Genetic options for improving fodder yield and quality in forage sorghum Aruna Ca., M. Swarnalathaa, P. Praveen Kumara, Visala Devendera, M. Sugunaa, M Blummelb, JV Patila a- Directorate of Sorghum Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, India b- International Livestock Research Institute, ICRISAT, Patancheru, Hyderabad, India Corresponding author Dr C. Aruna Principal Scientist DSR, Rajendranagar Hyderabad- 500 030 India . Email- Telephone- +914024018651 Fax- +914024016378 Genetic options for improving fodder yield and quality in forage sorghum Aruna C., M. Swarnalatha, P. Praveen Kumar, Visala Devender, M. Suguna, M Blummel, JV Patil Abstract Forage sorghum improvement for fodder quantity and quality is important, especially in semi-arid tropics where sorghum is a major source of forage for the livestock. The aim of this work was to understand the character associations among fodder yield and quality traits, and to estimate combining ability of the parents. The experiment was carried out for two years using ten parents crossed in half diallele design. Highly significant differences among the genotypes for fodder yield, quality and cell wall constituents were observed. The correlation of the important quality traits, crude protein and digestibility (IVOMD) with fodder yield were non-significant, indicating the possibility to improve yield and quality simultaneously in forage sorghum. Partial least square (PLS) analysis showed that for improving fodder yield and digestibility together, plant height, ADF, ADL, NDF, leaf number, stem diameter, days to flower and leaf length were important. GCA and SCA variances and heterosis showed that for almost all characters both additive and non-additive gene effects were important with predominance of non-additive effects. Parental lines SEVS4, HC308 and UPMC503 were good combiners for fodder yield and quality. The brown midrib lines, EC582508 and EC582510 were good combiners for low lignin and high IVOMD. Strategies for improving forage sorghum to suit animal and biofuel industries were discussed. Key words- Cellulose, hemicelluloses, digestibility, partial least square regression, diallel analysis, gene effects 1. Introduction Sorghum is a versatile species that can be used as a source for food, feed, fodder and fuel in the semi arid tropical regions of the world. Sorghum with its high biomass production potential can be used for biofuel production and for fodder purpose. The demand for fodder increases because of the recent efforts towards increasing milk and meat production, which puts an immense pressure for increasing quantities of green and dry fodder. Under the semi-arid situations, sorghum is the major supplier of fodder, and its role becomes important during the lean period of winter and summer months. The management practices that might improve fodder yield and quality, such as higher application of nitrogen, may not be suitable in semi-arid regions where the environment is becoming highly unpredictable and drought prone (Hall et al. 2004). The best options for increasing the yield and quality of forage sorghum appears to be genetic improvement of both these characteristics in currently available cultivars. Considering the growing demand for more and better quality fodder for livestock, forage sorghum improvement programs need to become multidimensional, targeting improvement for both yield and quality traits. There is limited information available on feed quality for improved forage sorghums which is important for commercialization of forage cultivars. There is a need to develop forage cultivars with improved feed quality so that reliable and better quality fodder is available year round. Besides its utility as a fodder crop, sorghum has the potential to provide abundant and sustainable resources of lignocellulosic biomass for the production of ethanol as biofuel (Carpita and McCann 2008). The shorter life cycle of bioenergy grasses and their different cell wall composition specifically lower lignin content, makes processing of biomass from grasses much less energy intensive (Vermerris et al. 2011). For using sorghum as a fodder and biofuel crop, it is important to improve the biomass quality in terms of digestibility and saccharification of the stalk. Biomass quality is influenced by cell wall composition and structure, and can be determined by content and composition of lignin, cellulose and hemicelluloses. Lignin content of cell walls determine, among other factors, sugar release and thus the efficiency of the ethanol extraction process (Vermerris et al. 2007; Lorenz et al. 2009). The main goal of forage sorghum breeders is to develop cultivars with high fodder yield as well as cellulose, hemicelluloses content and high digestibility, which will be stable across years and locations. In comparison to other crop plants, maize has received particular attention regarding cell wall component research. Before biofuel gained attractiveness, maize cell wall components were studied because of digestibility in ruminants (Xie et al. 2009). Genetic improvement of biomass crops can significantly reduce the overall cost of biomass to ethanol conversion. Improvements in fodder quality in sorghum are dependent on genetic variability within the species, the heritability of the traits, selection intensity and the ability of the plant breeders to understand the genetic architecture controlling these traits. Fodder yield and quality are quantitative traits which are polygenetically controlled. The nature and magnitude of gene action involved in the expression of quantitative traits is important for successful development of crop varieties and cultivars through proper choice of parents for hybridization (Griffings 1956; Falconer 1989). Diallel analysis can be used to provide important information on general and specific combining abilities (GCA and SCA), determine genetic variances and estimate heritability. Combining ability describes the breeding value of parental lines to produce hybrids. General combining ability (GCA) refers to the average performance of a parent in hybrid combinations and specific combining ability (SCA) is the performance of a parent relatively better or worse than expected on the basis of the average performance of the other parents involved (Griffings 1956). Combining ability analysis helps in the identification of parents with high gca and parental combinations with high sca. Based on combining ability analysis of different characters, higher sca values refer to dominance gene effects and higher gca effects indicate a greater role of additive gene effects controlling these characters. The estimation of additive and non-additive gene action through this technique helps in determining the possibility of commercial exploitation of heterosis. The objectives of this study were to understand the genotypic variation for fodder yield and quality in a set of forage sorghum genotypes, finding out the associations among the yield and quality, and to determine combining ability of the forage sorghum genotypes and to understand the genetic basis of the important fodder yield and quality traits. The selected promising parents could then be used in forage sorghum breeding programs aiming towards improvement in fodder yield and quality. 