CW 3E. The Powers of Congress. Weighing the - us

Expressed Powers
To declare war, to tax, and control commerce are just some of the 27 powers given to
Congress under Article I Section 8 of the Constitution. These powers are specifically
expressed or written. These powers give this branch of the Constitution power over
domestic and foreign policies. Lastly, Congress’ responsibilities are far ranging but
should not infringe on the rights of the citizens.
Define expressed powers and provide an example.
Implied Powers
Congress also has powers that are implied. They are not specifically written in the
Constitution but are suggested and open to interpretation. These powers originated from
the Elastic Clause, which is also known as the “necessary and proper” clause. This means
Congress has the ability to pass laws necessary to carry out others. The first time the
Elastic Clause was used was when Alexander Hamilton used it to create the first National
Bank. People argued that the constitution did not grant the power to create a bank;
Hamilton noted that it was required in order to carry out taxation.
Define expressed powers and provide an example.
Non-Legislative Powers
As if the expressed and implied powers don't already give Congress plenty with which to
keep itself busy, the Constitution also assigns the legislative branch several important
non-legislative functions—that is, powers and responsibilities not directly related to the
process of making new laws. These include impeachment power, confirmation power,
and investigative power.
For example, Congress has the power of impeachment—that is, the power to remove
from office any federal official deemed to have committed serious crimes. The
Constitution gives the House the sole power to impeach—that is, to bring charges against
government officials. If a simple majority of the House votes to impeach, then the Senate
is required to serve as judge and jury, with a two-thirds majority vote needed to convict.
Define non-legislative powers and provide an example.
Inherent Powers
Lastly, the legislative branch possesses another type of power—the so-called inherent
powers of government. These powers, like the implied powers, are not explicitly listed in
the Constitution, but are said to be integral to the idea of national government. Because
the United States is an independent nation in the world, it can be assumed to possess
certain powers that all nations possess and always have possessed. These powers exist, in
essence, simply because the United States exists. There are not many of these inherent
powers, but some are quite important; they include the power to control the country's
borders, to acquire new territories for expansion, and to defend the government from
Define inherent powers and provide an example.
(Legislative Branch)
Executive and
Judicial Branch
CW 3E. The
Powers of
Weighing the
Congress’ Powers
Evidence 1: Expressed Powers- ________________
Evidence 2: Implied Powers- ___________________
Evidence 3: Non- Legislative Powers-__________
Evidence 4: Inherent Powers- __________________
Power is balanced.
Evidence 1- Congress does not have
the final say on laws. That power
belongs to the President in the
Executive Branch. He/ she can allow
a bill to become a law or reject it.
Evidence 2: The Constitution created
the Bill of Rights. The Judicial Branch
will deem any laws made by
Congress that restricts freedom of
religion or speech unconstitutional,
therefore limiting lawmaking ability.
Evidence 3: Members serving in
Congress cannot serve in other
government positions. This prohibits
any member of Congress from
gaining too much power in
government and restricts them from
using this other position to influence
other Congress members.
Evidence 4: The President is
Commander in Chief. Even though
Congress declares war, the President
can use the military to protect the
United States and can send them into
other countries to comply with
American policies.
Name: __________________________________________________________
Statement: Congress has too much power and therefore is too powerful.
Opinion: Do you agree or disagree?
Support: Use RACES to support your opinion.
Name: __________________________________________________________
Statement: Congress has too much power and therefore is too powerful.
Opinion: Do you agree or disagree?
Support: Use RACES to support your opinion.