Cactus: A Framework for Numerical Relativity Gabrielle Allen Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, (Albert Einstein Institute) What is Cactus? CACTUS is a freely available, modular, portable and manageable environment for collaboratively developing parallel, highperformance multi-dimensional simulations Cactus remote steering Plug-In “Thorns” (modules) extensible APIs ANSI C parameters driver scheduling Core “Flesh” input/output error handling interpolation SOR solver Fortran/C/C++ equations of state black holes make system grid variables wave evolvers multigrid boundary conditions coordinates Cactus in a Nutshell Cactus acts a the “main” routine of your code, it takes care of e.g. parallelism, IO, checkpointing, parameter file parsing for you (if you want), and provides different computational infrastructure such as reduction operators, interpolators, coordinates, elliptic solvers, … Everything Cactus “does” is contained in thorns (modules), which you need to compile-in. If you need to use interpolation, you need to find and add a thorn which does interpolation. It is very extensible, you can add you own interpolators, IO methods etc. Not all the computational infrastructure you need is necessarily there, but hopefully all of the APIs etc are there to allow you to add anything which is missing. We’re trying to provide a easy-to-use environment for collaborative, high-performance computing, from easy compilation on any machine, to easy visualization of your output data. Modularity: “Plug-and-play” Executables Computational Thorns Numerical Relativity Thorns PUGH PAGH ADMConstraint IDAxiBrillBH Carpet HLL PsiKadelia Zorro CartGrid3D Cartoon2D AHFinder Extract Time Boundary Maximal ADM EllSOR EllBase SimpleExcision ADM_BSSN IOFlexIO IOASCII FishEye ConfHyp IOHDF5 IOJpeg IDAnalyticBH BAM_Elliptic IOUtil IOBasic LegoExcision IDLinearWaves HTTPD HTTPDExtra TGRPETSc IDBrillWaves ISCO with AMR ?? FasterISCO elliptic Runsolver ISCO?? with Excision Einstein Toolkit: CactusEinstein Infrastructure: ADMBase, StaticConformal, SpaceMask, ADMCoupling, ADMMacros, CoordGauge Initial Data: IDSimple, IDAnalyticBH, IDAxiBrillBH, IDBrillData, IDLinearWaves Evolution: ADM, EvolSimple, Maximal Analysis: ADMConstraints, ADMAnalysis, Extract, AHFinder, TimeGeodesic, PsiKadelia, IOAHFinderHDF Other thorns available from other groups/individuals E.g. a few from AEI … Excision LegoExcision, SimpleExcision AEIThorns ADM_BSSN, BAM_Elliptic, BAM_VecLap PerturbedBH DistortedBHIVP, IDAxiOddBrillBH, RotatingDBHIVP Computational Toolkit CactusBase Boundary, IOUtil, IOBasic, CartGrid3D, IOASCII, Time CactusIO IOJpeg CactusConnect CactusExternal CactusElliptic CactusUtils HTTPD, HTTPDExtra EllBase, EllPETSc, EllSOR CactusPUGH PUGH, PUGHInterp, PUGHSlab, PUGHReduce CactusPUGHIO IOFlexIO, IOHDF5Util, IOHDF5, IOStreamedHDF5, IsoSurfacer, IOPanda FlexIO, jpeg6b NaNChecker Computational Toolkit (2) CactusBench BenchADM CactusTest TestArrays, TestComplex, TestCoordinates, TestInclude1, TestInclude2, TestInterp, TestReduce, TestStrings, TestTimers CactusWave IDScalarWave, IDScalarWaveC, IDScalarWaveCXX, WaveBinarySource, WaveToyC, WaveToyCXX, WaveToyF77, WaveToyF90, WaveToyFreeF90 CactusExamples HelloWorld, WaveToy1DF77, WaveToy2DF77, FleshInfo, TimerInfo What Numerical Relativists Need From Their Software … Primarily, it should enable the physics they want to do, and that means it must be: Collaborative Portable Large scale ! High throughput Easy to understand and interpret results Supported and developed Produce believed results Flexible Reproducible Have generic computational toolkits Incorporate other packages/technologies Easy to use/program Large Scale Typical run (but we want bigger!) needs 45GB of memory: Typical run makes 3000 iterations with 6000 Flops per grid point: 256 MB (320 GB for 10GF every 50 time steps) One simulation