1 Word Formation Training Sessions Word Formation Training Sessions ationTraining Sessions For Trainers Activity 1: Lead in Activity 2: Word blending Activity 1: Lead in ActivityActivity 3: Micro 2: Teaching Word blending Activity 3: Micro Teaching Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note 2 ACTIVITY 1: Lead in Objective: To activate trainees’ interest and lead to word formation. Timing: 15 minutes Materials: - Charts of 3 English letters: 10 sets. - Cards of English consonants and vowels: 5 copies of a-z - The Lucky Game (Handout 1) - Music Procedures 1. Ask trainees to stand in line, and then make groups of 5 by counting 1 – 5. 2. Ask each group to sit at the table provided. 3. Provide Handout 1 (how to play the Lucky Game) to each trainee, explain and demonstrate how to play the game. 4. Start the game and play until finish the last Chart of 3 English letters. Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note 3 5. Ask each group to count amount of their cards and then sound out the phonic(s) of each card. 6. Give 1 score for the right phonic. 7. Count the scores and then praise the winner. Evaluation: - Observe trainees’ participation Optional/Suggestion: 1. If there are too many members in the group, the main trainer should make the subgroups, and asks the other trainers to run the game of each subgroup. 2. Provide more sets of the whole set of materials up to the numbers of the subgroups. Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note 4 ACTIVITY 1: Lead in Materials : The Charts of 3 English Letters. z i l f q i o m r k a x u b t c y d g p e w h u n j o s c e Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note 5 ACTIVITY 1: Lead in Materials: The Cards of English consonants and vowels a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note 6 ACTIVITY 1: Lead in HANDOUT 1: The Lucky Game 1. Mix the 5 sets of the cards of English consonants and vowels. 2. Put the cards on the floor. 3. The first player of each group starts the game by looking at the first Chart of 3 English letter provided (3 seconds). 4. The players try to find the cards of letters matching the chart while the music is playing. 5. If a player finds the letter, he/she has to show the letter then jump and shout ‘I’m lucky’. 6. After the music is playing for about 15 seconds, pause the music and then tell the players to take the card(s) they found back to their groups. 7. Continue the game until finish the last set of the Chart of 3 English letters. 8. Everyone in each group has to say the phonics correctly of all cards they have got. 9. Give 1 score for the right phonic. Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note 7 ACTIVITY 2: Word blending Activity 2.1: Oral Blending Objective : To practice 1 syllable word information. Materials : - Set 1: a set of Flash cards of single vowels: a, e, i, o, u - Set 2: a set of Flash cards of consonants - Set 3: a set of Flash cards of the blends: ab, ad, am, ap, at - Worksheet Procedures : 1. Ask trainees to review the single vowel sounds: a, e, i, o, u by using flash cards 2. Show flashcard of a and sound out. Then ask trainees to repeat. 3. Replace flash card t with p, b, m, and d one by one, and ask trainees to sound out. Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note 8 4. Replace flashcard a with e. i. o, and u one by one, and ask trainees to practice. 5. Provide each trainee Worksheet 2.1A. 6. Show a flashcard of at and sound out, then put a flashcard of m to make a word of mat and sound out. 7. Ask trainees to repeat. 8. Replace the flashcards of m with the other flashcards of consonants, and then ask trainees to sound out. 9. Follow step 6-8 until finish the set of the blends 10. Provide each trainee Worksheet 2.1B, 2.1C, 2.1D, 2.1E, 2.1F. Evaluation : Check trainees’ understanding. Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note 9 Activity 2.1: Oral Materials : Flash cards Blending Set 1 a e i o u Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note 10 Set 2 bdm p t Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note 11 Set 3 ab ad am ap at Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note 12 Worksheet 2.1A Instructions: Put the initial consonant phonograms that you hear. t n d g a_____ a_____ a_____ a_____ e_____ e_____ e_____ e_____ i_____ i_____ i_____ i_____ o_____ o_____ o_____ o_____ u_____ u_____ u_____ u_____ Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note 13 Worksheet 2.1B Instruction: Put the consonant phonograms to form at least 10 words. Example: ___a___ cat ban 1. ___________ 9. ___________ 2. ___________ 10. ___________ 3. ___________ 11. ___________ 4. ___________ 12. ___________ 5. ___________ 13. ___________ 6. ___________ 14. ___________ 7. ___________ 15. ___________ 8. ___________ 16. ___________ Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note jam 14 Worksheet 2.1C Instructions: Put the consonant phonograms to form at least 10 words. Example: ___e___ pet hen 1. ___________ 9. ___________ 2. ___________ 10. ___________ 3. ___________ 11. ___________ 4. ___________ 12. ___________ 5. ___________ 13. ___________ 6. ___________ 14. ___________ 7. ___________ 15. ___________ 8. ___________ 16. ___________ Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note bed 15 Worksheet 2.1D Instructions: Put the consonant phonograms to form at least 10 words. Example: ___i___ bin pig 1. ___________ 9. ___________ 2. ___________ 10. ___________ 3. ___________ 11. ___________ 4. ___________ 