Chapter 11 Vocabulary

Chapter 11 Vocabulary
Industrial Revolution – a time period during which machines gradually took the place of many
hand tools
factory system – brought workers and machinery together in one place
capitalist – a person who invests capital, or money, in a business to earn a profit
Francis Cabot Lowell – an American who, with other capitalists, built a factory where spinning
and weaving were done in the same building
mass production – the rapid manufacture of large numbers of identical objects
interchangeable parts – identical pieces that could be assembled quickly by unskilled workers
urbanization – the growth of cities due to the movement of people from rural areas to cities
telegraph – a device that used electrical signals to send messages
Samuel F. B. Morse – the inventor of the telegraph
famine – widespread starvation
nativists – people who wanted to preserve the country for white, American-born Protestants
discrimination – the denial of equal rights or equal treatment to certain groups of people
cotton gin – a machine that used a spiked cylinder to remove seeds from cotton fibers
slave code – laws that controlled every aspect of the lives of enslaved African Americans
spiritual – a religious folk song that blended biblical themes with the realities of slavery
Nat Turner – a slave who led a famous slave revolt in 1831
Daniel Boone – a famous early pioneer who helped clear the Wilderness Road
turnpike – a toll road
corduroy road – a road made of sawed-off logs laid side by side
canal – a channel that is dug across land and filled with water
Henry Clay – a senator who persuaded Congress to adopt the Missouri Compromise