
Colby Gomez
1. Energy Balance: I hypothesized that my state of energy
balance was positive. I refute this hypothesis according to my data
I have a negative energy balance. During the two day analysis my DRI for
calories was 3,334. My average calorie intake was 2,660. My average expenditure
was 3004 After consuming and expending the calories I had a negative energy
balance of – 344. After expenditure I lost .10pounds of fat mass. I have a BMI of
20.9. If anything I could gain weight just to keep it at a balanced state. If I
consume a total of 98.14 calories a day, it would turn my negative energy balance
to a balanced state.
2. Protein: I hypothesize that my intake of protein was adequate
and in range. My data supports this hypothesis. My average protein
intake was 93.01 gm/day. Also my average protein intake was 166% of the DRI.
Therefore I exceeded and met my DRI for protein. My protein intake was 14%
meeting the AMDR of 10-35%. The majority of all the protein I consumed came
from animal sources, such as red meats and milk products. My intake of animal
products, are high in cholesterol. This can increase my risk for cancer and heart
disease. To fix this I could eat more fiber-rich plant protein sources, such as
oatmeal, whole grain bread or vegetables by using protein complementation.
3. Carbohydrates: I hypothesize that my intake of total
carbohydrates were adequate and in range, with my sugar intake
being excessive, and that my fiber intake would be inadequate. My
data refutes this hypothesis. My total carbohydrate intake of 304.27 grams
met, and exceeded the DRI of 130 grams. My AMDR for carbohydrates was 46%
which fell within the 45-65% recommended range. I met the AMDR for sugars
<25%. My average total sugar intake was 21%, which is below the recommended
amount of 25%. My data concurred that I needed 38 grams of fiber. I only
consumed 13.66 grams of fiber, which comes out to be 36% thus I needed to
consume 24.34 more grams of fiber. In order to improve my diet I need to
consume more monosaccharides and less protein. I should consume more fruits,
vegetables and whole grains. This way I could reduce my chances of heart disease
and cancer while increasing my carb intake. In addition this will also decrease the
risk of colon cancer.
4. Fats: I hypothesized that my total fat, fatty acids, and
cholesterol intakes were healthy. My data refutes the hypothesis.
My total fat intake provided 42% of calories consumed. With 42% of the calories
I consumed coming from fat I didn’t meet the AMDR of 20-35%. My saturated fat
intake provided 12% of calories thus exceeding the AHA recommendations of
<7%. My MUFA’s provided 14% of the calories, while my PUFA’s provided 9%
of the calories. It could be essential toward my health to increase my healthy oil
intake levels. My average linoleic acid intake was 23.1 grams. My average
linolenic acid intake was 1.88 grams. In both of my essential fatty acids I am well
in range of the AMDR. My cholesterol intake was 700.06 milligrams which
exceeds the recommendation for cholesterol. I am way over the recommended
<300 milligrams of cholesterol. In my diet I need to be more careful with the
types of fat I am consuming. My saturated fat and cholesterol levels are very
detrimental to my health. I could eat foods that have high levels of plant oils and
less SFA’s. These food types are canola oil, walnuts, flax seeds, primrose, and
borage oils. .
5. Vitamins: I hypothesis that my diet was adequate in the
essential vitamins. My data refutes this hypothesis. I was only
adequate in 6 of the 10 vitamins. I was deficient in vitamin C, A, E and excessive
in folate. I need to start eating foods that provide a lesser amount of folate.
Vitamin C is in a lot of citrus food sources such as oranges and grapefruit. If I
consumed more vitamin C I could increase my antioxidant levels, immune health,
or prevent my risks of scurvy. I was also inadequate in vitamins A and E. I can
find vitamins A and E in green vegatables and vegetable oils. Vitamins A and E
can help healthy bone growth as well as lower total cholesterol levels.
6. Minerals: I hypothesized that my diet woule be adequaet in the
essential minerals. My concurring data refutes my hypothesis. I
was deficient in magnesium, potassium and excessive in sodium. Too much
sodium can lead to high blood pressure, fluid retention, heart attack and stroke.
