Whitney Stone Period 2 Corrunker, Laura. “ ‘Coming Out Of The Shadows’: DREAM Act Activism In The Context Of Global Anti-Deportation Activism." Indiana Journal Of Global Legal Studies 19.1 (2012): 143-168. Academic Search Premier. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. This article is focusing on the different complexities involved with bills such as the Dream Act and certain anti-deportation movements. Corrunker has an antideportation stand throughout this article. She discusses why deportation and immigration are a problem and puts the blame on the governments and borders. She goes on to describe and anti-deportation group named One Michigan. She goes through the history of One Michigan. Later in the article, she discusses some of the challenges the undocumented youth could face and compares the Dream Act to other anti-deportation movements. Corrunker focuses on the using the emotions of her readers, so that they will support acts such as the Dream Act. Fields, Cheryl. "Undocumented Students." Change 37.5 (2005): 4. Academic Search Premier. Web. 14 Nov. 2013. This article discusses how undocumented youth are suffering because they cannot get instate tuition because they are not legal residents of the United States. The author introduces the article by discussing how difficult it is for undocumented youth to get an education, and even after they get an education they are unable to get jobs because of their illegal status. Fields begins to discuss how the Dream Act would solve many problems for undocumented youth. She briefly discusses the components of the Dream Act, then continues to address arguments against the Dream Act. Fields discusses the flaws in any arguments against the Dream Act. The tone of this article is very supportive of the Dream Act. Holtschneider, Dennis H. “If Dreams Could Come True: U.S. businesses would benefit from the talent that immigration reform would make available.” Chicago Tribune (2013): n. pag. Web. 19 Nov. 2013. Holtschneider spends the majority of this article discussing the stories of 2 undocumented youth. He talks about the struggles they have faced, even though they were good citizens, and had worked hard. They were both smart students who were brought to the U.S. illegally when they were babies. Holtschneider then begins to discuss how the Dream Act would benefit these students. From there he begins to discuss how the Dream Act would benefit businesses across the country. The overall attitude is supportive of the Dream Act. Holtschneider is also very cynical of those who don’t want the Dream Act to pass in Congress. Lachica Buenavista, Tracy, and Jordan Beltran Gonzales. "Dreams Deterred: Filipino Experiences And An Anti-Militarization Critique Of The Development, Relief, And Education For Alien Minors Act." Asian American Policy Review 22 (2011): 29-37. Academic Search Premier. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. The two authors stand on this article is that there are too many problems for the Dream Act to work. They realize that something needs to happen to help undocumented youth, but they don’t think that the Dream Act is the right answer. Buenavista states that the requirements of the Dream Act are unreasonable for many undocumented youth due to poverty. The authors discuss how the provision in the Dream Act of having good moral character could lead to surveillance and privacy issues for many undocumented youth. They discuss how the military option in the Dream Act is similar to how the U.S. promised citizenship to veterans in World War 2, but later did not. The overall stance of this article is that the Dream Act is not going to be the solution for undocumented youth. Olivas, Michael A. "Colleges and Undocumented Students." Change (2008): 20+. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Nov. 2013. Olivas begins this article by discussing why problems surrounding the Dream Act are suddenly more prominent. He briefly discuss the Plyler v. Doe case and how it allowed undocumented youth to attend high school for free. He brings up other supreme court cases, and how they relate to the immigration problem. He briefly discusses the history of the Dream Act, and its failures in Congress. He discusses the problem of whether or not undocumented students should be able to receive instate tuition, and brings up several supreme court cases that support and oppose giving in-state tuition. The overall tone of this essay is supportive of the Dream Act, but Olivas also points out some of its flaws. Ochoa, Raul Alcaraz. "A Letter To The DREAM Movement." NACLA Report On The Americas 44.6 (2011): 18-19. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Nov. 2013. Ochoa begins this article by showing his support for the Dream Act. He then continues on to disagree with how the government, specifically Democrats, are using the Dream Act to their own political advantage. He spends much of the article discussing why certain components of the Dream Act are morally wrong. He spends much of the article discussing how he does not think that the parents of undocumented youth did anything wrong. He is extremely supportive of the Dream Act, but he believes that the people who are trying to get the Dream Act passed are doing it for the wrong reasons. He thinks that those in government are using undocumented youth, and people supporting the Dream Act to move themselves forward politically. He concludes the article by again expressing his support for the Dream Act, but expressing disapproval for the politicians. Palacios, Moses. "The Dream Act Explained." Journal Of College Admission 206 (2010): 2. Academic Search Premier. Web. 14 Nov. 2013. Palacios begins the