Social_Services-Wegh - North Dakota Association of Counties

County Social
Early years of financial
Prior to the 1930’s, public benefits
were all county general assistance –
First federal aid included
Aid to Families with children
Old Age Assistance (1935)
First food stamp program ( 1939-1943)
Work programs – WPA, CCC
The state/federal county
partnership begins
Early programs funded by
federal/county dollars. Counties
were eligible for federal loans
(some of these loans fed cattle)
March 1935 – first state
appropriated $’s for poor relief
(sales tax)
Most programs were 90% federal
and 10% state and county.
The impact
In the early 1930’s it was estimated
that 250,000 of the 630,000 people
were getting some type of
In Divide County, 70% of people
received assistance.
Traill County was the last county to
need federal assistance and had
the lowest demand.
Federal Dollars
State Dollars
County Dollars
-Poor Relief levy, transferred to the
Social Welfare Fund
 -Emergency Poor levy transferred
to the Social Welfare Fund
Appropriation of County
The board of county commissioners of each
county shall annually appropriate and make
available to the human services fund an amount
sufficient to pay the local expenses of
administration and provision of the human
services required by state law and by federal law
or regulation as a condition for the receipt of
federal financial participation in programs
administered by county agencies under the
provisions of this title.
County Social Service
Policy making
Appointed by the board of county
Consists of five, seven, or nine
members, of which one or more must
be a member of the board of county
commissioners. The board must
include members of each sex. Board
members shall serve a term of three
years or until their successors have
duly qualified.
Members of county social service board - Term of
office - Oath -Compensation.
The members of the county social
service board serve a term of three
Each member of the board qualifies
by taking the oath provided for civil
officers. The oath must be filed with
the county auditor.
The appointing authority shall
establish the rate of compensation for
board members.
Duties of County Social
Service Boards
The county social service board of each county in this state shall:
Supervise and direct all human service activities conducted by the county, including
county general assistance or other public assistance.
Supervise and administer, under the direction of the department of human services,
human services in the county which are financed in whole or in part with funds
allocated or distributed by the department of human services.
Aid and assist in every reasonable way to efficiently coordinate and conduct human
service activities within the county by private as well as public organizations.
Subject to Subsection 17 of Section 50-06-05.1, administer the food stamp
program in the county under the direction and supervision of the Department of
Human Services in conformity with the Food Stamp Act of 1964, as amended, and
enter into an agreement for administering the food stamp program with the
department of human services.
Duties of County Social
Service Boards
Subject to Subsection 19 of Section 50-06-05.1, administer the energy
assistance program in the county under the direction and supervision of the
Department of Human Services and to enter into an agreement for
administering the energy assistance program with the Department of
Human Services.
Charge and collect fees and expenses for services provided by its staff in
accordance with policies and fee schedules adopted by the Department of
Human Services.
Supervise and administer designated child welfare services under the
direction and supervision of the Department of Human Services. Through
established procedures the Department of Human Services may release
the county social service board of this duty or the county social service
board may request to be released from this duty by the Department of
Human Services. If a county is released from the county’s duty to
supervise and administer designated child welfare services under this
subsection, the county retains its financial responsibility for providing those
services unless otherwise negotiated and approved by the Department.
Economic Assistance
Economic Assistance Programs
Basic Care
Child Care Assistance
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance program (SNAP formerly called
Food Stamps)
Foster Care Payments
LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance)
-ACA (Affordable Care Act) Traditional Medicaid or premium paid.
-Non ACA Medicaid
-Healthy Steps
- Children Hospice
-Estate Recovery
-Aid to Blind
TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
General Assistance
County Burials
Transient Care
Information and Referral
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
The SNAP Program was first introduced into the state in
1966. It was intended by Congress to increase the food
purchasing power of households with limited income and
resources. Food Coupons were issued to eligible households
who exchanged them for food in retail grocery stores.
In the late 90’s, Food Coupons were
dropped in favor of Electronic Benefits
There were 24,749 households on SNAP in North Dakota for January
2015 . Total Issuance for that month was $6,425,592.
Low Income Home
Energy Assistance
Authorized by Section XXVI of Public Law 97-35, “Omnibus
Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981.” The purpose is to help
eligible households to pay home energy costs. Benefits are not
designed to pay the total household fuel costs.
This is a Federal Block Grant program where funds are
distributed to states based on each state’s weather and low
income population.
From October 1st of 2014 through January of 2015, North
Dakota’s LIHEAP program expended $4, 347,209.82 on heating
related costs for 10,588 households.
Medicaid or Medical
Authorized in 1965 during a Special Session of the North Dakota
Legislature. The Program began in North Dakota in January of 1966.
The purpose is to provide comprehensive and uniform medical services
that will enable persons previously limited by their circumstances to
receive needed medical care. Funding is shared by federal, state and
county governments. Currently ND receives federal funding match of
50%. The state pays most of the local share.