takes longer than queue times Need 10-50 hours Computing time is a valuable resource Parallelism Optimization 600 TeraFlops !! Output of just one Grid Function at just one time step 171 Grid Functions 400x400x200 grid Requirements One simulation: 2500 to 12500 SUs Need to make each simulation count Parallel/Fast IO, Data Management, Visualization Checkpointing Interactive monitoring, steering, visualization, portals Produce Believable Results Continually test with known/validated solutions Open community: Code changes Using new thorns Different machines Different numbers of processors The more people using your code, the better tested it will be Open Source … not black boxes Source code validates physical results which anyone can reproduce Diverse applications: Modular structure helps construct generic thorns for Black Holes, Neutron Stars, Waves, … Other applications, … Portability Develop and run on many different architectures (laptop, workstations, supercomputers) Set up and get going quickly (new computer, visits, new job, wherever you get SUs) Use/Buy the most economical resource (e.g. our new supercomputer) Make immediate use of free (friendly user) resources (baldur, loslobos, tscini, posic) Tools and infrastructure also important Portability crucial for “Grid Computing” RECENT GROUP RESOURCES Origin 2000 (NCSA) Linux Cluster (NCSA) Compaq Alpha (PSC) Linux Cluster (AHPCC) Origin 2000 (AEI) Hitachi SR-8000 (LRZ) IBM SP2 (NERSC) Institute Workstations Linux Laptops Ed’s Mac Very different architectures, operating systems, compilers and MPI implementations Easy to Use and Program Program in favorite language (C,C++,F90,F77) Hidden parallelism Computational Toolkits Good error, warning, info reporting Modularity !! Transparent interfaces with other modules Extensive parameter checking Work in the same way on different machines Interface with favorite visualization package Documentation Cactus User Community Using and Developing Physics Thorns Numerical Relativity AEI Southampton Goddard Tuebingen Wash U Penn State TAC EU Astrophysics Network Other Applications RIKEN Thessaloniki SISSA Chemical Engineering (U.Kansas) Portsmouth Climate Modeling (NASA,+) NASA Neutron Star Grand Challenge Many others who mail us at cactusmaint Bio-Informatics (Canada) Geophysics (Stanford) Plasma Physics (Princeton) Early Universe (LBL) Astrophysics (Zeus) Using Cactus program YourCode call call call call ReadParameterFile SetUpCoordSystem SetUpInitialData OutputInitialData do it=1,niterations call EvolveMyData call AnalyseData call OutputData end do end If your existing code has this kind of structure Split into subroutines Clear argument lists it should be relatively straightforward to put into Cactus. Cactus will take care of the parameter file, and (hopefully) the coord system and IO, and if you’re lucky you can take someone else’s Analysis, Evolution, Initial Data, … modules. Thorn Architecture Main question: best way to divide up into thorns? Thorn EvolveMyData Parameter Files and Test Suites ???? ???? Configuration Files Source Code Fortran Routines Documentation! C Routines C++ Routines Make Information ADMConstraints: interface.ccl # Interface definition for thorn ADMConstraints implements: admconstraints inherits: ADMBase, StaticConformal, SpaceMask, grid USES INCLUDE: USES INCLUDE: USES INCLUDE: private: real hamiltonian type=GF { ham } "Hamiltonian constraint" real momentum type=GF { momx, momy, momz } "Momentum constraints" ADMConstraints: schedule.ccl schedule ADMConstraints_ParamCheck at CCTK_PARAMCHECK {LANG: C} "Check that we can deal with this metric_type and have enough conformal derivatives" schedule ADMConstraint_InitSymBound at CCTK_BASEGRID {LANG: Fortran} "Register GF symmetries for ADM Constraints" schedule ADMConstraints at CCTK_ANALYSIS { LANG: Fortran STORAGE: hamiltonian,momentum TRIGGERS: hamiltonian,momentum } "Evaluate ADM constraints" ADMConstraints: param.ccl # Parameter definitions for thorn ADMConstraints shares: ADMBase USES KEYWORD metric_type shares: StaticConformal USES KEYWORD conformal_storage private: BOOLEAN constraints_persist "Keep storage of ham and mom* around for use in special tricks?" {} "no" BOOLEAN constraint_communication "If yes sychronise constraints" {} "no" KEYWORD bound "Which boundary condition to apply" { "flat" :: "Flat (copy) boundary condition" "static" :: "Static (don't do anything) boundary condition" } "flat" ADMConstraints: Using it MyRun.par: ActiveThorns = “ … … ADMConstraints … …” IOASCII::out3d_every = 10 IOASCII::out3d_vars = “ … ADMConstraints::hamiltonian…” What do you get with Cactus? Parameters: file parser, parameter ranges and checking Configurable make system Parallelization: communications, reductions, IO, etc. Checkpointing: checkpoint/restore on different machines, processor numbers IO: different, highly configurable IO methods (ASCII, HDF5, FlexIO, JPG) in 1D/2D/3D + geometrical objects AMR when it is ready (PAGH/Carpet/FTT/Paramesh/Chomba) New computational technologies as they arrive, e.g. New machines Grid computing I/O Use our CVS server Myths If you’re not sure just ask: Cactus doesn’t have periodic boundary conditions Of course not! Cactus gives different results on different numbers of processors You shouldn’t need to do this! Please tell us. If you use Cactus you have to let everyone have and use your code Cactus can run on anything with a ANSI C compiler (e.g. Windows, Mac, PlayStation2). Need MPI for parallelisation, F90 for many of our numrel thorns. To compile Cactus you need to edit this file, tweak that file, comment out these lines, etc, etc It has always had periodic boundary conditions. Cactus doesn’t run on a **?** machine email, It shouldn’t, check your code!! Cactus makes your computers explode Cactus Support Users Guide, Thorn Guides on web pages FAQ Pages for different architectures, configuration details for different machines. Web pages describing different viz tools etc. Different mailing lists (interface on web pages) … or or or Cactus (Infrastructure) Team at AEI General : GridLab: Thomas Radke, Annabelle Roentgen, Ralf Kaehler PhD Students: Tom Goodale, Ian Kelley, Oliver Wehrens, Michael Russell, Jason Novotny, Kashif Rasul, Susana Calica, Kelly Davis GriKSL: Gabrielle Allen, David Rideout Thomas Dramlitsch (Distributed Computing), Gerd Lanfermann (Grid Computing), Werner Benger (Visualization) Extended Family: John Shalf, Mark Miller, Greg Daues, Malcolm Tobias, Erik Schnetter, Jonathan Thornburg, Ruxandra Bonderescu Development Plans See Currently working on 4.0 Beta 12 (release end of May) New Einstein thorns New IO thorns, standardize all IO parameters Release of Cactus 4.0 planned for July (2002) We then want to add (4.1): Support for unstructured meshes (plasma physics) Support for multi-model (climate modeling) Dynamic scheduler Cactus Communication Infrastructure Better elliptic solvers/infrastructure Cactus Developer Community Developing Computational Infrastructure AEI Cactus Group Argonne National Laboratory Grants and Projects The Users NCSA Konrad-Zuse Zentrum Global Grid Forum U. Chicago EGrid Compaq Sun Microsoft SGI Clemson DFN TiKSL TAC U. Kansas Wash U Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Intel DFN GriKSL EU GridLab NSF KDI ASC NSF GrADS Direct Benefits Visualization Parallel I/O Remote Computing Portal Optimization Experts Other Development Projects AMR/FMR Grid Portal Grid Computing Visualization (inc. AMR Viz) Parallel I/O Data description and management Generic optimization Unstructured meshes Multi-model What is the Grid? … … infrastructure enabling the integrated, collaborative use of high-end computers, networks, databases, and scientific instruments owned and managed