
McCarthy 1
Nicholas McCarthy
Period 4A
English Honors - Harward
Research Essay
Islam and Muslim Culture
Religion is a very powerful thing in the world and amongst humanity. Whether we like it or not,
we must accept that about the world. In the voice of God many affairs and views lead nations to war
against each other over the words of a book. Due to the influx of such events and past teachings it is
common to misunderstand or disregard the societies and cultures behind the said religion. Verily, we
will focus on the Muslim religion and its word of Islam.
From the current world events we, as Americans, often place a lot of blame and fear in the
nations of that are guided under Islam. Genocide of the World Trade Center attack in 2001, to the
global affairs of sexism and appeals of freedom. Provoking such terms as 'terrorism' and the names of
Al-Qaeda. The extremism of radicalistic followers prove unyielding to the world; however, these are
brutes are just a few of the rich culture and dignity that the Muslim people retain.
The Muslim religion is on a very influential rise, being of leading world religions. Founded in
the years of 610-632 AD, a man named Muhammad gave rise to the words of God, or Allah1. In this
revelation with Allah, Muhammad began preaching and traveling in the words of Islam2. Through this
birthed the religion of Islam, whose strong influence is bounded to many cultures of the world.
Currently Islam has dominance in over twenty different nations in the world. While almost the entirety
Literal translation meaning: “The One God.”
Literal translation meaning: “Submission (to God).”
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of the Middle-East bears a wide Muslim population such as: Pakistan, Iraq, and Afghanistan; Africa
excels in itself an increasing effect with a majority of Muslim followers.
One of the modern world arguments of the religion is brought between the separation of Sunni
and Shia Muslims. These two groups ultimately believe in the same fundamental religious teachings,
yet are repelled by ideas of politics. This sect division comes apart on debate and order of Sharia3.
Translation to “Islamic Law.” This ideology runs on more political aspect of the culture, for things such as economy and
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Believe that leadership after Muhammad should
Believe that the leadership passed down should
go do those ordained in his close friends.
be unto one of the same bloodline. Rather than
This is what happened, Sunni meaning
a political election, it would be inherited
“one who follows tradition of the Prophet.”
such as royalty.
Make up 85% of Muslim Population
Makes up ~13% of Muslim Population
Honor the thought that leadership is not a
Devote tribute to Imams4 who
birthright and denote hereditary power.
hold the world of god.
The book behind the Muslim religion is the Qu'ran. This text is the manifest of Allah delivered
in the preaching of Muhammad. It is written in Arabic in a poetic style. Such Christian figures as Jesus
and Moses are mentioned, and glorified as Men chosen by God. Constructed surahs5 which, due to lack
of proclaimed chronological order, are commonly divided amongst either Meccan or Medinan surahs6.
Each surah contains an amount of ayat7 in which the actual paraphrasing of Muhammad is written.
What makes this book immediately special is that it orders the entire culture of the people.
“The Koran was revealed in an atmosphere replete with
ignorance, .. tribal and ethnical prejudices, in a polytheistic
belief system, order to make cultural change, the Koran
“[An] Islamic leadership position, often the worship leader of a mosque and the Muslim community .” (
(surah or sura) Chapters of the Qu'ran. (see 5 for citation context)
The terms Medinan and Meccan derive from the time periods of which Muhammad wrote: either in earlier days spreading
the word in Mecca by united Christians under the idea of one god, or in his later days of leadership in Medina.
Ayat are the verses in the Qu'ran. There is no definite number on how many reside to each surah.
-A section from the Qu'ran may be cited by “i . #”, being “surah . ayat”
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dissolved the past cultural storages, .. rejuvenated the men’s
life, directed ideals , values , this way prevailed over their
culture , gave a divine structure , aspect to it; because
among cultures, a culture that can get the elements of
another culture..”
– Hajar Ashuri; Dr.Ibrahim Fathollahi
Muhammad and the words of the Qu'ran consistently strive to express the “oneness” and
singularity of God. The ideas of God are more so to create an image of love and hospitality rather than
of fear and hatred. Reoccurring often in the Qu'ran are the repeated words “God is Oft-Fogiving, Most
Merciful.” Allah maintains role as creator of the world, and creator of life. Evermore, he is all
controlling and has a plan: God's Will. It attributes Allah in such factors of all-knowing and right. “Be
steadfast in prayer and regular in charity : and whatever good ye send forth for your souls before you,
ye shall find it with God : for God sees well all that ye do.” (Qu'ran ii.110) Expanding on God's Will:
“God's Will, is the true standard of right on wrong. It may be in a Book or in God's dealings in history.
