Introduction & Acknowledgment Webinar Questions For the Affiliate

Introduction & Acknowledgment Webinar Questions
1) For the Affiliate Service Area - are there specific tables from the QDR that you want us to include
so that it is consistent Affiliate wide -- i.e. the demographic/socioeconomic table? How much
should we include since this will all be provided in-depth in the QDR section?
Answer: Briefly summarize the most relevant demographic and socioeconomic data from
Tables 4 and 5 (from the Affiliate’s consolidated QDR) for your Affiliate service area as a
whole. Komen HQ Community Profile Team highly suggests not repeating every statistic and
just highlighting the things that make the Affiliate service area unique compared to the state
or the US. It would be best not to include tables from the QDR. However, if the Affiliate is
going to include tables or graphic in this section, please label the tables and figures starting at
1 and refer to them as such in the narrative since this section will be before the
QDR/HSPPA/Qualitative sections. Komen HQ will ensure in the final document that all the
table and figure numbers are sequential throughout the final document.
2) For the service map, is this something HQ will be providing us because you are preparing the GIS
Answer: Yes, HQ will be providing and inserting Affiliate service area maps into the final CP
report. An example of what the service area map will look like can be seen on slide 7 of the
Introduction section and Acknowledgment Page Webinar.
3) For the Acknowledgment Section, we will also be highlighting our Board Liaison, Community
Profile Team Leader, and Consultant who facilitated the Qualitative Data Review Section.
Answer: Yes, those positions can be mentioned in the Acknowledgment Section.
4) For the Acknowledgment Section, we will also indicate who on the Community Profile Team,
were also members of the Community Profile Steering Committee, and Qualitative Review
Answer: This is fine.
5) With the approval delays experienced with previous section submissions and the close due date
of this section in relation to the Qualitative section due date, will Affiliates be allowed to submit
the Introduction/Acknowledgment section prior to receiving approval on the Qualitative section
Answer: Yes, Affiliates should be able to submit the Introduction/Acknowledgement section
even if the Qualitative section has not been approved. If the Affiliate’s Qualitative section
was not approved, both the Qualitative and Introduction/Acknowledgment sections will
appear in Documents Due on myKomen. Please ensure the Affiliate submits the correct
section documents.
6) Staff/board section – since this document will be through 2020, I don’t want to list specific
positions as it can easily change – is a general overview for both the board and staff structure
acceptable.? I prefer not to include an org chart for the same reasons.