2. Materials and methods The study was conducted on the research farm of the Directorate of Sorghum Research (DSR), Hyderabad, India for two years during the rainy seasons of 2009 and 2010. During both the years, the crop was sown during the second week of June and harvested during third or fourth week of August depending on flowering of the genotype. The environmental characterization during the crop period of the years under study is given in Table 1. The rainfall during July month was observed to be high in second year of study. 2.1 Field material for the study The lines used in the study comprised of ten sorghum cultivars including seven forage sorghum lines, one sweet sorghum genotype and two brown midrib genotypes; and 45 hybrids derived by crossing the ten parents in a half diallel fashion. Description of the ten forage sorghum genotypes is presented in Table 2. The parents and the F1s were evaluated in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Each line was grown in a single row of the length 4m with an inter row spacing of 45 cm and 15 cm with in row. Parents and F1s were randomly assigned and labeled accordingly. 2.2 Observations recorded In each year, observations were recorded on the following fodder yield and quality parameters. Days to flower were recorded on plot basis, while other parameters were recorded on10 plants/plot. 2.2.1 Field observations Days to 50% flowering (DTF) were recorded as the number of days required from planting for 50% of the plants in a plot to reach mid-anthesis. Plant height (PH) was recorded as the height of the plant from ground level to the tip of the main tiller at flowering. The number of leaves per plant (NLP) were counted at flowering, and the length (LL) and breadth (LB) of fourth leaf from ground level was recorded. Stem diameter (SD) was measured as the diameter at the fourth internode from ground level. The plants were harvested at 50% flowering to estimate fodder yield and to recover samples for quality analysis (see below). The fodder yield (FY) was recorded immediately after harvest to avoid moisture loss. For this, plants were harvested manually by cutting the stem at the base and the entire above ground plant material was weighed. For estimation of fodder quality, the chopped sample of green plant was dried in the hot air drier at 60700C for 72 hrs and powdered. 2.2.2 Observations on fodder quality Brix, a measure of the mass ratio of soluble solids to water, is a widely used approximation for sugar content (Audilakshmi et al. 2010). Brix values were recorded with hand refractometer at flowering from the juice of stalk of each of the ten plants which were subsequently averaged. All forage samples were analyzed by Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) calibrated for this experiment against conventional chemical and in vitro analyses. The NIRS instrument used was a FOSS Forage Analyzer 5000 with software package Win SI. Crude protein (CP) percentage was estimated by determining total nitrogen (N) in the sample by Auto Analyzer and neutral detergent (NDF), and acid detergent fiber (ADF) and acid detergent lignin (ADL) were analyzed according to Goering and Soest (1970). In vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD) was determined and calculated according to Menke and Steingass (1988) using an in vitro gas production test with manual syringes as modified by Blümmel and Ørskov (1993). The cellulose and hemicelluloses fractions were calculated from NDF and ADF values. NDF estimates the sum of cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin, ADF the sum of cellulose and lignin, while ADL measures lignin (ADL) only. Therefore, NDF minus ADF yields the hemicelluloses (HCL) content, and ADF minus ADL corresponds to cellulose (CLL) content. 2.3 Data analysis Data collected over the two environments was used for analysis of variance, and simple correlations using the software Genstat. Partial least square (PLS) analysis was carried out for each environment with the help of the statistical package SAS version 9.3 (SAS Institute, Carey, NC, USA). The fodder yield (FY) and digestibility (IVOMD) were taken as dependent/ response variables, and plant height (PH), days to 50% flowering (DTF), number of leaves (NLP), leaf length (LL), leaf breadth (LB), stem diameter (SD), brix, crude protein% (CP), ADF, NDF and ADL as independent/ predictor variables. For each environment, three PLS models were tried: (i) fodder yield as dependent variable, (ii) digestibility as dependent variable and (iii) fodder yield and digestibility as dependent variables. Coefficients of determination (R2) and root mean prediction residual error sum of squares (PRESS) were used to select the best models. The variable importance projection (VIP) of independent variables represented the value of the variable in fitting the PLS model for both predictors and responses. The VIP of each factor was defined as the square root of the weighted average times the number of predictors. If a predictor had a relatively small coefficient (in absolute value) and a small value of VIP, then it was a prime candidate for deletion (Wold 1994). Variables with VIP values less than 0.8 and outliers were removed from the variable list. The analysis of variance for GCA and SCA effects was carried out according to Griffing’s (1956) method 1, model 2 involving parents with one set of F1s but reciprocals were not included. Windostat (Indostat, 2004) software was used for analysis. GCA and SCA effects for different traits were calculated across environments. The model: Yijk = µ + gi +gj +sij + eijk, where Yijk is the observed measurement for the ijth cross grown in the kth replication or environment; µ is the population mean; gi and gj are the GCA effects; sij the SCA effect; and eijk the error term associated with the ijth cross evaluated in the kth replication or environment. The restrictions imposed on the combining ability effects are: ∑gi=0, and ∑sij=0 for each j (Griffing 1956). Estimates of σ²g (general combining ability), σ²s (specific combining ability) and their variances were computed for the random-effects model to estimate σ²A, σ²D and h2 (Zhang and Kang 2005). Heterosis (MP: mid-parent) and heterobeltiosis (BP: better parent) values were, respectively calculated by using the formula [MP= (value of F1 – mean of parents/mean of parents) x 100]; [BP= (value of F1 – value of better parent/ value of better parent) x 100]. The critical differences for testing the significance of heterosis were calculated as follows: critical difference (MP) = √3Me/2r x t, critical difference (BP) = √2Me/r x 4t, where Me is the error mean squares, r is the number of replications, and t is the table value of t at 5 or 1% level of significance. The genetic divergence among the parents used was computed by means of Mahalanobis’ D2 technique (Mahalanobis 1930). The genotypes were grouped into clusters following Tocher’s method as described by Rao (1952) using Windostat software (Indostat 2004). 