Definitions and Examples of Question Item Types

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Definitions and Examples of Question Item Types
SelectSurvey contains over 20 different item types. Many of the item types are questions that request
a response from the user, while others are formatting elements for HTML, messages, images, etc.
Question types come in four categories:
Open Ended
The following pages will give you definitions of each question type. Additionally, you will be shown a
sample result of what each question would look like. You can use the hyperlinks inside this document
to quickly navigate to any question you would like.
Choice Question Types
Choice questions require respondents to choose an answer.
There are six possible question types under the “choice” category:
Database Dropdown
This type of question requires that you have access to and knowledge of sql server. We will not be covering this question in this documentation.
Multiple Answers (checkboxes)
One Answer (dropdown)
One Answer (option buttons)
Matrix Question Types
Matrix questions have multiple rows and columns
There are five possible question types under the “matrix” category:
Multiple Answers Per Row (checkboxes)
Multiple Answers per row (dropdown)
Multiple Answers per row (text boxes)
One Answer per row (options)
Rating Scale (numeric)
Open-Ended Question Types
The open-ended question seeks to explore the qualitative, in-depth aspects of a particular topic
or issue. It allows the respondent to respond in detail, but places few constraints on the nature
of their response.
There are eight possible question types under the “choice” category:
Constant Sum
One line
One or more lines
Presentation Question Types
These items are not “question types” per say. They are formatting items for your survey to create a
customized look and feel. The last item in the list “Respondent File Upload” allows the respondent to
upload a file.
Place a heading anywhere in your survey
Horizontal Rule
Place a horizontal rule anywhere in your survey
Allows you to make use of your coding skills if you prefer not to type straight text
Image or Video
Upload an image or video into your survey
Input a spefic message to respondents anywhere in your survey
Respondent File Upload
Insert this question type to allow the respondents to upload a file to you
Multiple Answers (checkboxes)
1) Click to Insert a question in your survey (to know how to insert a question, please refer to the
video “Creating a Survey” in our series.
2) Select the desired question type.
3) Type in the text of the question in the available field.
4) Enter any desired validation options:
Check this box to require a
Align the answers either
vertically or horizontally
Manage the
number of
Use pre-filled answers or type in
your own
You can assign
points to answers
Allow respondent to fill
in their own answer
5) Click “Save” when finished.
One Answer (dropdown)
1) Click to Insert a question in your survey
2) Select the desired question type.
3) Type in the text of the question in the available field.
4) Enter any desired validation options:
Check this box to require a
Use pre-filled answers or type in
your own
You can assign
points to answers
5) Click “Save” when finished.
SAMPLE - ONE ANSWER (dropdown)
One Answer (option buttons)
1) Click to Insert a question in your survey
2) Select the desired question type.
3) Type in the text of the question in the available field.
4) Enter any desired validation options:
Check this box to require a
Align the answers either
vertically or horizontally
Use pre-filled answers or type in
your own
You can assign
points to answers
Allow respondent to fill
in their own answer
5) Click “Save” when finished.
SAMPLE - ONE ANSWER (option buttons)
True/False AND Yes/No
Dichotomous questions provides two options and are either yes/no or true/false.
1) Click to Insert a question in your survey.
2) Select the desired question type.
3) Type in the text of the question in the available field.
4) Enter any desired validation options (validation options are same for both true/false and yes/no
Check this box to
require a question
Select how you
want the answers
to appear
5) Click “Save” when finished.
Multiple Answers Per Row (checkboxes)
Matrix/Multiple Choice Questions are actually a series of questions, all of which have the same
answer scale. Multiple attributes can be evaluated using built-in Likert scales or you can create
your own.
1) Click to Insert a question in your survey (to know how to insert a question, please refer to the
video “Creating a Survey” in our series.
2) Select the desired question type.
3) Type in the text of the question in the available field.
4) Enter any desired validation options (validation options are same for both true/false and yes/no
Check this box to
require a question
Type in the desired
row names
Use pre-filled answers or
type in your own
You can assign
points to answers
5) Click “Save” when finished.
Multiple Answers Per Row (dropdown)
1) Click to Insert a question in your survey (to know how to insert a question, please refer to the
video “Creating a Survey” in our series.
2) Select the desired question type.
3) Type in the text of the question in the available field.
4) Enter any desired validation options (validation options are same for both true/false and yes/no
Check this box to
require a question
Type row headings
Type column
Choose which type of
5) Click “Save” when finished.
Multiple Answers Per Row (Textboxes)
1) Click to Insert a question in your survey (to know how to insert a question, please refer to the
video “Creating a Survey” in our series.
2) Select the desired question type.
3) Type in the text of the question in the available field.
4) Enter any desired validation options (validation options are same for both true/false and yes/no
Check this box to
require a question
Type in row headings
Use pre-filled answers or
type in your own
You can assign
points to answers
5) Click “Save” when finished.
