Encountering the World of Islam
Fall Mini-semester 2012
In the year 1900 approximately 12% of the global population adhered to Islam.
Today this has increased to almost
22% in 4000 different cultural groups.
The rise of Islam has created fear, uncertainty and perplexity for some, while arousing curiosity in others.
Many Christians are unsure about how to relate to a Muslim, much less bring an appropriate witness of Christ.
This course combines teaching and training to prepare Christians not only to understand; but also to witness effectively of Christ to Muslims.
In the last 30 years more Muslims have come to Christ than in the previous 1400 years since the advent of Islam.
Now seems to be the beginning of God's reaping time for the Muslim world, and Christians need to be ready and prepared to minister to them.
For further training in Muslim ministry the instructional team operates a Muslim Ministry Internship Program.
Randy and Margo Hoffmann ( RandyandMargo@shaw.ca
Gary Stevenson ( Gary.Stevenson@shaw.ca
The instructors have experience working amongst Muslims in Pakistan, India, the Philippines, Canada and the
They are currently working amongst Muslim refugees and immigrants, as well as training workers in
Muslim ministry.
CLASS DATES : September 10-14, 2012
An introduction to the teachings, practices and historical developments of Islam, with special focus on the barriers that challenge the Christian mission.
Effective models of mission to Muslims will be studied and explored with a focus on application.
The students will learn about Islamic history, culture and beliefs.
They will learn and practice forms of contextualized witness in gospel proclamation and apologetics to Muslims, how to deal with Folk Islamic practices, and the role of Christ-like love and suffering in witness to Muslims.
The student will receive tools for
Muslim ministry.
Muller, Roland.
The Messenger, the Message, the Community.
Houssney, Georges.
Engaging Islam
All course assignments will be submitted in MS Word for Windows or WordPerfect by email to
Gary Stevenson <Gary.Stevenson@shaw.ca>.
The FBGC study guide format is required for all written assignments, including footnotes, bibliography, outline, title page, layout and font, punctuation, grammar, etc.
All questions can be submitted to Gary Stevenson via email.
Late assignments will receive a 10% daily deduction.
The list of books in the bibliography can assist the student in finding resources.
Question Sheets (10% of grade)
The student will be given a set of questions daily during the lecture phase of the course.
The questions will coincide with course materials and handouts.
These questions will need to be answered and handed in via email prior to the next day of class.
Textbook Review #1 (15% of grade)
The student will write a 3-page book review of Engaging Islam by Georges Houssney.
The book review will describe some new things the student learned from the reading and how each affects the student’s understanding and practice of ministry with Muslims.
This must be submitted by Sept 21, 2012.
Contextualized Testimony (20% of grade)
The student will use the readings, course materials, and teaching to write his testimony as if he were sharing it with a Muslim to whom he is witnessing.
Integrate your testimony with gospel sharing that is culturally applicable to Muslims.
This 3page assignment is due by Sept.
21, 2012
Textbook Review #2 (15% of grade)
The student will write a 3 page review of The Messenger, the Message, the Community by Roland Muller.
The book review will describe some new things the student learned from the reading and how each affects the student’s understanding and practice of ministry with Muslims.
This must be submitted via email by
Sept 28, 2012.
Research Paper on an Approved Research Question (30% of grade)
The student will write an eight page research paper on any topic within the scope of the course. Accepted topics may include strategy for reaching a specific Muslim people.
The topic must be presented as a research question, which must be approved during the course by the instructors.
The finished research paper must be submitted via email no later than Oct.
16, 2012.
In general, the grading for a paper is broken down as follows:
20% style and grammar
25% sources (minimum of 10 sources)
25% content
30% logic and thought integration
Class Participation (10% of grade)
Course Overview and Introduction.
A Theology of Ministry Effectiveness
The History of Islam
The Beliefs of Islam
Muslim Culture
“Women in
Teaching on Cultural Acquisition
Distinctives of Muslim Culture
Shame and Honor
Women in Islam
– “Ethnic Meal”
Muslim Evangelism
Evangelism of Muslims
Muslim Evangelism Tools
– role play and practice
Church Planting amongst Muslims
Issues in Muslim Discipleship
The Process of Church Planting
“Church Planting”
Textbook review
Book Review
15% 6
15% 6
Reading/question sheets 10% 27 (questions- 5 hours, reading 22 hours-330 or 602 pages)
Research paper
20% 6
30% 24
Participation 10% 36
100% 105
The following list is by no means exhaustive of the sources available, but provides examples of books categorized in themes.