3. Results 3.1 Mean values and heretabilities The mean values and range for all the fodder yield and quality traits along with the level of significance for 55 sorghum genotypes studied were reported in Table 3. Highly significant (P <0.001) differences were observed for all fodder yield and fodder nutritional quality characteristics. Heritabilities for all fodder quality and yield traits were moderate to high, which is sufficiently high to realize progress from selection for improved fodder quality. The cultivar effects were highly significant (P <0.001) for all the traits indicating the presence of variability for all the traits studied. The year effects were significant for majority of the traits except for DTF, NLP, SD and brix. Cultivars x year interaction were significant for all traits (Table 4). 3.2 Relationships among fodder yield and quality traits No significant relationships were observed between fodder quality traits and fodder yield (data not shown). Fodder quality and fodder yield seem to be compatible traits. Fodder crude protein was nonsignificantly associated negatively with fodder yield (r= -0.08, p=0.56). Similarly NDF (r= -0.16, p=0.25), ADF (r= -0.15, p=0.27) and ADL (r= -0.001, p=0.99) were also nonsignificantly associated negatively with fodder yield, while IVOMD was positively but nonsignificantly associated with fodder yield (r= 0.07, p=0.63). IVOMD recorded significant negative correlation with ADL (r= -0.86, p=<0.001), while it is negative but non-significant with CP (r= -0.02, p=0.91). Brix showed significant positive association with IVOMD (r=0.35, p=<0.001). CP showed non-significant associations with all the fodder quality traits except with brix which is significant and negative (r= -0.52, p=<0.001). Since simple correlation studies showed that the independent variables were correlated in the present study, PLS analysis was carried out to understand the importance of each independent variable. PLS regression is typically used when the independent variables are correlated, or the number of independent variables exceeds the number of observations. It differs from standard multiple linear regression because it accounts for the variation of both response and predictor variables (Jurs 1990). The PLS regression matrix is presented in Table 5. For each environment, three regression models were tried: (i) fodder yield as dependent variable, (ii) IVOMD as dependent variable and (iii) fodder yield and IVOMD as dependent variables. The R2 for X (the independent variables) were similar across models, ranging from 0.58 to 0.68. For Y, the dependent variable, it ranged from 0.68 to 0.74. VIP is presented in Table 6. Different traits were important for improvement of fodder yield and digestibility individually or both together. For the improvement of fodder yield, PH, NLP, SD, DTF and LL were the important traits for explaining the variability in fodder yield. For explaining variability in digestibility, ADF, ADL, NDF and plant height were shown to be important. When both fodder yield and digestibility were considered, the important traits being PH, ADF, ADL, NDF, NLP, SD, DTF and LL, while LW, Brix and CP were found to have less contribution towards variability in either fodder yield or digestibility. 3.3 ANOVA, GCA and SCA variances The mean square values after analysis of variance for genotypic differences and combining ability for all the traits is presented in Tables 7&8. There were significant genotypic differences for all the characters studied (p<0.001). Significant differences (p< 0.001) due to environment were also observed for all the traits. The partitioning of genotype mean squares into GCA and SCA mean squares showed GCA and SCA mean squares to be significantly different (p<0.001) for all the traits. Estimates of highly significant gca and sca variances for these characters indicated the importance of both additive and non additive genes in the expression of the characters. For HCL and NDF additive gene action was predominant. Both additive and non-additive gene actions were equally important for the traits, LB, IVOMD, CLL and ADF. While the non-additive gene actions were predominant for the traits brix, CP, LL, SD, PH, NLP, ADL, DTF and fodder yield. Significant differences for genotype, GCA and SCA mean squares implied that there was scope for improving these traits. Genotype by environment interactions were highly significant (P <0.001) for all traits. Partitioning of genotype by environment interactions into GCA by environment (GCA x E) and SCA by environment (SCA x E), showed that: (a) GCA x E was significant (P <0.05) for all the traits except PH and NLP, and (b) SCA x E was significant (P <0.05) for all the traits except CP. Significant GCA x E interactions for the above traits is an indication of variation of general combining ability of lines under different environments. Significant SCA x E interaction for the traits mean that specific hybrids differed in the way they expressed these traits under different environments. 3.4 GCA and SCA effects 3.4.1 Fodder yield traits Estimates of gca effects of the ten genotypes for fodder yield traits showed that SEVS4, HC308 and UPMC503 were the best combiners for FY (Table 9). SEVS 4 and HC 308 recorded high per se performance for fodder yield (Table 11). Apart from fodder yield, SEVS4 and HC308 were good general combiners for other yield components including PH, SD and leaf parameters such as NLP, LL and LB. For DTF, EC582508, Nizamabad forage, Keller, EC582510 and SSG59-3 were good general combiners with significantly negative gca effects for flowering. The parents, PC 23, Nizamabad forage, EC 582508 and Keller were early with DTF less than 65 days. The sweet sorghum line, Keller was a good combiner for LL, LB and SD, besides earliness. The estimates of sca for fodder yield traits for promising cross combinations are presented in Table 12. The crosses, PC23 x EC582508, UPMC503 x EC582508, UPMC512 x SEVS4, EC582510 x Niz forage, SSG59-3 x UPMC512, HC308 x EC582510, EC582510 x SEVS4 and PC23 x Keller exhibited high sca effects for fodder yield. All these crosses were good combiners for the yield components such as PH and leaf parameters also. 3.4.2 Fodder quality traits Estimates of gca effects for fodder quality traits indicate that the genotypes, Keller, HC308 and UPMC503 were the best genotypes for brix which indicates the sweetness of the stem (Table 10). High brix values were observed in the parents, Keller and EC 582510 (Table 11). For CP, only one genotype, Nizamabad forage was a good general combiner and the same parent recorded high CP value individually. For IVOMD, the brown midrib genotypes, EC582508 and EC582510 and the sweet sorghum genotype, Keller were good combiners. All the three parents had high per se performance for IVOMD. The crosses, PC23 x EC582508, UPMC503 x UPMC512, PC23 x Nizamabad forage, UPMC512 x HC308, UPMC512 x Nizamabad forage, PC23 x Keller, PC23 x SEVS4 and HC308 x EC582508 recorded significant sca effects for brix. For CP, Keller x EC582510, UPMC 503 x EC 582510 and Nizamabad forage x EC 582508 showed high sca effects. While for IVOMD the crosses, SSG59-3 x Keller, UPMC512 x PC23, UPMC503 x HC308, PC23 x HC308, SSG59-3 x EC582510, UPMC512 x EC582508 and HC308 x EC582510 recorded significant sca effects. 