Managing Multiple Generations in the Work Force Terri Manning Bobbie Frye …but it takes a society to raise a generation Influencing Factors • • • • Economic Conditions Societal Norms Political Events Major Crises Generations • Consists of approximately a 20-year span Has a unique set of values. • Reacts to the generation before them. • Looks at their generation as the standard of comparison. • Looks at the next generation skeptically. • They are either idealistic, reactive, civic or adaptive. • What you would like for me to tell you is “how can we make them be like us?” • That will never happen. They look at you as an example of “what not to do.” How Generational Births Will Impact Retirements (Millennials) (Boomers) (Xers) Generations Living in America in 2010 • Veterans 1925-1942 – 23.8 million living • Baby Boomer 1943 – 1965 – 62 million living • Generation X – 1966-1981 – 84 million living • Millennials – 1982 – 2002 – 110 million living • Generation Z 2003-2022 – About 29 million so far Workplace Characteristics Veterans Baby Boomers Generation X Millennials Work ethic and values Hard work Workaholics Eliminate the task What’s next Respect Work efficiently Self-reliant Multi-tasking authority Crusading causes Want structure Tenacity Sacrifice Personal fulfillment and direction Entrepreneurial Duty before fun Desire quality Skeptical Tolerant Adhere to rules Question authority Goal oriented Work is… An obligation An exciting adventure Leadership Style Directive Command-andcontrol Consensual Collegial Interactive Style Individual Team player Loves to have meetings A difficult challenge A contract Everyone is the same Challenge others Ask why Entrepreneur Source: Greg Hammill, FDU Magazine, Winter/Spring 2005 A means to an end Fulfillment TBD Participative Workplace Characteristics Veterans Baby Generation X Boomers In person Millennials Communications Feedback and Rewards Formal Memo No news is good news Satisfaction in a job well done Messages that Motivate Work and Family Your You are valued Do it your way You will work experience is You are Forget the rules with other bright respected needed creative people Ne’er the twain No balance Balance Balance shall meet Work to live Don’t appreciate it Money Title recognition Direct Email Immediate Voice mail Sorry to Whenever I interrupt, but want it, at the how am I doing? push of a button Freedom is the Meaningful work best reward Source: Greg Hammill, FDU Magazine, Winter/Spring 2005 Numbers in the Workforce 24.2% The Baby Boomers 1943–1964 (the largest generation, idealist) • • • • • • • Divorce reached a low in 1960 of 9% Families moved due to GI Bill, GI housing and industrialization First generation to live miles from extended family Family size smaller (2-3 children) Few grandparents in the home Moms stayed home, dads carpooled Children spent significant time with adult role models • Perception of the world as “safe” Baby Boomers and School Boomer’s Childhood and School Experiences • • • • • • • • Overwhelmed the school system, large class sizes Ability grouped (red birds and blue birds) Question authority but respect position Emphasis on team work (cohort education) Need silence to concentrate In college were told “you are lucky to be here.” Segregated by race, the battles began for desegregation No special ed students in school (in most states) but honors courses in a few subjects • Rarely tested and not for school performance (PSAT, SAT) Values of Boomer Employee • Majority of employees (age 46-67ish) • Always share personal experience – “what has happened to me is relevant to you” • Value stability and respect • Like to see their successes • Tend to “workaholism” and have difficulty balancing their lives, working 40 hours is “slack.” • Are competitive • See themselves as the standard of comparison • Appreciate technology because of how easy it makes their work – still fear they might “break it” and may have a “back-up plan” Boomers at Work • Ethic = long hours show commitment • Team oriented and relationship builders (don’t like conflict – can’t we all just get along) • Not budget minded • Sensitive to feedback Remember these…… How Boomers Learn • Want things to fit into the “big picture” • Want recognition for how well they have done • Team oriented, work well in groups • Like to explore and analyze, look at different views • Follow instructions well • Good with content Boomers at Work • Value stability and respect • Like to see their successes • Tend to workaholism and have difficulty balancing their lives • Are competitive • See themselves as the standard of comparison Boomers at Work • Ethic = long hours show commitment • Tend to workaholism with same expectations of others (50+ hours wk) • Team oriented and relationship builders (don’t like conflict – can’t we all just get along) • Not budget minded • Sensitive to feedback The Gen Xers 1965–1981 - A Lost Generation… A Nomadic Generation….. Half the Size of the Baby Boom (reactive) • Divorce reached an all-time high • Single-parent families became the norm • Latch-key kids were a major issue of the time • Children not as valued – looked at as a hardship • Families spread out (miles apart) • Family size = 1.7 children (many onlychildren) • Perception of the world as “unsafe” • Average 10 year old spent 14 ½ minutes a day with a significant adult role model Gen X in School Gen X Childhood/School Experiences • • • • • • • • • • • Learned to rely on self (less patience with teams) Distrust authority Seek