
Your Last Name 1
Your Name
Mrs. Leinbaugh
12 November 2015
This is an Amazing Title
Your first paragraph should introduce your paper. Make sure you indent your paragraphs
when you are starting a new paragraph (do not press enter a second time in between them!).
Include a hook or an ‘attention getter’ in this paragraph; entice your readers to want to read on.
Your first paragraph includes the title, author, and some background information on your story.
You should have a clear thesis statement that clearly answers the prompt that ends this
The formatting should look exactly like this paper. You should make sure that you write
a good interesting title that will catch the reader’s attention. It should be properly capitalized.
You need to write your paper with strong details and explanations for how your textual evidence
supports your thesis statement. You must include at least two pieces of text evidence per body
paragraph. Make sure your text evidence is blended with your analysis.
Each of your body paragraphs should include a topic sentence which tells the reader what
the paragraph will be about. You need to include plenty of detail, and make sure each paragraph
is a complete thought. You should have specific textual evidence. “Direct quotes need to be
word-for-word from the story, placed in quotation marks, and have a citation at the end”
(Leinbaugh 1). Notice that the citation goes at the end of the sentence, and that the punctuation is
Your Last Name 2
after the citation. You never want to end a paragraph with a quote, because you need to explain
it. Don’t leave your quote or your readers ‘hanging’ at the end of a paragraph.
If you are using textual evidence that is blended into your own words, your citation still
comes at the end of the sentence, not directly after the quote. Please see the next sentence for an
example of this. Even though Odysseus felt great pain because “the sweet days of his life time
were running out in anguish over his exile” on Calypso’s island, he still remained strong and
focused on the goal (Homer 5.47-48). You can also use brackets [ ] to change a word or add
something to a direct quote, as seen in the next example. Calypso finally decides to let Odysseus
leave her island letting him know that “[he] need not feel [his] life consumed here; [she]
pondered it, and [she] shall help [him] go” back to his homeland (Homer 5.57-59). This is an
important step in his journey home.
Now you need to go through your paper sentence by sentence. Make sure each sentence
starts with a capital letter, is a complete thought, and ends with proper punctuation. Your last
paragraph should be a conclusion to your paper. It should be more than one sentence and have a
concluding thought with insight into how your claim is valid or can impact others in the world.