WORKING SCHEDULE: Convocation Programs SPRING 2014

Convocation Programs SPRING 2014
(January- Pre-semester convo opportunity- Possible interterm film- details
coming… would count for spring)
Monday, Service Project Talk 7:30 PM Cole Hall (Need details from Whitney- need
to confirm time/date.) Part of the Inauguration Programming
Tuesday, January 28, Opening Worship- Chaplain Robbie Miller 9:30 AM, Carter
Join Chaplain Miller for worship as our community begins the spring semester.
Wednesday, January 29, MLK Day Celebration, Wil Haygood, Author of The Butler
(Major Motion Picture to be released August 16) and Washington Post Reporter. 7:30
PM Cole Hall Sponsored by the Anna B. Mow Endowed Lecture Series. CoSponsored by the Center for Cultural Engagement (DINNER) (MEET) (CHANGE)
Acclaimed Washington Post reporter Wil Haygood had an early hunch that Obama would
win the 2008 election and when he did he wanted to publish an article about a black
person who had worked in the White House as a servant, someone who had come of age
when segregation was so widespread, so embedded in the culture as to make the very
thought of a black president inconceivable. He struck gold when he tracked down Eugene
Allen, a butler who had served no less than eight presidents, from Harry Truman to
Ronald Reagan - and in so doing became a "discreet stage hand who for three decades
helped keep the show running in the most important political theatre of all." The result
was The Butler: A Witness to History, a portrait of Eugene Allen's lifelong journey, from
his birth in 1919 on a southern plantation to his years in service at the White House; it is
also a broader examination of the history of African Americans in film. The book will be
released in tandem with the motion picture The Butler - of which Haygood is producer starring Oprah Winfrey, Forest Whitaker, Jane Fonda, Vanessa Redgrave, and Cuba
Gooding Jr.
Raised in a poor family and the first of his family to attend college, Haygood went on to
become the author of five nonfiction books, including writing a trilogy of biographies of
iconic 20th-century figures hailed as "culturally important" by The Los Angeles Times:
King of the Cats: The Life and Times of Adam Clayton Powell Jr., a New York Times
Notable Book of the Year; In Black and White: The Life of Sammy Davis Jr., a multiple
award winner; and Sweet Thunder: The Life and Times of Sugar Ray Robinson, named a
Best Book of the Year by Forbes, The Chicago Tribune, Parade, and Mosaic. His other
books are Two on the River - about a 2,500-mile journey down the Mississippi River and The Haygoods of Columbus: A Family Memoir.
Haygood's journalism career has been equally notable. For 17 years he was a national and
foreign correspondent for The Boston Globe, where he became a Pulitzer Prize finalist. In
1990 while covering the civil war in Somalia he was taken hostage by rebels and
eventually released with the aid of Pakistani troops. On another foreign assignment, he
found himself standing outside the South African prison when freedom fighter Nelson
Mandela was released after 27 years of imprisonment. He was one of the first journalists
to make it into New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina struck, a story which he covered for
33 straight days without a break. In 2008 he traveled with Barack Obama. His long career
as a reporter covering both national and global affairs makes him an authority on
addressing these issues in keynote speeches.
Thursday, January 30 Swordsmanship through the Ages 9:30 AM Boitnott Room
In the Middle Ages, battles were fought by men wearing armor who had large, heavy
swords but by the 1800s wore no armor and dueled with light, quick rapiers or sabers.
Dr. Doug Harmon, fencing coach at Bridgewater College, will trace the development of
sword fighting, including how technology changed combat techniques and the weapons
themselves. The presentation will include film clips from Dr. Harmon’s favorite fencing
movies and live demonstrations by Bridgewater’s Comitatus Club.
Time: 50-60 minutes
PEACE WEEK “Food and Peace”
Monday, February 3 Tony Hall Former US Ambassador to Rome and Three Time
Nobel Peace Prize Nominee. Sponsored by Kline Bowman Peace Endowment (Peace
Week Keynote address: Theme of “Food and Peace” 7:30 PM Cole Hall (DINNER,
Three times nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, former US Ambassador Tony P. Hall is
one of the leading advocates for hunger relief programs and improving international
human rights conditions in the world. In February 2002, President George W. Bush asked
him to serve as the United States Ambassador to the United Nations Agencies for Food
and Agriculture. He was then confirmed by the U.S. Senate and sworn in by Secretary of
State Colin Powell in September 2002.
As the chief of the U.S. Mission to the U.N. Agencies in Rome – the World Food
Program (WFP), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the International
Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) – Ambassador Tony Hall was responsible for
“putting into action America’s commitment to alleviate hunger and build hope in the
Mr. Hall has been an outspoken advocate for fighting domestic and international hunger
and he has initiated legislation enacted into law to fight hunger-related diseases in
developing nations. He has spent time in more than 100 countries – ranging from
Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. Tony Hall has worked actively to improve human rights
conditions around the world, especially in the Philippines, East Timor, Paraguay, South
Korea, Romania, and the former Soviet Union.
Mr. Hall is married with two children. Mr. Hall graduated from Fairmont High School,
Kettering, Ohio, in 1960. In 1964 he received his A.B. degree from Denison University,
Granville, Ohio. At Denison, he was a Little All-American football tailback and was
named the Ohio Conference's Most Valuable Player in 1963. During 1966 and 1967, Mr.
Hall taught English in Thailand as a Peace Corps Volunteer. He returned to Dayton to
work as a realtor and he was a small businessman for several years.
