„Emission & Regeneration“© Unified Field Theory Osvaldo Domann - Introduction Methodology Main characteristics of Fundamental Particles (FPs) General theoretical part Coulomb law Ampere law Induction law Time, momentum and force Quantification Miscellaneous (Special Relativity) Quantum mechanics Findings Copyright © The content of the present work, its ideas, axioms, postulates, definitions, derivations, results, findings, etc., can be reproduced only by making clear reference to the author. To prevent plagiarism, all published versions of the work were deposited and attested by a notary since 2003 . 1 Methodology Postulated 2 Particle representation 3 Characteristics of the introduced fundamental particles (FPs) • Fundamental Particles are postulated. • FPs move with light speed and with nearly infinite speed. • FPs store energy as rotations in moving and transversal directions • FPs interact through their angular momenta. • Pairs of FPs with opposed transversal angular momenta generate linear momenta on subatomic particles. • Classification of Subatomic Particles. • Basic Subatomic Particles (BSPs) are the positrons, the electrons and the neutrinos. • Complex Subatomic Particles (CSPs) are the proton, the neutron, nuclei of atoms and the photons. 4 Introduction Classification of electrons and positrons 5 Introduction Distribution in space of the relativistic energy of a BSP with v c Ee = Eo2 E p2 Ep = p c d = Eo = m c 2 Ee = E s E n mv Eo2 p= 2 v 1 2 c Es = E E 2 o with 2 p En = E p2 Eo2 E p2 1 ro d dr sin d 2 r2 2 dEe = Ee d = J e dEs = Es d = J s dEn = En d = J n dV=r 2 dr sin d d 2 6 Introduction Energy flux density dA r 2 sin d dγ dPi ν E r J dSi i o o3 2 dA 12π r m s Energy density dV=r 2 dr sin d wi d 2 dEi 1 r J Ei o4 3 dV 2 r m 7 Introduction Linear momentum out of opposed angular momentum dEn ν J n dEn dp dEn 1 dE p dEn dl 2R 1 dp dE p s p c 8 Introduction Moving particles with their angular momenta 9 Fundamental differences in the representation of particles compared with standard theory Standard Proposed Point-like simple particles Space-like structured particles Particles are static entities Particles are dynamic entities Origin of charge unknown Charge defined by the sense of rotation of emitted FPs Light speed is maximum speed Infinite speed is maximum speed One type of electron and positron Two types of electrons and positrons Origin of linear momentum unknown Linear momentum generated by the interaction of FP with opposed angular momenta Wave-particle duality No wave associated to a particle 10 Introduction Definition of field magnitudes dH dH e = H e d se with H e = Ee Longitudinal emitted field dH s=H s dκ s with H s = Es Longitudinal regenerating field dH n=H n dκ n with H n= E n Transversal regenerating field Relation between the angular momentum J and the dH Field dH e se= ν J e dκ se dH s s = ν J s dκ s dF dp dE p 1 dH 1 s1 dH 2 s2 dt c dt c dt dH n n = ν J n dκ n 11 Quantification Time quantification F = p sR t Fstat= p = p 0 = p 1 Q1 Q2 4π o d 2 t = K ro ro 1 2 Coulomb Fdyn= μo I 1 I 2 2π d s K = 5.427110 4 2 m Ampere Δot K ro2 The radius of focal points of BSPs. ro = c E with E = Eo2 E p2 E = for v c for v = c 12 Index Interaction laws for field componenets dH of two BSPs 1) Interaction law between two static BSPs (Coulomb) 2) Interaction law between two moving BSPs (Ampere, Lorentz, Bragg) 3) Interaction law between a static and a moving BSP ( Maxwell, Gravitation) Differential energy generated by the interaction of two dH fields The three possible combinations of the longitudinal and transversal dH fields give the three types of interactions. dE p= dH 1 s1 dH 2 s2 13 Coulomb law 1) Interaction law between two static BSPs (Coulomb) dH s = ν J dκ s dE p = dH e1 s1 dH s2 s2 re rs dp dpstat 1 dE p c 1 d l ( se1 ss2 ) sR = H d H d r1 e1 r1 r2 s2 r2 sR c R 2R 14 Ampere law 2) Interaction law between two moving BSPs (Ampere, Lorentz and Bragg) dE1( n ) = dH n n1 dH n n2 1 2 with dH n ni = n J n d i ni i dpdyn i i 1 dl (n1 n2 ) sR = H n d r H n d r s R 1 1 r 2 2 R r c 2R 1 2 15 Induction law 3) Interaction law between a static and a moving BSP (Maxwell, Gravitation) „Induction law“ ( n) ind dp 1 dl n sR = c R 2R rr H d sp r p sR r r p H n d r 16 Introduction Charge and current of Complex Subatomic Particles (CSPs) Energy of a resting electron Eo = 0.511 MeV n =919 Electron n = 918 Charge Mass current n = 919 Positron Binding Energy Neutron Proton Constituents EB prot = 0.43371 MeV (n n ) * 0.511 = 0.511 MeV Im = n = 919 EB neutr = 0.34936 MeV (n n ) * 0.511 = 0.0 MeV m kg I c = 5,685631378 10 12 