UNIT 1 packet music appreciation

Mr. Redick – Music Appreciation – UNIT 1
Table of Contents
p. 8
Music Interview
p. 10-18
Love Song Analysis
p. 19
Love Song Writing
Music Appreciation Syllabus
A-DAY: RM. 704 B-DAY: RM. 703
Mr. Redick- dredick@noblenetwork.org
Office hours by appointment
I. Course Description
Music Appreciation will focus primarily on 20th century developments in popular music, namely Rock and Roll.
Students will develop their critical thinking/writing skills while exploring the history of the art form, from the povertystricken Southern blues of the early 20th century to the fragmentation of genres in the 1970’s (metal, punk, hip-hop),
and its relation to current music. Successful students will have an interest in analyzing and discussing/writing about
music with their peers. While much of the work will happen in the classroom, homework will be assigned as needed to
effectively prepare for quizzes and projects. Students will be expected to attend 1-2 concerts during the semester and
compose a brief reflection/review.
II. Required Text and Materials
Notebook (Students will need to provide
Students will be expected to have the following materials in class everyday:
- Daily Agenda (supplied by school)
- Pen (blue or black ink)
- Pencil
- Notebook
- Unit Packet
- Music Theory Packet
III. Grading Information
Grading Scale
97-100 A+
93-96 A
90-92 ACategory
87-89 B+
83-86 B
80-82 BFrequency per
77-79 C+
73-76 C
70-72 C-
67-69 D+
63-66 D
60-62 D-
Approx. #
Points per
0-59 F
Approx. weight in course
Quiz (vocab.,
grammar, content)
2-3 per week
1-2 per week
1 per unit
(excluding the
last unit)
1-2 per unit
(excluding the
last unit)
1 per semester
1 per semester
Final Exam
The use of the total points system allows for full transparency, therefore students may maintain his/her own scores on a
class grade record sheet. Students should understand that all are totals given are approximate. Teachers reserve the
right to provide additional assignments as deemed necessary for the continuity of the course.
Proactive Intervention Plan
The Proactive Improvement Plan will be used to ensure that all students stay on track and excel throughout the course
of the semester. This is meant to HELP students who may be having trouble with content or skills and should not be
seen as a consequence.
Mastery is defined as 70% or higher on unit quizzes and 70% of higher on unit exams.
Homework (when assigned) should be 100% complete each night assigned
Red Flags
Less than 70% on a quiz
Less than 70% on a Unit Exam
Several incomplete homework assignments
Frequent absences
Inconsistent submission of portfolios
Low portfolio performance
Mandatory Office Hours for quiz or test analysis
Mandated Writer’s Workshop
Small group re-teaching or study team in office hours
Individual Action Plan for study skills and/or organization
One-on-one tutoring
Conference with student and advisor/parent
Students can avoid interventions by actively participating in class and studying for exams and quizzes well in advance.
Additionally, students should be sure to take all assignments seriously and complete them in a place that is conducive to
studying. Lastly, students can attend office hours for individual help on art assignments or homework.
IV. Student Expectations
Tardy Policy (not in seat when bell rings): Less than 1 minute = 1D, 1 – 3 minutes = 2D, More than 3 minutes = 4 D
Absences: Absence in class will reflect heavily on your grade and your preparedness for the Showcase and final exam.
Students must return absent work within the same number of days as they were absent. When absent, please do the
1. Check the class Wiki for missed handouts and / or homework: http://muchincollegeprep.wikispaces.com/
2. Talk to a classmate to get notes and missed assignments.
3. Email your teacher with questions during absence.
4. Speak with your teacher after class or school in a timely manner.
If a project is due on the date of absence, the assignment must be emailed to the teacher by no later than 8am or will be
counted as late. Late project assignments will receive a 50% deduction after the due date and may be turned in up to one
week late for no more than 50%.
Homework: Since this is an upper level course, students will be responsible for managing their time effectively when a
project deadline is approaching. Students will be given time in class, however, if more time is needed, the student is
responsible for allotting time before or after-school to complete the assignment. All late work must be handed in the
next class day and will only receive half-credit. Late work will only be accepted at the beginning of the following class
day, earning zero credit after that point.
Classroom Rewards
Classroom Consequences
Students who meet the expectations of the class will
be rewarded in several ways, including:
Students who choose to break a rule or not meet the
expectations of class will be responsible for the
following consequences, depending on the severity of
the behavior:
- Praise and recognition
- Merits
- Positive communication to parents
- Demerits, LaSalle, or Detention
- Conference with parents/guardians
- Possible suspension or expulsion from school
V. Classroom Procedures
Start of Class: Students are expected to work silently on the “Do Now” upon entering class. Passing period is social time
therefore the start of class is not. Do not concern yourself with the doings of others. Students who are not in their seat
by the end of passing period will acquire the tardy consequences listed under “Student Expectations.” Homework should
be immediately placed at the top left corner of student’s desk or will be considered late, resulting in a LaSalle.
