Neural Control Chapter 33 Part 1 Impacts, Issues In Pursuit of Ecstasy Neural controls maintain life; drugs like Ecstasy flood the brain with signaling molecules and saturate receptors, disrupting these controls Fig. 33-1a, p. 552 Fig. 33-1b, p. 552 Fig. 33-1c, p. 552 33.1 Evolution of Nervous Systems Interacting neurons allow animals to respond to stimuli in the environment and inside their body Neuron • A cell that can relay electrical signals along its plasma membrane and can communicate with other cells by specific chemical messages Neuroglia • Support neurons functionally and structurally Three Types of Neurons Sensory neurons detect stimuli and signal interneurons or motor neurons Interneurons process information from sensory neurons and send signals to motor neurons Motor neurons control muscles and glands The Cnidarian Nerve Net Cnidarians are the simplest animals that have neurons, which are arranged as a nerve net Nerve net • A mesh of interconnecting neurons with no centralized controlling organ Bilateral, Cephalized Nervous System Flatworms are the simplest animals with a bilateral, cephalized nervous system Cephalization • The concentration of neurons that detect and process information at the body’s head end Ganglion • A cluster of neuron cell bodies that functions as an integrating center Nerve Cords Annelids and arthropods have paired ventral nerve cords that connect to a simple brain • Pair of ganglia in each segment for local control Chordates have a single, dorsal nerve cord; vertebrates have a brain at the anterior region of the nerve cord Simple Nervous Systems a nerve net (highlighted in purple) controls the contractile cells in the epithelium Hydra, a cnidarian Fig. 33-2a, p. 554 pair of ganglia pair of nerve cords crossconnected by lateral nerves Planarian, a flatworm Fig. 33-2b, p. 554 rudimentary brain ventral nerve cord ganglion c Earthworm, an annelid Fig. 33-2c, p. 554 brain brain optic lobe (one pair, for visual stimuli) branching nerves paired ventral nerve cords ganglion Crayfish, a crustacean (a type of arthropod) Grasshopper, an insect (a type of arthropod) Fig. 33-2 (d-e), p. 554 The Vertebrate Nervous System Central nervous system (CNS) • Brain and spinal cord (mostly interneurons) Peripheral nervous system (PNS) • Nerves from the CNS to the rest of the body (efferent) and from the body to CNS (afferent) • Autonomic nerves and somatic nerves control different organs of the body Functional Divisions of the Vertebrate Nervous System Central Nervous System Brain Spinal Cord Peripheral Nervous System (cranial and spinal nerves) Autonomic Nerves Somatic Nerves Nerves that carry signals to and from smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands Nerves that carry signals to and from skeletal muscle, tendons, and the skin Sympathetic Parasympathetic Division Division Two sets of nerves that often signal the same effectors and have opposing effects Stepped A Major Nerves of the Human Nervous System Brain cranial nerves (twelve pairs) cervical nerves (eight pairs) Spinal Cord thoracic nerves (twelve pairs) ulnar nerve (one in each arm) sciatic nerve (one in each leg) lumbar nerves (five pairs) sacral nerves (five pairs) coccygeal nerves (one pair) Fig. 33-4, p. 555 33.1 Key Concepts How Animal Nervous Tissue is Organized In radially symmetrical animals, excitable neurons interconnect as a nerve net Most animals are bilaterally symmetrical with a nervous system that has a concentration of neurons at the anterior end and one or more nerve cords running the length of the body 33.2 Neurons—The Great Communicators Neurons have special cytoplasmic extensions for receiving and sending messages • Dendrites receive information from other cells • Axons send chemical signals to other cells Sensory neurons have an axon with one end that responds to stimuli; the other sends signals Interneurons and motor neurons have many dendrites and one axon A Motor Neuron dendrites input zone cell body trigger zone conducting zone axon output zone axon terminals Fig. 33-5, p. 556 Direction of Information Flow STIMULI RESPONSE receptor peripheral cell axon axon endings axon body terminal cell body axon dendrites a sensory neuron b interneuron cell axon body axon terminals dendrites c motor neuron Stepped Art Fig. 33-6, p. 556 33.3 Membrane Potentials Resting membrane potential • The interior of a resting neuron is more negative than the fluid outside the cell (-70 mV) • Negatively charged proteins and active transport of Na+ and K+ ions maintain the resting potential 150 Na+ interstitial fluid 5 K+ plasma membrane 15 Na+ 150 K+ 65 neuron’s cytoplasm p. 557 Action Potentials Action potential • An abrupt reversal in the electric gradient across the plasma membrane • When properly stimulated, voltage-gated