3.4.3 Cell wall constituents For the fibre components, NDF and ADF, the genotypes Keller, SEVS4, EC582508 recorded negative significant gca effects. While for HC308 only gca of ADF was significant and for Nizamabad forage gca for NDF was significant. Positive significant GCA effects for ADF and NDF were observed for PC23 and UPMC512. Significantly positive gca effects for CLL and HCL were also observed for PC23 and UPMC512, while the genotypes Keller, SEVS4, EC582508 and HC308 recorded negative gca effects for CLL and HCL. Low CLL and HCL values were observed in the genotypes, Keller and SEVS 4 (Table 11). For ADL, the brown midrib genotypes, EC582508 and EC582510 had significantly negative gca effects besides HC308. Both the brown midrib lines, EC 582508 and EC 582510 had low lignin compared to other genotypes. The crosses, SSG59-3 x Keller, PC23 x HC308, PC23 x Nizamabad forage and EC582510 x Nizamabad forage recorded negative sca effects for NDF and ADF. While positive sca effects for ADF and NDF were reported in the crosses, UPMC 512 x Keller, HC 308 x EC 582510, Keller x EC 582510, UPMC 503 x SEVS 4, UPMC 512 x EC 582510 and PC 23 x Keller. The crosses, UPMC 512 x Keller, PC 23 x Keller, HC 308 x EC 582510, Keller x EC 582510 exhibited positive and significant sca effects for both cellulose and hemicelluloses. The crosses, SSG59-3 x Keller, SSG 59-3 x EC 582510, UPMC 512 x EC 582508, PC 23 x SEVS 4 and HC308 x EC 582510 had significant sca effects in desirable direction for lignin. 3.5 Heterosis for fodder yield and quality traits High heterosis was observed for FY followed by brix and CP (Fig. 1). Mean heterosis for FY was observed to be 22.2 and 12.6% over the mid and better parents respectively. The best hybrid with high heterosis was PC23 x EC582508 with 142% and 80% heterosis over mid and better parents, followed by UPMC503 x EC582508. Both the hybrids showed significant heterosis over better parent, while thirteen more hybrids expressed significant heterosis over midparent value (data not shown). For brix, maximum heterosis was observed in PC23 x EC582508 which was 54% and 38.4% over mid and better parents. Other hybrids with significant heterosis were PC23 x Nizamabad forage and UPMC512 x PC23. For CP, the best hybrid was UPMC503 x EC582510 with heterosis of 34.7% and 31.1% over mid and better parents respectively, followed by SSG59-3 x EC582510 (32.7% and 24.2%) and SSG59-3 x UPMC503 (25.9% and 15.2%). For IVOMD only one hybrid, PC23 x Nizamabad forage recorded positive significant heterosis. Heterosis for less ADL was observed in PC23 x Nizamabad forage (-7.53% and 2.38% over mid and better parents), HC308 x Nizamabad forage (-5.19 and -1.78%) and UPMC503 x HC308 (-6.96% and -5.5%). 3.6 Genetic divergence studies The ten sorghum genotypes included in the study were grouped into three clusters based on D2 values (Table 8). Cluster I was having five genotypes, comprising of the two brown midrib genotypes (EC582508 and EC582510), and the forage lines HC308, SSG59-3 and SEVS4. Cluster II consists of four genotypes including the sweet sorghum line, Keller and the forage lines Nizamabad forage, UPMC503 and PC23. The cluster III consists of a single genotype, UPMC512. The cluster distance ranged from 32.6 to 34.4 with in clusters and from 39.8 to 52.1 between clusters (Table 9). The maximum diversity of 52.1 was evident between Cluster II and Cluster III. 4. Discussion The forage sorghum breeding program should aim for improvement of the important fodder quality traits such as high digestibility of fodder and high protein content besides fodder yield. Forage sorghum has good potential as a biofuel and biogas crop also (Mahmood and Honermeier 2012). In recent times, ethanol demand has been increasing drastically due to Indian government’s policy to blend it with automotive fuels, for achieving fuel sufficiency. To produce ethanol from plant biomass, cellulose/ hemicelluloses in the cell wall will need to be saccharified, which is the hydrolyzation of cell wall polysaccharides into fermentable sugars (glucose and xylose). During sachharification process, lignin acts as a physical barrier and retards the action of cellulases, impeding swelling of cellulose fibres and nonspecifically binding cellulose proteins (Vermerris et al. 2007). Reducing lignin had a highly beneficial effect for converting cellulose to glucose resulting in high ethanol yields (Dien et al. 2009). The brown midrib mutants (bmr) in forage maize and sorghum with reduced lignin and greater digestibility (Barriere et al. 2004; Sattler et al. 2010; Rao et al. 2012) could lead to the development of forage and sweet sorghums as novel biomass crops (Sarath et al. 2008). This is because the accessibility of cellulose and hemicelluloses by rumen microorganisms is improved by lowering the amount of lignin present in cell walls. Biorefineries present a comparable system with rumen digestive system where improved cellulose breakdown with enzyme mixtures rather than rumen bacteria to sugars. Goals shared between forage and biomass feedstock improvement include high biomass yield, high cellulose, hemicellulose content and low lignin content. Among the grasses, maize has received the most attention in genetic and genomic studies related to cell wall lignifications and degradability (Barriere et al. 2008, Lorenz et al. 2009). Biomass/fodder yield of energy crops positively correlates with plant height, stem density, and stem thickness and leaf parameters such as leaf number, leaf length etc as demonstrated in Miscanthus, swithgrass and sorghum (Atienza et al. 2003; Murray et al. 2008; Zhao et al. 2009; Iyanar et al. 2010; Tariq et al. 2012). Height is independent of stem structural composition, i.e. cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin content (Murray et al. 2008), which means that a variety with tall stem can be bred to contain more cellulose and less lignin. In the present study, all traits were significant by the F test, indicating that there is sufficient genetic variability in the parents and hybrids, which is of fundamental importance for obtaining genetic gains in hybrid combinations. The highly significant differences among genotypes for the fodder yield and quality traits indicate that genetic improvement of fodder quality of forage sorghums should be possible. Highly significant genotypic