Ambassador Hall was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for 1998, 1999 and 2001 for
his humanitarian and hunger-related work. For his hunger legislation and for his proposal
for a Humanitarian Summit in the Horn of Africa, Mr. Hall and the Hunger Committee
received the 1992 Silver World Food Day Medal from the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations. He received honorary Doctor of Laws degrees from
Asbury College, Antioch College and Eastern College and a Doctor of Humane Letters
degree from Loyola College. In 1994, President Clinton nominated Mr. Hall for the
position of UNICEF Executive Director.
Tuesday, February 4, Young Alumni Series: Heather Galang’08 A Voice Lost in the
Crowd: The Story of the People of Burma"9:30 AM, Cole Hall
Heather Galang is an alumnus from Bridgewater College from the class of 2008 with a
B.A. in Biology and Spanish and received her Associate’s Degree in Nursing as a
Registered Nurse. She currently works as a Cardiac Nurse at RMH and in her spare time,
travels the world seeking opportunities to learn more about peace and global citizenship.
Galang is also currently in her last year of graduate school at JMU to receive her Master's
of Nursing in Clinical Nurse Leadership, with anticipated graduation in May 2014. She
recently visited Myanmar (formerly known as Burma), through New Community Project,
in January 2013, which was a learning tour through New Community Project. Galang
has been raising awareness and money for Give a Girl a Chance Foundation, which gives
educational opportunities for girls living in poverty-stricken areas, specifically Burma.
Heather traveled to Hiroshima, Japan in August 2013 to represent the United States of
America by speaking at and attending a conference on Disaster Nursing at Hiroshima
University's International Network of Universities Consortium for Peace and Global
Citizenship. She will be there for their annual celebration of Peace Day and the Atomic
Bomb in Hiroshima at Peace Memorial Park.
Galang’s focus is on geographical, political, social, and economical isolation of Myanmar
and other Southeast Asian countries. She discusses the social injustices that contribute to
lack of peace and justice in the region.
Spanish Film Festival Begins- Co-Sponsored by the Center for Cultural
Engagement and the Center for International Education
The Spanish Film Club series was made possible with the support of Pragda, and the
Embassy of Spain in Washington D.C., Spain-USA Foundation. Special thanks to the
Secretary of State for Culture of Spain.
Wednesday, February 5th at 7:00 pm in Cole Hall, Subtitled in English.
de Lucía"After Lucia (2012) – 102 min Michel Franco, 2012
Mexico (Rated R)
Six months after the death of his wife in a car accident, Roberto and his teenage daughter
Alejandra set off from Puerto Vallarta for a fresh start in Mexico City. Alejandra finds
her way more easily than Roberto but very soon, she arouses the baser instincts in her
classmates. Ashamed and unable to tell her father about the escalating bullying at school,
Alejandra’s silence ultimately takes a dreadful toll. An unflinching reflection of upper
middle class youth in Mexico by one of the country’s most promising filmmakers, the
film has been a box office success since its release.
After Lucía’s intense and shocking exploration of the violent effects of bullying are
essential viewing for all students. The film earned the prestigious Un Certain Regard
Award at this year’s Cannes Film Festival and was the Mexican submission for the 2013
Best Foreign-Language Academy Award.
Thursday, February 6, Spring Activities Fair 7:30 PM, Cole Hall, Sponsored by
Eagle Productions
Head over to Cole Hall for the fun, interactive convo that introduces you for the first
time or reintroduces you to all of the clubs and organizations that BC life has to offer.
Attend a short presentation on getting involved on campus and then visit several clubs
and organizations to receive convo credit.
Saturday, Feb. 8: Salsa Magic Co-Sponsored by Eagle Productions and the Center
for Cultural Engagement. Time TBA
Salsa Magic Interactive Latin Dance Party with Lee "El Gringuito" and Kat "La Gata"
has performed around the world with a one of a kind college-themed dance party that
simply can't be missed that was featured on Fox Television's Ambush Makeover.
Students will interact and learn the newest Latin dance moves as they dance with one
another as well as the star of the show. After the lessons, Washington D.C.'s own DJ Lee
"El Gringuito" will continue the party by lighting up the dance floor and spinning the best
in Salsa, Merengue, Bachata, Reggaton, Reggae, International, Hip Hop and Top 40.
Whatever your flavor, DJ Gringito will have it.
Lee has won countless awards and has taught well over 100,000 College students to
Latin dance in over 47 States, more than anyone in the world! Recently, he has made
appearances on Ambush Makeover, FOX Television, NBC, ABC Univision, Telemundo
and appeared on the final episode of America's Got Talent. In 2007, he debuted his first
Instructional DVD, which is being called "the most comprehensive beginner Salsa DVD
ever made!" 2008 has brought many exciting opportunities including starting the world's
first Bachata Meet Up with over 500 members as well as debuting three instructional
Bachata DVDs due out in June. This year he was also nominated as Salsa Instructor of
the Year as well as Latin DJ of the Year in 2008 for the DC Salsa Awards.
Monday, February 10th, at 7:00 pm in Cole Hall, Subtitled in English.
Post Mortem (2012) - 98 min (Rated R) Pablo Lorrain, 2010, Chile
Pablo Larraín first broke onto the international film scene when Tony Manero premiered
at the Cannes Directors´ Fortnight. This Chilean director has now followed up with
visceral Post Mortem. Mario Cornejo is going about his daily business of writing autopsy
reports at the military hospital in Santiago, when the Pinochet coup d´état shakes this
heretofore apolitical character out of his state of apathy. This passionately executed film
by Larraín has met with brilliant reviews, competing at the Venice Film Festival and
nabbing second place at the Havana Film Festival´s Coral Awards. Post Mortem is
neither a reconstruction of the Pinochet days, nor an angry denunciation of the period.
