Fat Intake Worksheet - School-One

Diet Analysis: Sections 3-5
30 points
Carbohydrate Intake Worksheet
Using the data from the 7-day nutrient tracking, complete the following activity:
Total daily carbohydrate intake:
Total carbohydrate consumed over seven days: ___________ g
Average daily carbohydrate intake (total carbohydrate ÷ 7 days): ____________ g/day
Total calories consumed over three days: _________________
Average daily calories (total calories ÷ 7 days): _______________ calories/day
What is the AMDR for carbohydrates? This is a percent range. ______________
What is the minimum amount of carbohydrate that should be consumed daily in order for the
brain to function efficiently? ________ g
Calculate your AMDR for carbohydrates:
Daily carbohydrate intake ____________ g × 4 calories/g
× 100 = _________________%
Average daily calories _________________
Daily fiber intake (total fiber/7 days): __________ g
Based on the recommendation of 14g fiber/ 1000 calories, and how many calories you consume
daily, how much fiber should you be consuming? _________ g
1|Rev. 6/15
Carbohydrate Questions:
1. How does your AMDR for carbohydrates (calculation) compare to the recommended
AMDR? Do you need to make any dietary adjustments to bring your carbohydrate intake
into better alignment with the standards? Why or why not?
2. Assess the quality of your carbohydrates. Are the simple or complex? Contain fiber?
How could you increase the nutrient content of your carbohydrates? What are some ways
to increase fiber in your diet?
3. Simple sugars are concentrated forms of sugars that easily enter the bloodstream and
raise your blood glucose quickly. What types of simple sugars did you consume over the
course of the week? What changes can you make to decrease the amounts of simple
sugars in your diet?
2|Rev. 6/15
Fat Intake Worksheet
Using the data from the 7-day nutrient tracking, complete the following activity:
Total daily fat intake:
Total fat consumed over seven days: _________ g
Daily fat intake (total fat ÷ 7 days): __________ g/day
Total calories consumed over seven days: _________________
Average daily calories (total calories ÷ 7 days): _______________ calories/day
What is the AMDR for Fat? ____________
Calculate your AMDR for Fats:
Daily fat intake ____________ g × 9 calories/g
× 100 = _________________%
Average daily calories _________________
How did your fat intake compare to the AMDR? ___________________
Saturated fat intake:
Total saturated fat consumed over seven days: ___________ g
Daily saturated fat intake (total saturated fat ÷ 7 days): __________ g/day
Recommended daily saturated fat intake: _________ g
Did you consume more or less than the recommendation? ________________
3|Rev. 6/15
Fat Questions:
1. What health issues are associated with a high saturated fat diet?
2. What are trans fats? What issues are associated with trans fats in your diet?
3. What key word on a food label ingredients list would indicate trans fats in the product?
4. List five foods that you consumed or that you know contained trans fats. What could you
substitute them with to lower or eliminate trans fats from your diet?
5. What two essential polyunsaturated fats do we need to consume that the body does not
make? How much of each should you consume in a day?
What are the functions of these essential fatty acids?
4|Rev. 6/15
Protein Intake Worksheet
Using the data from the 7-day nutrient tracking, complete the following activity:
Total daily protein intake:
Total protein consumed over seven days: _________ g
Daily protein intake (total protein ÷ 7 days): __________ g/day
Total calories consumed over seven days: _________________
Average daily calories (total calories ÷ 7 days): _______________ calories/day
What is the AMDR for protein? ______________
Calculate your AMDR for protein:
Daily protein intake ____________ g × 4 calories/g
× 100 = _________________%
Average daily calories _________________
How did your protein intake compare to the AMDR? ______________________
Calculate your RDA for protein:
Body weight _______ lbs. ÷ 2.2 kg/lb. X 0.8 g/kg = ___________ g
What percentage of the RDA are you consuming?
Daily protein intake ____________ g
× 100 = _________________%
Your RDA_________________g
Did you consume more or less of your recommended RDA? ________________
5|Rev. 6/15
Protein Questions:
1. List three animal sources and three plant sources of protein that you consumed.
2. What are the issues with animal protein sources versus plant protein sources with regard
to cardiovascular health?
3. Vegetarians and more specifically, vegans, consume much of their protein via plant
sources. What nutrients should they be concerned about when choosing foods?
6|Rev. 6/15