channels open, ions flow through, and the membrane potential briefly reverses Membrane Proteins: Pumps, Transporters, and Gated Channels interstitial fluid neuron cytoplasm A Sodium–potassium pumps actively transport 3 Na+ out of a neuron for every 2 K+ they pump in. B Passive transporters allow K+ ions to leak across the plasma membrane, down their concentration gradient. C In a resting neuron, gates of voltage-sensitive channels are shut (left). During action potentials, the gates open (right), allowing Na+ or K+ to flow through them. Fig. 33-7, p. 557 33.4 A Closer Look at Action Potentials An action potential begins • Stimulation of a neuron’s input zone causes a local, graded potential • When stimulus in the neuron’s trigger zone reaches threshold potential, gated sodium channels open • Voltage difference decreases and starts the action potential An All-or-Nothing Spike Once threshold level is reached, membrane potential always rises to the same level as an action potential peak (all-or-nothing response) An All-or-Nothing Spike action potential threshold level resting level Fig. 33-10, p. 559 Direction of Propagation An action potential is self-propagating • Sodium ions diffuse to adjoining region of axon, triggering sodium gates one after another An action potential can only move one way, toward axon terminals • Brief refractory period after sodium gates close Propagation of an Action Potential interstitial fluid with high Na+, low K+ Na+–K+ pump voltage-gated ion channels cytoplasm with low Na+, high K+ A Close-up of the trigger zone of a neuron. One sodium–potassium pump and some of the voltage-gated ion channels are shown. At this point, the membrane is at rest and the voltage-gated channels are closed. The cytoplasm’s charge is negative relative to interstitial fluid. Fig. 33-8a, p. 558 Propagation of an Action Potential Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ B Arrival of a sufficiently large signal in the trigger zone raises the membrane potential to threshold level. Gated sodium channels open and sodium (Na+) flows down its concentration gradient into the cytoplasm. Sodium inflow reverses the voltage across the membrane. Fig. 33-8b, p. 558 Propagation of an Action Potential K+ K+ K+ Na+ Na+ Na+ C The charge reversal makes gated Na+ channels shut and gated K+ channels open. The K+ outflow restores the voltage difference across the membrane. The action potential is propagated along the axon as positive charges spreading from one region push the next region to threshold. Fig. 33-8c, p. 559 Propagation of an Action Potential Na+–K+ pump K+ K+ K+ Na+ Na+ Na+ K+ D After an action potential, gated Na+ channels are briefly inactivated, so the action potential moves one way only, toward axon terminals. Na+ and K+ gradients disrupted by action potentials are restored by diffusion of ions that were put into place by activity of sodium–potassium pumps. Fig. 33-8d, p. 559 electrode inside electrode outside ++++ ++++++++ –––––––––––– unstimulated axon Fig. 33-9, p. 559 33.5 How Neurons Send Messages to Other Cells An action potential travels along a neuron’s axon to a terminal at the tip Terminal sends chemical signals to a neuron, muscle fiber, or gland cell across a synapse Chemical Synapses Synapse • The region where an axon terminal (presynaptic cell) send chemical signals to a neuron, muscle fiber or gland cell (postsynaptic cell) Action potentials trigger release of signaling molecules (neurotransmitters) from vesicles in the presynaptic terminal into the synaptic cleft Neurotransmitter Action Release of neurotransmitters from presynaptic vesicles requires an influx of calcium ions, Ca++ Postsynaptic membrane receptors bind the neurotransmitter and initiate the response Example: A neuromuscular junction and the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) A Neuromuscular Junction Neuromuscular junctions A An action potential B The action potential propagates along a reaches axon terminals that motor neuron. lie close to muscle fibers. muscle fiber axon of a motor neuron axon terminal muscle fiber Fig. 33-11 (a-b), p. 560 Close-up of a neuromuscular junction (a type of synapse) C Arrival of the action potential causes calcium ions (Ca++) to enter an axon terminal. one axon terminal of the presynaptic cell (motor neuron) plasma membrane of the postsynaptic cell (muscle cell) Ca++ D causes vesicles with signaling molecule (neurotransmitter) to move to the plasma membrane and release their contents by exocytosis. synaptic vesicle receptor protein in membrane of post-synaptic cell synaptic cleft (gap between pre- and postsynaptic cells) Fig. 33-11 (c-d), p. 560 Close-up of neurotransmitter receptor proteins in the plasma membrane of the postsynaptic cell binding site for neurotransmitter is vacant