18 http://frankm.web.cern.ch/frankm/test/Online/Stomp/web/ 1.Shifter Intro 1. Introduction 2. Pit Area 8 – LHCb 3. Control Room 4. Cavern 5. Access to Cavern 6. Shift Organization 7. Safety 8. Calling Experts 9. Coordinators 10.Experts 11.Online computers 12.Shifter Duties 13.Shift Logbook 14.LHCb Status 15.LHC Status 16.LHC Logbook 17.Shifter Doc and Info 18.Conclusion R. Jacobsson 19 http://op-webtools.web.cern.ch/op-webtools/vistar/vistars.php?usr=LHC1 1.Shifter Intro 1. Introduction 2. Pit Area 8 – LHCb 3. Control Room 4. Cavern 5. Access to Cavern 6. Shift Organization 7. Safety 8. Calling Experts 9. Coordinators 10.Experts 11.Online computers 12.Shifter Duties 13.Shift Logbook 14.LHCb Status 15.LHC Status 16.LHC Logbook 17.Shifter Doc and Info 18.Conclusion R. Jacobsson 20 1.Shifter Intro 1. Introduction 2. Pit Area 8 – LHCb 3. Control Room 4. Cavern 5. Access to Cavern 6. Shift Organization 7. Safety 8. Calling Experts 9. Coordinators https://ab-dep-op-elogbook.web.cern.ch/ab-dep-op-elogbook/elogbook/eLogbook.php • Login with your NICE username/password when outside CERN • Choose “LHC OP” logbook 10.Experts 11.Online computers 12.Shifter Duties 13.Shift Logbook 14.LHCb Status 15.LHC Status 16.LHC Logbook 17.Shifter Doc and Info 18.Conclusion R. Jacobsson 21 1.Shifter Intro 1. Introduction 2. Pit Area 8 – LHCb 3. Control Room 4. Cavern 5. Access to Cavern 6. Shift Organization 7. Safety 8. Calling Experts 9. Coordinators There is a Twiki site http://twiki from inside the pit, http://lbtwiki.cern.ch/bin/view/Operation/WebHome • Shifter Information Planning and general schedule Training slides Tool guides Instructions • General information 10.Experts 11.Online computers 12.Shifter Duties 13.Shift Logbook 14.LHCb Status 15.LHC Status 16.LHC Logbook 17.Shifter Doc and Info 18.Conclusion R. Jacobsson 22 1.Shifter Intro 1. Introduction 2. Pit Area 8 – LHCb 3. Control Room 4. Cavern 5. Access to Cavern 6. Shift Organization 7. Safety 8. Calling Experts 9. Coordinators 10.Experts 11.Online computers 12.Shifter Duties 13.Shift Logbook 14.LHCb Status 15.LHC Status 16.LHC Logbook 17.Shifter Doc and Info 18.Conclusion Please, mail me for errors/corrections/obsolescence R. Jacobsson 23 Please, always check Internal Plan of the Day on every shift Check list 1.Shifter Intro 1. Introduction 2. Pit Area 8 – LHCb 3. Control Room 4. Cavern • Start of Shift 5. Access to Cavern • Fill Procedure 6. Shift Organization 7. Safety 8. Calling Experts 9. Coordinators • Both informative messages (alerts, alarms, warnings) and direct instructions • DSS message alert by voice 10.Experts 11.Online computers 12.Shifter Duties 13.Shift Relying heavily on Voice Assistance Logbook 14.LHCb Status 15.LHC Status 16.LHC Logbook 17.Shifter As usual Run News, Run Meeting, LHC Page 1, etc Doc and Info 18.Conclusion R. Jacobsson 24 1.Shifter Intro 1. Introduction 2. Pit Area 8 – LHCb 3. Control Room 4. Cavern 5. Access to Cavern 6. Shift Organization 7. Safety 8. Calling Experts 9. Coordinators This completes the introduction to the LHCb shift operation. • Your training will then continue with: Safety followed by Basic Concepts • Please give feed-back on the training, the documentation, the procedures, to the Run Coordinator. Improvements are always possible... ... and are usually welcome ! 10.Experts 11.Online computers 12.Shifter Duties 13.Shift Logbook 14.LHCb Status 15.LHC Status 16.LHC Logbook 17.Shifter Doc and Info 18.Conclusion R. Jacobsson 25