dDw tMTc4ODE3O Close Window | Print | Page Layout | Show Icon Page Layout | View Paragraph Format | 5 2705 | View Course Description ? 42292 109091 2009 False GRADE 7 SCIENCE School: Nordonia Middle School Course #: 111 Teacher: Tylicki, Jan Email: jan.tylicki@nordoniaschools.org ESSENTI MONTH/ AL YEAR QUESTI CONTENT SKILLS ACTIVITIES/RESOURCES Grade Level: 7 ASSESSMENT ONS August 2009 What skills must scientists have? Observation Skills Nature of Science: Scientific Habits of Mind 1. Scientis ts are curious Scientis ts are observa nt Scientis ts are creative Scientis ts are skeptica l Scientific Method/Process es: Observ e and ask a questio n Determi ne what is known Investig 2. 3. 4. Form ulate hypo thesi s from give n data Que stion and deve lop testi ng tech niqu es Appl y previ ous kno wled ge to infer outc ome s Obs erve Potato Lab Junk Drawer Jumble What's Different W/S Text Book Scavanger Hunt Critical thinking activities Practice W/S Deductive reasoning practice Practice W/S Mystery Cube Discrepant Event Drops of water on the penny Paperclips in Dixie Cup Safety SpongeBob Informal: teacher questioning observations examining students work think a-louds think pair share journal entries Formal: Lab Safety Quiz Lab Reports ate Interpret results Share results usin g all sens es Safety What is Wrong in this Picture? Lab Safety Procedures: Content Vocabulary: Septem ber 2009 Scientifi c Method Hypothe sis Law Theory Conclus ion Variable s Controls Data Observ ation Inferenc e 4. Science and Technology 5. Scientific How can Inquiry you 6. Scientific present Ways of Knowing data so that it is Content Vocabulary: useful and easy to Scientifi understa c nd? method Hypothe sis Law Theory Procedu re Problem Conclus ion Indepen dent variable Depend ent Formative: Resources: Text: Diversity of Living Quick WriteThings (McDougal/Littell) evaluation of Doing Science: The prior Process of Scientific knowledge Inquiry (National Institute Informal notes of Health) Teacher Populations and observation Ecosystems (FOSS) Student sheets Environmental Science (Holt Science & Student Technology) journals/reflecti Text Activities: on of learning Response sheets 1. 5.A Lab Safety p. R-10 Self 11 assessment 2. 5.A Triple Proper use of Beam Balance vocabulary p. R-18 terms in 3. 6.B Measuring dialogue Liquid Volume p. R-16 Summative: 4. 5.A Linear Measurement p. R-17 Mid summative 5. 5.A exams variable Precisio n Accurac y Controls Data Observ ation Inferenc e Reprod ucibility Mean Median Mode Meniscu s Abiotic Biotic Biome Biosphe re Lithosp here Hydrosp here Atmosp here Ecosph ere Organis m Ecosyst em Produce r Consum er Decomp oser Populati on Commu nity Individu al Niche Habitat October How do 2. Life Science 2009 living organism 6. 7. 8. Temperature p. R-20-21 6.A Making Observations p. R-2 6.A Inferring p. R-4 2.C Foss Investigation #2 (Card Sort) Media: www.classzone. com (FOSS) www.unitedstre aming.com www.scilinks.or g (NSTA) Among the Wild Chimpanzees (Jane Goodall video) Activities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 4.A Current Events Articles 4.B Paper Airplane Lab 4.B Egg Drop/Landing 4.B Chip Mailing 5.A Measurement Lab 5.B Compiling /Graphing data 6.A Design an Experiment p.R28 6.A The Mystery Cube (NIH) 5.A SpongeBo b Variables Resources: Texts: Lab Practicals s interact Content Vocabulary: with each other? Biotic Abiotic Biome What is Biosphe a re communi ty? Organis m What if it Populati stayed on warm all Commu year nity long? Ecosyst em Produce r Consum er Energy pyramid Food chain Food web Trophic levels Symbio sis Parasiti sm Mutualis m Comme nsalism Predatio n Decomp oser Populati on density Carryin g capacity Herbivo re Carnivo re Omnivo re Formative: Diversity of Living Things (McDougal/Littell) Life Science (Glencoe) Quick Write Populations and Informal notes Ecosystems (FOSS) Teacher Environmental Science observation (Holt Science & Student sheets Technology) Student journals Videos/Media: Response sheets Self United assessments Streaming (various) "Of Ice and Fire" Summative: A Portrait of the Mono Basin Mid-Summative Among the Wild #1-6 Chimpanzees Diagrams of (Jane Goodall) Food Web/ CD-ROM (Foss) Food Chain Prairie Drawings of Comeback Energy (McDougal/Littel Pyramid l) Symbiosis Quiz Vocabulary Other: Terminology Cycles Quiz Transparencies Exam on Unit Community ~Multiple Resources (ie. choice, Cuyahoga matching, short Valley National answer, Park, Lake extended Farm Park, response Wetlands etc.) Activities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2.C.2 Levels of Biological Organization Drawings 2.C.2 Food Web/ Food Chain Illustrations 2.C.3 Estimating population 2.C.2 Foss Investigation #2 (Sorting Out Life Card Sort) 2.C.3 Foss Investigation #3 (Miniecosyst ems) 2.C.3 Foss 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Novemb How er 2009 does climate affect organism s? Can humans control nature? 1. Earth Science 2. Life Science Content Vocabulary: Biome Grassla nd (Savann ah) Tundra Taiga (Boreal forest) Rainfor est Desert Deciduo us Investigation #4 (Mono Lake) 2.D.4 Deer Cauling Studyor2.D.4 Bringing Back the Wolves/Lesson of Kaibab (Life Science) 2.D.7 Foss Investigation #5 (Finding the Energy) 2.D.4 Foss Investigation #6 (Population Size) 2.D.7 Photosynthesis p. R-58 (Diversity of Living Things) Diagram of trophic levels 1.C.3. "How Many Bears can Eat?"(Project Wild) 1.C.2 Symbiosis Matching Game Resources: Texts: Diversity Of Living Things (McDougal/Littell) Populations and Ecosystems (FOSS) Environmental Science (Holt Science & Technology) Videos/Media: Formative: Quick Write KWL Informal notes Teacher observation Student sheets Student research Student reflections Response sheets Self assessment McDougal/Littell CD-ROM www.unitedstre aming.com www.enchantedl earning,com Prairie Summative: Comeback forest Marine Freshw ater Wetland s Succes sion Pioneer species Conifer Flora Fauna Decemb What is 2. Life Sciences er 2009 classifica 5. Scientific tion? Inquiry Content Vocabulary: Phyloge ny Classific ation (McDougal/Littel l DVD) Online Water Lab (WVIZ)- Life Depends on Water, The Return of the Cuyahoga Activities: 1. 1.C.8 Compare/Contr ast climates of various biomes 2. 1.C.8 Compose a diamante poem on biomes 3. 2.D.5 Draw a diagram of forest succession 4. 2.D.5 Illustrate pond succession 5. FOSS Investigation #7 (Ecoscenarios) 6. 2.C.6 Research an oil spill or other environmental accident. Write and environmental impact statement. 7. 1.C.6Oil Spill Clean-up Lab 8. Biome Project: Investigate Biomes, and present to class. 9. Biome Jeopardy 10. Saltwater vs. Freshwater Lab 11. Biome BINGO Diagrams of succession Biome Presentation Individual report Quiz on biome characteristics Research Process Group Cooperation/Eff ort Formative: Resources: Text: Diversity of Living Things Quick Write(McDougal/Littell) evaluation of prior knowledge Life Over Time KWL (McDougal/Littell) Informal notes teacher observation Student sheets Life Science (Glencoe) Student Cells, Heredity, and journals/reflection of Archaea Bacteria Protist Fungi Plant Animal Kingdo m Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Taxono my Binomia l Nomenc lature Microor ganism Prokary ote Eukaryp te Dichoto mous key Classification (Holt Science & Technology) learning Response sheets Self assessment Media: Proper use of vocabulary terms in www.classzone. dialogue com www.unitedstre Summative: am.com McDougel/Littell Venn Diagram-CD-ROM prokaryote vs. eukaryotes Test on Other: classification Lab Practicals: Classification/D Dichotomous ichotomous key keys Activities: 1. 