Can You Hear Me Now

Can You Hear Me Now?
Maya Jo Leon
[Last Edit: 11/16/2015]
Copyright 2015 by Maya Jo Leon
Public domain.
YouTube & Email:
Unless otherwise noted, Scriptures come from the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible.
The cover image is By JoePhoto from Boston (View out of the Tunnel) [CC BY 2.0
(], via Wikimedia Commons “Manmade tunnel under the K'iche'
Maya ruins of Q'umarkaj in El Quiche department, Guatemala.” I added Jesus to the photo.
Preface ........................................................................................................... 6
Part 1: A Yarn ......................................................................................... 6
B.C. – Dead in Sin ............................................................................. 7
A.D. – Act I: Born Again .................................................................. 30
A.D. – Act II: Incubator to Solo Flight ............................................ 38
A.D. – Act III: An Eagle’s View........................................................ 58
Part 2: A Confirmation .................................................................... 73
5. God’s WORD is a Feast ...................................................................... 73
6. God’s WORD Rocks ........................................................................... 83
Fly Like an Eagle, Steve Miller Band ............................................. 83
Hotel California, Eagles ................................................................ 85
7. God’s WORD is King ........................................................................ 103
King of the World, Jason Robert Brown ..................................... 104
8. God’s WORD Ends War .................................................................... 116
AfterWORD ................................................................................................133
The Holy Seed ............................................................................................134
The Pantry .................................................................................................. 135
As the last book in the series, WORD, you should
have already watched the videos on my YouTube
channel besides having read the other books on
my website. In turn, you should already be born
again and familiar enough with the Bible,
especially the New Testament. If not…you’re not
going to get this. You’ll think I’m either a liar or
delusional, or both. So while I would guess that no
one would get to this point, could get to this point,
having watched all the videos and read everything
and still not get it. I don’t make that assumption
because for nearly 20 years of my life, and for
hundreds of years (2000 really), “Christians”
haven’t been able to hear what God has so clearly
said to them in the New Testament. So if you still
don’t ‘get it,’ it’s likely because there is sin you
haven’t been willing to let go. Woe to you. Woe to
all of us since everyone impacts all the rest.
In any case, this book is a two-parter. In the
first part, the Lord has had me give you a decent
sketch of my life, and in the second part, He ties it
all together: my life, the Bible, history, and
prophecy. Sure, that sounds crazy. So does a virgin
birth, as does letting yourself be crucified for a
bunch of ingrates when you’ve done nothing
wrong, and tens of thousands of different
denominations claiming to be united, as do
billions of people being fooled by evolution. And
yet, that is reality.
My prayer is that God has finally answered my
prayers to honor and glorify His Son, meaning,
that there won’t be any more ‘dead’ time (other
than what’s reasonable) after these books and
videos have been uploaded to the web. My prayer
since 1997, as God has had me reach out to people,
has been that this time, when He’s asked me to
speak, those people would ‘get it.’ However, they
haven’t because God has had more for me to do
and because we, as a people, have been so
overwhelmingly rebellious. Anyhow, as my eyes
well up with tears at the possibility that this could
still not be the End of the Line, my prayer
remains. May God be willing to finally enlighten
and convict His people, for His glory.
A Yarn
I am Alpha and Omega,
the beginning and the ending,
saith the Lord.
— Revelation 1:8
Prayerfully looking backwards at God’s hand over
your life—what Henry Blackaby calls spiritual
markers—increases your faith, as well as strength
and joy in the Lord enough so that you can
persevere in your calling. As you seek God with
sincerity of heart, He reveals how much He’s
actually been, and is, over your life. Therefore, the
details I share—a small fraction of the whole
(John 21:25)—are an example of God’s control
over each and every life (Acts 10:34; Rom. 8:2829). In turn, all the excuses Christians make for
being unable to follow the Lord, are simply lack of
faith, depriving them of knowing (and fulfilling)
God’s full purpose for their lives, keeping them
from experiencing the joys of walking with Him
down the best path He’s laid out for them, while
also keeping the body of Christ from functioning
properly (1 Cor. 12:26). In turn, keeping everyone
in Satan’s grip (John 12:31, YLT). And it’s the
same with the lost elect who keep putting God off.
Once you’ve tasted God’s hand on your life and
His calling for your life, everything else really is
dung (Phil. 3:8).
And since God has purposed to use me to
wake up the rest of His elect in these last days, the
first part of this book is made up of memories
from my life which apply, in one way or another,
to what God is saying to His people—a statement
which would be supremely egotistical if not for
God’s hand actually on my life. And yet it’s true of
all people, you just can’t see it for being so
rebellious against God.
Then he opened their minds
so they could understand the Scriptures.
—Luke 24:45
B.C.–Dead in Sin
This is where every elect soul starts off before God
enlightens them, Before Christ (B.C.). Whether
born on the Paved Road or on the Dirt Road, we
are all born spiritually dead in sin.
Coming to Him as a Child. When I
was four, my mom and I went to a hospital in
Santiago, Chile, to get inoculated for our move to
California. I’m sure it was the first time I’d seen an
amputee. And since there were so many of them, I
remember asking her about them and about the
women with funny hats on their heads. She
explained something about war and that the ladies
with the funny hats thought they worked for God
and were helping the hurting people. Having
asked her, “Who is God?” she explained that they
thought He was the One who had created
everything and everyone, and she gave examples
of what that meant. They thought that by helping
His people they worked for Him. I also remember
thinking, I want to work for God when I grow up.
And what child wouldn’t having seen such hurting
people and heard such an explanation? Missing
limbs make quite an impression on the mind,
especially to a four a year old, especially on seeing
many of them. Further, this God who my family
didn’t believe in kept the image of that memory,
along with the possibility of His existence, alive in
my head by airing a show in the states to which we
then moved—all of which I remembered while
perching at Eagle. Google Images Flying Nun.
The Lion and His Words in Red.
After California we moved back to Chile for six
months and then to New York. There, my father,
took me aside because I’d done something
naughty. He had a Book with Jesus’ words in red
which he used to teach me right
from wrong. Sitting on the floor
leaning on the bed, I was cuddled
up with el Papi, whose name was
Jose Leon, but everyone called
EL LEON, as in The Lion–an
image which imprinted itself in
my attic like a fuzzy throw. (He
later shaved the beard.)
My grandmother called him Mi Leonsito, My
Little Lion. And I thought of him that way too
since he’d lay his head on my lap during shows
and fall asleep with a quiet purr. But I also
thought of him as THE Lion (Rev. 5:5), since he
could be scary (Luke 12:5). It was through my
father that my heavenly Father first taught me of
the love and fear of God. It's how He first prepped
me for this calling. YouTube Come unto Me
Nicole C. Mullen.
El Papi was a lawyer, and a decent student, so
that he taught me at a fairly young age (six) how to
highlight important passages in a book, in this
Book, the words in red. He taught me that "Jesus
was a very good person, a teacher. We can learn
from some of His words and live by them." Except
El Leon was off Target because he was my father—
and unbeliever—and not my Father (Rom. 8:28),
who tells us not only to learn from all of the words
in red, but all of His WORD, period. In fact, He
says, His WORD is our very life (Deut. 32:46-47).
The God of All Nations. As a
translator for the United Nations, el Leon’s hope
was in the UN. However, as our Advocate (1 John
2:1)—one who does the work of a lawyer—the Lion
of Judah is interested in the UN placing their hope
and trust in Him. The UN plays a key role in
Satan’s New World Order plans, and this is where
my father worked. Keep that in mind (Rom. 8:28),
because my husband has an interesting employer
as well, as does my brother.
Visiting a friend from Eagle, I noticed a
picture on the wall which I’d never seen before,
which parallels this one of EL LEON AND THE
UN (Rev. 3:20). Google Images The Prince of
Peace by Harry Anderson.
God’s World View. One day, in first
grade, my view of the world came crashing down
like the Towers. Since the UN, the UN school, and
the YMCA were all in Manhattan, I had
skyscrapers growing in my attic. So plane travel to
my pea brain was like going to another floor of the
building, like when visiting el Leon at work!
Enter, the globe (2 Sam. 22:16).
Attic so poorly furnished, God had several
memorable experiences for me so I’d have a more
well-rounded view of His world.
Racism Nipped in the Bud. While
still in first grade my father brought a family home
for dinner. The husband was a dark African and
his wife a white Parisian. Their daughter was my
age but I wasn’t playing with her. Taken aside, I
told El Leon it was because she was Black. So he
explained the obvious and pointed out that she
had two eyes, two ears, two arms, but her skin was
just a different shade than mine, just like mine
was a shade darker than his which revealed more
of the Irish. My skin revealed more of my mother's
side, native South American. Seeing his arm next
to mine and knowing it made sense, I invited her
to my room and we became best of friends. I even
named a doll after her, as was my custom. My
dolls were of different shades and costumes,
representing the people I knew. YouTube Aja
Usey Thu Chak Lay - Hindi Christian Song.
Uploaded by TheREDDYPRAKASH.
And the reason I’d noticed the color
difference was because of an incident in Chile.
Walking with my grandmother, noticing a Black
man across the busy intersection, she’d made a
fearful comment and pulled us in closer. That’s all
it takes. The Lord hammered down this lesson
throughout my life, finishing the job as a handful
of children refused to play with my preschoolers,
explaining to their peers the reason, “They’re
Black” (Acts 17:26).
It’s a Small World. Living in UN
housing (Parkway Village), I was made sensitive to
the many cultural and national groups early on
since friends and neighbors represented the whole
world. Just in our court of 12 garden apartments,
we represented Chile, Pakistan, Japan, India, New
Yorkers, and Africa, plus the countries of other
people I didn't know. And the rest of the
neighborhood covered the globe.
Then in first grade we attended a UNICEF
children’s conference held in the UN’s General
Assembly, all of us decked out in the traditional
garb of our native land. I remember cracking up as
we listened to the speakers on the earphones,
hearing them in their native languages which
sounded like babble, not yet knowing anything of
Babel at the time (Gen. 11:9). The theme song for
the conference was catchy, and it’s what God is
saying to His people today, that the world is a very
small place made up of different colored people
with different languages, clothing, and customs,
YouTube It’s a Small World Disney.
The UN School. This was my first grade
teacher’s favorite song to play on her guitar at this
secular school (Josh. 6). YouTube Elvis Presley
Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho.
The World’s Religions. Tuned in to the
different nations, I was also tuned in to many of
the world’s religions and beliefs at an early age—of
sorts. For example, walking to school with my
Pakistani neighbors in 2nd grade, I was scolded
for stepping on the grass because “It’s not awake
yet!” since Christians aren’t the only ones asleep
(Rev. 3:1). And back then, as now (James 1:5-6),
there was a very wise cat hanging around with
answers. There were also friends from Uruguay
struggling with their son who’d gone orthodox
Jew—again somewhat explained. And there was
Adam, who was Jewish, not orthodox, who turned
13, prompting more questions and answers. I
walked home from school with an atheist
Japanese if not with the long braided brainy
Buddhist. There was a Protestant Pole who played
piano, and very friendly Muslim who’d boldly
advocated to my father on my behalf so that I
could join the group to the library to work on our
Homework together (Eph. 5:21). The different
religions were literally in my face, and kids ask
questions—and El Leon was really into providing
the answers (Matt. 7:7).
My Father’s House. Our house in Chile
was a two-story white stucco with red shingles
situated at the corner of the block on a square lot.
The property was enclosed by a white cement wall
gated on the front and side, and it was lined with
flowers running along much of the inside wall.
The front gate opened to a short walkway ending
at a door bordered with flowers and
hummingbirds. The front yard had a huge
weeping willow hoisting a tire swing and shading a
picnic table (Eph. 4:3o; Luke 12:32). Fruit trees
along the western side gave the place a great
aroma while three giant Alamos ‘watched over us’
(as my mom said) separating a grassy area from a
small cabin stuffed with books, pictures, a couch,
and a piano. The cabin window overlooked a small
cement wading pool behind the garage. My
father’s house wasn’t fancy—it was homey (Rev.
21). This is a May 2014 GOOGLE MAPS image.
(How cool is that?! I haven’t been back there since
I was ten years old.) This was the one place out of
the many (Acts 17:26-28) which actually felt like
home since it was all about extended family,
friends, natural beauty, and an overall great time.
In the following songs, which are really the
same song, two women sing of the God of all
nations (Ps. 72:11)—Man for whom the born again
live and with whom we live (Rev. 21:3; 2 Cor.
6:16). He’s the ultimate Homie. YouTube:
1. I Live for You Rachel Lampa.
2. Salpi Keleshian I Live with You.
9/11 & the Rock of Gibraltar. My
father’s house, our home, was ruined (for us) in
the September 11th 1973 military coup, an event
which made my father so mad at God that he
threw his mother’s crucifix across the room.
Located on Gibraltar Street, our house succumb to
Pinochet’s coup. But my Father’s House, our
forever Home, built on the Rock of Gibraltar, has
overcome Satan’s coup (Isa. 25:6-9). YouTube
As for Me and My House John Waller.
The U.S. version of September 11 had the
same effect on my brother, whose real name is
also a word play on my Brother’s name, as it is on
my father’s name, and therefore on my Father’s
name. A Head Game. On top of the heartache he
grew up with, his friends were killed during 9/11.
And to seer the event onto my brother’s attic wall,
God had him work in one of the top floors of the
towers the year before, and near the Pentagon on
the day of, so that he had a four-hour ordeal
getting home whereupon he was informed of their
friends’ demise. The whole family had been killed.
Again, it was all coordinated by God and carried
out by Slime (Ps. 50:1-4). God’s tough. THERE’S
NO DENYING THAT (Ps. 76:7). YouTube
Blessing in the Storm Kirk Franklin.
The Queen of Queens. My father’s
house was in the town of La Reina, The Queen, as
in Bride of the King (Rev. 21:2; Isa. 54:5).
However, the Bride is made up of many queens (1
Pet. 2:9), as in the city where we lived in New
York. At a swim meet in Chile in 1970, my
brother and I held the sign, leading and
representing our swim team, LA REINA,
as if to say, WE ARE THE QUEEN! And
my father’s children were the only ones on
the team who wore the same Speedo
uniform (Rev. 22:7, 12 & 20). Everyone
else wore their regular ‘street’ swimsuits
but we had ours from the swim team in
California, an important state says the
Holy Ghost in a resource the Lord has me
open up later, for His Queen. My brother
and I got to hold the sign since we were
the youngest and smallest (Judg. 6:14-15).
Kimberly Rivera - ASL. Uploaded by
Sunday’s Loving Services. In
Queens, my father and I would walk hand in hand
to get the Sunday New York Times, stopping at
The Deli, where he always encouraged me to try
something new (Ps. 98:1). He also always pointed
out the man’s missing fingers and made us look
very carefully through our goodies in case his
pinky was in there, or something—messin’ with
my head. My Father was using my father (a man
who loved head games) to train me for future
Head Games (Rom. 8:28; Jer. 29:11; Eph. 2:10).
For example, having invited a friend from
work and her husband to dinner, a couple who
had never been to our house before, a man we’d
never even met before, my father had my mom
make a typical Chilean meal, BISTEC A LO
POBRE (Poor Man’s Steak). And he placed a fake
plastic sunny side up egg on this man’s plate. And
as it turned out, he had never had a sunny side up
egg before. S…it was pretty funny. They became
our family’s best friends. (The picture is from
WikiMedia Commons, uploaded by Warko and
taken by César Ignacio Correa Pérez.)
for us on the cross (John 3:16), but by
extending that grace to cover our presentday sins. That’s what real Love does (1
Peter 4:8, see NIV). YouTube How
Deep the Father's Love for Us Sarah
Cardboard Houses. We made
two trips from New York to Chile. One
when I was eight and then when I was ten.
However, the first trip included many
other countries. That’s when I first saw,
from our very nice hotel windows how
much of the world lives. Then, in Chile, we
went to the town where my grandfather’s
remains were, and where his are now,
Valparaiso. There, El Leon, to whom everyone
was a cousin or aunt (Matt. 23:8), hunted down
one of them so that an aunt in a very nice home
told us where to find this cousin. Before leaving,
my father hugged him tight, squeezing ‘something’
into his hands. It was surreal—that so many
people actually lived in boxes, us in one, because a
cousin LIVED there. Like amputations, that
makes a decent impression on young attic walls,
pea sized or not, especially a pea grown in the U.S.
(1 Tim. 6:9-10).
A Loving Welcome. At the airport in
Santiago, security nudged my father to look at
some very happy ladies holding up an enormous
banner which said Bienvenidos a la Patria!
(Welcome to the Father’s Land!) And we certainly
felt it. Everyone treated us like we were part of
‘the family.’ The adults called each other Comadre
and Compadre, as in comrade/neighbor/friend,
like some Christians call each other Brother or
Sister (Rom. 16:16)—the same way my father
I’d often go with my father to get the Times on
Sunday’s. A decent walk and we’d have lapses of
silence between a ritual. He’d ask me how much I
loved him, always getting a kick out of my answer.
I’d spread my arms out as far as they could go in
each direction and say, “As much as eternity! To
infinity! More even!” Scrabble words. It’s what
our Father says to us, having demonstrated what
more means, not only by extending Jesus’ arms
viewed nearly everyone as extended family. And
the thing is, all of the elect are Family. It’s kinda
why the New Testament addresses the believers as
brethren. Yet the way we were welcomed to la
Patria was the exact opposite of how Maya was
“welcomed” by the Queen’s subjects or how
Babette was welcomed by the sisters in Babette’s
Feast (1988), and how today’s lost souls are
“welcomed” by the Beloved BRAT.
Pre Wrath Life. We had a great time on
that first trip which took us throughout several
places in Central and South America before
parking it in Chile. We visited the pyramids and
ruins where I learned all about my name. (What
were they thinking?!) My guess is that my parents
admired the Maya for their achievements in the
same way many today admire pagan ways (Rom.
8:28). And, like God, the Maya were into living
sacrifices (John 15:13). However, Hebrew has a
more interesting meaning for Maya according to It comes from the
Hebrew word ‘water.’ And God says, “He that
believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of
his belly shall flow rivers of living water” (John
7:38)—which is what He’s doing through me.
We took a boat ride on that first trip, on one of
those row boats with a motor in back. It was us
and this man who had fun taking his tourists to
the edge of Iguazu Falls so that we could actually
‘captain’ reassuring my father as I clung to my
brother for dear life in the same way that my
Father reassures me as the Captain (Heb. 2:10)
takes me for Rides to the Edge and I cling to my
Brother (Mark 3:34) for dear life (Ps. 3:4).
YouTube Corbin Bleu - Push It To The
Limit. Uploaded by CorbinBleuVEVO.
We went to a lake in Paraguay or Uruguay
where, out on a little rowboat, my father and
brother messed with me so much that I ended up
crying—then they both got it. (Ha!) There were
piranhas in the water and they both kept nipping
at me (Luke 12:5). More training.
At a national theater, the crowd went nuts
before the show, clapping, stomping, hooting and
howling for the longest time, so that I don’t
remember the show but them! El Leon said they
were expressing their love for those we were about
to see. It was the Lion providing a preview of the
eager expectation He’s building up for Himself
(Ps. 98; 1 Cor. 16:22).
While Jesus said, “When the Son of man
cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” (Luke
18:8), implying He wouldn’t, because of how He’s
using me, He will find faith on the earth, as He
said He would (Matt. 13:38-43). He wouldn’t find
any compared to what He should have found, just
as my testimony reveals. There hasn’t been any
faith in Him. We would crucify Him all over
again! Only this time it would be born again
Christians calling for it. But since He promised to
build His Church (Matt. 16:18) and to send
prophets to help His people (Matt. 23:34), He will
find faith, even though He didn’t. Another Head
Murphy—Servant of Satan. Our days
of joyous living ended with that first trip as
Murphy’s Law went into full effect (Job 2:3-6;
Eph. 6:12; 1 Pet. 5:8). They’d bought furniture and
items on the trip through Central and South
America to furnish their American Dream Home.
But the plane crashed, killing the crew, and for
which we received pesos, making that home
nothing but a dream. Our apartment in New York
was broken into and all the better things were
stolen. I broke my arm and after two months and
two tries they decided on surgery, fearing it might
not grow right (it did). One night the car was
stolen. Another day my brother got hit by a car. I
think it was a hit and run, leaving him legally
blind. The oven exploded in my mother’s face.
There was the coup so that friends burned the
books in the house and cabin before dispersing to
other countries—if they could find the means. My
father helped two cousins escape to live with us in
New York, leaving behind their family, not
knowing for a year if their mother was dead or
alive. My father fell, slipping a disc. My mother
discovered he’d had an affair so that she asked for
a divorce. In turn, he beat her up. But since
doctors found more than the slipped disc they
made amends. Except the cancer got the better of
him ‘ending’ that season of trials while
immediately transitioning the rest of us into a new
one—one of many (1 Pet. 5:8).
Just months after he died, when I was 11, my
mom asked me, “What would have been better,
that he had died or that we’d gotten divorced?” So
a Red Flag went up in my attic about my mom.
But as I wrote this I realized the first one had
actually been in how she’d dealt with a child
sexual offender in first grade. She didn't. It turned
out to be her custom in the same way that ‘mother’
Church doesn’t deal with important issues but,
instead, walks in secrecy and lies (1 John 1:5).
And the main lesson God has had with my
mom as it relates to the Church is that it’s really
hard for us to see our ‘mom’ as She really is—
since, well, She’s our mom. Concerning my
biological mom, I really didn’t admit it to myself
until I was in my thirties! And it’s been the same
with the Church. The Church is NOT who She
should be and Her children haven't been able to
admit it (Rev. 2 & 3).
In fact, not dealing with stuff is a common
social problem, leading to more “stuff.” So the
movie Antwone Fisher (2002) is helpful on
several counts. But since it’s Hollywood, the issue
of the young man being a virgin even though he’s
not married is viewed as abnormal, when the
reason why he was afraid of being intimate was
abnormal. However, since he had a really good
reason for feeling the way he did, it wasn't
abnormal at all. The movie also represents all of
the elect who’ve had to endure life as a sinner in a
fallen world (Rom. 8:21-22), and who hunger for
non-dysfunctional family life having had that
hunger placed there by the Executive Personal
Chef (Eccl. 3:11, see NIV). And God’s children will
enjoy a very welcoming banquet mucho mas
better than he did in the movie! No fake anything
serve upright (Rev. 19:9). YouTube I Can Only
Imagine MercyMe.
Post Wrath Life. Our second trip to
Chile was for my father’s farewell. Everything was
grey like the original WWII movies, full of tension,
anger, frustration, and fear, as if the sun didn’t
shine even one day. But instead of staying at our
house in La Reina, we primarily stayed in my
grandmother’s apartment downtown, on the
fourth floor of a building comparable to the one in
Manhattan where his UN boss lived—except the
elevator was broken and there was no apparent
fixing it, and food lines were loooong for scarce
food. And since my father’s friend had been in a
building across from the presidential palace
during the coup, we got a pretty good inside
scoop. Not that I understood it. I just got a
gigantic Latino velvet poster for my attic wall—
with those very vivid colors. And since my father’s
relationship and the cancer, combined with the
coup stressed them to the limit, El Leon stopped
explaining things to me, making the colors on the
wall hanging brighter since not having things
explained makes them confusing and scary.
In La Reina, standing by the side gate, now
broken down, old friends were very short,
constantly looking over their shoulders for fear
“they” might hear. And a ‘neighborhood’ of
cardboard houses had risen just a block from our
house in a plaza that’s now a dog park, apparently,
and appropriately since the Church Girl lets dogs
party at everyone’s expense. Then one night,
caught past curfew, soldiers dragged an older
couple out of a car in front of us, beating them
with their rifles while no one helped. That’s when
it dawned on me that there was no one to call on
for help because those in authority were the ones
causing the trouble—just like in Christianity
Today (Ps. 12:1 & 8). Only there is Someone to call
for help who already knows all about it and is
waiting for just the right moment to step in (Ps.
50:16-23)—the moment more of us sincerely call
on Him (2 Chron. 7:14; John 4:24).
When Pastor Bill and two ‘elders’ came to our
house sent by Kerry Bowman to give me the
conditions by which I could stay at Eagle (as long
as I allowed them to bind and gag me), they said
they’d asked God why He had sent them this “girl”
from Chile. And they’d discerned God wanted
them to tell me not to speak about what I heard
Him saying to His Church. And I’m the one who
doesn't know God and can’t hear Him correctly?
(Rev. 3:1-3; John 4:23-24).
Waiting to cross the street with my mom, I
noticed the soldiers behind sandbags. I was
shocked because they looked even younger than
me, and I was ten. This kid pointed his rifle at me.
Grinning, he spoke hateful words, then ‘pulled’ the
trigger while making dying noises and drama. He
followed me as far as I kept turning back while
getting dragged. And there were duplicates of him
at every corner, just like there are Eagle clones at
every church thanks to Rick Warren’s Purpose
Driven agenda. YouTube 1NC Lost Hearts.
Training Ground Ice Bath. I used to
get really bad earaches until I was 24, the summer
I begged God to take over. As a four year old in
California, there had been a season when I was
scared to go to sleep because I’d fall into a pit and
everyone would taunt me from the top—like
Joseph (Gen. 37:24). It turns out I'd broken my
eardrum. So I must have been eight or nine when
my class was on a field trip to the UN in New York
when I felt the wave coming over me. Standing in
the lobby, I stared at the phones on the counter by
which I could dial my father upstairs for help. I
knew the extension and had used the phones
many times. But I didn't make the call for not
wanting to bother him or disrupt the class. So
after school my sister and cousins were in a panic
with the doctor on the phone, who had them place
me in the tub filled with cold water and ice cubes
to get my temperature down from 105. When I
finally came out of it, my mom asked about my
delirium. I remember telling her all my dolls had
been attacking my toy kitten mercilessly, their
own little friend, and for some reason there was
nothing I could do to stop them. A preview (Rom.
8:28). YouTube B. Reith Cold World.
If I’d just called my father it wouldn’t have
gotten that bad (Isa. 30:19). YouTube
Heavenly Father Cece Winans.
Casualties of War. My father spent
much of his time at Mount Sinai, hospital in
Manhattan (Gal. 4:24-27), so I spent many
weekends there by myself or with my brother
sitting in the waiting room adjacent to the
entrance. My father died the last year of the
Vietnam War. So one day a family stood in the
lobby when a gasp suddenly erupted from them
and the mother’s grip on her little boy tightened,
like my grandmother’s had at the intersection.
Tears rolled down her face as a nurse pushed a
young man in a wheelchair. Dead silence. His
head, covered with bandages, wasn't right, like
part of it was missing. A big part was missing!
Staring at him, now standing, feeling the tension,
not moving, not breathing, the little boy has
pulled away in a running blur. Plastering his face
between his brother’s legs, everyone breathed a
sigh of relief. Many were crying. But it wasn’t until
Eagle, when God brought it back to mind, that I
realized it wasn’t his brother at all.
Moreover, soldiers today are coming home
likewise—worldwide—with only the lost and the
BRAT to minister to them (1 John 3:18), when
they shouldn’t even have been at war with real
weapons (Eph. 6:12). YouTube Love Each
Other Graham Kendrick.
realized something, June 2014. In the late
1990s God had me e-mail my journal entries
to Bill Bean of things He'd revealed to me.
Naturally, Bill thought I was making
connections that didn't exist, that I was
delusional. Now I realize God had me give him
those journal entries knowing Bill wouldn't
make the connections (something I knew then
though I tried not to see it). God was using it
as prep work for Bill for when He finally
enlightens him decades later.
Back then, God was also teaching me
about how to apply the Follow Me principle. I
was like a "new believer" since I'd just had all
the lights turned on since it wasn’t until Eagle
that God cranked up my light bulb to the third
level. But I'd actually had the Light turned on
to the first level years earlier. Yet to Eagle
leadership it was as if I'd just been born again
(even just born!). They also thought I was
mentally unstable since Christians don't really
believe God is able to do anything, or that He
actually means what He says. (You'll get the
full gist of what I mean later.) Essentially, God
set them up since they were so proud and
unbiblical, like all the rest in Christianity
Today. Bill also thought he, Kerry, Sunder,
RZIM, and the Church as a whole walked
closely with God, as so many Christians do (2
Thess. 2:10-11), and he surely thought better
of the U.S. since it was pre 9/11.
Yet Bill should be able to see things
differently now. I’m obviously not a newbie.
He is no longer married or a pastor, when he
should be on both counts, probably (Mark
10:1-12). Kerry, Eric, Sunder, and RZIM are
obviously seriously out of touch with God.
And the U.S. is not the innocent nation most
American's had considered her to be. Bill, like
all Christians, thought I was making too many
connections between real life and God's
WORD, the Bible. But God has made many
connections we see when we walk HUMBLY,
honestly, with Him (John 14:21). That's God's
Point. He is Lord of all, the "Alpha and the
Omega, the beginning and the ending" (Rev.
1:8), and therefore everything in between.
God doesn't mean He'll just reveal the truth
that Jesus is God in the flesh who gave His life
for us so that we can go to heaven when we die
(which is just about the only thing Christians
focus on), but that He connects all the dots.
He's the Thread that connects it all, like in
Maya's comic book—that twisted noodle that
runs through every page of the entire book,
the whole storyline from beginning to end.
That twisted noodle not only connects the
whole story, it's the foundation of it, and the
girl's favorite food (Ps. 34:8).
and he was our father. It’s what he had done since
his father had also died prematurely.
Once you ‘get it,’ you'll see that Jesus, the
foundation of the world and of the Church, is
a pretty "twisted noodle." Christians would
crucify me for saying so, but here’s what I
mean. The funniest people you know are
pretty twisted. It’s what makes them so funny.
And you love spending time with them since
they're so much fun. And the best twisted
noodles—and Jesus is the Very Best—are also
serious when they need to be (on serious
matters), and Jesus is that. And that's what
makes Him SO twisted. Unlike most
comedians/most people, He’s a responsible
twisted noodle. He covers the full gamut of
emotions and responsibilities. In contrast,
Christians tend to be too serious or too
flaky/weird, or funny but not biblical, or not
entirely biblical, yet fun—falling short. Jesus,
however, has it all right. He's super funny,
super serious, super responsible, super caring,
super intelligent, super creative, super…every
emotion and ability given to man, therefore,
super twisted.
Anyhow, the Good News is that my heavenly
Father also left His children a ‘letter’ He dictated
to people representing His Bride, His Wife, with
similar instructions (John 13:34). So while both
letters speak of love being “a behavior” (1 John
3:18), and both admonish their children to love
each other deeply and help each other as much as
possible (Gal. 6:10), the bad news is that both sets
of children have done the exact opposite, causing
sorrow upon sorrow for generations of children.
Still, my Father’s letter will trump my father’s
letter—and life (Matt. 16:18). Praise God!
Letters to Children. Knowing he was
dying, my father dictated a list of bullets he’d
called Letter to My Children, which my mother
typed up. In it, he spoke of Christians asking
themselves what Jesus would do in the same
situation, suggesting that we consider what he
would do in our place since we weren’t Christian
However, he’d treated my mother shamefully
as well as my grandmother, and had revealed
himself to me as being less than reasonable. I’d
gotten an A on my report card for Math. But as the
bell rang the teacher they called Mrs. Witchell,
asked me a math problem which I couldn’t answer
not having heard the question. So she pulled out
my report card and changed my A to an F, and my
father never questioned the teacher, but rebuked
me. Again, more training. I loved him, but I knew
I didn’t want to be entirely like him. Though I
didn’t know it, he was a sinner like me, and The
Witch (Rom. 3:10). She used to take the same kid
and slam him up against the blackboard because
he didn’t know the answers.
Hardening of the Arteries. The
culture shock from the Big Apple to the Crab
Apple (our move to the Midwest) was greater than
moving from Santiago to New York. (It’s actually
known as the Mini Apple.) We’d lost everything:
my father, her husband, and the sole breadwinner;
our home, family, and friends in Chile; and our
home and friends in New York. We also lost my
mom since she now had to work and go to school.
And we lost each other too since there’s no healing
without God, whom we didn’t (knowingly) have.
So everybody hardened, and kept hardening—and
are still hardening decades later because that’s all
worldly wisdom (life without God) can do for
you—toughen you up. The world encourages you
to harden your heart by telling you to be
independent (of God) and believe in yourself.
And that’s all Christianity Today does as well.
Having been told by the Lord 18 years ago, “I will
make thee unto this people a fenced brasen wall”
(Jer. 15:20), He has, necessary for the calling since
that verse is how it’s played out. They’ve all
fought/turned against me. But God has done His
part as well, as relayed in the full verse:
I will make thee unto this people a fenced
brasen wall: and they shall fight against
thee, but they shall not prevail against
thee: for I am with thee to save thee and to
deliver thee, saith the LORD (Jer. 15:20).
And God’s done made me a “brasen wall” to
help me. You’re getting it as a condescending tone.
Aw, di po’ bebies. Because if He hadn’t let me
toughen up, I’d be BAWLING ALL THE TIME!
That’s not healthy. I’d have to kill myself, and
that’s not biblical. A brasen wall is needed because
no one can handle being hated, disliked, and or
ridiculed by everyone for this long, while doing all
they can to help them.
Smiley Turned Upside Down then
Right Side Up Again. One of the boys in my
class nicknamed me Smiley. But then he said it
didn’t fit me anymore so he’d given it to another
girl, whose name, ironically, stemmed from
felicity. He was right. Smiley didn’t fit me
anymore because I wasn’t feliz anymore. I hadn’t
told many (any?) kids that my father was sick
since bringing up ‘my father’s dying’ kills
conversation like saying, “I believe the Bible.” I
was also pretty shy, except for one on one—and I
haven’t really changed. And since my father hadn’t
wanted a funeral, my mother took us on an
outing—a tour of Teddy’ Roosevelt’s house! I
remember being told about a chair made of horse
hair, a chair so special it was roped off. How odd
that a horse was that special and yet my father
would not be honored, no funeral, no
Unlike me, my brother went to
school, making the point to tell me
how eager I was to dishonor my
father by skipping school. It’s like
how my spiritual brothers accuse me
of dishonoring my Father by not
having a church 'home.' So without a
wake or funeral, topped by moving
from New York City to the Midwest
(like moving from earth to Mars), there were days
the following year during which I imagined that
maybe he wasn’t really dead. Maybe he worked
for the CIA and not just the UN—and would
return one day. But if I’d seen him with that
greenish hue, in a box, dirt dumped on top of
him…It’s pretty doubtful that I would entertained
such thoughts! Nor if I’d known the Truth (John
14:6) and known he’d known Him too. And if the
rest of my family had known Him, what a
TOTALLY different set up that would have been!
(Rom. 8:28).
So while I was at Roosevelt’s house, my
teacher had everyone make me a card, giving the
big envelope to my brother. Eagerly dumping
them on the bed, we took turns reading. They said
how sorry they were, how hard life would be, how
lonely we must feel, so sad… Each card felt like
another brick getting dumped in our back packs,
weighing us down, until Red’s. This kid was very
much like my brother in manner, and he looked
like HOWDY DOODY. He’d wanted to be a
comedian and someone had given him the
marionette which he brought to class, and I’d sat
across from him the year before.
So when I ripped open his card tons of little
confetti went flying everywhere. He must have
spent other class time doing that. How sneaky and
thoughtful. I saved it for years. Packed with
pictures and poems, this one still makes me
Maya! Maya! Don’t feel blue!
Frankenstein was ugly too!
Pastoral Faith. For some reason, they
couldn't do what they wanted to do at Eagle one
season so that this testimony kept getting pushed
back. Then when they finally got it
together, Pastor Kerry said God had
someone specific in mind He wanted
to hear it, that's why they hadn't
been able to do their thing. And since
I'd been serving that month in the
Preschool ministry, this was my first
day back in the service. And it was a
no-brainer that I was the one God
wanted tuned in because this man,
this father, had cancer. Yet even
though he was a pastor, his family
was walking through it little better than my lost
family had done. I was shocked. It was one of the
many ways God was showing me how little faith in
Him the Church Lady has—next to none.
these books the opportunity to get to know Him
well and stash some goodies for eternity by
serving Him wholeheartedly (Matt. 6:19-21).
A Compassionate Father. I’ve missed
high our family went to a psych counselor. It was a
joke! I went again by myself during my First
College Tour—even worse! However, during that
same semester I had my poetry writing class
where the first assignment had been to write
about our father, which I couldn’t do for all I tried.
So I wrote about my mother instead. Then, having
gotten that industrial sized can of worms out of
my system, I was able to do the required
assignment. God used MOTHER and PAPI to
heal many wounds just by having me download it
(Isa. 9:6), because my mom (like the Church)
would say things that were outrageously hurtful.
my father (and extended family) my whole life,
but I’m grateful God did not have that scenario
play out since there’s no way I would have been
able to stand firm against El Leon (1 Cor. 10:13).
While at Eagle, during a get together, ‘Sara,’
the one for whom I’d thought I was writing the
book, came up to me. Pastor Bill had just turned
me on to A Requiem for Love by Calvin
Miller. [It’s a worthy read, except Pastor Miller
changed the account since Adam was with Eve
when the serpent tricked her (Gen. 3:6; Rev.
22:18-19).] And because I was reading that book
to go along with everything else the Lord was
teaching me, I was struggling with the possibility
that my father was in hell. Sara listened, took a
sip, and said, “Well, Maya, just think of those two
guys on either side of Jesus at the cross. Everyone
standing there would have figured they’d both go
to hell, but the one repented at the last minute—
just between the two of them—and the Lord told
him he’d be with Him in Paradise, that day.” She
then smiled, cocked her head back and said,
“Wow! Where’d that come from!” (Luke 12:12).
And while I wasn’t sure back then that what she’d
said was from God, today I’m certain, by faith,
that I will see my father again in the land of the
living (Rev. 21:3). YouTube Amazing Grace
Aaron Neville.
And here’s why I’m so sure. Nothing about us
is trivial to God (Matt. 10:30; Ps. 116:15). So if He
rebukes us for deceiving others, He’s not going to
deceive us by giving us false hope (Eph. 5:6). He’ll
‘set us up’ if we're being deceitful with Him (Ps.
18:26; 2 Thess. 2:10-11). But having sought Him in
earnest, I know God didn't mislead me about my
father (1 Cor. 3:15). All of God’s Head Games are
honorable (Deut. 32:4). YouTube You Are So
Good To Me Third Day.
So while my father had time to reconsider God
as he lay in bed for months, the most he could do
at that point was surrender and get Home as one
who barely escaped the flames (1 Cor. 3:11-15). In
contrast, God is giving every elect soul reading
A Poetic Tour of Duty. During junior
But I always felt sorry for her (besides hurt,
mad, and annoyed). My sister once confided that
she would trash our mother’s letters without even
reading them, but I could never do it. Yet after
reading them I'd almost always wished I’d had.
My mom reminds me of Mary Todd Lincoln,
another woman ill equipped for the super stressful
life she’d been granted, lacking wisdom for not
having a relationship with God (1 Tim. 5-6).
Higher Education Falls Flat. College
students and professors have a built in cover-up
like wolves in sheep’s clothing (Matt. 7:15). In the
same way that the title of Pastor, Elder, or
Christian makes some think these people are
living by a higher standard, college education and
‘titles’ camouflage sin. The higher the level, the
more camouflaged. With Church, you assume
they’re sheep on meeting, but in time the truth
comes out, too often too late, damage done (John
3:19). And since the whole Church is prodigal, it’s
a major set-up. And it’s the same with higher
education because credentials don't matter, sin is
sin (Luke 3:8). Continue in it and you’ll be getting
left in the dust (Mark 6:11) or have nothing but
dust to your name (Matt. 5:18-20; 1 Cor. 3:11-15).
For example, most of the parents in grad
housing, what I’m calling The Flat, were divorced
moms starting over. Most looked respectable, and
they were in Grad School, so you just know. Yet
nearly all were involved in at least one or more of
the following: pot (smoking and/or selling), heavy
alcohol, promiscuity, deception, verbal and/or
physical abuse, child neglect, homosexuality,
heavier drugs, theft—and God knows what else. In
short, the parents weren’t setting a good example
for us kids, which always backfires. So, like the
rest of the kids, I did plenty of stuff on the list
myself (Matt. 23:13). YouTube Treasures in
Heaven Burlap to Cashmere.
Today, most of what took place in The Flat is
either mainstream or part of our “genetic code,” so
that it’s nearly all acceptable or excusable, since
we’re supposedly genetically programed to sin.
Back then it was still considered deviant. Yet,
whatever we call it—no matter how many times
the American Psychological Association (APA)
changes the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders (DSM) or we vote for it—God
will always call it sin (Mal. 3:6).
For instance, according to the DSM
homosexuality was a mental illness until the day
they decided it wasn’t. Pagans would say, “We
evolved,” when it’s part of entropy, we got, and
keep getting, more sinful. In the book Unbroken
by Laura Hillenbrand, she notes that in 1939
unmarried sex was considered mental illness.
Actually, it was and still is, sin. But it is insane to
think you can get one over on God! (Rom. 1:20-27;
Luke 12:5).
The Storm, The Joke. My friend,
Sandy, was a rebellious brain who talked me into
skipping class one afternoon, no need to twist my
arm. Caught in a blizzard on our way back to
school, fighting bitterly piercing wind, FREEZING,
in front of me, she turns around and points up
yelling and cracking up, “He knows! He knows!”
God was a joke.
When not skipping school, we spent much of
our time in The Flat’s community center where we
had free reign over both party rooms with a ping
pong table, foosball table, several couches, a
fireplace, and a piano, echoing the small cabin in
the house at La Reina. And our discussions often
turned to God in one way or another, or else they
made me think about God in one way or another.
So a few years ago, late one night out with the
dog on her last potty break to “her spot,” I
overhead the people in the Jacuzzi on the other
side of the fence having one of ‘our’ discussions,
discussions everyone has while the royal BRAT
“If He exists, things wouldn’t be this way…”
“As long as you don’t hurt anyone…”
“I’m really no worse than anyone else…”
“I think all religions are the same…”
I would have loved to jump over the fence and
enlighten them, but it’s not even remotely possible
with the BRAT playing the Whore, because while
pastors tell you to “go find a good Bible believing
church,” since all Protestant denominations
ignore the truth of the one Gospel, what exactly
constitutes a good Bible believing church?
Moreover, not much time in any church
reinforces to the engaged mind the ‘reality’ that
God is a joke. Only He’s not! And like it was for
Sandy and me, the Joke is on us, as is the Storm,
which will keep getting worse until we get our
brains in gear and repent (Eph. 6:17-20).
The Glass Test. A few months after my
father died I’d come across a stress test and was
shocked because we’d been off the charts for
years! One of the things God used to get me
through was to constantly remind me of the saying
about seeing the glass half full or half empty while
also reminding me of babies starving in Africa
from the news or commercials (Rom. 8:28; John
14:26). My glass was clearly MORE than half full.
It’s NOT All OK. My mom constantly told
me she hadn’t wanted to have children while also
daily reminding me of how my sister, her
firstborn, was so wonderful and my brother, her
male child was so amazing, and what a problem I
was—so I naturally gave her what she thought she
had. Why not, since I was taking the grief for it?
Not having wanted children, her idea of parenting
(especially when it came to me) was to OK
whatever. She gave the OK to hang out however,
whenever, with whomever. Sure, she had a rule
here and there, seldom. Still, since she never
followed up, no discipline involved whatsoever, it
was the same as saying OK to whatever. It’s a bad
combination, that of ungodly parenting and teens.
So Sandy had invited me to spent time with
her at her dads place on the lake where we got to
know the neighborhood kids. And my mom had
given the OK not only for me to go and hang out
wherever but for them to stay at our place for the
State Fair and do whatever.
Then one day I got a call from the oldest of the
group. Laughing, he says, “Bob’s dead.”
“Oh, right. That’s real funny, Steve. Shut up!”
You know guys. And since he wouldn’t quit, I
finally hung up on him. They can be so annoying.
So an hour later Sandy called. Bob had been
out on a motorized rowboat (like the captain had
in Iguazu), and some other boys had been
drinking and taken their father’s bigger boat out.
So he was gone. This bright, funny, 13 year old
kid, one year younger than me to the day…GONE.
They whispered about me because I took it so
hard. But it was hard. My father was gone. My
grandmother was gone (I’d just been informed),
and the “missing” in Chile, where had they gone?
Now Bob. While so many act like it’s all basically
OK—positive thinking, head wedged deep in the
sand—inquiring minds wanna know! (Matt. 7:7).
Confronted by the Master. My sister
invited us to see Jean Pierre Rampal at her college
since we played flute. So two of us were sneaking
around before the concert and who should we run
into in an empty stairwell but the man himself. So
my girl suddenly turns groupie like on the Beatles.
She could barely speak; nearly collapsed! For real.
So there she is melting on the steps and
blubbering about how much she LOVES him and
Jean Pierre Rampal is staring at me eyes
questioning, Is she hurt? So I’m stuck there
stumbling through my little bitty bit of French
explaining to him what was wrong with the girl
since Rampal didn’t speak English—or was, more
than LIKELY, messin’ with my head.
est…elle est une… (How do you say nut!)”
Both of us were looking back and forth at each
other and at her while she’s blubbering, practically
drooling. Gasping. Eyes watering!
“Elle…Elle…Elle aimez vous BEACOUP!”
So I tried telling him why she loved him so
much, by way of mime al la Franglais. And
knowing he’s THE MASTER, I suddenly looked
down—and confessed. (I was last chair!)
Aw man. NAILED! Facing the Master (Ps.
95:7-8), I said all I could say—the truth. “No.
[Gulp.] Pas du tout.”
I can still see him, eyes sparkling. We must
have made his day—a teenager drooling over him
and another’s guilt ridden confession! And there’s
a movie that always comes to mind when I’m
editing here. Wit (2001). Proceed with caution.
YouTube Are You Washed in the Blood
Alan Jackson.
The Unitarian Way. After my father
died, while we were still in New York, my mom
had us all go to a Catholic church where we were
refused to go there again! Then, in the Crab Apple,
she hooked up with the Unitarians. Though she
seldom had a rule for me to follow, one day she
laid down The Law—I had to go to “church” with
her. She was doing what all adults do when they
feel the need for God, they first return to what
they had known growing up, Catholicism for her.
Then when that fails they turn to what feels good.
I didn’t know anything about Unitarianism at
the time and wouldn’t grasp it until Eagle days,
but I was a “good” evangelist and convinced some
friends to join me, at which time we ditched the
place for a field trip into downtown. So while the
Unitarian way didn’t become mine, as long as the
Church snoozes, it will keep becoming many of the
elect’s way because it satisfies sinful man’s
emptiness for God (Acts 17:26-27; Rom. 11:23).
Only it’s the fake version of satisfaction and
fulfillment since it allows you to do as you will and
as Satan so loves because God’s WORD is rejected
(John 3:19-20). Yet, at the same time, you go to
“church” and get the country club to go with it. On
top of that, it’s marketed as being for those who
are “intelligently” seeking the truth. It’s a really
‘great’ set up by Satan (2 Cor. 11:14). So while I
didn’t know that then, I see God used my sinful
ways to keep me from Satan’s stronger grip (Rom.
8:28). So, again, I thank You all!
Flying High and Searching For. I
had a dream which shook my ground when I was
14. I was flying through the air and friends were
also flying up. Then I realized that everyone was
flying up to meet with a group to which they
belonged. But every time I flew to a group of
friends, they gave me the cold shoulder and I’d
hear a voice saying I didn’t belong to that group.
So I’d fly to another group and hear the voice
repeat the same—a voice that had a deep echo to
it. Finally, I heard many voices scolding me saying
that I had to find the group to which I belonged.
But they didn’t just scold. There was a tone
of…direction? (Rev. 1:15).
That dream rocked my ground for years
because I knew I had to find the right group and
that none I’d ever known were the right one. But
no one was explaining Him to me. YouTube
Lover of My Soul Amy Grant.
It wasn’t until 20 years later, at Eagle, that I
was reminded of the dream and given peace about
it, having finally been led to the “right” group.
(While we’d been to many Protestant churches
before then, none had felt right, nor since. This
was my first and only ‘home’ church. And it’s now
clear to see God did it to tie in with the Purpose
Driven movement and connect me with RZIM in
order to help all of His elect.) Soon after giving me
the verses to go with the dream (1 Thess. 4:15-18; 1
Cor. 15:52), the Lord gave me another
confirmation about the dream with a craft I’d
prepared for the preschool Sunday school lesson,
on THE NEW JERUSALEM. I’d used gummy
drops, a bright yellow plate and white
marshmallow cookies. Then that night, at a Bible
prophesy conference, I bought the children’s book,
Jesus is Coming Again by David Reagan & Paula
Lawson, and in it was a picture which looked to
me like my father’s house on Gibraltar, with the
same colors and shapes of my craft—the gummy
drops and plate.
However, it was a twisted view because in
reality the gummy drops (the colorful flowers)
were on the inside of the wall and the mountains
were behind it not beneath, seen from the western
upper windows.
In any case, the book also had a picture of
children flying up in the air like in my dream. Only
they were flying up to Jesus making one group—
THE RIGHT GROUP—the Christian group.
Huh. YouTube Face to Face The Sensational
NOTE: I don't recommend this book since it's
not biblical. (Maybe I’ll create a slideshow
since the pictures are great and walk through
it from a biblical perspective.) The main thing
God was doing, was making me dig into this
view since it’s so prominent within
Christianity Today. He wanted me to
thoroughly understand it. And I did since Dr.
Reagan called me a scholar on it when he saw
a graphic I’d made of it. Then a few years
later, God delivered me from it.
I’m also using these pictures without
permission because the last contact I had with
Dr. Reagan, years ago, was in a letter I’d
written him asking for help with Church
leadership. But instead of helping, he wrote
me back on the back of my letter ranting and
raving about how self-absorbed I was, etc., full
of rage. He was mad as all hell because I was
accusing Church leaders of being unbiblical. If
these people want to sue me for using their
pictures without permission to help God’s
people see the connections I made, then you’ll
know they’re not Vessels of Mercy because
Christian are NOT supposed to sue one
another as they currently do:
I speak to your shame [God says]. Is it
so, that there is not a wise man among
you? no, not one that shall be able to
judge between his brethren? But
brother goeth to law with brother, and
that before the unbelievers. Now
therefore there is utterly a fault among
you, because ye go to law one with
another. Why do ye not rather take
wrong? why do ye not rather suffer
yourselves to be defrauded? (1 Cor.