as well as genotype x year differences were observed for all the traits studied. The estimates of heritability of pertinent fodder quality traits were around 0.5 suggesting opportunities for further improvement of fodder quality by genetic enhancement. The magnitudes of genotypic differences found in this study should prove meaningful for animal performance, as small changes of in vitro dry matter digestibility of 3-4% units have been observed to result in improvements of 17-24% in daily gains and production per hectare (Vogel and Sleper, 1994). However, the very large genotype-environment interactions (GEI) observed in this study could seriously reduce the realized gains for biomass quality of sorghum. Although few studies have been specifically designed to examine genotype by year interactions for stover quality, there are reports of highly significant genotype by year interactions for in vitro digestibility (Aruna et al. 2012) or NDF (Jung et al., 1998) while other studies failed to find major GxE interactions for stover digestibility (Badve et al., 1994). The presence of significant genotype x environment (G x E) interactions for yield and quality traits suggests that evaluation in more than one environment may be required for accurate selection for biomass yield and quality as was reported in maize (Lorenz et al. 2009). Associations amongst the fodder yield and quality traits, their interaction with the environment will help in guiding future research strategies. In general nonsignificant associations were recorded between fodder yield and all important fodder quality traits, such as IVOMD, CP, ADF, NDF and ADL indicating that these traits have independent inheritance. This paves way for simultaneous genetic improvement of both fodder yield and quality. Significant positive association of fodder yield was observed with PH, NLP, SD, DTF, LL and LW, which was supported by partial least square analysis showing that all these traits, except for LW contributed for variability in fodder yield. Strong positive genotypic and phenotypic correlations between fodder yield and stem diameter, fresh weight per plant, leaf length, plant height and number of leaves was reported earlier (Iyanar 2010; Tariq et al. 2012). IVOMD was observed to have positive association with PH, NLP and SD among the yield traits which is significant at 5% level of significance. Partial least square analysis also indicated that for improving both fodder yield and digestibility the important traits to be addressed are PH, ADF, ADL, NDF, NLP, SD, DTF and LL. The leaf component is important for both yield and quality not only because of the generally high nutritive value in leaves compared to stems, but leaves are more acceptable to animals as they are easier to chew and more digestible (Reddy et al. 2003). Brix was observed to have significant positive association with IVOMD indicating the suitability of sweet sorghum varieties for forage purpose. The GCA and SCA variances were significant for all traits. Since genotypic variance was significant, varietal improvement could contribute to raising the nutritional quality of sorghum fodder above current levels. Presence of highly significant GCA and SCA variances for most of the characters indicated the importance of both additive and non-additive genes in the expression of the traits. In the present study the ratio of GCA/SCA variance was less than unity for all the characters except leaf breadth, which indicated the pre-ponderance of nonadditive genetic variance. Predominance of non-additive gene action for fodder yield and yield components in forage sorghum was reported earlier (Aruna et al. 2012; Prakash et al. 2010). For the traits where, both additive and non-additive gene effects were important, dominance variance (σ²D) was found to be larger than the additive variance (σ²A), showing the importance of nonadditive gene effects in the control of these traits indicating good prospects for the exploitation of nonadditive genetic variation for fodder yield and quality traits in forage sorghum through hybrid breeding. Although there was a pre-ponderance of non-additive gene action for most of the characters, the presence of a considerable amount of additive gene action could not be totally neglected. Since the non-additive gene effects were predominant, direct selection for fodder yield and quality may not be effective. Population breeding, where there is a chance to accumulate genes from different genotypes, can be one of the approaches to improve the level of yield. Predominance of nonadditive gene effects for brix was reported earlier (Audilakshmi et al. 2010). The GCA effect is considered as the intrinsic genetic value of the parent for a trait, which is due to additive gene effects and it is fixable (Simmonds 1979). To get outstanding recombinants in segregating generations, the parents of the hybrids must be good general combiners for the characters to which improvement is sought (Gravois and McNew 1993, Manonmani and Fazullah Khan 2003). Hence, the potentiality of parents to produce better offspring with a reservoir of superior genes was evaluated based on their GCA effects. The presence of heritable variation for both fodder yield and quality traits and their independent nature of association prompts that simultaneous improvement of fodder yield and quality is possible, but it depends on the parents selected in the breeding programme. In the current study, cluster analysis indicated that cluster II had a high inter-cluster distance from the other two clusters. Cultivars from different clusters, if chosen for hybridization programme, may give a broad spectrum of variability in segregating generations. In the present study, some genotypes in different clusters with good general combining ability for fodder yield and quality were identified. The genotypes HC308 and SEVS4 from cluster I were the best combiners for most of the fodder yield parameters such as plant height, leaf paramaters, stem girth etc. and for some of the fodder quality traits such as high brix, low lignin in HC308 and low CLL and HCL in SEVS4. Both these lines were good combiners for low cellulose which is better for animal feed. The brown midrib genotypes, EC582508 and EC582510 were good combiners for earliness, IVOMD and low lignin content. These lines can be used as a source for improving the fodder quality in terms of digestibility. The genotype, Keller from cluster II was a good combiner for earliness, leaf parameters, stem girth and fodder quality traits such as high brix, IVOMD, low cellulose, low hemicelluloses and low lignin. Nizamabad forage from the same group was a good combiner for CP and earliness. These can be crossed with HC308 and SEVS4 of cluster I for improvement of forage sorghum for animal feed. PC23 of cluster II and UPMC512 of cluster III had high positive combining ability for cellulose and hemicelluloses and hence can be utilized for improvement of genotypes for biofuel production. Breeding