2. 3. 4. January 2010 How do we recogniz e diversity ? How do organism s respond to their environm ent? How does specializ ation affect living organism s? 2. Life Science Content Vocabulary: See also Decemb er list Singlecelled Multicelled Sexual Reprod uction Asexual Reprod ucation Virus Heterotr oph Transparencies 2.B.8 Classification-Button/Lego/Alie n Sorting 2.B.8 Classify a variety of insects 2.B.8 Creepy Critters 2.B.8 Dichotomous key (cats, aliens) Resources: Text: Diversity of Living Things (McDougal/Littell) Chapters 1-3 Formative: Quick Writeevaluation of prior knowledge KWL Informal notes Media: Teacher observation Student sheets www.classzone Student .com journals/reflection of www.unitedstre learning aming.com Response sheets Self assessment Proper use of Other: vocabulary terms in dialogue Transparencies X-rays for Body Summative: Plan Comparison Exams Quizzes Autotro ph Speciali zation Gymnos perm Angiosp erm Activities: 1. 2. 3. 4. Februar 2. Life Science y 2010 How Content does structure Vocabulary: affect function? Organel le How do Cell organelle membra s affect ne living Cell organism Wall s? Nucleus Cytopla sm Endopla smic Reticulu m Golgi Bodies Vacuole Lysoso me Mitocho ndria Nucleol us Chloropl ast 2.B.8 Diversity of Living Things (p. 128) How does body shape affect movement? 2.B.8 Diversity of Living Things (p. 134-135) How is organism behavior affected by environmental conditions? 2.B.8 Diversity of Living Things (p. 44) What are some advantages of specialization? 2.A.1 Plant/Flower dissection Resources: Text: Cells and Heredity (McDougal/Littell) Diversity of Living Things (McDougal/Littell) Formative: Life Science (Glencoe) Media: Other: Student worksheets Fish/Worm diagram Venn Diagram ( Vertebrate vs. Invertebrate i.e. worm vs. fish) Quick Write KWL Teacher observation Student response Student journal/reflectio n Proper use of vocabulary in dialogue www.classzone. com www.cellsalive.c Summative: om Label plant cell www.unitedstre organelles aming.com Label animal cell organelles Extended Response: Cell Transparencies functions are Cell Models compared to Gifted that of a Advocates business. Use Interactive this analogy to Websites (See explain at least 5 organelles Riboso me Chroma tin Binary Fission Diffusio n Osmosi s Photosy nthesis Cellular Respirat ion List Q-drive) Activities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. March 2010 How do organism s vary in the methods of obtaining and sustaing energy? 2. Life Science Content Vocabulary: Vertebrate Invertebrate Adaptations Endoskeleton Exoskeleton Symmetry Migration Hibernation Behavior and how they are like a business operation. 2.A.2 Microscope Labs (yogurt, hay infusion, cheek cells, prepared slides) 2.A.3 Compare/contra st plant vs. animal cells 2.A.1 Diagram of cellular organization 2.A.3 Plant lab LS pp. 56-57 2.A.1-3 Cell Models Resources: Text: Diversity of Living Things (McDougal/Littell) (Chapter 4-5) Life Science (Glencoe) Formative: Quick Writeevaluation of prior knowledge Informal notes teacher observation Student sheets Student Media: journals/reflection of learning www.classzone. Response sheets Self assessment com www.unitedstre Proper use of vocabulary terms in aming.com dialogue Summative: Other: Transparencies Activities: 1. 2. 3. 