Missouri Breastfeeding Coalition Missouri Breastfeeding Coalition Meeting Minutes Columbia, MO on 10/20/2014 I. Attendance & Minutes Diane Bibb, Co-Chair Becky Schwaller, Co-Chair Kathy Mertzlufft, Treasurer Debbi Heffren, Communications and Website Manager Karen Urick, Secretary Jamie Gilliand, Bethany Wilemon, Lonna Ellsworth, Erin O’Reily, Tiffanie Weekley, Sarah Davis, Nancy Keim, Johanna Iwaszkowiec, Angela Jobes, Cate Dallas, Jeni Minks, Joy Hawkes, Mary Lou Shane, Palmira Mitts, Susan Henry-Schwendinger, Kelly Schellman, Lori Lampe, Leona Greer, Tammie Crabtree, Sarah Lammers, Julia Hladky, Korrin Ingalls, Teresa Bowman, Rachelle Wood, Elizabeth Allemann, Theresa Gelven, Ally Palani, Tricia Nilges, Melinda Ridenhour, Abby Nichols, Racquel Hykes, Renee Davis, Teresa Donjon and Special Guest Kay Hoover II. Minutes were approved for September 2014 meeting III. Treasury and Membership Report *Balance $7416.40 *56 current members *Facebook page has over 800 likes. See: https://www.facebook.com/pages/MissouriBreastfeeding-Coalition/302608766421828 IV. Old Business A. MO DHHS Update – Kathy, State/WIC Breastfeeding Coordinator *MO Show Me 5 Awards – 5 hospitals awarded so far *BF Friendly Worksite Awards – applications coming in. -5 City Governments have been awarded. 170 total businesses in Missouri have been designated Breastfeeding Friendly. - Have awarded 40 breastfeeding stipends for businesses to create lactation rooms for employees. *BF Friendly Childcare Program – applications coming in; a free workbook is available *Pump Room mini grants are still available. To be eligible to receive a minigrant, the business must create and provide a written breastfeeding support policy that is in compliance with the breastfeeding support requirements from the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Please contact Karla Voss at karla.voss@health.mo.gov with questions regarding policy compliance or to see a sample policy please visit: http://health.mo.gov/living/families/wic/breastfeeding/support.php A fact sheet on the FLSA can be found here: http://health.mo.gov/living/families/wic/breastfeeding/laws.php *See DHSS website for more details on the above programs: http://health.mo.gov/living/families/wic/breastfeeding/ B. WIC Update *MO WIC Conference today and tomorrow with Kay Hoover *130 Peer Counselors in 80 Agencies *35 “Breastfeeding Friendly” WIC Agencies C. USBC Grant Continuity of Care NICHQ Grant *TMC in KC is now designated “Baby Friendly” *U of MO’s WCMC had set-backs in regards to staff support and hopes to have a site visit in January. Dr Fusco hopes to have a luncheon with MD staff to discuss concerns later this month. *Barnes in STL hopes to have a site visit next March More here: http://www.nichq.org/sitecore/content/breastfeeding/breastfeeding/solutions/b est-fed-beginnings D. 2012-2015 Strategic Plan *The coalition’s goals, interventions from our strategic plan along with our accomplishments and needs were discussed. *Another survey will be distributed asking for workgroup volunteers and ideas for further projects. *Human Milk Banking needs to be added under goal # 2. *Breastfeeding Friendly Childcare Award under goal # 4. We talked about putting something on our website about Missouri’s mPINC results. This would help us meet the goal #1d in our strategic plan E. Strategic Workgroups *Education – Need Leader *Grant Writing (Diane) –no report *Conference Planning (Diane) -Kay Hoover, immediately following coalition meeting -See future summit below: *Legislative (Karen) - after the 2016 MO legislative elections, we will lobby to have the wording “with a physician’s note” and “with discretion” removed from MO’s current Breastfeeding Law. *IBCLC Reimbursement (Becky) – no report *IBCLC Licensure – we are in need of a leader for this workgroup. -IBCLCs likely need to secure licensure before we can adequately get reimbursement. With IBCLC licensure also comes more professional recognition. -A concern was brought up that once licensed, IBCLCs would need to work under an MD depending on which board licenses IBCLCs -Lori Lampe from Columbia offered to work on the committee. -Kathy mentioned that a lobbyist and someone with legal experience will be needed. Since Ellie is leaving, Kathy to ask her about recommendations. Johanna may know someone too who could assist us. See IBCLC Reimbursement and Licensure Group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/111712392311033/ V. New Business A. Future Conference 2015: *A Mother Baby Summit partnering with the MO Hospital Association *Including a CDC representative and decision makers in attendance *Debbi recommended a topic of ‘Lessons Learned After Obtaining the 10 steps’ from NICHQ’s recent teleconference B. The Coalition’s role when a nursing mother is being harassed will discuss at next board meeting. C. Local Coalitions *Local Coalitions are asked to have 1 representative participate in the MO Coalition meetings. *St Louis-Applied for Grant to help increase assistance in underserved areas. -Johanna made an online map of all the breastfeeding services in the STL area (see their website for more info). https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=zgOwsPnMEf1o.kKQ6yx4h6qPk *Joplin- Updated their strategic plan ->300 “Likes” on their Facebook page -Have a successful support group thru WIC -Applying for the “Kellogg Grant” which will help Freeman Hospital have a Spring 2015 breastfeeding conference *Pettis County-Local Walmart donated $500 to help start a “Baby Café” Group held in their local hospital. -Super Mom 5 K was very successful -Received HEAL Grant Workplace Award through the MO DHSS. *Cole County/Jeff City - Planning a media event to showcase the breastfeeding standees, before placing them throughout the community. - Have 4 support groups targeting different populations in the community. - They are educating child-care providers on how to support breastfeeding. Hope to have some apply for the Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care Award. *Columbia, MO University -Women’s and Children’s Hospital pursuing Baby Friendly status and Show Me 5 site visit soon -Updated employee and guests’ pumping rooms *Marshall/Saline Co - had their Baby Friendly site visit, expect results in a couple of months. *KC Northland -Liberty Hospital preparing for Show Me 5 site visit -The City of Gladstone became a Breastfeeding Friendly Worksite. D. Other *Debbi encouraged participants to inform her of any upcoming conferences being held in MO and states bordering MO for our website. E. Standees *Life size pictures of nursing mothers and babies are becoming popular in different areas of Missouri *The goal of the standees is to gain public awareness of breastfeeding. VI. Next meetings Entire Coalition: Nov 21, 2014 Teleconference 12- 2 pm For more info, go to: www.mobreastfeeding.org