Instead, Larraín offers a borderline-surreal –Lynchian–black comedy to show, among
other things, how easy it is for ordinary people to sleepwalk into a climate of atrocity,
either as victims, collaborators, or as both. As in his first film, Larraín invests his
characters with metaphoric undertones, suffusing the city of Santiago with a surreal
visual texture that evokes the nightmarish landscape it was rapidly becoming.
Tuesday, February 11th , 7:00 PM Cole Hall. Subtitled in English.
Even the Rain (2011) – 104 min Icíar Bollaín, 2010 Spain (Rated R)
In Even the Rain by Icíar Bollaín, filmmaker Sebastian (Gael García Bernal) and his
cynical producer Costa (Luis Tosar) arrive in Cochabamba, Bolivia to make a film about
Columbus’s voyage to the New World and the subjugation of the indigenous population.
Just as filming begins, the natives face a crisis when the government privatizes the water
company and prices skyrocket. Daily protests erupt and the local man cast as a rebellious
sixteenth century Taino chief, also becomes a leader in the water hike protests. Bollaín
intercuts footage of Sebastian’s film, with recordings of the demonstrations that occurred
during the real life “Water Wars” that took place when the Bolivian government
privatized the water company in 2000.
In this masterful film-within-a-film which is anchored in the philosophies of historian
Howard Zinn, as well as the stories of 16th century priests, Fathers Bartolome de las
Casas and Antonio Montesinos, Bollaín raises questions about exploitation in South
America, blurring the lines between past and present, fiction and reality. With an airtight
script by Paul Laverty (long-time Ken Loach collaborator) and stellar performances from
cast Luis Tosar, Gael García Bernal, Carlos Adurivi and Karra Elejalde, Even the Rain is
Spain’s submission for the 2011 Academy® Awards.
Wednesday, February 12, 7:30 PM Carter Center Michael Overman, Marimba
Percussionist Michael Overman earned his bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees
from West Virginia University, Ithaca College and Northwestern University and now
teaches future world leaders to ‘hit stuff’ at James Madison University, Bridgewater
College, and Washington & Lee University. Michael lives in Bridgewater, driving his
family bonkers by practicing marimba in the living room.
Thursday, February 13th , 7:00 PM Cole Hall. Subtitled in English. Wilaya (2012) 97 min (PG 13) Pedro Pérez Rosado, 2012, Spain
Fatimetu is born to a Sahrawi family in a Saharan refugee camp in Algeria and later sent
to live with foster parents in Spain. After the death of her mother, she returns to the camp.
She has been absent for sixteen years. Her brother now expects her to stay and look after
her sister Hayat, who has difficulty walking. Fatimetu, who unlike the other women can
drive a car, finds work transporting animals, meat, and bread from one administrative
district to another. In time, the Sahrawi people become accustomed to the woman who
tears about the desert without a hijab in her beaten up jeep. But Fatimetu is torn between
life in the desert and her memories of her family and friends in Spain.
With unprecedented access to the Sahrawi community, Pedro Pérez Rosado, provides a
voice to this unrepresented group of refugees and their struggle for independence. The
outstanding performance of newcomer Nadhira Mohamed, who was herself born in a
refugee camp in Tinduf, landed her the Best Actress award at the Abu Dhabi Film
Friday, February 14th , 7:00 PM Cole Hall. Subtitled in English.
The Return (El Regreso) (2011) – 95 min Hernán Jiménez, 2012 Costa Rica (PG 13)
The Return is the story of a delightful and life-changing journey back to Costa Rica.
After living 10 years in New York, 30-year-old Antonio returns to San José where he is
forced to deal with the realities he ran away from. He is welcomed by his intense sister,
Amanda-whose husband recently abandoned her-and their young son Inti-who is
apprehensive about Antonio’s presence. When things take an unexpected turn, Antonio is
forced to remain home far longer than he had anticipated. Add in the comedy of Antonio
finding out that his best friend is the lead singer of a death metal rock band and sprinkle
in the rekindling of a childhood romance and you have the ingredients of a superb film.
Actor and director Hernán Jiménez not only wrote, directed, and stared in this, his second
full-length film, but also financed it with the proceeds from his first feature, his stand up
comedy act, and the most successful Kickstarter campaign in Latin America to date. Far
from the image of Costa Rica promoted by the country’s Department of Tourism, The
Return became the highest grossing Costa Rican film ever and the first to earn
international recognition.
Monday, February 17, 4:00 PM, Boitnott Room Artist Talk- Christa Bowden
Christa Kreeger Bowden earned her MFA in photography from the University of Georgia
in 2000, and a BA in photography and film communication from Tulane University in
1996. She is an Associate Professor of Art at Washington & Lee University, where she
started the program in photography in 2006. Her work explores the use of a flatbed
scanner as a camera, the combination of photography and encaustic painting, as well as
alternative and 19th century photographic processes. She was the recipient of a 20092010 Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Fellowship, and was a 2005 nominee for the Santa
Fe Prize for Photography. Bowden was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia. She currently
lives and makes work in Lexington, Virginia.
Tuesday, February 18, Relay for Life Informational Meeting, 9:30 AM Boitnott
Relay for Life is a worldwide American Cancer Society event that is largely focused on
fundraising money for cancer research and various other programs such as: Road to
Recovery, Hope Lodge, TLC, Reach to Recovery, and man to man programs. It has a
presence not only in hundreds of towns and countries, but also on our campus. Relay is a
chance to Celebrate the lives of people who have battled cancer, Remember loved ones
lost, and Fight Back against the disease.
Relay For Life is an all-night event where we come together, as a community, to camp
out on the mall, fundraise, walk the track, participate in activities, and have a great time.