And instead of belligerently accusing each
other we’re supposed submit to one another
in the fear of God (Eph. 5:21), helping each
other (Rom. 16:1-2), as I’d asked him to do.
An Aside. As I traveled through my
hometown of La Reina in 2015 by way of Google
and YouTube, reminded of many things, and
hearing the WORD, it struck me that the house
and much of La Reina resemble some of the nicer
parts of the DC metro area, and that a false sense
of security prevail, even with all that the Chileans
faced and American are facing. To put it simply,
no matter how intelligent and well off you might
be, no amount of brains and money, even gold,
can protect you from God. Everyone, including
born again Christians, have been focused on their
lives here, where it can all be taken away by God
in a heartbeat, brutally. And because even born
again Christians have been focused on the
material rather than the spiritual, most people
don’t live in the nicer homes. Even if they have
them, they’re too busy working to enjoy them. We
all know plenty of people who are loaded with
stuff, nice homes, horses, vacations…but they’re
not living. They’re mostly just having. God’s
purpose has been that we would focus on Him so
that His wealth on earth would spread out evenly
and His people live life to the full. He says:
For I mean not that other men be eased,
and ye burdened: But by an equality, that
now at this time your abundance may be a
supply for their want, that their
abundance also may be a supply for your
want: that there may be equality: As it is
written, He that had gathered much had
nothing over; and he that had gathered
little had no lack (2 Cor. 8:13-15).
I am come that they might have life, and
that they might have it more abundantly
(John 10:10).
Having a bunch of stuff and experiences while
being a royal unbiblical snob is not living life to the
full. Not hardly.
Prodigal Pastors’ Ripple Effects.
During the season of my flying dream, a friend
whom I’d known for about a year started
downloading. It turned out the reason her parents
were divorced was because her father, a Protestant
pastor, had been having an affair with a woman in
the congregation for 12 years. Discovered, he
dumped his wife and kids and married the
woman. I was shocked. And there was more, just
as shocking. And being a pastor, how many
families did he trash? (Rom. 2:24). God knows
(Heb. 10:30). And God’s Church is loaded with
such testimonies. My friend’s account was just the
first to my knowledge and the reason why God has
repeated the following verse to me ever since I was
Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they
may be sound in the faith; Not giving heed
to Jewish fables, and commandments of
men, that turn from the truth. Unto the
pure all things are pure: but unto them
that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing
pure; but even their mind and conscience
is defiled. They profess that they know
God; but in works they deny him, being
abominable, and disobedient, and unto
every good work reprobate (Titus 1:13-16).
According to J. Krejcir, a Christian Ph.D.,
based on several surveys conducted between 1989
and 2006 by the Fuller Institute, Barna Research,
Focus on the Family, The Fuller Seminary, and
Richard Blockmon, 30-40% of pastors surveyed
said they had had an ongoing affair or a one-time
sexual encounter with a parishioner. And since
things get worse with time, and this is what they
were willing to admit, it’s likely much worse.
Google Statistic on Pastors – Into Thy
The Wrong Side of the Tracks. A
brother and sister from next door invited me to go
back ‘home’ with them during a break—to a teeny
little town in the South. One night they took me to
their hole in the wall, a basement with a dance
joint—more focused on the joint. Always the goofy
gentleman, he says, “After you, m’lady,” so I went
in. But as everyone turned to look at the ‘white
chic’ who’d come in, it seemed the music stopped.
Suddenly feeling VERY self-conscious, I turned to
my friends who weren’t there! I was 16 and these
people were in their 20s or older and…my heart
was thumping when I heard the roar EXPLODE
from the outside stairwell. They were falling all
over each other!
If not for their little prank, I’d never really
know what Buddy’s felt like at times (Rom.
8:28)—what Blacks as a whole must often feel in
this country—the parts of it they dare venture into.
For example, when I first turned Buddy onto
camping, as we crossed the bridge into town, the
guy standing there with a cop yells, “Go home,
Nigger!” Nice welcome. Probably a professing
Christian too, because God’s assembly doesn’t
behave much better from all parts of the rainbow.
On the first Muck & Mire Tour, for instance,
during Grip & Grin, the Black man says to Buddy,
while shaking my hand, “Couldn’t you find
someone of your own race to marry?”
So…what…we’re not both human? And Latino’s
would speak to me in Spanish figuring Buddy
couldn’t understand them, just as Whites and
other shades have had their say straight up or
behind the veil. Walking so far from God
Christians think we’re different species when
we’re only different cultures! (Acts 17:26).
The Church Lady’s So Called Love.
My mother, who didn't believe in God, left a Bible
for me on my bed when I was 17—surely hoping I
wouldn’t get pregnant. Never owning a Bible
before (that I could remember), I read it. Well, not
all of it since it was in the King James and I wasn’t
that committed. But I read enough to fall for the
Man of the words in red. I’d started in Genesis and
then hopped and leapt through the drier and more
confusing terrain until I reached the shores of the
Sea of Galilee. Trying to figure out how to follow
Jesus—longing to join Him and His Crew, I just
stood there on the shore like an Idiot (Matt. 4:1320). I didn't get it since it was just a book. So there
I stood, SO LOST! (Acts 8:30-31). YouTube Give
Me Your Hand Ray Boltz.
And here’s one of the reasons why I couldn’t
‘get in the boat.’ A friend, the daughter of a
Protestant pastor, answered my questions by
yelling at me at the top of her lungs, “IF YOU
HELL!” Only, I didn’t get it. Believe what about
Jesus? (Rom. 1o:15). But I didn’t dare ask. I
should have understood it since I knew how to
read, but that’s how it is with God, we don’t get it
until He decides we’ll get it. That’s the bottom line
(Rom. 9:16). But Christians are supposed to be
helping the lost—unless they’re not
Christian. Hmmm, there’s a thought.
So when my best friend, a Presbyterian, and
then my boyfriend, a Catholic, called and I’d told
them what I was doing, they’d each said, “You
read the Bible!” Like what the hell good could it
possibly do for someone like me (Titus 3:3).
YouTube Does Anybody Hear Her Casting
Nearly everyone I knew, and many I had
known, were (supposedly) Christian and
NOTHING like those I’d read about. I also had no
clue as to what to make of all their groups—
Presbyterian, Catholic, Baptist, Lutheran…and
what about Jews? Though I’d read the New
Testament, I didn’t get it. And because of how it
was, and still is, disappointed, I figured the Book
was just a myth like Paul Bunyan or weirdo Greek
mythology. So I continued plowing through life in
the pit—like swimming in alligator infested waters
to get to the Castle (Eph. 6:12). YouTube The
Last Jesus Kirk Franklin.
Keeping Attic Rugs Dirty. About that
same time, a Christian best friend’s cousin found
her sister dead. She’d shot herself. She’d actually
done it. (I remember wondering where she got the
gun.) So…she’s now in heaven? Huh. It was just
one more thing to sweep under the attic rug.
Route 66. Because of a decade of garbage
which had included a miserable detour into
Canada, starting college (having attended 3
different high schools in two different countries
and two different states), the tension with the
suicide, my mom’s divorce, and more, I got it in
my head that instead of taking summer classes at
the college, we should get a refund and take a road
trip across the country. And our parents said, OK,
whatever, though their’s were more reluctant. In
any case, it’s occurred to me that Jesus likes
camping too (Luke 6:12), only He and The Crew
roughed it a bit more—no Coleman, no clothes
even! (Mark 14:50-52). What was that about?!
Stuffing my Escort full, we hit the road
blasting the tunes for three weeks to Billy Joel and
Krafwerk down the Autobahn. We floated down a
river, hiked up a glacier, picked cactus needles
from our arms, flew over the Grand Canyon where
I used my whole roll in two minutes flat, visited
some presidential facades as well as some in
Hollywood, watched a little bird fly like the wind
to do a headstand on my friend’s hand…and
crashed landed on a beach in California. And as
the sole driver, I do mean CRASHED.
Suddenly startled, I opened my eyes instantly
blinded by the light as I heard a voice near me say,
“Have you thought about Jesus lately?”
“Huh?” Someone was in my face.
“Have you thought about Jesus lately?”
“I uh…I…Huh?”
Holding my hand to shield my eyes, I made
out a homeless man who…looked like Jesus! (The
non-gay version.)
“I asked if you’ve thought about Jesus lately.
“I did...I…He…Huh?”
As he spoke, he’d crouched down and kept
coming closer and closer, going side to side on the
sand with his finger, looking down there as if he
knew something about me—and there was plenty
to know (John 8:3-7).
He kept coming closer and closer moving his
hand side to side, nodding, asking if I’d thought
about Jesus. Then he says, commands, “He wants
you to think about Him.”
I was trying to sit up and back away from him
and get my brain to work without choking on my
heart and clear past the cobwebs in my attic,
tripping over half empty boxes, when I heard him
say, “He’s thinking about you.”
My heart was deafening and my mouth full of
I had to screw my head on straight when
suddenly, he left.
As my elbows collapsed a roar ERUPTED
from the two Christians who had been feigning
sleep! They could scarcely breathe for all the
squirming and rolling they were doing, looking
like two red worms frying in the sun, dying.
“You could have helped me!” I barked, making
them squirm all the more.
Jesus was thinking about me? He’s REAL?
Since they couldn’t stop laughing, I grabbed
my float and made for the ocean. I hadn’t thought
about Him much lately. And here were these
Christians cracking up, and her sister had just
KILLED herself. Who was He to them? Why go to
church if you don’t believe He’s real? It was
obvious they didn’t—wasn’t it? Or maybe this guy
was just a psycho bum. But why say that? Why
was my heart POUNDING? Who wrote the Bible
No answers to be had—no web in the early
80s—I chalked it up to having been deliriously
tired and woken up abruptly by a bum on the
beach. And beach sleep is always weird. At
Assateague I woke up to a horse nibbling my toes
and a lady nearby freaking out as if he would eat
my whole leg like a bear! (Who knew their muzzles
are as soft as risen bread dough!) And the
homeless, you know.
God has since answered my question as to
why Christians go to church in America—it’s the
Country Club. You get to feel all secure that you’re
not going to hell while partying your lives away
(James 5:5), not realizing “white man” controls
your Country Club (2 Cor. 11:14; Rev. 13:3).
YouTube Live So God Can Use You The
Sensational Nightingales.
Friends. Throughout my life I’ve known
people who were, most often, above average. I
bring it up for those who’ll be thinking the
opposite, like Ken. For example, my friend with
whom I went to California, who was the typical
lip-serving Christian, was no deadbeat, and
neither did she come from a family of deadbeats.
Her father had taken the bronze in the Olympics
for their country and she was pre-med. She didn’t
drink, smoke or do drugs, or date even. Neither
did the other girl. It was a completely clean trip.
(Like my homeschooling style, my taste in music
and food, my life as a whole has been very eclectic,
therefore so have my friendships.) In fact, my life,
over all, was cleaner than most by today’s
standards, which is really sickening. So I discern
one of the points God is making is that for all of
our brains and high standing, in and out of
Christianity Today, we are yet severely
DEPRAVED (Jer. 17:9; Rom. 3:10). It’s kind of a
no-brainer, right? It’s not just ‘them,’ it’s all of us.
Stuck in the Pit. Over the decade or so
after my father's death (between the years I was 11
and 24) I’d moved a dozen time and gone through
jobs, friends, boyfriends, and college majors like
teens go through chips, finally dropping out of
college. I felt like I’d been thrown into a pit and
every time I’d get close to the top I’d fall, or get
pushed, scraping myself raw going down, like
Joseph (Gen. 37:20-27). (And that lack of stability
from my early life, before Christ, prepped me for
the instability of life in Christianity Today as my
family and I followed Christ through the churches.
Different pit, same set up.) So I accepted the
invitation to enter Junior Executive Training
(JET) in retail, to buy time. Except my brother
and mom thought I was more of an idiot for
having dropped out of college. In turn, they helped
me see that no matter what I did they didn’t think
much of me. While I was improving my quality of
life by entering JET, something normally only
open to college grads (so they should have
approved), they looked down on me for dropping
out of college, ignoring the fact that I could go
back in the future and that I had been given an
opportunity to get paid for learning, rather than
pay to learn.
In any case, I’d been confused about my
family since they expressed affection and concern,
in their way—the lost way (Titus 3:3)—and they
were my family. Again, this prepped me for my
life in Christ since my Family is just as unlovingly
“loving” as was my family. Not.
And what I experienced is what every new
believer experiences. I’ve just kept experiencing it
from all angles. On coming to Christ, the newly
born again soul takes the heat from the rest. While
the others should look at this new believer with
respect since they’re cleaning up their lives by
letting go of long-standing sins, they instead react
negatively, as if to keep sinning would be better,
even though they’ve been on that person’s case
about their sins for years. In short, because of the
times we’re living in—Christians so unfaithful to
God—you’re damned if you do and damned if you
don’t, damned by God on the one hand and
damned by people on the other. And since God
can do more damage, it’s better to be damned by
people. Only, that doesn’t have to be the case. In
the early days of the New Testament Church, for
example, while of “the rest durst no man join
himself to [the Christians]…the people magnified
them” (Acts 5:13, my emphasis). It’s a reflection of
just how far we’ve fallen.
Still, what happens today, also happened back
then. Family members react negatively when one
of their own comes to Christ, because it's easier,
more convenient, for lost souls to see the new
Christian, who is now living a more upright life, as
being an idiot than it is for them to acknowledge
the truth about their own sinful lives and get right
with God as well (John 3:19). And it’s exactly the
same reason Church leaders get angry with people
like me, they don’t want to admit their guilt.
Anyhow, just barely out of JET, my friends
and I got plowed into another car by a Mack truck.
It was a snow truck with a plow in front whose
breaks failed so that he literally plowed into us,
plowing us into another car. I’d been driving. So
that when things settled down, my attention was
immediately grabbed by the guy driving the car
we’d been plowed into. Getting out of his car,
looking behind me, he was white as a sheet. So I
turned around to see my housemate’s sister
hanging halfway out of the window having flown
through the seats and broken through glass. An
event this man eye-witnessed. (By God’s grace,
she was released that day from the hospital. Only
none of us knew anything of God’s grace at the
In the hospital, my friend’s mom comes in
asking whose car we’d been driving, relieved we
hadn’t totaled theirs. Shortly after, my mom
arrived. Never having met these friends, as was
her custom, she immediately hugged and kissed
each of us along with their mom, asking about
everyone’s well-being, leaving my friend in shock
over such a loving mom. And she was, in many
ways. I’d always known she was much better than
loads of moms. It was her thoughtless words that
left scars which were then salted with some of her
actions and/or lack of action.
Then, not long after the accident, an off-andon-again high school/college boyfriend asked me
to move to another state as his housemate. And
since running off always sounds great when you
have no direction and hate your life, I said yes.
Besides, we’d always gotten along well.
Except I’d overlooked a little drinking habit he
had with the boys, so I was soon cornered with his
drunken hands on my neck after he’d broken
down the locked door to get there. Fifty pounds
heavier, all muscle, and a foot taller, he smashed
me from one wall to the other like a rag doll,
yelling, “You read too much! I’m crazy in love with
you!” Rattling my attic like that, I heard other
voices yelling down the Corridor as well. You’re
too sad! You laugh too much! You don’t read
enough! You’re too smart! You’re an airhead!
You’re so homely! You’re too wild! You’re too fat!
You look anorexic! You’ve got too many
boyfriends! You must be a dyke! You’re so lazy!
What a workhorse! You’re so hateful! You’re so
gracious! You’re so serious! You’re delirious!
Gay life is anything but gay, but that’s what
Satan does—lie (John 8:44). Wisdom saw himself
detached from his deplorable lifestyle in the same
way I smoked and got high, and went from one
guy to the next despising myself and my life—yet
living it—just like Anorexia hadn’t planned on
nearly starving herself to death.
We were typical lost souls doing what people
do when the ones who should love you don’t
really, or not as they should. YouTube PRo
Beautiful (feat. PK).
All that ‘noise’ helped me become even more
mentally independent, which I needed to be since
God had this calling on my life. He knew I’d have
to go against every grain there is for quite a long
time. All those voices down the Corridor of my life
have helped me live for the One that matters, the
only One who’s not a sinner, Jesus Christ (Rom.
8:28). YouTube Nobody One Nation Crew.
Gay Life. Re-motivated to find direction,
and my boss saying he’d help me find a job
anywhere, I decided to go back to the Crab Apple
to get to know someone I'd met. So now I was
spending time with one who had nearly died from
anorexia and her best friend, a guy dying of AIDS.
Like me, they were steeped in sin, yet ran deeper
than most—except for a woman some 50 years my
senior I’d left behind in Jersey.
So now three of us were spending hours after
work dancing around the same ol’ questions. But
it wouldn’t dawn on me until years later (at Eagle)
that Anorexia had been talking about the New
Testament when she’d said, “There’s a book they
added to the Bible many people believe.” EVES
DROPPING and WISDOM are postcards from
that Tour.
Drowning Sorrows. SNORKELBONG
expresses how I felt about the life I lived and saw
before me. I’d written it the year of the Mack
Truck. In fact, all of this happened the same year:
JET, getting hit by the Mack Truck, crazy love,
and my return to the Crab Apple—along with the
rest of this chapter. What a crazy year! And it
sums up life, like Snorkelbong. Unchecked, our
sin and the prince of this world accomplish “great”
things together (John 12:31).
Here’s another crazy example. As a kid new to
the Crab Apple, there had been a clerk at our bank
who’d had a sex change—a pioneer. Then as a
young adult, new in Christ, I worked with one who
was interviewed on the news. The whole thing, the
T.V. spot, was about the abuse he’d endured
growing up. Watching the program and
connecting the dots, I discerned the sex change
had just been an outlet which had opened up to
him, and which he’d taken since he didn’t know
the real Outlet (Jer. 17:9) since no one was
modeling or explaining Him to him—even though
Jesus died and prayed for Christians to do just
that (John 17). Yet they still don’t. Sure, he could
be a Vessel of Wrath, but he could just as well be a
Vessel of Mercy. YouTube Christafari
Freedom Step.
A Man to Care for All My Needs.
On my First College Tour I’d met a midshipman
from the Naval Academy, the motorcycle man I’ve
called The Navy—and I’d fallen for him like I’d
fallen for the Man of the words in red. But I'd
broken it off knowing he had marriage in mind.
And it's probably part of the reason why he
wanted to marry me since girls hunt for guys like
him just to marry a midshipman—any
midshipman. Fried attic, I still had enough
furniture up there to know I wasn’t ready for
marriage to anyone. I also knew it could never
work between the two of us since we were from
such opposite sides of the track. But it was really
great how he wanted to take care of my every
need. Yet I’d seen too many broken homes to
think doing any less than standing on your own
two feet would ever work.
However, I’ve since learned that you also need
to be standing firmly on the Rock (1 Cor. 10:4), as
does the one you’re going to marry (1 Cor. 7:39). If
not, you’ll always be slipping and sliding, about to
fall off—as loads of Christians have done (Eph.
5:22-25; Matt. 5:31-32).
Even if you’re committed to not dishonor God
with divorce, as we are, it’s still no good if you’re
not both fully devoted followers of Christ. It
doesn’t work because that’s the system God has
set up. Two people, fully committed to Him (Mark
12:30), with the man as the spiritual head of his
home (Eph. 5:22-25). That’s the only way the
children have any chance at all in making it, and
the only way the Church will have the leadership
God requires (1 Tim. 3). Necessary, to have the
representation of heaven on earth rather than hell.
But I didn’t know the Rock really existed yet
(since this was before I was born again), much less
how to get firm footing. And it’s a big part of why
God created the body of Christ, the born again, to
help the rest of His elect get firm footing on the
Rock (1 Cor. 10:4).
So as the Crab Apple was rotting with AIDS,
anorexia, and the trash in my attic—as always
happens among the ungodly (Titus 3:3)—The
Navy contacted me again, now a pilot stationed in
southern California. This time he actually popped
the question, though not until after I’d flown
home. And even though I knew I was in worse
shape, I said yes. Then coming back to my senses
changed it to no. But then I said yes again, and
then he said no. Then he said yes and I said no!
Back and forth we went half a dozen times! So
DREAMS and VISITING are windows on that
rocky Cruise.
Real Friendship. Home with my tail between
my legs, again, my ‘best girlfriend,’ Buddy, helped
me pick up the pieces, again.
Spending so much time together made it
clearer to see, clearer than ever before, that no one
likes mixed relationships. Though we were just
friends, others took us for a couple even before we
did, ironically steering us in that direction with
their racism. Nearly everyone I knew felt the
same, along with those I didn’t know but who
couldn’t help but tell me how racist they felt. Yet,
concerning the friends who had a problem with
“mixed” relations, in my mind, if the friendship
only goes so far, it’s really nowhere.
And that’s true spiritually as well, it turns out.
If you only love Jesus within certain parameters,
you don’t really LOVE Him at all! (1 Cor. 13:4-7,
see NIV; Luke 6:46). Christians focus on God
accepting us just as we are while they DON’T
accept Him just as He is. And that’s super upside
down and inside out! YouTube Just As I Am
Brian Doerksen.
Blind Man’s Bluff. I was fried. I could
either go back to retail, which I didn't really want
to do or go back to school—except you MUST
KNOW what major. Killing time with Buddy
trying to figure out what to do with our lives, a
map to California lay on my attic floor. My mom
was overworking as always and it was affecting
her mind—but my brother couldn’t see it, and she
never listened to me. And to confirm my thinking
there had been a program on sleep deprivation on
20/20 or one of those types of shows. They
intoxication confirming my mom was an accident
waiting to happen. But since she never took
counsel from others, especially from me, all I
could do was either endure or leave. So I got back
on Route 66. California was the one place that had
nothing but good memories since we’d lived there
with El Leon for some of our best years, aside
from La Reina, but that was too long a drive. And,
of course, I didn’t wanna go alone and I didn’t
need to since Buddy was easily swayed.
However, half-cocked plans don’t typically
work out well. So a few months later we were back
at the Crab Apple (Rom. 8:28).
Loved, In Spite of the Girl. Since
Buddy was the son of a Baptist pastor, I had
plenty of questions for him, some of which he or
his father answered biblically. Yet, knowing I was
lost, neither knew enough, or ever felt the need, to
spell out the Gospel message for me! YouTube
Third Day Make Your Move.
Moreover, typical son of a typical pastor of
Christianity as we know it, Buddy was the typical
college “Christian” hypocrite. He didn’t go to
church, didn’t read the Bible, had no prayer life,
and had premarital sex (Matt. 5:16).
Besides, it’s much nicer to have someone
minister to you with sincere love showing you the
Ropes and providing you a demo of how to walk
on them.
And if Christians actually made Jesus the
Lord of their lives, each life would bloom. In turn,
we’d have a really beautiful Garden drawing lost
souls to Christ by its beauty (1 Pet. 3:14-16) and
fragrance (2 Cor. 2:15), as Jesus asked for from
the Father (John 17:21)—the Gardener (John 15:1,
see NIV). YouTube The Fragrance of Christ
David Haas.
As for me, I’d read enough of the Bible at 17 to
fall in love with the Man of the words in red, but
not enough to grasp the doctrine of salvation. Like
most, I hadn’t been serious enough as I learned
from the Father because reading and learning are
very different things. So it’s clear to see why the
feet of those who bring the Good News are
“beautiful” (Rom. 10:14-15). They help God's elect
get serious. But since Christianity Today’s
Christians haven’t been serious about Him, their
feet haven’t been beautiful.
Therefore, God provided many tracts—
everywhere I went for about week—using them to
get me to cry out to Him for salvation. Doing the
BRAT’s job for Her, the Lord pulled me out of the
fire and saved me (Jude 1:23). He also showed me
how He works with a diagram each tract had
explaining what it means to make Him the Lord of
your life—but I’ve added a stem to make it look
like a FLOWER.
So while we all play ‘He Loves Me, He Loves
me Not,’ figuring He doesn’t, He’s proved it!
YouTube Kirk Franklin Something About
the Name Jesus.
While God’s people left the tracts, they missed
many opportunities even turned me away—and
I’m an example of the lost elect on the Dirt Road,
A Repetitive God. God repeats Himself
quite a bit in the Bible, as when He was
encouraging Joshua to be strong and courageous.
He said:
Be strong and of a good courage: for
unto this people shalt thou divide for an
inheritance the land, which I sware unto
their fathers to give them. Only be thou
strong and very courageous, that thou
mayest observe to do according to all the
law…Have not I commanded thee? Be
strong and of a good courage; be not
afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for
the LORD thy God is with thee
whithersoever thou goest…only be strong
and of a good courage (Josh. 1:6-18,
my emphasis).
Joshua needed the repetition since there were 31
kingdoms he would have to fight and overcome
(Josh. 12), with more after that! (Josh. 13:1).
Likewise, God had me ask Him to take over my
life and be my Savior repeatedly with all the tracts
because He wanted me to be certain that I
belonged to Him,. Because mere days following the
tracts, I began hearing words and seeing things
beyond our realm—so Buddy left town, my last
friend gone. Fried—tired, angry, confused, and
royally spent—I'd chased him out of town. We
always let it out on those conveniently closest, in
this case, Buddy.
I’d just filed for bankruptcy knowing there
was no one I could ask for help who wouldn’t hold
it over my head, even though I didn't need that
much help. Buddy had also been asking me to
marry him, and that was a can a worms. I’d even
told friends years before that I’d never marry a
Black guy no matter how much I might be in love
with him, society being what it is.
However, I’d also said, “I’m probably friends
with him already,” and we’d scrutinized the guys
up and down, Buddy being in the mix. Essentially,
I was overloaded with stress, confusion,
heartache, and exhaustion, so my attic bulb blew!
A blowout God had planned on using (John 8:58;
Jer. 1:5)—for His purposes (Rom. 8:28).
But I wouldn't fully understand it until 8 years
later—and wouldn't have it confirmed until He
walked me through the comatose state of the
Church over the 16 years following that, along
with the resources He's provided over the past five
years as I've worked on this book He called me to
write to plug the Hole in the Cup.
I was suddenly seeing and hearing things of
the End Times throughout the city that were real,
but also which were only in my head. It was like
Paul’s trip (2 Cor. 12:2), except mine was like
Chile after the coup—WWIIIish with a very hellish
twist to it.
I wrote DIAGNOSIS shortly afterwards then
tweaked it for this book. I talk about some of it in
the following pages, but there’s so much more to
it: like an experience that I know was a baptism. It
was a combination of real time and a spiritual
thing God did. Another time, there was an ocean
of people before us and we were on some sort of
outdoor platform. We were way above this
massive crowd and Jesus said something to me
concerning the crowd, asking me if I was willing
(Isa. 6:8). But since I’m NOT into public speaking,
I just looked at Him as He spoke, said nothing,
and walked away! (Rom. 3:10). Twenty years of
life’s experiences had changed me from the little
girl I had been at the hospital with the amputees
and nuns, when I’d wanted to grow up and work
for God. And I'm not alone. It’s similar to how
Rochunga Pudaite changed (and how most born
again Christians change). Rochunga Pudaite had
made a solemn vow in his youth and then got
worldly. But then he came around and served the
Lord greatly, a book made movie, Beyond the
Next Mountain (2004).
And Christianity being what it is—royally
unbiblical—Mr. Pudaite had no problem marrying
the Catholic so that God blessed his service, within
limits, as He's done with the rest of Christianity.
YouTube Why Have You Forsaken Me? J.
Brian Craig.
A.D. Act I—Born Again
Had I not had that experience as part of my
testimony, would Eagle have treated me
differently? Born again Christians would like to
think so. However, except for Eagle and Charles
Ware, God never again had me make mention of
that experience to Church leadership, to hardly
anyone. Today’s Church leaders simply aren’t
interested in the truth. In fact, the web is loaded
with born again souls God has been using to
hold Church leadership accountable on different
points, and the response from Church leaders is
always the same. Not interested.
In any case, by faith I know the Lord was
there walking me through it all (Heb. 13:5), as
with my sister’s friend who took me on a walk
and wanted me to explain my gripe, and I
couldn’t. I felt like those Jesus asked to throw
the first stone, they couldn't (John 8:7-9). The
experience also helped me understand how after
His resurrection they didn’t recognize Him
(John 20:15 & 21:4 & 12). It’s because He can
look like anyone or anything (Mark 16:12)—a
little perk of being God.
For instance, driving home in tears from a
major bashing having been led by God like a
lamb to the slaughter (Rom. 8:36), a nearby
truck had a huge Dalmatian graphic, and this
dog—this picture of a dog—is looking at me
giving me that look. It's the look Jesus gave the
main character in Ben Hur (1959). Chained
up, totally discouraged, Jesus gives him water
refreshing his soul. I discern it’s the same look
He gave Mary when she was distraught thinking
Jesus was dead and that she was talking to the
gardener (John 20:15). It's also the look Jesus
gave Peter after he had disowned Him (Luke
22:59-62). It’s a look of deep compassion and
conviction that overwhelms your soul.
YouTube Mountain of God Third Day.
After Buddy left, my sister’s husband, a med
student, gave me something. That night I
remember lying on a cot hearing people outside
running for End Times cover—a continuation of
what had been going on without any drugs. I was
somewhat awake and heard people walking
around me, whispering, telling me to go to
heaven. Then I realized this was my wake!
“Dead, at last!”
At first I was relieved until scenes from a
Hitchcock flick I suddenly remembered got me
going in the right direction (Luke 12:5).
YouTube Alfred Hitchcock Presents
(1985) Final Escape.
When I was 24 the Lord “brought me up also
out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and
set my feet upon a rock, and established my
goings” (Ps. 40:2). But before establishing my
goings He took me for a Ride giving me a
visionary Tour of hell, while I was safe inside His
Tour Bus. Except I didn’t know I was safe or that
it was His Bus. That Joy Ride included a Tour of
what it might look like right before, during, and
after WWIII, which was followed by and
overlapped with a 30 day vacation in a locked
psych ward. So God provided me with visions of
hell complete with voices and very creepy
looking people (?) threatening me with what
they were going to do to me, along with real
people and places with names and conversations
touching on His realm—though twisted. It was a
MAJOR Head Game.
For instance, two of the real people in the
psych ward were coincidentally named David
and Moses, men very familiar with the
wilderness. They were patients who talked to me
about the meaning of life and the Law.
For example, nearing the end of my stay,
David—representing one who fervently sought
God with fasting (2 Sam. 12:16; Rev. 3:7)—
brought me up to speed on the benefits of
fasting, which I wouldn’t remember except a
scale appeared outside my door the next day.
Being 24 and overly conscious about my
outward appearance, I stepped on. I remember
being shocked and delighted that I’d dropped 30
pounds without having made the slightest effort!
I’d gotten up to 125 pounds by then at 5’ 2” so
not a real big deal to my health, but a HUGE
deal to my basement mirror! I just remember
sitting at the lunch table staring at my food
through tears, not interested in the red wine
sauce it was swimming in, not knowing it was
the classic 828. And while the nurses placed the
scale there to encourage me to eat, the Lord
placed it there to help me cheer up, knowing
precisely which button to push (Matt. 14:27;
John 16:33)—the one labeled VANITY.
Not only was I not familiar with the Sauce, I
understood nothing of why it was used. I
wouldn’t even hear the term spiritual war until
Eagle eight years into the future! Yet there were
CLEARLY two sides at the hospital. Some were
for me but most were against. It was like I was
the rope in a game of tug of war, making me
think I’d done something terrible but no one
said I had—at least nothing rational. However, I
had been a very wicked young woman, so I must
deserve the hatred coming at me—though it was
a bit much. But that’s just it. All we have to do to
deserve eternal hell is deny Jesus' deity (John
8:24). But since I hadn’t, I was being tugged at
back and forth by both teams and both captains.
Real Time. I’d been staring at my soggy
plate of food when a really huge guy got up in my
face growling hellish words, spitting and cursing
at me—like a demon in real time, and some
pastors. He wasn’t just in my head because two
not as huge HUGE cops jumped him and
wrestled him down making chairs fly. So while
they worked him over, cuffing him, Moses came
up to me all excited wondering why I hadn’t
been afraid of him. I had been. Play dead and
demons leave, right? I told Moses, “He didn’t
touch me. I figured if I didn’t bother him, he’d
leave me alone.”
“But he could have hurt you!” Moses was all
hyper like my brother.
“But he didn’t.”
“But he could have hurt you!”
“But he DIDN’T.”
“But he could have hurt you!”
“But he didn’t.”
Another time, reading in the same main
room, this monstrous guy (probably the same
one) was walking towards me talking to no one
and everyone, describing the terrifying things he
and his pals would be doing to me. Then he says,
“Yeah, Maya’s gonna be seeing a lot these where
she’s going.” These were very creepy bright red
scorpions like he had on his very black T-shirt.
This guy was massive and had a very deep voice.
Bent on scaring the hell out me, he was doing a
decent job of it—especially with all the stuff that
wasn't in this realm.
And again, God’s merciful hand was on it
because I’d dated pretty big guys, usually a foot
taller and muscular. If I hadn’t been used to big
guys, this guy would have been really scary. And
pastors, like Saul and presidents, tend to be
pretty tall as well (1 Sam. 9:2), because we all go
for the outward appearance (1 Sam. 16:7)—most
of the time.
There were also little druggy squirts
constantly harassing me acting like they were
going to rape me—making it a very long month.
Especially since there was a severe drought in
California so we’d constantly see the fires on the
news, which would then reappear, though
twisted, in my dreams. It was as if God kept me
mindful of hell in every way, watching these
flames while men endlessly taunted me with
visions of hell, treating me like hell, with visions
of hell in my head and in my dreams. So while
I’d given hell some thought before, it was
And it was because God was in the process
of hanging a HUGE HUGE painting in my attic
resembling today’s hellish movies, just add
scratch and sniff (Matt. 13:49-50). YouTube
3D Art.
Years later, right after Eagle, God had me
see something on Christian T.V. I’d had the set
on in the background while working on a craft.
So as Buddy spoke to me standing to the side,
my eyes kept getting drawn to the screen until I
interrupted him to say how grateful I was that
God had been so mild with me in comparison.
The movie was of some wicked teen that had
died and gone to hell. She was chained up and
had some mask on, so while creatures crawled
all around her—and on her—she couldn’t even
scream because of the mask on her face keeping
her mouth clamped. But since the paramedics
had been working on her, she suddenly came
back to life and let out a bloodcurdling scream
shocking them. Stunned, they say, “WHAT THE
HELL WAS THAT?” The movie is very low
quality but it sums up the Scared Straight
Program, only I remember that scene in the
movie much more vividly. I was actually shocked
at how mild it was in the movie seeing it again
years later (Matt. 10:28 & 13:42). YouTube M
10.28 (1999).
I can’t even clearly explain what I
experienced like some people who say they’ve
been to hell and back (or to heaven and back). I
don’t think that. I think God gave me some
visions backed up with twisted reality to give me
the fear of hell, as well as a feel of the future He
has in store for a time on earth—a time of wrath
(Rev. 8).
In fact, up until 2005, I’d have these dreams
where I’d wake up with a bloodcurdling scream
because it had felt like a freight train in hell was
coming at me, making me think of this verse
(Gen. 15:12). But those dreams were also funny
because, while scary (reason for the scream), the
Lord would immediately give me peace about it
making me laugh because of
the crazy scream, especially
since it happened a couple
times while out camping.
Can’t you just picture ‘em in
their tents waking up to a
bloodcurdling scream at
three in the morning? So
Breath Away.
very liberal city, reminding me of my Father and
of my father. So I wrote my prayers on the bed
sheets with my red Sharpie. New sheets every
day, new prayers. YouTube Call on Jesus
Bruce Parham.
For years I’d wondered how everyone had
known I was a Christian even though I hadn’t
been secure on it myself, not until Eagle,
especially since this was a key verse by which He
drew me (Matt. 11:28-30). ‘Hell Week’ wasn’t
exactly easy or light! Neither were the following
years, nor since. But while writing Wake Up!—
20 years later—I connected the dots of having
prayed God’s WORD on the sheets, which had
given me away. Unlike today’s pastors, psychos
know that ONLY Christians pray God’s WORD!
(Matt. 15:16, see NIV).
Since then, I’ve come to understand
Matthew 11:28-30. God thinks Big Picture like
the VIEWS OF LIFE graphic, while I had to
work up to that view, as we all do, for lacking
faith. YouTube Everything Glorious David
Crowder Band.
How Deep the Darkness. Those
who don’t walk closely with Jesus get used
mostly by Satan (Matt. 12:30). That’s why the
psych ward was more full of darkness than
light—like the churches (Matt. 6:23). For
example, playing Für Elise on the piano I was
God’s WORD. Since God
is in control and working out
His plan, there was a
Gideon’s Bible by my bed at
this public hospital in this
barraged by hostile comments from patients
and nurses because I had no right to be
depressed. I guess they meant because I’d had
piano lessons (Matt. 7:1). I’d known I’d been
privileged ever since the cardboard houses and
that I’d abused those privileges. But I’d known of
no way of coping—like most kids don’t. Even
there at the hospital, they were so mean I didn’t
touch the piano again. Likewise, we haven’t
stepped foot in a church for years now. (Not so
much because they’re mean, and Church leaders
are, but they’re idiotic.) So this movie is helpful
since everyone lacks compassion, Speak
Playing Ping Pong with Moses.
We’d had a ping pong table in Queens and at The
Flat (Rom. 8:28). And playing with Moses was
the safest thing to do while the Taunters
taunted. This man had a great personality, like
the token Black ‘wise man’ in the movies—very
down to earth. He gave me much needed relief
so I’m thankful God provided me this version
rather than a more somber one (Prov. 17:22;
Heb. 12:18-24).
David The Nutcase. At first David was
closer to the act put on by the future king,
though hardly that bad! (1 Sam. 21:13). Like the
king, he was really into the Law (Ps. 119:8-11),
but he thought he wrote it. And I was sane
enough to know he hadn’t. YouTube Presence
(My Heart’s Desire) Newsboys.
A Suitcase Packed by Grace. My
sister dumped off a suitcase full of her clothing
along with some of her books. In it, there was a
Far Side T-shirt on which two scientists are at
the blackboard working out a complicated
equation (Rom. 8:28). The board is covered with
the formula they’re sweating bullets over, heads
enlarged and ready to burst. Then at the bottom
of the blackboard at the end of this outrageously
complicated equation, there’s an equal sign next
to the word “Miracle!” I understood God was
telling me to chill out and just accept all the
things I didn’t understand and simply trust Him.
(They argue on the web that the Far Side didn’t
do this cartoon. But one guy remembers what I
do, so it wasn’t just in my head. I never talked to
him, I just read what he wrote.)
A book in the suitcase reminded me of the
routine walks with my father to get the Times
(Jer. 31:3). It said something like this:
Image you’re at a beach and it’s your job
to move every grain of sand over to
another beach, one grain at a time. Then
imagine that, once you finally finished
that task, you’d have to move it all back
one grain at a time. Then imagine that
you have to keep doing that over and
over again. That’s how long eternity will
It helped me when I thought of the tracts,
but not when taunted about what “they” were
going to do to me—so I prayed on the sheets.
YouTube Soon and Very Soon Andrae
Reading the Patient Bill of Rights on the wall, I
complained of being held illegally. Next thing I
know I’m out on a walk with other patients. Back
at the hospital entrance an angry woman
punched a pamphlet into my hand cursing me,
and which led to more sheet praying. The reason
for it was because a year earlier a girlfriend from
Africa had asked me to take her for an abortion
since she had no one. Not crazy about abortion,
nor educated about them, I knew that if I’d
needed one, I probably would have had one—so
the pamphlet made me ill. YouTube Fearfully
and Wonderfully Made Matt Redman.
Twice, while editing this section, God took
me on an Abortion Ride. The first one was to the
county fair where I got hooked by some little
pins, realizing what they were after closer
inspection (Ps. 127:3). Google Images
Precious Feet Lapel Pin.
The second time was for a program I don’t
typically listen to—though popular with the
BRAT. Again, focus was more on people than on
God, selling both short (Rev. 21:7-8), because
the program isn’t called Focus on God but Focus
on the Family (Matt. 12:37). YouTube Selah
Wonderful Merciful Savior.
have to figure it all out all over again. NO
Business—As Usual. Every day an
After writing that in this book, I heard a
different question in a dream. “If you could go
back and do anything differently, what would it
be?” I immediately answered, “Get to know the
Chihuahua!” Then I woke up with a question
mark smoking out of the attic chimney, and
immediately remembered an expression my
father and his friends had used which I hadn’t
heard since. AY CHIHUAHUA! It means
something like, Hot Dog! What a Blunder! or Oh
Baby! depending on the context. Then God
confirmed that He wanted me to include it in
here, cuz He's just like that.
orderly would pass out cigarettes. (I’d just quit,
having smoked mostly to go with the flow and
because my father had admonished my brother
not to smoke, yet hadn’t even bothered to say
goodbye to me—with all that time he’d had too.)
Everyone knows cigarettes cause cancer, yet the
hospital doled them out (for free), because it’s
not about healthcare but money, which all know,
but who the hell really cares (1 Tim. 6:10).
Everything about the psych ward was highly
questionable, yet if you’re in there you’re in no
position to question or to be taken seriously,
plus you’re kept doped up. At best, they spoke
about you in front of you as if
your attic had no windows by
which to see or hear what was
being said in the great outdoors.
Like Church, it made you sick
(Matt. 24:12). There’s a great
movie that ties in to the psych
ward and what God is saying to
Christianity Today in the U.S.,
It’s a Kind of Funny Story
(2010). The BRAT is played by
Cool Craig—only he’s MUCH
nicer than Her.
documentaries about it as well on YouTube:
Psychiatry: An industry of Death.
Uploaded by Fatherofmy5; and,
The Most Shocking Psychiatry
Documentary Ever. Uploaded by
Evolution Television.
Counseling US. Required to attend
group counseling, they asked who we’d like to be
if we could switch places with anyone. I
remember being shocked because every single
person had some idol with whom they’d like to
trade places. So I remember what I’d said.
“Everyone has problems and I already know all
mine. If I traded my life for someone else’s, I’d
If that question were asked of any one of us
(Vessels of Mercy), we should all
answer the way I did in the
dream. Because, while He’s in
control of all things, there’s no
one to blame but ourselves for
the state of the world, the state of
the Church, the state of the
nation, or the state of much of
our lives. God has revealed
Himself clearly enough, not only
through His WORD (John 1:14),
but through the world (Rom.
1:20-21), through history, and
through our own life experiences
(Acts 17:26-27). Yet NONE OF US stopped
earnestly long enough to give the Chihuahua the
attention He deserves even though He’s the
hottest little Dog there is! (Acts 4:12). And the
biggest Blunder we’ve all made! (1 Cor. 1:23). So
cute too (Ps. 27:4). Oh Baby!
Exactly 30 days into it, I was booted from
the psych ward as if miraculously healed, though
everyone still thinks I’m a twisted noodle. I’m
sure once God opens up this ministry full force
psychobabblizers will be arguing about how
screwed up I really am, not realizing God has
better things for them to do (John 21:21-22) or
not (Rom. 9:22). YouTube MercyMe Crazy
My Hot Chihuahua Makes a
Point. After writing about the Lord as the
89:6-15). YouTube Ain’t Nobody Like Jesus
Hezekiah Walker.
Chihuahua, I was sitting in a waiting room trying
to read but kept getting drawn in by the huge TV
in this adult medical practice, waiting on Buddy.
There was a cute little white Chihuahua wearing
what looked like a tiara. Huh. Refocusing back
on my book, I then heard her being asked if she
came from heaven. OK, here we go. She says
she’s from Beverly Hills and I think, Yup, the
next best thing—like being on the Paved Road
instead of the Dirt Road or the Wrong Road
(Rom. 9:22). Back to my book, I then hear her
ask a German Shepherd, “Delgado [which means
Skinny, as in narrow (Matt 7:14)], why is el
Diablo [aka the devil] after me?” I’m not sure
what He answered her—trying NOT to be drawn
in—but then I hear her ask Him, “Are you some
kind of police officer?” And I thought He
mumbled, “Something like that,” and thought to
myself, Of course He is. He's THE LAW!
The Lobotomization of God’s
People. A big part of the reason I ended up in
Annoyed, chuckling, back on my book, I
then get a call from my girl saying something’s
happened. Too high on adrenaline, I let her go
and contact her sister on the same campus. Sure
enough, Skinny had been giving me a heads up,
since He’s something of a cop—High Security
Defense—for this war we’re in with the
Terminator so that He wants us to intercede
with Him for situations like this one where a
carload of college kids were rammed by another
car for broken ribs, legs, hips, and ruptured
spleens (Heb. 7:25; Rom. 8:26; James 5:16).
YouTube Mat Kearney Renaissance.
Later at home, looking into Beverly Hills
Chihuahua (2008), I saw a picture of the
little dog on a straight and narrow path (railroad
tracks) with the Mighty Delgado, to whom she
confides, ‘I’ve never had a friend like you before,’
to which I think, That’s right Pups, cuz there’s
none like Him, and only the blessed few get to
have a Friend like Him (John 15:13-14). What a
great picture of this cute little Chihuahua, all
pearly white wearing the jewels of Her kingdom,
with the gigantic mighty Delgado as they walk
down the straight and narrow path together (Ps.
the psych ward was because there was no solid
ground to stand on. All I had were family
members who weren’t supportive, though not
entirely unsupportive, and a spiritual Family
which was just like my family—not really there
for me, yet there. That’s understandable for my
family, since they were “officially” without God,
but not for my Family! (Rev. 3:16-19). YouTube
Sons of Korah Psalm 125 Like Mount
And because that was (and is) the state of
the Church, and I had experienced what I had—
having no solid ground to stand on—fearing God
yet not understanding what had taken place and
scared of being INSANE, I too became neither
here nor there, self-lobotomized. I was actually
more scared of being nuts than I was of God or
of the dark forces of evil! (It’s amazing to me.)
But here’s why that was the case. Since the world
is more legitimate—more applicable FOR THE
MOMENT—I purposely (semi consciously) put
much of what I knew to be true as far back on
the back burner as I possibly could, like
everybody does. It's called denial. Yet I
hungered for the God who was safe, who I
figured could be found in the Christians and
churches, yet knowing better. Only thing is,
lobotomies are EXTREMELY powerful things!
In a twisted way, I take comfort that I’m not
the only one who’s given herself a lobotomy.
Everybody has! For example, my brother, who’s
lost, gave himself a major one. I got a glimpse of
it in college as I was reminiscing about days in
New York and he didn’t remember. Finally, one
day it dawned on me that he NEVER
remembered. He conveniently blanked out
chunks and hunks of his inconvenient memory!
And he’s kept doing it as an adult. And born
again Christians do the same thing. Knowing the
truth, they blank most of it out. Because they
know that what they see playing out in the
Church, and act out themselves, doesn’t line up
with God’s WORD. But with no solid ground to
stand on since Church leaders are so selfabsorbed and living a lie (Phil. 2:21; Rev. 13:3),
the rest have lobotomized themselves to one
degree or another. So instead of being used by
God the whole lot primarily gets used by Satan,
God having spewed them out (Rev. 3:15-16).
Out to Kill and Destroy. God more
recently showed me another angle on the
BRAT’s lobotomy to help you see the
consequences of having one. He first moved the
Malcolm Xs near us on the east coast. Then He
moved us to the Midwest. Then He moved them
to the Midwest where He connected us years
after we’d first met. Then He moved us next door
to them, none of it planned by us. Then, when
my brother’s family came to visit, He had the Xs
meet them. A year or so later, God moved the Xs
back to the east coast into the same
neighborhood as my brother and his family—
again unplanned. Then about a year later, God
moved us back here 20 minutes east of them
though I’d looked at houses in five different
counties. So now we all live nearby, yet we're no
longer connected because of sin and Satan
having gotten his big fat foot between us so that
both couples are now divorced, and all of our
children have been lobotomizing themselves to
one degree or another—to a very high degree—
Another Soldier Down The Isaacs.
So one day, through Facebook, my girls
reconnected with Malcolm X Junior (whose baby
brother had died and for whom
I’d given the eulogy). Having
reconnected, they wanted to go
hear Junior and his band.
However, since I’m no longer
Junior’s name and found the
club where he plays along with
his band’s name. Then I
YouTubed for the band’s name
along with Junior’s name and
found him and his band. So
here I sat watching and
listening to this now grown,
bright, professing Christian teen, singing the
words that were first rammed down my throat
days after having surrendered to the Lord—
immobilized me for eight years with their echoes
that resurrect every time the Lord’s on the move
(Rev. 12:17). Only this time the words were
coming from my dear friend’s son—a professing
HOMEWORK: Go to and also
Metallica. See if you don’t hear the voice of
Slime. If you don’t…woe.
Discerning the Lord would be taking this
book public, I’d finally told my girls about the
psych ward with a brief version of it focusing on
the spiritual angle since they understood that.
Therefore, having connected the dots with Slime
and X Junior, I also shared my findings with the
girls who also connected the dots and chose not
to go to the club since it’s such no-brainer stuff.
If you fill in the blanks and connect the dots you
should understand why I lobotomized myself for
eight years. There is a WAR RAGING (Eph.
6:12), and some of us didn’t even know it, or that
we’d been drafted, nor that we’re up against
THE BIG BOYS when we’d been placed on the
Frontline. Christians know all about this war but
don’t take it seriously, including the “best”
pastors around (Matt. 6:23). Could any of
today’s Christians really be Christian?
YouTube Mandisa Freedom Song.
God's Girl is such a Whore that our dear
friends, heartbroken from losing their baby, in
their twenties, overachievers just beginning their
brainy careers, with another sickly child—and
with no solid ground on which to stand—also
gave themselves lobotomies. Mrs. X, who had
walked so closely with God that He had used her
in her sleep to intercede with Him so that our
home (and building) didn’t burn down, within
two years was venerating women—who don’t
walk with God—for their great strength. The “I
am a strong woman” routine is a Satanic lie since
it’s the opposite of God’s will for us. It’s in our
weakness that God shows up strong (2 Cor. 12:9)
so that He gets the glory since He deserves the
glory, not us (Rom. 3:10). Finding strength in
ourselves, as everyone preaches we should do,
and as Christianity models for all, makes us
delusional as we think like Satan who wanted to
be like God, rather than thinking like Christ who
“made himself of no reputation and took upon
him the form of a servant…and became obedient
unto death” (Phil. 2:7-8). YouTube Chris
Tomlin Exalted (Yahweh).
