Apple Valley Beef Matt Martin and Betsy Blunt 1169 Apple Valley Road 413-625-6939 Registered Gelbvieh, Herefords, Charolais Bred for meat tenderness and size No hormones, no antibiotics 1 Cranston’s Tree Farm Tom and Cynthia Cranston and Family 372 Baptist Corner Road (413)628-0090 Christmas trees and wreaths- Nov. & Dec. Maple syrup and hay – year round 9 Apple Valley Galloways Johanna and Jerry Pratt 1739 Hawley Road (413)628-4773 Grass-fed Belted Galloway beef, hay, cordwood, young stock, stone dust - bagged 2 10 Bear Meadow Apiary Nancy and Rick Intres 926 Spruce Corner Road (413)628-3970 Crop pollination, honeybees, honey, bee pollen, beeswax candles, lip balm 3 Edge Hill Golf Course Mark Graves 298 Barnes Road (413)625-6018 Maple syrup – year round Golf – April thru November Dennis Gould 230 Spruce Corner Road (413)628-4456 Firewood – year round Bear Swamp Orchard 4 Jen Williams and Steve Gougeon & Family 1209B Hawley Road (413) 625-2849 Naturally grown apples, no synthetic chemicals, ready pick or pick-your-own. Brook Farm Orchard. 5 Alan Surprenant 947 Apple Valley Road (413)625-9615 30 varieties of ECO grown apples Open August- October Clark Brothers Orchards 6 580 Apple Valley Road (413)625-2492, (413)625-2785 Fax (413)625-2940 Apples, peaches, pears, and plums Open: Sept-March? Hours: Sun-Thurs. 8am-8pm Fri. 8am-4pm Closed Sat. Countryside Vegetables 7 Tom Poissant, Pam Clark, Cody Belval 730 Creamery Road. (413)628-3243 Vegetables -- Beans, corn, peppers, pumpkins, squash, tomatoes, etc. Open: July-October Cozie Nook Homestead & Florist Dennis and Robyn Crowningshield 112 Stroheker Road. (413)628-3254 Custom portable sawing, Registered Icelandic and Finn sheep, grass-fed lamb, handmade Christmas Wreaths and Full service florist Hours: Mon-Sat 9am-6pm 8 Robertson Brothers Bob and Chris Robertson 2003 Conway Road (413)628-0126 Dairy Firewood – year round 11 Gray’s Beaver Meadow Farm 12 Wm. And Marian Gray and Family 38 Barnes Road (413)625-6559 Maple products available year round at the farm and by mail order, hay . Lanoue Farm David and Amy Lanoue 242 Watson-Spruce Corner Rd (413)628-0236 Maple products – year round 13 Lil – Hi Farm Alan and Shirley Lily and Family 1592 Bug Hill Road (413)628-4577 Hay – year round Tent rentals – year round Paddy Flat Farm Joel and Joan Arsenault 314 Nortin Hill Road (413)628-3974 All natural vegetables, winter squash, peaches, plums 14 Robert Bros. Lumber Co. Leonard and Joan Roberts 1450 Spruce Corner Road Phone: (413)628-3333 Fax: (413)628-4603 Email: Rough green/dried native/kiln dried lumber, specialty timber, bark mulch, sawdust, long length/cut & split firewood – year round Hours: M-Th 7am-4:30pm, F 7am-11am 16 15 17 Sangha Farm 18 188 Creamery Road (413)628-0026 Produce, fresh and dried herbs, breeders of Registered Finn sheep & Nubian goats, goat cheese Open by appointment Scott Orchards Ed and Janice Scott and Family 853 Conway Road (413)628-3327 Apples, peaches, plums, pears, winter squash, pumpkins, maple syrup, honey Open: August thru May Hours: Daily 9am to 6pm. Closed Tuesdays 19 Sidehill Farm 20 Amy Klippenstein and Paul Lacinski 137 Beldingville Road (413)625-0011 Yogurt and raw milk from our own grass-fed Normande and Canadienne cows, vegetables and fruit from our fields and greenhouses. Our cows graze pasture spring through fall, and eat Certified organic hay cut from those pastures in the winter. Raw milk and yogurt are available in our self–serve refrigerator at the farm March through November. See our website for stores and CSA’s that carry our yogurt. Come see us at the Ashfield Farmers Market Springhill Acres Tom, Sandy, Ed and Meredith Carter 332 Main St. (413)628-3288 Hay – year round Lamb – call for availability 21 Springwater Farm 22 Donna and Will Elwell 2081 Baptist Corner Road (413)625-9975 Blueberries, raspberries, peaches, concord grapes. Peas, lettuce mix, garlic, basil, carrots, cucumbers. All grown without pesticides or chemical fertilizers. South Face Farm 23 Tom McCrumm and Judy Haupt 755 Watson Spruce Corner Road (413)628-3268 Maple products available year around at the farm and via mail order. Sugarhouse Restaurant open March to mid-April. Steady Lane Farm 24 Janet Clark and Nort Salz 144 Steady Lane (413)628-4689 Grass -fed beef, hay, lavendar, pick your own raspberries Stone Meadow Gardens Linda Taylor, Phil, Tyler and Kevin Pless 241 Dyer Road (413)628-3959 Field grown daylilies 25 Taylor Farm Alan and Lynn Taylor’ 335 Hill Road Hay, cattle 26 (413)628-4665 The Christmas Tree Farm in Ashfield Albert Pieropan 69 Pfersick Road (413)625-9758 Christmas trees and Balsam boughs Retail, wholesale – November and December 27 Townsley Farm Ray and Roland Townsley 435 Apple Valley Road (413)625-2668 Dairy Wauban Farms Tom and Shirley Schreiber and Family 3227 Watson Road (413)628-3227 Dairy 28 29 Whitney Acres Farm Faye Whitney and Phil Lussier 535 Main St. (413)628-3279 Fleece, yarn, roving and knitwear, registered Shetland sheep, eggs , hay 30 Williams Farm Art and Deane Williams 820 Conway Road (413) 628-3289 Hay 31 Farms help preserve open space and provide wildlife habitat Help keep Ashfield farms viable Buy Local Ashfield Farmers Market Saturday mornings 8:30 to 12:30 Memorial Day weekend through October On the Town Common Veggies, fruit, berries, cut flowers, flowering plants, eggs, cheese, yogurt, beef, pork, maple syrup, honey, bread, pastries, jams, herbs and herbal preparations, wool and yarn, homemade soap. All from Hilltown farmers fresh to you! The Ashfield Agricultural Commission meets in Ashfield Town Hall on the 2nd Tuesday of every month 7 PM Oct – April, 8 PM May - Sept All residents are welcome to attend. This brochure was funded, in part, by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Agricultural Resources Ashfield Farms A guide to Ashfield Agricultural Products