Since cancer never sleeps, neither do we. Cancer has touched all of our lives in one way
or another. Whether it is through knowing someone with cancer, being a caregiver for a
loved one, having a family member or friend affected by cancer, or being affected
yourself. Cancer is an awful disease that takes too many lives of loved ones every year.
Join us as Bridgewater’s Relay for Life committee and guest speakers share their stories
about the struggles of cancer and why it is so important to put an end to cancer. And help
us fight back on March 28, 2014 so one we can celebrate a world with more birthdays.
For more information please contact Kate Garwood at,
or sign-up at
Thursday, February 20 Tidewater Guitar Orchestra, 7:30 PM Carter center Cosponsored by the Virginia Commission for the Arts and the National Endowment
for the Arts.
The Tidewater Guitar Orchestra was founded in 1996 by Sam Dorsey. Inspired by a
similar orchestra in Costa Rica led by Luis Zumbado, the TGO was formed based on the
concept of a large group of musicians playing on three different types of guitars. The
orchestra is composed of traditional classical guitars, supplemented by soprano guitars,
tuned a fifth higher, called requintos, and bass guitars, tuned a fourth lower, called bajas.
One of the only guitar orchestras of its kind in the United States, the TGO has made
numerous appearances locally and represented the United States at the International
Guitar Festival in Costa Rica in October of 1999. TGO most recently has performed with
Ben Verderey and Ufonia, again as part of the Virginia Arts Festival, where they
premiered selections from “Tidewater Music” composed by Ben Verderey for the TGO.
The musicians in the group come from diverse backgrounds. Several members of the
orchestra are established guitarists, performing and teaching throughout the Hampton
Roads Area, while many of the other musicians come from professions outside the field
of music. The Orchestra’s repertoire ranges from traditional Central and South American
music, contemporary works dedicated to the TGO, original compositions by members of
the orchestra, and, classical compositions from Bach to Bartok arranged by members of
the TGO.
Tuesday, February 25, Campus Worship Service, 9:30 AM, Carter Center
Join Chaplain Miller for campus worship.
Wednesday, February 26 Sean Chen, Van Cliburn 2013 Crystal Award Winner,
7:30 PM Carter Center
Pianist Sean Chen raised in Southern California because the first American to make the
finals of the quadrennial Van Cliburn International Piano Competition since 1997 at age
24, winning the third place “crystal award”.
Sean Chen is the 2013 DeHaan Classical Fellow of the American Pianists Association.
Second Prize winner at the 2011 Seoul International Music Competition, Third Prize
winner at the 2013 Morocco Philharmony International Piano Competition, and
prizewinner at the 2009 Cleveland International Piano Competition, Mr. Chen has
performed with several orchestras, including the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra under
Gerard Schwarz, Suwon City Philharmonic under Dai Uk Lee, New West Symphony
with Boris Brott, and the Juilliard Orchestra under David Atherton.
Other awards Mr. Chen has received include Juilliard's 2010 Gina Bachauer Piano
Competition, Juilliard's 2010 Munz Scholarship, the 2010 Paul and Daisy Soros
Fellowship for New Americans, the Evelyn Bonar Storrs Scholarship, first prize at the
2008 Juilliard Concerto Competition, the Glenn Miller Scholarship, a prize at the
California International Young Artist Competition, Los Angeles Music Center's Spotlight
Award, and a NFAA ARTSweek award
February 27-March 2, 2014 (Thursday-Sunday). Theatre at Bridgewater College
presents The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) [revised]. By Adam
Long, Daniel Silver, and Jess Winfield; Cole Hall
Join us as one of the world’s most frequently produced plays hits the Cole Hall
stage! The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) [revised] premiered at
the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 1987 and quickly became a worldwide phenomenon,
earning the title of London’s second-longest running comedy after a decade at the
Criterion Theatre. The script was developed by three inspired, charismatic comics who
honed their pass-the-hat act at Renaissance fairs into a show that manages to feature all
37 of Shakespeare’s plays performed at the break-neck speed of 97 minutes by just 3
actors (with the help of the occasional audience member). As described by The New York
Times’ Ben Brantley: “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged)
[revised] embodies one of comedy's most essential impulses: the adolescent urge to take
a baseball bat to the culturally revered. A mix of pratfalls, puns, willful mis-readings of
names and dialogue, clunky female impersonations, clean-cut ribaldry, and broad
burlesque, the gung-ho vitality is impossible to resist. The conversion of the histories into
a football game is very funny. So is a rap version of Othello. Hamlet truly soars and
allows the actors to come into their own as manic clowns. At its giddiest, its tone recalls
the fabled Bullwinkle cartoon shows.”
February 27-March 1, 2014 at 8.00 pm
March 2, 2014 at 3.00 pm
Talk-Back and Reception, February 28 after the performance
$9 Adults, $7 Seniors and Non-BC Students
Ticket Reservations: (540) 828-5631
Friday, Feb. 28th: Slam Poem Extravaganza featuring slam poets: Jon Goode and
Caroline Co-Sponsored by Eagle Productions and the Center for Cultural
Emmy Nominee and HBO Def Poet Jon Goode hails from Richmond, Virginia but
currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia. Over the past decade Jon has performed his unique
brand of comedic and life-affirming poetry at colleges and universities all over the nation,
and venues both domestic and abroad. He is currently one of the featured artists in the
sold out Passion and Poetry concert series that features some of the top rated poets and
spoken word artists in the nation. Jon has been blessed to be a repeat featured act on
Russell Simmons' HBO Def Poetry Jam and to have his highly acclaimed work published
in print ads by Nike and in several magazines and periodicals nationwide. His work has
also been featured in radio commercials for McDonalds and in television commercials
and interstitials for TVLand/Nick @ Nite. Jon's work with Nick @ Nite earned him an
Emmy nomination along with the Promax Gold award for best copyright in June 2006.