channel through interior is closed E When neurotransmitter is not present, the channel through the receptor protein is shut, and ions cannot flow through it. neurotransmitter in binding site ion crossing plasma membrane through the nowopen channel F Neurotransmitter diffuses across the synaptic cleft and binds to the receptor protein. The ion channel opens, and ions flow passively into the postsynaptic cell. Fig. 33-11 (e-f), p. 560 Receiving the Signal A neurotransmitter may have excitatory or inhibitory effects on a postsynaptic cell Synaptic integration • Summation of all excitatory and inhibitory signals arriving at a postsynaptic cell at the same time The neurotransmitter must be cleared from the synapse after the signal is transmitted Synaptic Integration what action potential spiking would look like threshold excitatory signal inhibitory signal integrated potential resting membrane potential Fig. 33-12, p. 561 Neural Control Chapter 33 Part 2 33.6 A Smorgasbord of Signals Different types of neurons release different neurotransmitters; Parkinson’s disease involves dopamine-secreting neurons and motor control Battling Parkinson’s disease. (a) This neurological disorder affects former heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali, actor Michael J. Fox, and about half a million other people in the United States. (b) A normal PET scan and (c) one from an affected person. Red and yellow indicate high metabolic activity in dopamine-secreting neurons. Section 2.2 explains PET scans. Major Neurotransmitters and Their Effects The Neuropeptides Neuromodulators • Neuropeptides made by some neurons that influence the effects of neurotransmitters • Substance P enhances pain • Enkephalins and endorphins are pain killers 33.7 Drugs Disrupts Signaling Psychoactive drugs exert their effects by interfering with the action of neurotransmitters • Stimulants (nicotine, caffeine, cocaine, amphetamines) • Depressants (alcohol, barbiturates) • Analgesics (narcotics, ketamine, PCP) • Hallucinogens (LSD, THC) PET Scan: Effects of Cocaine Signs of Drug Addiction 33.2-33.7 Key Concepts How Neurons Work Messages flow along a neuron’s plasma membrane, from input to output zones Chemicals released at a neuron’s output zone may stimulate or inhibit activity in an adjacent cell Psychoactive drugs interfere with the information flow between cells 33.8 The Peripheral Nervous System Peripheral nerves carry information to and from the central nervous system Nerves are bundled axons of many neurons Each axon is wrapped in a myelin sheath that increases transmission speed myelin sheath axon blood vessels nerve fascicle (a number of axons bundled inside connective tissue) the nerve’s outer wrapping Nerve Structure and Function Fig. 33-15a, p. 564 (b–d) In axons with a myelin sheath, ions flow across the neural membrane at nodes, or small gaps between the cells that make up the sheath. Many gated channels for sodium ions are exposed to extracellular fluid at the nodes. When excitation caused by an action potential reaches a node, the gates open and sodium rushes in, starting a new action potential. Excitation spreads rapidly to the next node, where it triggers a new action potential, and so on down the axon to the output zone. unsheathed node axon b “Jellyrolled” Schwann cells of an axon’s myelin sheath Nerve Structure and Function Fig. 33-15b, p. 564 (b–d) In axons with a myelin sheath, ions flow across the neural membrane at nodes, or small gaps between the cells that make up the sheath. Many gated channels for sodium ions are exposed to extracellular fluid at the nodes. When excitation caused by an action potential reaches a node, the gates open and sodium rushes in, starting a new action potential. Excitation spreads rapidly to the next node, where it triggers a new action potential, and so on down the axon to the output zone. Na+ action potential resting potential Nerve Structure and Function resting potential Fig. 33-15c, p. 564 (b–d) In axons with a myelin sheath, ions flow across the neural membrane at nodes, or small gaps between the cells that make up the sheath. Many gated channels for sodium ions are exposed to extracellular fluid at the nodes. When excitation caused by an action potential reaches a node, the gates open and sodium rushes in, starting a new action potential. Excitation spreads rapidly to the next node, where it triggers a new action potential, and so on down the axon to the output zone. K+ resting potential restored Na+ action potential Nerve Structure and Function resting potential Fig. 33-15d, p. 564 Divisions of the Peripheral Nervous System Somatic nervous system • Conducts information about the environment to the central nervous system (involuntary) • Controls skeletal muscles (voluntary) Autonomic nervous