programmes can be designed to utilize these lines for improving biomass/fodder yield and quality, and multiple crosses involving these parents would result in identification of superior segregants with favourable genes for most of the traits associated with fodder yield and quality. Biparental mating in early segregating generations of the crosses involving these parents for simultaneous exploitation of both additive and non-additive gene action can be recommended to develop sorghum genotypes with improved fodder yield and quality. It is suggested that intermating of the randomly selected progenies in early segregating generations (especially in F2 and F3) obtained by crossing these parents will release the hidden genetic variability through breakage of undesirable linkages involved in different characters. It may produce an elite population for selection of lines with high fodder yield and quality in advanced generations. The most promising specific combiners for fodder yield and other characters were SSG59-3 x UPMC512, UPMC512 x SEVS4, PC23 x Keller, PC23 x EC582508, HC308 x EC582510, EC582510 x Nizamabad forage, EC582510 x SEVS4 and Nizamabad forage x SEVS4 (Table 16). These hybrids involved parents with high/low, average/low and low/low GCA effects for yield indicating additive x dominance and dominance x dominance types of gene interactions for expression of the traits. The superiority of these crosses may be due to complementary and duplicate gene actions (Griffings 1956; Falconer 1989). When additive x additive gene interactions are present in the control of a trait, simple selfing in the early generations will give desired genotype. If additive x dominance and dominance x dominance gene interactions are present, hybrid breeding will be useful, as in hybrids heterozygous condition is fixed. Epistatic interactions were found to play a major role in the genetic basis of fibre related traits (Shiringani and Friedt 2011). According to Griffing (1956), the hybrids with high specific combining ability effects, and involving at least one parent with high or average GCA effects for a particular trait is a good strategy for plant breeding. It is interesting to note that majority of hybrids shown by this study as being the best in SCA effects for some traits, were also among the best performing for the same traits as shown by their heterosis (Table 16); hence, utilizing heterosis in improving such traits might be rewarding. Hybrids low in lignin and fibre components appears to be attainable without sacrificing high yield levels. It was concluded that exploiting heterosis in forage sorghum to improve quality traits might be promising. The main conclusions from this study are that both additive and non-additive gene effects are important, with a predominance of non-additive gene effects in governing fodder yield and quality in sorghum. Multiple crosses involving the best combiners for different traits would result in obtaining superior segregants with favourable genes for most of the traits associated with fodder yield and quality. The study also indicates the brown midrib genotypes can be used to develop cultivars with low lignin and high digestibility which are suitable for both animal and biofuel industry. The potential for significant genetic improvement of C4 grasses as biofuel crops is good. Better understanding of the genes involved in cell wall biosynthesis, and the precise role of these gene families will ultimately help in targeted modification of cell wall architecture in such a way that processing characteristics are optimized without compromising plant performance in the field. This confirms that there is a great opportunity to improve both fodder yield and quality in breeding programs aiming at genetic enhancement of forage sorghums. Since many traits contribute for fodder yield and quality, population breeding or marker assisted selection would be fruitful in forage sorghum improvement. However, population breeding is time consuming. 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Meteorological data during the crop period for two years (2009 & 2010) Month and Year 2009 June July August 2010 June July August Temperature Minimum Maximum Relative humidity % I II Rainfall (mm) 36.3 32.0 31.2 24.8 23.4 23.3 72 80 81 41 57 64 82.0 154.0 203.7 35.2 29.4 30.3 24.7 22.5 22.6 82 89 91 60 77 75 113.7 278.9 203.1 Table 2. Description of the parents used in the study Lines SSG59-3 Origin HAU, Hisar, India Characteristics Popular multi-cut forage sorghum variety released under All India Co-ordinated Sorghum Improvement Program (AICSIP) UPMC503 GBPUAT, Pantnagar, Male parent of the popular forage sorghum hybrid, CSH India UPMC512 20MF GBPUAT, Pantnagar, Improved forage sorghum line from Pantnagar India PC23 HC308 IARI, New Delhi, Forage sorghum variety from Indian Agricultural Research India Institute (IARI), New Delhi, India HAU, Hisar, India Popular forage sorghum variety released under All India Co-ordinated Sorghum Improvement Program (AICSIP) Keller USA Sweet sorghum variety EC582510 N598 from Nebraska Brown midrib line University, USA EC582508 Atlas bmr-12 from Brown midrib line Nebraska University, USA Nizamabad Nizamabad, India forage SEVS4 Forage sorghum variety from Nizamabad area of Andhra Pradesh, India AICSIP, India Dual purpose sorghum variety under All India Coordinated Sorghum Improvement Project (AICSIP) Table 3. Overall means, ranges in individual cultivar means, and entry mean heretabilities for sorghum fodder quality traits and fodder yield. Data are from a 55- entry sorghum trial grown in two environments (**p <0.001) Variable FY (g/pl) CP (%) NDF ADF ADL IVOMD Brix DF PH LL LB LN SD Mean 1860 9.62 64.42 40.35 4.87 50.76 12.07 66 294 76 5.9 11 1.34 Range in the cultivars 610-2743** 7.43-11.7** 58.03-73.1** 36.01-46.18** 3.59-5.68** 45.73-55.38** 6.63-16.77** 59-76.3** 165-355** 61-86** 4.6-7.3** 9-13** 0.94-1.60** lsd 513.6 1.6 3.5 2.7 0.47 2.5 1.9 3.1 21.3 4.5 0.6 1.2 0.16 Heritability 0.54 0.36 0.48 0.43 0.47 0.39 0.59 0.83 0.82 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.47 DTF- Days to flower; FY- Fodder yield; PH- Plant height; NLP- Number of leaves per plant; LL- Leaf length; LB- Leaf breadth; SD- Stem diameter; CP- Crude Protein; IVOMD- In vitro organic matter digestibility; NDF- Neutral Detergent Fibre; ADF- Acid Detergent Fibre; ADL- Acid Digestible Lignin Table 4: G x E effects of forage dry matter yield and forage fodder quality traits FY CP NDF ADF Cultivar 1470721** 4.12** Year 3008728** 791.4* 10996* Cultivar x 378957* 2.84* 43.5** ADL IVOMD Brix 17.3** 20.0** 19.96** 0.76** 20.1** 2071* 53.4** 3183* 11.1 11.2** 0.33** 8.03** 8.78** Year DTF PH 146.4** 9190** Year 683.7 64233* Cultivar x Year 52.9** 724.2** Cultivar NLP LL LB SD 6.55** 174.5** 2.34** 0.11** 29.8 5736.4* 151.4* 0.24 2.01* 60.3** 0.88** 0.04** DTF- Days to flower; FY- Fodder yield; PH- Plant height; NLP- Number of leaves per plant; LL- Leaf length; LB- Leaf breadth; SD- Stem