These materials can assist the students as they research their assignments.
General Courses and Resources on Islam:
Carey College, Course on Islam, (Doncaster, England: GNBA, 1987)
Cooper, Anne, compiler.
lshmael My Brother.
Monrovia, CA: MARC, 1988.
(out of print)
Global Mapping Int.
‘The World of Islam’, (Colorado Springs: CMI, 2000) CD
McCurry, Don.
‘Reaching Our Muslim Neighbors’ (USA: Ministries to Muslims) 12 cassette tapes
Swartley, Keith, and Francis Patt, eds.
World of Islam.
PA: USCWM East, 1998.
The History of Islam
General History
Arnold, T.W.
The Caliphate.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2000.
Hisham, lbn.
The Life of Muhamma.
1 .
Austria: Light of Life, 1997.
Payne, Robert.
The History of Islam.
NYC: Dorset Press, 1987.
Snell, Daniel.
Life in the Ancient Near East.
New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997.
Walker, Benjamin.
Foundations of Islam.
London: Peter Owen, 1998.
Watt, Montgomery.
Muhammad, Prophet and Statesman.
Oxford: Oxford Univ.
Press, 1974.
Bartlett, W.
God Wills It.
Gloucestershire: Sutton Pub., 1999.
Duncan, Andrew, and M.
War in the Holy Land.
Gloucestershire: Sutton Pub., 1998.
Hamilton, Bernard.
The Crusades.
Gloucestershire: Sutton Pub., 1998.
of Islam
Baha’i Community.
Sydney: Griffin Press, 1991.
— Bahai
Clarke, Gloria.
The World of the Alevis.
New York: AVC, 1999.
— Alevites
Hamada, L.B.
God Loves the Arabs, Too.
Jackson, Tenn.: Hamada Outreach, 1991.
In the 1st chapter Hamada deals with his life and conversion from Druzism.
Lammens, H.
Islam: Beliefs and Institutions.
London: Frank Cass Co., 1968.
7, overview of all sects in Islam, including Shi’ism.
Lewis, Bernard.
The Assassins.
NYC: Oxford Press, 1987.
— Ismailis
Masood, Steven.
Into the Light.
Metro Manila: SCR, 1992.
Edwards, Anne.
Throne of Gold.
New York: William Morrow and Co., 1995.
Wootton, R.F.W.
and F.F.M.
Understanding the Sects of Islam.
Worthing, England: CPO, 1992.
ISLAM - Culture, Beliefs, and Spirituality of Muslims
General Culture of Islam and Case Studies
Abouzeid, Leila.
Year of the Elephant.
Austin, TX: Univ.
of Texas, 1989.
Return to Childhood.
Austin, TX: Univ.
of Texas, 1998.
Atiya, Nayra.
Cairo: Am.
Press, 1987.
Barnes, Virginia, and Janice Boddy.
Aman, The Story of a Somali Girl.
NYC: Vintage Books, 1995.
Blincoe, Robert.
Lessons from Kurdistan.
Pasadena: PCMS, 1998.
Brooks, Geraldine.
Nine Parts of Desire.
NYC: Anchor Books, 1995.
— Several Countries
Fernea, Elizabeth.
Guests of the Sheik.
NYC: Anchor Books, 1969.
Goodwin, Jan.
Price of Honor.
NYC: Penguin Group, 1995.
Several Countries
Hitching, Bob.
McDonalds, Minarets and Modernity.
UK: Spear, 1996.
Khan, Ghani.
The Pathan.
Pakistan: unknown, n.d.
Lewis, Bernard.
A Middle East Mosaic.
NYC: Random House, 2000.
MacDonald, Eileen.
Brides for Sale?
Edinburgh: Mainstream Pub., 1988.
— Yemen
Mallouhi, Christine.
