Jeopardy - Ms. Breeze Biology

Evolution Bluff
Evidence Mechanisms
Wild Card
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
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Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Final Jeopardy
$100 Darwin
What are Darwin’s four
$100 Answer Darwin
In every population there is variety.
Some of that variety is passed on to offspring.
In every generation there are more individuals
born than can survive.
Over time, the individuals who are the most fit
for their environment will survive better to
$200 Darwin
Darwin identified thirteen different species of finches
in the Galapagos, which he determined had all
descended from a common ancestor. These finches
had developed different beak shapes to adapt to the
various food sources on different islands. This is an
example of _________________.
$200 Answer Darwin
Adaptive Radiation
$300 Darwin
What is the name of
Darwin’s book laying out
his theory of evolution
through natural selection?
$300 Answer Darwin
On the Origin of Species
$400 Darwin
What is speciation and how is it related
to the picture below?
$400 Answer Darwin
Speciation is the formation of a
new species
$500 Darwin
Where did Darwin conduct most of his
research that lead him to develop his ideas
about descent with modification through
natural selection?
$500 Answer Darwin
The Galapagos Islands
$100 Evidence
Some animals have structures with similar
origins but different purposes, such as the
flipper of a whale and the wing of a bat.
These are called _____________ structures.
$100 Answer Evidence
Homologous Structures
$200 Evidence
What are 2 examples of
vestigial structures in the human
$200 Answer Evidence
The tailbone and the appendix
$300 Evidence
What is an analogous structure?
$300 Answer Evidence
Analogous structures
have a SIMILAR function
evolutionary origin.
$400 Evidence
What is comparative embryology and how
is it used to support evolution?
$400 Answer Evidence
Embryology is
the study of
early stages of
$500 Evidence
What are 6 forms of evidence for evolution
that we discussed in class?
$500 Answer Evidence
1. Fossils
2. DNA
3. Homologous structures
4. Vestigial structures
5. Biogeography
6. Comparative embryology
$100 Mechanisms
What is the relative frequency of an
$100 Answer Mechanisms
The number of times a particular allele occurs
in a gene pool
$200 Mechanisms
What are 2 sources of
genetic variation?
$200 Answer Mechanisms
Mutation and independent
$300 Mechanisms
What is genetic drift?
$300 Answer Mechanisms
Random changes in allele frequency
$400 Mechanisms
What conditions must be met in order to
establish Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium?
$400 Answer Mechanisms
1. There are no mutations
2. Mating is random
3. Populations are infinitely large
4. There is no selection
$500 Mechanisms
What are 3 types of reproductive isolation?
$500 Answer Mechanisms
1. Behavioral isolation
2. Geographic isolation
3. Temporal isolation
$100 Natural Selection
What are 3 types of natural
$100 Answer Natural Selection
Stabilizing selection
Disruptive selection
Directional selection
$200 Natural Selection
The peppered moth provides an example
of what type of natural selection?
$200 Answer Natural Selection
Directional selection, where allele
frequency shifts in one direction.
$300 Natural Selection
What is fitness in terms of
evolution and natural selection?
$300 Answer Natural Selection
The ability to survive and reproduce.
$400 Natural Selection
Darwin’s finches are an example
of this type of selection.
$400 Answer Natural Selection
Disruptive selection
$500 Natural Selection
A population of clams changes over time
so that medium-sized clams outnumber
large or small sized clams. This is an
example of what type of natural selection?
$500 Answer Natural Selection
Stabilizing selection
$100 Wild Card
What is evolution?
$100 Answer Wild Card
Genetic change in species over a
very long period of time
$200 Wild Card
What is a gene pool?
$200 Answer Wild Card
All genes present in a population
$300 Wild Card
Which animal is most closely related to
$300 Answer Wild Card
The chimpanzee
$400 Wild Card
Humans and mice share around 60% of their
DNA, while humans and chimpanzees share
roughly 98% of their DNA. Which are more
closely related?
$400 Answer Wild Card
Humans and chimpanzees
$500 Wild Card
The diagram below shows a series of undisturbed
rock strata. A different species of fish is found in
each layer. What are the relative ages of these fish
from oldest to youngest?
$500 Answer Wild Card
C, B, A
Final Jeopardy
If a population includes 250 individuals
homozygous dominant (RR: red flowers), 250
individuals heterozygous for this gene (Rr:
red flowers), and 125 homozygous recessive
(rr: white flowers), what are the frequencies
of the alleles for red and white?
Final Jeopardy Answer
0.60 red, 0.40 white