diameter; CP- Crude Protein; IVOMD- In vitro organic matter digestibility; NDF- Neutral Detergent Fibre; ADF- Acid Detergent Fibre; ADL- Acid Digestible Lignin Table 5. PLS regression matrix No. of R2 for latent model (X) variables 2 58.1 R2 for Root dependent PRESS variable 73.0 0.57 2 59.8 73.8 0.47 Fodder 3 yield and IVOMD 67.6 67.8 0.60 Dependent variable Fodder yield IVOMD Equation prediction variable and coefficients Intercept DF (7.32); PH (0.97); NL (28.7); LL (2.25); LW (17.7): SD (93.3); Brix (6.88); CP (-9.23); NDF (1.49); ADF (1.91); ADL (11.2); IVOMD (-4.71) DF (-2.51); PH (-0.01); NL (-0.06); LL (-0.02); LW (0.095): SD (0.55); Brix (0.071); CP (0.003); NDF (0.06); ADF (-0.11); ADL (-0.76) FY: DF (9.37); PH (1.27); NL (28.7); LL (1.17); LW (16.8): SD (1.37); Brix (6.61); CP (-37.7); NDF (0.49); ADF (2.20); ADL (14.1) IVOMD: DF (-0.01); PH (-0.01); NL (-0.099); LL (0.004); LW (0.12): SD (1.3); Brix (0.06); CP (0.15); NDF (-0.09); ADF (-0.16); ADL (-0.95) -1149.5 53.3 -1159.2 66.5 Table 6. Variable importance for projecting scores of the predictors Predictor PH FY 1.45 IVOMD 0.86 FY + 1.33 IVOMD NLP 1.41 0.32 1.04 SD 1.16 0.71 0.95 DTF 1.15 0.46 0.85 LL 1.00 0.45 0.84 LW 0.79 0.57 0.64 ADF 0.61 1.57 1.26 Brix 0.56 0.65 0.60 NDF 0.54 1.41 1.14 ADL 0.43 1.54 1.26 CP 0.28 0.16 0.59 DTF- Days to flower; FY- Fodder yield; PH- Plant height; NLP- Number of leaves per plant; LL- Leaf length; LB- Leaf breadth; SD- Stem diameter; CP- Crude Protein; IVOMD- In vitro organic matter digestibility; NDF- Neutral Detergent Fibre; ADF- Acid Detergent Fibre; ADL- Acid Digestible Lignin Table 7. Analysis of variance for combining ability for fodder yield traits in forage sorghum involving 10 x 10 half diallel analysis DF Environments 1 Genotypes 54 Gen * Env 54 Error 216 GCA 9 SCA 45 GCA*Env 9 SCA*Env 45 Error 216 ∂2G ∂2 S ∂2a ∂2 D GCA/SCA Ratio h² (b) DTF 683.7** 146.4** 52.9 ** 7.17 175.4 ** 23.5 ** 51.2 ** 10.9 ** 2.39 7.21 10.55 14.42 10.55 FY 30087.3 ** 14707.2 ** 3789.6 ** 2037.3 16702.6 ** 2542.4 ** 1905.4 ** 1134.7 ** 679.1 667.65 931.6 1335.3 931.6 PH 64279.3 ** 9189.1 ** 724.0 ** 350.5 8322.0 ** 2011.2 ** 196.2 250.4 ** 116.8 341.9 947.2 683.7 947.2 NLP 29.52 ** 6.62 ** 2.01 ** 1.17 6.39 ** 1.37 ** 0.7 0.66 ** 0.39 0.25 0.49 0.5 0.49 LL 5743.6 ** 174.4 ** 60.12** 15.7 131.0 ** 43.55 ** 27.40 ** 18.57 ** 5.23 5.24 19.16 10.48 19.16 LB 15175.5 ** 233.5 ** 88.02 ** 27.96 312.5 ** 30.90 ** 30.45 ** 29.12 ** 9.32 12.63 10.79 25.27 10.79 SD 24.4 ** 10.95 ** 3.90** 2.03 8.26 ** 2.73 ** 2.63 ** 1.03 * 0.68 0.32 1.02 0.63 1.02 0.684 0.717 0.361 0.51 0.274 1.171 0.309 0.83 0.54 0.82 0.50 0.70 0.60 0.47 *p<0.05, **p<0.01 DTF- Days to flower; FY- Fodder yield; PH- Plant height; NLP- Number of leaves per plant; LL- Leaf length; LB- Leaf breadth; SD- Stem diameter 1 Table 8. Analysis of variance and combining abilities for fodder quality traits in forage sorghum involving 2 10 x 10 half diallel analysis Brix 11.7* 20.3** 8.88** 2.82 13.9** 5.33** 8.68** 1.82** 0.94 0.54 2.19 1.08 2.19 3 4 5 6 CP 792.0** 4.12** 2.84** 1.57 2.53** 1.14** 2.16** 0.70 0.52 0.08 0.31 0.17 0.31 IVOMD 3183.6** 17.32** 8.02** 4.22 20.04** 2.92** 3.35* 2.54** 1.4 0.78 0.76 1.55 0.76 NDF 10996.3** 43.51** 24.05** 9.44 56.2** 6.16** 14.98** 6.62** 3.15 2.21 1.51 4.42 1.51 ADF 2071.2** 19.97** 11.2** 5.25 21.75** 3.64** 7.59** 2.97** 1.75 0.83 0.94 1.67 0.94 CLL 1459.8** 14.18** 8.26** 3.81 15.98** 2.48** 5.40** 2.22** 1.27 0.61 0.6 1.23 0.6 HCL 3518.8** 8.02** 5.17** 2.09 10.28** 1.15** 3.054** 1.46** 0.7 0.4 0.23 0.8 0.23 Environments Genotypes Gen * Env Error GCA SCA GCA*Env SCA*Env Error ∂2G ∂2 S ∂2a ∂2 D GCA/SCA 0.246 0.27 1.026 1.468 0.882 1.017 1.756 Ratio h² (b) 0.59 0.36 0.39 0.48 0.43 0.41 0.41 *p<0.05, **p<0.01 CP- Crude Protein; IVOMD- In vitro organic matter digestibility; NDF- Neutral Detergent Fibre; ADF- Acid Detergent Fibre; CLL- Cellulose; HCL- Hemicellulose; ADL- Acid Digestible Lignin ADL 5338.6 ** 75.7 ** 32.8 ** 16.66 66.9 ** 16.9 ** 23.4 ** 8.44 * 5.55 2.56 5.67 5.11 5.67 0.451 0.47 7 8 9 10 11 Table 9. General combining ability effects for fodder yield traits in forage sorghum parents from 10 x 10 12 half diallel analysis SSG 59-3 UPMC 503 UPMC 512 PC 23 DTF FY PH NLP LL LB SD -1.12** 2.04 ** -0.57 1.25 ** -16.97 ** 10.29 * -19.96 ** -36.46 ** 5.47 ** 16.20 ** -15.76 ** 18.76 ** -0.46 ** 0.051 -0.45 ** 0.11 -0.53 2.69 ** -0.39 -1.01 * -6.94 ** -1.84 ** 1.31 * -3.73 ** -1.05 ** 0.12 -0.38 * -0.61 ** 30 HC 308 Keller EC582510 Nizamabad forage EC582508 SEVS 4 SE (gi) SE (gi-gj) 13 14 15 16 5.42 ** -2.56 ** -1.82 ** 30.66 ** -4.26 -8.55 15.48 ** -20.26 ** -19.31 ** 0.99 ** -0.30 * -0.21 2.66 ** 1.45 ** -3.74 ** 2.19 ** 2.41 ** 0.9 0.47 ** 0.52 ** 0.21 -2.19 ** -0.93 -0.6 -0.30 * -0.22 -1.38 * -0.29 -2.90 ** 2.46 ** 0.30 0.45 -8.89 55.06 ** 5.05 7.52 -24.52 ** 24.55 ** 2.09 3.12 -0.26 * 0.82 ** 0.12 0.18 -3.35 ** 2.44 ** 0.44 0.66 1.12 5.95 ** 0.59 0.88 0.08 0.92 ** 0.16 0.24 *p<0.05, **p<0.01 DTF- Days to flower; FY- Fodder yield; PH- Plant height; NLP- Number of leaves per plant; LL- Leaf length; LB- Leaf breadth; SD- Stem diameter. 17 18 19 20 21 22 Table 10. General combining ability effects for fodder quality in forage sorghum parents from 10 x 10 23 half diallel analysis SSG 59-3 UPMC 503 UPMC 512 PC 23 HC 308 Keller EC582510 Nizamabad forage EC582508 SEVS 4 SE (gi) SE (gi-gj) 24 Brix CP IVOMD NDF ADF CLL HCL ADL -0.46 * 0.24 -0.44 -0.12 0.19 0.05 -0.3 1.42 ** 0.44 * -0.58 ** -0.3 -0.18 -0.09 -0.1 -0.1 0.1 -1.10 ** 0.06 -0.99 ** 1.70 ** 1.15 ** 1.02 ** 0.55 ** 1.28 ** 0.25 -0.11 -1.74 ** 3.54 ** 2.06 ** 1.76 ** 1.47 ** 3.00 ** 0.93 ** -0.35 0.43 -0.38 -0.62 * -0.50 * 0.23 -1.17 * 1.39 ** -0.04 1.07 ** -1.54 ** -1.11 ** -1.03 ** -0.42 ** -0.83 -0.23 -0.14 0.51 * -0.11 -0.18 -0.05 0.07 -1.29 ** -0.66 ** 0.59** -0.13 -0.68 * -0.08 -0.17 -0.60 ** 0.83 -0.50 ** 0.17 1.21 ** -0.79 * -0.71 ** -0.44 * -0.07 -2.76 ** -0.05 0.15 0.37 -1.43 ** -0.60 * -0.54 * -0.83 ** -0.59 0.19 0.48 0.23 0.34 0.26 0.22 0.16 0.46 0.28 0.71 0.34 0.51 0.38 0.32 0.24 0.68 *p<0.05, **p<0.01 31 25 26 27 CP- Crude Protein; IVOMD- In vitro organic matter digestibility; NDF- Neutral Detergent Fibre; ADF- Acid Detergent Fibre; CLL- Cellulose; HCL- Hemicellulose; ADL- Acid Digestible Lignin 28 29 30 31 32 33 Table 11. Mean performance of the parents for important fodder yield and quality traits over two years SSG 59-3 UPMC 503 UPMC 512 PC 23 HC 308 KELLER EC582510 Niz forage EC 582508 SEVS 4 Mean C.V. C.D. 5% C.D. 1% DTF 67.17 68.17 65.33 60.00 76.33 63.00 65.17 61.67 62.50 72.83 66.22 3.90 4.33 5.93 Plant ht (cm) 278.00 289.37 165.00 258.77 303.00 224.37 204.90 280.63 211.63 305.67 252.13 4.59 19.34 26.50 FY (g/pl) 261.67 326.33 240.00 122.00 443.33 270.33 207.33 335.33 250.00 450.67 290.70 23.09 125.3 171.6 Brix 10.72 12.23 9.73 8.23 12.37 16.77 14.23 10.23 10.33 12.43 11.73 18.29 3.74 5.13 CP% ivomd% 10.79 49.68 7.90 50.47 11.60 50.02 11.42 45.73 10.06 50.65 10.05 53.72 9.10 54.24 12.42 49.52 11.92 55.38 10.27 52.06 10.55 51.15 9.66 4.25 1.75 3.50 2.40 