2.A.1 Worm Dissection 2.A.1 Yellow Perch Dissection 2.A.1-2 Bird Beak Adaptation Exam Quiz Presentations on Groups 4. April 2010 Is offspring genetical ly superior to its parents? How do heredity and environm ent affect organism s? 2. Life Science 4. Science and Technology Content Vocabulary: Asexual Reprod uction Sexual Reprod uction Budding Regene ration Sperm Egg Fertiliza tion Zygote Mitosis Meiosis Diploid Haploid Hybrid Purebre d Heredity Alleles Genetic s Domina nt Recessi ve Trait Genes Punnett square Homozy gous Heteroz ygous Phenoty pe Genoty pe Lab Compare and Contrast Various Organisms (Frog/Toad Activity) Resources: Texts: Life Science (Glencoe) Chapter #5 Heredity (pp.122-144) Heredity: The Code of Life (Prentice-Hall) Populations and Ecosystems (FOSS) Children's Hospital Medical Center of Akron (Speaker/resources) Media: FOSS CDROM : Larkeys www.unitedstre aming.com Other: Formative: Quick Writeevaluation of prior knowledge Informal notes teacher observation Student sheets Student journals/reflection of learning Response sheets Self assessment Proper use of vocabulary terms in dialogue Summative: Transparencies Personal Whiteboards Activities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.B.2 Probability: coin toss (Heredity p. 17) 2.B.7 DNA model making 2.B.7 Random Selection (Tic/Tacs (beans/beads) L ife Science p.131)) 2.B.2 Punnett Squares 2.B.4 Investigation #9 (FOSS): Genetic Student worksheets Punnet Squares Mid-Summative Exam #9 (FOSS) Vocabulary Quizzes Exams Incompl ete Domina nce CoDomina nce Sexlinked Polygen ic Inherita nce Pedigre e Carrier Karyoty pe 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. May 2010 Is each 2. Life Science generati on better Content than the Vocabulary: last? natural selectio n unnatur al selectio n success ion graduali sm variatio n adaptati on puntuca variation 2.B.2 Pedestrian GeneticsNatural selection (Heredity p. 64) 4.A.1-3 Discuss moral/ethical issues associated with cloning, genetic engineering, an d stem cells. 4.A.1-3 You've come along way Dolly (Cloning Timeline) 4.A.1-3 Cloning Debate and Decision Making Lab 2.B.2 Research a genetic disorder 4.A.1 Human Genome Project 2.B.7 Doggy DNA 2.B.7 Gene Pool 2.B.7 Sponge Bob Square Pants Genetics 2.B.7 PTC Lab Formative: Resources: Texts: Diversity of Living Things Quick Write(McDougal Littell) evaluation of Life Science (Glencoe) prior knowledge Informal notes Chapter #6 (pp. teacher 150-179) observation Student sheets Populations and Student Ecosystems (FOSS) journals/reflecti on of learning Media: Response sheets www.classzone. Self com assessment FOSS CD-ROM Proper use of Organism vocabulary Database, terms in Octopus Color dialogue Change, ted equilibri um extinctio n endang ered species Walking Stick Predation Video: "Hawaii: Strangers in Paradise" Video: "Voyage to the Galapagos" www.unitedstre aming.com Summative: Other: Transparencies Activities: 1. 2.B.3 Bird Beak Adaptations (Diversity of Living Things pp. 180-181) 2. 2.D.4 Sentence Strips 3. 2.B.3 Peppered Moth Lab 4. 2.D.4 Radioactive Dating/ Fossil records Life Science (p. 167) 5. 2.D.5 Recognizing variation in a Population Life Science (p. 158) 6. 2.D.5 Compare/contra st leaves and seeds-- How do adaptations ensure survival? 7. 2.B.3/2.D.5 Bird Beak Adaptation Lab 8. 2.B.3 eating Tools for Survival (knife, fork, spoon, toothpick) 9. 2.D.4 Antibiotic Resistance 10. 2.D.4 Comparative Anatomy using x-rays 11. 2.D.4 Evaluate and discuss in groups, how advances over Mid-Summative Exam #10 (FOSS) Final Summative Exam (FOSS) Demonstration/ Presentation of Change over Time Critical Thinking: Defe nd your argument with what you have learned. Should we just let endangered species die because they are unable to adapt? Or do we have an obligation to try to save as many species as possible, regardless of the cost? time have improved our quality. (Example: Model T Ford to Audi) 12. 2.D.4 FOSS Investigation #10 Feedback / Technical Support Frequently Asked Questions Collaborative Learning -- Curriculum Mapper v 12.0 -Copyright 1999-2009. For additional copyright information, click here. www.curriculummapper.com WJWEB1