Daily Management Visibility Wall Training February 2013 Kaizen Promotion Office Daily Management The system used by the organization to perform its daily activities by: • establishing standard operations Strategy Deployment/ Hoshin Kanri • identifying and eliminating waste • using data to ensure processes, products and services are continuously improved Daily Management Cross-Functional Management (DM) (CFM) Daily Management Link to Hoshin 3/11/2016 Daily Management Consists of: 1. A Visual Workplace where abnormalities are seen 2. An environment where staff test their own ideas 3. Transparency of objectives and metrics 4. Managing by measures that change regularly 5. Connects accountability throughout the organization What you cannot see, you cannot manage! Visual Management 3/11/2016 Respect for People Staff are the problem-solvers: Staff are a valued source for improvement ideas. Staff help test and determine whether a new process works. When errors occur, the process is wrong, not the person. No blame, no shame! Quality must be built into every step. Anyone can, and is expected to, stop the process to prevent a defect from continuing downstream. “Before cars, make people.” —Eiji Toyoda, former chairman of Toyota 3/11/2016 6 Visibility Levels Strategic Visual Management (Quarterly; Provincial Leaders ) Wall Walks (Weekly - CEO & SLT) HOSHIN KANRI Hoshin 1 Q C D S M Daily Visual Management (Daily or Weekly; Manager and point of care staff) Hoshin 2 Focus on a few strategic priorities; align efforts to achieve breakthrough improvement Hoshin 3 Alignment Strategic Visibility (Hoshins) BETTER CARE 3-5 Year Outcome Targets 0 Nosocomial Infections Target Progress Wall Walk - QCDSM why Priority Reduce infections Chart updated as of ______ (recent!) Action to be taken to return to VRE, MRSA, c.diff, ESBL Hand Hygiene compliance Daily Visual Management LTC Site 1 LTC Site 3 3/11/2016 why Why LTC Site 2 CEO why Service Line Leader why why LTC Site 4 8 Front Line Mgrs You do not need to know Lean to get started on Visual Daily Management •It is critical to understand the current situation first before using Lean •Use 5 whys to get to the root causes and make improvements •Use Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) to do improvements •As you learn Lean, you will make faster progress to achieving your targets 3/11/2016 Elements of the Daily Management System • Understand your business and daily improvement activities • Create daily actions when issue/challenges occur. • Data is classified into common categories on your unit’s visibility wall – Quality, Cost, Delivery, Safety, Morale (QCDSM) • Data and information is key: - Choice of data Visual display and charts used Method and frequency of collection determined Method and frequency of reporting determined Standardized Daily Management (DM) Visibility Wall • Primary processes drawn; sub-processes if needed. Key support processes identified and drawn. • Measures charted showing data and targets • Team Schedule or huddle times • Team communication – what is important to the team • Improvement ideas – what are we testing - PDSA • Who has responsibility for updating the measures? • Who owns each measure – point of care person Steps to creating a DM Visibility Wall 1. Articulate the Purpose Statement of the service area • E.g. Placement in LTC: place the patient in a LTC facility in a timely manner that meets the patient’s needs. 2. Identify the primary process in your service area and draw a value stream or process map 3. What are one or two measures that best describe how you are meeting the core purpose? • E.g. Wait time for placement • Classify your measures under: Quality, Cost, Delivery, Safety, Morale (QCDSM) Steps to creating a DM Visibility Wall 4. Are there any other measures important to this key process? • E.g. Is resident wakeup checklist being followed by staff? • You don’t need measures for every primary process. 5. Create your Team Communications • What’s important for your team to know on a weekly basis? • When will you have your weekly huddles, weekly wall walks? • What other information are you going to post on your wall? 6. Improvement Ideas • Generate improvement ideas that will directly help improve what you are measuring. • You can use Lean tools like Standard Work and 5S to help. Purpose statement: We are in business to….. Team communication Upcoming This Week Core Processes Improvement Team Calendar • • • • • Quality Name Cost Date Name Delivery Date Example: improve Example: Reduce wait time by 50% by OR supplies by September 2013 20% by December 2013 Name Example: Reduce the wait list by 20% by February 2014 Name • ~~~~~~~~ • ~~~~~~~~ 5S • ~~~~~~~~ • ~~~~~~~~ • ~~~~~~~~ • ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ Safety Date Standard Work Improvement ideas Morale Date Name Date Example: Example: Improve Reduce surgical attendance by 10% site infections to 0 by July 2013 % by 2014 Purpose Who are we from the patient’s perspective? Ask yourself – what makes you come to work, what is the department about/our function, key reason for your department/unit? Quality Measurement Communications/Events Improvement Ideas / Projects Post what’s going on in the Unit/department. Area to post project forms – Rapid Process Improvement Workshop (RPIW), Value Stream Maps (VSM), Sort, Simplify, Sweep, Standardize and Self-discipline (5S projects). Ensure the information is Current and timely. Landing spot for staff to post Information. Cost Measurement Example: improve Example: Reduce OR wait time by 50% supplies by 20% by by September December 2013 2013 Delivery Idea sheets Safety Morale Measurement Measurement Measurement Example: Reduce the wait list by 20% by February 2014 Example: Example: Improve Reduce surgical attendance by 10% site infections to 0 by July 2013 % by January 2014 Process example Referral 3/11/2016 Assessment Treatment 17 Discharge Measuring World-Class Quality Quality Reliability Responsiveness Consistent Empathy Equitable Cost World-Class Quality Price Effective Right Place Delivery Right Time Right Amount For Patient Safety Morale For Provider Everyone Cares Assurance of Quality Cost Effective Full Customer* Satisfaction * Patient Production Boards • Manage by knowing how your business is progressing 3/11/2016 @ 1996 – 2011 John Black and Associates, Permission not granted to copy 3/11/2016 20 Clinic Visual Daily Management Board Used with permission from Park Nicollet Health Services 15 minute daily huddles • • • • Select time of day Start on time and designate a time keeper All staff stand up in front of the visibility wall Manager leads or designated leader 15 minute daily huddles • Ask 4 questions: – have any patients/residents fallen, – were any employees injured, – is there anyone off sick today, – is there anyone here on overtime today (1 minute) • Review communications/events (2 minutes) • Update on projects (2 minutes) • Review improvement ideas (2 minutes) • Report out on your QCDSM measures- are they green or red (meeting or not meeting your targets) ( 1 minute each) • Update and review actions (3 minutes) Keep in Mind….. • The Visibility Wall is not in itself the goal – the discussions, actions and accountability are what is important • PDSA (Plan, Do, Study, Act) – keep pressure on your team to get out and try implementing improvement ideas. • The more people informed and trained in changes made, the better chance that changes will be sustained • If the team is stuck, go back to the purpose statement and process steps for direction 3/11/2016 24