challenging environment (career education emphasis) Want feedback on progress Want to do things their way – like no rules and freedom on assignments Had special ed classrooms in school but separated Had honors programs Funding cut to education Testing “mania” began with them First daycare centers and latch-key kids (high divorce) Some diversity, began earnest desegregation in schools Gen Xers as Employees • • • • • • • • • • • Significant number of employees (age 29-45ish) Cynical and pessimistic Want work-life balance Think globally and seek independence Like technology and want an informal work environment Don’t want the boomers’ work ethic Communication is important and talk to adults as friends/peers (not impressed with authority) Reward should be based on productivity not hours worked Want control of self, time and future Loyalty to people not a company Impatient with poorer people skills Remember these….. Was this your first video game? Was this your first calculator and cell phone? How Gen Xers Learn • Task oriented – like to learn new skills • Speed is important • Self-paced learning, independent learning • Want to have fun while they learn • Informal learning environments are best • Hate group work • Want feedback from teacher Gen Xers at Work • • • • • • • • • • Cynical and pessimistic Want work-life balance Think globally and seek independence Like technology and want an informal work environment Don’t want the boomers’ work ethic Communication is important and talk to adults as friends/peers (not impressed with authority) Believe reward should be based on productivity not hours worked Want control of self, time and future Loyalty to people not a company Impatient with poorer people skills The Echo Boom/Millennials… The Millennials are almost as large as the baby boom-some say larger - depending on how you measure them (approx. 81M). The Millennials are the children born between 1982 and 2002 (peaked in 1990), a cohort called by various names: Echo Boom Generation Y Millennials Net Generation Things Began to Change for This Generation • Abortion rates peaked in 1980 and began a slow decline. • Poverty rate for children peaked in 1983 and began a slow decline (Medicaid began). • US divorce rate peaked in 1981 and began a decline. • Homicide rate against children peaked in 1982 and began a decline. • They were born into a better world, a more optimistic world than the generation before them. Millennials in School Millennial Childhood/School Experiences • Many private schools, charter schools, magnet schools – all to meet the needs of the individual child –many, many choices • School uniforms, child safety, high performance standards, character education, cooperative learning and community service • Goal oriented – outcome based education (what’s in it for me) • Interactive, participatory and engaging – are consulted by adults • Everything 24/7 and available electronically This is what they grew up with? How Millennials Learn • Try it their way – always looking for better, faster way of doing things • Prefer graphics before text, reading of excerpts • Like small and fast processing technology – best when networked • Want instant gratification and frequent rewards • (spot) How Millennials Learn • Focus on skill development – not memorization of what they perceive they don’t need to know • Productivity is key – not attendance – so make it worthwhile or they won’t come • Have different critical thinking skills based on their high tech world not thought processing (need help here) • Rely on teacher to facilitate learning • Group think and interaction Millennials - Not Very Hardy • Our parents told us “when the going gets tough, the tough get going” and “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” • Their philosophy “when the going gets tough, it means you should try another route” and “if at first you don’t succeed, maybe you shouldn’t be here.” • They have trouble staying in rigid and non-flexible environments. Emerging Adults • “Ambitious yet aimless” characterizes this generation – They work for a while until they save enough money to live for a while, then quite – play for several months and then look for work again. – They know at the age of 21 that they may have to work until they are 70 – 75. So why hurry into a career job now. – They have the same attitude with school. – They stop out regularly and see if things work out. They appear to be in “no hurry.” – They swirl…. Salary Expectations • Realistically, what do you expect your starting salary will be when you begin working? – – – – – – $15-20K $21-30K $31-40K $41-50K $50K+ Not sure Millennials 7.7% 29.3% 27.0% 15.9% 7.0% 12.5% Approximately 65% felt they would earn $40K or less Jobs in Lifetime How many jobs do you think you will hold in your lifetime? – 1-3 35.7% – 4-6 41.5% – 7-10 16.5% – Over 10 6.2% 64% expect to have 4 or more jobs Importance of Career Components Items thought to be very important: • Respected on the Job • Opportunity for Professional Development • Ability to Have an Impact on the World Importance of Job Benefits Benefits thought to be very important: Health Insurance Salary Growth Plans like 401K Life Insurance Bonuses Employer-paid Retirement Benefits thought to be unimportant: Stock Options Profit Sharing Older Generations Make Assumptions • That younger generations will measure success just as we have. • Young worker must pay their dues and follow the same paths to success as previous generations. • The company ladder