Temporary Assistance for
Needy Families (TANF)
Intended to move low income families
from Public Assistance to SelfSufficiency by providing cash assistance
along with work readiness, training, and
job placement services
In April of 1993, North Dakota peaked at
6,625 cases. For the month of January
2015, there were 1,226 families receiving
benefits with an average payment per
family of $246.08.
Children and Family Services
Child Care Licensing Studies
Child Protection Assessments
Children’s Special Health Services
Family Social Work/Case Management
CPS Case Management
Children’s /TPR Case Management
Foster Care Case Management
Kinship Care Case Management
Foster Care Eligibility
Foster Care Licensing Studies
Information & Referral
ICPC Studies and Reports
Independent Living Services
Subsidized Adoption
Subsidized Guardianship
Family Preservation Services
-Parent Aide
-Prime time child care
Respite Care
-Safety/Permanency Funds
Child Protection
To protect the health and welfare of children by encouraging
the reporting of children who are known to be or suspected of
being abused or neglected.
Provide adequate services for the protection of abused and
neglected children and to protect them from further harm.
Mandated Reporters:
Professionals having knowledge of reasonable cause to
suspect that a child is abused or neglected, or has died as a
result of abuse or neglect, must make a report of the
circumstances. Examples of professionals required to report
are any physician, school teacher, social worker, or law
enforcement officials.
Child Protection
What happens after a report is received by
CPS staff?
When the county social service office receives a report of
suspected child abuse or neglect the following occurs:
Analysis of the information in the report to determine what
actions to take for an assessment.
Assessment of the concerns in the report to find the facts.
Decision about whether services are required for the protection
and treatment of an abused or neglected child.
Referral to juvenile court for review if services are determined to
be required.
Provision of protective services to the family, such as parenting
education, counseling, supporting services, foster care, etc.
Child Protection
Will law enforcement be involved?
Law enforcement and CPS often work together during the assessment
of a CPS report. If the report of suspected child abuse or neglect
alleges a violation of a criminal statute involving sexual or physical
abuse, North Dakota law requires coordination between CPS and law
enforcement. Law enforcement may also be involved when an
assessment includes other types of alleged criminal violations such as
domestic violence, prescription or illicit drug use or for the safety of the
child protection worker.
In FY 2014 there were 12,390 child abuse and neglect reports filed in
North Dakota.
Foster Care
Foster care is a 24-hour out-of-home care for children
whose parents are unable, neglect, or refuse to provide
for their children’s needs. It includes food, clothing,
shelter, security, safety, guidance and comfort. In nearly
all cases, the child in care has been removed from home
by a court order, with custody given to a public agency,
such as the Division of Juvenile Services, County Social
Services, or Tribal Social Services.
During FY 2014, there were 2,164 children in paid foster
care placements, including family foster care, therapeutic
foster care, or group foster care.
Home & Community
Based Services (HCBS)
HCBS is a part of a continuum of care that provides a
choice of services to help individuals to remain in their
communities and to delay or prevent institutional care.
The present HCBS program began in 1983.
As of December 31,2014, there were 2,691 individuals
utilizing HCBS services in North Dakota.
Home & Community Based
Services for Elderly &
Disabled (HCBS)
Adult Foster Care Licensing Studies
Case Management – Determine eligibility for and provide or
arrange for provisions of:
 Personal Care
 Homemaker
 Chore
 Respite
 Non-medical transportation
 Adult Day Care
 Adult Foster Care
 Emergency Response
 Specialized Equipment
 Transitional Care
Information and Referral
Home And Community
Based Services (County)
Case Management
Qualified Service Provider
Personal Care
- Homemaker
 Chore
 Respite
 Non-medical transportation
Merit System
-receipt of Federal funds through the state
for the administration of several public
assistance programs.
Recruiting, selecting, and advancing employees is done on the basis
of ability, and it includes open consideration of qualified applicants.
Equitable and adequate compensation is ensured.
Employees must be trained to ensure quality performance.
Employees are retained on the basis of performance.
Fair treatment is accorded to all employees.
Employees are protected from coercion and prohibited from using
their official authority improperly.
Child Welfare
Sheriff’s Department
Assist with Child Protective Service Assessments
When danger to Social Workers
Category A case requires Law Enforcement
• Sexual Abuse Cases
• Death of a Child
• Severe Physical Abuse(Bone fracture, internal injuries,
stabbing, other major physical injury)
If Law enforcement is requested, documentation
may be needed which could include Deputies
taking photo’s of victims or home environments
Background checks of Subject of Report
Transportation(ex-Unruly Foster Kids
Referral to States Attorney & Juvenile Court
when warranted
States Attorney
-Child Protection matters where
court intervention is needed
-Foster Care Situations where
court orders are needed.
-Termination of Parental Rights
-Guardianship matters(Child
Welfare & Adult matters)
(County Chief Financial
Budgets and other Financial
Disbursement of taxes collected
 Assists Soc. Serv. With Monthly
Payroll, Benefits
 Financial records needed for
monthly reconciling of Social
Service Records
 Payment of Bills
Treasurer’s Office
Receipt of Checks received by
Social Services