Moreover, Satan can—and will—keep at it
seeking to destroy, but the war has already been
won (John 19:30). PRAISE GOD FOR JESUS
CHRIST! So while he has Christ’s Church right
now, along with this boy, X Jr. and the rest of his
family, as well as generations of elect souls,
especially juniors—they’re only on loan (Rom.
8:35-39). Satan’s ultimately the most delusional
one of all as he thinks he’s got this boy, my
friends, my family, and God’s Family, because
God’s Family isn’t the only one who’s got a rude
awakening coming! (Rev. 20:1-3).
In fact, Junior’s real name means “salvation
of God,” a name he didn’t get by accident, nor
ultimately by his parents (Jer. 1:5; Eph. 2:10).
Mrs. Xs real name means heavenly; the Xs last
name is as if to say the military police, and the
name of their youngest means victory. GO GOD!
YouTube Victory Is Mine Gospel Legends
Dorothy Norwood.
Interpreting God’s Will. While most
pastors preach as if they have it all figured out,
which they obviously do not, some will think
that I think I’ve got it all figured out, which I
DON’T—even with the cartoon prophesy which
seems pretty straightforward. God’s ways are
anything but straightforward as far as prophesy
goes (Isa. 55:8).
The best example the Lord gave me to stress
this point goes back to the Xs baby who died. He
had been in and out of the hospital and was now
out, and it looked like he was finally out of the
woods. But then I got the call that he was back in
the hospital so that I was again back on my face
before God who gave me this WORD, “Behold,
the LORD's hand is not shortened, that it cannot
save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear”
(Isa. 59:1). I knew the Lord was rebuking me as
my faith trembled. Then that evening, as Eric
Simpson preached out of Acts 3, I discerned God
was saying the baby would be healed, so it’s what
I told Mrs. X, that this was the WORD the Lord
had given me:
Now Peter and John went up together
into the temple at the hour of prayer,
being the ninth hour. And a certain man
lame from his mother's womb was
carried, whom they laid daily at the gate
of the temple which is called Beautiful,
to ask alms of them that entered into the
temple; Who seeing Peter and John
about to go into the temple asked an
alms. And Peter, fastening his eyes upon
him with John, said, Look on us. And he
gave heed unto them, expecting to
receive something of them. Then Peter
said, Silver and gold have I none; but
such as I have give I thee: In the name of
Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and
walk. And he took him by the right hand,
and lifted him up: and immediately his
strength. And he leaping up stood, and
walked, and entered with them into the
temple, walking, and leaping, and
praising God (Acts 3:1-8).
Except the baby died that night, landing me back
on my face—especially since she asked me to
give the eulogy. YouTube Inhabited Open
My Eyes WOW Hits.
Confused and exhausted yet seeking God,
within the hour I was clear on my mistake and
on what I would say (read) at the eulogy, the
poem about Baby X’s life—four pages beginning
and ending with his name, which means “Gift of
God.” Seeking the Lord when told the baby had
died, I realized God meant that he’d live forever
praising Him, while I had understood he would
live and praise God now on earth. A slight, but
HUGE, difference! So while I was wrong, I was
also right. It’s the same mistake Corrie Ten
Boom’s sister made about their ministry. She
was wrong, yet right. YouTube Held Natalie
I see the same applies concerning everything
I’ve written about the Church. I’m sure I’m right,
just as I’m sure I’m wrong—because God’s ways
are SO NOT OUR WAYS (Isa. 55:8). How we
interpret what He says to us is so often slightly
DIFFERENT than what He actually means. You
can see that throughout the Scriptures and
throughout history, and Christians can see it
throughout much of their individual walks with
Him. So we can’t be too hard on these bratty
self-absorbed cold as iceberg pastors who
drowned the Titanic. The problem with the
Prophetic Mountain Range is that it’s full of
peaks and valleys, which have snowdrifts that
keep us from knowing exactly how deep the
valleys are, or how long it will take to dig our
way through the snow, or how much manure lies
under the snow. It gets messy.
Because of how the Lord has ‘pushed’ me in
this direction, I present it all as I have, trusting
that once His leaders get right with Him we’ll all
have more clarity. I’m basically jumping off the
Cliff of Faith head first because you’ve GOTTA
practice what you preach.
So while most are currently serving the
antichrist, many don’t belong to him. You’ve just
been fooled (Phil. 2:21; 2 Thess. 2:10-11; Rev.
13:3). But, glory to God, that’s not where the
story ends! YouTube Down to the River to
Pray Alison Krauss.
A.D. Act II–Incubator to
Solo Flight
Since no one knew the Ropes, for the eight years
following the psych ward, I was like a preemie
eaglet in an incubator struggling for spiritual life
as God used the world which is at His disposable
to do what needed doing (2 Tim. 2:13).
Trusting God vs. Man 101. I was
supposed to continue taking Lithium and some
other drug, and see a psych counselor once a
week. Sternly admonished, I did both—once. But
knowing God wanted me to trust Him, I went
cold turkey, the same way I’d recently quit
smoking when He had opened up this verse to
me, “What? know ye not that your body is the
temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which
ye have of God, and ye are not your own?” (1
Cor. 6:19). I hadn’t know that, but now that He
opened it up to me (Luke 24:45) I knew the
truth, so I walked in it (Luke 12:47-48). As for
psychobabble, all the man said was common
sense. I also figured the drugs were probably
helping me hear the Taunters. And I was right.
God says, “Be not drunk with wine, wherein is
excess; but be filled with the Spirit” (Eph. 5:18).
Being full of wine is the same as being loaded
with drugs—or any other mind altering
substance. You’re not going to have a chance in
this mind war (Eph. 6:12; Rom. 7:22-25) if your
mind is in any way hazy.
Buddy had returned with a plan. We’d work
odd jobs for the rest of the summer then go back
east and back to school. He'd get his Master’s
and I’d finish my B.A. I figured out what major
by adding up my credits and going for the
quickest exit—the major I’d started with. Genius.
[Yet if I'd stuck with sociology, I wouldn't have
taken a detour through psychology, romance
languages, and geography, nor, therefore, have
learned or experienced some of what God has
used to give me the necessary discernment to
create the Plug for the Hole in the Cup (Rom.
Still, it was rough going because, well,
because. There are two movies which reveal
something of what I’d experienced, mostly in
Jacob’s Ladder (1990), a pretty disturbing
flick, but also in Grand Canyon (1991). The
latter has just a few scenes where the woman
hears the homeless guy speaking to her but not
with her, yet about the issue at hand. That’s
disturbing when you’re not anchored in Christ
and it happens all the time. YouTube My
Worship is for Real Mime Dance.
Uploaded by missjackson918.
Wedding Vows. Buddy was sorry he’d
left and still wanted to get married, though I
figured he just felt guilty for having split—so it
was an even bigger can of worms. And there was
always the racism issue. One young woman,
seeing us coming down the sidewalk, crossed the
four lane street in the middle just to avoid us!
Another older man, looked at us and said, "Oh
(scoff), and how long is that gonna last!" (A
quarter of a century so far). Then another Black
man with a white wife rudely lectured us about
how we couldn't "even be possible" if not for
them having paved the way, no thought of God
having His hand in His world at all. So proud.
However, rather than being concerned about
getting it for loving the Black man, I should have
been concerned about getting it for loving the
Son of Man. Though one was prep work for the
In any case, even before deciding on a date,
my brother and his brother both announced
their weddings into mixed marriages. It was God
encouraging me because I also had a dream
which I was certain was of God—which He also
repeatedly confirmed was from Him. In the
dream Buddy, an aeronautical engineer, took me
by the hand to a hangar at an airport, stopping
at this man who had his back to me at a
workbench looking at his flight manuals. When
Buddy let go of my hand and stepped back, the
man turned around. It was The Navy! Smiling
huge as always, he gave me a great big bear hug
with an extra squeeze—chuckle chuckle, always
so happy. He then turned around. Standing
there wondering why he was suddenly more
interested in his work than in me, Buddy took
my hand again and led me away. We were
getting off the plane while my pilot was staying
on it. And just when I was about to turn and look
back, Buddy warmly squeezed my hand. No
turning back. YouTube Francesca Battistelli
I'm Letting Go.
Years later, The Navy contacted me yet
again, now divorced, even though he had sworn
up and down that he didn’t believe in divorce.
It’s what most (used to) swear, but the only way
to keep that oath when under fire, is through
Christ. The movies, A Vow to Cherish (1999)
and Fireproof (2008), present it well enough.
The Navy’s renewed contact came just as I’d
been fully lit up—fired up—by God. Had he
contacted me just a few months earlier, it would
have been disastrous for me even if he had no
longer been interested considering how much I’d
changed mentally and physically. I would have
blown it. So, as always, God’s timing was
There are many ways the Lord has used The
Navy for what He’s taught me and what He’s
saying to His Church, His Girl, one of which is
through the song Hotel California, which I spell
out later. Because it was on a beach in southern
California with The Navy that I first seriously
considered marriage vows even though he hadn’t
actually popped the question yet and others had.
It had always been a no-brainer that he was
genuinely interested in me since he came on like
Papin from Babette’s Feast (1988). Later I’d
consider wedding vows with Buddy at that same
beach in front of the Hotel del Coronado. Yet
what I should have been doing was considering
Wedding Vows to the real Catch (Rev. 21:2), El
Coronado (Heb. 2:9). Because my Husbandman
(John 15:1) wants to be the love of my life (and
yours). Coronado means the crowned one, as in
Jesus, the King (1 Tim. 6:15), Hubby to the
Queen (Mark 12:30).
Looking through my box of pictures
after I’d written Table for Two (in the
original book), I found a picture The Navy
had taken at the beach in Coronado. NICE
I also found another beach picture of
Buddy and me on the east coast, and
recalled having also been with The Navy
on that beach as well, reminded since I
was wearing the Navy sweatshirt he’d
given me. It’s interesting, I think, that I
would spend time with both men at the
same beaches on both coasts covering this
land from east to west. (Probably in the
exact same spot too, if I know my Friend.)
And while the Navy pilot would be upset
because I wore his sweatshirt while with
Buddy, Buddy, aerospace engineer for the Navy,
must have been upset—all the more—for my
wearing The Navy’s sweatshirt while with him
and til it was worn to shreds. The point?
Really messy, because the whole time there was
a Lawyer (1 John 2:1) banging on my door (Rev.
3:20) with an affidavit saying, Honey, you
belong to Me! (Deut. 6:15) YouTube How He
Loves Us David Crowder Band.
HOMEWORK: I have to plug this in
somewhere for younger elect, with the
prayer that you don’t make the same
mistakes most have made (Prov. 3:5-6). The
following book and song will take you a long
way in prepping you for your future should
God have marriage plans for you. And if He
doesn’t, it will help you discern that so you
stop longing for what isn’t on your path. The
very short book is The Homeschooling
Father by Michael P. Farris. There’s a
great section in it about your future spouse—
a list—but it’s all good food for thought. (I
guess I’ll eventually run it through
YouTube.) Add to it what Mandisa is
modeling in this next song and combine it
with what God is teaching you. Then give
that journal to the one God has prepared for
you—saving yourself for that person. It’ll be
a great gift to the both of you and to your
children. Get married when you have
multiple confirmations from the Lord that
this is ‘the one.’ Then, work it out (2 Cor.
10:5; 1 Pet. 5:7). YouTube Mandisa
Praying for You Uploaded by
Buddy and I asked his father, the pastor, to
marry us at their house for Thanksgiving since
that said it all. So the movie Pieces of April
(2003) is relevant in a twisted Christ-like way.
My soon to be father-in-law had me choose a
reading out of a Christian wedding book. And I
picked Psalm 67—also very relevant—though I
didn’t realize how at the time. YouTube Psalm
67 Sons of Korah.
A Loving God Aims to Kill. One of
the reasons I’d broken it off with The Navy, in
the beginning, had been because he was trained
to kill (though he had other training, including
carpentry). So while The Navy had joked about
being married to the Navy so that his wife would
have to play second fiddle to her because he was
certain he was in for life, he left the Navy early
on and no longer used his training to kill. Yet the
man God led me to marry left the private sector
early on and “married” the Navy, equipping
pilots (plural) to kill! Hmmph.
And tied to that pretzel is this country’s love
for her troops, not just those in the Navy. Nearly
everybody who rejects God justifies their stance
by saying, “How can God be loving and send
people to hell?” In other words, kill. Yet we kill
for an unreachable American dream whereas
God kills for an eternal reality of a PURE AND
PERFECT KINGDOM which has no end (John
7:24). There’s a little hypocrisy there, don’t you
military personnel in 130 countries—not exactly
moving in the right direction.)
Secular U. Back on campus, God opened
In a sociology class I did my research on
racism in primary schools, and no matter how
you worked the data, the results blared out
racism, confirming my thoughts and experience.
our eyes to some of the bigger lies we’d bought
into over the course of our lives.
In the Culture of Mental Illness I was
informed why I’d been held for exactly 30 days,
besides it being what the Lord wanted—money,
“root of all evil” (1 Tim. 6:10). Thirty days is
what insurance will pay, explaining my
“miraculous” healing. This class also discussed
some of the studies reflecting what I’d
experienced from the staff. So while I’d known of
some of these studies before, it’s quite
something else to personally experience it. Like
the movies Gentleman’s Agreement (1947)
and Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (1967)
I experienced a major reality check—except it
wasn't meant just for me.
In an anthropology class the professor made
it very clear that the argument for evolution was
seriously flawed. While laughing at the
scientists, he pointed out one hoax after another
they had pulled on each other and on the public,
placing Darwin’s theory and all things evolution
in the toilet. God then followed that up with a
seminar held by paleoanthropologist, Richard
Leakey, which moved us to jointly press the
handled for a quick flush.
The Lord used a nutrition class to open my
eyes to what’s behind most of the famine around
the world—sinful man. That same season, we
watched a program with Jimmy Carter who
stated that at any one point in time, at that time,
there were at least 90 wars going on worldwide.
That’s a lot of heartache we inflict on each other.
(Today, Ron Paul has stated that we have
God also used that nutrition class (John
6:55) to give me personal piece of mind with a
man who was downloading. This guy, all teary
eyed, would talk to me about getting delivered
from some cult. Most of it went over my head
because I was captivated by his demeanor, since
it’s how I felt—and he was a big college guy.
Likewise, during those years which began
the Muck and Mire Tours, the old questions
arose concerning denominations, though better
defined. How could there be one God
represented by Jesus, yet divided into so many
different religions while “races,” for the most
part, ‘worship’ God separately (Mark 3:25). It’s
kind of a Head Game. Only this time it’s one
we’ve made up.
Pastors in the Order of Eli. I knew
Christians were phony. Yet after the psych ward
I hoped to find better since I’d lobotomized
myself, and naturally expected it from the
pastor, Buddy’s father. So the Lord had to show
me again that His people don’t know Him. But it
wasn’t until Eagle that I finally admitted that the
pastor was just like Eli, and his family a mirror
image of Christianity Today (1 Sam. 2:12-34;
Rom. 8:28).
A Fake Security Blanket. Trapped, I
had to accept and understand what had taken
place during Hell Week from a spiritual
standpoint, on my own without the body AND
without any depth of Bible knowledge, while
extremely unsure about God AND myself AND
go against the grain, solo, or try to fit in where I
didn’t fit in, now much more of a misfit than
before since I had Eeyore’s Psycho Nut Cloud
overhead. Yet everything in the pastor’s home,
the churches, and all around me, screamed
hypocrisy, materialism, paganism, racism,
and…weirdness—all to which I mostly turned a
blind eye, and would do so for years! Doing it
because nobody wants to be a psycho nut-job, or
stand alone, which is why the masses follow the
antichrist instead of the Christ. Ironically, it feels
safer (Rev. 13:3).
Jobs Taylor Made. I worked three jobs
with my B.A, all in different aspects of
publications development, not planned but what
God had me land for His purposes: a
homelessness clearinghouse; the American
Psychological Association (APA), of all places;
and a social science research firm. I didn’t really
even want to apply to that job, but as Buddy
noted, I had to since, "It has your name on it!" It
was another Head Game, like the book Maya
Makes a Mess.
The Homelessness Clearinghouse: It
helped me focus on how blessed I was as
well as the severity of the problem, because
there was a PhD in Physics from Harvard
there, who had lived in the streets of
Georgetown for 13 years. Since he wouldn’t
submit to his family’s materialistic values, it
not only cost him his inheritance and family
ties, but his mind. It was all over the place!
It stressed how cold family members could
be and the need to be anchored in Christ,
thought it wouldn’t all gel together in my
head for some time.
APA: This place built up my
confidence since I was one of four hired out
of 500. One had graduated from Yale and
another had her Masters. It also prepared
me for these books since the training was in
several aspects of publications development.
Research Firm: This place
tightened up my research and writing skills,
along with more lessons on the spiritual war
since the company had firm roots in voodoo.
There was also a Christian influence there,
weak as it was even though they were
Essentially, God used the last job to
challenge my socks off showing me that my
mind wasn’t as screwed up as I feared. Hired as
a research assistant with a B.A., I’d been given
the job of a PhD because they couldn’t afford
one, though I didn't know this til later. So while I
sat in a corner by myself reading journal articles
written by people with PhDs and medical
degrees, deciphering their findings, compiling
their results, then regurgitating it in layman’s
terms for the rest of the crew, they all worked on
a project together with enough free time to sit on
top of the desks around a guy with his guitar,
having a swell time. It was obviously prep work
for sitting alone for years working for God on
stuff way over my head, while the BRAT parties
Her life away as His children around the world
suffer (Luke 12:19-21).
Jesus, of course, helped me out (Deut. 4:31).
One day I was ‘mistakenly’ left a stack of journal
articles on the scientific study of prayer. So
wanting to quit I was re-inspired to ask God for
help while also motivated with voices down the
Corridor saying, You’re not that dumb! You’ve
got a lousy track record! Get your act together!
What an airhead! You’re pretty smart.
Everyone knows you’re a Christian! Limb by
limb! Not sure who or what to believe, God had
the contractor, none other than the National
Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) send my
boss a letter of commendation for my work,
telling her they’d never done that before. This
was something my Protestant boss thought was
hysterically funny since she’d set me up to “sink
or swim” and I’d been “swimming beautifully!”
Again, the joke was on me—or not (Matt. 7:12).
She also just so happened to belong to the same
denomination as Eagle and RZIM (who were yet
a few years into my future).
Even though each job had their trials and
challenges, I’ve been able to connect the dots
between them and all of the other jobs I've held
to all the other experiences I’ve had along the
path God laid out for me to fulfill my calling
(Eph. 2:10). And it looks like…a CUP, with a big
ol’ MASSIVE Hole in it! YouTube Sons of
Korah Psalm 116: The Cup of Salvation.
Praying for Babies. While God’s had
me do this for Christianity Today (Heb. 5:12), He
prepped me for it by placing it on my heart to
pray for two baby girls close in age, then
provided them 13 months apart. But when
registering at the hospital to have the first one,
asked to check the box describing my religion I
actually asked Buddy if it was OK to check
Christian! (Prov. 9:10). What a moron, you say?
No, actually, here’s why. I knew something very
important was missing, yet I hadn’t a clue as to
what that might be. Buddy said I was a Christian
since I believed in Jesus (Rom. 10:9), so I
checked the box—but it sure didn’t feel right
(Acts 2:38). Still, one must plow on if not willing
to shoot oneself in the head (1 Cor. 3:17).
Today (2015), Buddy, along with other
“mature” Christians consider themselves
Christian because they believe Jesus is God, they
pray, and they read their Bible. Only, according
to the Bible they supposedly read, their
definition of what it means to be a Christian
doesn’t really line up with the Bible, not even
with the New Testament, as much as it does with
God’s definition of demonic faith. He says this:
Show me your faith without deeds, and I
will show you my faith by my deeds. You
believe that there is one God. Good!
Even the demons believe that—and
shudder. You foolish person, do you
want evidence that faith without
deeds is useless? Was not our father
Abraham considered righteous for what
he did when he offered his son Isaac on
the altar? You see that his faith and his
actions were working together, and his
faith was made complete by what he did.
And the scripture was fulfilled that says,
“Abraham believed God, and it was
credited to him as righteousness,” and
he was called God’s friend. You see that
a person is considered righteous
by what they do and not by faith
alone (James 2:18-24, NIV, my
Nowhere, USA. Working in my field
while Buddy worked as a Teaching Assistant
while also working on his PhD, living in the
expensive DC metro area, having had 36 cents
between us before getting married, he took a job
in the middle of Nowhere while continuing to
work on his PhD. YouTube Kirk Franklin He
Will Supply.
Little to Nothing in God’s Hands.
I’d saved the ATM stub for years using it as a
Christmas ornament until the Lord showed us
how much Christmas displeases Him. And part
of the reason He had us start with a whole 36
cents was this. He says:
The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the
foundation of this temple; his hands will
also complete it. Then you will know
that the LORD Almighty has sent
me to you. Who dares despise the day of
small things (Zech. 4:9-10, NIV, my
One of the many things the Lord is revealing to
this faithless generation is that no matter how
little you have—no money, no family, no friends,
no initial understanding…and a whole lot more
of nothing—in God’s hands, it’s still a ton more
than what you have without Him!
Buddy’s Girlfriend Materializes.
Again, God played a Name Game because we'd
joked for years about Buddy’s imaginary
girlfriend, which turned out to be the name of
the company that hired him and with whom he’d
spend nearly all of his time. She was quite the
other woman! So having moved from DC to
Nowhere, as a stay at home with babies (6 and
13 months old), into a community of orthodox
Jews and elderly people, as a mixed couple in a
state with a strong KKK history, I again filled my
plate of soggy darts with the same old set
questions, Why? Why? Why? YouTube Amy
Grant Somewhere Down the Road.
The Eagle’s Nest. We hadn’t found a
decent church since they’re such weird places—
what stands out most when taken on a Muck &
Mire Tour by the Founder of the Touring
Company. Buddy just took it like most brainer
Christians, "It's just the way it is." He had no
expectations from Church or from God, yet
called himself a Christian. In contrast, I was still
burdened that Church had the answers since
that’s the stamp the Man had placed on my
Passport—and it's what the Bible says! So, facing
the truth that my Christian husband wasn’t
much of a Christian, I finally put my foot down.
I’d prayerfully found a church in the yellow
pages that marketed itself as “reaching out to the
unchurched” (me!). So I’d gone to Eagle during
the week to check it out, grabbing every bit of
paperwork they had at the entryway, which gave
me a sense of—nesting. So I told Buddy I was
going with or without him.
Buddy had burned out from Church as a
pastor’s kid seeing all the garbage (or so that’s
the story he gave me) while I'd burned out from
the world’s garbage. And all that trash had us at
the edge of divorce. But since God is faithful, we
went as a family. And that first day a very happy
man introduced himself to us after the service
and joked about how he and his wife had been at
the point of divorce when they’d first come
there, but God had turned it all around for them
at this great church. And we immediately SHOT
This song is what God did for me with Eagle.
He took me from Amy Grant’s why why why? to
the Heritage choir’s, I just can’t get enough! It’s
where God is taking His Girl. YouTube:
Heritage Mass Choir The Gospel 1
- My Desire. Uploaded by
2. Kirk Franklin & Fred Hammond
My Desire.
FOOD! Starved for God—for Love—I
devoured everything He offered: a seeker class
studying Surprised by Faith, a heavy duty paper
by Peter Bocchino on thermodynamics and God,
two growing in Christ studies, some paper on
baptism so that I was finally baptized (Acts 8:3637), Blackaby’s Experiencing God, and a slew of
other studies, books, and conferences.
And since the Church calls people to
volunteer who may not even know Him or His
ways, wanting to be a “good person,” I
immediately answered their call to work in the
preschool ministry. Therefore, learning as I was
teaching, I was doing what you’re NOT supposed
to do, as the masses do (Luke 17:2; Rom. 8:28).
Satan’s Advocate. Right away, the
Lord drew me to the worship pastor, Bill Bean,
since he looked like my brother and had a
similar personality, in part. God did that so I’d
feel comfortable with the man because He
wanted me to share my testimony with him,
which I really hadn’t shared with anyone. He
also wanted me to share it with the Experiencing
God group, and right after that, with the whole
congregation at my baptism! So while we tend to
complain that God takes too long, we’re then
bothered He’s moving WAY TOO FAST!
Because, besides fearing public speaking, and
sharing testimony about how I came to the Lord
which included the psych ward, it meant that I
had to go against Buddy’s worldly counsel, as
God was introducing his partial role in my life as
Satan’s advocate—all of which caused me to go
spelunking in the Valley (Eph. 6:12).
It’s tough to have your husband, the one
who is supposed to be the spiritual head of your
home, and a professing Christian who’s
supposedly been a Christian for years, son of a
pastor, NOT encourage you in Christ but speak
contrary to His WORD or leading! Especially,
considering where I was coming from. If you’re
paying attention, you’ll discern the many
reasons why God worked this way, some of
which I mention here and there, and some just
between the lines. Why I say a good deal, there’s
a good deal I don’t say.
What God has done is use our family like He
used some other families in the Bible as with
Hosea’s (Hos. 1) and Isaiah (Isa. 8:18) and Mary
and Martha’s (John 11). While we started out
well enough as a family in the late 1990s so that
our little girls loved the Lord and made difficult
choices in order to honor Him, just as the
Church did in Her early days (Acts 2), because of
the royally unbiblical state of the Church, our
family is now an absolute nightmare with Satan
all over it—exactly like it is in God’s Church.
Praying with an Open Scroll.
Challenged, obeying the Lord, I was encouraged
and empowered by God as many extended to me
the “right hand of fellowship” (Gal. 2:9) since
God had used my testimony to encourage and
challenge them on their walk, which in turn,
helped build up my trust in Him. And since
Satan’s SO NOT INTO THAT, Foes were really
making a fuss, again. Especially since God had
renewed what He’d started on the bed sheets,
praying His WORD.
And since my mind was clearer now than
what it had been on the bed sheets, I realized I
was halfway through my life and hadn’t stored
up a thing in heaven (Matt. 6:19-20). So I began
asking God to give me His work to do—naturally
thinking it would be paid work (Isa. 55:8). So
during a great RZIM conference, Bill asked me if
I’d be interested in editing a book written by the
pastor who’d just blown us all out of the water,
Sunder Krishnan.
Was I interested!? Not only did it answer my
prayer, I immediately saw how my work
experience in publications tied in to God’s
calling on my life, though I knew nothing of a
holy Cup yet.
Sunder’s book was in such bad shape no
publisher was interested in it, and the transition
to DIY publishing hadn't taken place yet and the
Web wouldn’t be mainstream for another two
years. As a study on the psalms, Sunder’s book
was a gold mine! It was like working on a
translation (which I loved doing) because the
man has a Master’s in mechanical engineering
from MIT, of all places, and neither was English
his first language. Let’s just say it wasn’t exactly
‘user friendly.’ It felt more like a 200-page run
on sentence! But what a sentence!
However, I knew I had to clearly understand
not only what he was saying, but what God was
saying through His WORD which this man was
interpreting, and that the only way to do the job
right would be to read everything he’d written
and referenced.
Doing that, as much of it as I could get my
hands on, I got interested in books those books
referenced and other books and resources they
referenced…so that I was porking out like Maya.
And why not? I am Maya.
Having sent Sunder a draft of my work, he
immediately called me from Canada, super
hyper, saying he was so pleased he was making
me co-author, which naturally inspired me to
pork out all the more.
Bill said Sunder was Eagle’s mentor, and the
man was biblically solid (as good as they get). He
was also firmly associated with RZIM as Ravi’s
brother-in-law. But as the Bible warns us,
knowledge puffs up (1 Cor. 8:1), and cold fronts
do come in from Canada. Keeping too busy to fill
up the Tank, pastors and other Church leaders
don’t realize they’re running on fumes. So as
things went down with Eagle, it wasn’t terribly
shocking that I never heard from Canada again.
And God had prepped me by letting me
experience Sunder's cold shoulder/too busy for
people manner in person. The same manner
they all have. Only, that’s not their calling,
according to the Manual (Matt. 7:12), even
according to what they themselves preach (Matt.
for it while confessing to the trials that had
followed since she'd bought the thing.)
Baby Faith. Just as soon as we landed at
God then turned up the heat with lay
overlapping with the darts shooting in from this
woman and from my family of origin, while also
having me work on Sunder’s book. He was
cookin’! And since He’s a Gourmet Chef, His
stove has multiple burners so that He got other
burners going to include other lay leaders and all
of the pastors, while darts also shot in from
strangers and several people from my past who
tried to reconnect out of nowhere, all the while
having me immersed in His WORD and in
prayer with others around the city.
Eagle, having lost my father to cancer, my 24
month old presented with what they thought
might be Leukemia. So, knowing that both girls
are His more than they are mine, I gave it up (Ps.
127:3)—not easily, but I gave it up. You either
soften or harden your heart to God (Heb. 3:15).
That’s always the choice—and it's never an easy
one. If it were easy, there’d be no growth.
YouTube Group 1 Crew Can't Go On.
During that difficult Valley the Lord began
teaching my 24 month old baby how to trust
Him. And while she never cried when having her
blood drawn, her eyes would get REALLY BIG if
we drove near the hospital. So I promised to tell
her beforehand if she was going to have blood
drawn and that I’d help her prepare for it
(teaching her how to relax her muscles and
engage her little brain on the love of Christ).
And God, our Father, also loves us enough to
prepare us. Except you need to listen, believe,
and do what He says (Amos 3:7; Heb. 11:6), like
my baby did.
A Calling without Honor. In
contrast to unbiblical pastors who’ve been
honored with Pastor Appreciation Day—
correction, they’ve been given a whole month—
I’ve experienced the exact opposite.
By the end of the first year at Eagle, the Lord
was using me to speak for Him and feel the heat
(Matt. 5:11-12; 2 Tim. 3:12). The Chef started the
burner on low heat for a long simmer with a
friend who asked for financial counsel. When I
gave it to her using the Bible and bankruptcy
testimony, she turned on me because it meant
she couldn’t buy the thing she wanted. So our
friendship ended abruptly as she shot daggers at
me across the sanctuary for a year while she
took Communion (1 Cor. 11:27-31). And it wasn’t
just in my head because another friend once
asked why that woman was glaring at me with
such hatred. (She eventually asked forgiveness
For example, our very big and very rough
lesbian neighbor, whom our big and tall male
friend was even scared of—since she carried a
baseball bat around with her in this very
conservative neighborhood of mostly Orthodox
Jews and elderly—once angrily hovered over me
and growled, “YOU DON’T KNOW WHO YOU
And she was right, I didn’t, yet. Even as I
began to discern it I couldn't believe Him—it's a
pretty big one to swallow if I've got it right, even
if I don’t. The way He is using me is a big one to
Now, because of all that's happened and all
He's shown me, I'm thinking I do have it right—
though I don't even know what it means. And it
doesn't matter. What I do know for sure, and
what does matter, is that I am a key player on
God's Team. That's a no-brainer. And this
woman knew it in the same way demons knew
Jesus and Paul (Matt. 8:31; Acts 16:16-18). (In
the New Testament, as in Christianity Today,
demons recognized God's anointed before God's
born again leaders had that discernment.)
Another day, while downloading, Mrs. X
burst out laughing. “Maya! You’re a prophet and
you don’t even know it!”
Her statement scared me.
Asking God if it was true, He confirmed it
immediately and for years many times over
through a combination of Scripture and trials—
Food (John 6:35 & 55) and Heat (2 Tim. 3:12;
Heb. 12:29). We all know that’s a great
prominent church leaders have taken their stand
with the perpetrator rather than the victims or
the WORD of God—and I’m the one who needs
psych counseling! Google Sovereign Grace
Ministries Uses First Amendment as
Defense in Sex Abuse Case.
In fact, I’ve been in one play my whole life
and had one short line, “Out of the fire, and into
the frying pan.” So I realized it had been a
WORD for my life. The play was a spoof on Little
Red Riding Hood, that classic where a big bad
wolf deceives EVERYONE (Matt. 7:15), with the
goal of ravaging them (1 Peter 5:8; Matt. 10:16).
Only he gets what’s coming to him in the end
(Rev. 20:10). HA! Llelujah!
And those without God are certainly no
better. For instance, having a statute of
limitations on child sexual abuse is as good as
saying it’s OK to rape preschooler’s since there’s
NO WAY they’ll ever get it together by the time
they’re 15! (Isa. 5:20; Jer. 17:9). Certainly not
without God or with a Whore for a Church.
Psych Counseling. Soon enough, Mrs.
X, along with Buddy, Bill Bean and his wife,
Molly, all felt I needed psych counseling because
of what I was saying, which I’m still saying (Ps.
41:9). Except the Church needed to repent even
before any of us had been born! It’s either that,
for a new and improved reformation, or I am
totally out to lunch and ought to be placed back
in the psych ward, this time, with a straight
jacket. And I’m sure Church leaders are going to
want that, since God’s WORD is so inconvenient
for them! And why not. It's what today's parents
are doing to their kids since kids are so
inconvenient (as are old people), doping ‘em up
or shoving ‘em in a "home" where they get doped
up. YouTube Psychologist Bruce Levine:
Obviously, I don’t’ think I’m out of my mind,
just as Rhoda knew she wasn’t out of hers (Acts
12:13-15) and Paul knew he wasn’t out of his
(Acts 26:24). Nor do I think I’m demon
possessed (Luke 7:33), irrational, or that I have a
“persecution complex” or am being legalistic, or
that I’m the Messiah, or any of the many
accusations hurled at me over the years by the
BRAT and the lost for not wanting to submit to
God’s WORD—which, of course, they all hurl
without God’s WORD. It’s amazing the things
sinners come up with! Even as I edit this there’s
a church scandal in court about preschoolers
who were allegedly molested by leadership, and
Over the years, God has shown me that
when He has a problem with Church leadership
and asks me to speak up, it’s much worse than
what He’s allowed me to see—explaining why
they’ve refused to repent on the basics (John
3:20). It took me years to figure it out since
some of them preach the overall truth, yet they
refuse to repent of the tiniest things. It’s been
like living in the Twilight Zone. But the reason
they don’t repent on even the clear cut smaller
issues is because they’ve had much greater
personal sins which have made them ‘blind’ and
cold-hearted. So God again says the following:
I do not this for your sakes, O house of
Israel, but for mine holy name's sake,
which ye have profaned among the
heathen, whither ye went. And I will
sanctify my great name, which was
profaned among the heathen, which ye
have profaned in the midst of them; and
the heathen shall know that I am the
LORD, saith the Lord GOD, when I shall
be sanctified in you before their
eyes. For I will take you from among the
heathen, and gather you out of all
countries, and will bring you into your
own land. Then will I sprinkle clean
water upon you, and ye shall be clean:
from all your filthiness, and from all
your idols, will I cleanse you. A new
heart also will I give you, and a new
spirit will I put within you: and I will
take away the stony heart out of your
flesh, and I will give you an heart of
flesh. And I will put my spirit within you,
and cause you to walk in my statutes,
and ye shall keep my judgments, and do
them. And ye shall dwell in the land that
I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be my
people, and I will be your God. I will also
save you from all your uncleannesses:
and I will call for the corn, and will
increase it, and lay no famine upon
you. And I will multiply the fruit of the
tree, and the increase of the field, that ye
shall receive no more reproach of famine
among the heathen. Then shall ye
remember your own evil ways, and your
doings that were not good, and shall
lothe yourselves in your own sight for
abominations (Ezek. 36:22-31).
A One Way Only Road. In the late
90s, exhausted and hurt by Church leaders, God
had me hear a sermon called, “It’s the Only
Way.” And because of everything that was going
on and how He was tying it together, it was as if
He was apologizing to me! And since He’s done
that repeatedly—throughout my life—while
encouraging, it’s very convicting (Mark 14:3536)—and quite the Head Game. YouTube
Refiner's Fire Jeremy Passion and The
Preschool Prophecies with a
Double Twist. As that trial ended, Buddy
presented with symptoms which they couldn’t
diagnose for years, symptoms which further
developed. Then while working on Wake Up!
God showed me that He had prophesied about it
all through some birthday parties we'd thrown
the girls. YouTube Byron Cage Presence of
the Lord (Official Video).
I give details on one. The other had been a
Stranded on an Island theme, which was
prophetic as to how this calling would feel. I'd
sent the invitations asking for help in plastic
Coke bottles, and one of the games was a race to
catch fish (Matt. 4:19). Listen to this song
prayerfully, biblically. You know, engage and
connect all the dots (2 Cor. 10:5). YouTube
Message in a Bottle The Police.
The only thing Christian about the parties
was that some of us were Christian. They were
just preschool birthday parties. Then years later
God showed me His Hand on them.
The Good Physician’s Party – I
sent out invitations calling doctors to form a
medical team to extract the BBOMA bug from
our patient (Buddy). The thing bugging me was
having Both Birthday’s One Month Apart
(BBOMA), right during Christmas (which we
still celebrated). One right before and the other
not long after—and Christmas enough on it’s
own! Anyhow, weeing the pictures again, God
smacked me upside the head with the revelation
(John 14:26).
Hooking Up to the Source: During the girls’
well visit we told their pediatrician of our
birthday plans so that he suddenly rushed out of
the room and returned with a plastic oxygen
mask and its tubes—a kid at heart. I hooked it up
to a painted five gallon water bottle for our
oxygen tank (Matt. 18:3). It’s like what Buddy’s
been hooked up to at times—and what the BRAT
needs to do, ASAP, CODE BLUE! (Acts 1:8)
Diseased Head to Toe: I presented Buddy
with a new set of PJs and fellows in residence
taped loads of candy and small toys onto them,
hiding the BBOMA bug under his surgical cap.
And today, Buddy is ill from head to toe, like
God’s Girl (Matt. 23:27) with a growth inside his
head. Again, just like the Girl for not taking her
thoughts captive to Christ (2 Cor. 10:5):
When the unclean spirit is gone out of a
man, he walketh through dry places,
seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he
saith, I will return into my house from
whence I came out; and when he is
come, he findeth it empty, swept, and
garnished. Then goeth he, and taketh
with himself seven other spirits more
wicked than himself, and they enter in
and dwell there: and the last state of that
man is worse than the first. Even so
shall it be also unto this wicked
generation (Matt. 12:43-45).
Misdiagnosed: This has repeatedly happened
to Buddy and God’s Girl (Hag. 1:7).
A Mad Dash to Help a Dying Patient: I made
AMBULANCES for all the doctors (Rev. 3:11).
Sincere Concern: Buddy said the children were
genuinely concerned for him forgetting it was
just play. If only God’s adult children were that
loving (1 Cor. 13:4, see NIV).
Scrubs & Gloves: I also made scrubs for each
child and Mrs. X donated surgical caps, medical
face masks, and gloves for balloons (Matt. 10:1).
Figuring Out the Game Plan: The kids
worked great together to bring Buddy back to
health, submitting to the one I’d made Head
Doctor (1 Cor. 11:3) who walked them through
the medical…I can’t remember what in the world
I created but I made this big poster for the wall
and gave him a pointer (a venetian blind stick
with red tape on the end) to organize his team
and their plan of attack. Really into it, they took
their jobs seriously while having fun (Neh. 3).
Overloaded with Meds: I decorated the
operating room with fun charts and graphs on
the walls, brought out a small white bookcase
ditching the books and filing it with bottles of
different "meds" for the kids to give their dying
patient (Rev. 3:3), and stashed it with all sorts of
medical equipment. We even had an unexpected
real Code Blue! (What a Buddy!)
In reality, I don’t know how Buddy or this
drug addicted nation keep track. Our Physician
counsels us to buy meds from Him (Rev. 3:18)
rather than another (Mark 5:25-29; Heb. 11:6).
When the Girl gets her Head on straight, I
discern patients like Buddy—seeing that God’s
leaders are faithful men (having finally become
faithful men)—will then have the faith to obey
God who says the following:
Is any sick among you? let him call for
the elders of the church; and let them
pray over him, anointing him with oil in
the name of the Lord: And the prayer of
faith shall save the sick, and the Lord
shall raise him up; and if he have
committed sins, they shall be forgiven
him. Confess your faults one to another,
and pray one for another, that ye may be
healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a
righteous man availeth much (James
5:14-16; Matt 8:14-17).
Whipped, Yet Thrilled, when THE BEAST is
Captured & Locked
Up: When one of the
children finally found
the BBOMA bug—a
creature (Isa. 45:7),
though kinda cute (2
Cor. 11:14)—we placed
him in a plastic
specimen jar for her to take home (Rev. 20:2).
Friends called for hours afterwards to say
how much fun they’d had, and how wound up
they still were, though totally whipped (1 Peter
4:13; Rev. 20:10). Working with preschoolers
can go over the edge into chaos if you’re not
focused—especially if you wind them up—but
what fun living on the edge with them! If only
Princess wasn’t such a royally brain dead BRAT,
we'd be having a blast. YouTube Cece
Winans Get Out of My House.
So while I can have fun as I see God’s hand
in all of it, it’s also been very serious with layer
upon layer of stress and heartache, year after
year after year, now (2015) in our 18th year. For
instance, during one of the worst years for
Buddy, which coincided with things coming to a
head with our family on both sides—I asked the
neurologist about a symptom I’d read about
which, to my mind, was one of the more serious
ones. I asked, “What about the possibility of
This doctor SHOT ME A LOOK. “Maya!
Blindness is the least of your problems!”
Naturally (1 Peter. 5:8). YouTube Hello
Fear Kirk Franklin.
Let Your Yes Be Yes. Several times in
the Bible the prophet tells the people God’s
commands, to which the people agree they’ll
walk in—as the BRAT has done. Then he tells
them they have witnessed against themselves
since they won’t walk in it (Josh
24:22)—as the BRAT has done.
So while looking through my
pictures I came across the ones I
took during the groundbreaking
Templeton Bowman Rat had
asked each family to take a
STAKE and write on it their
commitment to God, presumably
in the new building. I’d forgotten
about my stake and commitment,
which is likely true for all—but
God doesn’t forget (Isa. 49:15).
Mine says, “WE COMMIT TO
LORD.” I spent hours decorating
it with pictures and Scriptures,
front and back, which I’d cut out
praying for our family. I even
varnished it (Col. 3:23). By that
point, Buddy had really tuned out,
sick of Eagle and deadbeat
Christianity, yet no better himself.
(That seems to be how hypocrisy
works.) In fact, he was already
looking at me as if I was a moron
for valuing prayer and expecting
more from Church and from God, though he still
went through the motions. “We” was really the
girls and I. And they were committed for another
ten years or so. YouTube Because of Who
You Are Vicki Yohe.
The middle stake belonged to the Beans. The
verse is Joshua 3:5, but Bill split with the church
and is no longer a pastor, again, son of a pastor.
And, like many, divorced (Matt. 5:31-32). My
guess is, at this point (2015), that out of Eagle
and RZIM leadership, he’ll be the first to turn
back to God. I would say that none of them will
EVER turn to God, except that’s not what God
has revealed to me as shared with you in the
latter part of this book. If I were to just compare
the Bible to the way Christians live, I’d say no
one I’ve ever known is actually a born again
Christian! But because He’s doing His Thing,
prodigals, SEVERELY prodigal, or
not yet born again. Either way, it’s
about the same—they have
nothing or next to nothing stored
up in heaven for serving Satan
more than Christ (Matt. 12:30).
The third stake belonged to
friends of the time who are still at
Eagle, representing typical lay
unmarried teen got pregnant (1
Pet. 5:8), as so many “Christian”
teens do. And they do because the
churches are setting them up to
get pregnant with their teen
“ministries.” Their verse was John
8:12, “Then spake Jesus again
unto them, saying, I am the light
of the world: he that followeth me
shall not walk in darkness, but
shall have the light of life.” As
always, quite appropriate.
Purpose Driven rather than
driven by the Spirit of God, Eagle,
like all of Christianity Today,
walks in darkness. Therefore, now
would be a good time to repent
and start working on those vows,
which we never even should have made in the
first place! God says, “Above all things, my
brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither
by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let
your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall
into condemnation” (James 5:12). Not heeding
His WORD, Christianity has fallen into
condemnation. Pastors, along with the rest,
focused mostly on the fun of it all, rather than on
God, the Truth (John 14:6). We really need to
learn from the preschoolers and take the Job
seriously while having fun, in that order. God is
obviously saying we can have fun, but that it has
to line up with His WORD and timing.
Judas Types. For some time, the Lord
had me speaking to Eagle leadership through the
written word. So handing Pastor Kerry a letter
the Lord had asked me to write, about the same
old thing—REPENT—Kerry hugs me and says,
“Maya, everyone hear loves you!”
Wow! Everyone?
I was shocked at what he’d said and done.
And naturally encouraged (though he hadn’t
opened the envelope yet). Maybe I was nearing
the end of the line—though I knew the Lord had
told me it was only the beginning.
Class repeat after me: LO-BO-TO-MY.
I’d known Eagle was Boot Camp, so I knew
Tours of Duty would follow, since that’s how it
works. You go to Boot Camp for training and
then get sent off to FULFILL your mission.
Therefore, within days of the Everyone
Loves You hug, the Rat sent Bill and two ‘elders’
with the conditions under which I could remain
at Eagle, doing it because crooked cowardly
leaders always send their cronies to do their
dirty work for them. We all know this. So after
giving me their unbiblical stipulations, they
hugged us goodnight. And what’s a Christian to
do but hug back? It’s like Jesus let Judas kiss
Him (Matt. 26:49-50).
By morning Buddy and I had both discerned
it had been a goodbye hug—and good riddance!
Finally, God had released us! (We hadn’t
realized that was as good as it gets, even though
we already knew it!).
And it wasn’t good riddance, because right
away God called me to not only keep praying for
them but to step it up (Luke 6:27-36). He also
had me write a letter to several Eagles telling
them what had gone down, urging them to pray
for their leadership. But, of course, I didn’t hear
from anyone—even though “everyone” there
“loved” me. More importantly, they all professed
to love Jesus! But who really cares if God’s
WORD and ways are being dishonored, just as
long as this thing works for us. That is what it all
comes down to.
Only it’s not working for you, but for Satan!
The ENEMY (Matt. 12:30; Rev. 13:3; Phil. 2:21).
So about a year later we ran into a couple
with whom we’d spent afternoons with over
lunch after services. The woman then asked me
if we were ready to come back since time should
have healed all wounds—MISSING IT. The only
way time heals all wounds is because God is
Time (Rev. 22:13), and He does it by way of
repentance, and, therefore, truth (James 5:16).
Our measure of time just helps those who’ve
been wounded by building up a scar, but
nothing’s gone away. Christians have not been
called to sin against God and each other, let
some time pass, and go on business as usual.
That’s what the lost do! God’s people are called
to be holy because He is holy (1 Pet. 1:16). And
the only way to be holy is through obedience and
repentance so that complete healing and growth
can take place (Matt. 3:8). YouTube Jonny
Lang Turn Around.
Frying Pan Faith. Hell Week had just
been a preview of the War (Eph. 6:12). So by the
end of Eagle days I was really fried as nearly
everyone except for my little girls gave me
something of a Judas kiss in one way or another.
And the Lord had me break away from the rest
since they’ve also been playing for Foes (1 Cor.
5:11). He wanted this eagle to fly alone, because,
well, that’s what eagles do. We’re not geese!
Hurt and exhausted, discerning this was just
the BEGINNING, the Lord had two movies for
me at the time, besides His WORD, confirming
things. One was The Hiding Place (1975),
(which, of course, isn’t entirely biblical). But,
after the movie is over, Corrie Ten Boom, now
elderly, comes on and says something like, No
matter how hard it gets, Jesus is deeper still. I
knew the Lord was speaking to me through her,
just as He'd used Stuart McAllister to prophesy
to me as he yelled to the whole congregation
staring straight at me in the very back of the
room. (Surely he wasn’t staring at me, but God
had him looking straight at me since He was
behind it.) Stuart yells, “When Jesus sets out to
use you greatly, it will feel like He HATES
YOUR GUTS!” Looking straight at me way in
the back, he went on and on yelling about how
hard it would get. I’d known immediately that it
was the Lord warning me (John 10:27).
the new worship center he would be leading (1
Cor. 10:13)—spurred on also by his own wicked
heart (Jer. 17:9) and by El Diablo (1 Pet. 5:8)—
Bill Bean accused me of being Dathan (Num. 16).
But even if I had been, which is a real stretch
since I had NOBODY rising up against them
with me (in fact, it’s what he did a year later),
they still messed up in that they should have
bound and gagged me in front of the whole
congregation (Num. 16:26; Matt. 18:15-17). God
boomeranged what Bill accused me of, back on
him, since he was the one in rebellion. It’s what
He’s promised to do (Jer. 2:19) and what He did
with Haman (Esth. 7:6-10).
The other movie was of a couple who,
unknown to them, had been infected with a
deadly communicable disease in Mexico and
then crossed the border illegally. So throughout
the extremely difficult journey, 99% of the
movie, people were dying all around them while
they were being hunted down while they were
sick and while they were trying to find
their way to a place they’d never been to
before, until the woman, who was
somewhat immune, ends her journey in
the arms of a compassionate cop. Again, I
knew it was God’s preview (Ex. 9:16;
Ezek. 40:4). And it’s exactly how it’s
played out, I just haven’t physically
landed in those arms yet, though I am in
His arms (Heb. 13:5).
The fact is that pastors, as a whole, haven't
cared whether or not they’re honoring God and
His WORD—that’s obvious when you compare
what they’re doing to the Bible, which is what
He’s had me do. And since pastor’s haven’t cared
about honoring God for hundreds of years, it's
now irrelevant to them—but not to God (Jer.
In fact, when he and the two "elders" came
to our home to bind and gag me, Buddy noted
that it was as if Satan had entered into Bill since
he was suddenly so different from the warm
person we had known.
Working on Wake Up! God again
used Google Images and some hot dogs to
show me how it’s played out to go with
the line I’d had in the PLAY, “Out of the
fire and into the frying pan.” (Heb. 12:29;
Josh. 1:5). If you want to see the real
image, Google Images Out of the Fire
and Into the Frying Pan.
