June 10, 2015 CLASS OFFICERS ELECTIONS FOR SY 2015-2016 • To observe the laws of the Republic of the Philippines, the rules and regulations of the school, and the policies agreed on by the class. • To submit themselves to processes by the union. • To fulfill its obligations promptly and professionally. • To participate in projects and activities decided upon by the class officers as stipulated in the class. (Source: XS Student Council Constitution) CLASS OFFICERS ELECTIONS FOR SY 2015-2016 President Vice President Treasurer Secretary CLASS OFFICERS ELECTIONS FOR SY 2015-2016 No present Academic or Disciplinary Status. At least an average of D in each subject for the previous school year. CLASS OFFICERS ELECTIONS FOR SY 2015-2016 • “U” in Conduct or Effort or fails a subject • Failing Mark or “F” • APS / AWS / DPS / DWS • Gross violation of the Constitution • More than 3 greenslips per quarter CLASS OFFICERS ELECTIONS FOR SY 2015-2016 Nominations for the Position are made. (max of 3). Nominees will go out of the room. Each nominee will enter the room to give a speech (based on the questions in the next slide) in a span of 1 minute followed by an open forum. CLASS OFFICERS ELECTIONS FOR SY 2015-2016 The votation will follow right after all candidates for the position have given their speeches. “As Class Adviser for (Grade and Section), I hereby declare the position of (Officer Position), open for nominations” “I move to nominate (Name of Student) for the position of (Officer Position)” “I second the motion” “I move to close the nominations.” “It is moved and seconded to close the nominations.” CLASS OFFICERS ELECTIONS FOR SY 2015-2016 How can you help the class through your desired position? Why do you want to run for the said position? How can you help the school through the position you are running for? CLASS OFFICERS ELECTIONS FOR SY 2015-2016 Representative of the class to the Student Council as member of the Council of Presidents Takes charge of the class in absence of higher authority CLASS OFFICERS ELECTIONS FOR SY 2015-2016 CLASS OFFICERS ELECTIONS FOR SY 2015-2016 For Class President CLASS OFFICERS ELECTIONS FOR SY 2015-2016 CLASS OFFICERS ELECTIONS FOR SY 2015-2016 Name of Nominee # of Votes Total # of Votes Abstain *Please record the final results in the class officer report sheet provided. CLASS OFFICERS ELECTIONS FOR SY 2015-2016 Performs the functions of the Class President in the absence of the latter. Assists the Class President Official Service, Spiritual and Sports Representative. CLASS OFFICERS ELECTIONS FOR SY 2015-2016 CLASS OFFICERS ELECTIONS FOR SY 2015-2016 For Class Vice President CLASS OFFICERS ELECTIONS FOR SY 2015-2016 CLASS OFFICERS ELECTIONS FOR SY 2015-2016 Name of Nominee # of Votes Total # of Votes Abstain *Please record the final results in the class officer report sheet provided. CLASS OFFICERS ELECTIONS FOR SY 2015-2016 In charge of the financial affairs of the class. In charge of the collection of funds and payments disbursed by the members of the class. In charge of the collection of reply slips. CLASS OFFICERS ELECTIONS FOR SY 2015-2016 CLASS OFFICERS ELECTIONS FOR SY 2015-2016 For Class Treasurer CLASS OFFICERS ELECTIONS FOR SY 2015-2016 CLASS OFFICERS ELECTIONS FOR SY 2015-2016 Name of Nominee # of Votes Total # of Votes Abstain *Please record the final results in the class officer report sheet provided. CLASS OFFICERS ELECTIONS FOR SY 2015-2016 Official Custodian of class records, papers and books. In charge of taking the attendance of the class. Must be seated nearest the entrance door. CLASS OFFICERS ELECTIONS FOR SY 2015-2016 CLASS OFFICERS ELECTIONS FOR SY 2015-2016 For Class Secretary CLASS OFFICERS ELECTIONS FOR SY 2015-2016 CLASS OFFICERS ELECTIONS FOR SY 2015-2016 Name of Nominee # of Votes Total # of Votes Abstain *Please record the final results in the class officer report sheet provided. CLASS OFFICERS ELECTIONS FOR SY 2015-2016