will remain intact. • Workers go where the jobs are. Marston, Cam, Motivating the “What’s In It for Me” Workforce: Managing Across the Generational Divide and Increasing Profits, 2007 What Millennials Want • Ability to work whenever and wherever they want. • Variation on the job • Continual feedback from supervisors • Opportunities to learn, retool and reinvent themselves • Challenge, new problems to solve • To be in charge of their lives and future Marston, Cam, Motivating the “What’s In It for Me” Workforce: Managing Across the Generational Divide and Increasing Profits, 2007 What They Are Not Interested In • Time-honored traditions • Doing things the way they have always been done • Paying their dues • How their managers got to where they are (rank) • A work ethic that requires a 10 hour day • Unquestioning loyalty to a company Marston, Cam, Motivating the “What’s In It for Me” Workforce: Managing Across the Generational Divide and Increasing Profits, 2007 Change in Values Two youngest generations: – Define success differently – Their time is equal in value to money – Will pursue other rewards for their work – The company/corporate ladder has become irrelevant – View their predecessor’s experience as a warning, not a road map – Don’t value the rules of management, motivation and reward Marston, Cam, Motivating the “What’s In It for Me” Workforce: Managing Across the Generational Divide and Increasing Profits, 2007 Skepticism The two younger generations: – Have been given ample reason to question authority – Don’t believe their leaders tell the truth – Question the motives and truthfulness of institutions across the board – Invest their loyalty and trust in individuals and therefore, the right boss is critical (otherwise they change jobs, #1 reason they quit) Marston, Cam, Motivating the “What’s In It for Me” Workforce: Managing Across the Generational Divide and Increasing Profits, 2007 What Will It Take for All Generations to Work Well Together • A new understanding of what employees want from their jobs, bosses and workplace experience • A new understanding of loyalty and how to develop it (not through pay, promotions and benefits) • A new definition of self – young employees define themselves by what they do outside the job, not what they do for a living Marston, Cam, Motivating the “What’s In It for Me” Workforce: Managing Across the Generational Divide and Increasing Profits, 2007 What Will It Take • New behavior from leaders who realize younger workers enter the workforce seeking self-fulfillment and aren’t interested in “paying their dues” for an unspecified amount of time for a vague reward • Because young people are doing everything later – staying in school, living at home, getting married, having kids – this impacts their commitment to work Marston, Cam, Motivating the “What’s In It for Me” Workforce: Managing Across the Generational Divide and Increasing Profits, 2007 Reasons US Workers Change Jobs In 2006, 21% of US workers made voluntary job changes for the following reasons: • • • • • • • • Growth and earnings potential (30%) Time and flexibility (23%) Financial compensation (22%) Culture and work environment (22%) Benefits (12%) Supervisor relationship (10%) Travel and development (9%) Management climate (9%) Benefit News Changing Workforce • Workers are demanding the ability to balance their work and personal responsibilities. • Workers are not afraid of changing jobs. • The idea that the best way to grow financially and otherwise is to stay with one employer has been eroding to the point of extinction. • Younger workers and those earning $15,000 or less were the most likely to change jobs. • The cost of turnovers range from $7,000 for hourly employees to $30,000 for mid-level managers and $80,000 for technical or senior level management (Center for Workforce Learning). Charlotte Biz, March 2007 How They Will Push Us… • • • • More independence in the workforce Consumer-based fairness Better technology Enhanced professional development • Get rid of “that’s the way we’ve always done it” • Have more life balance • Re-establish priorities What We Know • Times are changing – in business and society • So – leadership must change • The younger generations are working in a different economy and business world • They have different values and goals THEY WILL NEVER BE LIKE US! Messages that Motivate • Veterans – Your experience is respected here – What has and hasn’t worked in the past is relevant – Perseverance is valued • Boomers – You are important to our success – Your contribution is unique and important – We need you Messages that Motivate • Gen Xers – Do it your way – There aren’t a lot of rules here – We’re not very corporate • Millennials – – – – – You will work with other bright, creative people You can help turn this company around You can be a hero here We value independent workers Your boss will help you succeed Eleven Tips for Millennial Management 1. Provide structure – reports, deadlines, clear goals, expectations. Frequent communication about the rules and structured career path 2. Provide leadership and guidance – they want to look up to and admire you. They want in on the “whole” picture. Teach, coach and give them your best investment of time. They expect a relationship with their boss and are more trusting of authority figures. Tips, continued 3. Encourage the millennials’ self-assuredness, “can-do” attitude, and positive personal selfimage – encourage them, don’t squash or contain them. Want to express their opinion. 