Judging Righteously. Spurred
on by Templeton Rat and the promise of
2:19). So while today's “best” Church leaders
with large platforms have been living cake lives
fleecing God’s people, I find comfort in the fact
that they’ve wasted their entire lives building
their kingdoms on earth rather than where it will
matter forever. So while you’ll be tempted to say
I’m so unloving for being glad these older
pastors have wasted their lives away, engage thy
brain (Titus 1:10-11; John 7:24). The damage
they’ve been doing is no small thing. YouTube
25 Sobering Statistics on Global Poverty
That Might Upset You.
As it is, it would be loving for me to pray for
these key Church leaders to IMMEDIATELY
DROP DEAD as Sapphira and Ananias did! (Acts
5:1-11). What are a few greedy hypocritical
families compared to BILLIONS in need of God’s
love and protection? I’ve prayed plenty for them
for years to repent (Isa. 55:7), and God has used
me—and many others—to give them tons of
opportunity to do so (Rev. 2:21). Therefore, my
prayers for them have lately often become,
‘WHATEVER it takes, Lord (Ps. 68:2). Knock
'em dead!’ Praying for hypocritical Protestant
Church leaders to die is very different than
praying for Obama to die, as Pastor Anderson
has prayed, and surely many others! The
difference is that one has not been enlightened
(Heb. 6:3-8). [But it’s hard, because nearly
everyone has professed to be a Christian at one
time or another as they’ve found it convenient.
Still Obama is not a Church
Anyhow, I’m still mostly
praying for Church leaders to
repent and get in gear—and for
God to let me die (Phil. 1:1).
Sure, it would be great to live to
see the Day the Girl gets Her
head in Gear (Eph. 6:17), but
not if it means it won’t happen
until I’m so old I won’t even
know my own name. And that is
the rate this has been going.
And because of it, I’ve
started praying much more for
enlightened. Only, they’re not just unbelievers,
they’ve been quite antichrist—but who can
blame them considering how the “believers” are?
(Rom. 2:24).
Ultimately, Christians today think it isn’t
possible to follow God as dictated in the Bible so
they’ve watered the Bible down to the point that
it hardly resembles the genuine article. It’s the
reason God has had me follow Him through the
Dirt Road, Hell Week, and Paved Road
Christianity Today, while homeschooling solo,
with all the trials we’ve had—to prove everyone
WRONG! He is who He’s said He is, the I AM,
the Almighty, the All Powerful Living God.
Even with homeschool, the BRAT sent out
the Cold Front as if we were traitors even though
we were obeying God. And since He was leading
us and has a body which is supposed to be
working together, called by Him to homeschool
(especially considering my background) I’d
thought He’d give me help from the Christian
homeschooling community by allowing us to be
connected to them through a homeschool group.
And just as I was thinking of joining them, they
got caught doing something illegal, showing me
that following Him solo was best (Ps. 94:7-15).
So with the exception of the first year back on
the east coast, God had us go through high
school alone (2 Cor. 12:9): no extended family,
no homeschool group, no church, sick husband,
very tight financially, Eeyore’s
psycho nut cloud overhead…
God’s tough (Luke 12:5).
Nearing the end of
homeschooling, one of God’s
writing assignments for me
was a homeschooling how to
BOOKLET for our RV
dealer—a seed planting project
of dormant seeds. Writing it,
God gave me a great word
picture of a dog’s life, more
specifically, of this dog’s life.
Jesus is our Shepherd and we
are the sheep of His pasture
(Psalms 23 & 100). In response to commands
from the Master, the sheepdog (His servant, one
who has been set apart), who thrives on hard
work and play, works hard (like a dog), works
long, moves fast, is firm but not vicious, and
orderly not chaotic. While the dog messes up
plenty, she readily accepts correction, eager to
please. She’s always on the alert listening for
orders while protecting, directing, and guarding
the sheep, all out of intense devotion to her
Master and His flock . That’s not only a picture
of homeschooling by the Book but of walking in
the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-26). And here’s a fun visual
God has provided to help everyone get it, from
the movie Babe (1995). Pay attention to the
end (Matt. 25:21) and connect all the dots.
YouTube That'll Do Pig – Babe 9/9 Movie
Clip (1995).
I’ve met many women who heard God’s call
to homeschool and didn’t, selling themselves,
their children, and the body of Christ short.
When I was ridiculed by my mother-in-law for
homeschooling, the Lord gave me this WORD,
“She that tarried at home divided the spoil” (Ps.
68:12). I have reaped much spoil, and though
the girls have pulled away from God and from
me, He will finish what He started in them (Phil.
1:6). Besides, most of the ‘spoil’ we reap is not in
this world but for eternity (Heb. 11:1 & 39-40,
see NIV). That's what 'living by faith' means.
As far as this world goes, obeying God to
homeschool meant I didn’t need to commute or
deal with office politics, nor be torn because I
wasn’t able to spend enough time with my
children, or have to eat processed dinners nuked
for the family. Instead, I was able to do as much
as possible for the people I loved most, did a ton
of things that I’ve loved doing, learned loads all
the time, and while unpaid, had all of my needs
met and many wants as well. In fact, the only
thing missing was a close family and friends, and
that’s only because Christianity is such a Whore.
Plus, I’ll reap all the benefits of having walked
obediently with Christ, reaping those benefits for
the rest of forever. And, I’m able to “divide the
spoil” with all of His elect here on earth—all
who’ll take Him seriously. It’s not a bad deal.
If you hear God calling you to homeschool
(or to do anything), seek Him with all you’ve got
in all aspects of it and trust Him to lead you all
the way. No other job could have been as
fulfilling—even with all the isolation, trials, lack
of pay, and sacrifice (Col. 3:23). But understand
this, professing Christian women: If I were a
typical Christian woman—with all the fluff &
stuff Church leaders and other Christians
encourage you to be into (so worldly), and which
you love being into—I’d be pretty unhappy since
all that stuff is expensive and time consuming.
Jesus sat on grass, boats, and rocks, pleased with
women who sat at his feet—simple, cheap, and
dirty (Matt. 11:7-9; Luke 10:1-11). YouTube
True Beauty Mandisa.
Christianity Today reminds me of the war
movies where the young men are out there living
brutal lives, starving, getting mutilated, and
dying horrible deaths while those at home wine
and dine dressed in all their finery, oblivious to
how outrageously unloving and self-centered
they're being. Except it’s not just in the movies.
Holy Seed. Informed that homeschools
should have a name, seeking God, He gave me
this verse:
Though a tenth remains in the land, it
will again be laid waste. But as the
terebinth and oak leave stumps when
they are cut down, so the holy seed will
be the stump in the land (Isa. 6:13,
While a pastor’s wife discerned the name was
Stump(!), God meant our school’s name was to
be Holy Seed. However, we never actually
needed a name for our homeschool. Still, it
makes sense, summed up in a poem you’ll
Tabernacle Choir Days of Elijah.
someone heading to college or are thinking
of heading there yourself, read Fish out of
Water by Abby Nye. If you’re going to
send your kids for higher education,
wherever you send them, you have to choose
the lesser of two evils, and the lesser evil is a
NON-Christian college—and that is still
outrageously evil. But, at a secular school,
kids know what to expect from their
professors and peers—worldly sinful ways.
In a Christian setting, born again kids would
expect more and find less, making it that
much harder. In fact, that's exactly what's
happened. Google Sexual Assault at
Patrick Henry. And it's no better
anywhere else. There's a good reason
Pensacola College is dirt cheap! (Rev. 13:3).
And there are so many reasons why there
are much better options than a 4-year
degree. You need only do your homework.
There are so many lies Satan has fed this
society. Some of those concerning food are
exposed in Eat to Live by Dr. Joel
Furhman. Along with the documentary.
Vegucated (2010), while coming at it from a
non-Christian worldview, they help you
understand Romans 8:22, “The whole creation
groaneth and travaileth in pain together until
In fact, the following PBS documentary is a
preview of what God has in store for us as He
has informed us in His WORD:
There shall come forth a rod out of the
stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow
out of his roots: And the spirit of the
LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of
wisdom and understanding, the spirit of
counsel and might, the spirit of
knowledge and of the fear of the
LORD; And shall make him of quick
understanding in the fear of the LORD:
and he shall not judge after the sight of
his eyes, neither reprove after the
ears: But
righteousness shall he judge the poor,
and reprove with equity for the meek of
the earth: and he shall smite the earth:
with the rod of his mouth, and with the
breath of his lips shall he slay the
wicked. And righteousness shall be the
girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the
girdle of his reins. The wolf also shall
dwell with the lamb, and the leopard
shall lie down with the kid; and the calf
and the young lion and the fatling
together; and a little child shall lead
them. And the cow and the bear shall
feed; their young ones shall lie down
together: and the lion shall eat straw like
the ox. And the sucking child shall play
on the hole of the asp, and the weaned
child shall put his hand on the
cockatrice' den. They shall not hurt nor
destroy in all my holy mountain: for the
earth shall be full of the knowledge of
the LORD, as the waters cover the
sea. And in that day there shall be a root
of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign
of the people; to it shall the Gentiles
seek: and his rest shall be glorious (Isa.
Google My Wild Affair: The Rhino Who
Joined the Family.
Other peaks into the future include the
1. Preview: The Lion Whisperer
2. Christian the Lion
While we have to walk in the consequences
of our sins, God is gracious, so that the more we
depend on Him the more grace He bestows (Ps.
94:12-13). Like the Church, government,
healthcare, the educational system, farming and
agriculture, wildlife, it’s ALL a royal mess. Get
right with God as a society, and it will all fall into
place. Or, we can let Satan take his New World
Order as far as God is willing to let him take it.
You decide.
A Collision of Worldviews. One
day in the late 90s I got e-mails from my
estranged siblings. They wrote, “Ma was HIT by
a TRUCK…BLOOD in her BRAIN…article in the
Washington Post…possible BROKEN BACK,
could be PARALYZED…GLASS in her EYES!”
Struggling with my faith (that God was still
on the Throne) and with my flesh since I lived
hundreds of miles away, God comforted me by
keeping His WORD (Isa. 41:10). Out of all the
area hospitals, my mom was taken to the one
where Buddy’s cousin was a nurse (whom he
seldom saw), who was working in the ER when
they brought her in. Remembering my maiden
name was the same as this woman on the
stretcher, she called her mom, a retired surgical
nurse who had treated Reagan during the
assassination attempt (reliable). Her mom, who
had cared for the girls for a year while I worked,
called me just as I was about to lose it. God’s
comforting WORD at His impeccable timing:
paralysis, brain damage, or blindness, not likely.
I slept well.
And since we were homeschooling having
obeyed the Lord’s leading to start just a few
months earlier, I could pack up the girls and our
books to go care for her for more peace of mind,
and easy to do without having the girls miss a
beat (John 10:11).
In fact, my mom was in tears and listening
(for a change) to what I was saying of God’s love
and His hand on her life. But a few hours later
my sister showed up and focused on her outward
appearance—as is the BRAT’s standard practice
(1 Sam. 16:7). Taking her out for a new hairdo
and makeover, my mom forgot all about her
desperate need for God (Matt. 13:19). So while
my sister was going to church at the time (a
Methodist number open to homosexuality,
contrary to Romans 1), this was a trashed
opportunity. Like the rest of Christianity Today,
my sister obviously missed the last part of this
verse, if she ever even read it (James 1:27).
Preschooler Faith in Action. God
doesn’t tell us to do things we can’t do, and He
tells us to come to Him as little children (Matt.
18:3). And yet, most Christians today are
amazed when preschoolers come to Him, and
don’t actually believe children that young can
really come to Him. That’s partly why God gave
me this testimony. But it’s also prophecy.
On the last night of that stressful trip, due
not only to my mom’s accident but because I
hadn’t seen my sister in 10 years since she thinks
I'm "too religious," my brother and his wife
asked me to join them on an outing. Exhausted
and facing an 11-hour drive back by myself with
young children, I opted to stay home with the
children, for whom I have a routine.
MY ROUTINE: At 8 p.m., all little children
get on their little PJ’s, brush their little
teeth, and each pick a little book. Snuggled
together, I read all their little books (often
loads of extra books) and then read from a
children’s Bible. We pray. I kiss their little
faces. Then it’s lights out and good night.
Parked on the bed with several children,
doing my routine, I notice my nephew shaking
his head. Making eye contact, he blurts out, “No!
My parents don’t believe in angels!”
So tired, I’d forgotten where I was! So I said,
“Well…we do. We believe in God. This is His
Book. We believe it. OK everyone, bed-time!”
However, like all the healthy preschoolers
I’ve known, this child was not about to let me off
the hook—neither was God. The little boy had
one question after another so that, not even
realizing what I was doing, I was answering
them using the pictures from The Beginner's
Bible. In turn, we quickly covered the Gospel
message (John 6:44). And since it’s such a
simple message (2 Cor. 11:3), this very bright
and very rebellious child understood it exactly,
and said, “Maya, you have to give this book to
my parents!” He was all over it! I’d actually
given his parents the Quest Study Bible but
they hadn’t been interested. Long story short,
the four year-old asked God to forgive him of his
sins and to come into his life (Rom. 3:23 & 10:910). He also, naturally, wanted to know how to
help his family. So I taught him how to pray,
saying, “Just ask God to open their eyes and
keep asking Him” (Matt. 7:8; Luke 18:1-8)—and
I taught by example.
Children in bed, I grabbed my Bible and
asked God if what I thought had happened had
really just happened! Going to my bookmark at
Psalm 8, I listened for His answer which I had by
verse 2.
Again, I slept well.
Eyes suddenly open, I immediately
remembered the night before and was flooded
with dread—my brother! So I grabbed my
devotional asking the Lord for His perspective.
Google My Utmost November 11: The
Supreme Climb.
Rebuked and challenged, I asked God for
help and jumped into the shower from where I
soon heard my brother stomping down the
hallway saying, “No! NO! NO!” And my
nephew’s little feet running after him, persisting,
“You HAVE to give your heart to God! You
HAVE to!”
My young nephew had come to God as He
requires (Mark 10:15). Believing in his heart he
was immediately evangelizing (Mark 5:19; Jude
1:3), confirming to me God's WORD from the
devotional, that I was in for it.
Dressed, I joined the couple in the living
room where they were waiting for me. Not
knowing what to say, as I listened to them I
asked God to give me the words to speak and to
soften their hearts (Luke 12:11-12). Then I
explained how I hadn’t planned what happened.
But since they hadn’t bothered to learn from the
Father (John 6:45) they got increasingly
agitated, as we’ve been told will happen (1 Cor.
2:14). They rebuked me for not waiting to let
them answer their child’s questions, a view I
understood perfectly since I was also a parent.
However, having learned from the Father, I also
understood God’s view. So I explained that to
have done that, knowing they reject Christ,
would have been to sin against God since no one
asks questions about Him without God being at
work in their lives (John 6:37; Acts 5:29). I also
understood that this was God’s child (Ps. 127:3),
theirs on loan, as are mine (Rom. 14:12; Matt.
18:6-10). But not having learned from the
Father, they couldn’t understand what I was
saying or why I couldn’t agree with them.
Exasperated with me, my brother finally said,
“Never mind! I’ll set him straight!”
I nodded,
Who shall separate us from the love of
Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or
persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or
peril, or sword? As it is written, For thy
sake we are killed all the day long; we
are accounted as sheep for the
slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are
more than conquerors through him that
loved us. For I am persuaded, that
neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor
principalities, nor powers, nor things
present, nor things to come, Nor height,
nor depth, nor any other creature, shall
be able to separate us from the love of
God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord
(Rom. 8:35-39).
Overjoyed that God had saved this young
child—that he’s elect—the drive home was a
breeze! I wasn’t surprised by his age since God
had done the same for my girls at that age, but
that God would save him first from my clan. In
fact, I was surprised that most preschoolers in
Christian homes weren’t having their eyes
opened. Now I know it’s because most
“Christians” aren’t raising their children as God
requires (Deut. 6:6-9; Heb. 11:6) since their eyes
aren’t open (Rev. 3:1). And they're not since they
aren't living as God requires (Luke 6:46).
However, while overjoyed, since this child
wouldn't be raised biblically either, I was also
heartbroken. There would be no one to teach
him the Ropes! Even if we had lived near them, I
would only have answered the boy’s questions if
he had asked me any. So I prayed like crazy for
him and his family as I’d been doing for years—
only more so. In fact, the Lord gave me peace
about it (John 14:27) by somehow (I don’t
remember exactly how) letting me know this
child was a Moses-type.
But since months went by without a word
from my brother, while also enduring hatred
from Church leaders, I started doubting God’s
WORD. S0 out of nowhere (not having heard
from them in months), I got an e-mail from my
brother asking if they could spend a week during
Easter at our house. “Please,” he begged (Eph.
3:20-21; 2 Sam. 22:31).
And since we were now homeschooling, our
dining room was our school room and the walls
were loaded with posters about what God was
teaching us. So we didn’t have an Easter bunny
up, but a fabulous high quality poster from God’s
World News explaining the Easter story—the
last week of Jesus’ life and resurrection.
And because God is faithful and merciful, to
help me stay encouraged about this boy, and
knowing the future, God coordinated events as
follows. On the first night of their visit,
remembering my routine, this four year old had
picked his book even before I’d told the girls to
get ready for bed. But seeing he’d chosen a
Christian one, my brother said, “No! NOT that
one!” And while there were many non-Christian
books on the shelves, this child who couldn’t
read, kept picking one Christian book after
another, only to hear the same rough response.
Awed, I snapped out of it discerning a tantrum
brewing, explosions for which this child was
infamous. Not knowing what to do or say, I was
suddenly on my knees down at his level.
Touching his arm, I said, “It’s so great that you
want to know God! And He wants you to know
Him. When He’s ready, He’ll tell you everything
there is to know about Him and let you know
Him really well. But, right now, He wants you to
obey your Dad. OK?” (Rom. 9:16). The whole
time I was talking, this very rebellious child
obediently listened and nodded in agreement,
fighting the tears. Then he immediately went
quietly with his Dad.
whole family of friends, his good friend, killed by
terrorists and parents bitterly divorced? And
while it’s not all the Church’s fault—since none
of them have bothered to learn from the Father
(John 6:45)—the Church isn’t helping the lost
When the Church repents, my nephew will
again come humbly to Christ and be used to
reach those with whom he’s been raised—people
desperately deep into Satan’s territory—leading
them out to safer pastures. YouTube Shirley
Ceasar Moses the Deliverer (The Prince
of Egypt).
HOMEWORK: Read Mimosa: A True
Story by Amy Carmichael.
Dance Ministry. My girls took ballet at
the YMCA throughout preschool. But by first
grade it got so worldly that I pulled them out
asking God for a better option, which He
provided 15 minutes further north. Then a few
weeks into the new lessons, I invited an elderly
neighbor I didn't know over for tea (James 1:27).
Making conversation, I spoke of the dance
teacher the Lord had led us to, and this lady’s
smile just kept growing and growing until she
finally says, “Maya, go upstairs and look out your
bathroom window towards my place. You’ll see
her roof across the street, where she has a small
ballet studio!”
Small world.
More recently, the boy having come of age,
Jesus had me remind him of what had
transpired, and he rejected Him! I discern it was
so that after reformation is taking hold, he won’t
be able to blame his parents knowing he rejected
God for himself. Duly humbled God will use him
as needed and as prophesied.
So instead of making a 30 minute drive, they
were able to go across the street for lessons with
a Pentecostal woman who invited them to join
her dance ministry with several venues, the best
being prison ministry. When my girls came on
stage for the first song of the program, these
rough young women yelled, screamed, and
stomped, making the building shake (Acts 4:31).
Worried, looking to the stage, my girls just stood
there smiling, waiting for the right spot in the
music to start dancing.
And how could he not have rejected Him,
considering how he was raised, the state of the
Church, and the trials they’ve experienced—the
Afterwards, the teacher told the inmates to
raise their hand if they’d like someone to pray
with them. Looking for my girls, six and seven,
to go with them, I saw both already praying with
these rough young adults, each on their own.
In many ways, not the least of which was
God’s WORD, I discerned He’d called my girls to
dance ministry. But moving back east, He
showed us that all denominations had to go, as
Christmas had had to go, and friends and
family…ALL had to go! (Luke 14:27). So we had
no dance for over a year, yet we repeatedly heard
Him say He had called them to dance. Then I
saw a brochure of a ballet academy and felt
compelled to check this one out in person.
Driving down the road, God ministered to me
through Christian radio and with a huge rainbow
so that I remembered what He’d said (Gen. 9:1415). He was letting me know we both
concerning dance. Then when I got to this home
in the woods just 10 minutes down the road
from our house, the woman of the house comes
out to ask me what I’m looking for and then
shows me her fabulous studio down the hill. She
also tells me how she had heard our Pentecostal
teacher’s testimony at a dance conference, since
it really is a small world—and one which God
controls, the Master Choreographer.
Then, at the zoo, in the enclosed tropical
exhibit, there was suddenly a CREATURE ON
asking my eldest for help, ignoring me, she gets
her sister to come see this thing attached to
Mummy! So while they’re TOTALLY ignoring
their mother whose in dire need of help, trying
not to freak out because I’ve got the creature
from the Black Lagoon chewing up my ear! MY
EAR! Carefully plucking the critter off my head,
to my great relief, I discovered it was just a very
friendly toucanet who had fallen head over heels
in love with my earring.
Letting the girls pet him, before I knew it I
had a crowd of kids and parents around me for
gentle petting turns. So this guy who’d been
STARING at me (making me think he might be
the Bird Police) finally says, “You should work
here!” And it suddenly hit me. My major! What
fun it would have been to work with animals and
little kids! A double major. YouTube Jesus is
a Friend of Mine Aaron Neville.
God’s Little Blessings. Backing up a
year, having discerned we needed to drop the
worldly Y dance classes, I’d also realized we
needed to drop the few homeschooling classes at
the Y as well—taking us entirely solo as
homeschoolers. We’d also recently left Eagle and
nearly all the friends we’d known in the middle
of Nowhere, which had already been a hard life
since it was out in the middle of Nowhere. But
before going entirely solo, I’d asked the girls for
their discernment. Seven and eight, knowing
God and His ways, they both said it was the right
thing to do (2 Tim. 3:5). Yet, all of us
struggling—since it’s hard to leave everyone
behind—I decided to ditch the books and go to
the zoo for the day instead. But right before
leaving, their dance teacher called to invite the
girls to do a TV spot, which we discerned was
God blessing our obedience (Matt. 25:21).
A.D. Act III–An Eagle’s
Even before leaving Eagle, the Lord had us
continue the Tours of Muck and Mire so that we
were in several churches that last year. And
while I’ve called this chapter An Eagle’s View, I
don’t give you the view of all the miserable
churches the Lord led us to since that would be
torture for all! Instead, I’m giving you a
summation as seen from the eyes of this lone
eagle. And I do so to encourage you to make the
effort to earn your wings so that you can take off
and soar THE BABY BLUES as you connect all
the dots from the beginning of the book through
to the end along with His Book, beginning to
end. I painted the poem on our living room wall
a day or two before the
psych ward (Isa. 61:1-4).
YouTube Beauty for
Ashes Crystal Lewis.
Mack Truck &
the Fight. Free to take
flight, we coasted over to
a more Biblically sound church—or so we'd
thought. It wasn’t biblically sound because they
had a video service for the second service for not
having even one person spiritually mature
enough to preach God’s WORD or to know this
wasn’t the thing to do! (1 Cor. 6:5). And this was
no small church.
At the time, Charles Ware often preached
there so that we heard the Lord calling us to his
congregation. Pastor Ware sounded deeper than
the Bowman Rat, was older, and ran a Bible
college, so we expected better. Only Ware & Co.
were actually worse (Luke 12:48). Within the
month we were asked to take over a segment of
the youth ministry while they knew absolutely
NOTHING about us.
However, by this time we knew this was an
unbiblical and common practice, so we declined
the invitation. If the Bible models that they
needed men of “honest report, full of the Holy
Ghost and wisdom” to wait on tables (Acts 6:16), how much more so to care for children! For
all they knew we were into sexually abusing
children—but what could
that matter,
When we spoke to Pastor Ware about what
had taken place at Eagle, instead of expressing
concern for God's Church, he circled the wagons
(2 Tim. 4:3-4). Then he lied to his leadership
and to us saying he’d sent some e-mail which
you could tell he hadn’t. On top of that, my
husband was still making the excuse that he
couldn’t speak up because he hadn’t had good
Christian leadership. As if I had! And it was
obvious that they were sinning against God! And
He tells us, all of us, to “earnestly contend for
the faith which was once delivered unto the
saints” (Jude 1:3). And since God also had me
reaching out to another leadership during the
same season, for the standard response, I blew
my top. I stormed out
fuming at them! (When
is enough, enough? And
that was more than a
decade ago! Nearly
Sitting on the bed following some fierce
Games of Tug of War and Temper Temper on
the ride home from that bogus meeting (Eph.
6:12), asking the Lord to change me/cleanse me
(Ps. 51:7), the little man walks in. I was sick of
the sight of him. All sorry looking, Buddy kneels
at the edge of the bed to pray with me—to pray—
something he’d had absolutely NO INTEREST in
doing before for years! I said, “Oh, so now you
wanna pray? There is NO WAY I’m getting down
on my knees with some bleepidy bleep bleep like
So all of a sudden we were all over each
other, years of frustration boiling over (1 Cor.
Later, Buddy told me one of the elders was
crying after I left, poor baby. Yet the man never
bothered to follow up or address the situation in
any way whatsoever. Why bother, it’s just God’s
Church. Who has time to address issues with
people when there are so many activities to do?
Looking up the Mack Truck on the web
while writing this blurb (the pseudonym I’d
given Charles Ware), I was shocked at what he
said is his expertise, something about
demonstrating to a watching world the love of
God across racial and ethnic lines! So that was
love! My brother was right. Apparently I am that
dumb, cuz I actually thought love was something
nice! What an idiot. Like the Rat, the Truck’s
‘anointing’ is the opposite of how he was used.
YouTube Before the River Came 4Him.
A God who Raises the Dead. I had
known the Church was dead while at Eagle, but I
hadn’t realized it was decomposing. And I
discern God has allowed Her to rot for the same
reason He did Lazarus (John 11). Christianity
Today is busy Martha (Luke 10:38-42). She had
adamantly professed to believe the Lord (John
11:24-27), yet severely lacked faith in Him (John
11:39). God, therefore, has to jar the Deadbeat to
life in order to jumpstart everyone’s faith (Rev.
3:1-3)—becaue She stinketh!
The Truth Hurts Less than Lies.
Buddy and I appreciate when doctors are honest,
so that the blindness comment helped me see
one of the biggies missing in Christianity
Kate thought she could handle in Kate &
Leopold (2001). Talking about the truth, she
says, “Give it to me straight, no chaser.” God’s
Girl never does that! She always sugar coats it
and waters it down, and beats around the bush
about it—making it so much harder on everyone.
In contrast, as brutally honest as Doc was—
telling me that Buddy going blind was the least
of my problems—it was just what we needed to
hear. We had no doubt he'd told us EXACTLY
what we were up against.
When things are serious—and God is as
serious as it gets (Deut. 4:24)—you don’t need
sweet nothings getting you all fattened up
(James 5:5). It’s like when they have to diffuse
the bomb with mere seconds left to find and cut
the right wire. The Dimwit is on the other end of
the phone making jokes so we don’t get scared
while the clock ticks away the last 3 seconds.
NO, you Idiot! Just tell me which wire to cut
So here’s the biggest irony of all. Today’s
Christians mostly don’t believe in the doctrine of
election. They think we have to save people from
hell, that if we don’t tell them the truth that
Jesus is the Christ, they might die without
getting saved and go to hell. Yet they DON’T
bother to tell the lost about Christ! So while we
can’t save anyone from hell, there is urgency
because Christian/elect rebellion against God
gives Satan increasingly more room to work in
the world. And while America is, for the most
part, quite a nice place to live, real love would
care that most of the world’s population lives in
severe poverty and brutal hardships, especially
children and the elderly. More importantly,
Christians should care that Christ suffered
brutally for them.
And the thing is that the nice part about
living in the U.S. is a monstrous façade that’s
soon going to be removed due to financial
collapse and martial law. I’m not that informed,
and yet I get it. It’s not that hard to see.
Tested by Fire. Homeschooling, you’re
with your children 24/7, so you experience all of
life together, the ‘better’ and the ‘worst’ of it. The
beauty of it as born again Christians is that you
have the time, the WORD of God, and the
presence of God, to walk through it all together,
building up faith, courage, strength, knowledge,
compassion, and all that’s needed to live life as a
saint in a fallen world.
For example, when the girls were pre-teen I
had to have the ‘Daddy’s probably going to die
soon’ talk with them like my mom had had with
us. Yet within hours, literally, my girls were
peacefully back at work with their minds (for the
most part) on their work. In contrast, without
having a relationship with the Lord, it took me
years to get to the same point. Never really,
without Him. So my schoolwork suffered, my
attire, my relationships, my finances—
everything! (John 15:5).
Led by God to believe that Buddy had a
serious case of cancer—which is why I had The
Talk with them—after surgery the doctor says,
“It’s just as bad as we suspected,” and looked
surprised that I wasn’t in pieces. (Neither were
the girls.) We weren’t because God had prepped
us by letting me believe he had a serious case of
cancer since that’s what the doctor would tell us.
But two days after surgery, the same (arrogant)
doctor called saying he’d misdiagnosed. It wasn’t
cancer but sarcoidosis, a cancer copycat. So
Buddy wasn’t on his death bed, even though he
looked and felt like it.
YouTube Mandisa Broken Hallelujah.
But it was more complicated than that,
because God was using this to prepare us for the
next part of the Ride so that we wouldn’t be
unduly shaken (Phil. 4:6-7). Because not much
later, days after acquaintances had buried their
little girl who had died of a brain tumor, another
doctor called to say Buddy had a brain tumor the
size of a golf ball. So we just looked at each
other—too spent for words.
Only, since then, we’ve had an even bigger
physical fight (the second one of our marriage);
both girls have gone in and out of being AWOL
since there’s no solid ground to stand on; the
best pastor we’ve ever heard (who’s still alive)
and who has a national platform and
international influence is as cold and as huge as
the iceberg that drowned the Titanic; and my
husband’s symptoms have increased, and so
much more! But God never said when—so hope
still hopes on (Ps 46:10) and perseveres, because
in Christ, the ENERGIZER BUNNY hasn’t got
a thing on us (Phil. 4:13), even with the Family
business (Eph. 6:12; Phil. 2:21). Class, repeat:
Crying out to God that night about it, unable
to sleep or read my Bible through the tears, so
wiped out from this miserable life, I heard the
Lord speaking to me through the man on T.V.
from some ministry I don’t normally watch. I’d
just turned the set on asking God to speak to me
and this was on the Christian channel. So while
I’m crying/praying, this man is speaking out of
the Valley of Dry Bones (Ezek. 37), saying how
every little concern of mine was like those bones
and how God was going to turn it all around for
me. So my ears perked up.
But I also scoffed, because even
if He fixed the brain tumor and all
of the other medical issues, our
marriage and our long lost
friendship, our family, the Church,
our clan, it was all TRASHED. My
whole life was trashed. But the man
kept insisting, and I knew it was the
Lord. Except it’s hard to hope when
you’ve hoped for so long and it sure
looks like there’s no point in
hoping—other than God’s WORD
saying there is (Rom. 5:5).
Then I noticed that, as the man spoke, the
little hamster (Paul or Silas, I never got those
two straight) had come out of his strawberry
dungeon and gotten on his wheel, a wheel I’d
thought of trashing that very morning since he
was dying and hadn’t used it in weeks. Yet here
he was running like mad as the man insisted that
every single bone in my dead Valley would rise
up and become this strong army for the Lord cuz
God is able (Luke 18:27). YouTube Simba in
the Valley of Dry Bones.
I am Mafia
You are Mafia
He is Mafia
She is Mafia
We are Mafia
They are Mafia
Everyone is Mafia! (Isa. 53:6).
While at Eagle, they played a music
video over and over again for a
season. And I’d discerned Buddy
and I were the Christian set and my
brother and his wife were the
godless materialistic set. And while
we haven’t had the support (nor,
therefore, the joy) of the Christian
set, the video is essentially how it’s
played out, only my brother
divorced his wife and not the other
way around. YouTube Big Tent Revival Two
Sets of Joneses.
But there’s another set which exists in ever
increasing numbers—a set portrayed by my
sister and her husband. Correction, ex husband.
It’s the set that has the "friendly divorce." WHAT
suggest that they and their kids are fine with the
divorce, divorce does nothing to help your kids
or society at large. It’s a LIE.
Rather than get divorced, whatever the issue
is, even if your spouse is abusive, cry out to God
to change the situation, to change the both of
you. If you have to, separate rooms or housing
for a season as you seek God and wait on Him to
work in and through you. God is
able to fix it and/or make it work,
even release you (Ps. 55:22; Rom.
8:28). But releasing you from the
marriage is His move, not yours
(Mark 10:2-12).
That said, our marriage is not
impossible since we both have
such a different level of zeal for
Christ—I have it, he doesn’t.) Yet,
through Christ, we function well
enough as a family—better than
most. And while that’s really taken
a nose dive with every year since I
first wrote this, the very sad truth
is that we’re still doing better than
most! As for me and Buddy, we're
like brother and sister, which would be if not for
the fact that we're married. And we’re not even
close siblings.
Moreover, God has a Blueprint for a biblical
marriage. However, our marriage is biblical in
that we haven't usurped God, as so many have,
and gotten divorced. I'm still trusting God to
fulfill His dead bones prophesy from years ago (1
Sam. 15:29, see NIV). YouTube He is with
You Mandisa.
At the same time, I keep this in mind. Corrie
Ten Boom’s sister [portrayed in The Hiding
Place, (1975)] discerned that the two of them
would have a worldwide ministry, only she died.
Yet through her testimony, in the book and
movie, they do have the powerful ministry of
which she had prophesied, even though they’re
now both dead to this world (Heb. 11:4). She got
it wrong while getting it right, like I’d done with
the baby who died. So however the Lord works it
all out, it’s good, because sooner or later we do
both end up Home, as do our children, and our
family’s testimony—whether we’re dead or
alive—will fulfill our marriage vows (Ps. 67).
The poem I wrote Buddy for our first
ANNIVERSARY says it all, our hearts do
chime, only it’s not as our love caresses each
other, but Time (Rev. 1:8).
And Time, aka God and
Love (1 John 4:8), never
Choices. While obeying
the Lord to write Wake Up!
He had me reconnect with
my estranged family, after
having convicted me years
before to let go of them
(Matt. 10:14; Luke 14:2627). And when He had me
let go of my mom she had
just been diagnosed with
Alzheimer’s. So she was
wanted nothing to do with
God (as she’d told me
repeatedly for years), and her only real contacts
were my lost brother and his wife and my lost
sister hundreds of miles away. As the Bible
makes clear, God’s tough. But if I didn’t let go I’d
be breaking my fellowship with Him. Tougher.
So what did it for me, was her telling me straight
out that she wanted my brother to help her with
all the medical issues, leaving no place for me in
her life other than to entertain her, which I
wouldn’t do, neither had the time to do, too busy
homeschooling and fighting dragons with really
bad breath (Eph. 6:12). So I let go, trusting God
to bring me back into her life if needed.
And that’s much easier said than done! But
God's commands override our desires, so that
Aaron wasn’t even allowed to weep when his
sons were burned to a crisp (Lev. 10:1-6).
Neither was Ezekiel allowed to weep when his
wife died (Ezek. 24:15-18). So letting go of my
mom who had Alzheimer’s and who wanted
nothing to do with God, was really no different—
and quite difficult. As I believe I wrote, I always
felt sorry for her. She’d been given a tough hand.
And as hard as it was to let go of my mom, it
was made harder because He had us meet a
family from a local church associated with one of
this nation’s pastors who has a major national
platform, John MacArthur. Barely knowing each
other (our 2nd hour together), having told her
about my mom, she got on my case saying we
needed to “get in the car RIGHT NOW and go
minister to her!” No babe in Christ—having been
to seminary and done church planting—this
woman knew NOTHING of God’s hand on my
life or on my mother’s life, and hadn’t spent two
seconds seeking God about any of it—as is THE
NORM (2 John 1:9, NIV). And all she needed to
know she already knew. My mom had told me—
repeatedly—that she wanted nothing to do with
God (Matt. 10:14). Yet this “Christian,” who
“loves” Christ, was encouraging me to disobey
Him—as Christians constantly do!
Oh, For the Love of Chocolate!
My brother had been my closest family contact.
As a kid he wanted to be a doctor so he kept the
Book of Symptoms by his bed and diagnosed
himself regularly—eventually, he’d had it all! As
little kids, some boy had messed with my doll so
he’d grabbed the kid by the hair and dragged
him down the street placing him at my feet,
making him apologize to me (Rev. 3:9). Now
that was a noble little man of character, in my
Book. While in college, we still wrestled
together. And when I got my motorcycle I’d
pulled up to where he waited all hyper. So while
I’m taking off my helmet he asks, as he pushes
the button, “What’s this do?”
Regaining my balance, I said, “Well…That
little bright red button STARTS THE ENGINE.
It’s RED as in CAUTION!”
All sorry looking, he says, “Oops,” and
shoves me further back, hops on, and takes me
for a ride. But first, I summed up the Manual for
him: one down, five up (Acts 2:38).
In fact, because of his button pushing, I had
several inches of foam cut off the seat so I could
plant my feet flat on the ground for firm footing.
It was a preview for my life with my brethren in
Christ because one must have firm footing to not
fall like they have. It was also my Brother using
my brother’s ways to save my skin (Rom. 8:28),
just like He saved my skin (2 Cor. 4:14).
YouTube Good Tye Tribbett.
my First College Tour for his birthday—way
before becoming born again and understanding
anything about the Bible. But he never became a
doctor, medical or PhD. Nor is he the king as he
thought of himself and as I'd written. However,
my other Fatherly Brother (John 10:30) is the
Great Physician (Ps. 103:2-4) and King (John
1:49), who loves to take me for a Ride! (Isa.
30:21). He’s my real proctor (Ps. 32:8) with
whom I constantly wrestle! (Matt. 15:25-28).
And, unlike my biological brother, He’ll never
stop being my Friend (Heb. 13:5).
Before Jesus came between us, my brother
was like picking chocolate out of a box—like
when I get my hair cut. Sometimes you got an
absolutely great one whereas other times it
made you gag. But I still loved that box of
chocolate. And Jesus, my Fatherly Brother the
Doctor, is the bittersweet chocolate box I can’t
get enough of, though I struggle downing half of
it (John 6:66-69; Ps. 34:8).
Birthday Tripping. A year before
writing Wake Up! the Lord had me write a short
book for Mike, the one who’d cornered me by the
house, which I’d called Berean Buffet (Acts
17:10-11). And while I was writing to Mike about
Joseph’s experience, the mail arrived which
included a brochure from the Sight & Sound
Theatre in Lancaster, PA. Tired of wasting
money on things produced by the comatose
BRAT, I was heading to the recycle bin when I
realized the brochure opened up. On the other
side was a poster for their newest production,
Joseph, the one I’d just been writing about.
Discerning we had been invited, I passed the bin
and pinned it up over my desk and texted Buddy
what I’d like for my next birthday.
Fast forward a few months. The thought
crossed my mind that we hadn’t had an animal
rescue in some time. Three hours later my eldest
tells me there’s a dog in the front yard needing
rescue. He was a gorgeous husky mix who was
really scared, though not too scared to lick my
face (since I gave him some lunchmeat). Trying
to figure out what to do with him since he had no
tags—with Buddy on the line and the girls and
cats on pins and needles—I suddenly blurted
out, “Maybe he’s my birthday gift from the
Lord!” which really got us all going.
We’d been scrambling because it was late in
the day and the next morning we were off to
Lancaster at the Lord’s invitation to see Joseph.
Due to Buddy’s illness and all the other
trials, we’d spent months a few years back
seeking God as a family about getting man’s best
friend, since we desperately needed a friend in
the flesh. In response, He gave us a wonderful
little beast we’d named Kiwi. But before the year
was up we had to take the breeder’s option on
the contract and return her due to health
concerns which they couldn’t diagnose, just like
it had been with Buddy. As we’d sought the Lord
about getting a dog, He’d walked us through the
animal idolatry enslaving this nation so that we
understood God does not want us spending
loads of money on pets. He gave and He took
away (Job 1:21), ironically with the very thing we
had sought a break from with the dog. We
weren’t even allowed that friend—only Him. And
it was of Him having followed Him through
hoops and loops for months as we sought Him
about getting a dog.
When we first started out as more than just
friends, Buddy gave me a gold charm bracelet
with a cute puffy heart on it which quickly got a
huge dent in it we joked represented my real
heart. I wanted to scan a picture of it in here
since it’s so cute, only I then remembered (on
looking for it) that it was stolen along with my
wedding ring, engagement ring, pearls my mom
gave me from Spain for my wedding, a load of
money, and other valuables, the few we have.
Correction—had. So God just nailed His point:
God has had so many lessons for us, most of
which have been hard. Yet He’s always walked us
through them, making it not quite so hard. He
has a Plan and a work to be done on earth, and
He walks us through Hills and Valleys so that we
learn all we need to know in order to fulfill our
part of that Plan (Neh. 9:19-21). The Kiwi Tour
was about the Follow Me principle as a family—
which is all about letting go in Christ (Matt.
So while we sold most of Kiwi’s stuff, too
painful to keep and knowing we’d never
have another dog again, it then
became thinking we would never
have another dog any time soon,
which then became praying for
one sooner than we imagined
(Eph. 3:20). So here we were on
Cloud Nine with this beautiful
husky mix, if no one claimed him.
He was great with the cats and
walked fine on leash, staying right
next to me, in step, no matter which way
I turned, looking at me for the next nod
letting him know my wishes. Then after our long
walks he was ready to play, and played nice. He
Apparently, however, I’d conveniently given
myself a partial lobotomy because, after a
fabulous night with the one I’d named Beau, the
Lord brought the file labeled Dogs & Microchips
back down from the attic for me. And I just
knew he was too good to be true.
So at 8:30 in the morning I headed off with
my new boyfriend to the closest vet for a scan.
Sure enough, he was Charlie. Beau Charlie.
What a heartbreaker! The Lord gave me a dog
for my birthday only to take him away on my
birthday. He’s SO MEAN to me!
Returning home hearts again flattened by
God’s hammer, while packing to hit the road for
Joseph, feeling myself begin to unflatten, I said,
“I didn’t think we could ever have a dog that
would live up to Kiwi, but He just showed us that
too is possible.” I’d known it was, since all things
are possible with God (Matt. 19:26), but it helps
to be given a visual once in a while—and He’d
given us such a great one!
Hours later in Pennsylvania at the Lord’s
invitation, there was a two second scene in
Joseph. Released from prison, someone was
playing fetch with a dog who was running for it
with great gusto. Beau Charlie!
After dinner and back at the hotel, they gave
me gifts they’d purchased weeks before. Buddy’s
were “wrapped” in plastic grocery bags though
he'd brought wrapping paper with him
which just so happened to have
puppies on it. (The thought does
count since he’d purchased it
before Beau had shown up
needing rescue.) Besides a fanny
pack, he had a two-part gift. A
WORD the Lord had given him
for me that I hadn’t been familiar
with even though I’d read it many
times, but it’s not one God had
impressed upon me—until now:
Is not my word like as a fire? saith the
LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh
the rock in pieces? (Jer. 23:29).
God impressed it
upon me because
part two of Buddy's
gift was a STUBBY
HAMMER made by
Husky to go with
God’s WORD, which
subliminal message
saying, “I knew you’d
like him!”
Neither of us can remember why Buddy had
gotten me a hammer, my guess is so that I’d
leave his alone. And while he hadn’t connected
the dots, Beau Charlie was the husky brand and
as a husky/pitbull mix, he had that stubby look.
He was The Hammer, and Oh so dreamy! Ay
I knew Jesus was saying we’d have another
dog again, just not yet.
The girls’ gifts were a cake from The
Cheesecake Factory (yum yum) and a beautiful
ring with my birthstone, aquamarine. It was a
great birthday! YouTube The Hammer Ray
Pen Names for Times Such as
These. Having asked God to draw me back to
my mom if He needed me to help her, out of
nowhere I got an e-mail from my brother (not
having heard from him in years). He said he’d
separated and was getting divorced. So I
contacted my sister-in-law which led to this and
that so that Buddy and I discerned God wanted
us to step in and help my mom, for a really tough
season that lasted several months. Taking my
mom into our home and working to help get her
into a safe place, I also discerned the Lord
wanted me to clean out and paint her place to
put it on the market since she desperately
needed the money.
So every day, after working on the book, I’d
head to her townhouse for hours of going
through every single item, deciding what to do
with it all. In turn, I came across dozens of
scraps of paper with our names and birthdates
on them, with my name and my daughters’
names crossed off with a vengeance from each
one, and Buddy’s name never even included.
(My guess is either because he’s Black or
Christian, or both, more than that. My mom was
so shallow, because my sister in law is also Black
but she came from money, and is of a lighter
shade!) I also got to see the pictures of their
vacations together and cards of their love for
each other. Love that says I love you but hurts
you, like all lost souls do, as does Christianity
Today (Titus 3:3). I shed plenty of tears at that
townhouse for loads of reasons. Yet Jesus was
constantly ministering to me—like crazy (John
21:25). YouTube Beautiful, Beautiful
Francesca Battistelli.
For example, I’d known my father had published
a book, but I’d forgotten about the unpublished
one. And I hadn’t known he’d had a newspaper
column. And what really shocked me was his pen
name for it, Hermeneutico, as in hermeneutics:
The art of interpreting and expounding text (as
in spelling it out), specifically that of Scripture.
And what was the name of the newspaper? What
else but “News for the Last Hour.”
Apparently, my father had been a satirical
political columnist, comparing government and
politics with the Bible! He defended Jesus and
rebuked western Christianity! What?! And he
had an interesting wit, loaded with sarcasm.
As always, God was seriously messin’ with
my head!
All in all, there are 19 ARTICLES plus the
unpublished book. Here are three sample tidbits.
Del Cristianismo al Icristianismo: I’m
guessing that means from Christianity to antiChristianity (?). Here are the first few lines:
We have seen…that western Christian
culture took the worst from the Jews, the
Greeks, and the Romans. With
Christianity it did something much
uglier—it misrepresented it completely.
Exactly what I've been saying.
Who Crucified Jesus Christ?
There have always been empires and
there have always existed along with
merchants, rich landlords, and rich
priests given over, body and soul, to
imperialism. The Jewish priests were, in
the time of Christ, “henchmen” of
Imperial Rome.
Yes indeed, the Mafia.
The 25th of December:
One ignores the day and month Jesus
was born since there is no document
which tells us. However, more than
likely, (364 probabilities to 1), He was
not born on the 25th of December…So
how did this date become the celebration
of his birth? And why?...The 25th of
December was then the Feast of Winter
Solstice, first celebrated by the Persians,
lovers of the god Mithras…It had nothing
to do with Christianity, but the Church—
which was at that time an annex to
imperialism… decided to celebrate Jesus’
birth on that day.
believe the elders rather than her history of
being a woman of noble character-since it’s so
much more convenient than to have to deal with
leadership gone amuck. But, having placed her
hope in God and having chosen to let others
believe what they would in order to not dishonor
God, she is proven innocent at the last hour by
Daniel who separately questions the two elders
whose stories don’t match.
Part One of my father’s manuscript must be
a satire of the Bible, “A History of Modest
Women and Upright Men, and Others Who
Weren’t Quite so Much,” like every single one of
us (Rom. 3:10). Part Two is “A Message of Love,”
like this book, this series (John 3:16 & Mark
12:30). Part Three, is “Love in Action.” What
God is calling for (1 John 3:18). Part Four, says,
“Where the Author Got Bored of History and
Decided to Tell Lies.” Mightn’t that be sarcasm?
(Matt. 15:16, see NIV & Luke 24:18-19, see NIV).
The chapters include Job and the Divine
Gamble, Abraham and His Descendants, The
Promised Land, The Prophets, and The
Inquisition, to name a few. God calls me to
Again, it appears the Lord is making a Point.
OK, it doesn’t just appear. He is. Get it?
Here’s the rundown of El Leon’s
UNPUBLISHED BOOK, the title of which is
Susan’s Bath. In the New Testament, Susan was
a woman who ministered to Christ (Luke 8:3).
It’s what God’s Lady, His Church, is supposed to
be doing but isn’t because she’s a dirty BRAT,
and therefore needs a bath.
However, coming
background, my father was more than likely
referring to the books of Susanna of the
Apocrypha, which is also interesting. Basically, a
god-fearing woman of noble character is framed
by lewd elders, found guilty because the people
interpret His WORD for others and then has me
find out that my father, who “hated” Him, also
did the same thing, with a twist! What a Head
From Bar Hopping to Church
Hopping. While writing Wake Up! and
dealing with my lost family, deep in the Valley,
taking a break to see Willard Wigan’s artwork
(YouTube Willard Wigan's Tiny World),
the Lord enabled me to see something else,
because it’s all about being able to see tiny little
details others can’t see (Luke 10:23).
Walking the streets of Georgetown to get to
the gallery, I was reminded of the bars I’d
frequented on my First College Tour. The most
popular hole in the wall was either called The
Room Upstairs or The Upper Room (Acts 1:1314). The second most frequented was called The
Fish Market (Mark 1:17). And the third one was
none other than The Library (Eccl. 1:13)—
homeschool mom’s home away from home!
There was one other place I really liked but
didn’t frequent as much since it was pricey, but
also appropriately named, Blues Alley (Ps. 6:6).
And because of the play on words, while I
was having that little revelation, I was also
reminded of some of the words El Leon had
taught me for our Scrabble games—apparently
the favorite game of both El Leon and the Lion
of Judah (Rev. 5:5). I’m sure he taught me other
words, but for Some reason these are the only
ones I remember: oxen, zealot, and Zion. And
he’d get super excited whenever I played them,
especially Zion, even though it shouldn’t even
have been allowed.
I can’t wait to hang out with Jesus in person!
He’s so much fun!