One Answer Per Row (Option Buttons)
1) Click to Insert a question in your survey (to know how to insert a question, please refer to the
video “Creating a Survey” in our series.
2) Select the desired question type.
3) Type in the text of the question in the available field.
4) Enter any desired validation options (validation options are same for both true/false and yes/no
Check this box to require a
Enter row headings
Use pre-filled answers or type in
your own
You can assign
points to answers
5) Click “Save” when finished.
Rating Scale (numeric)
1) Click to Insert a question in your survey (to know how to insert a question, please refer to the
video “Creating a Survey” in our series.
2) Select the desired question type.
3) Type in the text of the question in the available field.
4) Enter any desired validation options (validation options are same for both true/false and yes/no
Check this box to require a
Enter the desired
rating scale
Enter row
5) Click “Save” when finished.
Open-Ended Calculated
The open ended calculated question type allows you to enter a formula which will calculate the
numeric value that displays in the textbox from answers to other questions.
1) Click to Insert a question in your survey (to know how to insert a question, please refer to the
video “Creating a Survey” in our series.
2) Select the desired question type.
3) Type in the text of the question in the available field.
4) Enter any desired validation options (validation options are same for both true/false and yes/no
5) Click “Save” when finished.
Open-Ended Comments
The open ended comments box allows respondents to enter unlimited text characters. Default
value can be set and question can be set as required.
1) Click to Insert a question in your survey (to know how to insert a question, please refer to the
video “Creating a Survey” in our series.
2) Select the desired question type.
3) Type in the text of the question in the available field.
4) Enter any desired validation options (validation options are same for both true/false and yes/no
Check this box to
require a question
Use Plain or
Rich Text
Set width of
answer box
5) Click “Save” when finished.
Open-EndedConstant Sum
The constant sum question allows respondent to enter numbers that would add up to a total
value. The minimum, or maximum or required validation is available.
A constant sum question permits collection of "ratio" data, meaning that the data is able to
express the relative value or importance of the options (option A is twice as important as option
1) Click to Insert a question in your survey (to know how to insert a question, please refer to the
video “Creating a Survey” in our series.
2) Select the desired question type.
3) Type in the text of the question in the available field.
4) Enter any desired validation options (validation options are same for both true/false and yes/no
Check this box to
require a question
If desired, add a
total value
Enter Row
If desired, adjust the
width of the answer box
5) Click “Save” when finished.
Open-Ended Date
The open ended date question allows respondents to select a date from the date picker, or type
in a date. Default value of current date can be set and question can be set as required.
1) Click to Insert a question in your survey (to know how to insert a question, please refer to the
video “Creating a Survey” in our series.
2) Select the desired question type.
3) Type in the text of the question in the available field.
4) Enter any desired validation options (validation options are same for both true/false and yes/no
Check this box to
require a question
If you have a
min and max
value you can
enter them here.
5) Click “Save” when finished.
Open-Ended Number
Number - The open ended number question type allows respondents to enter numeric answers.
Number masking formats are available for: dollars, euros, decimal, general numeric, etc. This
format also will be used in the export files. Default value can be set and question can be set as
1) Click to Insert a question in your survey (to know how to insert a question, please refer to the
video “Creating a Survey” in our series.
2) Select the desired question type.
3) Type in the text of the question in the available field.
4) Enter any desired validation options (validation options are same for both true/false and yes/no
Check this box to
require a question
If you have a
min and max
value you can
enter them here.
5) Click “Save” when finished.
Open-Ended One Line
The open ended one line allows respondents to enter text answers limited to 255 characters.
Default value can be set and question can be set as required. This can be used when you want
only two to three word answers.
1) Click to Insert a question in your survey (to know how to insert a question, please refer to the
video “Creating a Survey” in our series.
2) Select the desired question type.
3) Type in the text of the question in the available field.
4) Enter any desired validation options (validation options are same for both true/false and yes/no
Check this box to
require a question
Set desired width
of answer box
5) Click “Save” when finished.
Open-Ended One or More Lines
The open ended one or more lines can have one or two rows for text entry answers. You can
mention your criteria or the characters needed.
1) Click to Insert a question in your survey (to know how to insert a question, please refer to the
video “Creating a Survey” in our series.
2) Select the desired question type.
3) Type in the text of the question in the available field.
4) Enter any desired validation options (validation options are same for both true/false and yes/no
Check this box to
require a question
Enter row
5) Click “Save” when finished.
Open-Ended Ranking
The ranking question allows respondents to numerically rank answer options.
1) Click to Insert a question in your survey (to know how to insert a question, please refer to the
video “Creating a Survey” in our series.
2) Select the desired question type.
3) Type in the text of the question in the available field.
4) Enter any desired validation options (validation options are same for both true/false and yes/no
Check this box to
require a question
Enter row
5) Click “Save” when finished.