All these things may be called His Signs or Miracles.” (Abdullah Yusuf Ali; The Qu'ran Text,
Translation and Commentary) Upon this claim, it is stated that the things God offers to fend is what is
truly right on wrong. It is then up to us to learn from these events and bond ourselves in the rites of
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“Those who believe and those who follow the Jewish and the Christians8 and the Sabians, – any
who believe in God and the Last Day, and work [for] righteousness shall have their reward with their
Lord : on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.” (ii.62) The words make it evident to believe that
in the eyes of God, we are accepted and rewarded by undergoing his law. We hear plenty of talk, in
what seems to be the unique aspect of this book, that God will only take His care to those who are
loving to him. On a side of this endeavor, it is showing display of self-respect. Further on that right, we
find the text to read that those who marvel in disbelief are at their own will of doing so and in their
faults will wake at the end to fire9; “If only the unrighteous could see, behold, they would see the
Penalty : that god belongs all power, and God will strongly enforce the Penalty.” (ii.50) This may be
transcribed as an invocation of fear; however, it is stated so solidly in the action of man that we may
choose. Much of what is has to say about transcendence is just refined after repetition of the same
talkings, yet this may describe the rest – in parts both of negative and positive revelation: “Fighting in
defense of Truth and Right is not to be undertaken light-heartedly, .. Life and Death are in the hands of
God. .. God's plan is universal, and he carries it out as He wills.” (ii.243,C.51)
Muhammad praises the men of Christian and Jewish novelty to be at God's favor. He also commits to himself being among
the previous profits.
The incarnation and description of the underworld. “.. I grant them their pleasure, but will soon drive them to the torment
of Fire, – an evil destination!” (ii.126)
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Pilgrimage and Prayer
The Islamic worship center of the world is called Masjid al-Haram, which holds the Ka'aba10
that many Muslims make pilgrimage to. “It should be noted that Muslims do not worship the Ka'aba
and its environs. Rather, it serves as a focal and unifying point among the Muslim people. During daily
prayers, Muslims face toward the Ka'aba from wherever they are in the world.” (
Mecca plays a big role in what is called “The Five Pillars,” which every Muslim is under ordinance to
Shahada – (Belief) Declaration of faith and trust to Allah.
Salat – (Worship) Islamic prayer. Prayer takes part five times a day, and will begin with
washing hands to symbolize purification. Next is to bow toward Mecca and return standing.
Zakat – (Charity) Muslims are encouraged to submit 2.5% of their wealth to those in need. This
money goes only to people in hardship and poverty – none going to self-organization.
Sawm – (Fasting) The fasting is commended for anyone of post-puberty. It takes hold during
the entire month of Ramadan11, in which none shall partake in drinking or eating during the day time.
This act is in justification and repentance for ones sins and to hold a willed mind.
Hajj – (Pilgrimage) Hajj is the pilgrimage that every Muslim is obligated to tread at least once
in their life. This journey is in dedication to the Profit Abraham and later Muhammad. In this ceremony
one will travel to Mecca and lap around the Ka'aba 7 times, touch its stones, and stone a pillar in
rejection of the Devil.
Literal translation: “The Cube” or “Sacred/Forbidden House.” This is a hollow cubical structure in the middle of Mecca
made out of marble. Every year it is draped with a clothe reading Arabic words.
During Muhammad's journey from Mecca (described in Pillar 5) with the foundation of the Muslim religion also created a
new Calendar.
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From what we have learned, the most important note to follow is that the people of Islamic
culture and Muslim religion are the tendency of a peaceful people. The modern facade we portray on
them is based on a fraction of the population acts; even then those are few who chose extreme devotion.
The Muslim people have history behind their practices and work not only in the heart of Allah, but in
the prosperity of self and community. The culture is a widespread community of religion that even have
their own political efforts. Rightfully, we must not judge them on part of the few who criminalize it.
The world is full of great culture written on terms of God and philosophy; individuality and community.
McCarthy 8, Nicholas McCarthy (edit), wikipedia (percent statistics). Top Ten Countries
with Largest Muslim Populations. December 24, 2012.
March 27, 2013
Rit Nosotro. Difference of Medinan and Meccan Surahs in the Koran.
March 27, 2013
Hajar Ashuri, Dr.Ibrahim Fathollahi, Quran and cultural evolution. 2012. March 27, 2013
Huda. The Ka'aba.
March 27, 2013
Five Pillars of Islam.,
March 27, 2013