Despised and Forgotten. My mom
always called me by my sister’s name—more
than most moms do their children. For instance,
she even wrote it on the card she gave me for my
wedding! So while I’m working like crazy for my
family and the Mafia—doing what my brethren
should have done having been granted the
responsibility (in both cases), my mom made a
cold (typical for her) comment about me, the
lowlife, as compared to my sister, “the one who
works” and who took advantage of her
financially during her entire adult life! (2 Sam.
19:6). YouTube Marty Stuart and Vince
Gill Rank Strangers.
While my mom forgets my name, she always
remembers to hammer me, even with
Alzheimer’s! So as I’m wallowing in Blues Alley,
stopped at the light, my wet eyelashes snagged
on the truck next to me which had the Husky
tools logo and slogan. I hadn’t noticed their
slogan when I got my stubby hammer. “The
Toughest Name in Tools.” Tough, because He’s a
WARRIOR (Rev. 19:11-21) who’s building an
ARMY (2 Tim. 2:3) since we’re at WAR (Eph.
6:12), gearing up for the BIGGEST BATTLE OF
ALL TIME (Matt. 24:21).
When we first moved back to Maryland, God
helped me get over my mom forgetting my
name. The girls were playing piano in a nursing
home while I visited patients. Suddenly this lady
panicked because she couldn’t remember her
own name. Not knowing what to do or say, I
gently squeezed her arm and said, “It’s OK. God
remembers your name.” Instantly calming down,
she says, “That’s right. GOD KNOWS MY
NAME,” and walked off mumbling to herself.
And it’s true (Ps. 27:10). It DOESN’T MATTER if
my mother, or anyone, knows my name, or
hammers me flat as a pancake. Thin is good.
But I had to break with my family again
(Deut. 5:32) because as antichrists they’re pretty
hurtful, and the BRAT is hurtful enough thank
you very much! No one seems to realize they’re
UNDER CONTRACT (Job 1:6; Isa. 54:16-17).
And my contract requires that I Plug the Hole in
the Cup (Ps. 23:5), so there’s just “no time for
losers.” YouTube Fill My Cup Cece Winans.
A Light through the Fog. Since we
have an exceptional Commander, He always lets
us know what’s coming up, like I did for my baby
with the hospital (Amos 3:7). But sometimes you
don’t realize He’d been warning you until you’re
walking in it, then His WORD resounds from the
attic, like it did for Peter. Having walked in it,
the Gong went off (Matt. 26:75).
was about. Yet that I was prepared for because
I’d turned it over to my Friend with the Basket—
the One holding me—a bonsai vine.
I’d initially written a section called
Friendship Baskets and Eggs about how the
Lord owns the Basket. Jesus is our Friend, and
anyone who has ever tried to be a real friend to
anyone knows that true friendship endures all.
Jesus endured hostility from the Father and
from us, for us (John 15:15). Likewise, we are
called to endure hostility and difficulties for
Him—trusting that, as our Friend, He has a good
and holy purpose in allowing every turn of
hardship (James 1:2-4; Prov. 27:6; Rom. 8:28).
His Basket is full of goodies So even though
some look pretty rotten, those eggs are the gems
in the Basket—like the ugly duckling, funky little
guy who became a swan.
In the ER, Buddy didn’t know who I was,
who he was, where he was—NOTHING.
Everything about him, when he was ‘alert’ was as
if he was extremely psychotic and in a great deal
of physical pain. Attached to medical gear, he
kept trying to leave so I held him down so that
the smocks wouldn’t have to get “the runner”
and make it harder on him. And that turned out
to be prep work for a year into the future when
the Titanic would show up—the runner.
YouTube You Don’t Have to Hide Joy
Having written that section, the next day
after our Bible study, I left Buddy working in the
yard. Back an hour later I found him twisted on
the ground mumbling, “Everything’s messed
up.” With effort, I got him to stand up and come
inside where I had to pull a chair out, place it
under him, and push him down, so he could sit.
After more mumbling and spitting up, he zoned
out then came back. It was like He was catatonic,
then comatose, then psychotic, back and forth,
getting increasingly more agitated. Calling for
the girls, I had one call 911 and the other get a
vomit bucket and the hospital bag together,
while I struggled to contain and understand
Buddy. Then he started shaking his arms and I
thought, ‘Oh! How wonderful! He’s gonna have a
seizure and I didn’t do my homework! LORD!
Home from the hospital, I did my homework
and quickly remembered I had done it, but I’d
stopped. Called to walk by faith, reading about
seizures and neurosarcoidosis along with
everything else, was more than I could handle at
the time. It made me focus by sight, so I’d turned
it over to my Friend and left it there (1 Pet. 5:7).
All my eggs are in His Basket. So I didn’t know
what to do in a seizure. Yet even if I’d done more
homework I would not have been better
prepared to walk through the mind war this Ride
When the doctor finally came, she put things
in a way I could easily understand. She said,
It was an extreme diagnosis placed in simple
layman’s terms, without watering it down. She
should host a conference for pastors! Nothing
else need be said. Only "he’s" becomes you’re.
The whole thing lasted for hours. And since
the doctors weren’t telling me anything, I was
thinking his brain was fried for good. It was like
other times when I’ve followed the ambulance
contemplating burying
him alone and
continuing this lovely Ride without my
backbone. Picturing our future as such, I was yet
keeping it together until a nurse suggested I call
someone. Having to say, “There is no one,” put a
crack in my dam. YouTube He Will Carry
Me Mark Schultz.
Scrambling for putty, the Lord reminded me
of the verse I’d read aloud that morning in our
Bible study enabling me to place some in the
crack. We’d read Deuteronomy 28 about the
blessings and curses for God’s people should
they obey or disobey, and my reading had fallen
on the section with this verse, which I now
keenly felt:
Thy heaven that is over thy head shall be
brass, and the earth that is under thee
shall be iron (Deut. 28:23).
There’s a scene in Star Wars (1977) where the
guy is trapped in a room of steel walls, and those
walls start moving in to crush him, like the
movie we’d seen the night before. So I found
myself asking God, again, ‘What have I done to
offend You SO much?’ (Ps. 44:9-26). Yet, as a
close friend, asking Him such a question, a flood
of sins you’ve committed come up on you like a
tsunami! (Rom. 3:10). YouTube Audio
Adrenaline Ocean Floor.
Exhausted, I heard Stuart McAllister
shouting at me down the Corridor, “If God’s
going to use you greatly, it’s going to feel like HE
HATES YOUR GUTS!” And Bill Bean, “You’re
like God’s punching bag!” Echoes that moved me
to say to Him, “OK, I know that however this
one ends, you’ll walk us through it. I get it. It’s
just part of The Package,” The Scapegoat
Package (Lev. 16:10). YouTube I Need You
Now Smokey Norful.
Though God seemed a million miles away, I
could still see His hand and hear His voice
through that prophetic déjà vu aspect of His as I
walked through the series of events, like with the
movie from the night before, House of Sand
and Fog (2003), different scenes playing out
before me.
Then, four hours into it—royally spent—
Buddy suddenly looks at me, sees me, and says,
“Where am I? Where are the girls?”
He was released on our 21st wedding
anniversary, two days before Thanksgiving. And
we were very thankful to be home and not
commuting to Baltimore where he’d been
transferred. But we were on high alert again
days later. So, frustrated with the Commander
that we now have to live at Defcon 1, every day,
He reminded me of His admonition to ‘watch
and pray’ (Luke 21:36). He meant for us to
always live on high alert. Yet the born again
have been living so far below the Calling, for so
long, that it looks and feels like Foes are
winning. YouTube The Anchor Holds Ray
Duplicified. Home from spelunking in
the Valley a different season, we watched
Duplicity (2009) where a man and woman
dupe each other constantly, the Man more so
than the woman, even though they love each
other (Rom. 8:28). Towards the end, she
expresses her frustration, echoing my heartache,
saying something like this through my tears, ‘Do
you know how FRUSTRATING it is that you’re
the ONLY Man who understands me and who
could ever understand me?’ And He replies
something like, ‘You know EXACTLY how I am,
and you still love me!’ Like isn't that just so
wonderful, which is what Jesus was saying to
me. And it’s true, I do. Only I was struggling
with it just then (Matt. 27:46).
And the thing is, all elect need to get to
know exactly how He is (Isa. 45:7; John 10:30),
and still LOVE Him (Mark 12:30).
For example, David Jeremiah preached
about a married couple who'd had a huge fight,
so that Martha stormed off. But before storming
out she wrote DEAR
HENRY leaving the
note on the fridge.
We’ve all been there,
even worse because
we’re more like Job’s
wife. It’s only as we
get to know Jesus
well that we become like Job (Job 2:8-10).
The Man & Woman of Sorrows.
During a season of many trials, God met me
every which way I turned with several events
following a Game of Temper Temper, which He’s
not really into but humors me (1 John 1:9) since
I play Scrabble with Him (Jer. 29:13). So during
this season one of the girls had a recital during
which someone did an aria. It’s the Lord singing
to His Fiancée—us, the cold-hearted morons—to
whom I/we provide an echo. YouTube Caro
Mio Ben (My Dear Beloved). Uploaded by
Beau Davidson.
Another time one of the girls had to attend a
performance at the college, and since she didn’t
drive yet I also had to attend. Scanning the
program, it was obvious the Lord was about to
put on the Show. Like worship music during
Christianity Today’s services, the words to His
title cut were few and repetitive (baby food
compared to the hymns He’s provided), but this
at least had a great beat and decent set of male
dancers. The words? Don’t take it personal, I
need this as much as you do (1 Sam. 8:7).
Here are most of the dances from the
Every Great Man Needs a Woman
Follow the Leader
Guarded in Love
Broken Prayers
Words of Wisdom
We’re Back
Take special note of that last number.
Watching the program, I was reminded of a
dance we’d seen on YouTube (John 14:26)—a
great visual of the Man and woman of sorrows—
the betrothed—both hurt, yet making it work. In
the first few seconds Ma Li gives us her rendition
of Temper Temper. YouTube She without
arm, he without leg - ballet - Hand in
Hand. Uploaded by semjase76.
A week later the girls had their ballet recital.
1. Breathe Sixpence None the Richer
2. Beauty & The Beast Celine Dion &
Peabo Bryson with lyrics
This last one worked for me when I was younger.
Now it’s just inner beauty (Mark 12:30) and the
Beast (Isa. 45:7). At least there’s more beauty
here than there is with Christianity Today—the
BRAT—and how SICK is that! (1 Pet. 1:22).
Telling us about their day backstage, my
eldest was saying how this mom came up
afterwards choking back the tears saying, “It was
so…sniff, sniff…I don’t know what to say, it was
so…beeeauuutiful!” My daughter was beaming.
I’d reminded them for years that this is part of
God’s calling on their lives but they struggled
believing it (small wonder). Yet she finally got a
glimpse of it. So as she’s taking it in, I said,
“That’s what the Lord’s going to do, make them
bawl like little babies! It’ll be GREAT!” I meant
pastors bawling like babies, great because people
DESPERATELY need the truth! (Prov. 25:25).
But, since then, the orthopedic surgeon told this
daughter she would never again be able to
dance—and she bought it. And the other one’s no
longer dancing either. YouTube He Who
Began A Good Work In You Steve Green.
Here's the thing. We can’t believe what
people say to us unless they’re speaking for God
(1 Pet. 4:11). If I believed the voices which
contradict God’s WORD and His will for my life,
I would be brain dead from lithium and
psychobabble, our family would be zombie
IOWA, my husband would be six feet under, just
as Jesus would be! Except He is risen! YouTube
God's Not Dead Newsboys.
A Roman Holiday. I knew God had
invited me to Lancaster to teach me something
through the show, Joseph, but it was actually
more through the trip itself. The ministry of the
Holy Spirit is all about proclaiming God’s
WORD by any means necessary, which He has
no problem doing on His own. However, He
wants us to join Him in His work, and while
many have, Christianity Today has been doing
this without His anointing, giving everyone a
cheap imitation so that going to Lancaster made
me think of how Luther must have felt on his
trip to Rome (2 Cor. 11:13-15). And I heard God
speak about the shakedown He’s about to make
since no one likes change, so obvious with the
Amish (Rev. 18:4). Again, Morning Glory
(2010) makes the point. It’s what God is doing
with my ministry (Isa. 42:9), providing a fresh
presentation of Himself, not changed, but not
stale either (Ps. 96). And it requires change since
we’ve bought into so many lies and have again
commercialized Him like the Jews did (Matt.
21:13), and like Catholics.
Roman Holiday (1953) parallels things,
as does the Princes Diaries (2001). There’s
this reluctant princess (the BRAT/you/me)
who’d rather live for Herself. But she finally
realizes that this is her calling, and that by
stepping into it she can work with other people
who are wiser than her so that—together (Eph.
5:21)—they can make a positive change in the
world, benefitting everyone. It's quite the
fairytale (Isa. 46:10).
The Show. There are other places like
Sight & Sound for which God has raised up
believers. However presently un-anointed,
they’re skilled in the performing arts and
interested in using their talents and gifts for His
service. Therefore, as I watched and winced with
the inappropriately loud music (trying to make
up for the lack of anointing, like every Sunday in
the churches), viewing the great scenery and
seeing God’s WORD come to life—though
tragically twisted in places—it struck me how
grand a performance it will be when these
people are anointed by God. No more too loud
music, twisted Scripture, focus on worldliness
rather than purity and issues of the heart, or
empty calls to salvation (Ps. 115:11-13).
same breed as the one I bought on a whim
during my First College Tour so that my
lobotomized brain got her killed. God granted
me the opportunity for full redemption. Imagine
that (1 Pet. 2:24). While we got her from
Craigslist, she was very much a rescue in need of
TLC. And she kept my symptoms in check by
getting me off the computer. And, for that, God
provided a 200 acre wood up the road—double
what Winnie got—and an even bigger one down
the road. YouTube Smellin’ Coffee Chris
While we’d thought Nilly was provided to
help our daughter, she was obviously mostly for
me. I couldn’t move an inch without her
standing at attention ready to go (Matt. 4:19).
And Eskies are watchdogs (Ezek. 3:17). For
example, during my First College Tour, my six
foot four body building boyfriend, upon hearing
my little puppy bark, took a whole half second to
get on top of the roof of my car! YouTube
Courageous Casting Crowns. (In his
defence, they do have quite the bark.)
And what's with all that tacky "gold" on
"Christian" programs? Answer: Satan, the copy
cat, because the fake version is always tacky
compared to the real thing (Rev. 13:3). Yet, like
pleather and cubits zirconia, copy cats have a
decent number of followers.
But, she too, was only for a season. And
that’s part of the Lesson for all, everything and
everyone in this life is only for a season so we
should really learn to appreciate those moments,
in other words, every day. YouTube Smokie
Norful Still Say, Thank You.
A Little Vanilla for My Cup o' Jo.
The AquaMarines. The ring the girls
gave me for my birthday looks like an
engagement ring, and it ties in to what the Lord
is saying to His very frosty Fiancée. There were
two men I met in Georgetown’s Upper Room
who stand out. And while I’ve said plenty about
The Navy, I’ve said nothing about The Marines.
But first there’s a word about the Coast Guard—
because it’s all about TO SERVE & PROTECT (1
Pet. 5:1-3; John 15:13).
More than a year after Beau Charlie and the
Tour through Lancaster, my girl decided to take
classes on-line to stay out of Sodom and
Gomorrah. But she quickly found herself too
isolated so that we knew it was time to seek God
about a dog again. Yet looking into the pounds
and adoption agencies—with their 10 page
adoption forms and procedures—Buddy and I
both said, If it’s God’s will for us to have a dog
we won’t have to sell our souls to get one! So
days later we had a one year old from Craigslist,
again with the Lord’s twists to it.
Another Arctic Blast on the Road up ahead,
as there have been, no problem. As an American
Eskimo, Nilla (Vanilla) thrives in iceberg
conditions. Equipped for blizzards, she’s the
Visiting my sister on my First College Tour, I
was on the computer when she came in from her
Coast Guard duty. Exhausted, she left a trail of
gear leading to her room. Then just five minutes
later, she bolted out the door and haphazardly
grabbed her stuff to head back to base. Stunned,
watching her, it then hit me that she'd slept for
five minutes and woken up programmed for
duty. Exhausted—yet ready to serve (Mark
Likewise, The Marines was official grade
USMC, as in SOLID ROCK (1 Cor. 10:4) and all
about serving (John 13:1-17). While I got clear
Dump the Guy glances from the girls because of
his southern accent. Unlike them, we hadn’t
been drinking. That's not to say I didn’t go there,
since lost girls do. YouTube I Used To Do It
Too Lecrae.
picked Army of a few good ‘men.’ He’s making
an Army of AquaMarines—few in comparison to
the number that are on the broad way to
destruction (Matt. 7:14), and proud, only of
Christ (Ps. 34:2; 2 Tim. 4:7-8). YouTube
Declaration (This Is It!) Kirk Franklin.
This one’s just for fun. Well, not just. Think
it through (2 Cor. 10:5). YouTube Best Blue
Angels Music Video: Pump Up The
Angels. Uploaded by tuvix72.
However, The Marines made the wreck that
I was, stand out all the more as a wreck.
Knowing he was way too good for me and that
hurting him was all I could really do for him, for
once I did the right thing for the right reason
and did it right away. God protected him from
me while using him to draw me closer to Him as
he pointed to the more excellent way (1 Cor.
12:31) since good guys like that simply don’t
grow on trees without Someone’s help (Rom.
Connecting all the dots with the birthday
ring, aqua means water, as in what the
Coastguard must jump into on a regular basis no
matter how ice cold that water might be—and it
is! While not too big a deal if you just stick your
toe in, as Christianity Today does living Her
surface-level mindless life, if you jump in all the
way you find out—real fast—how iceberg cold it
actually is. Think Titanic. And marine is Semper
Fi, as in the Too Good to Hurt Guy (1 Pet. 2:22).
The ‘engagement’ ring my girls gave me is really
(spiritually) all about God’s love and His calling
on my life (Eph. 4:1). Because AquaMarine is
what the Too Good to Hurt Guy is calling from
all of us. Either dump Him ASAP or love Him
with all you’ve got (Mark 12:30; Josh. 24:15),
but for God’s sake, STOP STABBING HIM IN
THE BACK! (Isa. 53:5). There are more than
enough enemy soldiers to fulfill that calling!
(Matt. 7:13-14).
In the same way that members of the armed
services have been used to inspire me along the
way, God is using His testimony through my life
to inspire the more excellent way in His hand75
Part 2
A Confirmation
Let all those that seek thee rejoice and
be glad in thee: and let such as love
thy salvation say continually, Let God
be magnified. — Psalm 70:4
God’s WORD is a Feast
While working on the Table for Two, the Lord
brought a movie to mind I’d seen the summer of
my transition from B.C. to A.D—Babette’s
Feast (1988). Back then I had no idea it had
anything to do with God, but as soon as He
brought it to mind again, I saw a picture of
Christianity Today. Horrendously dry and weird
(2 Cor. 10:5), it's God's view of His Church (Rev.
Watch it with the English subtitles turned
on. Watch, listen, and read. If you know the
other languages, watch it in all of them while
also reading. God has something to say through
all of it. The movie is about how a chef knocks
herself out coordinating every course of a meal
to all but one oblivious dinner guest. Every
morsel the chef planned to go into their mouths
had been perfectly orchestrated so that with
every bite the one took (the one who wasn’t
oblivious), he was increasingly awakened to the
mastery of the meal so that he was amazed that
no one else was aware of it. And that’s been my
life for nearly two decades!
However, the Executive Chef’s ultimate goal
and desire is that everyone at the Table take in
every morsel for all its worth, because the one
who did know this was a special meal, devouring
it as such, was at a loss not having the fellowship
that would have made the meal what it was
meant to be. Though fit for royalty, the guests
are royally asleep. And that’s exactly how it is as
I enjoy God’s delicacies at the Table surrounded
by the Oblivious Ones! (1 Peter 2:9-12).
Since the Lord led me to believe He had
called me to write the book for my former
acquaintance, Sara, looking on the web for a
picture to insert in the book for her concerning
the movie, I found a blurb that read something
like this:
A story about two pious sisters…a meal
fit for royalty in commemoration of a
Father, prepared by a devoted maid
with a mysterious past, prepared for
the “lucky” few.
In awe of Him, I clicked on another blurb and
read that the movie was ‘enough to make a man
re-evaluate his life’ and thought of many ratty
pastors who need to do just that. The Lord was
obviously saying Follow Me. So I did, and ended
up watching the movie dozens of times, and I’m
sure that if I watched it again, He’d still show me
more! (John 21:25).
This movie represents the personal
relationship we each have with the Lord as well
as the relationship the Church, His Fiancée, has
with Him. As with the Bible, each individual will
see him or herself in more than one of the
characters, and will also see the Lord in more
than one of the characters—provided you’re not
still asleep. And the closer you walk with Him,
the more you’ll see—the more confusing it is to
write about!
The Cast—
If you’re elect, Jesus is the lover of your soul
(Song. 5:2). Humbly watch the movie with faith
in God, and let Him minister to you in that
manifold way of His (Ps. 104:24).
The Father/Pastor. Representing the
antichrist as well as Christianity Today’s leaders,
this man has his own sect (a denomination) and
Christianity Today worships and fears him more
than Jesus (Rev. 13:3), the One they profess to
love. [This reveals itself clearest through the
Alex Jones documentaries. While these people
are more awake than most Christians to what's
going on in the world (and are more active), like
the rest they seem oblivious to the fact that Jesus
is stronger than Satan (1 John 4:4).] This man is
cold, self-centered, arrogant, condescending,
and downright wicked. He loves praise from
men (Mark 12:38-40). As pastor, he keeps his
daughters (elect church-goers) to himself rather
than letting them grow as they were meant to
develop. In fact, they’re not his daughters at all
(John 10:11), but his only on loan since he
represents the prince/ruler of this world (John
14:30) and human pastors (Eph. 4:11). He joins
hands with the Catholic (Rev. 2:20) though he
named his daughters after reformers—a good lie
(2 Cor. 11:14). Since he can’t get into heaven, he
likes trying to keep others from getting in (Matt.
23:15), and gets a kick out of breaking hearts.
Church leaders do the same as they turn a blind
eye to sin and corruption in the Church and do it
themselves (Rom. 1:32; Prov. 4:17).
Lorens Lowenhielm. Representing
Church leaders, he disgraces the uniform he
wears and the One it represents (Rom. 2:24).
He's immature, reckless, thoughtless, brutish,
ungrateful, self-centered, and exceedingly
irresponsible, in uniform. Notice the response he
gives his friend (who acts as prophet), when he
gives him sound friendly advice at the table (Ps.
73:22). It’s how pastors respond to God as He
has people like me speak to them. Self-absorbed,
he builds his life on himself, having bought into
God as only a god who enables him to
manipulate circumstances and people for his
own gain and glory (Phil. 2:21).
As Jesus, Lorens kept coming for services
just as the Lord has kept visiting His House
since the Reformation. Yet with each visit He
becomes increasingly less significant, which
happens very quickly. He ‘realizes’ that Satan is
“the benefactor,” since he’s the ruler of this
world which includes God’s Church for a season
(Rev. 13:3)—all under the Father’s oversight
(Isa. 46:10). Being an officer and a gentleman,
He stepped aside and allowed His Beloved to
have an affair with the antichrist, accepting the
will of His superior (the Father), and Hers.
But since God is immeasurably
merciful to those who don’t deserve
60:10), in saying that He’s leaving to
life “beyond the mountain and the
means two things:
good and
it/us (Isa.
spend His
sea,” God
Until we are united with Christ at the
last trump (1 Thess. 4:15-17); and,
2. Until we see Him again in a fresh
outpouring as His body dines with Him
at the Table following this revelation
and genuine repentance (Matt. 23:39)—
the latter day rain (Ps. 72:2-6).
Achille Papin. Papin/Jesus longs for
more even though He has it all (John 16:15), like
Adam before Eve (Gen. 2:18). So when He
discovers Philippa He thanks the Father for
Her—longing to make Her a lady, the Lady. He
knows that ‘love will unite them’ since God is
love (1 John 4:8). Yet out of fear, and lacking
faith, She rejects Him! (Calvin Miller’s A
Requiem for Love is useful here.)
This rejection leaves Papin/God without His
highest voice on earth—the one with legs to carry
around the Good News (Rom. 10:15), and hands
by which to minister to people (Matt. 25:45), as
well as a mouth by which to speak words of
wisdom (Luke 6:45). Instead, the main voice
heard in the land/world is the pastor’s (the
antichrist's). That voice and image of God is the
primary one that exists today—a cold, selfcentered, shallow, and wicked version of the
Truth (Rev. 13:3; John 14:6).
However, God has His more subtle voice on
earth, that of His Holy Spirit, also played by
Papin, who works things out among the
brethren, God’s body, throughout the world
(John 16:13-14). In many languages Papa means
father, and Papi, Daddy, which sure looks like
Papin—Abba (Gal. 4:6). YouTube Children of
the Living God Fernando Ortega.
Achille Papin also represents our Achilles
heel, which refers to one’s vulnerable spot. The
Holy Spirit is that because we can’t see Him. So
rather than fear God, we fear men—are more
concerned with what men think of us—since we
can see them. Yet men can kill us, which isn’t
even what we fear. Rather, we fear they’ll make
fun of us! Boo hoo hoo. When God, who we
should fear (Luke 12:5)—we don’t fear. And He’s
sure enough making fun of us! (Ps. 2:4).
you a la BRAT (Titus 3:3). Yet, like her sister,
she won’t grasp the depths of it until dining at
the Table on the Manna prepared by the Chef’s
right hand, Babette. Even then it takes her a
The Sisters. Notice the level of love
As the soprano, Philippa is Jesus’ highest
voice on earth yet she ends up singing only
among her little group of carnal unbelieving
‘believers’ whose increasing quarrels eventually
completely drown out the Spirit of God.
expressed as they respond to the maid who
drops the tray (1 Cor. 13:4-7, see NIV). None.
The sisters represent the myriads of elect
and non-elect who have been raised on the
Paved Road and taken leadership roles because
they have a family history in ministry, they’ve
been around longer than others, and/or they’ve
gone to seminary. In contrast, the biblical way
for appointing/becoming a Church leader is by
way of prayer, fasting, God’s leading, and
selecting out of those who are obviously filled
with the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:15-26 & 6:1-3). So
while God also calls people directly as with
Saul/Paul, that’s less common (Acts 9), and yet,
it’s what He does with all whom He calls into
Church leadership (Heb. 5:4). However,
Saul/Paul’s calling was more drastic since he
would be used in much greater measure. In any
case, it’s not time, contacts, heritage, education,
skill, self-appointment, or voting, as the BRAT is
in the habit of doing (1 Tim. 3:1-13).
Martina thinks she has it all, except now and
then she gets pangs of doubt. So blind, she didn’t
discern the lover of her soul—her soulmate—was
wooing her for an entire season. Only when he
leaves, does she realize someone special is gone.
Having been insensitive to Him, she's left
spending her whole life going through the
motions of good works, rather than actually
‘living’ and fulfilling her calling (Luke 7:30).
Even as they clear the table in the end, she’s still
very slow to grasp it.
Philippa did the same, turning the Lover of
Her Soul away too afraid to trust Him. (He does
come on strong!) Later she realizes no one would
ever love her as He did. Like her sister, she
rejected the most important Man of her life.
Notice her face as this dawns on her while
knitting at the table. And check out the look she
gives her ‘beloved’ father/pastor. There’s love for
Both sisters spend their time and funds
doing “good” works, ritualistic praying, reading
things other than the Bible, and idolizing the
antichrist (Rev. 13:3). In turn, their relationship
with God and others is brittle. Notice Martina’s
face as she “ministers” to Christopher while
Philippa “ministers” by the window, and listen to
the dry nothings they say. That’s Sunday
morning all across America—for the most part—
and among Christian groups throughout the
week (Rev. 3:1).
And it’s the same among the lost. While
Americans reject God they constantly talk about
praying and spirituality hardly listening to what
they’re even saying, and which doesn't make
sense, as they go with the idiotic flow (Matt.
7:13), pretending the emperor's not naked in his
“new” clothes.
Babette. Having suffered brutally,
Babette is helped by Achille Papin/the Holy
Spirit who leads her to the Sisters/Christianity
Today. Check out the look on her face when they
open the door and she stands in the Storm (Eph.
6:12). That’s life on the Dirt Road for billions
today, and they get the same reception. They’re
left standing there!
“Believers” don’t know what to do with
people like Babette who aren’t exactly like them,
since they live their lives in the Country Club.
Not knowing Love (1 John 4:8), they don’t know
how to love. They’re shallow, self-centered, and
downright ignorant. Though given a Mission
(Matt. 28:19-20), the Sisters just stare at her
even though she’s ready to pass out. Then,
finally having let her in, they don’t know what to
do. While Babette was discouraged to the point
of having suicidal thoughts, it does nothing for
them. Only when assured she’d work for them
FOR FREE, do they “accept” her. Other than one
wipe of the brow and a cup of tea, they never
comfort or encourage her even though they
know her whole family’s been killed and that
she’s lost everything. These cold, deadbeat
Sisters make room for her as their servant,
keeping her at a distance. They never even
consider that as a daughter of the King she was
there for a higher purpose and had gifts to offer
their little group since that’s what the trials were
for (1 Cor. 1:27-29). It never crossed their minds.
Not in the habit of reading God's WORD, they
can’t connect even the preschool dots.
They don’t even consider her to be a
daughter of their King. She’s an outsider, and
their servant, so they talk down to her as if she
has brain damage, as when they ‘teach’ her how
to “cook.” Yet she's an expert at her trade,
something they obviously know NOTHING
about (1 Tim. 1:7). It’s exactly how it is in the
churches, unless you’re a member there and in
the “in” group lobotomized to their level, you’re
not considered to be right with God. Only thing
is, they have it backwards.
As they enjoy the benefits of Babette’s
culinary gifts, rather than learn from her and
enrich each other’s lives, they stifle her (1 Thess.
5:19-21; Eph. 4:11-12).
So while her new life is dry and empty,
Babette would rather work for zero wages in a
land that barely befriends the Lord’s commands
or her, than “dwell in the tents of the wicked”
(Ps. 84:10). It’s the lesser of the two evils.
Knowing this well, she lives a meager fraction of
the life she could have if only the Sisters were
real. Contemplating her plight, tears in her eyes,
she sits alone year after year after year after year
times three plus more, while it rains. Yet the
Shepherd allows her to see Him now and then
(as He walks by her window), letting her know
He is tending His pasture (Matt. 16:18).
Encouraged and empowered at the slightest
sight of Him, she consistently presses on (Phil.
Frugal and discerning servant of God,
everything and everyone she encounters is
enriched as she makes the most of the resources
God provides her (Ps. 1). Even before the feast
they all knew she cooked a thousand times better
than the Sisters, but no one encouraged that or
bothered to find out about it. Nothing. Yet
knowing how the world works (Isa. 57:20), and
that God is watching (Heb. 11:6) Babette does
whatever needs doing (Col. 3:23-24; 1 Cor.
15:58), while living as an outsider among them,
eating her lunch all by herself year after year.
Therefore, after 14 years, she is still an
outsider because they worship the wrong Christ,
the anti one (Rev. 13:3). Not quite like them,
they consider her only good for the blessings she
provides. So even though they’ve known her for
years and she’s obviously been a blessing to all of
them, accustomed to eating slop, they fear she is
a witch when she prepares the feast (Matt. 9:34;
Luke 11:19-20). Yet had they actually known
Love, they would not have feared (1 John 4:18).
Supplied continuously through God’s
Creation as she lives shrewdly (James 1:17), and
then as the lottery winner, she spends all she
has—money, time, energy, and talent—serving
others out of love for God and for His honor
(Mark 12:28-31), having been told by Papin/the
Holy Spirit, that in doing so she fulfills her
destiny (Eph. 2:10). He has told her, and she
understands, that He is aware when she gives
her all and that her labor is not in vain (Matt.
16:27). Learning from Him (Matt. 11:29) and
serving Him (Mark 12:30), she does whatever it
takes in lowly service to accomplish His will for
His glory (Col. 3:22-24)—even if it means giving
her very last penny and ounce of energy (Mark
Walking closely with God, she’s straight on
the fact that she too is a sinner, and can,
therefore, readily forgive others, revealing this
when she’s told that a general will be among the
guests (Matt. 6:15). Walking in the Spirit, she
only takes a second to make up her mind to
serve him for God’s honor and glory, as she
states in the last lines of the movie (Rom. 12:14).
She goes all out serving the general (the one
responsible for all her loss) knowing it pleases
Papin/her Father (Col. 3:23; Matt. 6:15).
Through the General’s story about the Café
Anglais, we’re told that the only one who
Gallifet/Satan would risk his life for is a certain
Chef, Babette. While having ruined her life, he
wants her for the goods she provides. As the
Bride personified, both generals fight over her,
Christ and the antichrist. She’s a key player. And
we’re informed at the Table why. The General
says that the pastor’s sermons (the Bible) are
among the Queen’s favorite readings—which is
why they both want her. Babette is the Bride/the
Queen personified. And both generals know the
power of God’s WORD (2 Tim. 3:16-17; Gen. 3:1)
and that this woman genuinely values it making
her a key player.
As the Queen, God’s elect will learn to do the
same and start porking out like Maya/me, one
who, like Babette, also represents the Queen, La
Reina. Looking up Babette’s name in Hebrew, I
was informed that it means my God is oath; my
God is satisfaction; my God is a vow. The
Christian has had an oath made to them by God,
an oath which fully satisfies—a vow we must
keep to be fully satisfied. So Babette is fully
satisfied in the end, even though she has nothing
material left and has completely worn herself
out. She knows she has done her best and knows
Papin/Abba knows this as well and appreciates it
(Matt. 6:4). And she explains to the very slow
Sisters how there can be no greater joy.
There’s a movie about our covenant with Christ,
the Bride waiting for Her Bridegroom while the
war rages, Cold Mountain (2003). I wrestled
with it for months because of the rated X scene
following the most important point about the
relationship—I love you I love you I love you I
love you. I watched it without access to
ClearPlay and was shocked since I’d never seen
anything that graphic on screen (Jer. 8:12). I
know God used it to help Ken & Co. trip up (Isa.
66:4; Rom. 8:28). Still, the way they waited and
longed for each other, hanging on to the hope of
a future together—against all hope—got them
through the trials. That’s what it’s all about.
However, the older movie, It Happened One
Night (1939), is the one to watch. It’s also very
appropriate for the BRAT on this issue, and
quite the contrast—similar point in G rating
rather than today’s R rating which is really rated
X. Listen to what the Father wants to do to the
BRAT in the very first scene. Ha! YouTube
Alison Krauss & Sting You Will Be My Ain
True Love.
The Congregation. These are shallow,
mindless, idolaters of the pastor/antichrist. They
recite God’s WORD giving pastor the credit for it
rather than God, the Author. Neither do they
know the depth of meaning behind the words
they say, because Satan—that Great Deceiver—
loves to use God’s WORD (Matt. 4:5-6), and has
adeptly made these people not only ineffective
but deaf, dumb, and blind (Rev. 2 & 3). And God
has allowed it to help them see what they’re
about, like He did with Adam and Eve (Gen. 3;
Prov. 24:12). While they think very highly of
themselves as the “true faithful,” they have
actually been EXTREMELY lazy, cold, and selfcentered—unfaithful. After years of meeting
together, they still talk about the very basics of
the faith, not even getting that right, and look to
human leadership rather than Almighty God for
direction. Like Christianity Today, the
congregation is so brainwashed by Satan that
they care more about dishonoring their pastor
than about dishonoring their Lord (John 5:44 &
12:42). Christians focus more on that the pastor
preaches rather than on what he preaches.
Naturally, in time, members of the
congregation show their true carnal colors.
When held accountable for their sins, their
hearts are cold and unrepentant (Mark 6:52).
And since they’re idolaters, they confuse God’s
goodness with Satan’s wickedness and vice versa
(Isa. 5:20). They lack love, grace, and
discernment, yet call themselves the “true
faithful” since they attend services (Isa. 1:14).
They’re that shallow. Instead of repenting, they
play The Blame Game for their adulterous affair,
and are severely divided (Gal. 5:15). True, God
forgives us based on Jesus’ work on the cross,
yet repentance and acts of faith are required
(Rev. 22:14; James 2). YouTube Who I Am
Hates Who I've Been Relient K.
However, as they dine at the Table (John
6:55) and drink (1 Cor. 11:17-32) what the Chef
has prepared for them (equivalent to these books
since they’re loaded with God’s WORD), their
hearts are softened and they start correctly
thinking of others as more important than
themselves (Mark 12:31). Yet you still see lying
influences lingering as one tells Christopher,
who is obviously slow, “You’re so intelligent,
Christopher.” Nice? True? No! Because lies
honor the Liar (John 8:44). A positive statement
isn’t necessarily noble. Rather, the comment as
they leave, “Christopher, you’re a prince,” is true
since every Christian is a child of the King,
therefore, a prince or princess, making this
comment both true and encouraging (1 John
1:7), and one which honors the King.
Lottery Winners. Unlike Moses,
Martin Luther and Fanny Crosby, there are
lottery winners we don’t yet know by name, but
who we’ll get to know quite well over the next
trillion years. We’ll get to know all lottery
winners a million times better than we ever
knew our own siblings or spouse during the best
times of our relationships on earth (1 Thess.
4:16-17). And they’ll be 100% enjoyable to be
with 100% of the time, as will we (1 John 3:2).
Thank you Jesus!
Yet there are many more souls who never
‘win’ the lottery—Judas Iscariot, for example, or
holocaust victims who died without Christ (Rev.
2:11; Rom. 9:22-23). That’s a tough one to
swallow—even harder to evangelize. And yet, it’s
great kindling for building that Fear of the Lord
Fire (2 Chron. 19:7; Prov. 10:27) by which we
open the way for Jesus to draw out a winning
ticket! (Ps. 25:14). YouTube 10,000 Reasons
Matt Redman.
And just as they’re not pleased Babette has
won the lottery, all of God’s elect have
experienced the cold-shoulder routine climaxing
with Jesus (John 11:48; 2 Tim. 3:12). Rather
than being happy that God is doing a work
among them, who so need it, their hearts are
resentful. While they don’t know how to mourn
with those who mourn, they also don’t know how
to rejoice with those who rejoice (Rom. 12:15). If
they had been right with God, as was Jonathan
concerning David, they would have been thrilled
that God had stepped in (1 Sam. 18:1), as the
children were in Mr. Smith Goes to
Washington (1939).
The Servants. The shopkeeper, carriage
driver, and Erik represent those who are part of
Christianity Today yet not sold on the program
(Rev. 3:4). They have little interest or
understanding in the end time views, battles
with “our” rights, or the many debates that go on
in Christendom (Titus 3:9). They just take God
at His WORD (more than others) doing what
they’re told, like children. Therefore, they also
get used by the antichrist since he’s the ruler of
this world which includes the Church (John
12:31; Rom. 8:28). They’re each helpful at their
growth level. In fact, if it weren’t for them,
Babette would have zero help.
(And that’s how it’s played out. There have
always been Christians, weak as they were,
helping me along, everywhere I’ve worked and
even while homeschooling. For example, while
homeschooling solo, the supervisor for our
county with whom I was required to meet with
face to face each year, was a born again Christian
who blessed me and my girls every year.)
Erik, the mature servant, the boy (a child),
does everything he’s told without question,
wearing himself out without bickering, whining,
or even a hint of back stabbing. Notice his
reaction to Babette’s rebuke with the champagne
bottle. And only once does he act on his own, for
which the Sisters would have harshly rebuked
him had they noticed. Going back when all have
left the table he finishes the wine someone didn’t
appreciate, honoring God who created those
grapes (John 15:1) and provided that wine (Matt.
26:28-29). Discerning boy, he simply couldn’t let
that Treasure go to waste! Nice shot of him when
the guests are leaving and he’d done everything
required of him. There’s a true Christian,
pleasing and acceptable unto God—asleep—
AFTER all the hard work has been done, and
done well (Matt. 25:21).
The General. Having become the
General, now aged, Lorenz realizes the path he
took—though he excelled by worldly measures—
was empty (Ps. 4:2). Yet he doesn’t fully get it
until he dines at the Table. Therefore, coming
into the feast, while his aim is right in helping
the woman sit down, he’s rather indelicate. Take
a look at her face! But as he dines at the Table,
served delicacies from the Kitchen, waited on by
the Chef’s faithful servant (Matt. 25:21), the
General wakes up to the Truth (John 14:6). The
god in his back pocket all these years has been
none other than God of the universe for whom
all things are possible (Matt. 19:26). He finally
gets it. God is real and exceedingly good—better
than he deserves (Ps. 103:10)—Master of all and
orchestrating all things, all of the time. Life
finally makes complete sense (John 8:36).
YouTube The Word Sara Groves.
As Jesus, the General loved one he couldn’t
have since Satan is “the benefactor” (John 12:31
& 14:30; Rev. 13:3). Though apart for a lifetime,
He has always been ‘with’ His Beloved (2 Cor.
3:15-16). They’ve both thought about each other
plenty, especially Him about Her (Heb. 7:25).
Now, having supped together at the Table, it all
becomes clear. He finally fully understands the
Father’s Plan. And though She’s foggy, She
eventually comes around. Essentially, pastors,
Church leaders/the elect wake up to the truth
behind God’s WORD and begin living life as God
intended for them/us to live it, truly enjoying a
spiritual love affair. Revival and reformation—
the latter day rain—takes hold as they move
forward (Heb. 8:10-11).
General Gallifet. While responsible for
Babette’s loss, Gallifet professes to “love” none
better because of her culinary genius. Satan—
and all who serve him—love the blessings of the
WORD without gratitude to the Father (2 Tim.
3:5) giving them a very twisted image of what
they're doing (John 10:13).
A civil war in the movie destroyed Babette’s
home and family. In my world, a spiritual war
destroyed my family/clan which included a
government overthrow in real time (Eph. 6:12).
YouTube 40 Years Ago…Allende, Chile’s
Coup & the United States. Uploaded by
Chingon Domino. [This is an excerpt from
The War on Democracy (2007).]
As Christianity Today wakes up and stands
up for Christ, denouncing all abominations, the
spiritual civil war will increasingly manifest, and
wars leave scars. But unlike other wars, this one
is fought with the Sword of the Spirit, the WORD
of God (Eph. 6:17). YouTube The Battle is
Not Yours Yolanda Adams.
Hymns, Songs, Speeches—
All the songs in the movie are hymns except for
one from Don Giovanni, an opera by Mozart.
YouTube He Reigns Newsboy.
Jerusalem: God’s Capital City.
Christianity Today knows and says the right
words, but doesn’t know God (Jer. 4:22). They
sing of His love and bounty, yet they fear the
feast is of Satan while they routinely eat mud,
what Satan’s willing to give them (satisfied with
mediocrity). YouTube There is Always a
Place at the Table Gaither Vocal Band.
The Father/Pastor’s Prayers. The
pastor, representing Satan and all who’ve
compromised their faith by joining hands with
darkness (2 Cor. 6:14), recites prayers that have
truth sprinkled in them (Gen. 3:1; Luke 4:1-12),
but which run dry. However, Satan is a puppet in
God’s hand (Matt. 8:31; Job 1:6-12) so that God
is using this secular movie to speak a wonderful
truth to His Church. The pastor’s prayers
underline God’s message—that He lives, is in full
control, and revving up His throttle!
Joining with the Papist, the father/pastor
lets Satan reign over the assembly (Rev. 13:3).
God allowed it to reveal to us His power, glory,
and the magnitude of His love (as He delivers
us), as well as the depths of our sinfulness since
there’s never been any sort of revival without
experiencing the depths of that. YouTube 2
Timothy 2 Katalyst Streetlights.
Hymn Sung at Church during the
First Flashback. God is answering Jesus’
kindness will I have mercy on thee, saith
the LORD thy Redeemer (Isa. 54:7-8).
prayer of John 17, His High Priestly Prayer.
Again, the congregation knows the words of Life,
Truth and Power, but they don’t pay attention to
what they say or to the One who has given them
these awesome promises. They have the faith to
pray, but not to believe God will answer their
prayers (Acts 12:5 & 14-16). God has to smack
His Girl upside the head like the angel had to hit
Peter (Acts 12:7) and Lot and his family had to
be dragged (Gen. 19:16).
Though they’re a reformed congregation,
they have Jesus hanging on the cross. Only thing
is, HE HAS RISEN! And while Protestant
churches don’t typically have crucifixes (Jesus
hanging on the cross vs. just a cross), they treat
Him as if He were dead and buried. Thinking
He’s dead, they don’t fear Him. But He’s not
dead! The cross is a symbol of where Jesus went
for us, but He didn’t stay there. YouTube
Voice of a Savior Mandisa.
As Papin Enters the Church. Jesus
is full of love for the Bride the Father has
promised Him, as well as being filled with
gratitude to the Father for Her. Odd that God
would use a Catholic to play Him, but as Papin
clearly reveals during the scene where he
introduces himself to the pastor, he’s only
“Papist” in the most nominal sense, just as most
Catholics are today, just as most Christians are
nominal, and most Muslims, and most Jews.
Except for a few zealots, the majority in all the
religions are nominal. It’s why Unitarianism is
so popular as nominal is the whole point—you
can believe whatever you want, except, of course,
that Jesus is God. And while it’s a bad thing that
most Christians don’t really know what/Who
they believe, it’s a good thing that most of the
lost don’t know what they believe either, or why.
It’s easier for the elect to come around since
they’re not really committed to the wrong side,
like in this movie, For My Father (2008).
Voice Lessons. Papin/the Holy Spirit
tells Philippa/God’s Girl something like if she
does precisely as He tells Her She’ll save souls
and comfort people. Key words: IF and
PRECISELY (Matt. 28:19-20; Prov. 4:13; Deut.
32:47). This scene is the Lord wooing His
Church, His Beloved, the scaredy-cat BRAT.
Watch it alone. Watch it prayerfully. Catch every
nuance of emotion and expression of both
parties—and let the Lord minister to your soul
(Zeph. 3:16-17). Print the lyrics of the song for
when you watch the movie. You can find them
on my website ( under the
Docs tab. La Ci Darem La Mano. (You’ll
notice they added lyrics.) In any case, the point
The role played by Papin is the song of
Solomon as he comes knocking while she’s in
bed (Song. 5:6-8). Get up and put on your
running shoes because He’s a Catch! The Catch!
And while Papin was rejected by Philippa as
Jesus has been rejected by His Beloved—it
doesn’t end there, as we’re told:
For a small moment have I forsaken
thee; but with great mercies will I gather
thee. In a little wrath I hid my face from
thee for a moment; but with everlasting
is that the Lord comes on strong and His
Girl is too afraid to follow (to have
followed) Her heart. Notice also how the
father/pastor/antichrist sits in the next
room with Christianity Today praying
against this union. WAKE UP!
While God had me parked here, we
watched Dan in Real Life (2007), a
romantic comedy during which one of the
couples does a spoof on this very scene
from the opera. During most of the show,
the girl is with the wrong guy who gets all
of his best lines from the right Guy.
JESUS IN REAL LIFE says it all. The
movie Upside Down (2012) does as
Dear John. Though Philippa
rejected her lover he still longs for her,
just like the Lord’s Girl has rejected Him
from day one, yet He still wants Her/us.
However, the father/pastor, under
Satan’s rule, is happy to see the Flame
put out, as we witness by his wicked
expression and joy in delivering the letter.
Un Vrai Diner. The Sisters decide to
honor the anniversary of Pastor’s birth with a
special tea—the man they revere as Master. It’s
how Church leaders don’t see the need to pour
out of themselves for Christ or the flock, or
Christians for others, or parents for their kids, or
friends... In contrast, knowing Papin (Mark
12:28-31), Babette makes the tea into a feast, at
her expense (2 Sam. 24:24). Always mindful of
God’s promises (John 14:26), she goes all out
(Col. 3:23). Not because of what she'll get in
return, but to please Him and because He's
wired her in a way that fulfilling His desires
fulfills her (Ps. 37:4). Rather than throw
something together, she prepares a true meal—a
royal feast (John 6:55; 4:24 & 6:35).YouTube
This Divine Romance, Uploaded by
Witch Trials. As idolaters of the pastor,
a man sold out to Satan, the ‘believers’ lack
discernment. Though blessed by Babette for
years, they think she serves the devil (Rev. 13:3;
Phil. 2:21). If they’d actually gotten to know God,
they wouldn't have served the enemy nor called
good evil (Isa. 5:20). But history repeats itself
repeatedly (Matt. 22:29), as with the Salem
witch trials portrayed in The Crucible (1996).
Christians who don’t walk in God’s WORD
enable Satan & Company to have a blast hurting
the Lord and His people (Isa. 30:15).
The General’s Speech. Transformed
by the Meal, the General gives a speech
grounded in PSALM 85. While the BRAT has
trampled His Son, God is being merciful to this
generation as He revives us with a fresh
outpouring of His Spirit so that mercy and truth
will merge and righteousness and peace will
finally “kiss.” Take note of the General’s closing
remark about the Savior’s suffering (Eph. 4:30).
It’s over.
At that point, the veil has been removed (2
Cor. 3:12-14)—at least for those at the Table. But
notice the driver’s attitude while grinding coffee.
He ate in the kitchen not at the Table (Luke 5:5),
so he still has much growing to do.
Hymn at the End of the Feast.
Our rest is near. The sand in the clock is running
out. Something’s going to happen to the glories
of this world. Ding Dong! (Rom. 13:11).
Addressing Martina, the General/Jesus is
speaking to each of His elect, His Queen(s). He
says He’s been with Her/us every day of His life
(Jer. 1:5), asking Her/us for confirmation that
we knew this, which Christians do know (Heb.
13:5), but haven't really believed, like Martha at
Lazarus’ tomb (John 11:21-27 & 39-40). He
speaks of the future, that we’ll be dining together
at the Table, not physically but in spirit because
He is our Lover (Isa. 54:5; Song 1:15), and
Friend (John 15:15). Having been the worldly
man in uniform, representing pastors, he speaks
of having learned that God is the WORD (John
1:1) and that all things are possible through and
for Him (Matt. 19:26). YouTube The Afters
Beautiful Love.
