www.gscn.org GLOBAL SUPRAMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY NETWORK (Unlimited...) Doc. Dr hab. Marek Pietraszkiewicz pietrasz@ichf.edu.pl POLISH SUPRAMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY NETWORK FOUNDATION POLISH SUPRAMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY NETWORK FOUNDATION (www.gscn.org) AREAS OF SCIENTIFIC INTEREST ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS/MOLECULAR ELECTRONICS: molecular electronics, optoelectronics, nanostructures, nanocomposites, mesogens, NLO materials, thin solid films, multilayers, Langmuir-Blodgett films, organic magnetic materials, supramolecular semiconductors, superconductors, information storage/processing materials, crystal engineering, dendrimers, photochromic/chromogenic supramolecular devices, inorganic, organic/inorganic networks, supramolecular catalysts, molecular wires, gates, actuators, rectifiers, hybrid materials, novel polyfunctional polymers, surfactants, DNA engineering, mesoporous organic/inorganic materials, molecular spintronics AREAS OF SCIENTIFIC INTEREST ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY/ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: sensors/remote control (optical fibres, optrodes), membranes, electrochemical detection, chromatographic separations, capillary electrophoresis, preconcentration procedures, fluorescent sensors, nuclear waste treatment and disposal, optical chemosensors, modified microelectrodes NANOMATERIALS/NANOTECHNOLOGY: quantum dots, nanoclusters, nanocrystallites, nanocolloids, surface-modified, nanotubes, nanomachines, nanogates, nanowires, nanoactuators, nanolithography, nanoscopic self-assembled entities, nanocircuits, nanoporous materials ENERGY CONVERSION/STORAGE: solar energy converters, water splitting/oxygen evolution, supramolecular light-harvesting devices, electron-transfer devices, carbon dioxide photo- and electroreduction, elctroluminescent diodes, new energy sources, high output dry batteries MEDICAL DIAGNOSTICS/THERAPY: bioconjugates, fluorescent immunoassays, tumour targeting and therapy, NMR and EPR imaging contrast agents, DNA intercalators, lanthanide complexes for DNA cleavage, self-assembly in gene delivery, gene transfection agents NEW SYNTHETIC molecular tectonics STRATEGIES: self-assembly, self-organisation methods, SCIENCE non-covalent chemistry molecular physics molecular biology materials engineering electronics SUPRAMOLECULAR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY BIOMIMETICS KNOWLEDGE-BASED POLYFUNCTIONAL ADVANCED MATERIALS NANOMATERIALS SUPRAMOLECULAR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY NANO- MATERIALS KNOWLEDGE-BASED POLYFUNCTIONAL ADVANCED MATERIALS XXI CENTURY SUPRA- AND NANOTECHNOLOGIES FOR: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION HEALTH PROTECTION NOVEL, ALTERNATIVE "CLEAN" ENERGY SOURCES MICRO- & NANOELECTRONICS INFORMATICS TELECOMMUNICATION PSCNF CENTRES IN POLAND COMPILED ON JAN. 10, 2003 NUMBER OF PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES: 17 NUMBER OF RESEARCH UNITS INVOLVED: 103 NUMBER OF PERMANENT STAFF: 669 NUMBER OF ENVISIONED CONTEMPORARY STAFF: 104 NUMBER OF BUSINESS ENTERPRISES: 1 P L U K D F R C H I E S H U I L S L C Z R O L T S U B E P O N L Number of research units Number of permane nt staff 2 5 2 0 1 2 9 4 1 5 7 3 2 3 5 2 1 2 1 1 2 7 9 1 0 0 7 4 3 3 1 1 8 2 1 3 9 1 2 1 6 1 3 1 0 1 1 6 3 0 1 2 4 Envision ed tempora ry staff 3 9 - 2 8 1 5 - - 8 1 1 - 3 - - - - - - - Enterpr ises 1 PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES FP6 NMP PRIORITY AREA 3 EUROSUPRANET http://eoi.cordis.lu/dsp_details.cfm?ID=34009 FUNCTIONAL ADVANCED SUPRAMOLECULAR MATERIALS FOR DIAGNOSTICS, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION & DEVICES MIND MANAGER EUROSUPRANET TOPICS AND INSTRUMENTS OF INTEREST FOR OUR NETWORK IN NMP AREA ENVISIONED APPLICATIONS TO FP6, NMP: 1 NoE SEVERAL STREP-s 2 IP IN THE FUTURE: SEVERAL NEST, MC, CA Self-organisation and self-assembling IP, NOE and STREP Engineering techniques for nanotubes and related systems IP, NOE and STREP Understanding materials phenomena NOE, STREP and CA Mastering Chemistry; IP, NOE, STREP and CA processing creating new pathways for multifunctional materials New materials by design IP, NOE, STREP and CA New knowledge-based IP, NOE, STREP and CA higher performance materials for macro-scale applications New generation of sensors, IP, NOE and STREP actuators and systems for health, safety and security of people and environment Expanding the knowledge in size-dependent phenomena CA Surface science and engineering NOE, STREP and IP, NOE, STREP and CA New production technologies, based on nanotechnology and new materials NEST & MC activities are planned STREP EUROSUPRANET ORGANISATION NETWORK PARTICIPATING UNITS AREAS OF OUR INTEREST MC & NEST PROGRAMMES ARE ENVISIONED ALSO MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE RELATIONS WITH EC OFFICE TRAINING CONTENTS BUSINESS STRUCTURE INTERNET EXTENSIVE USE PROFESSIONAL EXTERNAL SERVICES EUROSUPRANET CONFERENCES SPREADING OF EXCELLENCE