I c q s I c [Coulomb/s] 17 Fundamental differences in the representation of ineractions between BSPs and CSPs compared with standard theory Standard Proposed An Individual field for each force A common field for all forces (electric, magnetic, strong, weak, grav.) (dH field) No quantization of linear momentum Quantized elementary linear momentum No quantization of time Quantized interaction time Neutral Particles interact only in collisions Neutral particles interact all the time Electron and positron annihilate Electron and positron compensate and don’t mix in atomic nuclei Power flow only between charged particles Constant power flow between all particles, also neutral particles. Simple representation of atomic nuclei Dynamic representation of atomic nuclei, which reintegrate constantly migrated electrons and positrons. 18 Coulomb Linear momentum pstat as a function of the distance between static BSPs 0 0.1 pstat = 0 0.1 1.8 pstat d 2 1.8 2.1 pstat constant 2.1 518 pstat 518 pstat 1 d 1 2 d 19 Ampere law Diffraction of BSPs at a Crystal due to reitegration of BSPs 20 Ampere law Gravitation between two neutrons due to parallel reintegration of BSPs FR = R M 1M 2 d R = 6.05 10 27 Nm/kg 2 21 Induction law Gravitation between two neutrons due to aligned reintegration of BSPs FG = G M 1M 2 d2 At stable nuclei migrated BSPs that interact with BSPs of same charge do not get the necessary energy to cross the potential barrier. At unstable nuclei some of the migrated BSPs that interact with BSPs of same charge get the necessary energy to cross the potential barrier. 22 Induction +Ampere Total gravitation force due to the reintegration of BSPs G R FT FG FR= 2 M 1 M 2 d d 23 Induction law Linear momentum balance between static and moving BSPs “Induced dp” Elastic scattering 24 Coulomb+Ampere+Induction Power flow between charged bodies 25 Ampere Mechanism of permanent magnetism due to reintegration of BSPs Synchronized reintegration of migrated electrons and positrons 26 Quantification of force a ro2 N C (d) 4 d2 1 pelem mc F N pelem νo ot ----------------------------------------------------------------- o Coulomb M1 M 2 d2 N R(d,M 1 ,M 2 ) 2.0887 5.8731 Coulomb ro2 I m1 I m2 N A(d,I m1 ,I m2 ) 64 m 2 c 2 d N G(d,M 1 ,M 2 ) γG2 ro2 1 M M γR2 1 2 4 64 d Ampere Δl Ampere Induction Ampere Induction Δl Ampere 2.4662 5.8731 FT FG FR [ N G N R ] pelem νo 27 Miscellaneous Neutron and proton composed of accelerating positrons and decelerating electrons 28 Miscellaneous Spin of level electrons at Hydrogen and Helium Atoms 29 Miscellaneous Stern-Gerlach experiment and the spin of the electorn 30 Miscellaneous Special Relativity Absorbtion of a component of a photon and subsequent emission with light speed „c“. 31 Life time increase of moving radiating particles 32 Frames for Lorentz transformations Space-time variables x y z (icot ) x y z (icot ) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 KK 1 t 2 t (x) (y ) (z ) (ico t ) (x ) (y ) (z ) (ico t ) 2 2 2 2 2 xx y y z vt z v2 1 2 co v2 1 2 co 2 2 2 v z co2 v2 1 2 co General Lorentz transformation 4 4 ( ) ( ) i 2 i 1 i 2 i 1 a b i i k k 4 i a a i 1 i k i l kl 4 a i 1 k i ail kl 33 Frames for Lorentz transformations Speed variables KK vx vx vy vy vz (x) 2 (y ) 2 (z ) 2 (ico t ) 2 (x ) 2 (y ) 2 (z ) 2 (ico t ) 2 Dividing both sides with (t ) 2 (no dilatation) vx v y vz (i vc ) 2 vx v y vz (i vc ) 2 2 2 2 2 with vc co and vc co K K* v vx * x 2 t t v vy * y 2 vz v v2 1 2 vc vc vc v vz 2 cc v2 1 2 vc (no space v co * z f fz * z contraction) 34 Relativistic equations Linear momentum mv p z mv z v2 1 2 co Acceleration p *z az az 1 2 v co2 a *z Energy E mco vc mco2 1 2 v co2 E * Eo2 E p2 with E p p z co Doppler 1 v / co f f* 1 v / co Charge density * 1 v / co * 1 v / co Current density Jz Jz J* 35 Characteristics of the special LT based on speed variables. • The transformation rules of SR describe the macroscopic results of the interactions of FPs emitted by electrons and positrons. • The special Lorentz transformation is intrinsically a transformation of speed variables. Time and space are absolute variables and equal in all frames. • Electromagnetic waves are emitted with light speed co relative to the frame of the emitting source. • Electromagnetic waves that arrive at the atoms of measuring instruments like optical lenses or electric antennae are absorbed and subsequently emitted with light speed co relative to the measuring instruments. That explains why always light speed is measured in the frame of the instruments. • The speed vc of the fourth orthogonal coordinate gives the speed of the FPs emitted continuously by electrons and positrons and which continuously regenerate them. • All the transformation equations already existent for the electric and magnetic fields, deduced on the base of the invariance of the Maxwell wave equations are still valid for the present approach. 