Poetry Slam Incorporated ranks Jon Goode as one of the top poets in the nation due to his
3rd place finish at the national poetry slam competition in August 2006.
As a national award winning performance poet, Jon has been privileged to share the
stage with Jamie Foxx, Mos Def, Kanye West, Tommy Davidson, Will Downing,
Kindred, Ledisi, Roy Ayers, Common, Amiri Baraka, Malcolm Jamal Warner, Kim
Fields, The Last Poets and many other talented poets, comedians and performers.
Caroline Rothstein is a New York City-based writer, performer, and eating disorder
recovery advocate, who specializes in spoken word poetry, theater, creative nonfiction,
journalism, and performance art. She has performed and facilitated workshops at poetry
venues, theaters, colleges, universities, schools, and organizations around the United
States for more than a decade. A longtime activist in eating disorder recovery, she hosts
the widely viewed YouTube video-blog “Body Empowerment,” sharing her own
recovery story as a means to promote positive body image worldwide. She currently sits
as President of the Board of Directors for the NORMAL nonprofit organization. Her
award-winning one-woman play “faith” about her experience with and recovery from an
eating disorder debuted as part of the Culture Project’s Women Center Stage 2012
Festival, and received Outstanding Overall Production of a Solo Show in the 2012 Planet
Connections Theatre Festivity.
Caroline was a member of the 2010 Nuyorican Poets Cafe slam team, which placed
second at Poetry Slam Incorporated’s National Poetry Slam 2010. As journalist and poet,
Caroline’s work has appeared in The Huffington Post, xoJane, Big Think, and
Narratively amongst other publications, literary journals, and anthologies, and she has
self-published three books of poetry. A former member of and director for The Excelano
Project, a nationally-acclaimed spoken word poetry organization at the University of
Pennsylvania, she was the 2004 and 2006 UPenn Grand Slam Champion, a five-time
College Unions Poetry Slam Invitational finalist, and helped coach the UPenn slam team
to CUPSI championships in 2007 and 2009. Upon graduating in 2006, Caroline was
honored for her work with an event in her name at the Kelly Writer’s House called “The
Caroline Rothstein Annual Oral Poetry Event.” She has a B.A. in classical studies from
the University of Pennsylvania, and an M.S. from Columbia University’s Graduate
School of Journalism.
Sunday, March 2, Jazz Ensemble Concert at 3:00 PM Carter Center
The Bridgewater College Jazz Ensemble will present an exciting concert of various jazz
styles under the direction of Dr. Christine Carrillo.
Monday, March 3, Kathryn Erskine, Award Winning Children’s Author, 7:30 PM
Cole Hall Sponsored by the Alison Yowell Pazmino Memorial Fund for Student
Education. (DINNER) (MEET) (LUNCHEON in BOW 109)
Kathryn Erskine, a lawyer-turned-author, grew up in six countries, an experience that
helps her view life, and her writing, from different perspectives, will present the
inaugural Alison Yowell Pazmino Endowed Lecture . Erskine’s novels include
Mockingbird (Philomel 2010), 2010 National Book Award Winner, Quaking (Philomel
2007), an ALA Top Ten Quick Pick for Reluctant Readers, and The Absolute Value of
Mike (Philomel, 2011), 2012 ALA Best Fiction for Young Adults nominee. While
covering weighty topics, her books have warmth and humor, making difficult issues
approachable. She is a writing instructor and frequent workshop presenter.
The Alison Yowell Pazmino Memorial Fund for Student Education Series was
established in memory of Alison Yowell Pazmino, a Bridgewater College graduate who
passed away on October 17, 2005, following a long and courageous battle with
Hodgkin’s disease. After a semester spent studying in France, Alison graduated from
Bridgewater in 1995 and began her educational career teaching French at Metz Middle
School in Manassas, VA. She then traveled for 2 years to Japan, where she trained
Japanese teachers in English language curriculum development. Upon her return to the
United States, she earned her master’s degree from George Mason University, became a
Teacher-Consultant with the Northern Virginia Writing Project, and then traveled to
Southern California where she taught English for one year. After her return home to
Virginia, she joined the staff of the Journal of the Virginia Writing Project where she met
her husband, Pete Pazmino. Five months after her death, the Commonwealth of Virginia
celebrated Alison’s life and her contributions to education through the unanimous
passage of House Joint Resolution 429, which declared that her “legacy lives in the
young people of France, Japan, and the United States whose lives she touched and
inspired.” In recognition of the importance of education in Alison’s life, the Alison
Yowell Pazmino Memorial Fund for Student Education Series is established at
Bridgewater College. Proceeds from this fund may be used to enrich the educational
experience for Bridgewater College students in one or more of the following areas of
focus: Children and Young Adult Literature and International Education and Outreach.
Tuesday, March 4, 9:30 AM - TBA
Wednesday, March 5, Iona 7:30 PM Carter Center Co-sponsored by the Virginia
Commission for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts.
IONA's music is a unique, acoustic weave of the traditional music of Scotland, Ireland,
Wales, Cornwall, Brittany (France), the Isle of Man, Asturias and Galicia (Spain), as well
as their transplants in America. Blending songs, dance tunes, and aires into a rich and
stunning tapestry, their style is outstanding in an arena where these traditions are seldom
Conceived in 1986, IONA was the musical offspring of lead singer, bouzouki, guitar
and bodhrán player Barbara Ryan and wind section, Bernard Argent. With fiddler Jim
Queen (banjo and vocals as well), bass guitar player Chuck Lawhorn and dancer
Kathleen Larick (also vocals and percussion), IONA has become the leading Celtic group
in the Mid-Atlantic region.