4.80 ADL Cellulose Hemicellu 4.96 35.94 23.41 4.92 35.50 23.78 4.94 36.32 23.92 5.68 40.49 26.93 4.77 35.62 24.04 4.47 31.54 22.03 3.69 33.23 24.55 5.11 36.08 23.45 3.59 33.99 25.79 4.35 32.85 22.33 4.65 35.16 24.02 5.85 3.63 3.82 0.50 2.31 1.78 0.69 3.17 2.44 34 35 36 37 38 39 32 40 Table 12. Specific combining ability of selected hybrids for fodder yield traits involving 10 x 10 half diallel 41 analysis Pedigree P1 x P3 P1 x P9 P1 x P10 P2 x P3 P2 x P9 P3 x P4 P3 x P5 P3 x P7 P3 x P9 P3 x P10 P4 x P6 P4 x P7 P4 x P8 P4 x P9 P5 x P7 P5 x P9 P7 x P8 P7 x P10 P9 x P10 SE (sij-sik) SE (sij – skl) DTF FY PH NLP LL LB SD 7.56 ** -2.27 * -4.14 ** -0.94 3.72 ** 5.68 ** 3.02 ** -4.25 ** -3.99 ** -2.52 * 4.00 ** 2.93 ** 3.97 ** 3.68 ** -0.73 0.68 0.38 2.22 * -3.52 ** 1.48 1.41 41.26 * 6.19 -7.42 -15.34 60.9 ** 20.4 18.3 -10.15 -13.3 53.2 ** 34.0 * 21.7 25.7 84.7 ** 40.2 * 5.23 42.5 * 35.8 * -1.67 24.9 23.8 20.1 ** 25.7** 3.56 23.6 ** 27.57 ** 34.54 ** 34.82 ** 33.6 ** 8.27 14.06 * 36.9 ** 26.9 ** 10.72 59.3 ** 20.21 ** 25.08 ** 12.36 27.1 ** -0.51 10.35 9.87 0.83 * 0.51 -0.21 -0.55 0.69 1.09 ** 0.34 0.14 -0.4 -0.22 1.07 ** 0.42 0.81 * 1.17 ** 1.13 ** 0.52 0.96 * 0.81 * 0.39 0.6 0.57 3.32 * 1.48 -0.61 1.6 5.13 ** 1.67 3.27 * -2.79 1.71 -0.85 5.86 ** 6.82 ** 2.69 3.53 * 3.75 * 5.99 ** 2.2 10.04 ** -2.99 * 2.19 2.09 0.52 0.21 -4.35 * 1.89 -0.02 2.98 0.99 -1.35 3.92 * 1.96 -1.25 -0.37 0.64 2.5 2.91 1.15 5.04 * 7.67 ** -0.95 2.92 2.79 1.15 * 0.09 -0.32 -0.48 1.73 ** 0.88 1.21 * -0.17 -0.65 1.01 1.08 * 1.05 0.62 2.78 ** 0.65 0.14 0.94 1.39 ** 0.08 0.79 0.75 42 43 44 45 46 *p<0.05, **p<0.01 DTF- Days to flower; FY- Fodder yield; PH- Plant height; NLP- Number of leaves per plant; LL- Leaf length; LB- Leaf breadth; SD- Stem diameter P1- SSG59-3; P2- UPMC503; P3- UPMC512; P4- PC23; P5- HC308; P6- Keller; P7- EC582510; P8- 47 Nizamabad forage; P9- EC582508; P10- SEVS4 48 49 Table 13. Specific combining ability of selected hybrids for fodder quality traits involving 10 x 10 half 50 diallel analysis Pedigree P1 x P6 P1 x P7 P2 x P3 Brix 0.58 -0.94 2.33 ** CP IVOMD NDF ADF CLL HCL ADL -0.35 1.69 * -3.18 ** -1.85 * -1.58 * -1.35 ** -2.72 * 0.87 1.43* 0.77 1.28 0.97 -0.51 -2.98* -0.52 0.46 -1.03 -1.24 -1 0.21 -2.38 33 P2 x P5 P2 x P9 P2 x P10 P3 x P4 P3 x P5 P3 x P6 P3 x P7 P3 x P8 P3 x P9 P4 x P5 P4 x P6 P4 x P8 P4 x P9 P4 x P10 P5 x P7 P5 x P9 P6 x P7 P7 x P8 SE (sij-sik) SE (sij – skl) 0.43 0.042 1.40 * -1.67 -0.99 -0.73 -0.68 -2.56 -0.46 -0.22 0.89 -1.2 -0.41 -0.46 -0.78 0.39 -0.49 0.09 -1.22 2.10* 1.37 1.09 0.73 2.81* 1.22 -0.05 1.66 * -0.39 -0.94 -0.81 0.54 -1.21 1.87 ** -0.04 0.57 0.047 -0.72 -0.65 0.77 -0.72 -5.73 ** 0.59 -2.12 3.81 ** 2.58 ** 2.13 ** 1.22 * 4.52 ** 0.077 -0.05 -1.83 1.72 1.74 * 1.52 * -0.013 2.13 1.79 ** -0.91 -0.76 1.019 0.91 0.85 0.11 0.51 -0.99 -0.003 1.61* 1.24 1.46 1.15 -0.22 -3.2* -0.49 -0.41 1.41* -2.08* -1.4 -1.15 -0.69 -2.49 1.73 ** 0.12 -0.31 2.97 ** 1.47 1.29 * 1.50 ** 1.8 2.14 ** -0.05 1.67 -1.84 -1.70 * -1.44 * -0.14 -2.63 2.48 ** -1.13 -1.14 -0.95 0.02 0.008 -0.97 0.12 1.66 ** -0.39 0.73 -0.64 -0.64 -0.34 -0.001 -2.95 * -1.53* 0.61 -2.68 ** 3.41 ** 2.39 ** 1.82 ** 1.02 * 5.73 ** 1.35 * -0.69 -0.18 -1.07 -1.2 -1.15 0.13 -0.46 -1.23 1.25* -0.52 2.89 ** 1.83 * 1.65 * 1.06 * 1.82 -1.54 * 0.06 -0.14 -2.26 * -1 -1.15 -1.26 * 1.42 0.93 0.69 1.13 1.70 1.27 1.08 0.80 2.26 0.88 0.66 1.08 1.62 1.21 1.03 0.76 2.15 51 52 53 54 55 *p<0.05, **p<0.01 CP- Crude Protein; IVOMD- In vitro organic matter digestibility; NDF- Neutral Detergent Fibre; ADF- Acid Detergent Fibre; CLL- Cellulose; HCL- Hemicellulose; ADL- Acid Digestible Lignin P1- SSG59-3; P2- UPMC503; P3- UPMC512; P4- PC23; P5- HC308; P6- Keller; P7- EC582510; P8- 56 Nizamabad forage; P9- EC582508; P10- SEVS4 57 Table 14 . Grouping of lines into different clusters Cluster Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Genotypes EC582510, EC582508, HC308, SSG59-3, SEVS4 Keller, Nizamabad forage, UPMC503, PC23 UPMC512 58 59 60 Table 15 . Average intra (bold) and inter cluster distances for 10 genotypes Cluster I II I II 32.58 47.7 III 47.7 34.37 39.78 52.05 34 III 39.78 52.05 0 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Table 16. Crosses with significant specific combining ability and heterosis for fodder yield and quality 69 traits Trait FY Earliness Brix CP IVOMD Crosses with significant SCA Crosses with significant heterosis Over MP Over BP P4 x P9 (84.7), P2 x P9 (60.9), P3 x P4 x P9 (142.3), P4 x P7 (97.6), P4 x P9 (80.3), P10 (53.2), P7 x P8 (42.5), P1 x P3 P4 x P6 (82.8), P2 x P9 (72.4), P2 x P9 (52.2) (41.3), P5 x P7 (40.2), P7 x P10 P7 x P10 (63.1), P7 x P8 ( 61.4), (35.8), P4 x P6 (34) P6 x P7 (59.1), P3 x P10 (58.9), P4 x P10 (58.3), P1 x P7 (54.1), P5 x P7 (52.7), P1 x P3 (51.8), P2 x P6 (47.0), P6 x P10 (45.9), P2 x P10 (32.9) P2 x P4 (-5.26), P3 x P7 (-4.25), P1 x P1 x P10 (-9.05), P1 x P7 (P3 x P7 (-8.18), P10 (-4.14), P3 x P9 (-3.99), P9 x P10 8.56), P3 x P7 (-8.3), P3 x P9 (P1 x P7 (-7.16) (-3.52), P6 x P10 (-3.54), P3 x P6 (7.69), P9 x P10 (-7.64), P6 x 3.18), P6 x P7 (-2.59), P2 x P5 (P10 (-7.48), P1 x P9 (-7.2), P6 x 2.43),P1 x P9 (-2.27) P7 (-7.15), P1 x P8 (-6.86), P3 x P6 (-6.23), P1 x P6 (-6.02) P4 x P9 (2.48), P2 x P3 (2.33), P4 x P4 x P9 (38.4), P4 x P9 (54.0),P4 x P8 (49.5), P8 (2.14), P3 x P5 (1.87), P3 x P8 P4 x P8 (34.8), P3 x P4 (38.5), P4 x P10 (34.8), P3 x P4 (27.8) (1.79), P4 x P6 (1.73), P4 x P10 P2 x P3 (25.0), P3 x P5 (24.6), (1.66), P5 x P9 (1.35) P4 x P5 (23.8), P4 x P6 (23.5), P5 x P9 (21.9) P2 x P7 (1.40), P8 x P9 (1.31), P6 x P2 x P7 (34.7), P1 x P7 (32.7), P1 x P7 (24.2), P7 (1.25) P1 x P2 (25.1) P2 x P7 (31.1), P6 x P7 (25.6) P1 x P6 (1.69), P3 x P4 (1.66), P3 x P3 x P9 (6.31), P4 x P8 (6.16) P3 x P9 (10.8) P9 (1.61), P1 x P7 (1.43), P4 x P5 35 70 (1.41), P2 x P5 (1.4) Lignin P5 x P7 (-5.73) , P3 x P9 (-3.2), P1 x P3 x P9 (-8.2), P4 x P5 (-8.0) Nil P7 (-2.98), P4 x P10 (-2.95), P1 x P6 (-2.72) Cellulose P3 x P6 (2.13), P5 x P7 (1.82), P6 x P6 x P7 (11.3), P3 x P6 (10.8), Nil P7 (1.65), P3 x P7 (1.52), P4 x P6 P3 x P7 (9.2), (1.29) Hemicellulose P4 x P6 (1.50), P3 x P6 (1.22), P6 x P3 x P6 (10.7), P4 x P6 (8.79) Nil P7 (1.06), P5 x P7 (1.02) P1- SSG59-3; P2- UPMC503; P3- UPMC512; P4- PC23; P5- HC308; P6- Keller; P7- EC582510; P8- 71 Nizamabad forage; P9- EC582508; P10- SEVS4 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 36 88 89 (a) Mid Parent (b) Better Parent 150 Mid Parent Better Parent 25 20 100 15 50 10 5 0 DF 90 PH NLP LL LW 0 FY -50 -5 DF PH NLP LL LW FY 91 Mid Parent Better Parent Mid Parent 60 Better Parent 8 50 6 40 4 30 2 20 10 0 0 -2 -10 -20 92 -4 93 94 Fig1. Heterosis for fodder yield and quality traits- a) Maximum heterosis observed among the crosses; b) 95 mean heterosis across all the crosses 96 97 98 99 DF- Days to flower; FY- Fodder yield; PH- Plant height; NLP- Number of leaves per plant; LL- Leaf length; LB- Leaf breadth; CP- Crude Protein; IVOMD- In vitro organic matter digestibility; CLL- Cellulose; HCLHemicellulose; ADL- Acid Digestible Lignin 100 37 101 38