Mini-Skirts, Mother and Muslims.
Carlisle, UK: Spear Pub., 1997.
Musk, Bill.
Touching the Soul of Islam.
Great Britain: MARC, 1995.
Parshall, Phil.
Beyond the Mosque.
Grand Rapids: Baker, 1985.
— General
Sasson, Jean.
NYC: Avon Books, 1992.
Saudi Arabia
Andrew, The Ottomans.
London: Penguin, 1993.
Wikan, Unni.
Behind the Veil in Arabia
Chicago: Univ.
of Chicago Press, 1982.
Tomorrow, God Willing.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996.
Beliefs of Muslims
Al-Masih, Abd.
Holy War in Islam.
Austria: Light of Life, n.d.
Who is the Spirit from Allah in Islam?
Austria: Light of Life, 1998.
Carey College.
Islamic Law Topic 17.
Doncaster, Eng.: GNBA, 1992.
Ersen, Ishak.
Jesus Christ in the Traditions of Islam.
Austria: Light of Life, 1992.— Hadith
Jadeed, Iskander.
Sin and Atonement.
Switzerland: The Good Way, 1996.
Lammens, H.
Islam: Beliefs and Institutions.
London: Frank Cass Co., 1968.
Newton, P.
and Rafiqul Haqq.
Women in Islam.
Caney, Kansas: Pioneer Bk.
Co., 1994.
Parshall, Phil.
The Cross and the Crescent.
Wheaton: Tyndale, 1989.
Inside the Community.
Grand Rapids: Baker, 1994.
Thomas, R.W.
Islam, Aspects and Prospects.
Austria: Light of Life, n.d.
By Muslim Authors:
AI-Omar, Abdul Rahman.
The Religion of Truth.
Riyadh, SA.: Min..
of IsI.
Affairs, 1416 H.
Masri, Ghalib.
A Glimpse of Islamic Faith.
Riyadh, S.A.: Ministry of Islamic Affairs, 1996.
Naqvi, Ali M.
A Manual of Islamic Beliefs and Practices.
Qum, Iran: Ansariyan Pub., 1991.
Shaheed, Shah.
Strengthening of the Faith.
Riyadh, S.A.: Dar-us-Salam Pub., 1995.
Folk Islam and the Spirit World
Al-Masih, Abd.
The Occult in Islam.
Austria: Light of Life, n.d.
Henry, Rodeny.
Filipino Spirit World.
Manila: OMF Literature, 1986.
Love, Rick.
Muslims, Magic and the Kingdom of God.
Pasadena: WCL, 2000.
Musk, Bill.
The Unseen Face of Islam.
Great Britain: MARC, 1990.
Huband, Mark.
Warriors of the Prophet.
Colorado: Westview Press, 1998.
Jabbour, Nabeel.
The Rumbling Volcano.
Pasadena: Mandate Press, 1993.
Musk, Bill.
Passionate Believing.
England: Monarch Pub., 1992.
Attar, Farid Al-Din.
Muslim Saints and Mystic.
London: Arkana, 1990.
Karrar, Ali Salih.
The Sufi Brotherhoods in the Sudan.
Illinois: NW University Press, 1992.
Nicholson, R.A.
The Mystics of Islam.
London: Arkana, 1989.
The Sufi Orders in Islam.
Oxford: Oxford Univ.
Press, 1998.
The Evangelization of Muslims
Testimonies of Muslim Background Believers
Alavi, K.K.
In Search of Assurance.
Switzerland: The Good Way, 1990.
Ambrie, Hamran.
God Has Chosen For Me Everlasting Life.
Switzerland: The Good Way, 1989.
Jabbar, A.
Released from Bondage.
Switzerland: The Good Way, 1999.
Jadeed, Iskander.
For the Sake of the Truth.
Switzerland: The Good Way, 1991.
Naaman, G.
My Grace is Sufficient for You.
Switzerland: The Good Way, 1998.
Paul, Sultan Muhammed.
Why I Became a Christian.
Switzerland: The Good Way, 1998.
Rasooli, Jay M., and Cady H.
Sa’eed of Iran.
Pasadena: WCL, 1983.