article by discussing the need for the Dream Act, and then he goes into detail about the history of the Dream Act. He discusses the major components of the Dream Act and what each component will do to help undocumented youth. He discusses how the Dream Act would allow each state to choose whether or not they would like undocumented youth to receive in-state tuition. Palacios goes on to describe how the Act would be able to protect undocumented youth from fear of deportation, and gives them an opportunity to be able to get authorization to work. He continues to discuss how the Dream Act will give undocumented youth the opportunity to get aid, in order to pay for college. He concludes this article by discussing the benefits of the Dream Act. The overall tone of the article is positive, in favor of the Dream Act. Radoff, Sara. "Crossing The Borders Of Plyler V. Doe : Students Without Documentation And Their Right To Rights." Educational Studies 47.5 (2011): 436-450. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Nov. 2013. Radoff begins this article by discussing how every child has the right to an education. She uses this to gain support for the Dream Act, because she believes that even if a youth is here illegally they still have the natural human right to an education. Radoff spends the majority of the article analyzing the supreme court case Plyler v. Doe. She believes that this case is setting a guideline for what we need to do concerning the Dream Act. She doesn’t think that Plyler v. Doe gives enough support for undocumented youth, but she believes that the Dream Act does. She begins discussing how even if undocumented youth are allowed to go to high school, it is not enough to help them be successful later on. This article is an argument in favor of the Dream Act, and the author expresses support for it. Rivera, John-Michael. “The DREAM Act and Other Mexican (American) Questions.” Phi Kappa Phi Forum 93.2 (2013): 4-7. Academic Search Premier. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. At the beginning of this article Rivera stays very neutral about the Dream Act, although he states that he supports the Dream Act in principle. He states what he thinks to be the two most prominent sides of the Dream Act and their different arguments. He briefly discusses the history of the Dream Act before moving on to the more current issues about it. He discusses in the end of the article that he believes that the Mexican American war in 1846 is one of the historic reasons that the American people have bias against people of Hispanic origins, and thus bias against the Dream Act. Although at the beginning of the article Rivera states that he wants to write an unbiased article, the overall stance of the essay is supportive of the Dream Act. Whaley, William. “The California Dream Act: A Dream (Not DREAM) Come True.” Mcgeorge Law Review 43.3 (2012): 625-643. Academic Search Premier. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. Whaley begins this article by discussing the benefits of the California Dream Act. He describes what an illegal alien is and California legislation that has benefited and hurt illegal immigrants. He goes into detail about how children of illegal immigrants cannot qualify for federal aid or instate tuition and what legislation needs to be passed in order to help them go to college. He discusses how the Dream Act will benefit California government, colleges, and programs. Whaley then observes the differences between the California Dream Act and the federal Dream Act. He addresses arguments against programs like the Dream Act. Overall the essay is very supportive of the California Dream Act. Whaley states the in the article he thinks that the California Dream Act is better than any of the federal plans. Wojnarowski, William. “The Illinois Dream Act: A Constitutional Nightmare.” Brigham Young University Education & Law Journal 1 (2013): 175-204. Academic Search Premier. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. Within the first sentence of this article, Wojnarowski has expressed his disapproval of the Illinois Dream Act. He goes on to argue how this act is unconstitutional and should be repealed. He goes into a lot of discussion about how it violates the 14th amendment and goes into detail about the 14th amendment. For the majority of the article Wojnarowski goes into detail about how the Illinois Dream Act is legally wrong and he rarely discusses any moral issues. He spends time distinguishing the difference between the federal Dream Act and the Illinois Dream Act. Although he immediately expresses dislike towards the Illinois Dream Act, he seems to be more supportive of the federal Dream Act. Zimmerman, Arely M. "A Dream Detained: Undocumented Latino Youth And The DREAM Movement." NACLA Report On The Americas 44.6 (2011):14-17. Academic Search Premier. Web. 14 Nov. 2013. Zimmerman begins this article by telling the story of several undocumented youth. He then discusses why deportation of undocumented youth is a problem, and what is being done to solve the problem. Later on in the article, he goes into more detail about the history of the Dream Act and briefly describes the components of the Dream Act. He continues on to describe how many immigrants have been deported during the Obama administration, and the majority did not have criminal records. Towards the end of the article he begins to discuss how important the undocumented youth’s participation in the fight for their rights has been. The general tone of the article is supportive of the Dream Act. Zimmerman seems to want more than the Dream Act though, even to the point of much less border control and free immigration.