Also decreasing my intake of processed and prepared foods would be a benefit.
Being deficient in magnesium can cause imbalanced blood sugar levels and high
blood pressure. If I consumed more dark green leafy vegetables and legumes this
could help my magnesium levels to increase. I was also deficient in potassium.
Potassium can help lower blood pressure. If I increased my intake of milk fruits
and vegetables I could help increase my potassium levels.
7. Fluids: I hypothesis that my fluid intake was adequate. My
data refutes this hypothesis. Evidence shows that I was low in fluid intake.
My fluid intake amount was 1.91 milligrams. I need to be taking in 3.7 liters. If I
became dehydrated I might experience memory loss, muscle fatigue, and
concentration problems.
8. MyPryamid Grains: I hypothesized that my diet would meet
the personalized MyPryamid food guidance plan for grains. My
data refutes this hypothesis. The goal that was set for my grains was 10
ounces, with half being whole grains. I ate 9.6 ounces of grains none of which
were whole. I missed the goal for grains and whole grains. I should increase my
grains by eating brown rice, popcorn and oatmeal. If I increased my whole grain
intake I would be complimenting my diet with selenium, magnesium and
potassium. This would help increase the two minerals that I am deficient in.
9. MyPryamid Vegetables: I hypothesized that my diet would
meet the personalized MyPryamid food guidance plan for
vegetables. My data refutes the hypothesis. The goal that was set for me
was 4 cups a day. My average intake was 0.7 cups. I had vegetables from two of
the subgroups. I could improve my intake by consuming squash, kidney beans,
and corn. This way I would meet my goal as well as the five subgroups. This
would help decrease my risk for heart disease and various cancers. It would also
help increase my fiber intake, vitamin C and A.
10. MyPryamid Fruits: I hypothesized that my diet met my
personalized MyPryamid food guidance plan for fruits. My data
refutes this hypothesis. For me to reach my goal I had to consume 2.5 cups
equivalent. My average consumption for fruit was 0.4 cups equivalent. I now see
why I was so deficient in vitamins A and C. I need to consume more citrus fruits
as well as orange colored fruits. This will help decrease the risks of type 2
diabetes, cancers and heart disease.
11. MyPryamid Milk: I hypothesized that my diet would meet
the personalized MyPryamid food guidance plan for milk. My
data refutes this hypothesis. My goal was set at 3 cups equivalent. I
consumed 1.8 cups equivalent. My milk sources came from high biological
protein sources. I should also consume cheeses and yogurts. By consuming more
dairy products I can also prevent low bone mass. It would also help increase my
potassium which I am deficient in.
12. Mypryamid Meat and Beans: I hypothesized that my diet
would meet the personalized Mypryamid food guidance plan for
meat & beans. My data supports this hypothesis. The goal set for me
was 7 ounces equivalent. I consumed 7.6 ounces equivalent. The entire 7.0 ounces
were high biological protein sources. I really need to work in increasing my
vegetarian sources of protein. I could eat more whole grains which would help me
consume less SFA’s. This would help decrease my risk of heart disease and
certain cancers.
13. MyPryamid Oils: I hypothesized that my diet would me the
personalized MyPryamid food guidance plan for oils. My data
supports this hypothesis. The allowance that was given to me was 11
teaspoons a day. I was adequate in my Omega 6 fatty acids as well as my Omegga
3 fatty acids. I met the DRI for both omega 6 and omega 3. These oils are very
important towards coronary arteries and heart health.
14. MyPryamid Discretionary Calories: I hypothesized that my
diet would meet the personalized MyPryamid plan for
discretionary calories. My data supports the hypothesis. My goal
was 648, I consumed a total of 1,121.7. A large amount of my discretionary
calories were consumed from saturated fats. I was below the AMDR for sugars at
21%, and didn’t consume any alcohol. My trans fat intake was 1% of my total
fats. I really need to work on consuming less saturated and trans fats. For these
can lead to heart disease and various types of cancer.