We’ll all appreciate this in increasing
measure as the Whore repents and trashes all
offensive material from hearts, homes, and
churches. The more we discard, the more we’ll
see, the more the world will see. It's how God
has always worked (Ex. 7:5). Love renewed, the
General/Jesus leaves His Beloved, and She can
see Him go without too much heartache,
knowing that as elect they will be together
though apart for the rest of their lives on earth
(Heb. 13:5), and for all of eternity (Rev. 21:3).
It’s all the same stuff God has repeatedly told us
in the Bible, but refreshing to hear it by a new
means. All the broken relationships we’ve had
over the course of our lives—for all of the elect—
are not over. We just barely got acquainted! All
the best is yet to come, which can begin now if
we repent and ask forgiveness from God and
each other. After death, the elect’s relationships
will continue to improve and nothing will ever
part us again (1 Peter 1:3-5). Hallelujah!
represents Jacob’s well where Jesus met the
promiscuous and adulterous Samaritan woman–
forerunner of Christianity Today, and of me
(John 4:23-42). YouTube Woman at the
Well. Uploaded by Mehmet gündüzeli.
Scene after Guests are Gone.
Having spent all she had on the feast for the
Sisters/Christianity Today, Babette explains to
them how and why she did what she did, so that
she’s not poor as they were thinking. And it’s the
same with me. While most have considered me
to be quite the loser, I’m quite the winner. While
I have no extended family, friends, church,
money, in fact, ‘no life,’ I too am hardly poor in a
very real sense, a sense that will far outlive the
life for which everyone else has been living
(Matt. 5:3-12). Yet God is giving all of His elect
the same opportunity as these fictional
characters, because He is the God of the seventy
times seven 2nd chances (Mat. 18:21-22). Praise
God! YouTube Come Thou Fount, Come
Thou King Robert Robinson.
About the Author. There is nothing to
suggest Isak Denison, aka Karen Blixen, had any
relationship whatsoever with Jesus Christ.
Rather, God was pleased to use this woman who
didn’t know Him to write a message of truth,
love, and hope for His people which would be
made into a movie to help our generation wake
up, roll up them sleeves, and start cooking
Flambé! (Job 23:13). YouTube Andy Mineo
Let There Be Light.
prison, and came unto
thee? And the King shall
answer and say unto them,
Verily I say unto you,
Inasmuch as ye have done it
unto one of the least of these
my brethren, ye have done it
unto me.
God’s WORD Rocks
Working on the original book, the Lord
reminded me of Hotel California, and before I
knew what I was doing, I was “interpreting” it.
Then, when editing, another song came to mind,
also not Christian, Fly Like an Eagle. While God
has purposed that those in Christ soar over the
garbage of this world, we can't do so when
ensnared by a net of Christian hypocrisy.
YouTube The Katinas Eagle’s Wings.
Fly Like an Eagle, Steve Miller
Go to my website under the Docs Tab and get the
lyrics ( Then listen to the
song on YouTube and connect the dots with the
Scriptures referenced. YouTube Fly Like an
Eagle Steve Miller Band.
2 Cor. 1:21-22
The revolution is both the Lord’s prayer and
answer to it (John 17:20-21; Heb. 7:25; Deut.
John 17:20-21
Neither pray I for these alone,
but for them also which shall
believe on me through their
word; That they all may be
one; as thou, Father, art in
me, and I in thee, that they
also may be one in us: that the
world may believe that thou
hast sent me.
Heb. 7:25
Wherefore he is able also to
save them to the uttermost
that come unto God by him,
seeing he ever liveth to make
intercession for them.
Deut. 11:14
I will give you the rain of your
land in his due season, the
first rain and the latter rain,
that thou mayest gather in thy
corn, and thy wine, and thine
1st Stanza: God is reminding His Church of the
urgency of His calling.
Rom. 13:11
Knowing the time, that now it
is high time to awake out of
sleep: for now is our salvation
nearer than when we believed.
2nd Stanza: It is God’s desire for His elect to
do what we were created to do and will do by
way of the “revolution,” the reformation of God’s
Church—the solution from the next stanza
(Matt. 25:36-40; 2 Cor. 1:21-22).
Matt. 25:36-40
Naked, and ye clothed me: I
was sick, and ye visited me: I
was in prison, and ye came
unto me. Then shall the
righteous answer him, saying,
Lord, when saw we thee an
hungred, and fed thee? or
drink? When saw we thee a
stranger, and took thee in? or
naked, and clothed thee? Or
when saw we thee sick, or in
Now he which stablisheth us
with you in Christ, and hath
anointed us, is God; Who hath
also sealed us, and given the
earnest of the Spirit in our
3rd Stanza: God is reminding His Church of
Her calling, ‘the solution.’ It’s why He sent Jesus
(Luke 4:17-19).
Luke 4:17-19
There was delivered unto him
the book of the prophet
Esaias. And when he had
opened the book, he found the
written, The Spirit of the Lord
is upon me, because he hath
anointed me to preach the
gospel to the poor; he hath
brokenhearted, to preach
deliverance to the captives,
and recovering of sight to the
blind, to set at liberty them
that are bruised, To preach the
acceptable year of the Lord.
It’s also what Jesus commissioned His followers
to do (1 John 2:6). It’s the “solution” to the
world’s heartache and answer to Jesus’ prayer,
so that it will be made clear that the God of the
Bible exists and is the One true God who sent
Jesus (John 3:16)—a truth Christian hypocrisy
keeps hidden (Matt. 23:13; Rom. 2:24).
1 John 2:6
He that saith he abideth in
him ought himself also so to
walk, even as he walked.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world,
that he gave his only begotten
Son, that whosoever believeth
in him should not perish, but
have everlasting life.
Matt. 23:13
Rom. 2:24
All therefore whatsoever they
bid you observe, that observe
and do; but do not ye after
their works: for they say, and
do not.
For the name of God is
Gentiles through you, as it is
4th Stanza: The Holy Spirit keeps repeating
the Lord’s desire, and as we know from Joseph,
that repetition expresses assurance and
immediacy (Gen. 41:32).
Gen. 41:32
The dream was doubled unto
Pharaoh twice; it is because
the thing is established by
God, and God will shortly
bring it to pass.
5th Stanza: Again, the urgency (Rev. 2:16).
Rev. 2:16
Repent; or else I will come
unto thee quickly, and will
fight against them with the
sword of my mouth.
6th Stanza: The desire to want to fly to the sea
is about fulfilling the Great Commission which
goes across the sea and in all directions (Matt.
28:18-20). God is insistent (Isa. 5:20-21). And to
fly through something means to do it quickly.
Matt. 28:18-20
All power is given unto me in
heaven and in earth. Go ye
therefore, and teach all
nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy
Ghost: Teaching
observe all things whatsoever
I have commanded you: and,
lo, I am with you always, even
unto the end of the world.
Isa. 5:20-21
Woe unto them that call evil
good, and good evil; that put
darkness for light, and light
for darkness; that put bitter
for sweet, and sweet for
bitter! Woe unto them that are
wise in their own eyes, and
prudent in their own sight!
7th Stanza: Time is of the essence! (Rev. 22:7).
Rev. 22:7
Behold, I come quickly:
blessed is he that keepeth the
sayings of the prophecy of this
HOMEWORK: Ever since the Lord asked
me to write for Him, I’ve looked up words or
phrases I’ve realized I use frequently, and
I’ve always been surprised at the depth of
meaning. For example, I just looked up the
phrase ‘time is of the
Timing and meeting all the
deadlines are essential and required.
Line 2: The wind is in my hair since I most often
rode without a helmet and God predestined me
to have an invisible helmet (Acts 2:2; Eph. 6:17).
The Lord covered me (Rom. 8:28).
Acts 2:2
Suddenly there came a sound
from heaven as of a rushing
mighty wind, and it filled all
the house.
Eph. 6:17
The helmet of salvation.
Rom. 8:28
We know that all things work
together for good to them that
love God, to them who are the
called according to his
The heart of the born again should burn (Luke
Hotel California, Eagles
Again, go to my website (
under the docs tab for the lyrics and listen to the
song on YouTube.
Long Introduction: It’s all about how long it’s
taken us, God’s people, to get to this point.
Line 1: Along the way (John 14:6), in the dark
(Rev. 13:3), dry and weary land of Christianity
Today (Ps. 63:1), God still refreshes the soul (Ps.
84:5-6)—most specifically, mine.
John 14:6
Jesus saith…I am the way…no
man cometh unto the Father,
but by me.
Rev. 13:3
All the world wondered after
the beast.
Ps. 63:1
O God, thou art my God; early
will I seek thee: my soul
thirsteth for thee, my flesh
longeth for thee in a dry and
thirsty land, where no water
Ps. 84:5-6
Blessed is the man whose
strength is in thee; in whose
heart are the ways of
them. Who passing through
the valley of Baca make it a
well; the rain also filleth the
The wind is also in your hair because He’s
blessing you as you Ride through this Valley (Ps.
Ps. 84:5-7
Blessed is the man whose
strength is in thee; in whose
heart are the ways of
them. Who passing through
the valley of Baca make it a
well; the rain also filleth the
pools. They
strength to strength, every
one of them in Zion
appeareth before God.
Line 3: “Colitas” means tails in Spanish. It’s the
word my mom used as she chased my brother
around the living room with a broom once,
yelling something like, “I’m gonna beat your
little bad boy behind!” In other words, Chef
Jesus’ cooking is permeating the air—a few
derrieres He’s whipping together cuz there’s
nothing like a good ol’ spanking when it's
deserved (Gal. 6:7; Heb. 12:10; Prov. 3:12).
Gal. 6:7
God is not mocked: for
whatsoever a man soweth,
that shall he also reap.
Heb. 12:10
For they [our parents] verily
for a few days chastened us
after their own pleasure; but
Prov. 3:12
he for our profit, that we
might be partakers of his
1 Cor. 2:5
For whom the LORD loveth he
correcteth; even as a father
the son in whom he
Heads are going to grow heavy feeling the weight
of conviction crashing down on them by the
Hammer (Jer. 23:29).
Line 4: And it sure smells good! (Rev. 3:9).
Rev. 3:9
Behold, I will make them of
the synagogue of Satan…to
come and worship before thy
feet, and to know that I have
loved thee.
In relation to this, God tuned me in to some
boys coloring way outside the lines. I’m thinking
they had to be very bad little boys growing up.
Poor Moms. Poor colitas! But they took the heat
and persevered. Now look at ‘em! YouTube
One Direction - What Makes You
Beautiful (5 Piano Guys, 1 piano).
Uploaded by ThePianoGuys.
Jer. 23:29
Then spake Jesus again unto
them, saying, I am the light of
the world: he that followeth
me shall not walk in darkness,
but shall have the light of life.
Rev. 22:16
I Jesus have sent mine angel
to testify unto you these
things in the churches.
Line 7: My head has grown heavy ever since He
first enlightened me, because of everything He
downloads (Dan. 8:27; 1 Cor. 2:5).
Dan. 8:27
And I…fainted, and was sick
certain days; afterward I rose
up, and did the king's
astonished at the vision, but
none understood it.
Is not my word like as a fire?
saith the LORD; and like a
hammer that breaketh the
rock in pieces?
Line 8-9: Exhausted, working for Him for years
against the grain (1 Cor. 16:9), unpaid (Ex. 21:56), non-stop, with trial upon trial (Ps. 34:19), for
a bunch of ingrates (Luke 17:12-18), I have to
stop to get some rest and at least try to get away
from Him (Ps. 139:7-13).
1 Cor. 16:9
For a great door and effectual
is opened unto me, and there
are many adversaries.
Ex. 21:5-6
If the servant shall plainly say,
I love my master…I will not go
out free: Then his master shall
bring him unto the judges; he
shall also bring him to the
door, or unto the door post;
and his master shall bore his
ear through with an aul; and
he shall serve him for ever.
Ps. 34:19
Many are the afflictions of the
righteous: but the LORD
delivereth him out of them all.
Luke 17:12-18
As he entered into a certain
village, there met him ten men
that were lepers, which stood
afar off: And they lifted up
their voices, and said, Jesus,
Master, have mercy on
us. And when he saw them, he
said unto them, Go shew
yourselves unto the priests.
And it came to pass, that, as
cleansed. And one of them,
when he saw that he was
Line 5-6: The light in the distance—at the End
of the Tunnel—is Jesus (John 8:12; Rev. 22:16).
John 8:12
That your faith should not
stand in the wisdom of men,
but in the power of God.
healed, turned back, and with
God, And fell down on his face
at his feet, giving him thanks:
and he was a Samaritan. And
Jesus answering said, Were
there not ten cleansed? but
where are the nine? There are
not found that returned to
give glory to God, save this
Ps. 139:7-13
Whither shall I go from thy
spirit? or whither shall I flee
from thy presence? If I ascend
up into heaven, thou art there:
if I make my bed in hell,
behold, thou art there. If I
take the wings of the morning,
and dwell in the uttermost
parts of the sea;0 Even there
shall thy hand lead me, and
thy right hand shall hold
me. If I say, Surely the
darkness shall cover me; even
the night shall be light about
me. Yea, the darkness hideth
not from thee; but the night
shineth as the day: the
darkness and the light are
both alike to thee. For thou
hast possessed my reins: thou
hast covered me in my
mother's womb.
Line 10-11: Jesus is the Door (John 10:7) and
the Way (John 14:6)—the doorway. I’m standing
with Him (John 12:26) ringing the Church bell
(Matt. 28:19-20), the warning bell (Joel 2:1).
John 10:7
Said Jesus unto them again,
Verily, verily, I say unto you, I
am the door of the sheep.
John 14:6
Jesus saith…I am the way.
John 12:26
If any man serve me, let him
follow me; and where I am,
there shall also my servant be.
Matt. 28:19-20
Go ye therefore, and teach all
nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy
Ghost: Teaching
observe all things whatsoever
I have commanded you.
Joel 2:1
Blow ye the trumpet in Zion,
and sound an alarm in my
holy mountain: let all the
inhabitants of the land
tremble: for the day of the
LORD cometh, for it is nigh at
Line 12-13: The born again who walk closely
with the Lord question whether or not He’s
rebuking them when they hear His voice (Matt.
26:21-22), therefore, ‘heaven or hell.’ All elect
are guilty at some level (Matt. 26:31; Phil. 2:21).
Matt. 26:21-22
As they did eat, he said, Verily
I say unto you, that one of you
shall betray me. And they were
exceeding sorrowful, and
began every one of them to
say unto him, Lord, is it I?
Matt. 26:31
Then saith Jesus unto them,
All ye shall be offended
because of me…for it is
written, I will smite the
shepherd, and the sheep of
the flock shall be scattered
Phil. 2:21
For all seek their own, not the
things which are Jesus
Line 14-15: By obeying God, I’m holding up the
Lord’s lamp showing His elect the way Home
(Ps. 119:105) on the Honor’s Program (2 Tim.
2:15). As Sous Chef, I’m showing God’s people
how to make Flambé (Acts 2:1-3) so that we can
set the world ablaze (Matt. 3:11), and rejoice as
we get persecuted (Acts 5:41; Ps. 126:2).
Ps. 119:105
Thy word is a lamp unto my
feet, and a light unto my path.
2 Tim. 2:15
workman that needeth not to
be ashamed, rightly dividing
the word of truth.
James 4:8
Draw nigh to God, and he will
draw nigh to you. Cleanse
your hands, ye sinners; and
purify your hearts, ye double
Acts 2:1-3
When the day of Pentecost
was fully come, they were all
with one accord in one
place. And suddenly there
came a sound from heaven as
of a rushing mighty wind, and
it filled all the house where
they were sitting. And there
appeared unto them cloven
tongues like as of fire, and it
sat upon each of them.
1 Cor. 15:52
In a moment, in the twinkling
of an eye, at the last trump:
for the trumpet shall sound,
and the dead shall be raised
incorruptible, and we shall be
Matt. 3:11
He shall baptize you with the
Holy Ghost, and with fire:
1 Sam. 3:8-10
Acts 5:41
And they departed from the
presence of the council,
rejoicing that they were
counted worthy to suffer
shame for his name.
Ps. 126:2
Then was our mouth filled
with laughter, and our tongue
with singing: then said they
among the heathen, The LORD
hath done great things for
The LORD called Samuel again
the third time. And he arose
and went to Eli, and said,
Here am I; for thou didst call
me. And Eli perceived that the
child. Therefore Eli said unto
Samuel, Go, lie down: and it
shall be, if he call thee, that
thou shalt say, Speak, LORD;
for thy servant heareth. So
Samuel went and lay down in
his place. And the LORD came,
and stood, and called as at
other times, Samuel, Samuel.
Acts 2:17-18
And it shall come to pass in
the last days, saith God, I will
pour out of my Spirit upon all
flesh: and your sons and your
daughters shall prophesy, and
your young men shall see
visions, and your old men
shall dream dreams: And on
my servants and on my
handmaidens I will pour out
in those days of my Spirit; and
they shall prophesy.
Line 16: The voices down the Corridor are of
those cheering us on—humans who’ve gone
before us, as well as angelic ones, all of which
add up to His voice (Isa. 42:6).
Isa. 42:6
I the LORD have called thee in
righteousness, and will hold
thine hand, and will keep
thee, and give thee for a
covenant of the people, for a
light of the Gentiles.
The closer you get to Him, the clearer you hear
them (James 4:8). The closer we get to the last
trumpet (1 Cor. 15:52), the clearer all the elect
will hear.
Line 17: You didn’t just think you heard—you
did! (1 Sam. 3:8-10). What you heard (are
hearing) is God speaking by all means necessary
(Acts 2:17-18).
Line 18: A hotel is a stopping place. Hotel
California is the rest stop between Christianity
Today and heaven. It represents Christianity
Tomorrow. Basically, the Son rose in the east
and is setting in the west to parallel the daily
movement of the sun. God has also taken our
sins as far as the east is from the west (Ps.
Ps. 103:12
Acts 4:12
Neither is there salvation in
any other: for there is none
other name under heaven
given among men, whereby
we must be saved.
Matt. 11:28-30
Come unto me, all ye that
labour and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest. Take
my yoke upon you, and learn
of me; for I am meek and
lowly in heart: and ye shall
find rest unto your souls. For
my yoke is easy, and my
burden is light.
John 14:26
The Comforter, which is the
Holy Ghost, whom the Father
will send in my name, he shall
teach you all things, and bring
remembrance, whatsoever I
have said unto you.
As far as the east is from the
west, so far hath he removed
our transgressions from us.
California brings to mind images of beautiful
blue skies with powder puff clouds, gorgeous
beaches with ocean cliffs where wildlife and
people play together. There’s fantastic weather
nearly year round with beautiful and varied
topography—a paradise—where the sun sets.
The End of the Day (Ex. 35:2; Heb. 4:10-11)—
and where they have many wild fires (Heb.
Ex. 35:2
Six days shall work be done,
but on the seventh day there
shall be to you an holy day, a
sabbath of rest to the LORD.
Line 19: Jesus is the King of everything (Rev.
19:16). Therefore, He’s King of Hospitality,
which makes His hotel a very lovely place (Ps.
84:10). No place compares! (Ps. 27:4).
Heb. 4:10-11
For he that is entered into his
rest, he also hath ceased from
his own works, as God did
from his. Let us labour
therefore to enter into that
rest, lest any man fall after the
same example of unbelief.
Rev. 19:16
He hath on his vesture and on
his thigh a name written, KING
Ps. 84:10
For a day in thy courts is
better than a thousand. I had
rather be a doorkeeper in the
house of my God, than to
dwell in the tents of
Ps. 27:4
Lift up your heads, O ye gates;
and be ye lift up, ye
everlasting doors; and the
King of glory shall come in.
Heb. 12:29
God is a consuming fire.
Coronado is a place and a hotel in California. It’s
the Lord’s hotel since He’s the One who’s been
crowned (Rev. 19:16). It’s only through Him and
by faith in Him that anyone can experience the
blessings and rest of ‘Hotel California’ for this
life and forevermore (Acts 4:12). We’re being
welcomed there by that very friendly Ghost
(Matt. 11:28-30; John 14:26).
Rev. 19:16
He hath on his vesture and on
his thigh a name written, KING
“Lovely place” is repeated to stress the point—
verily! (Gen. 41:32; Matt. 13:17).
Gen. 41:32
The thing is established by
God, and God will shortly
bring it to pass.
Matt. 13:17
For verily I say unto you, That
many prophets and righteous
men have desired to see those
things which ye see, and have
not seen them; and to hear
those things which ye hear,
and have not heard them.
Line 20: There’s no lovelier face than His (Ex.
15:11; Ps. 90:17).
Ex. 15:11
Who is like unto thee, O LORD,
among the gods? who is like
thee, glorious in holiness,
fearful in praises, doing
Ps. 90:17
Let the beauty of the LORD our
God be upon us: and establish
thou the work of our hands
upon us; yea, the work of our
hands establish thou it.
1 John 1:9
Line 23: In His hotel, you can find love,
forgiveness, mercy, fellowship—all that you
need, and much more—any time you need it (2
Cor. 12:9; Rom. 8:38-39).
2 Cor. 12:9
He said unto me, My grace is
sufficient for thee: for my
strength is made perfect in
therefore will I rather glory in
my infirmities, that the power
of Christ may rest upon me.
Rom. 8:38-39
For I am persuaded, that
neither death, nor life, nor
angels, nor principalities, nor
powers, nor things present,
nor things to come, Nor
height, nor depth, nor any
other creature, shall be able to
separate us from the love of
God, which is in Christ Jesus
our Lord.
Line 21: There’s plenty of room for all of His
children at His hotel. No one needs to feel left
out. Not one (Acts 2:21).
Acts 2:21
It shall come to pass, that
whosoever shall call on the
name of the Lord shall be
Line 22-23: Any time, day, night, or season, we
are welcome. He’s always ready and waiting for
us—repeated, meaning truly (James 4:8). God is
stressing the point since so many, especially in
Church leadership, are so guilty. But instead of
committing suicide like Judas (Matt. 27:5), all
that’s needed is sincere repentance (1 John 1:9).
YouTube Still Calls Me Son John Waller.
James 4:8
Draw nigh to God, and he will
draw nigh to you. Cleanse
your hands, ye sinners; and
purify your hearts, ye double
Matt. 27:5
He cast down the pieces of
silver in the temple, and
departed, and went and
hanged himself.
If we confess our sins, he is
faithful and just to forgive us
our sins, and to cleanse us
from all unrighteousness.
Line 24: Tiffany & Company make fine jewelry.
Jesus—the WORD—is more precious than gold
(Ps. 19:9-11). My mind is wound up with the
WORD like a cord of two strands, His WORD,
my words, back and forth, mixed in with current
events. It’s similar to how I used to do my girls’
hair: in French braids. It’s also twisted with
tragic soberness, anger, frustration, and comic
relief (Acts 12:15). It’s a double twist. I used to
do their hair that way too (Rom. 8:28).
Ps. 19:9-11
The fear of the Lord is clean,
judgments of the Lord are
altogether. More to be desired
are they than gold, yea, than
much fine gold: sweeter also
honeycomb. Moreover
them is thy servant warned:
and in keeping of them there
is great reward.
Acts 12:15
They said unto her, Thou art
mad. But she constantly affirmed that it was
even so. Then said they, It is his angel.
Rom. 8:28
We know that all things work
together for good to them that
love God, to them who are the
called according to his
Line 27: As God's boys, they are my friends
(John 15:15), whom God has had me praying for,
for years (Matt. 5:44-45).
John 15:15
Henceforth I call you not
servants; for the servant
knoweth not what his lord
doeth: but I have called you
Matt. 5:44-45
I say unto you, Love your
enemies, bless them that curse
you, do good to them that hate
you, and pray for them which
despitefully use you, and
persecute you; That ye may be
the children of your Father
which is in heaven: for he
maketh his sun to rise on the
evil and on the good, and
sendeth rain on the just and
on the unjust.
Line 25: People get the bends (decompression
sickness) from coming up too fast. He gives me
‘the bends’ (laughing, crying, or both at the same
time) by constantly taking me for a Ride from
my world to His back and forth (Mark 16:9-11).
These ‘bends’ are of the Mercedes type because
they're such high quality (Ex. 15:11).
Mark 16:9-11
Ps. 99:9
Now when Jesus was risen
early the first day of the week,
he appeared first to Mary
Magdalene, out of whom he
had cast seven devils. And she
went and told them that had
been with him, as they
mourned and wept. And they,
when they had heard that he
was alive, and had been seen
of her, believed not.
Because they’re Friends, elect of God (1 Pet. 1:2),
there are no better looking boys around. Lacking
faith, they’re pretty cowardly, but as elect of
God, they’re pretty good looking, hence, pretty
pretty. Also, since they're God's queens, they're
pretty boys, cuz God's not politically correct.
Rather, He is Correct. And kinda funny.
1 Pet. 1:2
For the Lord our God is holy.
Line 26: There’s a constant taunt from Satan,
“Your Christians are sissies and they’re not even
your friends! You haven’t got a friend in the
world!” And it’s true, though twisted. There are a
lot boys who belong to God and are “pretty
pretty” having behaved very cowardly due to
their lack of faith (Matt. 15:16) and love of self
(Phil. 2:21).
Matt. 15:16
Jesus said, Are ye also yet
without understanding?
Phil. 2:21
For all seek their own, not the
things which are Jesus
foreknowledge of God the
And they’re not just boys. Just as the word guys
is used for male and female, the word boys refers
to the body of Christ—males and females of all
ages for whom He’s had me praying and
reaching out to (Gal. 6:10; Luke 22:31-32; Col.
Gal. 6:10
Let us do good unto all men,
especially unto them who are
of the household of faith.
Luke 22:31-32
Satan hath desired to have
you, that he may sift you as
wheat: But I have prayed for
thee, that thy faith fail not:
and when thou art converted,
strengthen thy brethren.
Col. 1:9-13
For this cause we also, since
the day we heard it, do not
cease to pray for you, and to
desire that ye might be filled
with the knowledge of his will
in all wisdom and spiritual
understanding; That ye might
walk worthy of the Lord unto
all pleasing, being fruitful in
increasing in the knowledge of
God; Strengthened with all
might, according to his
glorious power, unto all
patience and longsuffering
with joyfulness; Giving thanks
unto the Father, which hath
made us meet to be partakers
of the inheritance of the saints
in light: Who hath delivered
us from the power of
darkness, and hath translated
us into the kingdom of his
dear Son:
Luke 6:38
Line 28: Christianity Today has been
dancing/partying at the Lord’s expense in the
“courtyard” (Ps. 135:2), as have disbelievers (2
Pet. 3:3-4). Now all elect will be sweating from
the Heat (Heb. 12:29) doing a new dance (James
Ps. 135:2
In the courts of the house of
our God.
2 Pet. 3:3-4
Scoffers, walking after their
own lusts, And saying, Where
is the promise of his coming?
Heb. 12:29
For our God is a consuming
James 4:9-10
Be afflicted, and mourn, and
weep: let your laughter be
turned to mourning, and your
joy to heaviness. Humble
yourselves in the sight of the
Lord, and he shall lift you up.
And while I don’t have any friends (Ps. 88:18)—
but One (Matt. 11:19)—by faith, my Friendship
Basket is overflowing (Heb. 11:6; Luke 6:38).
Ps. 88:18
Matt. 11:19
Heb. 11:6
Lover and friend hast thou put
far from me, and mine
acquaintance into darkness.
The Son of man came eating
and drinking, and they say,
Behold a man gluttonous, and
a winebibber, a friend of
publicans and sinners. But
wisdom is justified of her
But without faith it is
impossible to please him: for
he that cometh to God must
believe that he is, and that he
is a rewarder of them that
diligently seek him.
Give, and it shall be given
unto you; good measure,
pressed down, and shaken
together, and running over,
shall men give into your
bosom. For with the same
measure that ye mete withal it
shall be measured to you
The ones sweating the worst will be those in
Church leadership, which is why He gave the
warning (James 3:1).
James 3:1
knowing that we shall receive
the greater condemnation.
And since all who profess to know Christ have
taken on His name (Ex. 20:7), and those who
reject Him do know the truth (Rom. 1:19-21)—all
should be sweating bullets!
Ex. 20:7
Thou shalt not take the name
of the LORD thy God in vain;
for the LORD will not hold him
guiltless that taketh his name
in vain.
Rom. 1:19-21
Because that which may be
known of God is manifest in
them; for God hath shewed it
unto them. For the invisible
things of him from the
creation of the world are
clearly seen, being understood
by the things that are made,
even his eternal power and
Godhead; so that they are
without excuse: Because that,
when they knew God, they
glorified him not as God,
neither were thankful; but
foolish heart was darkened.
Line 29-30: It’s “sweet” since it’s a dance of
repentance (Ps. 51) which takes place in the
temple courtyard of the elects’ own hearts (Heb.
Ps. 51
Heb. 4:12
Have mercy upon me, O
God…Wash me thoroughly
from mine iniquity, and
cleanse me from my sin. For I
transgressions…Against thee,
thee only, have I sinned, and
done this evil in thy sight: that
thou mightest be justified
when thou speakest, and be
judgest…Purge me…Create in
me a clean heart, O God; and
renew a right spirit within me.
Cast me not away from thy
presence…Then will I teach
transgressors thy ways; and
sinners shall be converted
unto thee… Then shalt thou be
For the word of God is quick,
and powerful, and sharper
than any twoedged sword,
piercing even to the dividing
asunder of soul and spirit, and
of the joints and marrow, and
is a discerner of the thoughts
and intents of the heart.
Line 31-32: The BRAT will dance to remember
(Ps. 139:23-24; Gen. 41:9) because She feels so
guilty (Isa. 6:5). Church leaders and other
Christians will try to recall all the people/events
God used to try to draw them back and they
refused to listen. And She’ll dance to forget
because She’ll feel so convicted realizing how
cold-hearted She's been (Rom. 7:24).
Ps. 139:23-24
Search me, O God, and know
my heart: try me, and know
my thoughts: And see if there
be any wicked way in me, and
Gen. 41:9
Then spake the chief butler
unto Pharaoh, saying, I do
remember my faults this day.
Rom. 7:24
O wretched man that I am!
As a worship dance, you do it standing over hot
coals (Matt. 25:40). And that burning flesh is a
pleasing aroma to the Lord (3 John 1:4).
Matt. 25:40
Inasmuch as ye have done it
unto one of the least of these
my brethren, ye have done it
unto me.
3 John 1:4
I have no greater joy than to
hear that my children walk in
Line 33: The Captain is Jesus Christ (Heb.
2:10). The body of Christ will learn to take
Communion in the right way (1 Cor. 11:27-32).
Heb. 2:10
The captain of [ou]r salvation.
1 Cor. 11:27-32
Wherefore whosoever shall
eat this bread, and drink this
cup of the Lord, unworthily,
shall be guilty of the body and
blood of the Lord. But let a
man examine himself, and so
let him eat of that bread, and
drink of that cup. For he that
himself, not discerning the
Lord's body. For this cause
many are weak and sickly
among you, and many
sleep. For if we would judge
ourselves, we should not be
judged. But when we are
judged, we are chastened of
the Lord, that we should not
be condemned with the world.
Line 33-35: Hearing that the Spirit hasn’t been
poured out since 1969, I was confused since
many of us were born again after that (contrary
to what Harold Camping preached), and we can
see His work all over the place. Asking the Lord
about it (“calling up the captain”), He informed
me that the Satanic Bible was written in the good
ol’ United States in 1969 (Luke 12:12). We are so
guilty! And we’re guilty on many more counts
because American history, court houses, and
currency—among other things—firmly testify to
God’s hand over this nation (2 Cor. 12:20-21).
It’s obvious.
Luke 12:12
The Holy Ghost shall teach
2 Cor. 12:20-21
I fear, lest, when I come, I
shall not find you such as I
would, and that I shall be
found unto you such as ye
would not: lest there be
debates, envyings, wraths,
tumults: And lest, when I
come again, my God will
humble me among you, and
that I shall bewail many which
have sinned already, and have
uncleanness and fornication
and lasciviousness which they
have committed.
We [the Church worldwide] are also guilty
because God has had members of the body
calling for repentance for years, including
Martin Lloyd-Jones (scholar of Church history)
who preached at a conference for church leaders
in 1969, about how guilty we were due to
denominational division (Isa. 1:4, The
Puritans: Their Origins and Successors,
p.219, Can We Learn from History?) Answer to
his question: Apparently not! Again, I don’t
recommend spending the money on this book
since it’s so dry and because the Church has had
it so wrong for so long. You’re much better off
reading the Bible and simply obeying God.
Isa. 1:4
Ah sinful nation, a people
laden with iniquity, a seed of
evildoers, children that are
corrupters: they have forsaken
the LORD, they have provoked
the Holy One of Israel unto
anger, they are gone away
Line 36: Having sinned so greatly, God is
nevertheless drawing us back through all of
those who’ve gone before us, as He’s doing with
this very secular song and other resources He’s
had right under our noses (Ps. 89:30-33).
Ps. 89:30-33
If his children forsake my law,
judgments; If they break my
statutes, and keep not my
commandments. Then will I
visit their transgression with
the rod, and their iniquity
with stripes. Nevertheless my
lovingkindness will I not
utterly take from him, nor
suffer my faithfulness to fail.
Line 37-38: The more contrite your heart, the
clearer you hear the voices so that they wake you
up in the middle of the night. You don't just
think you heard them, you did. (Ps. 16:7; Matt.
2:19-20; Acts 16:9).
Ps. 16:7
I will bless the LORD, who
hath given me counsel: my
reins also instruct me in the
night seasons.
Matt. 2:19-20
But when Herod was dead,
behold, an angel of the Lord
appeareth in a dream to
Egypt, Saying,
Arise, and take the young
child and his mother, and go
into the land of Israel: for they
are dead which sought the
young child's life.
Acts 16:9
1 John 1:9
The LORD is merciful and
gracious, slow to anger, and
plenteous in mercy. He will
not always chide: neither will
he keep his anger for ever. He
hath not dealt with us after
our sins; nor rewarded us
according to our iniquities.
If we confess our sins, he is
faithful and just to forgive us
our sins, and to cleanse us
from all unrighteousness.
Line 40: He gives a double promise repeated
twice (Gen. 41:32; Ps. 133).
Gen. 41:32
For that the dream was
doubled…twice; it is because
the thing is established by
God, and God will shortly
bring it to pass.
Behold, how good and how
pleasant it is for brethren to
dwell together in unity! It is
like the precious ointment
upon the head, that ran down
upon the beard, even Aaron's
beard: that went down to the
skirts of his garments; As the
dew of Hermon, and as the
dew that descended upon the
mountains of Zion: for there
the LORD commanded the
Line 41: The better you know Jesus, the more
attractive He is to you (Phil. 3:8-14). The Man is
smokin’! (Heb. 12:29).
Phil. 3:8-14
For many walk, of whom I
have told you often, and now
tell you even weeping, that
they are the enemies of the
cross of Christ.
Heb. 12:29
Our God is a consuming fire.
A vision appeared…saying,
Come over…and help us.
Line 39: God, through all of His servants,
repeatedly reassures everyone of a WELCOME!
(Ps. 103:8-10; 1 John 1:9).
Ps. 103:8-10
Ps. 133
Line 42: The elect are full of joy in the Lord at
His hotel because their Tour of Duty—all of the
elect’s Tour of Duty—is nearly over. No more
infighting over unbiblical nothings or hurting
one another (James 3:13-17). And then, no more
fighting or hurting at all! (Rev. 21:4).
James 3:13-17
Who is a wise man and
among you? let him shew out
of a good conversation his
works with meekness of
wisdom. But if ye have bitter
envying and strife in your
hearts, glory not, and lie not
against the truth. This wisdom
descendeth not from above,
but is earthly, sensual,
devilish. For where envying
and strife is, there is
confusion and every evil
work. But the wisdom that is
from above is first pure, then
peaceable, gentle, and easy to
be intreated, full of mercy and
good fruits, without partiality,
and without hypocrisy.
Rev. 21:4
not Abraham our father
justified by works, when he
had offered Isaac his son upon
the altar? Seest thou how faith
wrought with his works, and
by works was faith made
perfect? And the scripture was
fulfilled which saith, Abraham
believed God, and it was
righteousness: and he was
called the Friend of God. Ye
see then how that by works a
man is justified, and not by
faith only.
God shall wipe away all tears
from their eyes; and there
shall be no more death,
neither sorrow, nor crying,
neither shall there be any
more pain: for the former
things are passed away.
Line 43: This revelation is quite the “nice
surprise.” Stunning Good News! (Ruth 4:14). So
good it’s repeated repeatedly.
Ruth 4:14
Blessed be the LORD, which
hath not left thee this day
without a kinsman, that his
name may be famous in Israel.
Line 44: ‘Jesus paid the price for my sin.’ That’s
your alibi. And if it’s true that you belong to
Him, you will have proof (James 2:15-24). And
remember, Satan ain’t got no alibi since he’s so
damned ugly, though his looks are deceiving (1
Cor. 11:14).
James 2:15-24
If a brother or sister be naked,
food, And one of you say unto
them, Depart in peace, be ye
notwithstanding ye give them
not those things which are
needful to the body; what
doth it profit? Even so faith, if
it hath not works, is dead,
being alone. Yea, a man may
say, Thou hast faith, and I
have works: shew me thy faith
without thy works, and I will
shew thee my faith by my
works. Thou believest that
there is one God; thou doest
well: the devils also believe,
and tremble. But wilt thou
know, O vain man, that faith
without works is dead? Was
1 Cor. 11:14
transformed into an angel of
Line 45: As a decent number of elect souls
repent, the Bride’s fruitless deeds of darkness
will be brought to light so that the rest will
realize there’s a two-way Mirror on every ceiling
(Matt. 6:4), and begin taking God seriously
(James 1:21-25).
Matt. 6:4
Thy Father… seeth in secret.
James 1:21-25
Wherefore lay apart all
filthiness and superfluity of
naughtiness, and receive with
meekness the engrafted word,
which is able to save your
souls. But be ye doers of the
word, and not hearers only,
deceiving your own selves. For
if any be a hearer of the word,
and not a doer, he is like unto
a man beholding his natural
face in a glass: For he
beholdeth himself, and goeth
his way, and straightway
forgetteth what manner of
man he was. But whoso
looketh into the perfect law of
therein, he being not a
forgetful hearer, but a doer of
the work, this man shall be
blessed in his deed.
merciful unto his land, and to his
The mirror is on the ceiling because God
is in heaven (Ps. 115:3).
Line 46: Jesus said He wouldn’t drink the fruit
of the vine again until His kingdom reign (Matt.
Ps. 115:3 Our God is in the heavens: he
hath done whatsoever he hath pleased.
Matt. 26:29
2. It’s two-way because God can see
everything we do but we can’t see Him
(Ps. 94:8-11).
I say unto you, I will not drink
henceforth of this fruit of the
vine, until that day when I
drink it new with you in my
Father's kingdom.
Ps. 94:8-11 Understand, ye brutish
among the people: and ye fools, when
will ye be wise? He that planted the ear,
shall he not hear? he that formed the
eye, shall he not see? He that chastiseth
the heathen, shall not he correct? he that
teacheth man knowledge, shall not he
know? The LORD knoweth the thoughts
of man, that they are vanity.
He’s now got the champagne ready and waiting
for us (Rev. 19:9).
3. It’s a mirror on one side so that we can
see ourselves clearly (James 1:23).
It’s not only out of the cartons—it’s ON ICE!
(Isa. 56:1; Rev. 3:11; 22:7; 22:12; 22:20).
James 1 :23 The word…is like unto a
man beholding his natural face in a
He saith unto me, Write,
Blessed are they which are
called unto the marriage
supper of the Lamb. And he
saith unto me, These are the
true sayings of God.
Isa. 56:1
Thus saith the LORD, Keep ye
judgment, and do justice: for
my salvation is near to come,
and my righteousness to be
Rev. 3:11
Behold, I come quickly: hold
that fast which thou hast, that
no man take thy crown.
Rev. 22:7
Matt. 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even
as your Father which is in heaven is
Behold, I come quickly:
blessed is he that keepeth the
sayings of the prophecy of this
Rev. 22:12
The Mirror is there so that we don’t take
revenge on others since we know God
sees what they’ve done and will avenge
us (Deut. 32:43).
Behold, I come quickly; and
my reward is with me, to give
every man according as his
work shall be.
Rev. 22:20
He which testifieth these
things saith, Surely I come
4. It’s like the glass in a telescope so that
we see ourselves as we need to be,
looking into the future (Matt. 5:48)—like
the Scrooge and the Ghost of Christmas
Yet to Come. Looking into the future
compared to what we currently are, we
can make changes now to improve our
Rev. 19:9
Deut. 32:43 Rejoice, O ye nations, with
his people: for he will avenge the blood
of his servants, and will render
vengeance to his adversaries, and will be
Line 47-48: My family and I have been
prisoners in our cells without walls and open
doors for nearly two decades out of faith in God
(Heb. 11:1), love (John 14:21), and obedience
(Eph. 5:11).
Heb. 11:1
John 14:21
Eph. 5:11
Faith is the substance of
things hoped for, the evidence
of things not seen.
commandments, and keepeth
them, he it is that loveth me:
and he that loveth me shall be
loved of my Father, and I will
love him, and will manifest
myself to him.
Have no fellowship with the
unfruitful works of darkness,
but rather reprove them.
Line 49: Jesus is the Master (Matt. 23:10). His
chamber is wherever I am because the temple of
God is within me (1 Cor. 6:19). The Master is
wherever the born again soul is because the
Temple of God is within individuals not
churches (1 Cor. 11:17; John 4:23-24).
Matt. 23:10
Neither be ye called masters:
for one is your Master, even
1 Cor. 6:19
Your body is the temple of the
Holy Ghost which is in you.
1 Cor. 11:17
Now in this that I declare unto
you I praise you not, that ye
come together not for the
better, but for the worse.
John 4:23-24
worship the Father in spirit
and in truth: for the Father
seeketh such to worship
him. God is a Spirit: and they
that worship him must
worship him in spirit and in
Everyone who belongs in His Hotel will repent of
their hardness of heart and apathy, taking on the
same mentality (Rom. 12:1-2; 2 Cor. 6:14).
Rom. 12:1-2
2 Cor. 6:14
I beseech you therefore,
brethren, by the mercies of
God, that ye present your
bodies a living sacrifice, holy,
acceptable unto God, which is
your reasonable service. And
be not conformed to this
world: but be ye transformed
by the renewing of your mind,
that ye may prove what is that
good, and acceptable, and
perfect, will of God.
Be ye not unequally yoked
together with unbelievers: for
unrighteousness? and what
communion hath light with
Line 50: The elect will be feasting on God—the
Bread of Life—in the days of Hotel California
(Ps. 34:8; John 6:55), as Church leaders let Him
gather us together (Matt. 23:37) in preparation
for the Marriage Supper (Rev. 19:9) ridding the
Church of all sins and divisions (2 Cor. 6:14;
Eph. 5:11).
Ps. 34:8
O taste and see that the LORD
is good.
John 6:55
For my flesh is meat indeed,
and my blood is drink indeed.
Matt. 23:37
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou
that killest the prophets, and
stonest them which are sent
unto thee, how often would I
have gathered thy children
together, even as a hen
gathereth her chickens under
her wings, and ye would not!
Rev. 19:9
Blessed are they which are
called unto the marriage
supper of the Lamb.
2 Cor. 6:14
Be ye not unequally yoked
together with unbelievers: for
unrighteousness? and what
communion hath light with
Eph. 5:11
Have no fellowship with the
unfruitful works of darkness,
but rather reprove them.
Line 51: Feasting in Hotel California—the true
Church—the Church without walls and without
fake anything (Luke 11:17), the elect correctly
use the Sword of the Spirit which is the WORD
of God, the Bible (Eph. 6:17; Heb. 4:12; 2 Tim.
2:15) to fight the war (Eph. 6:12).
Luke 11:17
thoughts, said unto them,
against itself is brought to
desolation; and a house
divided against a house
Eph. 6:17
The sword of the Spirit, which
is the word of God.
Heb. 4:12
For the word of God is quick,
and powerful, and sharper
than any twoedged sword,
piercing even to the dividing
asunder of soul and spirit, and
of the joints and marrow, and
is a discerner of the thoughts
and intents of the heart.
2 Tim. 2:15
Eph. 6:12
workman that needeth not to
be ashamed, rightly dividing
the word of truth.
For we wrestle not against
flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the
darkness of this world, against
spiritual wickedness in high
Line 52: Only God can kill the beast (Jude 1:9;
Rev. 20:10). The born again have been given the
relentlessly—to get him off our backs (Eph. 6:17)
and keep him off (Luke 4:13; Matt. 26:41).
Jude 1:9
Michael the archangel, when
contending with the devil he
disputed about the body of
Moses, durst not bring against
him a railing accusation, but
said, The Lord rebuke thee.
Rev. 20:10
The devil that deceived them
was cast into the lake of fire
and brimstone, where the
beast and the false prophet
are, and shall be tormented
day and night for ever and
Eph. 6:17
The sword of the Spirit…is the
word of God:
Luke 4:13
When the devil had ended all
the temptation, he departed
from him for a season.
Matt. 26:41
Watch and pray, that ye enter
not into temptation: the spirit
indeed is willing, but the flesh
is weak.
Line 53-56: Everyone’s first reaction is to want
to run the other way (Heb. 12:21), as I wanted to
do on Labor Day weekend when He lassoed me
by the neck and tied me up in knots on our
camping trip (Isa. 6:5-7)—then burned His seal
onto my rump. Ouch! (2 Tim. 2:19).
Heb. 12:21
Moses said, I exceedingly fear
and quake.
Isa. 6:5-7
Then said I, Woe is me! for I
am undone; because I am a
man of unclean lips, and I
dwell in the midst of a people
of unclean lips: for mine eyes
have seen the King, the LORD
of hosts. Then flew one of the
seraphims unto me, having a
live coal in his hand, which he
had taken with the tongs from
off the altar: And he laid it
upon my mouth, and said, Lo,
this hath touched thy lips; and
thine iniquity is taken away,
and thy sin purged.
2 Tim. 2:19
Howbeit no man spake openly
of him for fear of the Jews.
John 9:20-23
His parents answered them
and said, We know that this is
our son, and that he was born
blind. But by what means he
now seeth, we know not; or
who hath opened his eyes, we
know not: he is of age; ask
him: he shall speak for
himself. These words spake
his parents, because they
feared the Jews: for the Jews
had agreed already, that if any
man did confess that he was
Christ, he should be put out of
the synagogue. Therefore said
his parents, He is of age; ask
John 18:25-27
Simon Peter stood and
warmed himself. They said
therefore unto him, Art not
thou also one of his disciples?
He denied it, and said, I am
not. One of the servants of the
high priest, being his kinsman
whose ear Peter cut off, saith,
Did not I see thee in the
garden with him? Peter then
immediately the cock crew.
Matt. 26:56
All this was done, that the
scriptures of the prophets
might be fulfilled…all the
disciples forsook him, and
The foundation of God
standeth sure, having this
seal, The Lord knoweth them
that are his. And, let every one
that nameth the name of
Christ depart from iniquity.
Since Jesus is the Door (John 10:9), the elect
will start running to Him, running for the Door
(Isa. 6:5-7).
John 10:9
John 7:13
I am the door: by me if any
man enter in, he shall be
saved, and shall go in and out,
and find pasture.
At first, most would rather go back to the status
quo (Ex. 14:11) since His branding iron is so hot
(2 Pet. 3:10) and we all like playing it safe/going
with the crowd (John 7:13, 9:20-23, 18:25-27;
Matt. 26:56).
Ex. 14:11
They said unto Moses,
Because there were no graves
in Egypt, hast thou taken us
away to die in the wilderness?
2 Pet. 3:10
The day of the Lord will come
as a thief in the night; in the
which the heavens shall pass
away with a great noise, and
the elements shall melt with
fervent heat, the earth also
and the works that are therein
shall be burned up.
However, since He stamps an ‘R’ for Royalty
(Rom. 8:17), getting burned for Christ is a good
thing (Matt. 22:14). But it's also an R for Rat
(Jer. 17:9; Rom. 3:10), as well as for Rest and
Relaxation (Matt. 11:29).
Rom. 8:17
If children, then heirs; heirs of
God, and joint-heirs with
Christ; if so be that we suffer
with him, that we may be also
glorified together.
Matt. 22:14
Many are called, but few are
Jer. 17:9
The heart is deceitful above all
wicked: who can know it?
Rom. 3:10
As it is written, There is none
righteous, no, not one:
Matt. 11:29
John 15:15
Line 59-60: Elect at the Hotel can go prodigal
‘if they really want to’ (Heb. 10:38)—they won’t.
No matter what we do, or have done, or haven’t
done, none of His elect children are EVER
separated from the love of God that is in Christ
Jesus, our Lord (Rom. 8:35-39). Hallelujah!
Heb. 10:38
Now the just shall live by
faith: but if any man draw
back, my soul shall have no
pleasure in him.
Rom. 8:35-39
Who shall separate us from
the love of Christ? shall
tribulation, or distress, or
persecution, or famine, or
nakedness, or peril, or
sword? As it is written, For thy
sake we are killed all the day
long; we are accounted as
sheep for the slaughter. Nay,
in all these things we are more
than conquerors through him
that loved us. For I am
persuaded, that neither death,
nor life, nor angels, nor
principalities, nor powers, nor
things present, nor things to
come, Nor height, nor depth,
nor any other creature, shall
be able to separate us from
the love of God, which is in
Christ Jesus our Lord.
Take my yoke upon you, and
learn of me; for I am meek
and lowly in heart: and ye
shall find rest unto your souls.
Line 57-58: Chill out says one of our angelic
friends (Luke 2:10). There are many angelic
friends (Ps. 68:17), all programmed to welcome
us, as does this Friend (Isa. 41:10; John 15:15).
Luke 2:10
The angel said unto them,
Fear not: for, behold, I bring
you good tidings of great joy,
which shall be to all people.
Ps. 68:17
The chariots of God are
thousands of angels: the Lord
is among them, as in Sinai, in
the holy place.
Isa. 41:10
Fear thou not; for I am with
thee: be not dismayed; for I
am thy God: I will strengthen
thee; yea, I will help thee; yea,
I will uphold thee with the
Henceforth I call you not
servants; for the servant
knoweth not what his lord
doeth: but I have called you
friends; for all things that I
have heard of my Father I
have made known unto you.