Muslim Outreach
Abdul-Haqq, A.
Sharing Your Faith with a Muslim.
MN: Bethany, 1980.
Accad, Fouad.
Building Bridges.
Colorado Springs: Navpress, 1997.
Chapman, Colin.
Cross and Crescen.
England: VP, 1995.
Cragg, Kenneth.
Muhammad and the Christian.
Oxford: Oneworld, 1999.
Cross, H.
and D.
Have You Got Good Religion?
Chicago: Moody, 1993.
USA Black Ms.
Dennett, Bill.
Sharing the Good News with Muslims.
IL: The Bible League, 1992.
Hamada, Louis.
God Loves the Arabs, Too.
Tenn.: Hamada E.
0., 1991.
Kateregga, Badru, and David Shenk.
A Muslim and a Christian in Dialogue.
Penn.: Herald Press, 1997.
Ministry in Islamic Contexts.
CA: MARC, 1996.
Leffel, Jim.
‘Building Bridges to the Muslim Community’, (Wheaton: EMQ — EMIS, ?) — Cl —C6
Nickel, Gordon.
Peaceable Witness Among Muslims.
Ontario: Herald Press, 1999.
Parshall, Phil.
New Paths in Muslim Evangelism.
Grand Rapids: Baker, 1980.
The Last Great Frontier.
Philippines: Open Doors, 2000.
Register, Ray.
Dialogue and Interfaith Witness.
PA: WEC, 1979.
The Voice of the Martyrs.
Christian Witness Among Muslims.
OK, USA: LSBC, 1994.
Saal, William.
Reaching Muslims for Christ.
Chicago: Moody Press AWM, 1991.
Woodberry, J.D., ed.
Reaching the Resistant.
Pasadena: WCL, 1998.
Muslims and Christians on the Emmaus Road.
CA: MARC, 1997.
Specifically for Muslim Women Outreach:
Colgate, Julia.
Invest Your Heart.
Mesa: Frontiers, 1997.
Crawford, Trudie.
Lifting the Veil.
Colorado Springs: Apples of Gold, 1997.
Love, Fran, and Jeleta Eckheart, eds.
Longing to Call Them Sisters.
Pasadena: WCL, 2000.
Sutcliffe, Sally.
Aisha My Sister.
UK: Solway, 1997.
Terry, J.O.
God and Woman.
Singapore: SBC, 1998.
Campbell, William.
The Gospel of Barnabas.
Rawalpindi: Christian Study Centre, 1989.
The True Guidance.
Austria: Light of Life, 1991.
— vol.
1, 1992 vol.
2, 3
Pfander, C.
The Mizan-ul-Haqq.
Austria: Light of Life, 1986.
Clair Tisdall.
Christian Reply to Muslim Objections.
Austria: Light of Life, 1980.
Muslims have written many materials seeking to refute and convert Christians to Islam.
Below are a few examples of these materials:
Deedat, Ahmad.
Crucifixion or Cruci-fiction?
Durban: The Islamic Propagation Centre, n.d.
The Choice.
Kuwait: Fahit Khair, 1993.
lkhlas, Waqf.
Islam and Christianity.
Istanbul: Hakikat Kitabevi, 1989.
Saqr, Abdul Badei.
How to Call People to Islam.
Kuwait: Int.
Islamic Federation, n.d.
Church Planting
Coody, Ron.
Fields of Gold.
IN, USA: Graphics Unlimited, 1998.
Garrison, David.
Church Planting Movements.
Richmond, VA: SBC, 1999.
Livingstone, Greg.
Planting Churches in Muslim Cities.
Grand Rapids: Baker, 1993.
Love, Rick.
Apostolic Ministry.
Mesa: Frontiers, 1997.
Muslims, Magic, and the Kingdom of God.
Pasadena: WCL, 2000.
Patterson, George, and Dick Scoggins.
Church Multiplication Guide.
Pasadena: WCL, 1993.
Scoggins, Dick.
Planting House Churches in Networks.
Rhode Is.: Fellowship of Ch.
Plntrs., 1995.
Steffen, Tom.
Passing the Baton.
CA: COMD, 1997.