Hand Raising: In order to receive full participation points, students must raise their hand to be acknowledged by the
teacher to speak.
Bathroom Policy: Upperclassman will not be given MCP passes and should manage their passing time accordingly. Any
bathroom requests should only be an emergency; security will be called to escort you to the bathroom with the
consequence of one demerit.
Dismissal: As a college-prep class, you are expected to treat the teacher and fellow peers with respect. Do not get ready
to leave unless the teacher, not the bell, has signaled you to do so.
Integrity: Due to the complexity of this course, students will not always have the correct answer, in which case
classmates are expected to act with respect and integrity. If this is violated, students will be administered the necessary
number of demerits. This includes name-calling, eye-rolling, audible sighs, derogatory slurs, laughing at another
classmate’s mistake, etc. Disagreement may occur, but value judgments about another student’s opinion will be
respectful and thoughtful at all times. Offenses will be treated harshly to maintain the productive classroom
Students are also expected to submit their own, original work and should accurately quote and reference outside
sources. Students will receive an automatic detention and a zero on the assignment for their first academic dishonesty
offense and a one day suspension for each additional offense. Any form of plagiarism is a punishable offense that will
affect your academic standing for the remainder of the course.
VI. Muchin Arts Showcase/Important Date – Understand that this date is subject to change. At the end of the
semester (Approximately January 12, 2015), all students who have been enrolled in an art/music course will have the
opportunity to showcase their art at an all-school attended event. More details on the event will be provided as the
school-year progresses.
Music Appreciation
Student Agreement
I certify that I have thoroughly read and understand the Music Appreciation syllabus. I agree to abide by the expectations and
procedures described above. Additionally, I understand that dates outlined in the calendar above are subject to change (with ample
notice). I also understand that there will be certain rigor associated with this course that will challenge me to think at the college
Student Name Printed
Student Signature
Parent / Guardian Agreement
I certify that I have thoroughly read and understand the Music Appreciation syllabus. I agree to the classroom expectations and
procedures described above. I understand that this class will require my student to think at the college level through advanced
course content.
I will encourage my students throughout his/her Music Appreciation preparation and will contact the teacher if I have any
questions or concerns.
Parent / Guardian Name Printed
Parent / Guardian Signature
Directions: Interview your grandparents or the oldest person you know about the music they used to listen
to when they were young. Come up with at least 4 questions for them. Things like:
- Who were some of your favorite musicians/artists?
- What kind of social gatherings involved music when they were young?
- How do you feel when you listen to the music from your childhood now?
Make sure you include in the space below:
a) The name of your interviewee and your relation to them (i.e. Joe Dimaggio; Grandpa)
b) The question you asked
c) A summary of their response (Include at least 1 direct quote for each answer!!!)
Title: Consider the title and make a prediction about what the
poem is about.
Paraphrase: Translate the poem line by line into your own words
on a literal level. Look for complete thoughts (sentences may be
inverted) and look up unfamiliar words.
Connotation: Examine the poem for meaning beyond the literal.
Look for figurative language, imagery, sound elements, AS WELL
AS words that are accented or stressed by the music.
Attitude/Tone: Notice the speaker’s tone and attitude (humor,
sarcasm, awe, etc.) AS WELL AS the mood of the music (angry, sad,
joyful, melancholy, etc).
Shifts: Note any shifts of changes in speaker or attitude. Look for
key words, time change, punctuation, and mood shifts in the
Title: Examine the title again, this time on an interpretive level.
Theme: Briefly state in your own words what the poem is about
(subject), then what the poet is saying about the subject (theme)
and how the music complements or contradicts that theme (i.e. If
the poem is about falling in love for the first time, is the music
happy? Or sad? What does that say about the artist’s first love?)
Why is the Pop song such a common medium for expressing feelings about love, and how do individual
songs relate to their historical moments?
The love song has been around for thousands of years and existed in virtually every culture: fragments of love
songs and lyric poetry etched on papyrus and carved in stone survive from ancient Greece and Egypt. Medieval
troubadours perfected the art of writing and singing about idealized love. Opera composers dramatized romance in
music. Amorous parlor songs played a role in courtships.
And of course, love songs are a fixture in contemporary musical culture. By most estimates, they have made up the
majority of songs on the popularity charts throughout the 20th century and into the 21st. Musicians working in every
major genre of American popular music—including Folk, Jazz, Pop, Country, Rhythm and Blues, and Rock and Roll
— have produced songs about love. The variety of themes is similarly broad, encompassing many different aspects
of and perspectives on relationships, from loss and longing to hope and dreaming.