system • Conducts signals to and from internal organs and glands Divisions of the Autonomic Nervous System The two divisions of the autonomic nervous system have opposing effects on effectors Sympathetic neurons are most active in times of stress or danger (fight-flight response) Parasympathetic neurons are most active in times of relaxation Divisions of the Autonomic Nervous System eyes optic nerve salivary glands heart vagus nerve larynx bronchi lungs midbrain medulla oblongata cervical nerves (8 pairs) stomach liver spleen pancreas thoracic nerves (12 pairs) kidneys adrenal glands small intestine upper colon lower colon rectum (most ganglia near spinal cord) (all ganglia in walls of organs) bladder uterus pelvic nerve lumbar nerves (5 pairs) sacral nerves (5 pairs) genitals Fig. 33-16, p. 565 33.9 The Spinal Cord Spinal cord • Runs through the vertebral column and connects peripheral nerves with the brain • Serves as a reflex center Central nervous system (CNS) • The brain and spinal cord Protective Features Meninges • Three membranes that cover and protect the CNS Cerebrospinal fluid • Fills central canal and spaces between meninges • Cushions blows White Matter and Gray Matter White matter • Bundles of myelin-sheathed axons (tracts) • Outermost portion of spinal cord Gray matter • Nonmyelinated structures (cell bodies, dendrites, neuroglial cells) Reflex Pathways Reflex • An automatic response to a stimulus • Stretch reflex, knee-jerk reflex, withdrawal reflex Spinal reflexes do not involve the brain • Signals from sensory neurons enter the cord through the dorsal root of spinal nerves • Commands for responses go out on the ventral root of spinal nerves Fruit being loaded into a bowl puts Stretch Reflex Aweight on an arm muscle and stretches it. STIMULUS Biceps stretches. Will the bowl drop? NO! Muscle spindles in the muscle’s sheath also are stretched. B Stretching stimulates sensory receptor endings in this muscle spindle. Action potentials are propagated toward spinal cord. E Axon terminals of the motor neuron synapse with muscle fibers in the stretched muscle. F ACh released from the motor neuron’s axon terminals stimulates muscle fibers. muscle neuromuscular spindle junction D The stimulation is strong enough to generate action potentials that selfpropagate along the motor neuron’s axon. C In the spinal cord, axon terminals of the sensory neuron release a neurotransmitter that diffuses across a synaptic cleft and stimulates a motor neuron. RESPONSE Biceps contracts. G Stimulation makes the stretched muscle contract. Ongoing stimulations and contractions hold the bowl steady. Fig. 33-18, p. 567 33.8-33.9 Key Concepts Vertebrate Nervous System The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord The peripheral nervous system includes many pairs of nerves that connect the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body The spinal cord and peripheral nerves interact in spinal reflexes 33.10 The Vertebrate Brain The brain is the body’s main information integrating organ, part of the CNS During development, the brain is organized as three functional regions: forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain Hindbrain and Midbrain The hindbrain includes the medulla oblongata, the pons, and the cerebellum The midbrain in mammals is reduced The brain stem (pons, medulla, and midbrain) is involved in reflex behaviors The Forebrain Cerebrum • Main processing center in humans • Evolved as an expansion of the olfactory lobe Thalamus and hypothalamus • Important in thirst, temperature regulation, and other responses related to homeostasis Development of the Human Brain forebrain midbrain hindbrain Fig. 33-19 (a-c), p. 568 Protection at the Blood-Brain Barrier Blood-brain barrier • Protects the CNS from harmful substances • Tight junctions form a seal between adjoining cells of capillary walls • Some toxins (nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, mercury) are not blocked The Human Brain Cerebellum • Has more interneurons than other brain regions • Involved in balance, motor skills and language Cerebrum • Divided into two hemispheres, coordinated by signals across the corpus callosum • Each hemisphere deals with the opposite side of the body Major Brain Regions of Vertebrates olfactory lobe forebrain midbrain hindbrain FISH shark AMPHIBIAN frog REPTILE alligator BIRD goose (a) Major brain regions of five vertebrates, dorsal views. The sketches are not to the same scale. Fig. 33-20a, p. 569 corpus callosum part of optic nerve hypothalamus thalamus pineal gland location midbrain cerebellum pons medulla oblongata (b) Right half of a human brain in sagittal section, showing the locations of the major structures and regions. Meninges around the brain were removed for this photograph. Fig. 