36 Quantum mechanics Focal radius ro = c E with E = Eo2 E p2 for v c and E=ω for v=c The wave packet 1 Ψ(x,t) 2π c χ(m)exp i mx p(m)t dm with m E c2 Uncertainty principle E x 1 c 2 Δp Δt Proposed 2 2 ic Ψ Eo U Ψ Ψ x 2mo c 2 t 2 1 2c Newton d d2 U ( x) m 2 x dx dt Schrödinger 2 i Ψ ΔΨ UΨ t 2m 37 Quantum mechanics Hydrogen Atom Ek hcRH 1 Eo 2 n 1 1 ΔE ΔEk h c RH 2 ' 2 (n) (n ) n' n 38 Quantum mechanics Hydrogen Atom The relation between the magnetic and orbital quantum numbers is ml l with l 1, 2, 3 and ml sinθ l ml 1, 2, 3 39 Findings Findings of the proposed approach The main findings of the proposed model , from which the presentation is an extract, are: • The energy of a BSP is stored in the longitudinal rotation of emitted fundamental particles. The rotation sense of the longitudinal angular momentum of emitted fundamental particles defines the sign of the charge of the BSP. • All the basic laws of physics (Coulomb, Ampere, Lorentz, Maxwell, Gravitation, bending of particles and interference of photons, Bragg) are derived from one vector field generated by the longitudinal and transversal angular momentum of fundamental particles, laws that in today's theoretical physics are introduced by separate definitions. • The interacting particles (force carriers) for all types of interactions (electromagnetic, strong, weak, gravitation) are the FPs with their longitudinal and transversal angular momentums. • Quantification and probability are inherent to the proposed approach. • The incremental time to generate the force out of linear momentums is quantized. 40 Findings • The emitted and regenerating energies of a BSP are quantized in energy quanta Eo. • Gravitation has its origin in the momentum of migrated BSPs which is generated when they are reintegrated to their nuclei. • The gravitation force is composed of an induced component and a component due to parallel currents of reintegrating BSPs. For galactic distances the induced component can be neglected what explains the flattening of galaxies´ rotation curve. (no dark matter). • The photon is a sequence of neutrinos with potentially opposed transversal linear momentum, which are generated by transversal angular momentum of FPs that comply with specific symmetry conditions. • The two possible states of the electron spin are replaced by the two types of electrons defined by the proposed theory, namely the accelerating and decelerating electrons. • The magnetic moment which is responsible for the splitting of the atomic beam in the Stern-Gerlach experiment is replaced by the quantized interacting of parallel currents. • Permanent magnets are explained with the synchronization of reintegrating positrons and electrons at a closed line of atomic nuclei. 41 Findings • The addition of a wave to a particle (de Broglie) is effectively replaced by a relation between the particles focal radius and its energy. • The uncertainty relation of quantum mechanics form pairs of canonical conjugated variables between "energy and space" and "momentum and time". • The new general differential equation for the wave function differentiates two times towards time and one towards space, similar to Newton´s equation. • The Schrödinger equation results as a particular time independent case of the wave packet. • The new quantum mechanics theory, based on the wave functions derived from the focal radius-energy relation, is in accordance with the quantum mechanics theory based on the correspondence principle. • The present approach has no energy violation in a virtual process at a vertex of a Feynmann diagram. • As the model relies on BSPs permitting the transmission of linear momentum at infinite speed via FPs, it is possible to explain why entangled photons show no time delay when they change their state. • Special relativity based on speed variables are free of time dilatation and length contraction. 42 The End of “Emission & Regeneration” Unified Field Theory I thank you for your attention. Osvaldo Domann Copyright © The content of the present work, its ideas, axioms, postulates, definitions, derivations, results, findings, etc., can be reproduced only by making clear reference to the author. To prevent plagiarism, all published versions of the work were deposited and attested by a notary since 2003 . 43