They are all seasoned performers: entertainers who involve their audiences with the
history and cultural backgrounds of the music, with teaching words to the songs -- even
those sung in a Celtic tongue, with leading simple Breton dances, with humor, and with
every emotion in the spectrum. An IONA show is known for: Traditional Celtic Material
The haunting songs, toe tapping dances and the humor of the Celtic peoples from
Scotland to Brittany provide IONA with an incredibly varied repertoire
Original Acoustic Arrangements All the members of the band play several instruments,
often switching within a piece to achieve their unique sound. They weave tunes from
different countries around their songs, pursuing complex rhythms with deft
Lively Entertaining Presentation Above all, IONA's performances is FUN!
Thursday, March 6th, Symphonic Band 7:30 “Music From Around the World”,
Cole Hall 7:30 PM
The Bridgewater College Symphonic Band, under the direction of Dr. Christine Carrillo,
will present a concert of Music from Around the World. The band will perform pieces
based on the traditional folk songs of England, Korea, Mexico and the United States
Tuesday, March 18, 9:30 AM Alumni Series: Joanne Harris, Cole Hall 9:30 AM
(BREAKFAST opportunity+ lecture)
Joanne Harris is the Director of Diversity and Advocacy at Mary Baldwin College.
Joanne graduated from Bridgewater College with a degree in English in 1998, and soon
after earned her Master’s degree in Social Sciences from Hollins University. Joanne and
her life partner, Jessica Duff of 12 years, are currently being represented by Lambda
Legal and the ACLU of Virginia to seek the freedom to marry for all same-sex couples in
Virginia. Joanne has worked diligently throughout her career to ensure the needs of
individuals in our local communities who are often categorized as underrepresented are
being supported. Joanne enjoys spending most of her time outdoors with her family.
Wednesday, March 19, Robert Edsel, Author of Monument Men (upcoming major
motion picture) 7:30 PM in Cole Hall, Co-Sponsored by the Harry and Ina Shank
Education Fund, The Harold. H. Hersch Educational Fund, and by the Center for
Cultural Engagement. (DINNER) (MEET) (CHANGE)
Robert Edsel, a former nationally ranked tennis player, began his business career in oil
and gas exploration in 1981. His company, Gemini Exploration pioneered the use of
horizontal drilling technology throughout the early 1990s. By 1995, Gemini had become
the second most active driller of horizontal wells in the United States. While living in
Florence, he developed a great passion for art and architecture and became curious as to
how so many of the monuments and great works of art survived the thefts and devastation
of World War II. What began as a question evolved into an impassioned journey to
unravel the secrets and heroics of the Monuments Men, the unsung heroes who saved the
world’s greatest art and cultural treasures for the benefit of civilization. Edsel has
dedicated the last ten years of his life to painstaking and far-reaching research about the
Monuments Men, which culminated in the self-publishing of his book Rescuing Da
Vinci, a detailed historical account which includes 460 photographs. Edsel is also the coproducer of the documentary, The Rape of Europa, based on the award winning book. In
June 2009, Edsel published Beyond the Dreams of Avarice: The Hermann Goering
Collection by Nancy Yeide, an internationally recognized expert in World War II-era
provenance research. The thoroughly documented catalogue is the first study devoted to
Goering’s entire paintings collection.
In September 2009, Edsel’s second book, The Monuments Men: Allied Heroes, Nazi
Thieves and the Greatest Treasure Hunt in History, a narrative telling of the story of the
Monuments Men, was released by Center Street, a division of Hachette Book Group. In
January 2012 George Clooney announced he would write, direct and star in the film
version of The Monuments Men. The sure to be blockbuster hit, in theaters December 18,
2013, features a star-studded cast including Clooney, Matt Damon, Cate Blanchett, John
Goodman, and Bill Murray. Robert Edsel’s third book, Saving Italy (May 2013), follows
two Monuments Men as they struggle to protect and save some of the world’s greatest
treasures located in Italy, including works by Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo.
Edsel is the Founder and President of the Monuments Men Foundation for the
Preservation of Art, (, a not-for-profit entity. The
Foundation was one of ten recipients of the 2007 National Humanities Medal, the highest
honor given by the United States for excellence in the Humanities field.
Edsel is a dynamic speaker and regularly invited to lecture at prominent institutions
including appearances at the Eisenhower Institute, the National Archives, the National
Gallery of Art, the Nelson-Atkins Museum, National World War II Museum, Yale
University, the Art Institute of Chicago and the Eisenhower Presidential Library, among
many others.
Edsel has a long history of philanthropic endeavors. He has served on the Board of the
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (Dallas Chapter), the Advisory Board of St. Philip’s School
and Community Center, and as a volunteer at the Union Gospel Mission. Edsel founded
the Cochran Chapel Homeowners Association in Dallas in 1993, serving as its President
for the first three years. Additionally, in 2003, Edsel served as Chairman of a committee
working to develop a master plan for the Turtle Creek corridor in Dallas.
In 2008, Edsel was a recipient of the President’s Call to Service Award and the “Hope for
Humanity Award” from the Dallas Holocaust Museum/Center for Education and
Tolerance. In 2009, Edsel became a member of the Advisory Board for the Dallas
Holocaust Museum/Center for Education and Tolerance.In January 2010, Edsel was
invited to become a trustee of The National World War II Museum in New Orleans, LA,
and serves on the Executive Committee. In 2011, he was presented with the Texas Medal
of Arts Award by Governor Rick Perry. He also received the Distinguished Alumnus
Award from St. Mark’s School of Texas.