33-20b, p. 569 33.11 The Human Cerebrum Each cerebral hemisphere is divided into frontal, temporal, occipital and parietal lobes Cerebral cortex • Outermost gray matter of the cerebrum • Controls voluntary activity, sensory perception, abstract thought, language and speech • Distinct areas receive and process signals Lobes of the Brain frontal lobe (planning of movements, aspects of memory, inhibition of unsuitable behaviors) primary motor cortex primary somatosen sory cortex parietal lobe (visceral sensations) Wernicke’s area Broca’s area temporal lobe (hearing, advanced visual processing) occipital lobe (vision) Fig. 33-21, p. 570 Functions of the Cerebral Cortex Specific areas of the cerebral cortex correspond to specific body parts or functions Examples: • The body is spatially mapped out in the primary motor cortex of each frontal lobe • Association areas are scattered throughout the cortex, but not in motor or sensory areas The Primary Motor Cortex Association Areas Integrate Inputs Motor cortex activity when speaking Prefrontal cortex activity when generating words Visual cortex activity when seeing written words Three PET scans that identify which brain areas were active when a person performed three kinds of tasks. Yellow and orange indicate high activity. Fig. 33-23, p. 570 Connections With the Limbic System The cerebral cortex oversees the limbic system Limbic system • Governs emotions, assists in memory, correlates emotional-visceral responses • Includes the hypothalamus, hippocampus, amygdala, and cingulate gyrus Limbic System Components (olfactory tract) cingulate gyrus thalamus hypothalamus amygdala hippocampus Fig. 33-24, p. 571 Making Memories The cerebral cortex receives information and processes some of it into memories Memory forms in stages • • • • Short-term memory lasts seconds to hours Long-term memory is stored permanently Skill memory involves the cerebellum Declarative memory stores facts and impressions Stages in Memory Processing Sensory stimuli, as from the nose, eyes, and ears Temporary storage in the cerebral cortex Input forgotten SHORT-TERM MEMORY Recall of stored input Emotional state, having time to repeat (or rehearse) input, and associating the input with stored categories of memory influence transfer to long-term storage LONG-TERM MEMORY Input irretrievable Stepped Art Fig. 33-25, p. 571 33.12 The Split Brain Investigations by Roger Sperry into the importance of information flow between the cerebral hemispheres showed that the two halves of the brains have a division of labor Typically, math and language skills reside in the left hemisphere; the right hemisphere interprets music, spatial relationships, and visual inputs Visual Information and the Brain Left Half of Visual Field Right Half of Visual Field COW BOY COWBOY pupil optic nerves retina optic chiasm corpus callosum left visual cortex right visual cortex Fig. 33-26, p. 572 Split-Brain Studies 33.13 Neuroglia— The Neurons’ Support Staff Neuroglial cells make up the bulk of the brain The adult brain has four types of neuroglial cells • Oligodendrocytes make myelin • Microglia have immune system functions • Astrocytes secrete various substances, take up neurotransmitters, assist in immune defenses, and stimulate formation of the blood-brain barrier • Ependymal cells line brain cavities Astrocytes About Brain Tumors Unlike neurons, neuroglia continue to divide in adults, and can be a source of primary brain tumors (gliomas) Exposure to ionizing radiation such as x-rays, or to chemical carcinogens, increases risk 33.10-33.13 Key Concepts About the Brain The brain develops from the anterior part of the embryonic nerve cord A human brain includes evolutionarily ancient tissues and newer regions that provide the capacity for analytical thought and language Neuroglia make up the bulk of the brain Animation: Neuron structure and function Animation: Ion concentrations Animation: Measuring membrane potential Animation: Action potential propagation Animation: Chemical synapse Animation: Bilateral nervous systems Animation: Comparison of nervous systems Animation: Nerve net Animation: Vertebrate nervous system divisions Animation: Nerve structure Animation: Ion flow in myelinated axons Animation: Autonomic nerves Animation: Stretch reflex Animation: Sagittal view of a human brain Animation: Receiving and integrating areas Animation: Path to visual cortex Animation: Action potential Animation: Human brain development Animation: Organization of the spinal cord Animation: Primary motor cortex Animation: Regions of the vertebrate brain Animation: Structures involved in memory Animation: Synapse function Animation: Synaptic integration ABC video: New Nerves Video: In pursuit of ecstasy Video: Brain stem Video: Limbic system dissection