to the agenda

Workplace coaching: Agenda
Applying learning and checking goals
Workplace coaching: Agenda
Applying learning and checking goals
This meeting is for teams that have been fully engaged in the earlier phases of the programme. This
is more than participation, it includes the following characteristics:
Team engaged with content
More experienced members of the team engaged as leaders, not captives
Team culture enables open discussion
State your reason for conducting the coaching and its value. This is extremely important. You must
create a compelling vision for participants to buy in.
Debrief on programme: Managing the Customer relationship
Review workshop, team coaching and e-learning phases
Ask: What learning did people take away?
Ask: Did anything surprise you?
Ask: What topics stood out to you?
Breaking down silos
As a team workshop these questions. they are mentioned in the e-learning phase and are adapted
What priorities do you or your team have that are not aligned with another’s?
Put yourself in the place of the other silo--what would make that silo realise that your need
was a priority?
What information do you or your team have that could be useful to others?
What information or assistance do you need from another silo that you are not getting?
In what areas would increased collaboration and giving up some autonomy be more
beneficial for the company than maintaining your individuality?
Zappos and Apple
Brainstorm ideas on how these case studies apply to team context
As a team develop a "wow" list for customer service. Keep in mind the broad range of
customers, internal and external, and think of the small changes or additions you can make
which really impress them.
Reviewing our plan
In the team coaching session you determined some goals and measures using the "Four actions
framework". Review this plan and check progress against the measures of success.
Are we committed to these goals? Do we need new goals?
Version: 0.1
Developing individual goals
Reflecting on the team goals develop some individual goals, the actions/behaviours that will lead to
them and the measures that will confirm they have been successful.
Following the meeting
Following the meeting it is important that you check results. this might mean individual check ins or
as a team.
Give participants a time period for when you will be booking in a follow up meeting to check results
and review goals.
Workplace coaching: Agenda
Applying learning and checking goals
Workplace coaching: Agenda
Establishing current context and goals
This meeting is for teams that may not have been fully engaged in the earlier phases of the
programme. This could happen for a variety of reasons; ongoing changes, emerging communication
or low morale.
This agenda encourages more traditional coaching techniques in a group context. The individual
coaching tools in the next section may provide context
State your reason for conducting the coaching and it's importance. This is extremely important. You
must create a compelling vision for participants to buy in.
Debrief on programme: Managing the Customer relationship
Workshop, team coaching and e-learning phases
What topics stood out to you?
o Customer service charter
o Questioning skills
o Crucial conversations
 What learning did people take away?
 Did anything surprise you?
Where we are now
What do we "do" which contributes to "customer service"
o The purpose of this is to define the actions in a team which are customer service
 What do we do well?
Where are we going
What do we really want to achieve?
o Facilitate the group sketching a picture of "what they want to achieve". This could
be a key words, a statement, an actual drawing or examples of success they would
like to replicate.
 How can we challenge ourselves?
 What will success look like? What will we see happening?
 How could we measure it?
How do we get there?
Developing individual goals
Reflecting on the team goals develop some individual goals, the actions/behaviours that will lead to
them and the measures that will confirm they have been successful.
Following the meeting
Following the meeting it is important that you check results. this might mean individual check ins or
as a team.
Give participants a time period for when you will be booking in a follow up meeting to check results
and review goals.
Version: 0.1
Individual coaching