Friday, March 21, Doug Graber Neufeld, Silliman Lecture Series. 3:00 PM
McKinney 100
“Arsenic in water and pesticides in food: How does science help us decide when toxins
are a problem?”
This talk will explore several specific studies of contaminants on both the local and
global context, including pesticide levels in market vegetables, arsenic in drinking water,
and risks associated with hydrofracking. These studies provide examples of how
scientists interact with society, and illustrate the process of decision-making on the
individual and community levels with respect to toxins.
Doug Graber Neufeld has been in the Department of Biology at Eastern Mennonite
University since 1998. He helps direct the Environmental Sustainability program, and
teaches a variety of courses in environmental science and biology. He earned his Ph.D.
from the University of Texas, Austin after 3 years studying blue crabs at a fishing village
along the Gulf of Mexico. He held postdoctoral fellowships at the University of Arizona,
and the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand. His teaching and research have
since taken him to Central and South America, and Southeast Asia. His primary interests
are in the areas of environmental physiology and toxicology, with a focus on how to
monitor environmental contaminants and their effects on animals, including humans. As
an educator, he is interested in how we best communicate science in the classroom, and
how different cultures view the role of science in society. In his free time, he likes to
explore the local mountains with his two young sons.
Thursday, March 27 Scott Business Symposium: Greg Via, BC ALUM
Global Director – Sports Marketing, The Gillette Company / P&G 7:30 PM Cole
Greg Via has been the Global Director- Sports Marketing, The Gillette since 2007. He is
responsible for the Gillette’s involvement in the global sports market place – with the
base property being the Gillette Champions, a unique program that links three of the
world’s greatest athletes, Tiger Woods, Roger Federere and Thierry Henry into to a
marketing program that has been rolled out to 190+ countries. The Gillette Champions
program has been expanded to include iconic athletes, Derek Jeter, Kaka, Messi, Rafa
and 19 other global superstars.
Greg also works with the Gillette North American leadership to leverage Gillette’s
involvement with the NFL, NASCAR, WWE and MLB. He is also a member of the
P&G Olympic core team that works to activate P&G and its family of brands on a Global
Olympic platform.
Formerly, Greg was the Vice President, Alliance and Licensing at New Era Cap. Prior,
he was the Vice President, Worldwide Corporate Sponsorship, Motorola and the Director
of Worldwide Sports Marketing, Gatorade.
He was the track coach at LSU and the University of Tennessee. Greg is a native of
Clifton Forge, Virginia and a graduate of Bridgewater College and the University of
Tennessee. He resides in Boston with his wife Vicki and their daughter Kristin.
Greg is an active member of the Boston Chapter Board of the National Sports Marketing
Network (NSMN), where he also serves on the Advisory Board for NSMN’s Sports
Licensing Summit initiative.
Saturday, March 29 Gospel Extravaganza 3:00 PM Cole Hall
Need description Afternoon time correct???
Tuesday, April 1, Founder’s Day Ceremony 11:00 AM, Carter Center.
This arrival observance began in 1920 as a commemoration of the birth of Daniel
Christian Flory, who founded Bridgewater College in Spring Creek, Va. Awards
recognizing teaching excellence will be presented to deserving individuals.
Monday, April 7 Krishna Kodukula, Ph.D. Presidential Inauguration Lecture:
Truth, Carter Center, 7:30 PM (DINNER, MEET)
Krishna Kodukula, Ph.D., is executive director, strategic development and site head of
SRI Shenandoah Valley in Harrisonburg, Virginia. Prior to that, he was executive
director of SRI’s Center for Advanced Drug Research, and co-leader of drug discovery in
SRI Biosciences. Kodukula joined SRI from Sarnoff Corporation (an SRI subsidiary at
the time that has now been integrated into SRI). While at Sarnoff, he was the technical
lead of a national program for reducing the time to discover and develop new drugs
during a national emergency. At SRI, Kodukula is establishing new programs and
expanding business opportunities, with a focus on practical applications of the science of
Prior to Sarnoff, Kodukula helped launch Small Molecule Therapeutics, a drug discovery
start-up in the Princeton, New Jersey area, and co-found Pyxis Technology Solutions, an
IT tools developer based in India and in the United States. Previously, he was a senior
research investigator at Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute and a
fellow at the Roche Institute of Molecular Biology, Hoffman-La Roche.
Kodukula has a Ph.D. in biochemistry and botany from Utkal University, Bhubaneswar
in India, and did postdoctoral work at the Indian Institute of Science, where he was a
National Biotechnology Board fellow. Kodukula has more than 30 years of experience in
conducting basic and industrial research focused on discovering new therapies for
globally important diseases such as cancer, metabolic and neurological disorders.
Presently, Dr. Kodukula is interested in a holistic understanding of biological function
and discovering novel biomarkers for different diseases. Over the past 15 years, in
addition to leading research groups, he has helped launch several new companies, and
license many inventions and technologies for commercialization thru external
partnerships. Kodukula is a member of the American Society for Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology, and a founding member of the newly launched International
Chemical Biology Society. He serves on several boards, including the Virginia BIO,
Shenandoah Valley Partnership, the board of trustees at Bridgewater College, and the
Science Commission at Eastern Mennonite University
Tuesday, April 8 Presidential Inauguration Chapel Service- Jeffery Carr (Service)
Need bio description for Jeff Carr.
Wednesday, April 9 Presidential Inauguration Music Program (Harmony)
Need info from Larry.
Tuesday, April 8, Student Senate Campaign 9:30 AM, Boitnott Room.