12. ___________ 5. ___________ 13. ___________ 6. ___________ 14. ___________ 7. ___________ 15. ___________ 8. ___________ 16. ___________ Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note six 16 Worksheet 2.1E Instructions: Put the consonant phonograms to form at least 10 words. Example: ___o___ son hot 1. ___________ 9. ___________ 2. ___________ 10. ___________ 3. ___________ 11. ___________ 4. ___________ 12. ___________ 5. ___________ 13. ___________ 6. ___________ 14. ___________ 7. ___________ 15. ___________ 8. ___________ 16. ___________ Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note mom 17 Worksheet 2.1F Instructions: Put the consonant phonograms to form at least 10 words. Example: ___u___ hut bus 1. ___________ 9. ___________ 2. ___________ 10. ___________ 3. ___________ 11. ___________ 4. ___________ 12. ___________ 5. ___________ 13. ___________ 6. ___________ 14. ___________ 7. ___________ 15. ___________ 8. ___________ 16. ___________ Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note fun 18 Activity 2.2: Materials: Scratch My Back - Sets of the word cards. -Whiteboards and markers Procedure: 1. Asks trainees to stand in 6 rows. 2. Trainees in row 1-3 are “Team A” and trainees in row 4-6 are “Team B”. 3. Provides a whiteboard or mahjong paper and a maker in front of the class for each team. 4. Trainers give the first set of the word cards to the last trainees in each team as the example of “Set 1”; (A) BOY, (B) BIN Team A The trainee who is standing in the row 1 gets the letter “B”, The trainee who is standing in the row 2 gets the letter “O”, The trainee who is standing in the row 3 has the letter “Y”, Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note 19 Team B The trainee who is standing in the row 4 has the letter “B”, The trainee who is standing in the row 5 has the a letter “I”, The trainee who is standing in the row 6 has the letter “N” 6. Trainer gives signal and the last trainee starts writing their letters on the next trainees’ backs. 7. Checks trainees’ phonogram sounding out of the word card if it is correct or not. 8. If it is correct, trainer gives 1 point to the team (which is the first team to finish) 9. Starts the next word card. 10. After playing all the word cards, the team which gets the highest score is the winner. Evaluation: Observe from trainees’ sound out and participation. Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note 20 Activity 2.2: Materials : Flash cards Scratch My Back Set (A) (B) 1 boy bin 2 fan fox 3 cup lip 4 dog dot 5 man son Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note 21 Activity 2.3: Word Builder Objectives: 1. To form words that have more than one syllable. 2. To be able to sound out the phonogram of the words. Materials: 1. Letter cards 2. Mahjong paper 3. Markers Procedure: 1. Divide the trainees into 10 groups by giving each of them a color card with 1 letter. (There are ten color cards; red, yellow, pink, green, orange, purple, grey, brown and white.) Each group of color card has 10 letters.) as the following example; Group # 1 W A T E R M E L O Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note N 22 Group # 2 M O T O R C Y C L E N D I C R A F T Group # 3 H A 2. Ask each trainee to find people who have the same color cards then form a group. 3. Brainstorm to form more than 1 syllable word as many words as they can from 10 letters they got in each group. They will get 1 point for 1 word. If they can form a word out of all 10 letters, they will get the extra points.(5 points) 4. Ask the trainees to write down the words on the mahjong paper. 5. The trainers check and correct the words. Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note 23 6. Ask the representative of each group to present at least 3 words in front of the class by reading the words and sound out the phonogram. 7. The group which has the highest score will be the winner. Evaluation: Observe from trainees’ sound out and participation. Note: - The trainers should give out all 10 cards for the group that has less than 10 members. - Letter card to cut out for the trainees. (in procedure no. 1) Group # 1 M A L E E W R 0 N T Group # 2 C O R T M Y C O L E Group # 3 N F T C H A R A D I Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note 24 Group # 4 C A R T F E T I C I Group # 5 P I X N E E E E R C Group # 6 S L E E P S O R P A Group # 7 B A G E R H U R M S Group # 8 P E E L S T H O N E Group # 9 G R A P E T H O O R Group # S I N G E R F O R E Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note 10 25 Activity 2.4: Syllabication and Encoding Objective: To practice syllabication and encoding Materials: markers, mahjong paper, word cards, worksheet Procedure: 1. Show the word ‘yellow’ to the whole class. 2. Ask trainees ‘How many syllables are there in the word ‘yellow’? (2 syllables) 3. Ask trainees to say the word ‘yellow’ and clap hands 2 times. 4. Ask trainees to divide the syllable by using their own fists, left to right. 5. Ask trainees to use fingers to count the phonograms in each syllable, make a fist after finishing each syllable and compound each syllables together. Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note 26 6. Ask trainees to write down the phonograms of each syllable, use dot to divide the syllable. 7. Practice worksheet 2.4 A together. 8. Ask some trainees to present the words they have divided. Evaluation: Checking from trainees’ outcomes. Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note 27 Worksheet 2.4 A Write down the phonograms of each syllable, use dot to divide the syllable. yellow purple orange tiger panda rabbit lion dinosaur Sunday Wednesday Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday Saturday Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note 28 Activity 2.5: Game “What am I?” Objective: To decode and encode phonograms Materials: markers, mahjong paper, word cards Procedure: 1. Provide an alphabet card to each trainee. (Do not let others see it.) 2. The trainees decode and sound out their own cards. 3. The trainees who have the same phonogram come into the same group. 4. Provide each group two word cards. 5. Ask trainees to brainstorm to decode the words, then two representatives sound out the phonogram in their own cards in front of the class. 6. Other groups listen and decode after hearing the phonogram. After that, write the correct words in mahjong paper. 7. The trainers correct the words; the highest scored group is the winner. Evaluation: Checking from trainees’ outcomes. Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note 29 Activity 2.5: Game Materials : Letter cards “What am I?” b b b b b b b p p p p p p p l l l l l l l n n n n n n n Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note 30 o o o o o o o e e e e e e e y y y y y y y Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note 31 Activity 2.5: Game Materials : Word cards “What am I?” octopus kangaroo postcard sandwich mountain airplane gentleman rainbow question xylophone farmer newspaper vegetable umbrella window waiter hamburger elephant dinosaur insect Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note 32 ACTIVITY 3: Micro Teaching Objective: To demonstrate how to teach segmenting the sound in phonics. Materials: 1. A picture of “Dog” 2. 8 sets of letter cards Procedure 1. Trainer shows a picture of a dog and asks the trainees “What’s this?” 2. Trainer asks “How many syllables are there in the word “dog”? 3. Trainer demonstrate by clapping 1 time for 1 syllable and has the trainees say the word “dog” and clap 1 time. 4. Trainer asks trainees “What is the first sound of the word “dog”?” 5. Encourage trainees to sound out the phonogram of each letter in the word and say the word out loud. Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note 33 6. Trainer writes down each letter while the trainees are saying. 7. Trainer checks trainees’ understanding by asking “Is it right / correct?” 8. Trainer shows how to sound out the word “dog” using a finger for one phonogram and a fist for a syllable. 9. Trainer gives a new word and has the trainees do the same as the word “dog”. 10. Trainer demonstrates a new word that has 2 syllables by using a left fist for the first syllable and the right fist for the second syllable. (e.g. the words that can be used : rabbit, tiger, monkey and tiger.) 11. The trainees play a “Word Maker” game to practice sounding out words. Trainees sit in group of 10. Trainer gives a set of letters to each group. Trainer sounds out each word then trainees find the letter to make the word from the phonograms that they have heard. 12. The group that finishes first and says “Hooray!” out loud is the winner. 13. Each group brainstorms and creates their own teaching. Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note 34 14. Trainer chooses at least 2 groups to demonstrate their teaching randomly. Evaluation: Observe participants’ demonstration. Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note 35 Activity 3: Micro Teaching Materials : 1. Picture cards: Dog 2. Letter cards for “Word Maker” Game 1. Picture cards: Dog Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note 36 2. Letter cards for “Word Maker” Game r t e l c i z a s t e o o a b n u p c n r b a r e k l d Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note i k t a l i 37 Members of Session 3 1. Mr. Chawengsak Senawong Banwunghin-koakor School ,Office of Primary Education Khonkaen area 2 2. Mrs. Penprapa Boonsri Pamaiutit 15 School, Office of Primary Education Kanchanaburi area 4 3. Mr. Apirak Kingthong Wat Sampleng School, Office of Primary Education Pranakonsri Ayutthaya area 2 4. Ms. Saparat Watthanatham Rajaprajanugroh 27 School, Nongkhai Bureau of special Education Administration. 5. Ms. Wacharee Kositjaturon Anubanrayong School, , Office of Primary Education Rayong area 1 6. Miss. Narumon cWuttiprecha Wat Suandok School, Office of Primary Education Chaing Mai area 1 7. Mr. Muhammad Cheloha Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note 38 Ban Lada School, Office of Primary Education Pattani area 1 8. Miss. Wachira Boonkua Choonchonbannongfai School, Office of Primary Education Kanchanaburi area 4 9. Miss. Sirilak Chaiyaporn Bankoksokokpai School, Office of Primary Education Khonkaen area 1 10. Miss. Nawaporn Chanaprakhon Banhuaysalao School, Office of Primary Education Buriram area 2 11. Miss. Nid Prasompong Watpotharam School, Office of Primary Education Songkhla 1 12. Miss. Wachiradao Sangboonreaung Anuban Hangchat School, Office of Primary Education Lampang 1 13. Miss.Rungravee Polpuak Ban Muadkaow School, Office of Primary Education Yasothon 1 14. Miss. Parima Boonmung Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note 39 Ban Nong Saeng School, Office of Primary Education Maha Sarakham 3 15. Miss. Pratchawan Kongkaew Banchalong School, Office of Primary Education Phuket 16. Miss. Aparat Noisaeng Anubanwatsakaeo School, Office of Primary Education Sakaeo Session 3: word FormationTrainer’s note