
Jacob Smith
Mr. Cribley
Biology 10
15 May 2015
Positive Human Impact
Humans are the only species that can change and do change the environment. We are
trying to stop life from extinction. Humans are able to put more endangered species into the
environment or if there are invasive species, then the humans will take it out. There is an effort
of reforestation in the environment. There are also organizations that support the environment.
Humans are doing many things that are helping the environment.
There are endangered species in the wild that are close to being extinct. They are bred to
make a bigger population. When the numbers are good enough to sustain life, they are
reintroduced into the wild. This is a good way to increase the numbers of an endangered species.
When a species becomes extinct, it messes up the food web. The food source of some animals is
now gone. Also there are invasive species that are taken out or replaced. Both of these actions
help other species in the area as well.
There is an effort of reforestation in the environment. When trees are taken out from
forest fires or for production of wood, they have to be replaced. New species are introduced for
ecological balance (how do humans affect the environment?, 2006-2015). Also it minimizes
disturbances such as erosion (Positive Effects of Humans on the Ecosystem, 1999-2015).
Without trees there is not going to be any oxygen. Trees have been called “the lungs of the
world.” The life would not survive without any trees. As you can see reforestation is very
important to the human race.
There are many organizations that support the environment. These organizations have
activities that they do to clean up, plant plants, and restrict pollution. Their main objective is to
help the environment. The Environmental Protection Agency is a good example of an
organization that helps the environment. Some organizations put restrictions on what you can do
to the environment. For example, some organizations restrict the amount of smoke that can be
put into the air (how do humans affect the environment?, 2006-2015). Also organizations try to
use more natural resources. This makes it safer for the environment and they are most of the time
renewable (What is the Positive and Negative Impact of Humans on the Biosphere?, 2012).
Humans are doing many things for the environment to help it survive. The world needs a
lot of help. I can use less water in my house to help. I also can use less electricity, like turning off
the lights when I leave the room. One of the best things I could do is to buy an electric car or use
public transportation. This would reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that comes from cars.
Excessive carbon dioxide can cause acid rain, especially in big cities. We need to really improve
this world or find a new planet to live on.
Works Cited
how do humans affect the environment? (2006-2015). Retrieved May 11, 2015, from lovetoknow:
Positive Effects of Humans on the Ecosystem. (1999-2015). Retrieved May 11, 2015, from
What is the Positive and Negative Impact of Humans on the Biosphere? (2012). Retrieved May 13, 2015,