Several verses are repeated, whereby God is
saying these sayings are trustworthy and true:
You are
His face, God’s presence, is beautiful—
repeated twice.
You can find all you need in Him, and
more, any time—repeated twice.
This prophecy is a wonderful surprise—
repeated twice.
God’s WORD is King
Church as it was meant to be, and will
be, is a wonderful place—repeated four
He who has ears to hear, let him hear. YouTube
Goodbye Ordinary MercyMe.
Working on Wake Up! our family went to see
some acquaintances in the play, Seussical:
The Musical, based on the books of Dr. Seuss.
It had been a hard year so it was nice to have a
little break. But since Jesus is the Drama King (1
Tim. 6:15) and a “rewarder of them that
diligently seek Him” (Heb. 11:6), He entertained
my socks off and gave me an awesome break!
Seussical is a very funny rendition of what’s
been going on. Then after the show they did a
terrific modern dance which shouts loud and
clear making the discerning soul feel like we’ve
got elephant ears to hear. (Many different
groups have posted their performance of this
play on YouTube.)
Seussical—with a Little Twist
An elephant/Jesus is hated (John 15:25) and
thought to be wacky (Mark 3:21) because He
hears these little people no one else can hear or
see, and He cares about them (Luke 5:32),
though no one else cares (John 10:13). The Guy’s
nuts (John 6:60-66). Unwilling to let the little
people die, He endures everything for them,
allowing Himself to be imprisonment for most of
the Show. And He does it even though no one
cares about the little people or about Him (Rom.
3:11). Well, except for this one very funky
looking bird (Isa. 46:11) who also endures
everything for most of the show.
However, this ‘chic’ doesn’t do it for the little
people but for that hunk of Elephant Man (Isa.
53:2-4) whom she’s gaga over (Mark 12:30). If
He cares about the little people so much that
He’s willing to rot in jail unjustly for most of the
Show, though she doesn’t see anything all that
special in the stupid little people (Isa. 53:6)—too
mesmerized by the Hunk she’s set her heart on
(Ps. 27:4)—she figures she can give ‘em to Him
as a token of her love since they mean so much
to Him (Song 2:3-5). So, she saves the little
people as a gift for her Beloved (1 Cor. 13:1-7)—a
gift she doesn’t acquire until it’s nearly the very
end of the Show, while also getting her Man out
of jail.
There’s also a little person who’s in trouble
with the other little people for thinking too much
and for not thinking like them (Titus. 2:11-12).
It was a great musical comedy, and so much
more musical to my ears with God’s Tiffany
Twist to it. For instance, there are some mean
monkey demons involved (Mark 5:1-9), and
Satan’s advoCat in the Hat (with all of his tricks),
acting like a friend (2 Cor. 11:14). Yet in spite of
this cat who keeps hanging around (1 Pet. 5:8),
the bird and the Elephant are united in the end
and hatch an egg together, a combination
bird/elephant, those weirdo—excuse me—
peculiar children of God! (1 Pet. 2:9).
Little People. Everyone gets mad if you
don’t go with the flow yet they constantly tell you
to be unique. Observe: humans are oxymoronic.
Oxy denotes ‘sharpness’ and ic refers to being
‘characterized by,’ Connecting all the dots, God
is saying that we, His little people, are sharply
characterized as being morons—and morons
don’t do well in the Battlefield. Therefore, He
made a Way of improving our Idiotic condition
(John 3:16).
And Christians are the worst of all since they
know we’re called to go against the grain (Matt.
7:13). Yet every Protestant I’ve ever known
(including those in my immediate family) has at
some point encouraged me to go with the flow,
rebuked me, and/or been irritated with me for
not doing so. I think it’s why God refers to His
people as little children in the New Testament
and to little people in the musical. Humans don’t
just have a low—little—regard for God, they have
excruciatingly little expectations of God. Yet God
gave Himself over to a brutal death to show us
just how willing He is to meet our needs and
bless our socks off (Luke 12:32). YouTube
Beauty & the Beast Little Town.
Now for the song and dance routine.
King of the
Robert Brown
( and under the Docs
tab get a copy of the lyrics to King of
the World from Songs for a New
World by Robert Jason Brown.
2. YouTube Darius de Haas King of
the World.
3. Plug in the Scriptures that go with the
4. Trust and obey.
Line 1-3: Some 6000 years ago today God
(Jesus, along with the Father and Holy Spirit)
oversaw and controlled the creation of the world
(Gen. 1:1-7; John 1:1-2 & 1:14).
Gen. 1:1
In the beginning God created
the heaven and the earth.
John 1:1-2
In the beginning was the
Word, and the Word was with
God, and the Word was
God. The same was in the
beginning with God.
John 1:14
The Word was made flesh,
and dwelt among us.
Line 3: He ignited all the stars (Matt. 2:9; John
Gen. 1:16-18
He made the stars also. And
God set them in the
firmament of the heaven to
give light upon the earth, And
to rule over the day and over
the night, and to divide the
light from the darkness: and
God saw that it was good.
Matt. 2:9
When they had heard the
king, they departed; and, lo,
the star, which they saw in the
east, went before them, till it
came and stood over where
the young child was.
John 8:12
Then spake Jesus again unto
them, saying, I am the light of
the world: he that followeth
me shall not walk in darkness,
but shall have the light of life.
Line 4-5: When Jesus walked the earth, people
lay palm branches at His feet (John 12:12-13).
John 12:12-13
Much people that were come
to the feast, when they heard
that Jesus was coming to
Jerusalem, Took branches of
palm trees, and went forth to
Hosanna: Blessed is the King
of Israel that cometh in the
name of the Lord.
Line 7: Jesus rebuked the Pharisees and Scribes
who were mishandling God’s commands and
who had added to them, dishonoring God and
hurting people (Matt. 15:3 & 23:15).
Matt. 15:3
Why do ye also transgress the
commandment of God by your
Matt. 23:15
Woe unto you, scribes and
Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye
compass sea and land to make
one proselyte, and when he is
made, ye make him twofold
more the child of hell than
Line 6: The Father anointed Jesus so that He
would serve Him (Luke 2:49) and people (Luke
4:18-19)—in that order (Mark 12:30-31).
Line 8: When He was here Church leaders
dishonored God’s House (Matt. 21:13)—just like
they do today.
Luke 2:49
He said unto them, How is it
that ye sought me? wist ye not
that I must be about my
Father's business?
Matt. 21:13
Luke 4:18-19
The Spirit of the Lord is upon
me, because he hath anointed
me to preach the gospel to the
poor; he hath sent me to heal
the brokenhearted, to preach
deliverance to the captives,
and recovering of sight to the
blind, to set at liberty them
that are bruised, To preach the
acceptable year of the Lord.
Mark 12:30-31
Thou shalt love the Lord thy
God with all thy heart, and
with all thy soul, and with all
thy mind, and with all thy
strength: this is the first
commandment. And
second is like, namely this,
Thou shalt love thy neighbour
as thyself. There is none other
commandment greater than
[He] said unto them, It is
written, My house shall be
called the house of prayer; but
ye have made it a den of
Line 9: Jesus had sincere followers back in the
good ol’ days (Matt. 4:20).
Matt. 4:20
They straightway left their
nets, and followed him.
Line 10: Jesus had (and still has) the power to
guide and use the natural world (John 9:7; Luke
3:5). More importantly, back then, His elect
submitted to Him (John 2:5-8; Luke 5:5; John
John 9:7
[He] said unto him, Go, wash
in the pool of Siloam, (which
is by interpretation, Sent.) He
went his way therefore, and
washed, and came seeing.
Luke 3:5
Every valley shall be filled,
and every mountain and hill
shall be brought low; and the
crooked shall be made
straight, and the rough ways
shall be made smooth.
John 2:5-8
Luke 5:5
John 7:38
His mother saith unto the
servants, Whatsoever he saith
unto you, do it… Jesus saith
unto them, Fill the waterpots
with water. And they filled
them up to the brim. And he
saith unto them, Draw out
now, and bear unto the
governor of the feast. And
they bare it.
Simon answering said unto
him, Master, we have toiled all
the night, and have taken
nothing: nevertheless at thy
word I will let down the net.
He that believeth on me, as
the scripture hath said, out of
his belly shall flow rivers of
living water.
Line 12-13: He wants Church leadership to
give Him control over His Church (Matt. 16:18 &
Matt. 16:18
I will build my church; and
the gates of hell shall not
prevail against it.
Matt. 23:39
henceforth, till ye shall say,
Blessed is he that cometh in
the name of the Lord.
Line 14: Isn’t that clear? (Matt. 18:18; Luke
Matt. 18:18
Verily I say unto you,
Whatsoever ye shall bind on
earth shall be bound in
heaven: and whatsoever ye
shall loose on earth shall be
loosed in heaven.
Luke 12:5
I will forewarn you whom ye
shall fear: Fear him, which
after he hath killed hath
power to cast into hell; yea, I
say unto you, Fear him.
Line 11: Jesus gave His life for us as a gift to the
Father (John 14:31), a Father who sent Him as a
gift to us (Eph. 2:8; 2 Cor. 9:15).
John 14:31
That the world may know that
I love the Father; and as the
commandment, even so I do.
Arise, let us go hence.
Eph. 2:8
For by grace are ye saved
through faith; and that not of
yourselves: it is the gift of God
2 Cor. 9:15
Thanks be unto God for his
unspeakable gift.
Line 12: Like the Elephant, Joseph, and me—
Jesus has been ‘jailed’ unjustly (John 15:25).
John 15:25
But this cometh to pass, that
the word might be fulfilled
that is written in their law,
They hated me without a
Line 15: The Father wants to see His Son
honored so that He can bless the world so that
the world will honor Him (Ps. 67).
Ps. 67
God be merciful unto us, and
bless us; and cause his face to
shine upon us; That thy way
may be known upon earth, thy
saving health among all
nations. Let the people praise
thee, O God; let all the people
praise thee. O let the nations
be glad and sing for joy: for
thou shalt judge the people
righteously, and govern the
nations upon earth. Let the
people praise thee, O God; let
thee. Then shall the earth
yield her increase; and God,
even our own God, shall bless
us. God shall bless us; and all
the ends of the earth shall fear
Line 16: He really doesn’t appreciate how we
treat Him, keeping Him locked up (Ps. 2:12).
Line 20: Jesus is represented by the Holy
Spirit—the wind (Acts 2:1-3). But because of the
BRAT’s behavior due to Her lack of faith and
self-love, His power is restricted (Mark 6:3-5;
Matt. 13:58).
Ps. 2:12
Acts 2:1-3
When the day of Pentecost
was fully come, they were all
with one accord in one
place. And suddenly there
came a sound from heaven as
of a rushing mighty wind, and
it filled all the house where
they were sitting. And there
appeared unto them cloven
tongues like as of fire, and it
sat upon each of them.
Mark 6:3-5
Is not this the carpenter, the
son of Mary, the brother of
James, and Joses, and of
Juda, and Simon? and are not
his sisters here with us? And
they were offended at him.
But Jesus, said unto them, A
prophet is not without
honour, but in his own
country, and among his own
house. And he could there do
no mighty work, save that he
laid his hands upon a few sick
folk, and healed them.
Matt. 13:58
He did not many mighty
works there because of their
Kiss the Son, lest he be angry,
and ye perish from the way,
when his wrath is kindled but
a little. Blessed are all they
that put their trust in him.
Line 17: He wants to know what He did to
deserve such treatment (Mark 14:55-56).
Mark 14:55-56
The chief priests and all the
council sought for witness
against Jesus to put him to
death; and found none. For
many bare false witness
against him, but their witness
agreed not together.
Line 18: (Rev. 17:14).
Rev. 17:14
These shall make war with the
Lamb, and the Lamb shall
overcome them: for he is Lord
of lords, and King of kings:
and they that are with him are
called, and chosen, and
Line 19: Jesus controls the world including the
sea (Mark 4:41; Matt. 17:27).
Mark 4:41
Matt. 17:27
They feared exceedingly, and
said one to another, What
manner of man is this, that
even the wind and the sea
obey him?
Go thou to the sea, and cast an
hook, and take up the fish that
first cometh up; and when
thou hast opened his mouth,
thou shalt find a piece of
money: that take, and give
unto them for me and thee.
Line 21: He laments that His people let Satan
rule over them (Phil. 2:21; Rev. 13:3).
Phil. 2:21
For all seek their own, not the
things which are Jesus
Rev. 13:3
All the world wondered after
the beast.
teachers; For
perfecting of the saints, for the
work of the ministry, for the
edifying of the body of
Christ: Till we all come in the
unity of the faith, and of the
knowledge of the Son of God,
unto a perfect man, unto the
measure of the stature of the
fulness of Christ: That we
henceforth be no more
children, tossed to and fro,
and carried about with every
wind of doctrine, by the
sleight of men, and cunning
craftiness, whereby they lie in
wait to deceive; But speaking
the truth in love, may grow up
into him in all things, which is
the head, even Christ.
Line 22: While He’s King of the world (1 Tim.
6:15), He rots in jail (Isa. 53:3).
1 Tim. 6:15
Which in his times he shall
shew, who is the blessed and
only Potentate, the King of
kings, and Lord of lords;
Isa. 53:3
He is despised and rejected of
men; a man of sorrows, and
acquainted with grief: and we
hid as it were our faces from
him; he was despised, and we
esteemed him not.
Line 23: How sad that He has to plead with His
own people in such a way (Eph. 4:30).
Eph. 4:30
Grieve not the holy Spirit of
God, whereby ye are sealed
unto the day of redemption.
Line 24: He’s made many promises, all laid out
clearly in the Bible. The most important one
being that He’s coming back soon (Rev. 22:7).
He’s asking Church leaders to allow Him to
remind His people of the Truth (John 14:6).
Rev. 22:7
Behold, I come quickly:
blessed is he that keepeth the
sayings of the prophecy of this
John 14:6
I am the way, the truth, and
the life: no man cometh unto
the Father, but by me.
Rev. 21:1-3
I saw a new heaven and a new
earth: for the first heaven and
the first earth were passed
away; and there was no more
sea. And I John saw the holy
city, new Jerusalem, coming
down from God out of heaven,
prepared as a bride adorned
for her husband. And I heard a
great voice out of heaven
saying, Behold, the tabernacle
of God is with men, and he
will dwell with them, and they
shall be his people, and God
himself shall be with them,
and be their God.
Line 25: Jesus’ destiny is to rule over His
Church (Eph. 5:23), and world, first before the
non-elect have been taken out of the way (Eph.
4:11-15), and then after they’ve been removed
(Rev. 21:1-3).
Line 26: Long ago, before His imprisonment
(Rev. 13:3; Phil. 2:21), Jesus had full control
over His life (John 10:18).
Eph. 5:23
Rev. 13:3
All the world wondered after
the beast.
Phil. 2:21
For all seek their own, not the
things which are Jesus
Eph. 4:11-15
For the husband is the head of
the wife, even as Christ is the
head of the church: and he is
the saviour of the body.
He gave some, apostles; and
some, prophets; and some,
evangelists; and some, pastors
John 10:18
No man taketh it from me, but
I lay it down of myself. I have
power to lay it down, and I
have power to take it again.
This commandment have I
received of my Father.
Line 27: Jesus had a sincere following of people
(Matt. 19:2) and of angels (Matt. 26:53).
Matt. 19:2
Great multitudes followed
him; and he healed them.
Matt. 26:53
Thinkest thou that I cannot
now pray to my Father, and he
shall presently give me more
than twelve legions of angels?
Line 33: As in the movie Hugo (2011), where
the key is shaped as a heart, since “God is love”
(1 John 4:8), and Jesus is the Son of God, the
key is love (1 John 3:1). In other words, love is
the key (John 15:13).
1 John 4:8
God is love.
1 John 3:1
Behold, what manner of love
the Father hath bestowed
upon us, that we should be
called the sons of God:
therefore the world knoweth
us not, because it knew him
John 15:13
Greater love hath no man
than this, that a man lay down
his life for his friends.
Line 28-29: His disciples were willing to do
whatever He said (Mark 5:18-20).
Mark 5:18-20
When he was come into the
ship, he that had been
possessed with the devil
prayed him that he might be
him. Howbeit
suffered him not, but saith
unto him, Go home to thy
friends, and tell them how
great things the Lord hath
done for thee, and hath had
compassion on thee. And he
departed, and began to
publish in Decapolis how
great things Jesus had done
for him: and all men did
Line 30-32: Way back before “the beginning”
(Gen. 1:1), God, the Father, promised Jesus rule
over all (John 16:15).
Gen. 1:1
John 16:15
In the beginning God created
the heaven and the earth.
All things that the Father hath
are mine: therefore said I, that
he shall take of mine, and
shall shew it unto you.
Line 34-35: While the BRAT holds Jesus back,
hard as She tries to keep Him back, and She’s
done Her best, He will not be imprisoned any
longer being that He is the wind, the Holy Spirit,
which can’t really be locked up (John 3:8). It's
like you're trying to box in a tornado!
John 3:8
The wind bloweth where it
listeth, and thou hearest the
sound thereof, but canst not
tell whence it cometh, and
whither it goeth: so is every
one that is born of the Spirit.
Line 35: There are no prisons for anyone in
Christian life when the body of Christ lives
according to God’s WORD (Rom. 8:38-39). Even
if the body is not in Christ (John 8:36), no
matter the amount of oppression, I’m still free to
be me (Eph. 2:10)—as are all elect of God.
YouTube Lord I Believe in You Crystal
Rom. 8:38-39
For I am persuaded, that
neither death, nor life, nor
angels, nor principalities, nor
powers, nor things present,
nor things to come, Nor
height, nor depth, nor any
other creature, shall be able to
separate us from the love of
God, which is in Christ Jesus
our Lord.
Line 40: Yet, again, He demands to be released!
(Gen. 41:32).
John 8:36
If the Son therefore shall
make you free, ye shall be free
Gen. 41:32
Eph. 2:10
For we are his workmanship,
created in Christ Jesus unto
good works, which God hath
before ordained that we
should walk in them.
Line 36: He insists the BRAT release Her grip
over His Church (Eph. 5:23).
Eph. 5:23
Line 41: Christianity Today says She knows
who He is, but it’s HIGHLY questionable! (John
14:10-12). Therefore, He asks the same question
He asked His first disciples (Matt. 16:15).
John 14:12
He that believeth on me, the
works that I do shall he do
also; and greater works than
these shall he do; because I go
unto my Father.
Matt. 16:15
But whom say ye that I am?
Christ is the head of the
Line 37: The wind is the Holy Spirit through
whom God works in the world (Acts 2:2; Luke
10:19). His Girl needs to surrender to Him.
Acts 2:2
A rushing mighty wind.
Luke 10:19
Behold, I give unto you power
to tread on serpents and
scorpions, and over all the
power of the enemy: and
nothing shall by any means
hurt you.
Lines 42-43: Yet again, He reminds the BRAT
that He is the King of Kings, Chief Executive of
Everything (Ex. 3:14; John 19:11), including the
sea which contains fish that will be caught
(Mark 1:17). He repeats who He is since we’re
sooooooooooo slooooooooow! (Matt. 15:16).
Ex. 3:14
John 19:11
Thou couldest have no power
at all against me, except it
were given thee from above.
Mark 1:17
Come ye after me, and I will
make you to become fishers of
Matt. 15:16
Are ye also yet
Line 38: Jesus wants out! And His patience has
a limit (2 Tim. 2:4; Rev. 2:21).
2 Tim. 2:4
Rev. 2:21
entangleth himself with the
affairs of this life; that he may
please him who hath chosen
him to be a soldier.
I gave her space to repent of
her fornication.
Line 39: The Father wants to see His Son
honored so that He can see His children who are
currently lost (John 21:17).
John 21:17
Doubled…twice…because the
thing is established by God,
and God will shortly bring it
to pass.
Line 44: He is the Holy Spirit, therefore, the
“wind.” “High” because He’s holy (1 Pet. 1:16).
1 Pet. 1:16
Be ye holy; for I am holy.
Feed my sheep.
Line 45: He “tries” since His people prevent
Him from realizing His desires (Matt. 13:58).
And it’s also more than what Christians try to be,
so He says, “at least I try,” mocking Christianity
Today (James 1:6-8).
Matt. 13:58
He did not many mighty
works there because of their
James 1:6-8
wavereth is like a wave of the
sea driven with the wind and
tossed. For let not that man
think that he shall receive any
thing of the Lord. A double
minded man is unstable in all
his ways.
Line 46: Again, He reminds everyone that He is
King of the World, so STEP DOWN! Or else get
pushed down (Isa. 2:11; Matt. 10:28).
Isa. 2:11
Matt. 10:28
The lofty looks of man shall be
humbled, and the haughtiness
of men shall be bowed down,
and the LORD alone shall be
exalted in that day.
Fear not them which kill the
body, but are not able to kill
the soul: but rather fear him
which is able to destroy both
soul and body in hell.
Jer. 18:6-8
Line 48: When He walked the earth, Jesus
revealed His power, and people believed He was
the Messiah, holding the “promise” of salvation
(John 2:23; Acts 4:12).
John 2:23
Many believed in his name,
when they saw the miracles
which he did.
Acts 4:12
Neither is there salvation in
any other: for there is none
other name under heaven
given among men, whereby
we must be saved.
Line 49: God wants His Family back on His turf
(John 10:16; Gal. 3:26; 1 Cor. 7:23).
John 10:16
Other sheep I have, which are
not of this fold: them also I
must bring, and they shall
hear my voice; and there shall
be one fold, and one
Gal. 3:26
For ye are all the children of
God by faith in Christ Jesus.
1 Cor. 7:23
Ye are bought with a price; be
not ye the servants of men.
Line 47: He’s begging you! (Heb. 3:15).
Heb. 3:15
While it is said, To day if ye
will hear his voice, harden not
your hearts, as in the
It’s like how skunks will warn you for a long
time, hissing, stomping their little feet, doing
hand stands, and sticking their butt in your face,
to get you to stop what you’re doing because if
you don’t, YOU WILL BE SORRY! And with this
ministry the Lord is putting His butt in your face
(Jer. 18:6-8).
O house of Israel, cannot I do
with you as this potter? saith
the LORD. Behold, as the clay
is in the potter's hand, so are
ye in mine hand, O house of
Israel. At what instant I shall
speak concerning a nation,
and concerning a kingdom, to
pluck up, and to pull down,
and to destroy it; If that
nation, against whom I have
pronounced, turn from their
evil, I will repent of the evil
that I thought to do unto
Line 50-56: The Lord is obviously defending
me and my family as we’ve lived in our prison
without walls for most of our (now adult)
children’s lives (John 12:26). Neither have I
been challenging the system but working for the
people wanting better for all, especially for Jesus
to be glorified. He’s making Christians consider
their actions (John 18:23). His enemies never
found any valid accusations against Him (Mark
14:55). Neither have any Christians had any for
me. It’s always a twisting of Scripture, or “your”
standards are too high, "I’m doing my best," the
cold silent blow off, or something nonsensical
and/or unbiblical belligerence. Or else they say
they won't (don't need to) listen to me because of
my tone (since I'm also a sinner and only have so
much patience). They focus on my "wrong" tone
ignoring the reason for the tone (Matt. 22:29).
Line 52: He mocks His people because they’ve
been “challenging the system” (Acts 5:38-39).
Acts 5:38-39
Line 53-54: Any changes God calls for are to
improve our lives here on earth (Matt. 6:19-21)
and in heaven (1 Tim. 4:8).
Matt. 6:19-21
Lay not up for yourselves
treasures upon earth, where
moth and rust doth corrupt,
and where thieves break
through and steal: But lay up
for yourselves treasures in
heaven, where neither moth
nor rust doth corrupt, and
where thieves do not break
through nor steal: For where
your treasure is, there will
your heart be also.
1 Tim. 4:8
For bodily exercise profiteth
profitable unto all things,
having promise of the life that
now is, and of that which is to
John 12:26 If any man serve me, let him follow
me; and where I am, there
shall also my servant be: if any
man serve me, him will my
Father honour.
John 18:23 Jesus answered him, If I have
spoken evil, bear witness of
the evil: but if well, why
smitest thou me?
Mark 14:55
The chief priests and all the
council sought for witness
against Jesus to put him to
death; and found none.
Matt. 22:29
Ye do err, not knowing the
scriptures, nor the power of
And now I say unto you,
Refrain from these men, and
let them alone: for if this
counsel or this work be of
men, it will come to
nought: But if it be of God, ye
cannot overthrow it; lest haply
ye be found even to fight
against God.
Line 57-59: God wants His BRAT to know He’s
coming back soon (Rev. 2:5). Yet, ‘drunk’ with
the twisted teaching of the rapture, thinking
She’ll get beamed up before any hardship comes
upon Her, She’s hardly prepared Herself (Matt.
25:1-12). Since She’s saved (so She reasons),
She’s been living just as She pleases (James 5:5).
Rev. 2:5
Remember therefore from
whence thou art fallen, and
repent, and do the first works;
or else I will come unto thee
quickly, and will remove thy
candlestick out of his place,
except thou repent.
Matt. 25:1-12
James 5:5
The kingdom of heaven [is]
likened unto ten virgins,
which took their lamps, and
went forth to meet the
bridegroom. And five of them
were wise, and five were
foolish. They that were foolish
took their lamps, and took no
oil with them: But the wise
took oil in their vessels with
lamps. While
bridegroom tarried, they all
slumbered and slept. And at
midnight there was a cry
made, Behold, the bridegroom
cometh; go ye out to meet
him. Then all those virgins
arose, and trimmed their
lamps. And the foolish said
unto the wise, Give us of your
oil; for our lamps are gone
out. But the wise answered,
saying, Not so; lest there be
not enough for us and you:
but go ye rather to them that
yourselves. And while they
went to buy, the bridegroom
came; and they that were
ready went in with him to the
marriage: and the door was
shut. Afterward came also the
other virgins, saying, Lord,
Lord, open to us. But he
answered and said, Verily I
say unto you, I know you not.
Ye have lived in pleasure on
the earth, and been wanton;
ye have nourished your
hearts, as in a day of
Line 58-59: I am “someone” who is letting
everyone know that He will be set free—since
you’re gonna set Him free (Ex. 3:10).
Ex. 3:10
Come now therefore, and I
will send thee unto Pharaoh,
that thou mayest bring forth
my people the children of
Israel out of Egypt.
Line 60: Jesus will not be defeated (Matt. 16:18;
Rev. 5:1-5) since He’s already won!
Matt. 16:18
I will build my church; and
the gates of hell shall not
prevail against it.
Rev. 5:1-5
I saw in the right hand of him
that sat on the throne a book
written within and on the
backside, sealed with seven
seals. And I saw a strong angel
proclaiming with a loud voice,
Who is worthy to open the
book, and to loose the seals
thereof? And no man in
heaven, nor in earth, neither
under the earth, was able to
open the book, neither to look
thereon. And I wept much,
because no man was found
worthy to open and to read
the book, neither to look
thereon. And one of the elders
saith unto me, Weep not:
behold, the Lion of the tribe of
Judah, the Root of David,
hath prevailed to open the
book, and to loose the seven
seals thereof.
Line 61: He will stand like a mountain (Isa.
Isa. 2:2
It shall come to pass in the
last days, that the mountain of
the LORD's house shall be
established in the top of the
mountains, and shall be
exalted above the hills; and all
nations shall flow unto it.
Line 62: The road will stretch before Him (Isa.
Isa. 40:3-5
The voice of him that crieth in
the wilderness, Prepare ye the
way of the LORD, make
straight in the desert a
highway for our God. Every
valley shall be exalted, and
every mountain and hill shall
be made low: and the crooked
shall be made straight, and
the rough places plain: And
the glory of the LORD shall be
revealed, and all flesh shall
see it together: for the mouth
of the LORD hath spoken it.
Line 66-67: The born again will step up to their
calling by facing the sun, aka the Son (Rev.
22:16). Eyes on Him, they’ll prophesy (Acts 2:1718).
Rev. 22:16
I Jesus have sent mine angel
to testify unto you these
things in the churches. I am
the root and the offspring of
David, and the bright and
morning star.
Acts 2:17-18
It shall come to pass in the
last days, saith God, I will
pour out of my Spirit upon all
flesh: and your sons and your
daughters shall prophesy, and
your young men shall see
visions, and your old men
shall dream dreams: And on
my servants and on my
handmaidens I will pour out
in those days of my Spirit; and
they shall prophesy.
Line 63: His Church—the assembly—will know
IT’S TIME TO FOLLOW (John 10:27).
John 10:27
My sheep hear my voice, and I
know them, and they follow
Line 64-66: Finally, lifting heads by taking
thoughts captive to Christ (John 19:37), born
again Christians will no longer be ashamed of
Him as they have been (Rom. 1:16).
John 19:37
They shall look on him whom
they pierced.
Rom. 1:16
Not ashamed of the gospel of
Christ: for it is the power of
God unto salvation to every
one that believeth; to the Jew
first, and also to the Greek.
Line 68-69: Jesus is King and Deliverer (Rom.
11:26), and the U.S. is the “Land of the Free”
from where true freedom will spread (John
Rom. 11:26
So all Israel shall be saved: as
it is written, There shall come
out of Sion the Deliverer, and
shall turn away ungodliness
from Jacob:
John 8:36
If the Son therefore shall
make you free, ye shall be free
Line 70: The American Dream is lofty, but His
dreams are higher (Ps. 121:8; Eph. 3:20).
Ps. 121:8
The LORD shall preserve thy
going out and thy coming in
from this time forth, and even
for evermore.
Eph. 3:20
[He] is able to do exceeding
abundantly above all that we
ask or think, according to the
power that worketh in us.
Ps. 37:34
Wait on the LORD, and keep
his way, and he shall exalt
thee to inherit the land: when
the wicked are cut off, thou
shalt see it.
Isa. 1:12-13
When ye come to appear
before me, who hath required
this at your hand, to tread my
courts? Bring no more vain
oblations; incense is an
abomination unto me; the
new moons and sabbaths, the
calling of assemblies, I cannot
away with; it is iniquity, even
the solemn meeting.
1 Cor. 11:17
Now in this that I declare unto
you I praise you not, that ye
come together not for the
better, but for the worse.
Line 71: The best that God can be is
AMAZINGLY gracious when NO ONE deserves
it (Ps. 57:10; Rom. 5:8).
Ps. 57:10
For thy mercy is great unto
the heavens, and thy truth
unto the clouds.
Rom. 5:8
God commendeth his love
toward us, in that, while we
were yet sinners, Christ died
for us.
Line 72: Again, a reminder of who He is, the
Queen’s better half! (Rev. 19:16).
Rev. 19:16
He hath on his vesture and on
his thigh a name written, KING
God is also speaking to the scoffers (Acts 13:41).
Line 73: In order to see, the BRAT needs to
“watch” (Mark 13:33) by sitting before Her Lord
(Ps. 46:10) worshiping Him in spirit and in truth
(John 4:24), with humility (Ps. 15:1-2 & 37:34),
discarding all abominations (Isa. 1:12-13; 1 Cor.
Acts 13:41
Mark 13:33
Take ye heed, watch and pray:
for ye know not when the time
Line 74: Nothing and no one can stop God from
doing His will (Isa. 14:27).
Ps. 46:10
Be still, and know that I am
God: I will be exalted among
the heathen, I will be exalted
in the earth.
John 4:24
God is a Spirit: and they that
worship him must worship
him in spirit and in truth.
Ps. 15:1-2
Lord, who shall abide in thy
tabernacle? who shall dwell in
thy holy hill? He that walketh
righteousness, and speaketh
the truth in his heart.
Isa. 14:27
Behold, ye despisers, and
wonder, and perish: for I work
a work in your days, a work
which ye shall in no wise
believe, though a man declare
it unto you.
For the LORD of hosts hath
purposed, and who shall
disannul it? and his hand is
stretched out, and who shall
turn it back?
Line 75: Nothing can keep Jesus from His
destiny (Isa. 14:24).
Isa. 14:24
The LORD of hosts hath sworn,
saying, Surely as I have
thought, so shall it come to
pass; and as I have purposed,
so shall it stand.
Line 76: Jesus is the King of the Church and of
the world—He is the High and Lofty One—not
pastors, priests, political rulers, or those with
money, connections and/or power (Rev. 17:14).
Rev. 17:14
God’s WORD Ends War
These shall make war with the
Lamb, and the Lamb shall
overcome them: for he is Lord
of lords, and King of kings:
and they that are with him are
called, and chosen, and
Line 77: He’s stressing the point (Ps. 92:6 &
Ps. 92:6
A brutish man knoweth not;
neither doth a fool understand
Ps. 94:8
Understand, ye brutish among
the people: and ye fools, when
will ye be wise?
Line 78-79: He “used to be” because of the
BRAT’s lip-service (Mark 7:6).
Mark 7:6
Well hath Esaias prophesied
of you hypocrites, as it is
honoureth me with their lips,
but their heart is far from me.
YouTube Buck Owens Would You Be
Ready If Jesus Came Today.
The Lord had a bunch to say to me in His typical
manner through Kate & Leopold (2001).
He's The Man
Christianity Today envisions Jesus mostly as this
powerless infant and treat Him like Leslie
Haskin says in her book, Between Heaven
and Ground Zero, like we’re burping a baby!
And while I absolutely love babies—adore
them—Jesus sure ain’t one of ‘em! In fact, in
Spanish they refer to Him as El Señor—the
Man—not El Bebé! YouTube So In Love
Jeremy Camp.
There’s so much in Kate & Leopold
(2001) that parallels Christianity Today and
Jesus Christ. It’s a love story. It involves the
confusing issue of time. It’s about Someone
knowing just what you need and want better
than you even knew for yourself (Matt. 6:8). In
it, Leopold is what Jesus is all about, one Kate
initially carelessly calls Lionel, and who all come
to affectionately call Leo—as in the Lion, our
King (Rev. 5:5). Leopold, aka Jesus, is a grown
mature man, and not just your average guy
either—He’s a royal (Rev. 19:16). He’s
intelligent, courageous, talented, and gallant. He
likes and gets along well with children, knows
His way around animals, the kitchen, scum, and
women—in a good way. He cleans, He’s
sensitive, He’s not a sell-out, He’s not phony,
He’s skilled, He’s discerning, He’s caring, He’s
wise, He’s strong, He’s not a snob, He has a
sense of humor, He has a high moral standard,
He has dignity, He’s romantic…and as they say
in the movie, “What a hunk.” Like I’ve said, He’s
a Catch—The Catch. Moreover, He’s longing for
a worthy Bride. Jesus was a baby some 2000
years ago. Not today! He’s the Man every woman
would love to marry and the Man every man
should aspire to be—a Man the Girl doesn’t
believe is the Man He says He is.
Notice the girl he contemplates on marrying
for lack a decent better option. Ugh.
Notice also, the ex-boyfriend—the one
everyone thinks is nuts for believing what’s true.
And interesting leap Kate has to make. And
enlightening counsel Leo gives her concerning
love, which he refers to as an eternal
commitment. Notice also what Leopold says
about being brave. Yeah, I’d watch it. Seen it
before? Not like this you haven’t! Take your
thoughts captive to the Man upstairs and
everything’s new, quite refreshing too! (Rev.
21:5). YouTube People Get Ready, The
Rhythm Of The Lion Of The Tribe Of
Judah Misty Edwards.
There’s a scene in the movie at a restaurant table
where Leopold rebukes Kate’s boss for trying to
make her a whore by wanting to date her and
putting her in an impossible situation. Kate is
concerned because of her promotion, thinking
Leopold ruined it for her by confronting her
boss. Caring more about her worldly success
than about truth or people, including herself, she
apologizes to her boss on Leopold’s behalf, then
asks, “Is everything O.K. then?" He says yes in a
dejected manner, because he hadn’t purposely
been trying to make her a whore, yet was
convicted by Leopold that he had placed her in
an impossible situation since he was her boss,
thereby, making her into a whore.
Christianity Today's pastors and their
leadership teams have been doing the same by
being more focused on the here and now rather
than on the Lord/Leopold or the elect/Kate, or
even their own eternal futures. It’s what I’ve
always wrestled with concerning Christians. I
was desperate for a church home, but as soon as
the Lord provided one, they tried to make me a
whore—and that, after having been so
promiscuous before being born again! And
having been so because, like God's Girl, I hadn’t
realized that we have everything we need in
Jesus Christ. YouTube Jason Upton
Freedom Reigns.
However, unlike Christianity Today’s
leaders, Kate’s boss was open to the truth. He
accepted the rebuke and changed his ways,
giving Kate the promotion that was rightly
hers—no strings attached (1 Cor. 3:18-21).
YouTube Animated Bible Story of Jesus,
the Son of God. NestLearning.
The Last & Biggest Battle
Avatar (2009) is a picture of God’s Strategic
Plan. The main character, Jake, comes from our
sinful, crude, wicked, self-absorbed, and dying
world. When the movie begins, he’s broken
physically and emotionally, of which he’s aware.
But he’s also broken spiritually and doesn’t
know it, just as it is the lost and for professing
Christians as well as those who are born again,
to one degree or another (Rev. 3:17-18). Further,
his name, Jake, is short for Jacob, aka Israel.
YouTube I'm Not Alright Sanctus Real.
Arriving in Na’vi turf/the Church, Jake was
already a Na’vi/elect since he had the kingdom
within him accessible through his braid (Luke
17:21). He just didn’t know how to tap into the
Source, didn’t even believe in Ewa/God (Titus
3:3). And while nearly completely ignorant, he
gets anointed by the sacred tree/God’s Spirit,
not knowing what it meant. Jake was “a baby”
(Heb. 5:13), and what a great scene as she tells
him so! Likewise, elect were chosen by God for
our specific calling (Eph. 2:10) before becoming
born again. It has nothing to do with us. God
chose us and ordained us for the work He's had
in mind (John 15:16; Eph. 2:10). It’s like when
my neighbor said, “You don’t know WHO YOU
ARE!” None of the elect know who they are in
Christ—in God’s kingdom—until God informs
them. And the sooner and better you work with
Him, the sooner and more fully He informs you.
The girl/Christian leadership understood (to
some degree) that the Sacred Tree/God’s Spirit
had chosen Jake for special work among them
(Acts 13:2). Yet, lacking faith and respect for
God, she disrespects His chosen one and
eventually turns completely against him, in the
same way that the Jews turned on Jesus and as
Christians have done on those of us who’ve
followed Him closest. One day they shout
Hosanna! (John 12:13), and days later Crucify!
(John 19:15).
However, unlike Jesus, Jake, this chosen
one/elect, had to learn the ways of the
kingdom—how to walk, talk, think, fight, be a
Na’vi/a Christian. There was a learning curve,
three months. In contrast, Christianity Today
has the mindset that it must take a lifetime to
become a mature believer, and then, it’s really
only for those who go to seminary. FAITHLESS
get out what you put into it (2 Cor. 9:6; Luke
9:48). And since this chosen child is selfcentered,
representing Christianity Today, especially Her
leadership, he must be “cured of his insanity”
(Rev. 3:17-19).
HOMEWORK: By the time our girls were
in first grade they grasped the essence of life
in Christ, especially the connection to God in
prayer. And while this has been true of
children historically, since Christianity has
been so distorted through the ages, most
“Christian” books available today are too
unbiblical to bother with. However, that's
not the case for The Story of Mary Jones
and Her Bible. It's online at
innocence we’ve lost. For example,
YouTubing with a prayer, I came across the
following music video. The fact is that plenty
of kids have it figured out (in certain corners
of the country) until the BRAT sucks the life
out of ‘em and they end up lobotomized. I
couldn’t find one adult clip with the same
theme (Ps. 139:23-24; 2 Cor. 13:5). Instead,
today's Christian adults go on and on about
how much they love Jesus and how much
they'll do for Him—when they don't. They lie
to God, to themselves, and to each other
then get mad when someone points the truth
out to them. YouTube Prayer for
Jake wasn’t considered ‘one of them’ until he
proved himself (Gal. 2:9). So there’s a point
where he’s ready to choose his vulture creature
which would enable him to fly (Acts 1:8: Isa.
40:31). Having lassoed him down, ready to ride,
the girl says something like, “The first ride seals
the bond. No time to waste,” and then pushes
them off the cliff (recall the eagle). In contrast, if
we let newbies meander, as we do in Christianity
Today, it’s downhill from there, pretty much the
way Jake took off in the movie. Having watered
life in Christ down for them, that’s what they’ll
do as well and the bond will not be sealed. Only
death follows (Matt. 23:15), as George Barna’s
and other studies reveal for those who can’t see
( Living in a dead Church drains
that first love passion and vision out of God’s
For example, someone wrote in my baptism
guestbook what many had said, “You remind me
of the time 11 years ago when I was reborn.
Thanks!” He had had that same passion, but lost
it. Yet 11 years later, Christians should be more
on fire for God than at first—not less! (2 Tim.
1:6-7). And this man was even better than the
typical Christian since he had been fired up and
he was in leadership. The problem is that joining
the "Country Club" isn't that big a deal. It’s just a
country club. If the elect actually understood
who God is and what He’s done for them, there’s
no way you could not be fired up! And you’d be
fired up enough consistently since you’d be
following Him and getting to know Him better—
as you should be doing through these books.
Further, the BRAT welcomes newbies into
the Country Club treating them as if they’ve
arrived (as long as they play their game). Then,
like Peter, all sing, ‘I’ll even die for You’ (Matt.
26:35) even though they’re not willing to take
the slightest bit of heat for Him or give up a
single creature comfort.
In contrast, when reprimanded about the
difficulty of filling a cup that’s already full of
itself, Jake acknowledged that he was actually
empty. YouTube I Surrender All Israel
And while Jake was pushed to learn,
Christianity Today tells newborns to tone it
down (doing Satan's job for him). Like newbies
in Boot Camp, newly born again Christians will
be fighting a war on the Frontline (Eph. 6:12), so
you really need to prepare them in every way if
you want them to come back alive, minimally
wounded, and having pushed the boundaries of
the Fatherland. Otherwise, what’s the point?
What king, going to make war against
another king, sitteth not down first, and
consulteth whether he be able with ten
thousand to meet him that cometh
against him with twenty thousand? Or
else, while the other is yet a great way
off, he sendeth an ambassage, and
desireth conditions of peace. So likewise,
whosoever he be of you that forsaketh
not all that he hath, he cannot be my
disciple. Salt is good: but if the salt have
lost his savour, wherewith shall it be
seasoned? It is neither fit for the land,
nor yet for the dunghill; but men cast it
out. He that hath ears to hear, let him
hear (Luke 14:31-35).
Moreover, because he had been challenged,
Jake fell in love with the kingdom. (It’s a similar
theme as Dances with Wolves (1990).) He
found meaning in what he was doing and
understood that it was either “learn fast or die.”
Bright person that he was (having been granted
three pounds of brain like the rest of us),
admonished to apply himself, he did, gaining
increasingly more strength and power from the
Source (2 Tim. 2:15; Col. 3:16). This ‘Christian’
was being prepped so that he could receive the
power and ability to fly (Isa. 31:5). As in the
movie, God works through people. While
awkward at first, applying himself, he quickly
becomes ‘one’ with this beast (Isa. 45:7) to which
he’s connected (John 14:17). Pretty soon they
know each other’s thoughts (John 10:30) like
best friends (John 15:15).
And since he’d been chosen for a special
assignment, he had to do more than the rest
(Acts 9:16). YouTube John Stossel What
Ever Happened to Grit?
In contrast, today’s bratty Christians say “I’ll
pray about it,” and never gets back to you
because they never heard from God. (My guess is
they never even prayed about it.) Instead, if you
build up the relationship through eager seeking
and obedient submission you know instantly
what God wants, or within hours. If it takes
longer it’s probably because we don’t wanna do
what we know He wants us to do (Luke 6:46).
Lacking faith, the Na’vi/Christians ignored
Jake’s special anointing and worked against the
one chosen by Ewa/God. In fact, everyone hated
this guy. The Marines/the lost wanted to use
him. The scientists/elect thought he was an
idiot. The Na’vi/born again thought he was a
moron and a traitor. And all that hatred inspired
him to rise higher. Love could have done the
same thing even better.
Lacking faith, even when hard times are on
top of them, the Na’vi/Christians bind and gag
Ewa’s anointed, refusing to listen to him as he
tries desperately to help them. They completely
lobotomized themselves about his anointing.
And, later, when their relationship is restored,
the Na’vi/Christian tells Jake/the warrior that
Ewa/God won’t help him (Matt. 6:30)—because
lobotomies are SUPER ULTRA POWERFUL!
Nearing the end—by grace (the brainiest
one’s name)—we see that the whole kingdom is
one, and is made up of a warrior tribe, warriors
who came from many different tribes
(denominations) all of whom loved the Source
(John 14:23), loved one another (John 13:34),
and worked together (Eph. 5:21) finding their
strength from the Source (John 14:12), in order
to win the war (John 15:5; Eph. 6:12). YouTube
They Will Know We are Christians by
Our Love Jars of Clay.
However, since it’s a secular movie, God is
equated with Mother Earth, which is not quite
right. As one who understands that God controls
all things, and who uses all things for His
purposes and for the good of His elect (Rom.
8:28), and also believe God’s WORD, I know
that God is our Father who created earth and
who we can humbly tap into by way of His Spirit
within us and through His WORD because of the
work done by His Son on the Cross. The holistic
view presented in the movie is that of the body
spiritually connected and being one in Christ (1
Cor. 12:14)—not one in wishful thinking as
society currently lives by. It’s a beautiful picture
of what God is saying to us, how Christ in us
works—will work—once we as a body submit to
the Head, the Source (Eph. 4:15). YouTube
Blessings Laura Story.
Note also that they loved animals and
respected rather than idolized them. They knew
animals were a blessing from Ewa/God.
Therefore, they thanked Ewa/God and them for
their love and faithfulness, then ‘euthanized’
them—Tour of Duty over—because dog is not
God. While they’re wonderful creatures and
fabulous companions, they do not have souls as
humans do and are, therefore, not as—or more—
important than children/people. Yet Americans
spend nearly 60 billion dollars
a year on their pets while
children go hungry! Google
And part of the rational
given, is because children are
brats. However, the only reason
so many of today’s children are
brats is because that’s what you
get when you don’t discipline
them and don’t model noble
character for them. Dump ‘em
in a daycare and then have
them “educated” by someone
else—really, by their peers—
and you are pretty much guaranteed to end up
with a spoiled rotten ADHD brat. Both
daughters have worked in schools for a season
and the stories they’ve told are appalling. For
example, the teachers are so unconnected with
their students, they don’t even know their
names, yet Americans entrust their seven year
olds to them.
The most important thing about the Na’vi is
that they ALL loved and were committed to,
above all, the Source (Mark 12:30). Eyes fully
opened, taking their proper roles, connected
through (biblical) prayer, they could finally
honestly say, and sing, I see you (2 Cor. 4:7-10),
which meant they saw each other as Ewa/God
saw them (2 Cor. 6:17-18). Interesting (biblical)
lyrics to this song too, I see. YouTube I See
You Leona Lewis.
The Na’vi had been separated by different
tribes/denominations, but they became one
(Eph. 4:13). And they did it as the least of them
became the greatest of them (Matt. 20:16) by
stepping into his calling and uniting them to
fight their greatest battle to date against the
forces of evil in order to take back their land—
which had nearly been overpowered by the
enemy (Rev. 13:3; Eph. 6:12).
And the way this warrior was able to unite
them was by taking a giant/insane leap of faith—
jumping onto and harnessing the wild beast that
could have easily killed him (Rev. 12:17; 1 John
4:4). It’s what Jacob did when he wrestled with
the angel and wouldn’t let him
go until he blessed him (Gen.
32:26). Since angels represent
that’s what the WORD says, “as
a prince hast thou power with
God and with men, and hast
prevailed” (Gen. 32:28).
Then, having harnessed
Him (Isa. 45:7; Gen. 32:24-28),
Jake/Israel was able to fly
faster, stronger, and higher
than anyone imagined possible
(2 Cor. 12:9-10)—fly like an eagle (Isa. 40:31).
As declared in God’s WORD and portrayed
with the pie I made for CHRISTIANITY AT
THE LAST TRUMP, the movie reveals that all
fought in the battle as one—young, old, and
everyone in between, male and female. They
understood this was the only way they could win
(Mark 3:25), and that everything was on the
But since Christians don’t get it, and haven’t
gotten it (Luke 13:34), what God’s elect are
currently doing and have been doing for 2000
years, for the most part (John 15:5), is visualized
for us with the scene where the Na’vi fight
against MASSIVE tanks with bows and arrows
(Eph. 6:12).
Also, this leader—a perfect frontline
soldier—had another speak for him to the
people, as Moses had Aaron (Ex. 4). While the
Bible says Moses wasn’t a strong public speaker,
(Ex. 4:10), the Bible also says Moses “was
mighty in words” (Acts 7:22). He was mighty in
the written WORD, credited with writing the
first five books of the Bible. However, he wasn’t
an eloquent public speaker, like Aaron (Ex. 4:1415). Moses was also not really one of them, like
Jake wasn’t really a Na’vi. He was an Israelite,
but had been raised as a prince of Egypt (not
with them) and became a shepherd in the
wilderness (again, outside the camp).
I see the same playing out with myself and
someone God has in mind, who I had thought
would be Bill Bean, and possibly is. Maybe one
day he’ll wake up to himself and still have
enough time left to make a difference in the
world. In any case, notice that Jake's "brother"
had hated him, but upon seeing what Jake had
done in harnessing the creature/God (Gen.
32:24), his heart and mind changed so that he
suddenly respected him—like Alex Haley's dad
had Alex. Likewise, I’ve been a Christian since
the late 1980s, but except for a few years in the
late 90s, I haven’t been part of Christianity
Today while also hated by them (John 7:7), even
while I was with them. While a member of the
body, God has had me outside the camp like
Moses, John the Baptist, Joseph, and Jake.
Joseph became a liaison officer between God,
the Israelites, and Egypt—like Jake—for the
purpose of saving many lives (Gen. 50:20).