Rock and Roll love songs inherit much from their historical predecessors, but they also demonstrate how cultural
ideas about love, sex, and relationships change over time. New musical styles present opportunities to approach an
old subject in new ways, and the sometimes raucous sounds of Rock and Roll made entirely new types of songs
about love possible.
Watch Dion Dimucci’s, “Music as a Way Out”
1) What does Dion say about emotional songs like the
Flamingos’ “Would I Be Crying”? What is his “secret”?
2) Why might it be easier to sing rather than speak about
emotions like love or heartbreak?
Love Song Lyrics (Excerpts)
Respond to the following portions of the TPCASTT format for each song excerpt in the space to the right.
1) T: Examine the title/predict content of song.
2) C: Connotation
a. Underline words that seem stressed/accented by the music.
3) A: Attitude
4) T: Theme
Would I Be Crying?
I can’t be lying
Can’t you see that I'm crying
Would I be crying
If I were lying to you?
My heart is about to break
I regret making my mistake
My love for you burns the same
And my tears can’t put out the flame
Communication Breakdown
Hey girl, I got something I think you ought
to know
Hey babe, I wanna tell you that I love you so
I wanna hold you in my arms, yeah
I’m never gonna let you go, ’cause I like your
With My Eyes Wide Open, I’m Dreaming
With my eyes wide open, I’m dreaming
Can it be true
I’m holding you
Close to my heart?
With my eyes wide open, I’m dreaming
You’re with me now
Sharing a vow
Never to part
I’m so afraid to close my eyes
Afraid that I’ll find
That this lovely thrill
Is just a silly illusion
With my eyes wide open, I’m dreaming
You Don’t Own Me
You don’t own me
I’m not just one of your many toys
You don't own me
Don’t say I can't go with other boys
And don’t tell me what to do
Don’t tell me what to say
And please, when I go out with you
Don’t put me on display
The Beatles
The Beatles' first visit to America, 1964
Credit: United Press International
The Beatles are universally regarded as one of the most important bands in the history of Rock and Roll. Over the
course of an active career that spanned just 8 years, the band released some of the most enduring popular music of the
20th century – a catalog whose influence would be hard to overstate. To give but one measure of the band’s stature,
when Rolling Stone ranked the "500 Greatest Albums Of All Time,” four Beatles records made the top ten: Revolver,
Rubber Soul, The Beatles(a.k.a. the “White Album”) and Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, which made the No. 1
Beatles formed in Liverpool in the late-1950s. Inspired by American Rock and Roll as well as the English Skiffle
craze, a teenage John Lennon teamed up with Paul McCartney to form the Quarrymen. George Harrison was recruited
soon thereafter, and before long the band changed their name to the Silver Beatles, then simply the Beatles. Original
drummer Pete Best was replaced by Ringo Starr during the band's first recordings for the label EMI, cut with producer
George Martin.
The band cut their teeth during their early years playing clubs in Liverpool and Hamburg, Germany, mixing stray
original songs with a repertoire heavy on numbers by American Rock and Rollers including Little Richard, Chuck Berry,
Gene Vincent, and Larry Williams. Manager Brian Epstein molded the scruffy, leather-wearing combo into a professional
act, and helped secure the band a record deal in 1962. The early singles "Love Me Do," and "Please, Please Me" climbed
the U.K. charts, taking the band from regional success to stardom in Britain, and from there things snowballed. The band’s
first visit to New York City, in February 1964, and their subsequent appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show – the bestwatched program in television history to date -- launched a hysterical wave of popularity that would be dubbed
“Beatlemania.” It also kicked off the British Invasion, an era that saw English bands including the Kinks, Rolling Stones,
Animals and the Who dominating the charts in the United States, while purveyors of American styles including Surf, DooWop, and R&B found themselves abruptly marginalized.
The Beatles’ popularity was such that their tours became frenzied affairs akin to military maneuvers, and tired of
the ordeal, the Beatles retired from live performance after completing a U.S. tour in August 1966, to focus on recording.
The records the Beatles made during this period, in partnership with longtime producer George Martin – Rubber Soul,
Yesterday and Today, Revolver – were increasingly marked by invention and experimentation, and are considered among
the band’s highwater marks.
Their growing studio sophistication culminated in 1967’s Sgt. Peppper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, a tour de force
that’s considered one of the most influential records of the 20th century, in part for the way it advanced the idea of an
album as a cohesive artistic statement rather than a collection of singles.
