The Transatlantic Slave Trade

History 3605:
Professor McDonald
Spring 2012
Feb. 16, 2012
Problem #1: 1st Citation Format
Option 1:
David Northrup (ed.), The Transatlantic Slave
Trade (Boston: Wadsworth, 2011), p. XX.
Option 2:
Herbert Klein, “Profits and Losses,” in The
Transatlantic Slave Trade ed. David Northrup,
(Boston: Wadsworth, 2011), p. XX.
Figures based on McCusker and Menard, The Economy of British America, 1607-1789, 54.
How did the class do?:
• Correct: 7
• Incorrect: 15
• One still outstanding: 1
What did I get instead:
• Herbert S. Klein, “Economic Aspects of the
Eighteenth-Century Atlantic Slave Trade,”
in The Rise of the Merchant Empire,
edited by James D. Tracy, 1990, pp. 287,
299, 303-308. Reprinted with the
permission of Cambridge University Press.
Profits and Losses Pg 91
What I got continued…..
• Klein, Herbert, “Profits and Losses,” in The
Atlantic Slave Trade, ed. David Northrup,
(Boston, MA: Wadsworth, 2011), p. 77.
• Herbert S. Klein, “Profits and Losses,” from The
Atlantic Slave Trade, ed. by David Northrup,
2011, pp. 76-81.
• David Northrup (ed.), The Atlantic Save Trade
(Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2001), p. 77.
Problem #: 2nd Citation Format
Option 1:
Northrup, Atlantic Slave Trade, p. 88.
Option 2:
Klein, “Profits and Losses,” p. 88.
How did the class do?
Correct: 5
Incorrect: 17
One still outstanding: 1
What I got instead……
Northrup, David. The Atlantic Slave Trade.
(Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2002),
David Northrup (ed.), The Atlantic Slave
Trade, p. 76.
Herbert Klein, The Atlantic Slave Trade, 79
What I got continued….
Klein, “Profits and Losses” pages 77-78
David, Northrup. The Atlantic Slave Trade 3rd Ed.
P. 78
Id 76
Problem #3: Citing the Database
(the first time)
“The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database
Voyages,” Emory University, accessed 1
February 2012,
tast/ assessment/estimates.faces.
• Or the second variation that included a last
modified date….
Figures based on Philip Curtin, The Atlantic Slave Trade: A Census (Madison, 1969), 268
• Or Voyages: The Trans-Atlantic Slave
Database…as the name
What I got instead…
Emory University. “Voyages”. The Trans-Atlantic
Slave Trade Database. 10 Feb. 2012
Voyages Database 2009. Voyages: The TransAtlantic Slave Database.
“The Trans-Atlantic Slave Database: Voyages.”
Emory University 2009.
Most interesting of all….
• Seven (yes, that’s 7) of you did
not have a footnote for the TransAtlantic Slave Database at all.
• Pray tell, was it not one of your
Problem #4:Second time you cite
the database
“The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database
What I got instead….
• The Trans-Atlantic Slave Database
• Slave Database
• Database
• Voyages
What to do now!?!
David Northrup (ed.), The Transatlantic Slave Trade (Boston:
Wadsworth, 2011), p. XX.
Herbert Klein, “Profits and Losses,” in The Transatlantic Slave Trade
ed. David Northrup, (Boston: Wadsworth, 2011), p. XX.
Northrup, Atlantic Slave Trade, p. 88.
Klein, “Profits and Losses,” p. 88.
“The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database Voyages,” Emory University,
accessed 1 February 2012,
tast/ assessment/estimates.faces.
“The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database Voyages.”
And if I have no footnotes for
Book is up front….have fun.