by multiple organizations … … applications often involve large amounts of data and/or computing, secure resource sharing across organizational boundaries, not easily handled by today’s Internet and Web infrastructures … … and Why Bother With It? AEI Numerical Relativity Group has access to high-end resources in over ten centers in Europe/USA They want: How to make best use of these resources? Easier use of these resources Bigger simulations, more simulations and faster throughput Intuitive IO and analysis at local workstation No new systems/techniques to master!! Provide easier access … no one can remember ten usernames, passwords, batch systems, file systems, … great start!!! Combine resources for larger productions runs (more resolution badly needed!) Dynamic scenarios … automatically use what is available Better working practises: Remote/collaborative visualization, steering, monitoring Many other motivations for Grid computing ... Opens up possibilities for a whole new way of thinking about applications and the environment that they live in (seti@home, terascale desktops, etc) Remote Monitoring/Steering: Thorn which allows simulation to any to act as its own web server Connect to simulation from any browser anywhere … collaborate Monitor run: parameters, basic visualization, ... Change steerable parameters Running example at Wireless remote viz, monitoring and steering VizLauncher From a web browser connected to the simulation, output data (remote files/streamed data) automatically launched into appropriate local visualization client Application specific networks … shift vector fields, apparent horizons, particle geodesics, … Cactus ASC Portal Part of NSF KDI Project Astrophysics Simulation Collaboratory Use any Web Browser !! Portal (will) provides: Single access to all resources Locate/build executables Central/collaborative parameter files, thorn lists etc Job submission/tracking Access to new Grid Technologies Remote Visualization OpenDX OpenDX Amira IsoSurfaces and Geodesics Contour plots (download) LCA Vision Grid Functions Streaming HDF5 Amira Remote Offline Visualization Viz in Berlin Viz Client (Amira) HDF5 VFD DataGrid (Globus) DPSS HTTP Downsampling, hyperslabs Only what is needed DPSS Server 4TB at NCSA FTP Visualization Client FTP Server Web Server Remote Data Server Dynamic Adaptive Distributed Computation (T.Dramlitsch, with Argonne/U.Chicago) GigE:100MB/sec 17 4 2 OC-12 line 12 5 2 12 (But only 2.5MB/sec) SDSC IBM SP 1024 procs 5x12x17 =1020 5 NCSA Origin Array 256+128+128 5x12x(4+2+2) =480 These experiments: Einstein Equations (but could be any Cactus application) Achieved: First runs: 15% scaling With new techniques: 70-85% scaling, ~ 250GF Dynamic Adaptation: Number of ghostzones, compression, … Paper describing this is a finalist for the “Gordon Bell Prize” (Supercomputing 2001, Denver) SDSC Dynamic Grid Computing Add more resources Free CPUs!! Queue time over, find new machine RZG LRZ Archive data Clone job with steered parameter SDSC Calculate/Output Physicist has new idea ! Invariants S Brill Wave Found a horizon, try out excision S1 Calculate/Output Grav. Waves P1 Look for horizon S2 P2 Find best resources S1 P1 NCSA Archive to LIGO S2 public database P2 Users View GridLab: Enabling Dynamic Grid Applications EU Project (under final negotiation with EC) AEI, ZIB, PSNC, Lecce, Athens, Cardiff, Amsterdam, SZTAKI, Brno, ISI, Argonne, Wisconsin, Sun, Compaq Grid Application Toolkit for application developers and infrastructure (APIs/Tools) Develop new grid scenarios for 2 main apps: Numerical relativity Grav wave data analysis GriKSL Development of Grid Based Simulation and Visualization Tools German DFN Funded AEI and ZIB Follow-on to TiKSL Grid awareness of applications Description/manageme nt of large scale distributed data sets Tools for remote and distributed data visualization