4. Take advantage of their comfort with teams. Encourage them to join – they believe teams can accomplish more and better things. Mentor, coach and train them as a team use multi-generational teams. Tips, continued 5. Listen to the millennial employee – they had loving parents who listened to them and don’t like being ignored. Expect mentoring – want to feel like they matter. 6. Millennial employees are up for a challenge and change – boring is bad. They seek change and challenge, the next thing…. Want to know how their work is going to help the company. Tips, continued 7. Millennials are multi-taskers – want different tasks and goals to pursue weekly – if not they get bored. 8. Take advantage of their computer, cell phone and electronic literacy – the world is wide but not too deep for millennials. 9. Capitalize on their affinity for networking – like to network around the world electronically. Are loyal but will keep their options open. Tips, continued 10.Provide a life-work balance in the workplace – they work hard but are not into 60 hour work weeks. Home, family, children and friends are their life. Get them involved in community service. 11.Provide a fun, employee-centered workplace – they want to enjoy their work, make friends at work. Help long-term employees make room for them. Worry if they are not laughing, planning office events, going out to lunch with workmates, etc. Source: Susan Heathfield,, Managing Millennials: Eleven Tips for Managing Millennials, So Who is Next Generation Z (2001-2020) • • • • • First born into a digital world Small families, older parents, mothers work Scheduled and bubble-wrapped Traditional values, old-fashioned notions in parents Incredible achievers, huge capacity to absorb information • Will value social justice, tech savvy and innovative thinkers • Realistic and balanced • Not as much disposable income Generation Z • Will be raised on technology, they will not be scared of anything, they will be open to new ideas. • They will be into truth and loyalty and they will not be not afraid to voice their opinion. • They will be flexible and open to change. • They will be fearless and fun. • They will be the ‘new’ hope for our own future. • Their great-grandparents belong mostly to the veterans and the Baby boomers form the core of their grandparents. • Their parents are seen as being roughly evenly divided between Generation X and Generation Y. Gen Z in School Some New Trends for Z 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Interactive devices as classroom learning tools More homeschooling Collaborative online projects Focus on visual learning Treating learning as a game Focus on critical thinking and problem solving rather than information memorization 7. A return to occupation-based training rather than college 8. Learning in smaller bites Source: Best College Online Each Generation is Influenced and Molded by the Society that Raised Them • You’re a child of the 50s if – You wore a poodle skirt – You know what paste tastes like – Your sneakers were made of canvas and came in black or white – Your family only had one phone (and it was black) and one phone number – Gas stations pumped your gas, cleaned your windows and gave you green stamps (and gas was $.19 a gallon) – Your jeans were called dungarees – You never heard of McDonalds (unless you lived in Des Plaines, IL) You’re a child of the 60s if….. • You owned several pieces of tie-dyed clothing • Someone asked you to join the revolution – you actually knew what that was • You wore bellbottoms and head bands • You slept with an attic fan • You had a collections of 45s • You rode in cars without seatbelts • You tracked John Glenn’s orbit around the world in grade school (the first time) • You ate in a McDonalds with in-door seating (a new thing for hamburger stands) You’re a child of the 70s if….. • • • • • • • • You had to get off the couch to change the TV You wore leg warmers You ever asked to be “gagged with a spoon” You recognize the phrase “my name is Charlie and they work for me” You have at least one school picture with the collar turned up You know the words to Weird Al Yankovic’s songs This was your first calculator You went to McDonalds for the brand new breakfast item “the Egg McMuffin) You’re a child of the 80s if….. • You know who shot JR • You know the philosophical meaning of “wax on, wax off” • There was nothing questionable about Bert and Ernie living together • The feeling in your thumb is just now returning after holding down the Atari joystick • You needed a grocery cart to carry your first portable stereo • You went to McDonalds for the Happy Meals (started 1979) You’re a child of the 90s if….. • • • • • • You know the Macarena You had a trapper keeper You know where Waldo is You can name the Spice Girls You owned a razor scooter You used to end sentences with “not” or “psych” • You watched Real World on MTV • You learned to roller-blade, not roller-skate • You went to McDonalds to play in the “Play Space” If you are a child of the 2000s • You are still a child and have quite a life ahead of you • You cut your teeth on your mother’s cell • You Skype with your grandmother • You’ve been working on computers since you were born • And your mother probably won’t let you eat at McDonalds – unless you get the apple slices and low fat milk – while she has a Cappuccino at the McCafe For a copy of this presentation: http// Click on: “presentations and workshops” Contact: