Scoring and Reporting Scoring and Reporting Components of the 2015 Texas Assessment Program • State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) – – – – STAAR Spanish STAAR A STAAR L STAAR Alternate 2 • TAKS (exit level) • Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment Answer Documents • STAAR and STAAR Spanish — one combined answer document • STAAR A is online • STAAR L is online • STAAR Alternate 2 — no answer documents should be submitted for students assessed with STAAR Alternate 2 • TELPAS is online • TAKS is online since October 2014 Answer Documents STAAR Score Codes “S” – tested “A” – absent “O” – other (illness, testing irregularity, EOC/above grade level, substitute assessment, etc.) “*” – paper/online (STAAR/STAAR A or STAAR/STAAR L) SSI score codes EOC defaults to “O” if student previously achieved Level II: Satisfactory Academic Performance (score code default set to “3”) Answer Documents • An “*” score code is present on all STAAR answer documents that have two subject areas tested. Answer Documents • TEST TAKEN INFO field — information about the language version (English or Spanish) must be recorded in this field. “EN” or “SP” for grades 3, 4, and 5 Answer Documents Grade 5 Answer Document Grade 7 Answer Document Grade 8 Answer Document EOC STAAR Precoding • Precoded labels – English I and II, and grades 4 and 7 writing • Precoded answer documents – STAAR EOC (Algebra I, biology, and U.S. history) and grades 3–8 reading, mathematics, science, and social studies Precoding Districts can receive two pre-coded answer documents (when appropriate) for students testing above grade. Example: A student will take grade 6 reading and grade 7 mathematics. Submit a record in the pre-code file with the grade-level-code as ‘06’ and a value of ‘07’ in the “Above Grade Code” field. Precoding Reminder that PEARSON does NOT pull PEIMS records for EOC. Districts need to supply data if they want pre-coded documents for students other than the non-masters. You will receive two pre-coded answer documents in April for grades 5 and 8 due to delayed testing for mathematics. One document will be used for mathematics and the other will be used for science (grade 5) or science and social studies (grade 8). The demographic data on the answer documents will be the same. Update both answer documents if a change is needed. Make sure to use the answer document that corresponds to the test book. STAAR Reporting • EOC and 3–8 will have separate data files/reports • All reports will be provided online in PDF format • STAAR, STAAR Spanish, STAAR L, STAAR A, and STAAR Alternate 2 will all be reported on the same file • Changes between 2014 and 2015 are shown in italics STAAR Standard Reports • • • • Confidential Student Reports (CSRs) Confidential Student Labels Confidential Campus Rosters Campus and District Summary Reports— including constructed response, phase-in, combined, and cumulative history (grades 5 & 8 retests) summary reports • Data Files – individual student data files • Item Analysis Summary and Individual Reports (STAAR reading, writing, science, and social studies for grades 3–8 and all EOC subjects) • Images of Essays and Short Answers (provided no later than two weeks after the due in district date for the paper reports) STAAR 3-8 – Summary of Changes Due to the revised TEKS for grades 3–8 mathematics being assessed in 2015, new standards will need to be set. When reports are initially provided to districts, mathematics results will contain raw scores only. Standards will be set during summer 2015 and final reports with scale scores and passing information will be provided to districts in September 2015. All reports will be provided in September except for grade 5 science, grade 8 science and social studies, and all STAAR Alternate 2 printed Confidential Student Reports and student labels. PDF reports will be reposted including grade 5 science, grade 8 science and social studies, and all STAAR Alternate 2 results. Changes in reporting due to testing grades 5 and 8 mathematics in April STAAR 3–8 – Summary of Changes (cont.) When reading tests from the March administration have been scored, reports will be generated and posted online only (by 4/15) and will include Confidential Student Reports (CSRs), Confidential Campus Rosters, Summary Reports, and Data Files. After the April administration, mathematics results for grades 5 and 8 will be merged with the reading results. Printed and online reports for 5 and 8 reading and mathematics and for the spring administration of grades 3–8 will be provided to districts by 5/22. 3–8 Reporting CSR’s All subjects on one report PDF online; paper copies shipped to district (two copies per student) Parent brochures (one sheet, two pages) will be provided with the CSRs – both English and Spanish provided; a flyer will be provided in spring explaining why students are receiving raw scores only on mathematics (TEKS revisions). Parent brochures will not be provided with the revised reports that are sent in September. Includes STAAR or ELL Progress Measure where applicabl e Same data will be available in the student portal SLIDE 18 Scoring and Reporting Initial Report – No Standards Established for Mathematics SLIDE 19 Scoring and Reporting Final Report with Math Standards Scoring and Reporting SLIDE 20 3 – 8 Reporting - Labels • Same format as 2014 • Grade 5 and 8 retest labels will have previous administration data (from current year) 3–8 Reporting – Rosters Separate rosters for each subject Separate rosters for STAAR, STAAR Spanish, STAAR L, STAAR A, and STAAR Alternate 2 “All Students” “Students Not Achieving Satisfactory Performance” (not provided for Alternate 2) Includes STAAR or ELL Progress Measure where applicable PDF Online Scoring and Reporting SLIDE 23 Scoring and Reporting SLIDE 24 3–8 Reporting – Summaries Scoring and Reporting One page per subject; writing will also have a constructed responses page Separate summaries for STAAR, STAAR Spanish, STAAR L, STAAR A, and STAAR Alternate 2 “All Students” Only PDF Online SLIDE 26 Scoring and Reporting Initial Summary Report – No Standards Established; Average Raw Scores SLIDE 27 Scoring and Reporting Final Summary Report – with Mathematics Standards and Average Scale Scores 3-8 Reporting - Summaries • Phase-In Summary – one for each grade and test version (STAAR, STAAR Spanish, STAAR L, and STAAR A) • Number and percent of students at Level II (and above) for the Phase-In 1 and Recommended Standards; percent of students at Level II (and above) for Phase-In 2 and Phase-In 3 Scoring and Reporting SLIDE 29 3-8 Reporting - Summaries • Combined Summary Report – One page per subject – STAAR, STAAR Spanish, STAAR L, and STAAR A Level II performance results are combined on the same page along with totals for all applicable test versions – Campus and District – “All Students” Only – PDF Online Scoring and Reporting SLIDE 31 3-8 Reporting - Summaries • Cumulative Summary Report – Provided for the May and June grades 5 and 8 retests (reading only in 2015) – English and Spanish are combined for grade 5 – STAAR and STAAR A are combined – STAAR Alternate 2 is not included in the Cumulative Summary Report Scoring and Reporting SLIDE 33 TAKS and TELPAS TAKS • Because of the low number of students/examinees, only the following reports will be provided: • Confidential Student Report • Confidential Student Label (Cumulative) • Confidential Campus Roster • Summary Report (All Students only) • Data File TELPAS • No changes STAAR EOC – Summary of Changes STAAR A reported on separate rosters and summaries like STAAR L STAAR A students included in cumulative history New Level II Phase-In 3; Level II Phase-In 2 has been adjusted lower (do not compare Phase-In 2 in 2015 and beyond to Phase-In 2 in 2014 and prior) Combined Summary Report has been added EOC Reporting-CSR’s • One page per subject • Includes explanatory text (no parent brochures) • PDF online; Paper copies shipped to district (two copies per student) • Same data will be available in the student portal • Includes STAAR or ELL Progress Measure where applicable Scoring and Reporting SLIDE 37 EOC Reporting - Labels Cumulative results for STAAR, STAAR L, and STAAR A will be provided Current administration results for STAAR Alternate 2 will be provided •Report the administration with the highest scale score (with an ‘S’ score code) if the student passed •Report the latest administration if the student has not passed EOC Reporting - Rosters Separate rosters for each subject Separate rosters for STAAR, STAAR L, STAAR A, and STAAR Alternate 2 “All Students” “Students Not Achieving Satisfactory Performance” (not provided for STAAR Alternate 2) Includes STAAR or ELL Progress Measure where applicable PDF online Scoring and Reporting SLIDE 41 Algebra I example STAAR Progress Measure will have values when it is applicable and can be calculated (ELL Progress Measure will be blank) ELL Progress Measure will have values when it is applicable and can be calculated (STAAR Progress Measure will be blank) If a Progress Measure was applicable but could not be calculated, three dashes will be present (no information available) EOC Reporting - Summaries One page per subject Separate summaries for STAAR, STAAR L, STAAR A, and STAAR Alternate 2 “All Students”, “First- Time Tested Students”, and “Retested Students” (page not printed if 0 students) at campus, district, region, and state for STAAR, STAAR L, and STAAR A PDF online Scoring and Reporting SLIDE 44 EOC Reporting - Summaries • Constructed Responses Summary (English I and English II) One page for STAAR and one page for STAAR A (each subject) showing the distribution of score points for the shortanswer items and written composition Scoring and Reporting SLIDE 46 EOC Reporting - Summaries Level II Phase-In Summary – Algebra I, biology, and U.S. history on first page; English I and English II on second page (page will not be produced if there are 0 students for all subjects on the page) Number and percent of students at Level II (and above) for the Phase-In 1 and Recommended Standards; percent of students at Level II (and above for Phase-In 2 and Phase-In 3 One set each for STAAR, STAAR L, and STAAR A Scoring and Reporting SLIDE 48 EOC Reporting – Summaries (continued) Scoring and Reporting SLIDE 50 EOC Reporting – Data Files One data file for EOC • Includes information for the administration being reported – one record per student/assessment • Will include item level data for STAAR for the spring administration only • Student Expectation information will be posted on TEA’s website (spring administration only) • Includes cumulative history for STAAR, STAAR L, and STAAR A assessments • Report the administration with the highest scale score (where the score code is ‘S’) if the student passed • Report the latest administration if the student has not passed EOC Reporting Timeline – Spring 2015 Preliminary rosters and data files for students that tested online (Algebra I, biology, and U.S. history) will be provided on 5/15 Preliminary rosters and data files for all records (paper and online) that have been processed and scored (all subjects) will be provided on 5/21 All reports will be posted online no later than 6/5; image essays and short answers will be posted no later than 6/19 Paper reports in districts by 6/5 Item Analysis reports for the spring administration will be available August 2015 Test Materials and Shipping Materials Cycle Training Modules Most Common Shipping Errors Enter/update participation counts for test materials Select precode option, if applicable Receive advance letter/materials list Receive test materials and/or precode materials Place order for additional materials, if applicable Submit student data files for precode materials, if applicable Test students Return materials to Pearson by the date on the Calendar of Events Deliver materials to campuses Materials Management training accessible at: materials-mgmt – May view short training modules with audio; demos available for some tasks – Use to learn more about activities that occur before and after testing Test Materials and Shipping Most Common Shipping Errors Boxes not numbered correctly (Box ___ of ___) Scorable answer documents sent with nonscorables Answer Document Packing List (ADPL) filled out incorrectly or not submitted at all Class/camp us ID sheets not submitted Documents submitted under wrong campus ID sheets Photocopie d ID sheets Texas Assessment Management System T.A.M.S. Updates X_logon_en.jsp?CT_ORIG_URL=%2Fpearsonacc ess%2Fappmanager%2Ftx%2Fhome&ct_orig_uri =%2Fpearsonaccess%2Fappmanager%2Ftx%2F home • User’s Guide for TAMS • STAAR Alternate 2 updates • Release Reports Function • Reminders Assessment Management System User’s Guide for TAMS released 12/15/2014 addition of the Proctor STAAR A form group type update to seal code description STAAR Alternate 2 Updates STAAR Alternate tab not used for 2015 Alternate Assessment Teacher and Alternate Assessment Assistant roles no longer apply and have been removed Test sessions must now be created Students will be assessed and answers will then be transcribed into TestNav Assessment Management System Reminders • Select Change to view information for a specific test administration Access the Help box to view additional information and resources applicable to the current page Online Testing Online Testing Updates Assessments available online Resources available Online testing components Testing Coordinator Quick Checklist Technology Coordinator Quick Checklist Accommodations available for online testing Contacts Updates STAAR SOA EOC Algebra I, English I, English II, biology, and U.S. history Grades 3-8 mathematics Grades 5 and 8 science Grade 8 social studies EOC Algebra I, biology, and U.S. history Grades 3-8 reading and mathematics Grades 4 and 7 writing Grades 5 and 8 science Grade 8 social studies EOC Algebra I, English I, English II, biology, and U.S. history Grade 4 reading and mathematics (English only) Grade 5 science (English only) Grade 6 reading and mathematics Grade 7 reading and mathematics Grade 8 science and social studies Students assessed on paper, then answers transcribed into an online form Grades 3-8 reading and mathematics Grades 4 and 7 writing Grades 5 and 8 science Grade 8 social studies EOC Algebra I, English I, English II, biology, and U.S. history Grades K-12 holistic ratings in writing, speaking, and listening entered online Grades 2-12 reading Exit Level mathematics, reading, science, and social studies Online Testing SLIDE 65 Assessments Available Online Resources Available Manuals/ Documents •User’s Guide for the Texas Assessment Management System •TestNav 7 Combined Technical Guide •Minimum System Requirements Training Modules •Pearson Access Overviews •Online Testing Presentations •No log-in required Practice Center •Mirrors live assessment management system •No live student data affected •Practice online testing setup, including creating test sessions Student Resources •Electronic Practice Assessment Tools (ePATs) •No set up required Online Testing Components Testing Coordinator Quick Checklist Testing Coordinator Online Testing Checklist View online testing resources Enroll students in campus Register students for test administration Assign students to group and test(s) Verify TestNav configuration Create test session Add students to test session Proctor cache test content Print student authorizations and proctor authorizations/seal codes, if necessary Start/monitor test session Verify student(s) are in “Completed” or “Marked Complete” status Enter accommodations, if necessary Stop test session Technology Coordinator Quick Checklist Accommodations Available for Online Testing Oral administration, as an accommodation, may be offered the following ways: a) test administrator reads allowable words aloud b) administration of STAAR A, a version of STAAR that contains embedded accommodations in an online administration including a text-to-speech functionality for allowable text c) STAAR administration using standardized oral administration (SOA), a text-tospeech accommodation in an online administration for allowable text on select assessments in specific grades Note: STAAR L and STAAR A have an audio component for individual words or phrases. The assistance is considered an embedded accessibility feature, not an oral administration accommodation. Accommodations Available for Online Testing Before a student with a testing accommodation can test online, his or her ARD, 504, or other appropriate committee must specifically approve the student for online testing. Committee members may review the resources listed below to determine if online testing is appropriate for the student. Online Testing • information about online testing or online testing procedures • navigating the Texas Assessment Management System • accessing and using the Practice Center • managing examinee data • setting up test sessions • assigning login IDs and passwords • accessing resources • questions about Pearson Online Testing communications • setting up a test run of the TestNav test delivery system • network problems • proctor caching issues • evaluating infrastructure • hardware and software requirements or problems • the TestNav Early Warning System • wireless networking issues • technical emergencies • solving online testing set-up issues Online Testing Assessment of Students with Disabilities State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®) Alternate 2 is: an assessment based on alternate academic standards designed for students with significant cognitive disabilities receiving special education services. a standardized paper-based assessment (redesigned based on state legislation) administered individually to each eligible student. an assessment with individual student responses transcribed into a TestNav online form. Assessment of Students with Disabilities The admissions, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee determines whether a student with a significant cognitive disability is eligible to take STAAR Alternate 2 based on specific criteria. Please review the Educator Guide for STAAR A and STAAR Alternate 2 for additional information on eligibility and participation requirements. Assessment Window and Tested Subjects The STAAR Alternate 2 testing window is February 9–27, 2015. Districts may choose when to administer each subject and grade-level test within the window. The test will be administered in the following grades and subjects: Test Design – STAAR Alternate 2 Six clusters assessing six essence statements comprise a test form resulting in 24 scripted questions per test. Each of the 6 essence statements is assessed with 4 items that measure a specific prerequisite skill and are presented together in a cluster. The cluster design requires the student to make 6 concept transitions throughout the test. The four items per cluster range in difficulty, starting with the easiest item and moving toward the hardest item. Test Design The difficulty of the items is based on the skill being tested, the selected prerequisite skill, and what the student is being asked to do. Each student regardless of ability is expected to attempt all questions. Test materials include a test administration booklet containing the scripted questions and guidelines for administering the assessment, and a student booklet containing stimulus images and text for presentation of the items and answer options. Creating Test Sessions • Student responses must be entered in an online form in TestNav. This process is identical to that for paper administrations of STAAR L, STAAR A, and TELPAS. • Information related to the online testing process may be found in the User’s Guide for the Texas Assessment Management System, which can be accessed at: Print Student Authorizations Student authorizations may be printed after students have been placed into a test session. Test administrators will use the student authorizations to access their students in TestNav. The student authorizations contain • the URL that will be entered into a browser by the test administrator to access TestNav • the unique username and test code needed by the test administrator to log in to transcribe student responses. STAAR Alternate 2 test administrators will be provided with the following materials: STAAR Alternate 2 Test Administrator Manual—secure; Student booklet— secure; STAAR Alternate 2 Scoring Document— secure during and after use; Provides a guide to administering the test, as well as specific instructions for administering each question. Contains the images for the questions and answer choices presented to the student. Comprises a single sheet with answer bubbles for recording student responses for later input into the online transcription form in TestNav. This required document must be returned to the campus coordinator. Test Administrator Qualifications Who Can Administer STAAR Alternate 2? The STAAR Alternate 2 test administrator • should be the student’s teacher for the subject being tested • must have a high level of familiarity with the student so that testing accommodations can be prepared appropriately and the student’s typical response modes can be understood. Paraprofessionals Certified and noncertified paraprofessionals who may serve as test administrators or test administrator assistants are • currently employed by the district • routinely work with students in the classroom. Paraprofessionals must be supervised by a certified professional on the same campus throughout the test administration, receive training, and sign the test administrator oath. Test Administrator Assistants The test administrator assistant can provide assistance including: preparing allowable accommodations as directed manipulating materials during the testing session translating or signing information for the student managing student behavior. All test administrator assistants must be trained in test security and administration procedures prior to the assessment must sign the test administrator’s oath of test security and confidentiality. Test Security and Confidentiality STAAR Alternate 2 standardized test administration materials are considered secure. Test security involves accounting for all secure materials and confidential student information before, during, and after the test administration. Test administrators for the STAAR Alternate 2 assessment must be aware that they are viewing secure content and that discussing the content of the test at any time is strictly prohibited • Test administrators must initial and sign the test administrator oath following training on test security and general testing procedures before handling secure test materials. • The box titled “For Test Administrators Authorized to View Secure State Assessments” must also be signed, because all test administrators will be viewing the actual test questions in order to prepare allowable accommodations. • Photocopying of images can be done to apply accommodations if stated in the student’s IEP and if TEA guidelines are followed. Test Administrator responsibilities • Maintaining security of test materials preparing test materials for each administration including accommodations • Implementing the test administration processes and procedures stated in the manuals • Monitoring and maintaining test security • reporting any suspected violation of test security to the campus coordinator, • transcribing student responses into TestNav, and • preparing test materials for return to the campus coordinator at the conclusion of test administrations Once test administrators have been trained on security and confidentiality and have signed an oath of test security, they need to preview the STAAR Alternate 2 test materials to become familiar with the test and to prepare for any necessary accommodations. These materials are considered secure and the campus coordinator must check them out to the test administrator each day during the preview period using the STAAR Alternate 2 Materials Preview Control Form. Test administrators may preview the test materials before the beginning of the testing window. Accommodations should be prepared during the preview period, but may also be prepared during the testing window. At the end of each day, all materials, including photocopied pages from the student booklet, must be returned to the campus testing coordinator. Plan and Prepare Test Accommodations The accommodations must • maintain the integrity of the assessment • avoid leading to or providing the student a direct answer • be used routinely in instruction • reflect the student’s learning styles • allow a student to respond using a mode that is appropriate for the student Plan and Prepare Accommodations • Accommodations can be made to the two-dimensional images in the student booklet, the amount of information presented at one time, and the language used in the test administrator instructions. • Students also need to be given an opportunity to respond to test questions using a mode of response that is typical of the way the student responds during instruction. • Accommodations also include those changes to the test that allow a student to indicate the answer using the preferred student modality. Examples are provided in the test administrator manual. Plan and Prepare Accommodations • The test administrator must present the accommodations uniformly so that the correct answer is not emphasized over the other answer choices. • Routinely used accommodations for positioning and behavioral supports can be provided for any student to ensure that the student can physically access the stimuli provided and maintain focus throughout the testing session. • It is appropriate to add language that encourages the student to stay on task. • It is not appropriate to add language about the content of the question. Administer the Assessment • Every attempt must be made to complete the assessment during the window. • If the assessment cannot be completed within the window, enter the score for the portion of the testing the student was able to complete into the online transcription form in TestNav. • If a student cannot complete testing within the window due to his or her disability or other administration obstacles, contact TEA for guidance. • If the district has an extended student holiday during the window, the district may request an alternate testing date from the security team at TEA. • If a student enrolls in the district on the first day of the assessment window the student must be tested. • If the student enrolls after the first day of the assessment window the student is not tested. Assessment Management System Tasks for T.A.’s TRANSCRIBE STUDENT RESPONSES INTO TESTNAV After student authorizations have been printed, student responses can be added into TestNav. The test administrator will log in to TestNav using the student’s authorization ticket and transcribe student responses. A student’s transcribed responses are automatically scored when the Final Submit button is clicked at the end of the test. It is not necessary to make a selection in the Score Code menu for student responses to be scored. Transcribe Student Responses into TESTNav Students taking the STAAR Alternate 2 administration communicate answers directly to the test administrator. The test administrator records the student’s responses on the STAAR Alternate 2 Scoring Document based on scoring information provided for each item. Transcribe Student Responses -TESTNav Student responses must be transferred from the STAAR Alternate 2 Scoring Document to the online form in TestNav. This process is identical to that of paper administrations of STAAR L, STAAR A, and TELPAS. Transcribe Student Responses -TESTNav Each screen will have one question. On the screen for each question, enter the student response by selecting the appropriate bubble. Submit Tests to be Scored A student’s transcribed responses are automatically scored when the Final Submit button is clicked at the end of the test. It is not necessary to make a selection in the Score Code menu for tests to be scored. If the student was in attendance during the 10-day testing window but was not able to finish the test, the test is scored according to the data that were entered into the system for the sections that were completed Enter Score Codes If a student does not complete the test, one of the following score codes must be selected when marking the student’s test complete. A = Absent Student is absent throughout the testing window. A student should not be marked absent if the student was absent on the testing days but also fits one of the score designations below. M = Medical Exception Student does not participate in the STAAR Alternate 2 assessment on the basis of the student’s medical condition, as determined by the ARD committee and documented in the student’s IEP. A decision not to assess a student based on a medical exception should be rare. Enter Score Codes N = No Authentic Academic Response (NAAR) O = Other Student Not to Be Scored The student is unable to participate meaningfully in the STAAR Alternate 2 assessment on the basis of the student’s disability, resulting in the inability to make an authentic response to stimuli presented in the test booklet, as determined by the ARD committee and documented in the student’s IEP. A decision not to assess a student should be rare. The student experiences a test administration irregularity or illness during testing. Enter Accommodations Information • Test administrators or other campus personnel will complete the accommodations information for each assessment after the student responses have been transcribed and submitted through TestNav. • If a student was provided accommodations, the accommodations must be indicated in the accommodations drop-down menus on the Student Test Details screen. • On the Student Test Details screen, indicate the accommodations that were used during the assessment by selecting “Yes” from the drop-down menu next to the accommodation. • If an accommodation was not used, the field should be left in the “No” position. Test Results • The standard setting committee will meet in April to make recommendations for cut scores to be approved by the commissioner of education. • Score reports will include the individual performance level ratings of students, scale scores, and number of questions answered correctly within each reporting category for each of the assessed grades and content areas. • Score reports are due in district: May 22, 2015 (grades 3 – 8) June 5, 2015 (EOC) Resources • Educator Guide for STAAR A and STAAR Alternate 2 • User’s Guide for the Texas Assessment Management System • 2015 District and Campus Coordinator Manual • STAAR Alternate 2 Test Administrator Manuals • TestNav 7 Combined Technical Guide • STAAR Alternate 2 Sample Items • STAAR Alternate 2 Administration Participation Collection (broadcast e-mail) • STAAR Alternate 2 Medical Exception Eligibility Requirements • STAAR Alternate 2 No Authentic Academic Response Eligibility Requirements • Fall TETN Presentation PowerPoint STAAR - A STAAR A is an accommodated version of STAAR for students who meet eligibility requirements. STAAR A will be administered for the first time in spring 2015. Grade/Course Subject •3 •4 •5 •6 •7 •8 •EOC mathematics and reading mathematics, reading, and writing mathematics, reading, and science mathematics and reading mathematics, reading, and writing math, reading, science, and soc. Stu. Algebra I, English I, English II, biology, and U.S. history Tools Embedded Accommod ations Accessibility Features Answer Eliminator Pop-ups Text-to-Speech Highlighter Rollovers Zoom Eraser Blank Color and Contrast Graphic STAAR A will be administered online and Organizers will include online tools, Pencil embedded Writing accommodations Place Markerto Checklists selections and test questions, and Notepad accessibility features. Dot Tool* Line Tool* Ruler* Calculator* Reference Materials* *These tools are subject-specific and only appear in subject tests where they are relevant. STAAR A will be administered online and will include online tools, embedded accommodations to selections and test questions, and accessibility features Comparison • STAAR A will be the same as STAAR in the following ways: – – – – – passing standards time limits assessed curriculum test blueprint progress measures • STAAR A will be different than STAAR in the following ways: – no field test questions – online administration – embedded accommodations and accessibility features STAAR A -Eligibility Requirements STAAR, with or without allowable or approved accommodations from the accommodation triangle, should be the first consideration. If a student cannot access STAAR with or without allowable accommodations, he or she must be receiving the following services in order to consider STAAR A: students with identified disabilities who are receiving special education services students identified with dyslexia or a related disorder (as defined in Texas Education Code §38.003) who are receiving Section 504 services STAAR A-Eligibility Requirements If a student falls into one of these categories, the STAAR A Eligibility Requirements may be reviewed. Additional eligibility criteria found in this document must be met in order for a student to take STAAR A. The ARD or Section 504 committee (in conjunction with the LPAC if the student is an ELL) must use TEA’s STAAR A Eligibility Requirements form to document eligibility for STAAR A. STAAR A Eligibility Requirements The appropriate committee must complete the requested information about the student and the role of the person completing the form and then read and agree to certain assurances prior to moving on to Step I. STAAR does not best meet the student’s needs. Classroom accommodations are documented. Student meets eligibility criteria in Step I and Step II. Assessment decision is documented. Eligibility Requirements Step I: Indicate the services the student receives. Step II: The ARD or Section 504 committee must circle the subject(s) for which STAAR A is being considered and check the accommodation(s) the student routinely receives in the classroom for that subject Eligibility Requirements Step II continued: To be eligible to participate in STAAR A in a particular subject, TWO OR MORE accommodation must be checked in that subject. If fewer than two accommodations are checked, the student is not eligible to participate in STAAR A in that subject. Eligible Not Eligible Eligibility Requirements Step III: Summarize Assessment Decision The committee should indicate the STAAR A tests the student will take for the school year under consideration. Additional testing accommodations may be allowed and must be documented in the student’s paperwork as well. A student may take STAAR in some subjects and STAAR A in other subjects, depending on eligibility. STAAR A Embeddes Accommodations and Accesibility Features For detailed information regarding the embedded accommodations and accessibility features, including text-to-speech functionality, please refer to the Educator Guide to STAAR A and STAAR Alternate 2, which can be found on the STAAR A page of the TEA website. Special Situations Because STAAR A contains embedded accommodations and accessibility features presented in an online format, replicating these features in a paper or braille version is not always possible. Technology-based accommodations enable most students to test online. When the use of an accommodation is not feasible or appropriate, or if the administration of an online test is inappropriate due to a student's particular disability, a special request may be made to TEA for approval to administer a paper test booklet. The paper administration request document can be found on the Coordinator Manual Resources web page. Braille versions of STAAR A are not available. Special Situations STAAR A is only offered in English. For students who are eligible for STAAR A but who are deaf or hard-ofhearing and cannot access the text-to-speech function, a signed administration is allowed for those parts of the test that can be read aloud. A student does not have to be eligible for an oral administration to receive a signed administration of STAAR A. The test administrator should also read the specific guidelines for signing test content included in the document titled “General Instructions for Administering State Assessments to Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing,” located on the Accommodation for Students With Disabilities webpage. Grade 4 Writing For the 2015 administration of STAAR A, it is not necessary for students taking 4th grade STAAR A writing to meet the eligibility criteria for Basic Transcribing. This specific group of students may have their writing compositions transcribed into the online form in TestNav in accordance with guidelines listed in the accommodations triangle document for Basic Transcribing. Note: This is not a requirement of the administration and decisions regarding this provision must be based on individual student need. TEA will review this policy for subsequent administration years. Students in all other grades and subjects must meet the eligibility requirements for Basic Transcribing as described in the corresponding document found in the accommodations triangle. STAAR A Test Results STAAR A score reports will include individual performance level of students scale scores number of questions answered correctly within each reporting category for each of the assessed grades and content areas Grades 3–8 English and Spanish brochures, called Understanding the Confidential Student Report, explain STAAR A results to parents and are sent to districts with students’ test results and can be accessed online. EOC The explanation of results is included in the student’s Confidential Student Report (CSR). Detailed information about STAAR A score reports will be provided in the TEA publication titled Interpreting Assessment Reports, which is updated annually and posted on the TEA Student Assessment Division website. STAAR A Resources TEA’s STAAR A Resources webpage is located at TEA recommends that teachers become familiar with STAAR A and help guide students through practice selections and test questions until they are comfortable with the STAAR A online testing interface and accommodations. demonstration video for teachers and test administrators sample selections and test questions student tutorials with practice selections and test questions student tutorial administration directions STAAR A Resources Additional resources to assist educators and parents with STAAR A policy and questions include: Educator Guide for STAAR A and STAAR Alternate STAAR A Accommodation Guidelines STAAR A Eligibility Requirements (English and Spanish) Introduction to STAAR A: A Guide for Parents A Parent’s Guide to State Assessments for Students with disabilities STAAR A September 24, 2014 TETN PowerPoint STAAR A Questions and Answers November 17, 2014 TETN PowerPoint STAAR A Resources Other resources available that may be helpful in preparing students to take an online test include: STAAR Writing Tool (ePAT) includes instructions on how to use the typing tools for the written composition: STAAR L Student Tutorials and Practice Sets to practice using pop-ups and rollovers: SOA Student Tutorial to practice using text-to-speech: Support A.R.E. Department Phone: 698-3592 698-2802 Email: & Texas Education Agency (TEA) Phone: (512) 463-9536 Email: Pearson’s Austin Operations Center Phone: (800) 627-0225 Email: Questions and Answers