The student body president presides over this student government convo.
((Thursday, April 10 (Follows a Friday schedule- no 9:30 AM Slot))
Friday, April 11 The Inauguration of President David W. Bushman, Campus Mall,
11 AM? (Check time? Description coming) (The day will follow a Thursday schedule)
April 10-13, 2014 (Thursday-Sunday): Pinion Players Performance Showcase:
Untitled Revue. Senior Honors Project written and directed by Nicholas Davis (’14)
Nicholas Davies’ Senior Honors Project, Untitled Revue, is a culmination of his studies
of theatre at Bridgewater College. A comedic odyssey designed as a celebration of the
artistic talents of the student body – incorporating theatre, dance, music, and
improvisation – Untitled Revue is also a thematic finale to the irreplaceable experience of
college. Entirely student written, directed, and produced, this cacophony of wit and
pleasantry - from an absurd soap opera to the bizarre occurrences within a teachers’
lounge - is designed to engender a smile on the face of the audience.
April 10-12 at 8.00 pm
April 13 at 3.00 pm
Talk Back and Reception April 11 after the performance
$9 Adults, $7 Seniors and Non-BC Students
Ticket Reservations: (540) 828-5631
For mature audiences: adult themes and language
Monday, April 14, Alice Driver, Human Rights Activist, 7:30PM Cole Hall
Dr. Alice Driver is a writer, editor and translator based in NYC and Mexico City. She has
a Ph.D. in Hispanic Studies from the University of Kentucky and completed a
Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México in Mexico
City in 2012. In 2013 she was selected as one of 40 international journalists to attend the
Narco News School for Authentic Journalism in Mexico City. She writes about violence
against women, feminicide, the representation of the female body, immigration and
poverty with a focus on Ciudad Juárez and the U.S.-Mexico border. She is currently
working on her first short documentary film, “If Images Could Fill Our Empty Spaces,”
about how photographers Julián Cardona, Jaime Bailleres and Itzel Aguilera represent
violence and poverty in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. She volunteers with the nonprofit to promote issues related to human rights and justice. Her
photography was featured in the November 2012 National Geographic (Spanish
Language Edition). She writes for Women’s Media Center, Vela, Narco News and Ms.
Tuesday, April 15, Easter Service-Chaplain Robbie Miller 9:30 AM, Carter Center.
Join Chaplain Robbie Miller for the traditional Easter worship service.
Tuesday, April 22 9:30 AM Career Exploration Day 9:30 a.m.-11:45am , Nininger
Over 50 alumni will be on campus to talk with you about their experiences transitioning
from college to career. Career Exploration Day gives BC students an opportunity to learn
about careers in their majors and to connect with alumni to network and share advice on
landing the first job, applying to graduate school, living on your own and the “inside
scoop” on how to make the best impression possible as you move into new worlds
beyond BC. Sponsored by the Office of Career Services
Tuesday, April 22, Earth Day Program TBD 7:30 Cole Hall
Daniel Reed… Details coming---
Thursday, April 24, Poetry Jam 9:30 AM, Boitnott Room.
Bridgewater’s annual poetry jam features original works by students and faculty.
Interested poets must sign up by Thursday, April 10. Please contact Dr. Stan Galloway
( for details.
April 24-27, 2014 (Thursday-Sunday): Pinion Players Performance Showcase: The
Bright Smile. Senior Honors Project written and directed by Talaya Heard (’14)
The Bright Smile tells the story of Annabelle, a young woman who understands first-hand
the toxicity of abusive relationships. Unpacking the time capsule of her romantic
relationships gone bad, we share the important moments in her history, moments tainted
by physical, mental, emotional and sexual abuse. Written and directed by Talaya Heard
(’14), The Bright Smile shines a light on these often taboo subjects, and offers a beacon of
hope for those living in the darkness.
Bridgewater College
Cole Hall Auditorium
April 24 at 8.00 pm
April 26 at 3.00 pm and 8.00 pm (Note Two Performances This Date)
April 27 at 3.00 pm
Talk-Back and Reception, April 26 after the 8.00 pm performance
$9 Adults, $7 Seniors and Non-BC Students
Ticket Reservations: (540) 828-5631
For mature audiences: adult themes and strong language.
Tuesday, April 29, Alpha Chi Research Convo 9:30 AM, Cole Hall.
This annual convo showcases some of the best student research being done on campus
this year. Alpha Chi is a national college scholarship honor society intended to “promote
academic excellence and exemplary character and to honor those who achieve such
distinction.” All Bridgewater College students are eligible to present their research. For
details and further information, contact Dr. Steve Baron (
Wednesday, April 30 CONVO: Symphonic Band Concert at 7:30 (Cole Hall)
The Bridgewater College Symphonic Band, led by the direction of Dr. Christine Carrillo,
will present a concert of standard band literature of the 20th century
Saturday, May 3 CONVO: Choir Concert: Saturday, at 7:30 (Carter Center)
The Bridgewater College Concert Choir, Chorale and Oratorio Choir will present a
concert under the direction of Dr. John McCarty.
Sunday, May 4, CONVO: Jazz Ensemble Concert: at 3:00 (Cole Hall)
The Bridgewater College Jazz Ensemble will present an exciting concert of various jazz
styles under the direction of Dr. Christine Carrillo.
Tuesday, May 6, Creative Arts Awards: Annual Awards Assembly: Part I:
Humanities and Sciences 9:30 AM, Cole Hall
The annual awards assembly for humanities and sciences.
Tuesday, May 6, Annual Creative Arts Awards 7:30 PM, Cole Hall
The annual wards assembly for fine and performing arts that includes performances.