At the heart of the Beatles was harmonizing and songwriting collaboration between McCartney and Lennon. While
each was a formidable talent on his own, it was through their partnership that each one’s gifts fully flowered, both because
each was spurred by a sense of competition and because McCartney’s innate melodicism and Lennon’s soulful grit were
such a potent combination. In all, the partnership resulted in over two dozen No. 1 hits in the U.S. and U.K., and a great
many songs considered classics, from early efforts such as “She Loves You” and “I Want to Hold Your Hand” to midperiod gems such as “Help!” and “Yesterday” to latter-period songs such as “Across the Universe” and “Let It Be.” George
Harrison's skill as a songwriter also gradually blossomed; he would have to fight to have his songs included on Beatles
records, but Harrison's original songs such as "Something" and "Here Comes The Sun" stand among the Beatles most
beloved material.
By 1970, creative and personal tensions split the band apart. All members went on to successful solo careers.
Fans and critics clamored for a reunion that would never be realized. John Lennon was murdered by a deranged fan in
New York City in 1980. George Harrison died of cancer in 2002.
1) Complete a FULL TPCASTT analysis of The Beatles, “If I Fell.”
#1 "If I Fell"
If I fell in love with you
Would you promise to be true
And help me understand
Cos I've been in love before
And I found that love was more
Than just holding hands
If I give my heart to you
I must be sure
From the very start
That you would love me more than her
If I trust in you oh please
Don't run and hide
If I love you too oh please
Don't hurt my pride like her
Cos I couldn't stand the pain
And I would be sad if our new love was in vain
So I hope you see that I
Would love to love you
And that she will cry
When she learns we are two
Cos I couldn't stand the pain
And I would be sad if our new love was in vain
Discussion Questions:
How old is the narrator? Does it matter?
Which words does the artists draw attention to? Why?
1) Complete a FULL TPCASTT analysis of The Beatles, “In My Life.”
#2 "In My Life"
There are places I remember
All my life though some have changed
Some forever not for better
Some have gone and some remain
All these places have their moments
With lovers and friends I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life I've loved them all
But of all these friends and lovers
There is no one compares with you
And these memories lose their meaning
When I think of love as something new
Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more
Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more
In my life I love you more
Discussion Questions:
How old is the narrator? Does it matter?
Which words does the artists draw attention to? Why?
1) Complete a FULL TPCASTT analysis of The Beatles, “In My Life.”
Because the world is round it turns me on
Because the world is round...aaaaaahhhhhh
Because the wind is high it blows my mind
Because the wind is high...aaaaaaaahhhh
Love is all, love is new
Love is all, love is you
Because the sky is blue, it makes me cry
Because the sky is blue...aaaaaaaahhhh
Discussion Questions:
Why does the artist “book-end” each stanza? (i.e. repeats
“Because the world is round” in the first stanza)
Which words does the artists draw attention to? Why?
1) With a partner, write a 3-5 sentence response to each prompt.
1) How do the themes of the Beatles’ songs differ/remain the same?
2) How do musical differences highlight the differences in theme?
1) Compose a short love song according the rubric in the space provided.
2) Your song should be at least 30 lines long
a. At least 150 words.
3) Underline words that you think should be stressed/accented by the music.
Love Song (Writing) Rubric
Falls Far Below
5 pts
20 pts Your song has a
clear purpose to it, it fits
with it's topic or title.
20 pts A set of words,
phrases or sounds that
make up a song
20 pts There must be at
least TWO separate
verses to it, the chorus
must have at least four
lines to it.
Music Description
5 pts Your song has a
clear description of the
type of music that could
accompany your lyrics.
10 pts
Falls Far Below
Purpose is unclear, song
doesn't seem to have
any focus or topic.
Song MIGHT fit it's title
or topic if you really
thought about it,
however is still unclear.
Falls Far Below
Lyrics lack consistent
flow and have little
meaning to the writer.
Falls Far Below
Song has one or no
verses and chorus is
only a line or two.
Lyrics flow somewhat
and are somewhat
Chorus is mostly
complete, one verse
might be finished.
15 pts
20 pts
Song has a clear
Lyrics are meaningful
and flow well.
The song has a clear
purpose and is exciting
to listen to.
The lyrics are
meaningful to the
artists, flow well, and
offer an original “take”
(perspective) on love.
Chorus is complete with
at least 4 lines to it, Two
verses are completed.
The song has three or
more verses to it, the
chorus is complete. The
song has gone above
and beyond the
minimum requirement
of 2 verses.
Falls Far Below
No description of music
Music is described with
a single word (i.e. rock,
angry, fast, etc.)
Music is described with
a few key words and
Music is described with
precise, figurative
language and genre.
Description of Music:_________________________________________