That’s the prophet’s calling.
calling alone. And his prayers were answered
(Ex. 8:30 & 10:18). In fact, by the end, Jake fully
understood that he was completely dependent
upon the Source, that in and of himself, he was
nothing and could do nothing—nothing worth
anything, not even worth doing (John 15:5). I’ve
grasped that as well, and discern it’s partly what
gets prayers answered (Ps. 51:17). That and the
fact that there’s nothing the soul wants from this
world. It's how Jake knew the best they had to
offer was a case of beer. Whoopee. Like Jake, I’ve
seen something real and a trillion times better
that what my deadbeat cronies are offering (Phil.
3:7-11). In fact, the best the world, the Church,
and the U.S. have to offer without God is
revealed in Primary Colors (1998)—though
it’s hardly “funny and vibrant” as marketed on
the DVD jacket.
And the whole thing arose from wanting
Unobtainium, what CANNOT be obtained, just
like BRAT chases after a worldly life while lying
to Herself that She loves God (Matt. 6:24; 1 John
2:15). You can't have it both ways, “Ye adulterers
and adulteresses, know ye not that the
friendship of the world is enmity with God?
whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world
is the enemy of God” (James 4:4).
An while it’s a higher calling for those on the
Special Forces, like Navy Seals, the calling is the
same for all born again, like it is for everyone in
the Navy, to protect and defend their team. That
is the very clear message of the New Testament.
So while Moses/Jake had his ‘brother’ for a
spokesman and close companion, he bowed the
knee pleading for help from the One who chose
him, because he knew he couldn’t fulfill his
The Sky People/super proud antichrists who
considered themselves superior to the
Na’vi/Christians, scoff that the Na’vi believe
they’ll be protected by their deity, just as “the
heathen rage, and the people murmur,” but the
joke was on them because the people do so in
“vain” (Ps. 2:1). They are the ultimate losers who
get recycled to their dying world empty handed
(Matt. 8:12).
At the end of the war we’re told that the
Na’vi/elect’s time of sorrow was ending, and
Jake’s ‘old man’ literally dies (his human body),
but he’s granted the gift of a new and better body
(Phil. 3:20-21). Also, the giant vulture who was
instrumental in bringing about their deliverance
equivalent to God’s powerful angel (Ex. 32:34) is
no longer needed and flies off into the sunset.
It’s all the same as the Greatest Story Ever Told.
Our planet will also end up looking a wreck and
hearts will be hurt since Jesus causes division
between loved ones (Luke 12:51-53; Ps. 69:7-9).
It’s similar to the American Civil War—but God
will fix it all (Rev. 21:1), also employing a tree
(Rev. 22:1-3). And those who are not elect will
no longer be remembered (Isa. 65:17), for no
more heartache for the elect (Rev. 21:4).
While PANDORA is a beautiful, amazing
paradise, the Paradise I long for and have been
promised (Heb. 11:16), will be a billion times
better! (Eph. 3:20-21). I would have said that
we’ve been longing for’ except that’s the
problem, we haven’t been longing for it, too
mesmerized by this world and her leader (Rev.
13:3). Also, Pandora’s Box refers to a process set
in motion because of unwise interference and
which produces many complicated problems as a
result. And that’s pretty much what we’ve done
historically, opened up Pandora’s Box by making
the unwise decision to rebel against God,
thereby producing a string of very complicated
problems for ourselves climaxing us at the
current state of the world, our near annihilation.
A few other things:
Worldly humans are called Demons (1
John 2:22; Matt. 12:30) and Dream
Walkers (Rom. 13:11). In the past, as
related in Twelve Years a Slave by
Solomon Northup, for example,
worldly ungodly people were referred to
as devils.
The Na’vi/Christians say that every
person is born twice and that the second
time you earn your place among the
people forever. And that’s what it means
to be born again and fully enlightened
(Eph. 2:10; Rev. 2:17).
They lay hands on the guy when he’s
accepted as one of them (1 Tim. 4:14).
The Tree/the Holy Spirit allows them to
hear the voices of their ancestors down
the Corridor (John 14:26).
They all live within Ewa/God (1 Thess.
4:16; John 14:20).
The Na’vi are finally seen praying
together when at the bottom of their pit,
and their prayers are answered in a way
they would never have imagined and
beyond their wildest expectations (Eph.
3:20-21; Acts 12:1-16).
The girl/Christianity Today confesses to
having been afraid for her people—
afraid for lacking faith (1 John 4:18, see
The Na’vi/Christians all call each other
brother and sister since that’s what they
are Ewa’s/God’s Family (Mark 3:34-35).
There’s more but you get the picture. It’s
time to get out of that soft comfy bed and gear
up (Eph. 6:10-20), because you’ve not only been
drafted, you’ve been granted a very special
commission! YouTube Soldiers Out of
Times Such as These
During the years of writing this book for
publication, our trials often skyrocketed (Eph.
6:12; 1 Pet. 5:8). So one season in 2012, walking
me through it as always (Heb. 13:5), instead of
drawing me with laughter, like the Lord so often
does (John 15:15), He gave me lessons on
hopelessness instead, in great part.
For example, walking Nilla at five in the
morning, sitting on a park bench I saw this
through my tears:
Turn our hopes into a trash can;
Throw yourself in.
Incinerate the leftovers of our sadness.
Molded sins.
How appropriate. Elsewhere on the bench they’d
written this:
Nothing and nowhere is golden;
Only the pages we turn
that mock the sickness of the songs we sing.
The Bible mocks the songs “we” in Christianity
Today sing of how we’ll follow Jesus anywhere
and do everything He says, and how we long to
see Him…only God says, “I will reprove thee”
(Ps. 50:21) and “have [you] in derision” (Ps. 2:4)
because what the BRAT sings is a pack of lies.
YouTube Salvador My Desire.
During the same dumpy season we watched
The Lives of Others (2007) about a
dictatorship that used secret police to keep
people in line, like the BRAT does with Her
mindless followers so that the nation follows Her
example. Under such conditions decent people
lose hope and suicides skyrocket, which the
dictatorship called self-murder, like the Dimwit
views us as weak Christians or rebels. Yet the
suicides or attempted suicides are lost hope in
great part due to their EXTREME corruption.
This echoed a documentary on PBS we
watched the same week about the Holocaust. A
concentration camp survivor had urged his
brother to do as he was doing, use his own urine
to help heal his feet. Only his brother had lost
hope and didn't do it, so his feet were cut off
without anesthesia, and the leftovers of his
sadness were incinerated as Hitler’s molded
We also watched Changeling (2008),
which is what I feel like the Lord has had me
walk through because of how ungodly and coldblooded Church leadership and most Christians
actually are (Isa. 53:1). Today’s Church
leadership resembles the worst that humanity
has had to offer. In the same way that the world
has nullified Satan and the dark forces of evil by
desensitizing our generation with “fun” books
and movies of the forces of evil as with Harry
Potter, Church leaders have nullified hope in
Christ, so even Christians who know and love
God feel like we’d rather blow our brains out
than continue with Christianity Today, and
others write of their trashed hopes on park
benches—a lonely cry into space. Yet it’s a cry
God has heard and will avenge, renewing hope
no one can trash (John 16:22). YouTube Kirk
Franklin Smile Again.
in spite of us (2 Tim. 2:13). YouTube Don't
Give Up Hope Third Day.
And here’s the really ‘funny’ thing about it.
God is using a Psycho Nut-Job to wake up His
Church, funded by a backbone that’s loaded
down with medical issues—with zero support
whatsoever. I dunno, ya think maybe He’s
shaming Christians, especially Church leaders?
Just a little?
Then, in the middle of the Dumps, the Lord
showed me His outrageous comedy routine,
which I cover next—so that I have to smile at
God, soberly. Cold hearted self-righteous puffed
up Mafioso pastors, along with the rest of the
Country Club Mafia, have abused God’s grace
and kept Him hidden from the lost, handing
generations of God’s kids over to Satan—kids of
all ages—who write of incinerated sadness on
park benches. Yet God never changes (Mal. 3:6).
His people won’t walk humbly before Him so
“his right hand, and his holy arm, hath gotten
him the victory” (Ps. 98:1). That’s our God—who
will not let the guilty go unpunished (Nah. 1:3)
and who loves to make His people laugh (Ps.
126). GO GOD!
Again, within the same season, Buddy and I
watched Seraphim Falls (2006), which just
so happens to echo the same storyline. There are
trials of iceberg cold persecution type conditions
along with other trials upon trials upon trials so
that you feel like you’re gonna die wanna die (2
Cor. 1:8-10), even though the war is over (John
19:30); and long hard walks through a
desperately dry and weary land (Ps. 84:5-7),
with Satan’s advocates all along the way (Mark
13:22); even people burning in the flames (Matt.
13:41-42). Yet what keeps the soul going is
rehearsing the truths of God’s WORD (Ps. 33:4),
though hard to believe, believing (Rom. 8:24).
Also represented are those who don’t know God
but have some fear of Him (Job 28:28) as well as
those who profess to know Him, though with
twisted doctrine (1 Tim. 1:6), and those who
think there’s nothing to fear because God’s
WORD is just words (John 18:38). It also
covered issues of sin and forgiveness (Eph. 4:32)
because they finally admitted that none had
been in the right (Rom. 3:10). And—at last—the
very long awaited trashing of weaponry (Isa.
2:4). It's amazing how biblical Hollywood is, for
all their disdain of God! Hey, maybe Someone
else is actually in control (Rom. 1:18-21). Ya
Discouraged because of the Whore and
concerned over the mentally challenged man at
the store, as he walked me to my car, this is what
rejoiceINIT.” Discerning God’s voice, I pried my
way in to discover he’s as set as he can ever be
(Matt. 5:5). God was reminding me, and
encouraging me, that He is building His Church
A Detour of Mega Proportions
Having started the day at 5 a.m. in the Dumps
with a desperately heavy heart, the Lord took me
on a Ride with some ladies to the beach—Little
Women (1933)—then ended the day after
midnight at the completely opposite end of the
spectrum. YouTube DC Talk Consume Me.
While tired from the long day, I was fired up
since the Lord had been using unseen Friends to
minister to me all day long. (I share details of the
day later.) So while my computer had crashed
the day before and I’d lost quite a bit of material,
I could see God’s hand in it and started to work
on the book before going to bed. Yet as I typed, I
found myself listening to the movie they were
watching behind me, and cracking up at what I
heard the Lord saying. And since my desk faced
the backyard window, the screen was open and
the refection of the TV faced me so that I could
make out the movie.
Megamind (2010) is great in its own
right, but since Christ is the real Megamind
(Rev. 1:8)’s just too funny! But you’re gonna
have to do your own Homework. If you’re not
sure how the characters or situations relate to
the Greatest Story Ever Told, take it as a sure
sign from God that you’ve got tons of Homework
to do. The Lord is all over it, and over the top
(Ps. 107:9; Prov. 17:22).
Watch the movie with your Captain and His
Game Plan in mind, as described in the Manual.
As with all the movies and shows, as with the
Bible, each character plays different roles. The
more versed you are in the Scriptures and the
closer your relationship is with Him (sin free),
the more you’ll see and hear. And while God uses
the bad guy in this movie to give up His evil
ways, this is a cartoon. The Bible has the last
word and the last laugh. So the bad guy—Satan—
will always be the bad guy. So, no, he does NOT
get the Girl.
Megamind, is ultimately, none other than
Jesus, the One with all the brains and who
controls both sides of the Game. Take special
note of what Megamind (the one in spandex)
does when there’s no one left to fight—when
there’s no point in fighting any more (Isa. 31:9).
Every line I give you is backed up by individual
Scriptures and/or thematically in the Bible,
though I only give you a few of those verses.
But if you don’t know the Lord and His
WORD well, it’ll go right over your head. Aw, too
Metro Man—Defender of Metro City:
For years He’s watched over us, saving
He’s the most powerful man in the
He holds the world in His hands.
A woman kisses His feet.
His greatest honor is letting Him serve
All ideals corrode over time.
A warranty is invalid if not used for the
intended purpose.
He has to fake His death.
He’s really good at last minute escapes.
He says it’s about time you found your
He never stopped caring.
He’s predictable.
He’s scared of Metro Man.
One of his tricks is Robosheep.
He copies the Potter with the clay.
How he pronounces School, where he
got his education (Ps. 86:13, see NASB).
He’s told to give it up because his plans
will never work.
His special effects (miracles) are fake.
He’s really just a little guy (Isa. 14: 9-10;
1 John 4:4).
We all know how the story ends.
What he calls Metro City, Metrocity, as
in atrocity. What the elect have done.
Magamind’s motto, No You Can’t, as
opposed to the other Guy’s, Yes! You
Can! (Phil. 4:13).
He’s turning everything back to the way
it was when it was perfect. (God plays all
the characters—cuz He can and because
He is I Am.)
He’s used by God to shame Christianity
Today as he repents, sincerely running
down the list of his sins and then
actually makes an about face. Learn
from him!
The Songs for Each Side: Loving You vs. I’m
on a Highway to Hell.
Titan: Megamind (representing God, the
Brains), created Titan (the BRAT) to be one of
the good guys. He’s, therefore, shocked and
disgusted that with all the gifts and power he’s
been given, he squanders it all for personal gain.
Space Dad: He sure looks like a televangelist!
Roxanne Ritchi (as in Richie) — The
American Girl as the News Caster:
What you need to know about being a
slave army (1 Cor. 7:22).
Her initials—R & R—where the elect are
headed in spite of ourselves.
She wakes up to realize who she’s been
kissing (2 Cor. 11:14; Rev. 2:4 & 13:3).
Megamind—Evil Overlord:
Being bad is the only thing he’s good at.
The Battle of the Century: The century
means the ages (2 Pet. 3:8). They fight over the
rich girl—the American Princess (Mark 10:23).
God is serious and yet is using humor, not
because He’s not serious, but to help us out cuz
we sure need it! He’s helping us move on to the
next level. And He’s using me as a spark plug so
that we can finally take off, cuz He’s raring to
go—like a bat outta hell!
Acknowledging one’s sin is no fun. But SO
WHAT! Get on with it already so that we can
get the Show on the Road! You’ve GOTTA be
sick of life as you know it. Don’t you find it just a
tad dry and exhausting? Busy busy like a rat on a
wheel going absolutely NOWHERE FAST!
Notice how Megamind told Miss Ritchi he
hadn’t seen her laugh, and she said how good it
felt. She is His Fiancée, His Bride, the Church,
His Wife, alias Christianity Today, the BRAT!
Jesus is the Drama King (Rev. 19:16) and
He’s told us God the Father longs to make us
happy and fulfill our every little need (Luke
12:32; Matt. 6:8)—and then some! (Rev. 22:17;
Eph. 3:20). YouTube Christafari Hosanna
Footnote to Megamind. A few days
after seeing the movie—and that really great
spider scene (Matt. 4:1-11)—standing at this park
waiting on Buddy, this man comes up to me all
excited as if he knows me, saying, “You’ve
GOTTA see this!”
Sticking his cell phone in my face, I see a
spider’s egg about the size of a plum! So I give
him this look. He then flips to another picture—
the spider which laid the massive egg. So I give
him another look and say, “You killed it! Right?”
This big guy then gives me this look and
says, “Are you crazy! That thing’s HUGE!” Then
he explains how the spider must be enormous
because of the siding on the house as if I didn’t
get it. But I did get it. The body of the spider
must have been two or three inches long! Plus
legs! So I say, “Are you crazy! That thing’s
“I’m not killing that thing! It’s HUGE!”
Then he chuckles and says, “Besides, it
wasn’t my house.”
As we stand there laughing, he’s suddenly
startled and says, “Hey, where’s my wife?” So
Buddy points her out walking the dogs back to
the car, surely saying, ‘Oh Lord, when will this
man stop showing people those pictures!”
A few hours later, minutes after my daughter
left for work, she calls saying she floored her car
into a stone wall (Eph. 6:12). A STONE wall.
Then that night, as Buddy wrestled with
medical issues, I also slept horribly as I prayed
my way through the wall, the car, my daughters,
my husband, the BRAT, the spider and her egg—
how many babies would grow up to be that big?
We all saw Charlotte’s Web (1973), right?
The next day, connecting the dots with the
spider and her egg and the Spider in Megamind,
the Bible and the 31 kingdoms Joshua fought
and still there were MORE (Josh. 13:1)—the
WAR (1 Pet. 5:8; Eph. 6:12) and our lives—I told
Buddy I thought it was prophetic, that the spider
and her egg were prophetic.
Then we got pulverized all week long as the
massive Spider crawled ALL OVER US to Divide
and Conquer—resurrected by the end of the
week with the Reserve in our Tank.
Then, the Egg hatched.
So six months after I wrote that we just
ended a season of constant outrageous trials
representative of what you’d see on a seismic
scale for earthquakes ranging from 5.8s to the
Big One followed by months of aftershocks, like
those baby spiders—babies, yet SPIDERS (Luke
Then, as God had me turn the book over to
Ken & Co., I heard the Lord say, ‘Let the Adult
Spider Games Begin!’ (Luke 12:50). I’d discerned
right so that this was part of the summer:
Weekend of June 22nd: Out kayaking, we
hear an explosion and fire/water/and air rescue
for hours from two accidents, a car crash up the
road and a jet ski that blew up on the lake as we
kayaked nearby. Then heading home we had our
own near accident. Buddy traded in the trailer
for my birthday. So driving down the highway,
an idiot on the left lane decides to take the Exit,
missing the car in front of us by an inch so that
he goes airborne—but recovers. Had they
touched he would have come right through our
windshield. No big deal, except that it was only
the 5th time I'd driven the motorhome which
can feel like driving a tank made of tinfoil, 65
mph, with all of your loved ones in it.
The Next Weekend: Camping on my own at
Jane’s Island I meet a couple out kayaking.
Telling them I'm on my own and chit chatting,
the man says, Life’s too short yada yada ya
gotta seize the day. A few hours later I’m
fighting the current listening to my iPod about
feeling like I’m gonna drown thinking life really
is too short (I should have seized more days) as
His waves are crashing over me. But I don’t
drown since He was on it ministering to me
through my iPod talking about ‘where’s all that
faith you thought you had’ (Ps. 91:11). So the
ranger rescues two families and waves a friendly
hello at me as he passes by while I’m now having
a blast making my way in, having gained
confidence from my Friend as He rebuked and
challenged me at the same time.
But then, just as I get on the Bay Bridge
(ranked #9 of the world's scariest bridges),
NOAA cuts off my tunes and blasts on about
sudden high winds and dangerous lighting at my
EXACT location. Heart in throat, white
knuckled, praying like crazy as the tank gets
pushed by the wind on the bridge as lightning
torments me, I keep thinking about the truck
that went over the edge in 2008 and feel faint,
but MUST drive. With His help I make it across.
But a few weeks later a woman goes over the
edge in her car. And three days after that there
was a head on collision as we crossed heading
the opposite direction. YouTube Something
Beautiful Needtobreathe.
The Next Weekend: Some young adults flip
their canoe, twice—though OK. Since one in the
group can’t swim I think of Buddy (who can’t
swim) and how it’s been a while since we’ve had
an ER episode.
The Next Day: Our girls head to Assateague
and we get the call from the ER because one was
rescued having nearly drowned and still
unconscious. As my neighbor leaves the house—
as we get ready to make the two and a half hour
drive to the hospital at the beach—she turns
back to encourage me having read the Scripture
Buddy placed on the door as you head out, “Be
strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or
terrified because of them, for the LORD your God
goes with you; he will never leave you nor
forsake you” (Deut. 31:6, NIV). As always, it was
a timely comforting and empowering WORD.
Two Days Later (Today): Again heading to
the ER since my girl is having problems, getting
on the highway I notice the gigantic Husky logo
on the truck in front of us with bright red and
yellow lettering. (All I've ever seen before is
black lettering). Though I'd already turned it
over to my Friend, discerning His red and yellow
meaning, I ask Him to help us manage the
obviously rough Turn up ahead.
So an hour later I dangle over the Edge as
the girl passes out, seizes, and they can’t get her
to come back for way too long (2 Cor. 4:7-10)
My girl would have drowned if not for an ex
lifeguard who spotted her and informed the
lifeguards who reached her just in the nick of
time, unconscious in the ocean. So the ER Doc
tells her that most people who get to that point
don’t leave the ER alive. And since the exlifeguard had gone to the hospital, in tears
concerned over her, one of the comments she
made the next day was something like, “Just
when you think people are all [something or
other worthless], you meet people who
genuinely care.” In contrast, pastors and
evangelists—men called by God to be life guards
over His people (1 Pet. 5:1-3)—COULDN’T CARE
LESS! And what was so important
that the man came to the hospital to
speak to the girl? What else, he said,
“God bless you.”
Life is LOADED with all sorts of
spiders! Yet God is good. The fact is
that we live by faith (Rom. 1:17) and
the road heading Home is not the
easiest route—not hardly—nor the one
we would have chosen. Yet it's the
best possible route for us (Jer. 29:11;
Prov. 27:6). YouTube This is the
Stuff Francesca Battistelli.
A Week or So Later: I get a text
from Buddy, “I just witnessed a
And soon after that things got
really crazy so that I wrote to three
RZIM men—Ravi Zacharias, Stuart
McAllister, and Sunder Krishnan—
paying $50 to send it via Fed Ex to
Sunder, it was so urgent. Each mailing
had an explanatory letter about the
Church, a blurb on Sunder’s personal
sin in relation to Eagle and the book,
along with the Introduction and first
chapter of the original book, pleading
with them—for God’s sake—to do the
right thing. In short, HELP!
And, as always, I heard nothing from them!
Though I did get the SHORT NOTE from a
secretary, essentially saying, “God bless!’ (1 John
3:18). I’m including it here so you can see how
appropriate/inappropriate this response was
from representatives of the best Church
leadership Christianity Today has to offer. Are
they the least bit aware that we’re at WAR?!
(Eph. 6:12) and will only win by working
together (Eph. 5:21)? And while some will want
to excuse RZIM, excuse Ravi, because it was only
from a secretary, according to the Bible, since
those who waited on tables were required to be
filled with the Holy Spirit and highly
empowered, there is no excuse—a secretary to
those who represent the brainiest in the Church
should be that much more enlightened and
empowered by God. Instead, they’re all dead
asleep (Rev. 3:1).
While this person saw that I have
“confidence in the Redeemer” they missed the
point that the body of Christ is supposed to be
working together, as they all have:
If one part suffers, every part suffers (1
Cor. 12:26).
This person’s response reminds me of the
one a pastor’s wife gave us when we invited her
on a camping trip/Christian retreat. She rejected
the invitation with a comment that let us know
she thought we were inviting her because she
was so great, being that she was a pastor’s wife
(whoopdidoo) when we had invited her just as
we’d invited the others, to bless her and us as
well, as Paul says:
That I may impart unto you some
spiritual gift, to the end ye may be
established; That is, that I may be
comforted together with you by the
mutual faith both of you and me (Rom.
This RZIM spokesperson seems to have
interpreted my call for help and concern for
God’s Church as nothing but some sort of desire
to get published. What?! It’s a reflection of how
TOTALLY self-absorbed they are! It doesn’t even
make sense, I was rebuking them as Church
leaders and admonishing them to do the right
thing and they write thanking me for my kind
note while also stating they’ve actually read what
I wrote them.
Class, repeat: LOBOTOMY!
RZIMs lack of response reminds me of being
told about a man who was suicidal at the Wilson
Bridge so that traffic stopped for four hours, and
the one telling us, who hadn’t even been stuck in
traffic, said how he felt, “Why didn’t the guy just
go ahead and jump already!” I guess it’s
understandable that the lost would be so callous,
‘Go ahead and kill yourself so that I’m not
inconvenienced!’ But RZIM!? These guys, rather
than being Good Samaritans, are the priests and
Levites! (Luke 10:30-32). They push people over
the edge! They are not God-fearing men, and
they represent the “best” there is in Christianity
Nowhere does God say pastors and
evangelists are called to ignore the sins of the
Church, their own sins, or ignore people (Luke
11:46; Gal. 6:2). RZIM’s secretarial response is
like the mom in Never Ashamed (1984). God
enlightened the kid so that he’s telling his
parents about Jesus and all Mom can say is,
“Look, McDonalds? Don’t you want some
chicken nuggets, Dear?” DEAD asleep.
Wrestling with God—since no one is going to
ever give a damn until HE opens their eyes—
crying out to Him for days, hearing Him
repeatedly say THE SAME AS ALWAYS, that He
will come through for me, but since He still
hasn’t, and the situation being so dire, begging
Him, He then spoke to me through my
devotional. Google My Utmost September
12: Going Through Spiritual Confusion.
I do understand what God is doing by not
giving RZIM or Sunder the decency to respond—
He’s making His point FULLY! (Rev. 3:1-3). It's
what I’d written. These guys are conservative
Christian brainiacs, but their hearts are STONE
COLD. And yet, God’s WORD says, “The charge
is love out of a pure heart, and of a good
conscience, and of faith unfeigned” (1 Tim. 1:5.
YLT, my emphasis). A little further, in 1 Timothy
3:1-10, God warns leaders not to be given over to
money not once but three times. This book
coupled with their response—the lack thereof—
explains why.
On Dogs and Underdogs
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013) is a
really funny, great movie, and it parallels what
God is saying and doing. Here’s some of it:
Nearly everyone thought Walter was the
loser. But he didn’t daydream like that
for no reason, echoing Speak (2004).
Rather than kicking a dog when he’s
down, we’re to ask ourselves and God
(eventually that person) the reason
behind it so that we can bring healing to
their lives rather than add insult to
injury. Again, preschool math.
Walter, the “loser” was the one most
dedicated—by far.
The mom is real. She genuinely loves
her children simply because of who they
are—her children.
Every member of the family expresses
genuine love.
Walter is both loving and responsible.
He was the head of the home since his
father had died, and, therefore, did his
very best to live up to his role.
Walter was willing to do whatever was
needed to get the job done, even though,
like Babette, it drained his account.
Walter genuinely connected with people,
even while taking the heat for zoning
Walter had never actually seen Sean
O’Connor, the icon/God. Yet he talked
with him all the time. And the Man
appreciated everything Walter did for
him and let him know it, going out of his
way to thank him.
The mysterious icon was playful.
Papa was international. And the name
John comes from the Hebrew Yaweh
meaning God has been gracious. God,
our Father, has been gracious. No
Someone in the movie says something
like, “Beautiful things don’t have to draw
attention to themselves.” It’s like the
difference between Chanel No. 5 and all
the other too fruity perfumes with
sexually promiscuous names. Channel
comes in a plain black and white (classy)
box. It’s how the Lord has stayed behind
the scenes for the last 2000 years willing
to wait for IOWA leadership to figure
out how absolutely amazing He really
is—and what amazing ___________
they are!
Walter’s last name, the meaning of it,
refers to what Church leaders have done,
fake an impressive career.
There are things that don’t seem to
connect, but actually do, more than you
would have imagined.
The guy conducting the takeover is a
appreciate all the hard work so many
people have done. He’s outrageously full
of himself!
Life is about taking risks.
Walter, the biggest loser, was actually
the biggest winner.
The icon and the “loser” had a deep
mutual respect for each other.
It's a love story.
It's about the final issue.
It's a mystery.
It's about life.
It's about a journey his Dad was
encouraging him to take.
It's an adventure.
It all revolved around slide #25. (Recall
the bonsai prophecy connected to the
National Arboretum.)
YouTube Burlap to Cashmere Closer to
the Edge.
Because of how Church leaders behave,
nullifying the WORD and work of God, lost souls
are often more loving than the born again—in
part. The point was made clearest to me with a
documentary about Angelina Jolie and her
humanitarian work. While she has a tremendous
heart for people, especially children, she doesn’t
for Jesus Christ—as of yet? In any case, one day,
like so many, she’ll realize she too fell short.
May this book serve as an answer to the question
she asks in the following speech (Matt. 19:30).
YouTube Angelina Jolie receives the Jean
Hersholt Humanitarian Award at the
2013 Governor’s Awards.
Tripping Since My Birth Day
The day before going to Lancaster for Joseph,
God had woken me up at 3:30 to scribble down
some notes about a flow chart I’d seen in 1991. It
was a piece in the Washington Post that had
grabbed me—and nearly drowned me. Starting
on the front page, it began with one guy who had
AIDS and overflowed onto several full pages of
the newspaper (pretty big pages) which revealed
all the people this one person had infected who
now had HIV, full blown AIDS, or were dead. It
was overwhelming—the thought of all that
heartache and pain just because of one
thoughtless and careless individual. That’s the
massive negative ripple effect WE ALL HAVE as
we choose to live our lives in lip-service to God,
or completely ignore Him.
However, we can do the extreme opposite
and have an amazingly positive effect ripple out
in all directions by lining up our lives with God’s
WORD—as with Ruth, for example, who’s love
and selfless life led to Obed, to Jesse, to
David…to Jesus (Deut. 7:7-11).
In Lancaster, so filled with the trash that
makes up Christianity Today, I was further
impressed with the foundation the Lord has set
in place (Job 42:2).
For example, walking back to the car from
the theater, Buddy, at the other end of our
foursome said, “Look at that!” It was the lineup
of tour buses—impressive. Dozens of busses
bring hundreds of people daily, most of whom
are near The End of the Line, to see something
of God. There’s zero resistance! Likewise, every
Sunday and Wednesday nights the churches are
filled with people looking for more of God, yet
getting the unanointed version. The lost are
looking to fill the emptiness inside, and all that’s
available are the dead hearts of Christianity
Today, bringing the Washington Post AIDS
flowchart back to mind of the extensive damage
done (Matt. 23:15).
Yet, when God commissioned me, He also
impressed me how those contacts through Eagle
and RZIM would ripple through His Church as a
positive version of the Washington Post
flowchart. (I just hadn’t realized it would be in
such a negative way!) Then, over the following
years as homeschoolers, I was tuned in to many
of the best national and international Christian
ministries. And since the Lord is having me go
public with this book on a website and YouTube,
I see the foundation God has laid out for this
reformation. Once these groups repent and walk
in and teach the truth—unadulterated—their
collective influence will be outrageous.
Christianity Tomorrow will be like a spiritual
Atomic Bomb for all the Light that’ll be cast
across the world because of the existing
platforms already in place due to God’s hand and
His amazing grace! (John 5:17).
However, to get the reaction to take place, to
set off the atomic bomb, repentance mirroring
that of Saul’s is needed. Saul had caused a ton of
damage to God’s Church, yet by turning around
completely, he was used by God exponentially
more than the damage he’d caused (1 Cor. 15:910). In fact, he’s still being used by God and will
be used increasingly more! YouTube Faithful
is Our God Hezekiah Walker.
"I Have a Dream"
One of the many Detours the Lord took me on
while working on this book was to teach English
as a Second Language as I'd done in the past.
Long story short, I was connected with a Muslim
PhD candidate with a dream to improve his
country. Moreover, his story parallels my
fathers, almost exactly: married with children on
scholarship, published author with a political
bent, dreaming of making his nation better
through education, and not fully educated about
his own religious beliefs. Connecting all the dots,
I discern his dream is from God and that he will
be used not only to improve his country, but his
nation—the Muslim community—showing elect
within that group that Jesus is not just a
prophet, but The Prophet, the Messiah, God in
the flesh. So if you're awake, get on your face and
pray for The Dreamer. God knows his name.
Pray that he would wake up to the lies get
empowered by God and fulfill His dream (Rom.
15:30; Phil. 1:19). And watch this movie,
Behind the Sun (1995).
Challenging the APATHETIC!
Watching Fidel (2002) by Bravo Films, I
discerned God’s hand. Fidel Castro and his
people, while being in dire need, were unwilling
(since they had the Bible) to submit to God—just
like the rest of the world. Instead, they went
through loops and hoops, even killing others, to
meet their needs, justifying themselves. It
should sound familiar to all. And yet God has
said to all, “I am the LORD thy God…open thy
mouth wide, and I will fill it” (Ps. 81:10). Fidel
Castro wanted the best for the people, yet he
(and the people) went about it “having a form of
godliness, but denying the power thereof” (2
Tim. 3:5)—just like the rest have done. So the
result has been neither long lasting nor noble.
Because while having the order of love WRONG,
humans can only accomplish so much—
definitely not enough—even though, as with
Fidel, you can accomplish a ton!
Additionally, if we do as Castro suggested—
stop fighting and solve our problems
intellectually, scientifically, and politically, like
everyone thinks we should do—we’ll only
continue to repeat our miserable human history
because we’ll be fighting even before getting
started on not fighting (Jer. 6:14), just as the
churches fight over every little nothing, like
everyone does worldwide, especially in the
middle east. Without God we can’t stop fighting!
Instead, we could trust God (Ex. 14:14).
Notice too how God laid out the Red Carpet
for Fidel and his followers with the dove, setting
‘em up (2 Thess. 2:10-11).
A few years later, watching the movie
Mandela (2013), I saw what I mentioned in
the beginning. And I’m not sure if someone said
it in this movie or if I heard it in the previews,
but it’s true. “Once you’re no longer afraid, no
one can oppress you.” Jesus died do set us free,
yet Christians still live in fear. They're afraid of
being poor, of being less popular, of growing old,
of being ridiculed, of not keeping up with the
Joneses—all of it! And the reason for is that they
haven’t gotten to know the Lord (1 John 4:18;
John 8:36). Whereas, in Christ, only fearing Him
(which means respecting Him), each elect
individual can be an amazing force in the world
because no one or nothing can suppress you. In
Christ, you have the courage, faith, and power to
accomplish great things (Mark 9:23), even if
you're fat, short, poor, unpopular, and ridiculed!
Assured by faith (Heb. 11:6). YouTube Trace
Adkins Wayfaring Stranger.
Christianity Today in the U.S., and the higher
the education, the stronger/more powerful the
sphere of influence. Besides that, many
internationals have come here with money and
international contacts, making them very
powerful, while many others have come as
refugees making them hungry for righteousness,
and also powerful because they have friends and
family back home; and poorer people tend to be
more open to God (Matt. 5:1-12).
However, since the Church hasn't been
walking with the Lord, it’s all been WASTED
potential so far! For instance, today, the best I
can do is direct people to a church like Ken’s—
one that's DEAD. At best, they’d go with the flow
and replicate what’s there—as has been
happening for hundreds of years throughout
Christianity (Rev. 3:1-3). YouTube Misty
Edwards The Harlot.
While on this walk, God impressed me that
my contacts have been far reaching, and that if
the elect viewed their lives through His eyes,
taking into consideration the potential impact
you each have, you’d be BLOWN AWAY by the
power God has granted you—so far, untapped. If
Castro and Mandela could impact the world
without God in such a huge way, just imagine
what we could do with God AS A GROUP!
reveals some of the potential of some of the
contacts I’ve had throughout my life—one who is
the absolutely BIGGEST loser when it comes to
social life! And a good percentage of the contacts
have had higher education, as does much of
God has made it clear that things will not
turn around for us until His people get right with
Him. But then, the sky’s the limit! May you,
therefore, care enough to bow low before God
repenting of your part in it, then stand up and
fight for the Truth. YouTube David Bowden
Citizen Journalist.
A boyfriend once laughed at me, “You
Latinos! You’re always starting a revolution!” He
was right, almost, because it’s not me starting it,
but El Señor! YouTube Revolution Kirk
The morning of Megamind, exhausted, crying, I
begged God to deliver us in a year’s time. Two
hours later, I placed my road trip CD from Focus
on the Family in the system, Little Women
(2004), and immediately discerned God’s
voice, not only for me and my family, but for the
beloved Mafia. And just as the mother did on the
CD, I’ll “read” you my ‘Husband’s’ letter.
My dear Wife [Bride of Christ],
The war grinds on and I continue to
do what I can to comfort the sick and
wounded soldiers. I thank [our Father]
that you and our beloved [children] are
safe and well at home. Please give them
all my dear love, and a kiss. Tell them I
think of them by day and pray for them
by night and find my best comfort in
their affection at all times.
A year seems very long to wait
before I see them, but remind them, that
while we wait we may all work, so that
these hard days need not be wasted. I
know that they will remember all I said
to them: that they will be loving
children to you, will do their duty
faithfully, and fight their foes so
bravely, and conquer themselves so
beautifully that when I come home I
shall be fonder and prouder than ever of
my little [children].
At the beach, taking an MP3 prayer-walk, as
I walked alone down the shore while listening to
the tunes, horses hanging out in the waves, the
Lord ministered to me like crazy (Ps. 103:13). He
had the best live music video I’ve ever seen,
complete with hordes of elephantish looking
birds (pelicans) going kamikaze over fish (John
15:13). Huh. YouTube Skillet Hero.
Listening to the rest of the Little Women
(2004) CD on the way home, I again heard
God’s voice:
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are
true, whatsoever things are honest,
whatsoever things are just, whatsoever
things are pure, whatsoever things are
lovely, whatsoever things are of good
report; if there be any virtue, and if there
be any praise, think on these things.
Those things, which ye have both
learned, and received, and heard, and
seen in me, DO: and the God of peace
shall be with you (Phil. 4:8-9, my
Rather than it actually being my emphasis,
isn’t it God’s emphasis! YouTube New
Doxology. Uploaded by 1BelovedSon.
And even though a “year” is obviously
longer, God will come through (2 Pet. 3:8), cuz
El Señor keeps His promises (Num. 23:19). He’s
just showing up fashionably late. So Latino!
I was also amazed that I’d forgotten that
The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan
is the backdrop for this classic and favorite of
mine! I'd even done a partial translation of it on
my First College Tour, B.C.
The Pantry
Bible Abbreviations
Old Testament
1-2 Sam.
1-2 Samuel
1-2 Kings
1-2 Kings
1-2 Chron.
1-2 Chronicles
Song of Solomon
New Testament
1-2 Cor.
1-2 Corinthians
1-2 Thess.
1-2 Thessalonians
1-2 Tim.
1-2 Timothy
1 -2 Pet.
1-2 Peter
1-3 John
1-3 John
General Visuals
Many are on YouTube
or Elsewhere on the Web
Note: The films about the Bible should
be watched after having read the biblical
account and then scrutinized so that you
are aware of the actual biblical story
without buying into the changes to
God’s WORD sinners have made. The
visual drama is helpful in understanding
the biblical record but you have to be
careful to discern the difference between
fact and fiction.
History/New World Order
9/11: Explosive Evidence Experts Speak Out
9/11 Press for Truth (2006)
9/11: Road to Tyranny (2002)
Catholicism: Crisis of Faith (1991)
The End of America (2008)
Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement
Eye of the Phoenix: Secrets of the Dollar Bill
Fahrenheit 9/11 (2008)
Fall of the Republic (2009)
The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers
Hollywood Unmasked 1 & 2 (pub dates ?)
The Kinsey Syndrome (2009)
A Lamp in the Dark: The Untold History of the
Bible (2009)
Loose Change (2014)
Megiddo: March to Armageddon: Bible
Prophecy and the New World Order (2004)
Megiddo II: The New Age (2005)
The New World Order: A 6000 Year History
Police State: The Rise of FEMA (2009)
Riddles in Stone: The Secret Architecture of
Washington, DC (2007)
Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings: The
New Atlantis (2010)
Tares Among Wheat (2012)
TerrorStorm: A History of Government
Sponsored Terrorism (2006)
The Obama Deception (2009)
Welcome to the Truth Full Documentary 2014,
Uploaded by Nebulous 1982
We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook New 2015
Documentary (2015)
Biblical History
Abraham (1994) Gen. 11:26-25:10
Jacob (1994) Gen. 25;19-50:14
Joseph (1995) Gen. 30:22-Ex. 1:8
Joseph: King of Dreams (2000) Gen. 30:22-Ex.
The Prince of Egypt (1998) Ex. 1:9-Deut. 34:7
The Book of Daniel (2013) Ezra 1-6, Isa. 44-45,
Messiah: Prophesy Fulfilled (2004) Gospel
The Miracle Maker (2000) Gospel
Jesus: He Lived Among Us (2011) Gospel
The Visual Bible: The Gospel of John (2003)
The Visual Bible: The Gospel of Matthew (1993)
The Visual Bible: Acts (2004)
God's Outlaw (1986) About William Tyndale
John Wycliffe: Morning Star of the Reformation
John Hus (1977)
Luther (2003)
Martin Luther (1953)
The Radicals (1990)
The Forbidden Book (2006)
A Lamp in the Dark: The Untold History of the
Bible (2009)
Tares Among Wheat: Sequel to a Lamp in the
Dark (2012)
Resources Listed By Chapter
Part 1: A Yarn
Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Amazing
Motivational Story, uploaded by
Come Unto Me, Nicole C. Mullen
Aja Usey Thu Chak Lay – Hindi Christian
Song, uploaded by The REDDY
It’s a Small World, Disney
Elvis Presley, Joshua Fought the Battle of
I Live for You, Rachel Lampa
Salpi Keleshian, I Live with You
As for Me and My House, John Waller
Blessing in the Storm, Kirk Franklin
Royalty, Alberto & Kimberly Rivera – ASL,
uploaded by RachelMinistries
How Deep the Father’s Love for Us, Sarah
Corbin Bleu – Push it to the Limit, uploaded
by CorbinBleuVEVO
I Can Only Imagine, MercyMe
1NC, Lost Hearts
B. Reith, Cold World
Heavenly Father, Cece Winans
Love Each Other, Graham Kendrick
Amazing Grace, Aaron Neville
You are So Good to Me, Third Day
Treasures in Heaven, Burlap to Cashmere
Lover of My Soul, Amy Grant
Face to Face, The Sensational Nightingales
Give Me Your Hand, Ray Boltz
Does Anybody Hear Her, Casting Crowns
The Last Jesus, Kirk Franklin
The Face of Christ, Chris Rice
Live So God Can Use You, The Sensational
Nobody, One Nation Crew
Pro, Beautiful (feat. PK)
Christafari, Freedom Step
Just as I Am, Brian Doerksen
Third Day, Make Your Move
Kirk Franklin, Something About the Name
The Fragrance of Christ, David Haas
Why Have You Forsaken Me? J. Brian Craig
Babette’s Feast (1988)
Antwone Fisher (2002)
Beyond the Next Mountain (2004)
Google Images
The Prince of Peace by Harry Anderson
A Requiem for Love, Calvin Miller
Unbroken, Laura Hillendbrand
Statistics on Pastors – Into Thy Word
Chapter 2: A.D. Act I—Born Again
Ben Hur (1959)
M 10:28 (1999)
Speak (2004)
It’s a Kind of Funny Story (2010)
Beverly Hills Chihuahua (2008)
Mountain of God, Third Day
3D Art
1NC, Breath Away
Call on Jesus, Bruce Parham
Everything Glorious, David Crowder Band
Presence (My Heart’s Desire), Newsboys
Soon and Very Soon, Andrae Crouch
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, Matt
Selah, Wonderful Merciful Savior
MercyMe, Crazy Enough
Mat Kearney, Renaissance
Ain’t Nobody Like Jesus, Hezekiah Walker
Sons of Korah, Psalm 125 Like Mount Zion
Another Soldier Down, The Isaacs
Mandisa, Freedom Song
Chris Tomlin, Exalted (Yahweh)
Victory is Mine, Gospel Legends, Dorothy
Inhabited, Open My Eyes, WOW Hits
Held, Natalie Grant
Down to the River to Pray, Alison Krauss
TV Shows
Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1958), Final
Google Images
Precious Feet Lapel Pin
Seek and Destroy, Metallica
Chapter 3: A.D. Act II—Incubator to
Solo Flight
Jacob’s Ladder (1990)
Grand Canyon (1991)
A Vow to Cherish (1999)
Babette’s Feast (1988)
Pieces of April (2003)
Gentleman’s Agreement (1947)
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (1967)
The Hiding Place (1975)
Babe (1995)
My Worship is for Real Mime Dance,
uploaded by missjackson918
Francesca Battistelli, I’m Letting Go
How He Loves Us, David Crowder Band
Praying for You, uploaded by MandisaVEVO
Psalm 67, Sons of Korah
Sons of Korah, Psalm 116: The Cup of
Kirk Franklin, He Will Supply
Amy Grant, Somewhere Down the Road
Heritage Mass Choir The Gospel 1 – My
Desire, uploaded by Heritageministry
Kirk Franklin & Fred Hammond, My Desire
Psychologist Bruce Levine: Surviving
America’s Depression Epidemic
Refiner’s Fire, Jeremy Passion and the
Group 1 Crew, Can’t Go On
Byron Cage, Presence of the Lord (Official
Message in a Bottle, The Police
Cece Winans, Get Out of My House
Hello Fear, Kirk Franklin
Because of Who You Are, Vicki Yohe
Jonny Lang, Turn Around
25 Sobering Statistics that Might Upset You
That’ll Do Pig—Babe 9/9 Movie Clip (1995)
True Beauty, Mandisa
Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, Days of Elijah
Preview: The Lion Whisperer
Christian the Lion
Shirley Caesar, Moses the Deliverer (The
Prince of Egypt)
Jesus is a Friend of Mine, Aaron Neville
The Homeschooling Father, Michael P.
Fish Out of Water, Abby Nye
Eat to Live, Dr. Joel Furhman
The Beginner’s Bible, Zonderkidz
Quest Study Bible, Zondervan
Mimosa: A True Story, Amy Carmichael
Sovereign Grace Ministries Uses First
Amendment as Defense in Sex Abuse
Sexual Assault at Patrick Henry
John Stossel Students for Liberty: A Trip
Back to College
My Wild Affair: The Rhino Who Joined the
My Utmost November 11: The Supreme
Vegucated (2010)
Chapter 4: A.D. Act III—An Eagle’s
Beauty for Ashes, Crystal Lewis
Before the River Came, 4Him
Mandisa, Broken Hallelujah
Simba in the Valley of Dry Bones
Big Tent Revival, Two Sets of Joneses
He is with You, Mandisa
Good, Tye Tribbett
The Hammer, Ray Boltz
Beautiful, Beautiful, Francesca Battistelli
Willard Wigan’s Tiny World
Marty Stuart and Vince Gilbert, Rank
Fill My Cup, Cece Winans
You Don’t Have to Hide, Joy Williams
He Will Carry Me, Mark Schultz
Audio Adrenaline, Ocean Floor
I Need You Now, Smokey Norful
The Anchor Holds, Ray Boltz
Caro Mio Ben (My Dear Beloved), uploaded
by Beau Davidson
She without arm, he without leg – ballet –
Hand in Hand, uploaded by semjase76
Breathe, Sixpence None the Richer
Beauty and the Beast, Celine Dion & Peabo
Bryson with Lyrics
He Who Began a Good Work in You, Steve
God’s Not Dead, Newsboys
Smellin’ Coffee, Chris Rice
Courageous, Casting Crowns
Smokie Norful, Still Say, Thank You
I Used to Do it Too, Lecrae
Declaration (This is It), Kirk Franklin
Best Blue Angels Music Video: Pump Up The
Angels, Uploaded by tuvix72
Kate & Leopold (2001)
The Hiding Place (1975)
Star Wars (1997)
House of Sand and Fog (2003)
Duplicity (2009)
Morning Glory (2010)
Roman Holiday (1953)
Princes Diaries (2001)
Chapter 5: God’s WORD is a Feast
Babette’s Feast (1988)
Cold Mountain (2003)
It Happened One Night (1939)
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)
The War on Democracy (2007)
For My Father (2008)
Dan in Real Life (2007)
The Crucible (1996)
A Requiem for Love, Calvin Miller
Children of the Living God, Fernando Ortega
Allison Kraus & Sting, You Will Be My Ain
True Love
Who I Am Hates Who I’ve Been, Relient K
10,000 Reasons, Matt Redman
The Word, Sarah Groves
40 Years Ago…Allende, Chile’s Coup & the
United States, uploaded by Chingon
The Battle is Not Yours, Yolanda Adams
He Reigns, Newsboys
There is Always a Place at the Table, Gaither
Vocal Band
2 Timothy 2, Katalyst Streetlights
Voice of a Savior, Mandisa
This Divine Romance, uploaded by turinreza
The Afters, Beautiful Love
Woman at the Well, uploaded by Mehmet
Come Thou Fount, Come Thou King, Robert
Andy Mineo, Let There Be Light
Chapter 6: God’s WORD Rocks
Fly Like an Eagle, Steve Miller Band
One Direction – What Makes You Beautiful
(5 Piano Guys, 1 Piano), uploaded by
Hotel California, Eagles
You Still Call Me Son, John Waller
Goodbye Ordinary, MercyMe
Chapter 7: God’s WORD is King
Seussical: The Musical
Beauty & the Beast Little Town
Darius de Haas, King of the World
Lord I Believe in You, Crystal Lewis
Buck Owens, Would You Be Ready if
Jesus Came Today
Hugo (2011)
Chapter 8: God’s WORD Ends War
Kate & Leopold (2001)
Dances with Wolves (1990)
Primary Colors (1998)
The Lives of Others (2007)
Changeling (2008)
Seraphim Falls (2006)
Little Women (1933)
Megamind (2010)
Charlotte’s Web (1973)
Never Ashamed (1984)
Speak (2004)
Fidel (2002), Bravo Films
Mandela (2013)
Between Heaven and Ground Zero,
Leslie D. Haskin
Twelve Years a Slave, Solomon Northrup
The Pilgrim’s Progress, John Bunyan
Little Women (2004), Focus on the
So in Love, Jeremy Camp
People Get Ready, The Rhythm of the
Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Misty
Jason Upton, Freedom Reigns
Animated Bible Story of Jesus, the Son
of God. NestLearning
I’m Not Alright, Sanctus Real
Prayer for Conviction (Lyrics Video),
uploaded by GREJLDMedia
I Surrender All, Israel Houghton
John Stossel, What Ever Happened to
They Will Know We are Christians by
Our Love, Jars of Clay
Blessings, Laura Story
I See You, Leona Lewis
Soldiers, Out of Eden
Salvador, My Desire
Kirk Franklin, Smile Again
Don’t Give Up Hope, Third Day
DC Talk, Consume Me
Christafari, Hosanna (Official)
Something Beautiful, Needtobreathe
Sarah Masen, Carry Us Through
This is the Stuff, Francesca Battistelli
Burlap to Cashmere, Closer to the Edge
at Guitar Center
Angelina Jolie Receives the Jean
Hersholt Humanitarian Award at the
2013 Governor’s Award
Faithful is Our God, Hezekiah Walker
Trace Adkins, Wayfaring Stranger
Misty Edwards, The Harlot
David Bowden, Citizen Journalist
Revolution, Kirk Franklin
Skillet, Hero
New Doxology, uploaded by
My Utmost September 12: Going Through
Spiritual Confusion